This music is so dreamlike. It reminds me of one of those delicate little European music boxes from the turn-of-the-century. I haven't seen "Tabu" yet, but this piece alone is making me interested!
Por favor Joana, coloque "insensatez" do nome com inicial maiúscula e ficará 100% elegante, remetendo com justiça uma merecida rendição à musica de A.C.Jobim. Adorei sua "Variações", sinto umas generosas pinceladas de Piazzola, o que acrescentou ainda mais beleza à musica, parabéns, belíssimo trabalho. Ouvi muitas, muitas vezes. Fiquei encantado com o bom gosto, o toque, a criatividade. Ouvirei ainda muitas vezes. Obrigado por seu trabalho. É um deleite...
It was a love story. No moral judgements...colonial diying times were just the background, and political controversies were avoided with the same delicious yet sutile dose of black-humor the first part had.
I love Joana Sa's music for this film. But no credits are given for the piano piece that rolls at the end of the film as credits are scrolled. I believe it is not Joana's.
I really loved this movie. However, after searching on Google I couldn't find the title of the native African song that plays when Aurora is having her baby. ??
Actually, it's considered as a jazz standard, so you can find the sheet anywhere, the english title is "how insensitive". But then, you'll have to improvise. ;)
I don't see any indulgence in the film. It's just a love story that could happen anywhere. The author chose the portuguese empire, but it could be in Portugal itself. Maybe I misunderstood what you mean with "self-indulgence", but you seemed to criticize a disguised proudness of the portuguese in their empire? Would you care to explain?
This music and the first episode were of value in this film. Was there anything more to the second half than a contrived story of colonial self-indulgence?
I wish I could listen to this song on Spotify.
J'ai vu Tabú aujourd'hui.... mais j'ai très envie de le voir encore deux, trois, fois. Wonderful film!
J'ai vu ce film pour la troisième fois et je ne pense pas que ce sera la dernière :)
E é verdade que a musica e maravilhosa. Estou encantado.
One of the best music i had to hear since a long time in the best movie of this year. I'm speechless. Thanks again. For Everything.
A música mais confortante em um dos melhores filmes portugueses que já assisti!
é verdade
I just saw Tabù and I was enchanted by the variações by Joana, so beautiful!
this is nothing short of magnificent! i was glued to my seat till the credits had run out! my hat off to you!
This music is so dreamlike. It reminds me of one of those delicate little European music boxes from the turn-of-the-century. I haven't seen "Tabu" yet, but this piece alone is making me interested!
It's a beautiful movie :)
Magnifico! Que perfeita ligação com o mood do filme. Parabéns!
o melhor som de todos os tempos
Yes, there is a magnificent way of telling a simple story!
Hermoso, gran película.
Eu amo tanto aquesta peça.
Muito obrigado Joana!
eu tbm
Grande música! Parabéns Joana!
Superb! Thank you for the immense pleasure i get out of this beauty.
Super schön,
Obrigado por colocar isto aqui.
a insensatez do jobim é um dos mais perfeitos temas de sempre. e estas variações fazem-lhe toda a justiça
This sounds so much better up a half step.
Por favor Joana, coloque "insensatez" do nome com inicial maiúscula e ficará 100% elegante, remetendo com justiça uma merecida rendição à musica de A.C.Jobim. Adorei sua "Variações", sinto umas generosas pinceladas de Piazzola, o que acrescentou ainda mais beleza à musica, parabéns, belíssimo trabalho. Ouvi muitas, muitas vezes. Fiquei encantado com o bom gosto, o toque, a criatividade. Ouvirei ainda muitas vezes. Obrigado por seu trabalho. É um deleite...
a mi también me evocó al tango
Where can i find sheet music for this song. It’s so good i would love to learn to play it
facada no coração, com ternura
Great, well done.
viciante !!! :)))
It was a love story. No moral judgements...colonial diying times were just the background, and political controversies were avoided with the same delicious yet sutile dose of black-humor the first part had.
thanks for posting this wonderful music and congrats to participate in such a great film! is there a posibility to get the sheet anywhere?
grande malha, Joana!
que coisa bonita :)
Where can I get this music? This is the best "How Insensitive" I've ever heard. So beautiful.
Obrigado pela (grande) música e obrigado pela partilha! Há (haverá) edição? Eu compro.
-Sniper, 2015
**Plays guitar like violin but piano music comes out**
It's just usual day!
"The background is a bloody CRAP!!"
oh thank you very very much :)
I need music sheets for this! Beautiful!
Há lá coisa mais bonita que isto...
anyone knows where to download this music sheet?
does someone know if I can get the sheet music of this specific impro somewhere?
...verdadeiramente pindérico
Does anybody know where to find the song sung in spanish that Aurora listens to in the radio?
I love Joana Sa's music for this film. But no credits are given for the piano piece that rolls at the end of the film as credits are scrolled. I believe it is not Joana's.
I really loved this movie. However, after searching on Google I couldn't find the title of the native African song that plays when Aurora is having her baby. ??
Existe-t-il une partition de cette composition de Joana Sa?
Such a beautiful piece, anywhere to get the sheet music for this??
this is standard ,,Insensatez,, just improvized by Joana Sa for the movie
Do I Sad?
Actually, it's considered as a jazz standard, so you can find the sheet anywhere, the english title is "how insensitive". But then, you'll have to improvise. ;)
Tu seras mi baby, Les Surf. It´s at the end of the credits, baby.
Preciso do link pra download pf :3
Prelud 4 (opus 28) of Frederic Chonin - on the base...
Who came because of Avant Garde?
I don't see any indulgence in the film. It's just a love story that could happen anywhere. The author chose the portuguese empire, but it could be in Portugal itself.
Maybe I misunderstood what you mean with "self-indulgence", but you seemed to criticize a disguised proudness of the portuguese in their empire? Would you care to explain?
This music and the first episode were of value in this film. Was there anything more to the second half than a contrived story of colonial self-indulgence?