Aspectul de unda al radiatiei E-M, este doar o aparenta care se datoreaza structurii periodice a fotonului si translatiei cu viteza uniform rectilinie. Lipsa retroradiatiei ceruta de mecanismul propagarii undelor si sinfazarea campului electric cu cel magnetic, arata ca in vid nu functioneaza mecanismul undelor, care cere nasterea unui camp din variatia celuilalt. he wave aspect of E-M radiation is only an appearance due to the periodic structure of the photon and the translation with uniform rectilinear speed. The lack of retroradiation required by the wave propagation mechanism and the phasing of the electric field with the magnetic one, shows that the wave mechanism does not work in a vacuum, which requires the creation of one field from the variation of the other.
Aspectul de unda al radiatiei E-M, este doar o aparenta care se datoreaza structurii periodice a fotonului si translatiei cu viteza uniform rectilinie. Lipsa retroradiatiei ceruta de mecanismul propagarii undelor si sinfazarea campului electric cu cel magnetic, arata ca in vid nu functioneaza mecanismul undelor, care cere nasterea unui camp din variatia celuilalt.
he wave aspect of E-M radiation is only an appearance due to the periodic structure of the photon and the translation with uniform rectilinear speed. The lack of retroradiation required by the wave propagation mechanism and the phasing of the electric field with the magnetic one, shows that the wave mechanism does not work in a vacuum, which requires the creation of one field from the variation of the other.