Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor I - Introitus and Kyrie

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • John Eliot Gardiner conducts the English Baroque Soloists and the Monteverdi Choir. This performance was filmed at the Palau de la Musica Catalana, Barcelona in Dec. 1991.
    A Requiem Mass in the Roman Catholic tradition is a service designed to pray for the souls of the departed. The parts of the liturgy that are meant to be sung are what constitute all Requiem Mass compositions, including Mozart's.
    The structure is as follows:
    1. Introit
    2. Kyrie
    3. Sequence:
    a. Dies irae
    b. Tuba mirum
    c. Rex tremendae
    d. Recordare
    e. Confutatis
    f. Lacrimosa
    4. Offertory:
    a. Domine Jesu Christe
    b. Hostias
    5. Sanctus
    6. Benedictus
    7. Agnus Dei
    8. Lux Aeterna
    Mozart died before finishing the Requiem Mass, and his wife Constanze gave the task of finishing the work to a pupil of Mozart's named Süssmayr. From the Sanctus onward, the Requiem is the creation of Süssmayr, though he did use portions of the Introit and Kyrie for the Lux Aeterna.
    Despite, or maybe partially because of, the controversy surrounding this Requiem Mass, it is widely regarded as Mozart's greatest masterpiece.
    Below is the Latin and the English translation for the Introit and Kyrie.
    Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine
    Eternal rest grant unto them, Lord
    Requiem æternam dona eis
    Eternal rest grant unto them
    et lux perpetua
    and perpetual light
    et lux perpetua luceat
    and perpetual light shine
    luceat eis.
    shine on them.
    Te decet hymnus Deus
    A hymn comes to you
    in Sion
    in Zion
    et tibi reddetur votum in Ierusalem.
    and to you a vow shall be repaid in Jerusalem.
    Exaudi Exaudi Exaudi
    Hear, hear, hear
    orationem meam
    my prayer
    ad te, ad te
    to you, to you
    omnis caro veniet.
    all flesh will come.
    Requiem æternam dona eis,
    Requiem æternam dona eis,
    Domine et lux perpetua
    et lux perpetua
    et lux perpetua
    luceat eis.
    luceat eis.
    Kyrie eleison, eleison.
    God have mercy.
    Kyrie eleison, eleison.
    Kyrie eleison, eleison.
    Christe eleison, eleison.
    Christ have mercy.
    Christe eleison, eleison.
    Kyrie eleison.
    God have mercy.


  • @baroqueman1
    @baroqueman1 6 років тому +18

    As an experienced choral-singer, I can say that very few other pieces of choral music affect me as profoundly as this movement. I'm unashamed to say that often it moves me to tears when listening to its sublimity.

  • @357MagnumBob
    @357MagnumBob 9 років тому +19

    Was jogging in the park in Santiago (Chile) a while ago when I heard a choir ahead. A full stage with thousands of chairs were set up in the Park, and this is what was performed... very cool.

  • @workingmansblues
    @workingmansblues 14 років тому +11

    This is indescribable beauty. The first measures of Mozart's Requiem sound like the soundtrack of the end of every life.

  • @geisterbahn1
    @geisterbahn1 15 років тому +3

    I suffered from severe depression for a long time and struggled through. The music of Mozart has cured the illness!!! its like a miricle, if a depressive phase kicks in ,I listen to any Mozart masterpiece and hey presto, I can think as clear as a bell ! wonder if any one else has this phenomenon!

    • @whyugottaknow6433
      @whyugottaknow6433 3 роки тому

      I know I’m 11 years late but, I get this too!! I feel so motivated and energetic after listening to Herr Mozart’s pieces of work!!

    • @reversestudios1055
      @reversestudios1055 Рік тому

      13 years later I'm down a rabbit hole where I went from Mozart's Dies Irae to Verdi's, and now I'm here
      who would've thought that a requiem could bring so much joy

  • @marresendezcuellar7342
    @marresendezcuellar7342 3 роки тому +4

    Siempre regreso a ver esta interpretacion que desde mi punto de vista es la mejor realizada ,Mozart estaria orgulloso del señor Gardiner!!!

  • @phbarnes
    @phbarnes 9 років тому +31

    The greatest composer's final goodbye.

    • @samuelarthur4931
      @samuelarthur4931 8 років тому +3

      +Peter Barnes its sad to think how mozart seems wrote a mass for himself

    • @brianjordan5737
      @brianjordan5737 6 років тому

      Irish songs

    • @brianjordan5737
      @brianjordan5737 6 років тому

      @Roger Godwin Irish songs

    • @v.britton4445
      @v.britton4445 3 роки тому

      Loving this..!!!! .also Faure Requiem....try Notre Dame recording and hold on to the earth.

  • @gustavramirez2891
    @gustavramirez2891 10 років тому +12

    The greatest Catholic mass of all time...

  • @bonesstorage
    @bonesstorage 17 років тому +2

    Mozart was touched by angels. Turn it up! Neighbours never complain 'bout classical music. Thanks for the posting. Gardiner is top man.

  • @TheRequiemMaster999
    @TheRequiemMaster999 14 років тому +3

    I think that this Requiem is one of the best works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. A major tribute to Death written by a unique genius....
    It's a wonderful music piece. I love it!

  • @lisamaria030388
    @lisamaria030388 16 років тому +1

    I sang the Mozart Requiem myself a couple of weeks ago and its one of the most beautiful pieces for choir and orchestra that I've ever heard or sung.

  • @_Athanos
    @_Athanos 3 роки тому +4

    The first 6 bars are beyond what we could ever fathom, I just wish to know what went through Mozart's mind when composing this

    • @legitme7572
      @legitme7572 2 роки тому +2

      It’s really depressing to know he died while writing this masterpiece.

  • @Zoeyinterface
    @Zoeyinterface 13 років тому +2

    the beethoven sonata moonlight and mozart lacrimosa are the most beautiful songs ever made on this world.

  • @0000max0000
    @0000max0000 14 років тому

    we have forgotten what music is these days, but if we find this beautiful now, with all the music and the internet and tv to hear all these wonderful sounds, imagine how amazing this music would have been to the people of mozarts era

  • @raizifundamento
    @raizifundamento 14 років тому +1

    Yo cuando escuché la misa de Requiem de Mozart volví a creer en Dios. Gracias a esta obra uno se encuentra cara a cara con lo sublime, con esa esencia absoluta que nos supera y nos recuerda la fragilidad del alma... muchas gracias por subir este video.

  • @Lobbelt
    @Lobbelt 16 років тому +1

    This is one of the greatest musical works ever.

  • @penguinmama88
    @penguinmama88 14 років тому +4

    ...may music bring us all together: the genius of Mozart and the tragedies of man combine to give us all a bit of PEACE. Pax vobiscum xo

  • @eisfeldt
    @eisfeldt 12 років тому +1

    That is the genius of Mozart. Deceptively simple yet profoundly complex. Somehow tender and fragile, yet bears a transcendental strength. He taps into that mysterious essence of what makes us human.

  • @tanaquil1983
    @tanaquil1983 11 років тому

    one of the best performances of it have ever heard!!! the crescendos and decrescendos were spot on, everyone's timing was perfect, and voices clear in the high notes and not brassy. Im in heaven right now!

  • @finlayma84
    @finlayma84 17 років тому +1

    this is my very favorite performance of my very favorite piece. Thanks for posting!

  • @ihamoitc2005
    @ihamoitc2005 13 років тому

    It's impossible to imagine how this music could be more perfect. Regardless of what tempo is chosen, the sheer brilliance behind every note, harmony, and polyphonic utterance shines through like a beacon of hope and glory.

  • @RepublicTX
    @RepublicTX 16 років тому +2

    If Mozart's Requiem can't make you believe in God, nothing can. This piece pierces my very soul.

  • @GasCityGuy
    @GasCityGuy 13 років тому +1

    Thanks for posting, I had a video tape of this complete performance but lost it years ago. Mozart's Requiem has always been one of my favorite pieces of work. As with all of the great masterpieces, it has that extra, undefinable spark that sets it apart from everything else.

  • @RandyGla
    @RandyGla 13 років тому

    Thank God Mozart used the clarinet. Such a forward thinking composer. All during my undergrad studies I kept hearing, "You have to beat least 40 to really PLAY Mozart". Now that I am 43, I agree!

  • @Alfredghz
    @Alfredghz 16 років тому

    The music simply overpowers the listener. This is the greatest introduction any great work could possibly get.

  • @RaptorJesus.
    @RaptorJesus. 15 років тому

    amazing peice of music that deserves to go down in history.
    RIP Mozart.

  • @ihamoitc2005
    @ihamoitc2005 12 років тому

    The way such gorgeously composed fugal sections are so effortlessly woven into the music is nothing less than a miracle.

  • @quagapp
    @quagapp 15 років тому +2

    I have loved this Requiem since I saw the film about Mozart (Amadeus) - he died while writing this and Sussmayr completed it so - a great work by Mozart and Sussmayr.
    I have played this when in some despair and when not - and when my cat died! But I used to play the whole thing over and over at night all night sometimes for days and days... not so much lately but it is a great work. I don't think Mozart knew he was dying. He wanted to write a great work but he also needed the money.

  • @jimmamd123
    @jimmamd123 11 років тому +1

    This is madly incredible.

  • @metallord999
    @metallord999 14 років тому

    Classical music, Mozart especial has no time can be appreciated by all ages

  • @kshoes83
    @kshoes83 13 років тому

    Yes, and I will be taking my 14 year old daughter. She is too young to appreciate the impact of this music, but it if she has the experience, perhaps someday she will remember and smile, knowing why. Honestly, I do not get emotional very easily, even in very difficult situations. Why music has this impact is a mystery. It's wonderful that you can perform this, and have done so. I am a guitarist, and play mostly blues, folk, and rock. Hearing this music has already made me a better player.

  • @aaron1983
    @aaron1983 15 років тому

    I was lucky enough to hear this live in a performance in RCBC Theater, Philippines when I was a young kid with my family. I can never forget the feeling of like 50 people singing at the same time with such determination.

  • @lindseygries9546
    @lindseygries9546 8 років тому +1

    Just sang this in high school chorus... My all time favorite performance

    • @jackthompson9783
      @jackthompson9783 4 роки тому

      Somebody needs to try this with a middle school chorus.

  • @kairi3177
    @kairi3177 16 років тому

    One of my favorite classical pieces. I always get such a incredible feeling when listening to it especially during the Kyrie.

  • @Corrust
    @Corrust 16 років тому

    I think that this, in addition to the other videos of you've posted, is the best performance of Mozart's Requiem that I have ever heard. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  • @Caravagg10
    @Caravagg10 16 років тому +1

    La música más hermosa que se pueda escuchar...

  • @seekwisdominside
    @seekwisdominside 15 років тому

    Thank you for uploading this - always and foreverr touches me to the core, this wonderful, haunting, unbelievable music. May you be well and happy.

  • @BIGACE310
    @BIGACE310 15 років тому

    there is so much beauty in classical music

  • @Elainelps0421
    @Elainelps0421 14 років тому

    I am very excited:) I will have the opportunity to play this great music again (I am a violinist). I have grown even more fond of it since I last played it a few years ago. In this, his final work, I can hear Mozart evolving. Who knows what greater heights he would have achieved had he lived beyond his meager 35 years. I cannot imagine anything more ethereal than this requiem!

  • @alejandrodalay
    @alejandrodalay 14 років тому +1

    This great master piece is so emotional and powerful!! Made for rock the soul!

  • @gustavogus533
    @gustavogus533 4 роки тому +1

    4:40 from this point, the most exquisite composition of this genius begins.

  • @awomaninva55
    @awomaninva55 14 років тому

    Breathtakingly beautiful!! Love it. Thank you for posting this.

  • @Giancarlogg78
    @Giancarlogg78 16 років тому

    Cuando ensayaba para la presentación del requiem de Mozart mi entonces pareja, que de música clásica no sabía nada, me dijo que no le gustaba mucho por que parecía música de muertos, me maravillé del genio de Mozart pues no se necesitaba ser un conocedor, sólo ser sensible a la música para intuir o deducir que esta es una misa de requiem (o para muertos en terminos más coloquiales). Definitivamente un genio.

  • @Thesegutsaresteel
    @Thesegutsaresteel 13 років тому

    I can honestly say these are the most well written and considered youtube comments I have ever read.

  • @foggymemories
    @foggymemories 15 років тому +2

    There are 15 movements. Only Requiem was composed by Mozart alone. The rest were written by others. Though, Mozart did write part of Kyrie. The Colla-parte accompaniment was written by Franz Jacob Reystadler.
    Mozart is a freakin' prodegy! No words can describe how miraculous he was. He has got to be the best composer of all time.

  • @joannasaunders3940
    @joannasaunders3940 9 років тому

    mozart is so so so special, his music, it's just beautiful...

  • @Tahitianpearl75
    @Tahitianpearl75 15 років тому

    His music is divine, it is made for eternity.

  • @Kloxbyn
    @Kloxbyn 15 років тому +1

    Wow, this version is so much better than the other versions posted on UA-cam.

  • @JonathanGiraldo99
    @JonathanGiraldo99 15 років тому +1

    Grandioso! No one can direct Mozart as well as Gardiner!

  • @maciejweiss55
    @maciejweiss55 11 років тому

    absolutely marvellous, my mother was a musician and also performed Kyrie Eleisson during the time she sang in a choir. Thanks a lot for this video.

  • @harasnosilla
    @harasnosilla 12 років тому

    This is the best version on UA-cam.

  • @rabbitisrich
    @rabbitisrich 15 років тому

    This is a fucking amazing piece of music to play in the car at full volume, when you're driving over the north york moors in the middle of the night. Take my word for it.

  • @KillerClaire666
    @KillerClaire666 13 років тому

    Simply beautiful.

  • @geisterbahn1
    @geisterbahn1 15 років тому

    The magnifcence of the fugue in the kyrie is beyond words.!!!!!!!!

  • @maciekk7205
    @maciekk7205 14 років тому

    @tropiclassic08 Thank you America, and thank you all the world for everything what you have done in this week. We really apreciate that. Today was the worst day. Yes, in funeral mass orchestra played Mozart's Requiem. I'm hope you're proud to be half Polish, because it's a great honour... Pozdrawiam i jeszcze raz dziękuje.

  • @omnishubo
    @omnishubo 12 років тому

    I am so touched by the work itself and the performance.

  • @LaurinaHawks
    @LaurinaHawks 12 років тому

    This is a fantastic crystal clear recording and a very puristic interpretation. Wonderful.

  • @whythewar1
    @whythewar1 14 років тому

    With out music , my talents would be rupture , my life would be warped into a ball of busy chaos, what music does is make that chaos seem like it was there for a reason , so we can here the heaven we call music. =) Thank you mozart.

  • @nadavnaz2
    @nadavnaz2 15 років тому

    Coming back to this recording after all the explosive pumped over-performed and romanticised recordings is so good.

  • @HollywoodFan21
    @HollywoodFan21 12 років тому +1

    Mozart is the best composer for the eternity !
    Luis *

  • @trollkors78
    @trollkors78 14 років тому

    Soul trembling experience... GREAT!!

  • @Kafka48
    @Kafka48 14 років тому

    e meraviglioso..
    Commovente un ottima interpretazione..

  • @KenshiGirl
    @KenshiGirl 15 років тому

    if i was in the crowd for this performance they would have to put me out. i would sooooo cry. it's just beautiful! and they did an excellent job

  • @euro45
    @euro45 15 років тому

    i was watching tv and a short piece of this was on so i went and started looking fo it and i do not regret a thing this is a wonderful piece all i hear these days is "smack that ass ho" or "bring some toast to da club" and that passes off as music to us teens but if they heard this then people would wonder what musc REALLY is i truly respect mozart SO MUCH MORE

  • @opus100jl
    @opus100jl 12 років тому

    Very perceptive, and so true. Wonderfully said.

  • @Uxoriouswidow
    @Uxoriouswidow 15 років тому

    This composition is spot on.

  • @rhazob
    @rhazob 14 років тому +1

    Beau !

  • @Dnn57
    @Dnn57 13 років тому

    Incredible.... What a Sound, Lord! Makes me fall into tears..

  • @foggymemories
    @foggymemories 15 років тому

    There are 15 movements to Mozart's Requiem Mass in D minor. I just got done studying about Mozart. Here,
    1. Requeim
    2. Kyrie
    3. Dies irae
    4. Tub mirum
    5. Rex tremendae
    6. Recordare
    7. Confutatis
    8. Lacimosa
    9. Domine Jesu
    10. Domine Hostias
    11. Sanctus
    12. Benedictus
    13. Agnus Dei
    14. Lux aeterna
    15. Cum sanctis tuis

  • @Electroboost5
    @Electroboost5 13 років тому

    This is gorgeous.

  • @jujajuja22687
    @jujajuja22687 16 років тому

    das ist ein proffesioneller chor. Der bass und Tenor ist sehr gut zu hören. OIch liebe dieses requiem von mozart.

  • @arkadiuszkawako2169
    @arkadiuszkawako2169 12 років тому

    The best piece ever!

  • @kshoes83
    @kshoes83 13 років тому

    I am attending the performance of the requiem this Sunday at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia. It will be interesting to see if I can make it through the Intriotus without breaking down. Just having immersed myself into this master who connects so easily to the essence of humanity, and displays it so even a novice like myself can be so moved, I have yet to be able to even hear it with a dry eye.

  • @blacki39
    @blacki39 15 років тому

    u sooo true, im so happy that i found this!!!

  • @Fletcherubetcha
    @Fletcherubetcha 13 років тому

    soloist's voice = exquisite.

  • @ladynerva
    @ladynerva 15 років тому +1

    This does not mean that you haven't a clue who is Mozart, does it? Just because of your comment... Without doubt, Mozart is considered one of if not the greatest, most talented composer who ever lived on Earth...

  • @vampiredragongoddess
    @vampiredragongoddess 14 років тому

    beautiful. so expressive.

  • @inthegene
    @inthegene 14 років тому

    i believe this is DBSK many years ago
    so addictive
    the movement flows like a calm yet unprecedented river
    LOVE it

  • @erikabloyen
    @erikabloyen 15 років тому

    an absolute masterpiece

  • @Elainelps0421
    @Elainelps0421 13 років тому

    @kshoes83 Bravo to you for taking your daughter! Don't underestimate her ability to appreciate this great music, even at her young age! But, certainly, in years to come, she will remember it as one of the highlights of the times she got to spend with you. As a musician who does not normally get to play this music, kudos to you for your appreciation and love of it!

  • @cweiss88
    @cweiss88 17 років тому

    I think this is one of the most accurate performances of the Requiem Mass I've ever heard. Not many people pay to much attention to tempi or "incidental" markings anymore. This was the score as imagined by Mozart himself. I would have much preferred a boys choir to the woman in this performance... but it's a fairly demanding piece.

  •  16 років тому

    Amazing performance!

  • @FruitMeate
    @FruitMeate 14 років тому

    This piece is not Baroque, and not even close to Monteverdi, but these performers more than do justice to the piece. This is a brilliant performance, and it just goes to show you that musicians devoted enough to perform Baroque music in the proper style can do anything.

  • @RiaYerKnoo
    @RiaYerKnoo 15 років тому

    I would much rather it be played at my wedding whilst walking down the aisle in a huge church where the emotion could overload the room and take over. It would create the most wonderful atmosphere. It is so empowering and makes everything seem so amazing yet it makes you feel quite insygnificant while you're listening at the same time. I adore it.

  • @jaimefar
    @jaimefar 15 років тому

    Conmovedor y grandioso,para elevar el espiritu

  • @jonsson666
    @jonsson666 15 років тому

    I wonder when such genious as Mozart will live among people and be worishiped by mankind as should be....

  • @vederchi
    @vederchi 16 років тому

    The Genius of Mozart. What more can be said?

  • @HerrWarja
    @HerrWarja 14 років тому +1

    The tempo is in my opinion prefect.

  • @sethsakeeper
    @sethsakeeper 15 років тому

    absolutely famoninal performance, just beautiful. Mozart rocks

  • @imyumi
    @imyumi 13 років тому

    Listen. I don't understand music very well. I can't write music, I can't read music and I can't tell the difference between classical musicians. But even as a simpleton, when I listen to this, I know I am listening to something incredible

  • @mtv565
    @mtv565 13 років тому

    (cont)....Mozart was evidently fascinated by these works, and wrote a set of transcriptions for string trio of fugues from Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier, introducing them with preludes of his own. Mozart then set to writing fugues on his own, mimicking the Baroque style.

  • @twitface100
    @twitface100 13 років тому

    beutiul, thank you very much

  • @Svampebob01
    @Svampebob01 14 років тому

    Classical music is so much more than normal music. Its like feelings with sounds or something :p

  • @jeroen6bis
    @jeroen6bis 13 років тому


  • @kshoes83
    @kshoes83 13 років тому

    Thank you for asking.
    We sat in the corner of the first balcony and perhaps this location affected the acoustics, since the performance was not quite as dynamic as might be expected. For example, when the chorus sang for the first time at the beginning of the Introitus, it is a very powerful statement in the recorded versions. It seemed more subdued. It seemed that the Kimmel might be too large a venue, and overwhelmed a bit. It would be nice to see it at the Academy of Music...

  • @1dcowboysfan
    @1dcowboysfan 14 років тому

    Beautiful piece...and one incredible talent!

  • @HerrWarja
    @HerrWarja 15 років тому

    The Kyrie is the best I've heard one UA-cam

  • @hariel
    @hariel 15 років тому

    goosebumps everywhere

  • @mixterleo
    @mixterleo 13 років тому

    To the few that think that this piece is too fast in tempo, I suggest that a Requeim is just as much a celebration of the deceasted...there are slower (more mornful) passages in this performance, but in the end.....there is ALSO a powerful message in a reasonable tempo....(not fast), which this entire performance is....
    It is a magnificant performance my ANY measure...

  • @antikertech157
    @antikertech157 11 років тому

    ¿Solo hay poco más de un millón de veces que se ha visto esta majestuosa música de Mozart?, ¿pero qué le esta pasando a toda la gente en el planeta?. Escuchar este introitus mientras se estudia teoría de números, física y astronomia hace pensar que uno lo descubrirá todo. Además, escuchar el requiem mientras se mira el cielo nocturno despejado es una experiencia inolvidable que me hace querer explorar el universo. Gracias Mozart.

  • @swirlytwirls
    @swirlytwirls 14 років тому

    I can not even express these feelings in my heart