Changing Brain Patterns: Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Golf-%-Mastery
    Using Science to understand the brain and its application to your golf game
    If you are going to change your mechanics, you must become your own teacher using training aids that virtually force you to swing differently and optimally.
    Arnold Palmer stated it correctly for those who have reached the single digit handicap level on their own. Palmer’s recent statement on TV was for you to find your own swing, find you own game. No two golfers have ever looked exactly alike and no two golfers will ever look exactly alike. The brain stores your individual patterns in the basal ganglia. The brain is storing billions of instructions to contract your muscles in the sequence you stored them. No other person can have your exact patterns.
    As an amateur, if you reach the single digit level, you are better than 95% of the golfer who play the game. DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR EFFECTIVE BRAIN PATTERNS.
    The two main reasons to change mechanics are:
    • INJURIES: Injuries to the back, shoulders and knees have forced a high percentage of golfers to seek a mechanics that reduces the pain to an acceptable level. G%M has the least tension by a substantial margin in the back, shoulders and knees over the traditional rotary golf mechanics.
    • High Handicaps: If, on the other hand, you are among the 90% plus who shoot 90 or above, this is a different story. You have developed your unique patterns that are NOT EFFECTIVE. If you have been playing with your current mechanics for two years or longer, they are permanent and automatic. No matter how hard you try to change with a tip or a lesson, your brain will always default to your ineffective mechanical patterns. All TIP teaching fails! The brain DOES NOT WORK on TIPS!
    When you take lessons, you do not change your automatic long term brain patterns. You only create new patterns in the hippocampus section of your brain; short term memory. These patterns are temporary and leave the brain within a few days. The percent of a lesson’s mechanics that are stored in short term memory is extremely low and is never retained for long term or automatic use. Virtually everyone who takes a lesson gets worse and returns to their established default mechanics.
    My latest discovery Golf-%-Mastery is OPTIMUM golf mechanics. The mechanics are laughably simple. Changing your brain patterns to do the simple motion is NOT! Neuroscience shows that to succeed with a mechanical change requires correct practice several times a week for two years. The time frame for putting an effective program in short term memory varies greatly from golfer to golfer. I have had amazing results in as little as thirty days. The average time frame for the brain to start accepting the mechanical changes is around 3 months and the average time frame for seeing lower scores is around 6 months. However, these neuronal patterns are stored in short-term memory. It does not become permanent until around the two-year time frame.
    It would be wonderful if the brain could see and hear reality. The brain sees and hears its current reality. The new reality must be reinforced numerous times before the new reality is interpreted correctly.
    If you want to achieve success, you need to consider purchasing the training aids and getting started on reaching your potential as a golfer.
    You cannot change brain patterns by looking at video and trying to duplicate it.
    You cannot change brain patterns by listening to an instructor.
    You change brain patterns only when you perform correct repetition with the G%M aids.
    The G%M training aids force you to change your mechanics.
    The G%M training aids are an ABSOLUTE MUST if you really want to make a change.
    My stressing that you must have the G%M training aid to make an effective change is because this is the only PROVEN way to change your brain patterns. I have success with every golfer who uses my training aids as directed.
    Neuroscience information states that it takes around TWO years to make a permanent change in golf mechanics; transfer brain patterns from short term memory to long term memory. This is what is called automatic motion; no thinking about the motion. However, short term memory can start to become effective in as little as 30 days. In 90 days, short term memory can become very effective and produce excellent results. In 180 days, you may think you have conquered golf mechanics. This is the critical time to continue performing the drills. It is only about 80 strokes, three times a week to continue the process to automatic. Therefore, you must become your own teacher. You must have training aids that force you to swing correctly. The brain does not change its mechanical patterns with TIP teaching or watching VIDEOS or READING instructions. Brain patterns change, ONLY, when an exact motion is used over and over again.