A child in a war torn country, closing his eyes and wishing for Superman as his people are suffering…our World has never needed this character more than now. "If America has a legend comparable to the ageless myths of antiquity, there's is Superman." - Alan Moore.
To introduce your Superman not doing some heroic stuff, saving the day, etc, BUT in the fetal position and absolutely wrecked looking. Tells me Gunns Superman is gonna be something special. Or at least I’m hoping.
I love that this movie feels epic and serious with no jokes. Real stakes. Superman bleeding and needing help and they have a real score not modern music ❤🙏🏾💪🏾
I loved the teaser trailer, so don't get it confused when I say this. It would be funny if at the end superman gets his new suit that looks better to the ones who complained about it. And inspires the other heroes who change their suits. As it shows it with superman speaking over each of the scenes. Showing each hero with the suit they want. Being themselves and not afraid to go their own paths. Before he goes into the sky as the film ends. 😂 But honestly I like the suit, it makes superman look like a outsider, even to the other heroes.
I love Krypto, the super-dog, but Lex would never use a gun; he has the power of the US Presidency; if needed, he can get his henchmen - or even loyal [but brainwashed] followers - to do his bidding for him.
Absolutely garbage the trailer was meh, the tone looks parody big time. I hope you enjoy it, but I won’t be giving a penny to James the Stain Gunn. Can’t believe we lost our grounded superman Cavill, MOS2 for this and narcissism of James Gunn! Sure David will crush it and I hope you all enjoy it.
Ah yes, the ‘grounded’ Cavill Superman who got compared to Jesus every 5 seconds? The Superman who straight up killed people if he wanted to? Yeah, I love Henry Cavill, but thank god that version is over. If the first thing you thought after seeing this trailer was that it looked like a parody, that just tells me you know nothing about how Superman actually is. James Gunn gets it, and he hasn’t missed with a single superhero movie/series yet. He wouldn’t have been put in charge of restarting DC if such a mess wasn’t made in the first place, much of which was Snyder’s fault; directly or indirectly.
It’s a Superman that’s actually Superman. The last best Superman was Tyler from the Superman and Lois show. We were stuck with the filth that was Cavil’s interpretation and now that version is being wiped away in the trash where it belongs
A child in a war torn country, closing his eyes and wishing for Superman as his people are suffering…our World has never needed this character more than now. "If America has a legend comparable to the ageless myths of antiquity, there's is Superman." - Alan Moore.
We got our superman...Donald j trump
@@mccleandazza4618more like lex Luthor lol
@@mccleandazza4618Lex Luthor is literally just Trump in all the 90s and early 2000s comics lol what are you talking about
It's a movie, relax
@@mccleandazza4618Mf u really dare to compare a universal hope symbol with donald mf Trump?
Yall hear the faint chanting of "Superman" towards the end of the trailer. Chills.
The character is so iconic that there was no need to put the title of the movie in the trailer.
Henry did a great job.
And David will continue that greatness that Superman symbolizes.
Batman: "Do you bleed?"
Superman: "Apparently, yes...."
It made me cry. It made me fking cry.
I want this to succeed!!! There's a lot going on on James Gunn's mind that i want to see in both movies and tv.
Hopefully this is a beautiful start to the DCU!
Seems like even they forgot about Snyder. Everyone’s moved on finally. We’ve got both a great Batman and Superman now.
What I love about THIS IS... FAITHFUL TO THE MATERIAL. Reminds me of Joker too, the music, drama, refreshing cinematography, it has the whole works.
You're not Henry Cavill, but, I think you've made them all proud, this great. Well done.
LMFAO Henry cavill isn’t even a top 3 superman. Go watch more superman media you čučk😭
To introduce your Superman not doing some heroic stuff, saving the day, etc, BUT in the fetal position and absolutely wrecked looking. Tells me Gunns Superman is gonna be something special.
Or at least I’m hoping.
Holy shit, I'm hardly a Superman fan and I got goosebumps.
Best reaction yet!
LET'S GO!!! 😄😄
I love that this movie feels epic and serious with no jokes. Real stakes. Superman bleeding and needing help and they have a real score not modern music ❤🙏🏾💪🏾
Everyone deserves hope and it's beautiful how David's new version conveys it. Seriously, this gives a huge boost to Gunn's DC.🔥🔥❤💙
Superman is back...finally! 👏 I can't wait to watch this movie with my family especially with my son!
No more multiple trailers! Keep your audience hungry!
Marvel got competition finally🔥🔥🔥👏👏
Man I miss henry cavill, this was supposed to be his movie
I loved the teaser trailer, so don't get it confused when I say this. It would be funny if at the end superman gets his new suit that looks better to the ones who complained about it. And inspires the other heroes who change their suits. As it shows it with superman speaking over each of the scenes. Showing each hero with the suit they want. Being themselves and not afraid to go their own paths. Before he goes into the sky as the film ends. 😂 But honestly I like the suit, it makes superman look like a outsider, even to the other heroes.
loved it....utterly
Metamorpho looks great too
I love Krypto, the super-dog, but Lex would never use a gun; he has the power of the US Presidency; if needed, he can get his henchmen - or even loyal [but brainwashed] followers - to do his bidding for him.
This trailer gave me chills!
I would have preferred just seeing Superman, and Lex, tad of Krypto. There’s a lot going on for a trader. BUT!!! Looks damn comic accurate.
ok ok ok ... meh
Ayo look at how all the copium fanboys try to defend and praise the new one 😭😭😭 even though they know it’s trash.
Someone somewhere is thinking, thank God he didn't make a Batman movie.
Cheap looking video game circus with a flying dog for the kiddies.
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane! It's Zumerman,no wait it's Yamcha
Unbelievable. The best ever
Jonathan Kent, not a looker on this one.
Everything looks good except for the suit...the shoulder pads are ridiculous.
I don’t know man, I love the suit. The colours, the logo and the smaller one on the cape, even the trunks- it just screams classic Superman.
this looks okay but not great
Trailer was CRAP
Absolutely garbage the trailer was meh, the tone looks parody big time. I hope you enjoy it, but I won’t be giving a penny to James the Stain Gunn. Can’t believe we lost our grounded superman Cavill, MOS2 for this and narcissism of James Gunn! Sure David will crush it and I hope you all enjoy it.
Ah yes, the ‘grounded’ Cavill Superman who got compared to Jesus every 5 seconds? The Superman who straight up killed people if he wanted to? Yeah, I love Henry Cavill, but thank god that version is over. If the first thing you thought after seeing this trailer was that it looked like a parody, that just tells me you know nothing about how Superman actually is. James Gunn gets it, and he hasn’t missed with a single superhero movie/series yet. He wouldn’t have been put in charge of restarting DC if such a mess wasn’t made in the first place, much of which was Snyder’s fault; directly or indirectly.
Incredibly meh
Looks like yet another disaster for DC. The dog? Really?
It’s a Superman that’s actually Superman. The last best Superman was Tyler from the Superman and Lois show. We were stuck with the filth that was Cavil’s interpretation and now that version is being wiped away in the trash where it belongs
It made me cry. It made me fking cry.