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As an Iranian, I feel obligated to say something to what you have said. The Iranian border is patrolled by the police, not the armed forces. Conscripts fought and died in this fight. In Iran, young men must serve in the armed forces for a minimum of two years. These 2 troops had no combat experience and were both under the age of 20.
What a messed up world So those poor guys didn't necessarily want to be there and got their untimely demise Livestreamed by some even more radical Muslims 😢
30 years ago one of my geograph teachers said that the next war in middle east will be fought over oil but the following ones will be fought over water. I think he's right...
Looks like Iran will have to pay higher prices for water than nuclear bullshit , you can’t drink nuclear weapons lol it’s going to send its war money over to Afghanistan in order to survive. So much for supporting Russia lol Afghanistan here hold my beer ~ did you say war?
they are laughing because we can't do anything about it. also hilarious how he acts like the CIA hasn't been arming insurgencies for the past 60 years.... then i remember he's just an "average infantry man" aka "low IQ cannon fodder"
I mean, you can't blame the CIA for everything. In fact, the CIA might be promoting the idea that they are responsible for a lot of things that they aren't, just to build up their reputation and make them seem more intimidating and competent so people would be more willing to give them what they want.
@@mistaajoneseven the lowlest grunt isnt considered cannon fodder in the US army , the level of training need to use there basic kit effectively insures this.
If you ever feel useless … just remember that it took the USA four presidents, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and 20 years to … replace Taliban with Taliban.” - John Wright
Yeh the the us economy was still going up no loses In The grand scheme of things holding a country for 20 years and your economy still growing is a plus
@@xxkamikazexx5150 I'm sure that's only for the actual USA government contractors, USA government workers and USA military personnel. It probably doesn't include the "Black Water" mercenary corp deaths..
It's great that you cover lesser known international situations like this. It's a very good and well balanced report. Thanks and keep up the great reporting you do.
If by "300,000 US trained government forces" you are referring to the total number of conscripts trained while the USA was still heavily involved in Afghanistan then realize almost all of them were > conscripts < who served a 3-year hitch. They then went back to their villages. Also realize training effectively ceased when the USA withdrew from conducting training in 2014/2015. The Afghans who took over training simply stole all of the resources involved and very few Afghans actually got trained since about 2015. That means nearly everyone who WAS actually trained was gone by 2018. I know because I was there - training Afghan recruits - from March of 2008 to April of 2014.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. The basic sin Bush committed was thinking we could "nation build" in a culture firmly committed to an iron-age existence. It would have made far more sense to go in, actually commit to capturing OBL and his circle, and then GTFO and leave them be. There was no point for us to be there in a forever occupation.
The US govt.and Taliban have a cozy relationship its was Bin laden that tarnish the relationship the taliban want to get rid of Bin Laden to escape the US Invasion but thanks to Qatar that relationship rekindled again between US and Taliban they can still be friends yes the weapons left behind to a friend nobody dares to attack look at now but times come the US will be back in Afghanistan specially that those young Talibans visited the US will be in power....
I think the same happened with their pay at the time. Instead of being paid by the US occupational government, they were supposed to be paid through the Afghan national government.
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
That's a hyperbolic statement if Ive ever read one! You wrote "every piece" of military tech as if the Taliban has patriot missiles, stealth fighters and Air Craft Carriers,..LoL and btw,.they,ve go NO support infrastructure or spare ammunition for any pertinent longterm use or operation They don't have hundreds of C-230 cargo planes to fly spare parts of much needed diesel fuel to the front lines,.LoL
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
Very interesting. Water scarcity will drive dozens of new wars and conflicts in the near-term. Dam-building has become a kind of arms race in many parts of the world. For example, Ethiopia's new Renaissance dam will almost certainly lead to a military intervention by Egypt and Sudan at some point. Good reporting!
Very True 💯 Everyone talking about climate-this-and-that... It's going to be *fresh water resource wars* much sooner than any weather/CO2/sea-level-rise catastrophe does us in. Humans are really messing with the water table, not only by damming/draining lakes, but also by tying up fresh water into food production or industrial chemicals, then shipping that mass of water across the world by the megaton everyday. Some of it will never return to the water cycle as potable water. (e.g.80% of groundwater in China is contaminated with carcinogens) All while global demand and per-capita use continue to increase
Thanks for these extremely informative mid-east stories. Strong supporter of Israel here. You are a extremely handsome man. Loyal viewer here. Greg, Louisiana, USA
The US military budget was like $200B per year when it started and only increased over the years. Anything less than $100B being repurposed is kinda laughable.
@@hoodatdondar2664LOL "It's just 7 billion dollars worth of high tech military equipment left behind for a former adversary to utilize". You do understand they now have to replace that equipment right?? And that is on top of all the free stuff they are handing out Oprah style to Ukraine. You own stock in Lockheed, don't you??
It is written in muslim books to attack and forcefully convert non believers and they are strict followers . So even without funding mindset would be same .
@@dunnowy123o no, he is obviously right. Its him, the US commentator that knows nothing but solves everything. And his likers are just like him, a bunch of US peple that have no idea what goes on arround the world but have an opinion about everything. They will teach you how to live your life.
I appreciate the stories Cappy & team cover. These videos often offer insight into the strange weird world of geopolitics and history. Between this channel and Perun I feel a greater appreciation for recent happenings around the world. Great work @taskandpurpose 🍻
"people think the CIA is playing some kind of 4D chess to arm the taliban" bro..... it wouldn't be the first time. and it wouldn't be the first time in the last decade....
The easiest way to arm the taliban would have been to just arm the taliban. Or any warlord you can find who is willing to start sabotaging iranian border posts for cash, they seem like a flexible and negotiable lot. I can't think of any armed conflict where the locals haven't been able to rifle through leftover kit. A japanese peasant in sengoku jidai or a greek farmer in antiquity would also come around after a battle to see if the dead dudes in the field or their abandoned camp had some fun stuff.
@SusCalvin Umm no the easiest way would be to leave behind tons of gear Driving these hummers into a ship and driving it back to the US would save a ton of money instead of building 20k new The reality is that the taliban are religious extremists while their neighbor Iran is a secular state And what groups like ISIS do is attack secular Muslim countries, try to take them over You can tell the difference Religious fundamental = believes in 7p virgins, men can't shave, women wear burqas examples Afghanistan Secular Muslims = men shave , women don't wear burqas examples turkey and Iran
@@MandalorV7 Doubtful. They're very old at this point, and they're unlikely to risk whatever few they have left in running condition. If war kicks off, it'll be Taliban soldiers engaging in guerilla war.
Look the military industrial complex wants money from tax payers, more instability = we need more military = give us money. Military spending also raises "GDP".
When Taleban killed Iranian diplomats (8:30) the reason Iran didn't go to war with them was that the supreme leader told the military that Afghanestan is like a death trap that even the soviet union couldn't win in it So they decided to bomb the border and make Taleban retreat. After that they never came back to the Border until the united states attacked Afghanestan
@@zyncwargaming179Alexander encountered strong resistance in afghanistan on the way to India. He took over Persia much quicker while he had to stay in Afghanistan for years before he had some control.
It's so weird to see Morgan and Morgan ad on the internet. Like, when I was a kid, that was a local, fairly small lawyer firm. It went from billboards, to local tv commercials, to state wide, now they're in 49 states. It's weird.... It's also crazy to think my COUNTY economy is bigger than all of Afghanistan. My freaking 1 county in Florida hahaha.
That’s what 4 decades of non-stop war gets you. From the Soviet invasion in the 80’s, to the civil war in the 90’s, to the 20 yr long war on terror in the 2000’s. I feel for the innocent ppl there, they can’t catch a break.
@@ajbro6428so has america since its inception, but it’s a global super power. So is Africa. So is Japan. Don’t be a prison et of the moment and to equate with current “peace time” as something that has always existed in Western Europe.
The amount of water transfer from Afghanistan to Iran was fixed in the 1973 treaty at a certain amount. But since 1973, Afghanistan's population has increased by over 3 1/2 times from 11.3 million to 40 million. Clearly internal water consumption has increased and the Taliban is likely under pressure to export less. Meanwhile Iran's population has grown from 33 million to 88 million which means they want more water. A classic resource / population conflict. And then there is the impact of climate change which is unlikely to be positive.
Correct, there won't be any water left soon and Afghanistan is probably one of the first nations on earth to die off in climate change. Its totally landlocked.
Of course, Iran's regime destroyed Iran's water resources to a great extent in more thirty years. Iran's regime used water resources for iron smelting factories and steel production, and caused many areas of Iran to face water shortages, and protesters over the years They were suppressed by the Iranian regime. Now the Iranian regime sees only water resources from Afghanistan as suitable for obtaining water resources. Both the Islamic regime of Iran and the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan both want to increase the population, and for this reason, the population of the two countries has multiplied several times in than fifty years, and the rulers encourage the people to increase the population and make the country strong against the enemies. They never think about the problems of uncontrolled population growth.
Been thinking about this for months. Regardless if the equipment was left on purpose or not we can’t deny that this is an issue for China/ Taliban cooperation, and Iran (another US rival) will be preoccupied and makes is vulnerable to pincer pressure be it by both war and economic means. Those are my thoughts, I could be missing the big picture, would definitely appreciate feedback.
I'm very curious to see how China handles it's diplomatic ties with Afghanistan. It is a very strategic location for their Belt and Road Initiative..however, the CCP suffer no extremists and they blame the Taliban for the Uighur uprisings in Xinjiang 🤷🤷🤷 but....CCP also turn a blind eye to corruption, human trafficking, genocide, etc.. as long as it doesn't threaten their local power and global influence. I wonder if it's already the case -the Triads, the Taliban, and the SouthAmerican Cartels essentially run the global sex/drug trade in cahoots?
If the Soviets didn’t leave AKs and PKMs behind the Taliban would have fought us with Enfields. We’re just paying it forward for the next empire’s attempt.
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
6:20 In 1893, British diplomat and Indian civil servant Sir Mortimer Durand drew the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan (at the time, British India). 6:00 From 1903 to 1905 Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, Egyptian High Commissioner during World War 1, drew the southern portion of the border between Afghanistan and Iran, which is what this video concerns.
Thank you very much, @taskandpurpose for such an informative video, bringing both the latest news as well as the necessary context to put the situation in the proper perspective!
From The Wizard of Id; one guy comes in screaming, “ The people are dying of thirst. “ Another comes in yelling, “ The dragons in the moat are starving. “. The king says, “ Some problems just take of themselves. “.
@@agricolait's not that simple as that. We had alliance contracts with many Afghan warlords within the country, but when Biden undermined the previous deal that ruined relations. So they quickly sided with Taliban, and voila the ANA found themselves alone with no friends once we pulled out.
@@nielsmichiels1939 you're being ignorant and dismissive because it's a negative on Biden. Stop acting like Trump wasn't in control when he was Commander in Chief.
I've Visited Iran in 2017 espicially the south west and western iran. What I noticed was that the guards were mostly teenagers and mostly looked unprofessionals and you will mostly see Iranian police rather than their army near afghan border. You can pay them around 5000 UAE dirhams (They wont take iranian rial or US dollars ) and they will let you in to afghanistan. they had contacts and good relations with some factions of Taliban. Its strange to see them fighting now cause each other cause what i observed was that they had really good relations.🤔
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
Of course, most of the Taliban forces have received military training inside Iran. During the presence of NATO forces in Afghanistan, most talibans lived in iran.the Iranian regime uses relatively young soldiers on its borders for a certain period, and these soldiers do not have high military skills, and after a while Their service ends. The main forces, which are the Iranian sepah Guards and the Iranian Army, only come into action for war. The Iranian regime uses its forces mostly outside Iran, in Iraq and Syria. And Iran is most focused on creating different militias and groups that carry out military and terrorist operations by proxy.
@@jerryle379 Haqqanis are Trained by Pakistan not all the Taliban Fractions are trained in Pakistan. Cause Some Faction of Taliban want to do the same in Pakistan
Between this, the issues between Egypt and Ethiopia, south east Asian countries with China, it's proving prophetic a man who said the future's wars won't be fought over oil or land, but over water.
One of the few things we absolutely need to survive that can be controlled. Scary stuff coming in the next few decades. This isn't going to get any better.
I think you are being a bit too optimistic future wars will likely be fought over water AND OIL, AND LAND. Look at Ukraine for example. Plenty of more conflicts brewing in the world in Africa, Asia etc.
The back stabbing is like wild fire around the world. Everyone spent decades and tons of money on weapons, then the water dried out like the Bible stated rivers would dry up. Iran better start building distillation plants on the beach lol…..or continue building nuclear weapons but at this point it serves no purpose.
It's backfiring even for Pakistan. Pakistan proudly helped the Taliban & even declared it publicly with the hope of getting control of the mineral rich region close to their borders. Now Pakistan is tanking economically and it seems that that Muslim brotherly love is seriously lacking becoz the Taliban are holding on to those resources.
True. But who created these Terrorists and for what? 1990s USA armed Taliban to fight USSR 2022 USA has lost 3 out of 4 Wars in the past 80 years. Vietnam, Afghanistan & Iraq Coming to WHY? All because of Oil!! So from a neutral point of view. The USA left billions of dollars worth for the Taliban to use against Iran and modern day Russia!! It's common sense Geopolitics
0:09: ⚔ Taliban soldiers attacked an Iranian military border checkpoint using captured US military weapons, escalating a larger conflict over a water dispute. 3:23: 🔥 Taliban and Iranian forces clashed near the border, resulting in casualties and a tense situation. 6:47: 🌊 The allocation of water from the Helmond River is a major disagreement between Iran and Afghanistan that could lead to war. 9:41: 🌊 Iran is facing a water crisis due to the Taliban disrupting water access and the effects of drought, exacerbated by opium production in Afghanistan. 13:02: 💥 Escalating border violence between Iran and Taliban over drug trafficking and old tensions. Recap by Tammy AI
Iranian government put the incident down as Taliban border guards need more training and proper border protocols to be implemented , And that was the end of the matter
They definetly left billions to arm the taliban agaisnt iran. If the military didnt want to abandon everything they wouldnt have. Clearly leaving all that stuff was to plug the powervaccum with the taliban since its afghanistan. Who else? Russia cant go in there after ukraine man, they went bankrupt last time they went to afghanistan and theyre in worse shape now already man. They totally gave the taliban all that stuff in order to at least keep afghanistan taliban and not china iran or russia.
They're called water wars. Ethiopia vs Sudan/Egypt over the Nile; China vs India over the Indus and Meghna rivers; Mali vs Senegal over the Senegal; Afghanistan vs Iran over the Helmond. There'll be more.
Resource wars have always been apart of human history, especially in desert regions where resources are scarce even in the past water wars have happened, this ain’t nothing new.
@@IronWarrior86 Since the Taliban returned they have been anything but fundamentalist,if anything their deals with China and approach to governance especially in comparison to pre-invasion (first rule) they are now more pragmatic,which is why ISIS-K are attacking their positions for not being "radical" enough.
@@taln0reich Not all countries can build them fast and cheap enough,for many it is much faster to just invade and leaders and military industrial complexes want war to profit.
Truthfully, if any country could effectively invade Afghanistan it would be Iran, given its proximity, as well as a much greater appetite for to use of tactics that Geneva would disapprove of due to the lack of political accountability in Iran.
Considering a 46 mile/92 kilometer border in the mountains it would be easier for communist china to attack Afghanistan than do their million-man-swim to Taiwan. A very small mountain pass has not stopped several armies in history ...
If the Taliban got a confidence boost by defeating a force that didn't fight after watching their President abandon them, they're setting themselves up to find out how small their pond is.
@@aaronleverton4221 they stopped fighting when they weren't getting paid, remove yourself from the propapaganda trillion was $$ were not spend on Afghanistan. they were send to Afghanistan to be laundered, western armies were not there to help Afghanistan what so ever, there clear evidence for those who seeks that clearly shows how western troops treated Afghan citizens this is why the Taliban were able to get so much support and so quickly and the same reason why the Afghan army didn't fight... there as nothing worth fighting for.
US troop numbers did decrease in the 2010s as the US took more of an advisory role, but even then the superpower with a lot of defense money couldn't completely eliminate the Taliban. This is what gives them a confidence boost as Iran is broke and doesn't have the military capabilities of the US. Some of the Iranian protests of the last few years had Iranians calling for the end to funding Hezbollah and other Shia militias as Iran couldn't afford to spend money on that when the economy was in shambles.
That’s why we left all that equipment in Afghanistan. It was a calculation the Taliban would attack Iran with our weapons. The Taliban is going to attack all the surrounding countries as payback for not helping them when we invaded and occupied Afghanistan. They did the same thing when the Soviet Union withdrew. They will be fighting their wars over the next 50 years with our weapons, just like they did with Soviet weapons against us.
USA /Europe handed over Iraq , Afghanistan and Libya to Iran and conveniently left Bashar Al Assad in power. They installed pro Iranian Shia puppets in this countries and left the Shia regime of Assad under Iranian and Russian supervision. Taliban managed to come back. Now you will see the domino effect as all these countries will drive out the Iranian thugs backed by America and Europe while Iran chants "death to America".
@MRNDESO-ps7bz Learn to tell the difference between secular Muslims and fundamentalists/terrorists Secular Muslims = turkey, Iran the men shave, the women don't wear burqas, the people don't suicide bomb for 70 virgins Fundamentalists = isis, Afghanistan men can't shave, women wear burqas, suicide = 70 virgins, believe that they need to conquer and convert non believers by force. Believe that secular Muslims are infidels and need to be converted by force Yeah the taliban fighting with Iran in the future was obvious to anyone, these nutjob terrorists have been doing it for decades
I said that over a year ago. By leaving the weapons and equipment behind it prevents another Army from invading the region. This is more than just about water.
It's a lot of work to move it back, or even destroy it. With a bit of manual work you can smash one rifle apart with a rock, but you need a machine shop to saw several division's worth of rifles apart. I think the USA hoped their proxy government would use that stuff. Then they pulled out all the technicians and logistics necessary to maintain that stuff.
@@SusCalvin This is geo strategy because it prevents countries like China and Russia from gaining access to a warm water sea port. The original Russia invasion was to take control of Afghanistan as a lunching area to invade Pakistan for access to the sea. Armies over the past three or four hundred years have tried to control Afghanistan because of its strategic location. So now Afghanistan has enough equipment to fight off invaders. That equipment could have been burned and disabled prior to the pullout if it was planned out in advance.
@@chrismanning1171 The pullout assumed that the ANA wouldn't collapse so fast. Not that it would win, but that it would fight and die slow enough for embassies and bases to be evacuated. I remember how they kept telling us that the fall of Kabul was several months away to only a couple months to imminent, pushing the schedule for evacuations tighter and tighter. Disabling a lot of kit is a lot of work. This was a situation where they barely had time to burn documants at the embassy and struggled to get foreigners in the provincial towns out in time. Someone would have to sit on the tarmac on Kabul airport, taliban literally outside the city suburbs, and saw rifle barrels and vehicles apart. If someone wanted to arm and fund a warlord in Afghanistan it is a lot easier to just do so. They are a pretty flexible, negotiable lot who I think wouldn't mind being paid to raid iranian border posts if someone paid them for it and they thought they could get away with it.
@@chrismanning1171 The USA didn't want the afghan puppet government to negotiate with the taliban, and some years later decided to negotiate a separate peace with them. The important part of that was that attacks on US sites decreased, and US forces could draw out largely unimpeded. I just don't think the speed which the taliban advanced on Kabul was anticipated. The schedule for clearing out embassies, NGOs, contractors and afghan staff was shrunk. Right now, the taliban want other nations to recognize them as the legit central government of Afghanistan, and to unfreeze assets banked abroad.
Wait, you're telling me that if you leave $80 billion worth of weaponary with a hostile power, they might start doing dodgy shit with it?!? Well - colour me shocked!
No. Water is drying everywhere and Iran was focused on being a world power not paying attention to the drying waters. Stupidity, stubbornness, and a reality check of oh shit i didn’t see that coming moment. We get plenty of hardships without wars it’s beyond me why all countries that failed was because they were busy trying to find a way to destroy everyone else, meanwhile they neglected the prophecy that was written down, the waters would dry? Not so religious after all now are they?
The first time I ever heard of the Taliban (1997?) they were taking a Iranian diplomatic party hostage. I thought it was the most hilarious bit of karma to happen to Iran of all people.
If Iran came to see the Taliban as an existential threat, then the Soviet and US withdrawals couldn’t be considered instructive. On the contrary, Iran could use the US occupation almost as a playbook, since they could count on the same kinds of superiority (obviously not to the same degree). The prospect of losing several thousand soldiers every year is grim, but not compared to having an enemy control your water supply.
And plus Iran has absolutely no issue regarding distance. They would do much, MUCH better in Afghanistan than the US or Soviets could ever have. They share a very similar terrain, language, and culture, so would certainly have less resistance.
yea but its not just the loss of manpower its the lost of MONEY occupation is not cheap and the taliban are a VERY expensive force to fight and keep at bay Iran would have to spend 10s of millions if not hundreds of billions per year to keep that country under control
I was one of the Rouge Actual's mentor team of the AHP station in Helmond. You gave me more intelligence, especially with the water issue, then the Marine Corps ever told me. Also, one minute opium growing is cool, next minute we are kicking in doors arresting kids, I shit you not and I hate myself for it.
I phrased that weird. In 2011 there were at least 3 people who held the "call sigh" Rouge. It was a mentor team billet, thus call sign followed the billet (Job title). For 3 moths I held that job and in that year a few others. We knew nothing of the history and 90% of the things we were doing were about spending allocated money as fast as we could, thinking we could "pump" up the economy, so gave contracts to whoever, then they would run off with the money.
The taliban had their own anti-opium drive before the invasion. If there is an opium crisis in Iran, there's a worse one in Afghanistan itself. There was also theological reasons for it, and I don't think the taliban liked trying to run a government when a load of warlords with independent incomes sit around. One of the issues for the anti-taliban warlords was to get back in this. And a lot of these guys just got a governor's title in the US proxy government. One of our reporters got a tour of their treatment camps some months ago. Like a detox prison where the taliban put people and beat them with a hose to stay in line. They thought this was something to be proud of and show off. Not a lot of treatment except to stay put and off the streets.
@@patrickkenna6387 I don't know if this is true out in the provinces. It sounded like an effort to keep the streets of Kabul clean of beggers and petty crime. And just because they have that ambition doesn't mean it will work. Afghanistan is still a place with lots of independent-minded warlords and tribal leaders who don't like it when the central authority talks down to them. I read that it was one of the reasons so few of them supported Ashraf Ghani and the central government towards the end. Growing poppies is still a lot of cash and one of few low-density, high-value goods that can be moved across borders and still make a profit. It's harder to move a truck with tomatos over provincial roads, pay off people along the way and sell it in Iran or Pakistan. The reporter was given some opportunities to talk with people inside, but since it was an official tour in an authoritarian country where jailers with hoses were standing over their shoulders it was hard to get what they felt about it. They mentioned that this was a minimum security site.
I would like to inform you further -- I've heard a credible, non fantastical or hyperbolical story from some soldier, I don't remember what his rank or MO was. It was on youtube in some interview. At some point, he starts to describe how there were US soldiers taking drugs from the opium farmers, and not on an individual level, it was real organized. I think that's how all that opioid medication got started, the government sold the opium to pharma and they looked for stuff to do with it.
Did a year as a ETT combat advisor... (Op Phoenix) out of Farah Prov. All of 2007. Yep, your evaluation/article was the ground reality. We were put into a zone where they were continuing their war over water. I kept looking at the bumpers to see if they were using my old HMMV.
Since the Iranians know their drones work pretty well in a war zone , I could see the Iranians launching huge drone attacks and following up with infantry and armor cleanup operations. The Iranians could win air superiority pretty quick unless a world power like China privides the Taliban with air cover. Unlikely since the Iranians are business partners with China. As Long as the Iranians don't try to conquer Afghanistan militarily, they could be effective in waging punitive strikes.
Well that is simply not possible, because of bankruptcy of the Islamic Republic, and considerable unpopularity of regime, people of Iran will not support this war and besides people are actually a giant powder barrel, all it takes is someone to light a match
@@KoroushRP no you just dont understand how much the public opinion is down imagine if America will start another war now except the only people that want it his the leader what do you think will happens you cannot start a war that will be another russian invasion and will massively push the country into the bankruptcy where it headed since a few years ago right now it is believed that the country economy could collapse around 2026-27 whit all the sanction cripple the country them launching another war will probably make more sanction go up even if they attack the Taliban
As an Iranian i must say that you missing the most important power of Taliban, what makes them so confident in this situation and makes Iran so conservative and careful, There are over 8 million Afghans living in Iran (legal and illegal), Each and every single one them could become a Terrorist or a suicide bomber, making Iran an unconventional warzone, Iran can conventionally beat Taliban, but then what? Even the US with far superior conventional force couldn't beat that let alone Iran,
This was the plan all along for Khomeini and his fascist terrorist Islamist genocidal regime, when they took Iran hostage in their 1979 coup and began the still-ongoing genocide of the Iranian people. The Islamic Republic’s paramount objective is to destroy ALL Iranians and erase the entire Iranian nation - either by chasing us out of the country or by imprisoning us or by murdering us - and replacing us with foreign Muslims. For many years, especially in the last decade or two, the regime has been importing Afghans, Pakistanis, and Arabs from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, in a systematic scheme to replace the Iranian people with *Muslims.* Make no mistake, the massive hordes of foreign Muslims flooding into Iran’s borders (both legal and illegal, as you’ve said) are not here by mistake nor due to the regime’s usual failures and gross incompetence. What we are witnessing now is the Islamic Republic expediting their plans for our eradication, and then our subsequent replacement, by Muslims. Except this ain’t no Faux News conspiracy theory nonsense, this is an actual genocide being perpetrated in real time. For over 44 years, Western governments sat back and watched with cruel indifference as this regime has raped, tortured, maimed, imprisoned, disappeared, and murdered *millions* of Iranian men, women, boys, and girls. Western media has ignored our existence entirely for decades, and Western politicians seem to honestly believe that this demonic regime somehow represents the (invisible?) 85-90 million Iranians living inside of Iran, and the 10-15 million of us outside dying to return. These Western countries deny our brilliant Iranian brothers and sisters visas or even politicos asylum from this Muslim Nazi regime, and yet the regime’s elite and their families spend lives of luxury in the West with money stolen from the Iranian people…AND full citizenship for regime elite within those Western countries. I may have been raised in the West but I was born in Iran, and the mother who raised me is an Iranian woman. I know the worth of our history, of our land, and above all, our people. It broke my heart watching my homeland and people get ripped apart by this Zahhak regime, but I never lost faith in our ability, our duty, our destiny to take back our country and liberate ourselves from this evil. And omg I’m so sorry to unload on you, a perfectly normal stranger in a UA-cam comment, but your comment was so astute and so smart that you got me thinking like crazy! My heart is always with Iran these days, I cannot help it. 💚🤍❤️🦁☀️
How many of them are taliban supporters? I thought Iran had learned the same lesson everyone else learns about doing things in Afghanistan. You find your own warlords with negotiable and flexible loyalty and support them as your proxies. I thought the taliban had much more indoctrination going in the refugee community in Pakistan, where they have more tacit support of the pakistani state.
Dont say dumb sht. Most afghans in Iran arent pashtun but Persian speakers who hate the taliban and pashtuns. Learn about afghanistans ethnic demographics cause its not a united nation.
@@SusCalvine doesnt know what hes talking about, most afgahn refugees now are Tajik and Hazaras, literally Persians same as Iranians with a minority of pashtuns and others in Iran.
Iran could go into afghanistan and split the country up, take the Persian soeaking khorosan regions, pashtun talib are only in the south and Persians in afg hate them.
Would be good to mention that it was because of Khameneie that Iran didn't attack Afghanistan because he said the military would get stuck there. Also, the American troops did work with Iranians and even used Iranian airports by the border to attack Afghanistan.
Your words have absolutely nothing to do with reality. Iran has a very strong military force compared to the Taliban forces. In addition to your saying that America was using Iranian airports, I think it is the silliest joke I have ever heard in my life.
@@ZERO-vf1nn Iran might be cold in the summer, but Iran is unexpectedly warm in the winter. Who knows!? Iranians are not personalities but people. Somebody find the source of this!
@@ZERO-vf1nn What he said about the airports is silly, but the other part about Iran's military getting stuck there is true. The US, who has the best military on the planet, got stuck there, of course Iran would too haha.
Even though the Taliban only has 80,000 troops, I sure as hell wouldn't want to fight them. They've managed to attain victory after decades of war against much more technologically advanced forces, first against the Soviets, then against the USA. These guys are probably the most experienced fighters in the world. War is all they know.
They are good at guerilla warfare,winning over usa is an overstatement, the usa massacred them after it was very obvious that many afghans wanted the taliban to rule so it was meaningless to even try regime change, Soldiers often admitted how the soldiers they trained either werent really interested in protecting the ruling gov or used trainings to straight up switch sides, its very hard to push for regime change in a country which is deeply against it, every civilian can became a fighter next day no matter how much fighters you kill, the same kind of thing is happening in ukraine right now where the russians thought that ukranians will gladly accept them into kyiev but the ukranian higher officals run intelligence on which majors/leaders could be a russian favour and they immediately expelled them. If Iran wants to take the same approach as the USA/soviets to push for regime change they will fail.But also by blocking water iranians will be more sacrifising than usa and soviet soldiers were.
@@Ufhhh12the west lost against the Taliban not because of their poor military but because of poor politicians who at the end of the day never had the backbone to go all out war on the Taliban and Afghanistan the British soldiers never had tanks in the battlefield because the government said because of the tanks weight they would destroy the Afghan infrastructure have you ever heard as much crap in your entire life my nephew did 3 tours in Afghanistan with a Scottish regiment and he said they never lost a battle with the Taliban it was their senior officers who told them to pull back
@@bocaj.455Yeah, I'm thinking Iranian soldiers won't be fighting under the same ROE US coalition forces were. The Taliban may be battle hardened, but so are the Iranians. Both sides have leadership who have first hand fighting knowledge.
TLDR: We left plans for this attack in the "do not touch" folder. I can picture it. Convoy lined up, kits for a few companies in neat piles, big ass arrow saying "don't follow this combat plan" with a whiteboard and the plan.
The taliban didn't need prompts to have a fight with Iran before, and don't need it now. They went and stormed the iranian consulate all on their own. I think if you really wanted to have some afghan warlords as proxies against Iran, it would be a lot easier to just chat them up. I think they'd do it if they were given enough cash and resources and thought they could get away with it.
@@natel7382 Humour is that the USA and Iran sometimes supported the same anti-taliban warlords, or how the USA told their afghan proxy goernment that they absolutey must not negotiate with the taliban and then went on to negotiate a separate peace with the taliban in Doha.
It's only a matter of time for there to be a conflict. If things are peaceful, people are going to want better opportunities. But the people in power will cause conflicts so that they can remain in power.
No, returning the wealth the USA confiscated to Afghans and removal of sanctions would be the best. The USA won't do it, so we're glad the USA is getting higher inflation as a result of it's sanctions policy
@@GenuisInvictus Typical cop out response. Doesn't matter if it was rich or not (USA bombed Libya which was rich but now it's dirt poor post NATO). You people used tons of kids in military bases, increased poppy production, etc. The Taliban kicked out your pedo warlord friends, ended poppy production, and doubled exports in their very first year in power.
Cheaper to do it this way. Abandon crap you don't need and send better crap to people who do need it. Hindsight and all but humvees are just slightly beefier jeeps. In Ukraine a car is probably just as good of a transport logistic wise.
@@jacobsalmi5582 Humvee will protect its occupants much better than a normal road vehicle there are many instances of Humvee in Ukraine hitting a mine and the crew are OK, Humvee will also protect from shrapnel and bullets. Plus the Humvee much better off-road then civilian vehicles.
By comparison, there is still kit left from the balkan wars floating around the black markets of Europe. Guns don't go bad and destroying huge amounts of them is a lot of work. At best, you need a machine shop where armourers saw them apart. Or dump them down the ocean. Wars always creates situations where a lot of leftover kit is sitting around and the blokes supposed to guard it are either dead, busy somewhere else or gone during windows of opportunity.
Not to try to make political mileage out of this but the US withdrawal will be remembered as one of the worst blunders in human history. I can't think of another incident to rival it in incompetence/corruption. For whatever reason it is also one of the least investigated or at least publicly examined scandals I can think of. If it had happened under any other administration, Democrat or Republican, it would have resulted in severe consequences for the people in charge, with resignations and sackings being the least of it. The only possible answer I can think of is the mainstream media and political power brokers are so terrified of Donald Trump they will go to any lengths necessary to prevent any hint of failure to be attached to the current administration. It is truly unprecedented.
you guys lost lol not Afghanistan. You literally lost the same way you lost Vietnam, except this time it was much worst for you hahahah@@louiegonzales1407
@@BongaMotau-fc2eh China Joe and Thoroughly Modern Milley are some of the most inept leaders in recorded history (if they didn't sabotage their own side on purpose), but despite being given an easy victory that they did not earn, the taliban are wasting no time throwing that away by attacking a modern country right next to them before they've learned to competently fly their own (captured) helicopters. I reckon they'll be in bad shape when we return for the stranded Americans once Trump is back in office.
As always, excellent video! On a side note, I hope Morgan & Morgan paid you a lot of extra money for that jingle. Corporations pay hundreds of thousands, sometimes Millions for a catchy jingle. And you just created one. It's both catchy, and hilarious.... and most importantly it captures the attention of subliminal memory. My background is industrial organizational psychology, I know a little something something, about this kind of stuffy stuff. ☺🤔
6:38 really the guy just made one country dependent on the other by accident. This was also accidentally done with every colonial state. This is classic colonial policy. By either incorporating to many competing tribes and or making one colonial state dependent upon another the British made themselves the arbiters between competing groups the use of a soft glove power system.
@@DirkusTurkess seeing how much the colonies comes back to bite them,like in Londonistan with stabbings and Mohamed being the most common baby name,no it is a World W and England L. Free Scotland,Wales,Cornwall and Ireland.
So you really think it's practical to draw borders between countries so that a major river flows through one country only? If he had attempted to do that, you'd be complaining about the border splitting up ethnic groups and putting hostile ethnic groups together in the same nation.
The farsi speakers collaborated with USA and made them overthrow the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. But these Farsi speakers took their pants off and fled once their American patrons withdrew.
Its not similar its the same also Persian soeaking afghans themselves call it Farsi not dari, dari is a political term created by pashtuns who fear Persian separatism inside afcrapistan
You have to recognize that Taliban are trully badasses. The Fought the URRS in the 80's and won, and this century there where fighting 3 enemies (NATO, Afghan Army and the Islamic State) at the same time and still won all these wars... would be interesting to see how they do against Iran
A lot of Afghans got the chance to get out of there, a lot of women especially got education and opportunities they wouldn't have otherwise. In total there's now 8 million people out of Afghanistan, quite a lot of escapes. And we killed Bin Laden's successor who helped plan 9/11 shortly after we withdrew. Al Qaeda's current most senior member tried to stop the attacks all those years ago, so now that we eliminated Zawahiri in 2022 they aren't nearly as big of a threat. It took all 20 years to pull it off
The iranian consulate was attacked years ago, back when the taliban had their first stint at running Afghanistan. I think that was the point when things just kept getting worse between them. Iran had already objected to how the taliban treated minorities in the country.
Yooo, that is crazy. The CIA def playing 4D chess. I wouldn't doubt that they left it there because they already knew that tensions would rise for a reason and then the Taliban would have US weaponry, which would make the Taliban likely more confident in attacking or being more aggressive.
The only reason I don’t buy this is because I just think we’re giving them too much credit. Though tbf I guess figuring out how to pacify Afghanistan is a much harder task than figuring out how to rile it up
@@OryxAU But why did we have to leave ASAP? We were really THAT incapable of spending an extra few months there if we really wanted to? Idk that much about why it happened so quickly but I would assume we would be able to stay longer if we really wanted to
Chris you do such a super job. I thoroughly enjoy your videos, content and style. With your background you're a denominator in a space full of numerators. Thank you.
This is trenchant and accessible analysis unavailable anywhere else. Kudos. Separately, a question about all that leftover U.S. military equipment that the Taliban got as a door prize upon the departure of the U.S.-led international forces. Isn't most of it going to be unusable because the Taliban will run out of bullets, shells, spare parts, rust remover, and gasoline?
After while things will break. At one point they will use some to keep the others going but without arranging supplies and new parts in time there US equipment will just diminish into smaller numbers. Barr the small arms and assualt rifles what they have is set amount of equipment which will shrink.
Which means that water price will be set high in order to buy more. Pay or die of thirst Taliban doesn’t need weapons it has the most valuable resource ( the element of survival) how long can Iran survive with zero water after one week? Two weeks, three weeks?
The last major war between Iran/Persia and Afghanistan broke out during 1701. The 27 years war ended when Pashtuns captured Asfahan, the capital of Safvid Persian empire. This caused the capitulation of Iran and ensured a short lived Hottak Pashtun rule over Iran.
Actually I have recently heard that the Taliban has returned to their old policy of cracking down on all drugs especially opium production, which has been cut by over 80%.
If you want to know someone's intentions, look at the results/impact. Arming the Taliban wasn't a mistake. Fighting over their own interests still furthers America's goals by destabalizing Iran, or at least keeping their hands tied.
Thanks for watching spare parts army! If you’re ever injured in an accident, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. Their fee is free unless they win. For more information go to
They should give you a bonus for such a Grade A jingle!
Dude you wrote billions instead of millions!!?
This just shows why no one should join US military
that morgan and morgan jingle went hard as a motherfucker
The fact that "... 22,000 Humvees..." is just leftovers, shows how staggeringly massive the US arsenal is.
Technically all Humvees are leftovers. They are not used by NATO forces anymore.
@@esbenm6544 Hummers are still used and will be in service until 2050.
@@rooster1012 as long it stay away from frontline or not used to patrol hot area, it kinda okay vehicles
@@esbenm6544 The Arsenal of Freedom is mind-boggling 🤪
@@esbenm6544 At this rate they are just a disposable jeep thats just meant for getting from Point A and being ditched at or near point B.
As an Iranian, I feel obligated to say something to what you have said. The Iranian border is patrolled by the police, not the armed forces. Conscripts fought and died in this fight. In Iran, young men must serve in the armed forces for a minimum of two years. These 2 troops had no combat experience and were both under the age of 20.
Do the police conscript people in Iran?
What a messed up world
So those poor guys didn't necessarily want to be there and got their untimely demise Livestreamed by some even more radical Muslims 😢
Terrible but that particular border should be patroled by the military.
@@kurousagi8155 yes they do,i was with the border patrol on iran-iraqi border for my conscription .
it is always the regular, non-elites who suffer the most.
30 years ago one of my geograph teachers said that the next war in middle east will be fought over oil but the following ones will be fought over water. I think he's right...
Everyone’s been saying this for a while like since the 1980s
Looks like Iran will have to pay higher prices for water than nuclear bullshit , you can’t drink nuclear weapons lol it’s going to send its war money over to Afghanistan in order to survive. So much for supporting Russia lol Afghanistan here hold my beer ~ did you say war?
What was Marines in Lebanon 1983, and desert storm trilogy 1990-2020😂😂😂
The US sucked all the oil they needed out of the middle east. Watch, they won't ho back there because there's no reason to.
Everyone and their grandma has been saying this shit for decades.
Thank you for the broad perspectives. Keep bringing the storied from all perspectives.
The best defence of Afghanistan is that nobody is willing to fight for it. Not even the Afghan Army.
Yeah because their drug addicts
The Taliban did 😅
@@XidosRoR They left out of boredom. You want to look at fleeing. Look at the Russians in Afghan 1979-89. 😂
@@steveb1325 They lost because they spent 2 trillion. Not boredom. They were cowards.
@@zoybeanwe would have had to stay decades more in order to even begin terraforming the middle east
"The CIA is probably laughing at those who thought they had anything to do with this."
That's just the kind of thing CIA would say.
they are laughing because we can't do anything about it. also hilarious how he acts like the CIA hasn't been arming insurgencies for the past 60 years.... then i remember he's just an "average infantry man" aka "low IQ cannon fodder"
I mean, you can't blame the CIA for everything. In fact, the CIA might be promoting the idea that they are responsible for a lot of things that they aren't, just to build up their reputation and make them seem more intimidating and competent so people would be more willing to give them what they want.
@@mistaajoneseven the lowlest grunt isnt considered cannon fodder in the US army , the level of training need to use there basic kit effectively insures this.
I think the CIA is behind those type of conspiracy theories to make people believe they're far more competent and active than they actually are
@@sirpieman300 if thats true why did they lose Afghanistan to a bunch of framers and Vietnam?
If you ever feel useless … just remember that it took the USA four presidents, thousands of lives, trillions of dollars and 20 years to … replace Taliban with Taliban.” - John Wright
It wasn't thousands of lives it was only around 2,300
The taliban are the only thing Biden has been able to build back better.
Yeh the the us economy was still going up no loses In The grand scheme of things holding a country for 20 years and your economy still growing is a plus
@@xxkamikazexx5150 I'm sure that's only for the actual USA government contractors, USA government workers and USA military personnel. It probably doesn't include the "Black Water" mercenary corp deaths..
@@Hmongboi228 good as far as im concerned those dicks got what was coming blackwaters like the wagner of the US at this point
It's great that you cover lesser known international situations like this. It's a very good and well balanced report. Thanks and keep up the great reporting you do.
If by "300,000 US trained government forces" you are referring to the total number of conscripts trained while the USA was still heavily involved in Afghanistan then realize almost all of them were > conscripts < who served a 3-year hitch. They then went back to their villages. Also realize training effectively ceased when the USA withdrew from conducting training in 2014/2015. The Afghans who took over training simply stole all of the resources involved and very few Afghans actually got trained since about 2015. That means nearly everyone who WAS actually trained was gone by 2018. I know because I was there - training Afghan recruits - from March of 2008 to April of 2014.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. The basic sin Bush committed was thinking we could "nation build" in a culture firmly committed to an iron-age existence.
It would have made far more sense to go in, actually commit to capturing OBL and his circle, and then GTFO and leave them be.
There was no point for us to be there in a forever occupation.
Thanks for your service. Also, Afghanistan is truly a shithole if this how their soldiers just cut and run.
The US govt.and Taliban have a cozy relationship its was Bin laden that tarnish the relationship the taliban want to get rid of Bin Laden to escape the US Invasion but thanks to Qatar that relationship rekindled again between US and Taliban they can still be friends yes the weapons left behind to a friend nobody dares to attack look at now but times come the US will be back in Afghanistan specially that those young Talibans visited the US will be in power....
I can imagine how frustrating the trainings were...😔
I think the same happened with their pay at the time. Instead of being paid by the US occupational government, they were supposed to be paid through the Afghan national government.
CIA: “Thank goodness we didn’t plan this. Well… I’m gunna go take a shit.”
Until some American tower gets attackrd again, then they remember Taliban where terrorists
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
@@KoroushRPIran needs to be crushed. If they break out fighting it's still not America's issue.
@Southbay1279 I read this in Rick Sanchez’s voice.
It’s Morty’s fault this war is happening, isn’t it?
@@VictoriaCortes1717 The Gang Invades Afghanistan (Always Sunny theme plays)
Imagine just walking up and claiming for yourself every single piece of military tech you’ve ever wanted completely free. That alone is insane to me
imagine after decades of stealing trillions, the pentagon and cia has had no hangings.
And with no resources to keep it working.
That's a hyperbolic statement if Ive ever read one!
You wrote "every piece" of military tech as if the Taliban has patriot missiles, stealth fighters and Air Craft Carriers,..LoL
and btw,.they,ve go NO support infrastructure or spare ammunition for any pertinent longterm use or operation
They don't have hundreds of C-230 cargo planes to fly spare parts of much needed diesel fuel to the front lines,.LoL
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
You folks are not understanding what I’m saying. All I meant was if you’re into gun porn this would be a wet dream
Your Morgan & Morgan jingle is FIRE, baby!
It is great to see Task and Purpose putting out such a high quality piece of journalism. Congratulations on the quality of your work.
And the quality of the sponsor spots! Morgan and Morgaaan!
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
You mean high quality fake news.
you kill me every time with your commercials, how can i NOT WATCH THEM. best content Sir
Every damn time though! It's too engaging!
That singing was next level.
Very interesting. Water scarcity will drive dozens of new wars and conflicts in the near-term. Dam-building has become a kind of arms race in many parts of the world. For example, Ethiopia's new Renaissance dam will almost certainly lead to a military intervention by Egypt and Sudan at some point. Good reporting!
The Water Wars are beginning.
Very True 💯
Everyone talking about climate-this-and-that...
It's going to be *fresh water resource wars* much sooner than any weather/CO2/sea-level-rise catastrophe does us in.
Humans are really messing with the water table, not only by damming/draining lakes, but also by tying up fresh water into food production or industrial chemicals, then shipping that mass of water across the world by the megaton everyday. Some of it will never return to the water cycle as potable water. (e.g.80% of groundwater in China is contaminated with carcinogens)
All while global demand and per-capita use continue to increase
@@cheesehands3112Michael burry right again
water wars 💧 moment
Not Ethiopia, Ethiopia is currently too powerful for any invasion
Thanks for these extremely informative mid-east stories. Strong supporter of Israel here. You are a extremely handsome man. Loyal viewer here. Greg, Louisiana, USA
A terrorist group with a social media account is so surreal to me.
You actually think there using that American spy app like Twitter and Facebook that has ties to the CIA
The terrorist group won against Jesus
This made me snicker. Kind of got used to the ridiculousness of it
And yet liberals are up in arms over a former president who says "mean" things on social media.
Not all that new. I mean, the German Rote Armee Fraktion used newspapers.
World: How did Taliban get $7B worth of US military equipment?
CIA: 👀👀
The US military budget was like $200B per year when it started and only increased over the years.
Anything less than $100B being repurposed is kinda laughable.
People will come up with anything to excuse Bidens failures
That 7 billion worth of equipment left behind was just one part of a terrible withdrawal
@@hoodatdondar2664LOL "It's just 7 billion dollars worth of high tech military equipment left behind for a former adversary to utilize". You do understand they now have to replace that equipment right?? And that is on top of all the free stuff they are handing out Oprah style to Ukraine. You own stock in Lockheed, don't you??
@@coryyoung7544that's inflation you just printed more money never acquired it
If the Iranians would have invested in desalination plants , rather than terrorism , this kind of thing wouldn't happen
Desalination plants are crazy expensive even without sanctions. With insurgency, they've built an empire and deterred the Americans.
It is written in muslim books to attack and forcefully convert non believers and they are strict followers . So even without funding mindset would be same .
shhh, killing infidels is more important than helping your people.
That wouldn't solve anything. This is a region far from the sea and next to a river lol.
@@dunnowy123o no, he is obviously right. Its him, the US commentator that knows nothing but solves everything. And his likers are just like him, a bunch of US peple that have no idea what goes on arround the world but have an opinion about everything. They will teach you how to live your life.
I appreciate the stories Cappy & team cover. These videos often offer insight into the strange weird world of geopolitics and history. Between this channel and Perun I feel a greater appreciation for recent happenings around the world. Great work @taskandpurpose 🍻
"people think the CIA is playing some kind of 4D chess to arm the taliban"
bro..... it wouldn't be the first time. and it wouldn't be the first time in the last decade....
The easiest way to arm the taliban would have been to just arm the taliban. Or any warlord you can find who is willing to start sabotaging iranian border posts for cash, they seem like a flexible and negotiable lot.
I can't think of any armed conflict where the locals haven't been able to rifle through leftover kit. A japanese peasant in sengoku jidai or a greek farmer in antiquity would also come around after a battle to see if the dead dudes in the field or their abandoned camp had some fun stuff.
my handler told me not to mention any of that
@SusCalvin Umm no the easiest way would be to leave behind tons of gear
Driving these hummers into a ship and driving it back to the US would save a ton of money instead of building 20k new
The reality is that the taliban are religious extremists while their neighbor Iran is a secular state
And what groups like ISIS do is attack secular Muslim countries, try to take them over
You can tell the difference
Religious fundamental = believes in 7p virgins, men can't shave, women wear burqas examples Afghanistan
Secular Muslims = men shave , women don't wear burqas examples turkey and Iran
@@zyncwargaming179 I like how it all ended with locating Usama in Pakistan. Not in some cave, but sitting in a private compound right in some town.
@@zyncwargaming179so they defeated Saudi Arabia yet ? Nevermind just randomly point finger at some other country and get revenge there instead.
The irony huh. We fought them, left our toys in their front yard and they ended up attacking our enemy with our toys 😂
the irony is after fighting england and the rothschilds, we ended up handing them our banking system and have been their puppet ever since 1913.
I wonder if Iran will brake out there F-14s?
@@MandalorV7 Doubtful. They're very old at this point, and they're unlikely to risk whatever few they have left in running condition. If war kicks off, it'll be Taliban soldiers engaging in guerilla war.
@@MandalorV7bro if they successfully take of, they will crash like 10 miles away
Look the military industrial complex wants money from tax payers, more instability = we need more military = give us money. Military spending also raises "GDP".
When Taleban killed Iranian diplomats (8:30) the reason Iran didn't go to war with them was that the supreme leader told the military that Afghanestan is like a death trap that even the soviet union couldn't win in it
So they decided to bomb the border and make Taleban retreat. After that they never came back to the Border until the united states attacked Afghanestan
Oops 🦅
Alexander the Great and the British Empire also retreated from Afghanistan
@@Meatwadsanalexander took it over as did the Persian empires and mongols and arabs. Brah just stop lying
@@KoroushRP And where are they now? They left, just like the US did.
@@zyncwargaming179Alexander encountered strong resistance in afghanistan on the way to India. He took over Persia much quicker while he had to stay in Afghanistan for years before he had some control.
Excellent video. I like your calm and soft spoken style.
It's so weird to see Morgan and Morgan ad on the internet. Like, when I was a kid, that was a local, fairly small lawyer firm. It went from billboards, to local tv commercials, to state wide, now they're in 49 states. It's weird.... It's also crazy to think my COUNTY economy is bigger than all of Afghanistan. My freaking 1 county in Florida hahaha.
That’s what 4 decades of non-stop war gets you. From the Soviet invasion in the 80’s, to the civil war in the 90’s, to the 20 yr long war on terror in the 2000’s. I feel for the innocent ppl there, they can’t catch a break.
@@JK-td4hifghanistan has been useless for over a thousand years. What you expect from people who still use their left hand to wipe their ass
@@JK-td4hisince the dawn of time the middle east have fought with each other its nothing new
@@ajbro6428 what about China? Their civil wars have already cause some of the greatest death tolls in history
@@ajbro6428so has america since its inception, but it’s a global super power. So is Africa. So is Japan. Don’t be a prison et of the moment and to equate with current “peace time” as something that has always existed in Western Europe.
The amount of water transfer from Afghanistan to Iran was fixed in the 1973 treaty at a certain amount. But since 1973, Afghanistan's population has increased by over 3 1/2 times from 11.3 million to 40 million. Clearly internal water consumption has increased and the Taliban is likely under pressure to export less.
Meanwhile Iran's population has grown from 33 million to 88 million which means they want more water. A classic resource / population conflict. And then there is the impact of climate change which is unlikely to be positive.
Correct, there won't be any water left soon and Afghanistan is probably one of the first nations on earth to die off in climate change. Its totally landlocked.
Yep happening all over the water... no wonder Michael burry and Bill Gates are buying freshwater everywhere
Of course, Iran's regime destroyed Iran's water resources to a great extent in more thirty years. Iran's regime used water resources for iron smelting factories and steel production, and caused many areas of Iran to face water shortages, and protesters over the years They were suppressed by the Iranian regime. Now the Iranian regime sees only water resources from Afghanistan as suitable for obtaining water resources.
Both the Islamic regime of Iran and the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan both want to increase the population, and for this reason, the population of the two countries has multiplied several times in than fifty years, and the rulers encourage the people to increase the population and make the country strong against the enemies.
They never think about the problems of uncontrolled population growth.
@@DemocracyisDoneWhat’s wrong with industrialization?
@@DemocracyisDone jesusfreak cowshit, lol
Been thinking about this for months. Regardless if the equipment was left on purpose or not we can’t deny that this is an issue for China/ Taliban cooperation, and Iran (another US rival) will be preoccupied and makes is vulnerable to pincer pressure be it by both war and economic means.
Those are my thoughts, I could be missing the big picture, would definitely appreciate feedback.
*Israel's rival
I'm very curious to see how China handles it's diplomatic ties with Afghanistan. It is a very strategic location for their Belt and Road Initiative..however,
the CCP suffer no extremists and they blame the Taliban for the Uighur uprisings in Xinjiang 🤷🤷🤷
but....CCP also turn a blind eye to corruption, human trafficking, genocide, etc.. as long as it doesn't threaten their local power and global influence.
I wonder if it's already the case -the Triads, the Taliban, and the SouthAmerican Cartels essentially run the global sex/drug trade in cahoots?
If the Soviets didn’t leave AKs and PKMs behind the Taliban would have fought us with Enfields. We’re just paying it forward for the next empire’s attempt.
"Left"... It wasn't left. It belonged to Afghanistan. >.>
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
6:20 In 1893, British diplomat and Indian civil servant Sir Mortimer Durand drew the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan (at the time, British India). 6:00 From 1903 to 1905 Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, Egyptian High Commissioner during World War 1, drew the southern portion of the border between Afghanistan and Iran, which is what this video concerns.
So, they taking the bait the UK has set for them 😢 So manipulative.
Thank you very much, @taskandpurpose for such an informative video, bringing both the latest news as well as the necessary context to put the situation in the proper perspective!
It's everything but informative. Anyone with a hint of knowledge about historical accuracy knows this guy is full of sh*t.
Great job with the Morgan and Morgan ad. Definitely a grammy-worthy performance.
From The Wizard of Id; one guy comes in screaming, “ The people are dying of thirst. “ Another comes in yelling, “ The dragons in the moat are starving. “. The king says, “ Some problems just take of themselves. “.
The amount of gear and just straight up cash we left is crazy. How could one NOT think we were purposely arming the Taliban?
If they revive training from Russian or Chinese on how to operate the leftover equipment it would be very bad news
We armed the ANA. They folded like a wet towel and voila! Taliban with humvees.
@@agricolait's not that simple as that. We had alliance contracts with many Afghan warlords within the country, but when Biden undermined the previous deal that ruined relations. So they quickly sided with Taliban, and voila the ANA found themselves alone with no friends once we pulled out.
There was no deal.
Just a dumb statement by a dumb former president that they were going to leave.
There was no plan either.
@@nielsmichiels1939 you're being ignorant and dismissive because it's a negative on Biden. Stop acting like Trump wasn't in control when he was Commander in Chief.
I've Visited Iran in 2017 espicially the south west and western iran. What I noticed was that the guards were mostly teenagers and mostly looked unprofessionals and you will mostly see Iranian police rather than their army near afghan border. You can pay them around 5000 UAE dirhams (They wont take iranian rial or US dollars ) and they will let you in to afghanistan. they had contacts and good relations with some factions of Taliban. Its strange to see them fighting now cause each other cause what i observed was that they had really good relations.🤔
Cause the taliban are pashtuns
I hope a conflict does occur so that Iran can free the Persian/Persian speaking parts of afghabistan. Taliban is a pashtun organization, and the Persian afghans hate them.
Of course, most of the Taliban forces have received military training inside Iran.
During the presence of NATO forces in Afghanistan, most talibans lived in iran.the Iranian regime uses relatively young soldiers on its borders for a certain period, and these soldiers do not have high military skills, and after a while Their service ends. The main forces, which are the Iranian sepah Guards and the Iranian Army, only come into action for war.
The Iranian regime uses its forces mostly outside Iran, in Iraq and Syria.
And Iran is most focused on creating different militias and groups that carry out military and terrorist operations by proxy.
@@DemocracyisDoneTaliban actually train by Pakistan , it well known due
@@jerryle379 Haqqanis are Trained by Pakistan not all the Taliban Fractions are trained in Pakistan. Cause Some Faction of Taliban want to do the same in Pakistan
Between this, the issues between Egypt and Ethiopia, south east Asian countries with China, it's proving prophetic a man who said the future's wars won't be fought over oil or land, but over water.
One of the few things we absolutely need to survive that can be controlled. Scary stuff coming in the next few decades. This isn't going to get any better.
You're talking about Cody over at Wranglestar who made that statement?
I think you are being a bit too optimistic future wars will likely be fought over water AND OIL, AND LAND. Look at Ukraine for example. Plenty of more conflicts brewing in the world in Africa, Asia etc.
@@alanverga3456 🤣 hotshots don’t use water
@@infitada no he made that comment fairly recently showing some things he did around his homestead to collect water.
Who would’ve thought that Iran backing terrorists would backfire? I am shocked.
The back stabbing is like wild fire around the world. Everyone spent decades and tons of money on weapons, then the water dried out like the Bible stated rivers would dry up. Iran better start building distillation plants on the beach lol…..or continue building nuclear weapons but at this point it serves no purpose.
It's backfiring even for Pakistan. Pakistan proudly helped the Taliban & even declared it publicly with the hope of getting control of the mineral rich region close to their borders. Now Pakistan is tanking economically and it seems that that Muslim brotherly love is seriously lacking becoz the Taliban are holding on to those resources.
True. But who created these Terrorists and for what?
1990s USA armed Taliban to fight USSR
2022 USA has lost 3 out of 4 Wars in the past 80 years. Vietnam, Afghanistan & Iraq
Coming to WHY? All because of Oil!!
So from a neutral point of view. The USA left billions of dollars worth for the Taliban to use against Iran and modern day Russia!!
It's common sense Geopolitics
You'd think they'd learn from all the problems the US has caused for itself doing that same thing, in that same region.
It would seem like being united in the face of common enemy but divided after they left.
congratulations on 1 million subscribers !!! 👍👍👍👍
0:09: ⚔ Taliban soldiers attacked an Iranian military border checkpoint using captured US military weapons, escalating a larger conflict over a water dispute.
3:23: 🔥 Taliban and Iranian forces clashed near the border, resulting in casualties and a tense situation.
6:47: 🌊 The allocation of water from the Helmond River is a major disagreement between Iran and Afghanistan that could lead to war.
9:41: 🌊 Iran is facing a water crisis due to the Taliban disrupting water access and the effects of drought, exacerbated by opium production in Afghanistan.
13:02: 💥 Escalating border violence between Iran and Taliban over drug trafficking and old tensions.
Recap by Tammy AI
Iranian government put the incident down as Taliban border guards need more training and proper border protocols to be implemented , And that was the end of the matter
Yay, terrorists and terrorist symphatisants are slaughter each other!
They definetly left billions to arm the taliban agaisnt iran. If the military didnt want to abandon everything they wouldnt have. Clearly leaving all that stuff was to plug the powervaccum with the taliban since its afghanistan. Who else? Russia cant go in there after ukraine man, they went bankrupt last time they went to afghanistan and theyre in worse shape now already man. They totally gave the taliban all that stuff in order to at least keep afghanistan taliban and not china iran or russia.
You have way too much time on your hands 😆
Why do you even care?
They're called water wars. Ethiopia vs Sudan/Egypt over the Nile; China vs India over the Indus and Meghna rivers; Mali vs Senegal over the Senegal; Afghanistan vs Iran over the Helmond. There'll be more.
why can't we just build lots of desalination plants? Yes, desalination is expensive, but war is more expensive.
Resource wars have always been apart of human history, especially in desert regions where resources are scarce even in the past water wars have happened, this ain’t nothing new.
In the USA, California vs. Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico over the Colorado river
@@IronWarrior86 Since the Taliban returned they have been anything but fundamentalist,if anything their deals with China and approach to governance especially in comparison to pre-invasion (first rule) they are now more pragmatic,which is why ISIS-K are attacking their positions for not being "radical" enough.
@@taln0reich Not all countries can build them fast and cheap enough,for many it is much faster to just invade and leaders and military industrial complexes want war to profit.
Truthfully, if any country could effectively invade Afghanistan it would be Iran, given its proximity, as well as a much greater appetite for to use of tactics that Geneva would disapprove of due to the lack of political accountability in Iran.
I’m not sure. Russia 🇷🇺 doesn’t follow the Geneva convention that well and they were right next door 🚪 to Afghanistan 🇦🇫.
Considering a 46 mile/92 kilometer border in the mountains it would be easier for communist china to attack Afghanistan than do their million-man-swim to Taiwan. A very small mountain pass has not stopped several armies in history ...
@@sisenor4091 Russia already tried that back in the '80s. It didn't work very well for them.
Half of afghanistan is Persian speaking . All Iran would need to do is support them against the pashtun speaking taliban.
And Russia would have won, had the USA not supported the Taliban through their proxy, Pakistan (which also provided shelter).
That Morgan and Morgan commercial was fantastic
If the Taliban got a confidence boost by defeating a force that didn't fight after watching their President abandon them, they're setting themselves up to find out how small their pond is.
@@nooridz2881 And they stopped fighting when?
@@aaronleverton4221 they stopped fighting when they weren't getting paid, remove yourself from the propapaganda trillion was $$ were not spend on Afghanistan. they were send to Afghanistan to be laundered, western armies were not there to help Afghanistan what so ever, there clear evidence for those who seeks that clearly shows how western troops treated Afghan citizens this is why the Taliban were able to get so much support and so quickly and the same reason why the Afghan army didn't fight... there as nothing worth fighting for.
US troop numbers did decrease in the 2010s as the US took more of an advisory role, but even then the superpower with a lot of defense money couldn't completely eliminate the Taliban. This is what gives them a confidence boost as Iran is broke and doesn't have the military capabilities of the US. Some of the Iranian protests of the last few years had Iranians calling for the end to funding Hezbollah and other Shia militias as Iran couldn't afford to spend money on that when the economy was in shambles.
We can blame Trump...
@@WendellMcAdooyou mean Bush, Obama, and Biden
That’s why we left all that equipment in Afghanistan. It was a calculation the Taliban would attack Iran with our weapons. The Taliban is going to attack all the surrounding countries as payback for not helping them when we invaded and occupied Afghanistan. They did the same thing when the Soviet Union withdrew. They will be fighting their wars over the next 50 years with our weapons, just like they did with Soviet weapons against us.
USA /Europe handed over Iraq , Afghanistan and Libya to Iran and conveniently left Bashar Al Assad in power. They installed pro Iranian Shia puppets in this countries and left the Shia regime of Assad under Iranian and Russian supervision. Taliban managed to come back. Now you will see the domino effect as all these countries will drive out the Iranian thugs backed by America and Europe while Iran chants "death to America".
That's 5D chess
Learn to tell the difference between secular Muslims and fundamentalists/terrorists
Secular Muslims = turkey, Iran the men shave, the women don't wear burqas, the people don't suicide bomb for 70 virgins
Fundamentalists = isis, Afghanistan men can't shave, women wear burqas, suicide = 70 virgins, believe that they need to conquer and convert non believers by force. Believe that secular Muslims are infidels and need to be converted by force
Yeah the taliban fighting with Iran in the future was obvious to anyone, these nutjob terrorists have been doing it for decades
It all makes sense now
I said that over a year ago. By leaving the weapons and equipment behind it prevents another Army from invading the region. This is more than just about water.
It's a lot of work to move it back, or even destroy it. With a bit of manual work you can smash one rifle apart with a rock, but you need a machine shop to saw several division's worth of rifles apart.
I think the USA hoped their proxy government would use that stuff. Then they pulled out all the technicians and logistics necessary to maintain that stuff.
@@SusCalvin This is geo strategy because it prevents countries like China and Russia from gaining access to a warm water sea port. The original Russia invasion was to take control of Afghanistan as a lunching area to invade Pakistan for access to the sea. Armies over the past three or four hundred years have tried to control Afghanistan because of its strategic location. So now Afghanistan has enough equipment to fight off invaders. That equipment could have been burned and disabled prior to the pullout if it was planned out in advance.
@@chrismanning1171 The pullout assumed that the ANA wouldn't collapse so fast. Not that it would win, but that it would fight and die slow enough for embassies and bases to be evacuated. I remember how they kept telling us that the fall of Kabul was several months away to only a couple months to imminent, pushing the schedule for evacuations tighter and tighter.
Disabling a lot of kit is a lot of work. This was a situation where they barely had time to burn documants at the embassy and struggled to get foreigners in the provincial towns out in time. Someone would have to sit on the tarmac on Kabul airport, taliban literally outside the city suburbs, and saw rifle barrels and vehicles apart.
If someone wanted to arm and fund a warlord in Afghanistan it is a lot easier to just do so. They are a pretty flexible, negotiable lot who I think wouldn't mind being paid to raid iranian border posts if someone paid them for it and they thought they could get away with it.
@@SusCalvin What part of " if planned out in advance" you didn't understand?
@@chrismanning1171 The USA didn't want the afghan puppet government to negotiate with the taliban, and some years later decided to negotiate a separate peace with them.
The important part of that was that attacks on US sites decreased, and US forces could draw out largely unimpeded. I just don't think the speed which the taliban advanced on Kabul was anticipated. The schedule for clearing out embassies, NGOs, contractors and afghan staff was shrunk.
Right now, the taliban want other nations to recognize them as the legit central government of Afghanistan, and to unfreeze assets banked abroad.
Love the jingle, I may watch just for that!!! Great show as always, very amazing, thanks 🙏
This is my favorite episode of task and purpose so far. I really appreciate the research and geopolitical back story told in this video.
Wait, you're telling me that if you leave $80 billion worth of weaponary with a hostile power, they might start doing dodgy shit with it?!?
Well - colour me shocked!
No. Water is drying everywhere and Iran was focused on being a world power not paying attention to the drying waters. Stupidity, stubbornness, and a reality check of oh shit i didn’t see that coming moment. We get plenty of hardships without wars it’s beyond me why all countries that failed was because they were busy trying to find a way to destroy everyone else, meanwhile they neglected the prophecy that was written down, the waters would dry? Not so religious after all now are they?
If they want to go war, I say let them.
it turned out to be a win for the US since Iran and Taliban are fighting each other
@@ernestogastelum9123it’s most likely not turning into an all out war.
Great analysis. Love your style and excellent research.
I think this was an success to America. Let enemies fight together.
The first time I ever heard of the Taliban (1997?) they were taking a Iranian diplomatic party hostage. I thought it was the most hilarious bit of karma to happen to Iran of all people.
They executed them. Is that also hilarious?
@@night_wolf9734 yes
@@letecitoster3469 Then Iranians should have executed those terrorists Americans from embassy
So many sick people out there who enjoy these stories.
Except Iranians were completly justified in taking those hostages. American ignorance of why these things happen only proves your subhumanity.
If Iran came to see the Taliban as an existential threat, then the Soviet and US withdrawals couldn’t be considered instructive. On the contrary, Iran could use the US occupation almost as a playbook, since they could count on the same kinds of superiority (obviously not to the same degree). The prospect of losing several thousand soldiers every year is grim, but not compared to having an enemy control your water supply.
@@dzevadbayraktar322 sohrab and rustum would be surprised to hear of this peaceful Iran of yours.
@@dzevadbayraktar322 And what happens when the Afghans refuse to accept Iranian terms? Peace and prosperity?
@@SuperCatacataAn Iranian peace by revisiting Nader Shah's play book and turning Kandahar into a pile of rubble.
And plus Iran has absolutely no issue regarding distance. They would do much, MUCH better in Afghanistan than the US or Soviets could ever have. They share a very similar terrain, language, and culture, so would certainly have less resistance.
yea but its not just the loss of manpower its the lost of MONEY occupation is not cheap and the taliban are a VERY expensive force to fight and keep at bay Iran would have to spend 10s of millions if not hundreds of billions per year to keep that country under control
I was one of the Rouge Actual's mentor team of the AHP station in Helmond. You gave me more intelligence, especially with the water issue, then the Marine Corps ever told me. Also, one minute opium growing is cool, next minute we are kicking in doors arresting kids, I shit you not and I hate myself for it.
I phrased that weird. In 2011 there were at least 3 people who held the "call sigh" Rouge. It was a mentor team billet, thus call sign followed the billet (Job title). For 3 moths I held that job and in that year a few others. We knew nothing of the history and 90% of the things we were doing were about spending allocated money as fast as we could, thinking we could "pump" up the economy, so gave contracts to whoever, then they would run off with the money.
The taliban had their own anti-opium drive before the invasion. If there is an opium crisis in Iran, there's a worse one in Afghanistan itself. There was also theological reasons for it, and I don't think the taliban liked trying to run a government when a load of warlords with independent incomes sit around.
One of the issues for the anti-taliban warlords was to get back in this. And a lot of these guys just got a governor's title in the US proxy government.
One of our reporters got a tour of their treatment camps some months ago. Like a detox prison where the taliban put people and beat them with a hose to stay in line. They thought this was something to be proud of and show off. Not a lot of treatment except to stay put and off the streets.
@@SusCalvin Thank you, very informative.
@@patrickkenna6387 I don't know if this is true out in the provinces. It sounded like an effort to keep the streets of Kabul clean of beggers and petty crime. And just because they have that ambition doesn't mean it will work. Afghanistan is still a place with lots of independent-minded warlords and tribal leaders who don't like it when the central authority talks down to them. I read that it was one of the reasons so few of them supported Ashraf Ghani and the central government towards the end.
Growing poppies is still a lot of cash and one of few low-density, high-value goods that can be moved across borders and still make a profit. It's harder to move a truck with tomatos over provincial roads, pay off people along the way and sell it in Iran or Pakistan.
The reporter was given some opportunities to talk with people inside, but since it was an official tour in an authoritarian country where jailers with hoses were standing over their shoulders it was hard to get what they felt about it. They mentioned that this was a minimum security site.
I would like to inform you further -- I've heard a credible, non fantastical or hyperbolical story from some soldier, I don't remember what his rank or MO was. It was on youtube in some interview. At some point, he starts to describe how there were US soldiers taking drugs from the opium farmers, and not on an individual level, it was real organized. I think that's how all that opioid medication got started, the government sold the opium to pharma and they looked for stuff to do with it.
Did a year as a ETT combat advisor... (Op Phoenix) out of Farah Prov. All of 2007. Yep, your evaluation/article was the ground reality. We were put into a zone where they were continuing their war over water. I kept looking at the bumpers to see if they were using my old HMMV.
Since the Iranians know their drones work pretty well in a war zone , I could see the Iranians launching huge drone attacks and following up with infantry and armor cleanup operations. The Iranians could win air superiority pretty quick unless a world power like China privides the Taliban with air cover. Unlikely since the Iranians are business partners with China.
As Long as the Iranians don't try to conquer Afghanistan militarily, they could be effective in waging punitive strikes.
The Taliban have the ability to takeover Iran. They already threatened Iran about it as they know that Iran is a donkey of USA and Israel.
Iran could just take north and central afghanistan as its Persian majority
Well that is simply not possible, because of bankruptcy of the Islamic Republic, and considerable unpopularity of regime, people of Iran will not support this war and besides people are actually a giant powder barrel, all it takes is someone to light a match
@@A277-mw8gp Iran isnt bankrupt and people will support their country in war and specially if it revolves around taking land.
@@KoroushRP no you just dont understand how much the public opinion is down imagine if America will start another war now except the only people that want it his the leader what do you think will happens you cannot start a war that will be another russian invasion and will massively push the country into the bankruptcy where it headed since a few years ago right now it is believed that the country economy could collapse around 2026-27 whit all the sanction cripple the country them launching another war will probably make more sanction go up even if they attack the Taliban
As an Iranian i must say that you
missing the most important power of Taliban, what makes them so confident in this situation and makes Iran so conservative and careful,
There are over 8 million Afghans living in Iran (legal and illegal),
Each and every single one them could become a Terrorist or a suicide bomber, making Iran an unconventional warzone,
Iran can conventionally beat Taliban, but then what? Even the US with far superior conventional force couldn't beat that let alone Iran,
This was the plan all along for Khomeini and his fascist terrorist Islamist genocidal regime, when they took Iran hostage in their 1979 coup and began the still-ongoing genocide of the Iranian people. The Islamic Republic’s paramount objective is to destroy ALL Iranians and erase the entire Iranian nation - either by chasing us out of the country or by imprisoning us or by murdering us - and replacing us with foreign Muslims. For many years, especially in the last decade or two, the regime has been importing Afghans, Pakistanis, and Arabs from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, in a systematic scheme to replace the Iranian people with *Muslims.*
Make no mistake, the massive hordes of foreign Muslims flooding into Iran’s borders (both legal and illegal, as you’ve said) are not here by mistake nor due to the regime’s usual failures and gross incompetence. What we are witnessing now is the Islamic Republic expediting their plans for our eradication, and then our subsequent replacement, by Muslims. Except this ain’t no Faux News conspiracy theory nonsense, this is an actual genocide being perpetrated in real time.
For over 44 years, Western governments sat back and watched with cruel indifference as this regime has raped, tortured, maimed, imprisoned, disappeared, and murdered *millions* of Iranian men, women, boys, and girls. Western media has ignored our existence entirely for decades, and Western politicians seem to honestly believe that this demonic regime somehow represents the (invisible?) 85-90 million Iranians living inside of Iran, and the 10-15 million of us outside dying to return. These Western countries deny our brilliant Iranian brothers and sisters visas or even politicos asylum from this Muslim Nazi regime, and yet the regime’s elite and their families spend lives of luxury in the West with money stolen from the Iranian people…AND full citizenship for regime elite within those Western countries.
I may have been raised in the West but I was born in Iran, and the mother who raised me is an Iranian woman. I know the worth of our history, of our land, and above all, our people. It broke my heart watching my homeland and people get ripped apart by this Zahhak regime, but I never lost faith in our ability, our duty, our destiny to take back our country and liberate ourselves from this evil. And omg I’m so sorry to unload on you, a perfectly normal stranger in a UA-cam comment, but your comment was so astute and so smart that you got me thinking like crazy! My heart is always with Iran these days, I cannot help it. 💚🤍❤️🦁☀️
How many of them are taliban supporters?
I thought Iran had learned the same lesson everyone else learns about doing things in Afghanistan. You find your own warlords with negotiable and flexible loyalty and support them as your proxies.
I thought the taliban had much more indoctrination going in the refugee community in Pakistan, where they have more tacit support of the pakistani state.
Dont say dumb sht. Most afghans in Iran arent pashtun but Persian speakers who hate the taliban and pashtuns. Learn about afghanistans ethnic demographics cause its not a united nation.
@@SusCalvine doesnt know what hes talking about, most afgahn refugees now are Tajik and Hazaras, literally Persians same as Iranians with a minority of pashtuns and others in Iran.
Iran could go into afghanistan and split the country up, take the Persian soeaking khorosan regions, pashtun talib are only in the south and Persians in afg hate them.
8:21 that slap 🤣🤣🤣
Would be good to mention that it was because of Khameneie that Iran didn't attack Afghanistan because he said the military would get stuck there. Also, the American troops did work with Iranians and even used Iranian airports by the border to attack Afghanistan.
everyone gets bogged down its the graveyard of empires and while it didn't crash the US it did cost us a lot of cash and troops for nothing
Your words have absolutely nothing to do with reality. Iran has a very strong military force compared to the Taliban forces. In addition to your saying that America was using Iranian airports, I think it is the silliest joke I have ever heard in my life.
@@ZERO-vf1nn Iran might be cold in the summer, but Iran is unexpectedly warm in the winter. Who knows!? Iranians are not personalities but people. Somebody find the source of this!
@@ZERO-vf1nn What he said about the airports is silly, but the other part about Iran's military getting stuck there is true. The US, who has the best military on the planet, got stuck there, of course Iran would too haha.
When the Glowie tells me "The CIA didn't do it", that's the best confirmation they did.
“The H must Flow”
they would totally throw puppet Biden under they bus to advance their wars
🇨🇳 exports most of the elicit drugs nowadays
🤡 Tell me more about how the CIA orchestrates China's exports to South American drug cartels 🤣
certified task and purpose classic
thanks glad you liked the report!
That song will be forever scarred into my brain.... good marketing!!
I'm surprised that they've managed to maintain the equipment for this long for it to actually function ngl
CIA give them enough ammo and gas, thats why
@@abdu7095 True
Even though the Taliban only has 80,000 troops, I sure as hell wouldn't want to fight them. They've managed to attain victory after decades of war against much more technologically advanced forces, first against the Soviets, then against the USA. These guys are probably the most experienced fighters in the world. War is all they know.
They are good at guerilla warfare,winning over usa is an overstatement, the usa massacred them after it was very obvious that many afghans wanted the taliban to rule so it was meaningless to even try regime change, Soldiers often admitted how the soldiers they trained either werent really interested in protecting the ruling gov or used trainings to straight up switch sides, its very hard to push for regime change in a country which is deeply against it, every civilian can became a fighter next day no matter how much fighters you kill, the same kind of thing is happening in ukraine right now where the russians thought that ukranians will gladly accept them into kyiev but the ukranian higher officals run intelligence on which majors/leaders could be a russian favour and they immediately expelled them.
If Iran wants to take the same approach as the USA/soviets to push for regime change they will fail.But also by blocking water iranians will be more sacrifising than usa and soviet soldiers were.
@@Ufhhh12the west lost against the Taliban not because of their poor military but because of poor politicians who at the end of the day never had the backbone to go all out war on the Taliban and Afghanistan the British soldiers never had tanks in the battlefield because the government said because of the tanks weight they would destroy the Afghan infrastructure have you ever heard as much crap in your entire life my nephew did 3 tours in Afghanistan with a Scottish regiment and he said they never lost a battle with the Taliban it was their senior officers who told them to pull back
Usa could have decimated them but there was no point, there was no point of even being in afghanistan why even kill civilians
They are still no match for Iranian forces.
@@bocaj.455Yeah, I'm thinking Iranian soldiers won't be fighting under the same ROE US coalition forces were. The Taliban may be battle hardened, but so are the Iranians. Both sides have leadership who have first hand fighting knowledge.
This would be only the first of many water wars coming in the near future
The quality and depth of information in your videos has continued to grow, and it's really quite amazing to watch.
Keep up the good work.
When you see a two fish fighting each other know that a British person just passed by.
nice to see those weapons put to good use after all
I remember when the administration originally tried to tell us all of this stuff was inoperable.
Exactly what I remember and that it couldn't be repaired.
@@therhino26 Yep
@@therhino26 What specifically did the administration state?
@@MikeRyzhikov research. I shouldn't have to do homework for everyone on youtube.They said exactly what I said.
"It's a pity they both can't lose."
my thoughts on aipac and other epstein connected groups.
They might not both lose the fight, but both will lose ammunition and equipment. Neither side has a way of replacing what they lost.
They absolutely can
@@orlock20 w t f? lol
You deserve an upvote just for that jingle!
TLDR: We left plans for this attack in the "do not touch" folder. I can picture it. Convoy lined up, kits for a few companies in neat piles, big ass arrow saying "don't follow this combat plan" with a whiteboard and the plan.
The taliban didn't need prompts to have a fight with Iran before, and don't need it now. They went and stormed the iranian consulate all on their own.
I think if you really wanted to have some afghan warlords as proxies against Iran, it would be a lot easier to just chat them up. I think they'd do it if they were given enough cash and resources and thought they could get away with it.
@@SusCalvin humor...went right over yee head.
@@natel7382 Humour is that the USA and Iran sometimes supported the same anti-taliban warlords, or how the USA told their afghan proxy goernment that they absolutey must not negotiate with the taliban and then went on to negotiate a separate peace with the taliban in Doha.
It's only a matter of time for there to be a conflict. If things are peaceful, people are going to want better opportunities. But the people in power will cause conflicts so that they can remain in power.
why NATO countries supports the genocide of Palestinians
I'm not a fan of the Iranian leadership, but Iran taking over Afghanistan may be the best thing that could happen to Afghanistan since 2001.
No, returning the wealth the USA confiscated to Afghans and removal of sanctions would be the best. The USA won't do it, so we're glad the USA is getting higher inflation as a result of it's sanctions policy
@@zoybean oh yeah Afghanistan was on its way to becoming the next Dubai before the US came...
@@GenuisInvictus Typical cop out response. Doesn't matter if it was rich or not (USA bombed Libya which was rich but now it's dirt poor post NATO). You people used tons of kids in military bases, increased poppy production, etc. The Taliban kicked out your pedo warlord friends, ended poppy production, and doubled exports in their very first year in power.
Or not. either way will be entertaining.
That ad was the best thing ever.
Imagine if USA had transported even 50% of the stuff abandoned in Afghanistan to Ukraine....
Cheaper to do it this way. Abandon crap you don't need and send better crap to people who do need it. Hindsight and all but humvees are just slightly beefier jeeps. In Ukraine a car is probably just as good of a transport logistic wise.
Ukrainian officials would have a lot more money in their pockets!
they would have burned the same way the Bradley's do
@@jacobsalmi5582 Humvee will protect its occupants much better than a normal road vehicle there are many instances of Humvee in Ukraine hitting a mine and the crew are OK, Humvee will also protect from shrapnel and bullets. Plus the Humvee much better off-road then civilian vehicles.
@@ATFxx Still nowhere near as much as totally corrupt kleptocratic RuZZian government...
As a Canadian waiting for the water wars with the US to start in a few years 😅
No, it won't. And you would lose.
I mean US leaving military equipment for Afghan to go against Iran, kinda makes sense lol.
By comparison, there is still kit left from the balkan wars floating around the black markets of Europe. Guns don't go bad and destroying huge amounts of them is a lot of work. At best, you need a machine shop where armourers saw them apart. Or dump them down the ocean.
Wars always creates situations where a lot of leftover kit is sitting around and the blokes supposed to guard it are either dead, busy somewhere else or gone during windows of opportunity.
This was a DEEP analysis! Well done
Not to try to make political mileage out of this but the US withdrawal will be remembered as one of the worst blunders in human history. I can't think of another incident to rival it in incompetence/corruption. For whatever reason it is also one of the least investigated or at least publicly examined scandals I can think of. If it had happened under any other administration, Democrat or Republican, it would have resulted in severe consequences for the people in charge, with resignations and sackings being the least of it. The only possible answer I can think of is the mainstream media and political power brokers are so terrified of Donald Trump they will go to any lengths necessary to prevent any hint of failure to be attached to the current administration. It is truly unprecedented.
Afghanistan was supposed to continue fighting but U.S. left they dropped the weapons and surrendered like🐓
@@louiegonzales1407 And? That makes the decision to withdraw any better?
The withdrawal happens under Biden. But yeah continue to try to sound educated
you guys lost lol not Afghanistan. You literally lost the same way you lost Vietnam, except this time it was much worst for you hahahah@@louiegonzales1407
Who would have thought that Brandon and Milley were such strategic geniuses, playing the long game. 😂
Nobody thinks that. Our enemies just happen to be dumber than them.
@@theguybehindyou4762or u doomber than them
@@BongaMotau-fc2eh China Joe and Thoroughly Modern Milley are some of the most inept leaders in recorded history (if they didn't sabotage their own side on purpose), but despite being given an easy victory that they did not earn, the taliban are wasting no time throwing that away by attacking a modern country right next to them before they've learned to competently fly their own (captured) helicopters.
I reckon they'll be in bad shape when we return for the stranded Americans once Trump is back in office.
As always, excellent video! On a side note, I hope Morgan & Morgan paid you a lot of extra money for that jingle.
Corporations pay hundreds of thousands, sometimes Millions for a catchy jingle. And you just created one. It's both catchy, and hilarious.... and most importantly it captures the attention of subliminal memory.
My background is industrial organizational psychology, I know a little something something, about this kind of stuffy stuff. ☺🤔
Your channel: really good
Your jingles: please stop
Your content has journalistic depth, editorial analysis and great graphics. Thanks for the good work
6:38 really the guy just made one country dependent on the other by accident. This was also accidentally done with every colonial state. This is classic colonial policy. By either incorporating to many competing tribes and or making one colonial state dependent upon another the British made themselves the arbiters between competing groups the use of a soft glove power system.
Common British W. Rule, Britannia!
i thought they were just stupid and arrogant.
@@DirkusTurkess seeing how much the colonies comes back to bite them,like in Londonistan with stabbings and Mohamed being the most common baby name,no it is a World W and England L.
Free Scotland,Wales,Cornwall and Ireland.
So you really think it's practical to draw borders between countries so that a major river flows through one country only? If he had attempted to do that, you'd be complaining about the border splitting up ethnic groups and putting hostile ethnic groups together in the same nation.
Afghanistan was one part of the old Persian empire, Farsi is very similar to Dari the language most spoken in Afghanistan.
At one time, both countries were under the control of the Islamic Caliph.
The farsi speakers collaborated with USA and made them overthrow the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. But these Farsi speakers took their pants off and fled once their American patrons withdrew.
Its not similar its the same also Persian soeaking afghans themselves call it Farsi not dari, dari is a political term created by pashtuns who fear Persian separatism inside afcrapistan
@@KoroushRP (Tašakor) تشك
Taliban are pashtuns not farsi
That jingle was off the hook homie
In the words of the great Ken Watanabe:
“Let them fight!”
You have to recognize that Taliban are trully badasses. The Fought the URRS in the 80's and won, and this century there where fighting 3 enemies (NATO, Afghan Army and the Islamic State) at the same time and still won all these wars... would be interesting to see how they do against Iran
I wouldn’t say badasses they just survive
@@wolverines5279The USSR fought the Mujahideen, the Taliban were formed from the children who fled during this conflict.
Many Former mujaheedin is the key member in taliban early days.. Fighting in same style while the ideology is more polished
I bet Iran wouldn't purposely tie the hands of their military to impose their will.
@@littlekeyb6352......and context is important. Not everyone knows.
It’s times like this that make it hard for me to believe my friends died for something over there.
A lot of Afghans got the chance to get out of there, a lot of women especially got education and opportunities they wouldn't have otherwise. In total there's now 8 million people out of Afghanistan, quite a lot of escapes.
And we killed Bin Laden's successor who helped plan 9/11 shortly after we withdrew. Al Qaeda's current most senior member tried to stop the attacks all those years ago, so now that we eliminated Zawahiri in 2022 they aren't nearly as big of a threat. It took all 20 years to pull it off
That Morgan and Morgan jingle had me laughing so hard I cried a little 😂😂
Iranian embassy getting stormed in Afghanistan and they got salty is one hell of an irony.
The iranian consulate was attacked years ago, back when the taliban had their first stint at running Afghanistan. I think that was the point when things just kept getting worse between them.
Iran had already objected to how the taliban treated minorities in the country.
as if the US embassy spies didn't deserve to get arrested for what their predecessors did in 1953
Yooo, that is crazy. The CIA def playing 4D chess. I wouldn't doubt that they left it there because they already knew that tensions would rise for a reason and then the Taliban would have US weaponry, which would make the Taliban likely more confident in attacking or being more aggressive.
Fucking hope so
The only reason I don’t buy this is because I just think we’re giving them too much credit. Though tbf I guess figuring out how to pacify Afghanistan is a much harder task than figuring out how to rile it up
…. The only reason they got their hands on those weapons is due to afghan military retreating right away
Well think about the logistics of moving that many vehicles in the time required. It's taken us months to get a few Bradleys to Ukraine.
@@OryxAU But why did we have to leave ASAP? We were really THAT incapable of spending an extra few months there if we really wanted to? Idk that much about why it happened so quickly but I would assume we would be able to stay longer if we really wanted to
Chris you do such a super job. I thoroughly enjoy your videos, content and style. With your background you're a denominator in a space full of numerators. Thank you.
No idea this was happening there! Excellent video 👏🏻
This is trenchant and accessible analysis unavailable anywhere else. Kudos. Separately, a question about all that leftover U.S. military equipment that the Taliban got as a door prize upon the departure of the U.S.-led international forces. Isn't most of it going to be unusable because the Taliban will run out of bullets, shells, spare parts, rust remover, and gasoline?
After while things will break. At one point they will use some to keep the others going but without arranging supplies and new parts in time there US equipment will just diminish into smaller numbers. Barr the small arms and assualt rifles what they have is set amount of equipment which will shrink.
Which means that water price will be set high in order to buy more. Pay or die of thirst Taliban doesn’t need weapons it has the most valuable resource ( the element of survival) how long can Iran survive with zero water after one week? Two weeks, three weeks?
Pretty sure they'll figure it out with Chinese
The last major war between Iran/Persia and Afghanistan broke out during 1701. The 27 years war ended when Pashtuns captured Asfahan, the capital of Safvid Persian empire. This caused the capitulation of Iran and ensured a short lived Hottak Pashtun rule over Iran.
And after that Nader shah the Napoleon of the east chase afghans to India not just capturing afghan lands but also captured India 😂
Actually I have recently heard that the Taliban has returned to their old policy of cracking down on all drugs especially opium production, which has been cut by over 80%.
Shhh the usa doesnt want you to know that!
didn't expect the water wars to start this quickly
I have nothing against self-regulation among criminals.
why do you think they are criminals? Iran thinks the US is criminal for interfering in their country and supporting a dictator.
This Morgan&Morgan has a huge "Saul Goodman" vibe😂
I better call Saul!
Hi, I'm Saul Goodman. Did you know you have rights?
If you want to know someone's intentions, look at the results/impact. Arming the Taliban wasn't a mistake. Fighting over their own interests still furthers America's goals by destabalizing Iran, or at least keeping their hands tied.
The Taliban did notify the US that they took out an ISIL cell that was responsible for killing American servicemen. Strange bedfellows.