Mom Gives Fiery Speech After Teacher Allegedly Tried To Teach 8-Year-Olds About 'Sexual Orientation'

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
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    Watch this mom’s speech after she allegedly discovered emails revealing a third-grade teacher discussing sex and LGBTQ topics in the classroom.
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 12 тис.

  • @jaimefox3305
    @jaimefox3305 2 роки тому +3900

    I'm a social worker and this is child abuse, these people should be arrested and not allowed around children EVER.

    • @DharaGrace
      @DharaGrace 2 роки тому +32

      You aren't any decent social worker if you stand by your comment.

    • @ritahopple6360
      @ritahopple6360 2 роки тому +85

      I agree Jaime.

    • @spltndddpairofaces680
      @spltndddpairofaces680 2 роки тому +1

      If you are a social worker??? You know that the great majority of parents shouldn't be allowed around their own children. Approx. 75% of households are dysfunctional and they're not qualified to teach their own kids how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich..
      It's far better to have a qualified sex educator teaching sexuality, than parents that believe sheltering kids from the world around us. By the time kids are 5-6 yrs old they're already exploring their own sexuality and finding things out through their peers. By the time some of these so called, "great mothers" with their narrow conservative views, get around to telling their kids [if they ever do], their warped ideas of sexuality, their kids likely know more, than they do.

    • @DharaGrace
      @DharaGrace 2 роки тому +15

      Thank you! Well put.

    • @s-sentialbizness7283
      @s-sentialbizness7283 2 роки тому

      Unfortunately, they won't be arrested nor charged with anything, because all the Leftist Liberal Demonrats running the entire state of Commiefornia actually ENDORSE these kind of sickos ... and would even go so far as to consider it being normal behavior towards young children, calling it "educational values" - or something to that effect! 😒
      Sad, but true! 😔

  • @aalvarez5445
    @aalvarez5445 2 роки тому +7918

    These people need to be arrested. I’m a teacher and cannot believe the gall of these teachers and school boards.

    • @preachingistheessence3832
      @preachingistheessence3832 2 роки тому +27

      That’s what AH did in the 30’s, worked very well. Happier smarter healthier people

    • @REG3305
      @REG3305 2 роки тому +170

      @@preachingistheessence3832 ridiculous troll comment. Don't respond to ^ this guy.

    • @tmikkelsen8066
      @tmikkelsen8066 2 роки тому +83

      @@preachingistheessence3832 hows china?

    • @michaelbard420
      @michaelbard420 2 роки тому +362

      They’re not teachers. They’re predators.

    • @brad8179
      @brad8179 2 роки тому +1

      This is borderline pedophila..plain weird teachers today kids are suppose to pretend to be batman or spiderman or Cinderella not a different gender

  • @imawaylonfan1
    @imawaylonfan1 2 роки тому +3971

    This country is out of control. What a mess, we need more moms like her.

    • @g.t.richardson6311
      @g.t.richardson6311 2 роки тому +52

      My kids are 26, 24, 21, I’d probably be in jail if they had tried this crap 15 years ago …. All my kids have worked since they were 14, two have graduated and have “real” jobs. The 3rd has 3 semesters left .. hopefully he does the same
      If he doesn’t, well he had a full scholarship for 6 semesters so didn’t cost me much. Ha ha

    • @franchi8601
      @franchi8601 2 роки тому

      If it was any other country or religious country the school board leaders would be stalked.

    • @kwamebushman606
      @kwamebushman606 2 роки тому +1

      This "mom" IS a part of the problem. They make teachers the problem meanwhile THEY don't tech kids shit in this country.
      Instead American parents let social media raise their kids, and porn to teach their kids about sex education when they're teens.

    • @memeaddis7928
      @memeaddis7928 2 роки тому +31

      Lord for give us i so worried about my child every single minute omg what kind of world we are live in🙏🙏

    • @seppukun208
      @seppukun208 2 роки тому +6

      You need to start using your 2As

  • @mazpac
    @mazpac Рік тому +345

    This has become out of hand.
    Teachers are seriously overstepping and it is CHILD ABUSE!

    • @lalasng8643
      @lalasng8643 Рік тому +3

      Word...its crazy. 3 days a week to teach about sexuality. Wayyy too much

    • @NutcrackerTM
      @NutcrackerTM Рік тому

      That’s the problem when you have ilumiNATTI running your government

    • @jgesselberty
      @jgesselberty Рік тому

      They are being turned out by the thousands by liberal colleges and universities.

    • @kateofone
      @kateofone Рік тому +1

      It’s not child abuse to educate youth on sexual orientation. People should know it.

    • @NutcrackerTM
      @NutcrackerTM Рік тому

      @@kateofone you don’t understand something . they are no longer teach children “sex orientation” they are teaching children to “be gay ,support gay, support LBGT “ That’s it’s. PERIOD. it’s no longer education now its more like manipulation.

  • @Bishop545454
    @Bishop545454 2 роки тому +4078

    It must be terrifying to be a parent of a young child these days.

    • @xxxytheguy1296
      @xxxytheguy1296 2 роки тому +88

      I raise my kid but when I see parents my age trust these institutions its a huge red flag and dont hang out with hozers like that.

    • @joshuaglover7037
      @joshuaglover7037 2 роки тому +29

      It is

    • @ragnaroking
      @ragnaroking 2 роки тому

      Only in liberal infested countries, sucks for the sane people in the US.

    • @SeanTheEvans
      @SeanTheEvans 2 роки тому +171

      as a parent, YOUR JOB is to make teachers terrified to do this to your children. Stop being victims. Take action

    • @FinancialFreebo
      @FinancialFreebo 2 роки тому +46

      My boys are in their early 20's now, so they missed all this bsht being snuck into the classroom. If I had kids (or when I have grandkids) in today's system, I would go and meet the teacher on parent's day and clear this up from the start. No need for frustration or anger, just 2-3 very simple questions to make sure there isn't any hidden agenda that will be pumped into their heads.

  • @SirenaSpades
    @SirenaSpades 2 роки тому +1383

    There should be NO "agenda" when it comes to public schools. There should be math, english, reading, geography, science, and so on!!!

    • @emmaholley7493
      @emmaholley7493 2 роки тому


    • @nayeligonzalez13
      @nayeligonzalez13 2 роки тому

      Yup, I have no political inclinations neither left nor right but it's clear as day that schools are being used to indoctrinate students with certain thoughts and beliefs.

    • @LuzMaria95
      @LuzMaria95 2 роки тому +17


    • @Sam-U-S-i4z
      @Sam-U-S-i4z 2 роки тому +23

      The actual proper education should take place at home. School should have no place in the personal lives of children

    • @lewismiller870
      @lewismiller870 2 роки тому +32

      EXACTLY, schools are for academic studies, not sexual bs or religious bs.

  • @navvetcoperator973
    @navvetcoperator973 2 роки тому +2107

    A male teacher who said he is "bisexual" asked to speak with my teenage daughter after class and "came out" to her and asked if she is a "gossipy" girl or is a girl who is "trustworthy" and keep secrets. He has gay and bisexual decals and artwork all over his classroom. I was a Police Officer for 16 yrs, 21 yrs in the Military before that then became a high school teacher and this is "predatory grooming." I'm sick of this garbage and we've ruined our nation by trusting our kids to the left's corrupt crazies!

    • @ccampbell7214
      @ccampbell7214 2 роки тому

      Agreed ! And thank you for your service! Please keep speaking out and telling your story... Now they are pitting the children against the parents... That's what they did in communist countries.. They are grooming them...

    • @spiralinglight
      @spiralinglight 2 роки тому +36

      So what happened to him?

    • @DrCruel
      @DrCruel 2 роки тому +201

      I've noticed they don't try this sort of thing with Muslim children. I wonder why that is.

    • @johnmendoza2021
      @johnmendoza2021 2 роки тому +177

      @@DrCruel because Muslim would actually do something about which is what Christians need to start doing

    • @navvetcoperator973
      @navvetcoperator973 2 роки тому +37

      @@DrCruel Hmmmm...I wonder. Maybe someone should ask them.

  • @Asadasad-fx8el
    @Asadasad-fx8el Рік тому +80

    This is a crime by teachers, they should be criminally charged.

    • @acCincy6913
      @acCincy6913 Рік тому +6

      Fired and teaching license revoked along with the school board and superintendent they also need to be fired and sued!

  • @vilgessuola
    @vilgessuola 2 роки тому +2062

    I am neither a conservative nor a Christian but I agree with her absolutely.

    • @scottplagmann3411
      @scottplagmann3411 2 роки тому +93

      It is completely normal for any parent, regardless of religious or political affiliation to be very concerned and actively opposed to this agenda in the schools

    • @eliasandrikopoulos
      @eliasandrikopoulos 2 роки тому

      @@scottplagmann3411 That leftbian b-e-a-t-c-h, Randi Weingarten has a lot to answer for, as well as that four star admiral "woman" Rachel 'Richard' Levine, girlfriend of woke General Millie Vanillie.

    • @lslmadi
      @lslmadi 2 роки тому

      If you were to die today, are you a 100% sure you will go to heaven?
      If no, here is what the bible says,
      (1) Romans 3:23 KJV [23] For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.
      Q1. Do you know what Sin is?
      Sin is anything bad that we have done.
      Q2. Have you sinned before?
      Yes or No?
      (2) Revelation 21:8 KJV [8] But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
      Because they have sinned, and God does not allow Sin into Heaven, the punishment is burning hell.
      What is the way to reconcile our peace and relationship with God?
      Q3. Do you know the Story of Jesus?
      (3) Romans 5:8 KJV [8] But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
      Jesus = God who lived up in Heaven, but he came down on earth and became a man like us, he lived for 33.5 years without committing any sin. Then there were certain people who were jealous and therefore framed him on phony charges, and crucified him. Then he was buried and resurrected on the third day; Now he lives in HEAVEN.
      Q4. Do you know why Jesus went through all this bloody mess for us?
      A4. As mentioned, our sin is the reason why we can’t go to heaven, and the only thing that can wash away our sin is the Blood of Jesus.
      (4) Romans 5:9 KJV [9] Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
      According to the bible, the only way for us to reconcile with God is through Christ Jesus’s blood, and not through any works that we do or merits we accumulate, such as water baptism, attending church, or any good thing that we do. The following verses clearly support this.
      (5) Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV [8] For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast.
      (6) 2 Corinthians 7:10 KJV [10] For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
      In order to get saved, repentance of one’s sin is needed to get saved, we need to be sorry, and repent, with conviction, that we are a wretched sinner.
      (7) Romans 10:9 KJV [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
      If you truly do believe in everything you have heard in the gospel, ,I strongly suggest you to make a proclamation to GOD! You can say it to God in less than 15 seconds !Repeat after this simple prayer, to make sure you truly get saved. Remember repeating this prayer doesn't save you, it's you telling God you BELIEVE THE GOSPEL. Ok, here is the prayer :
      ‘Dear GOD,
      I know I am a sinner, as I repent, I put my faith, that Jesus is GOD, and that he died, buried and resurrected, so that his blood, can wash away my Sins. I put my faith in that alone to save me, not my good works. In Jesus’s holy name, I pray. Amen!
      Congratulations ! Now you are a child of God. Download /Buy a KJV bible (I highly suggest getting a hard copy bible , as one day, it will be illegal to buy, own or even have an online version of the bible) and search for youtube channels like Truthunedited, REAL Bible Believers , The Bible Project, AoC Network, Robert Clancy, Spencer Smith to help you grow , study dispensationalism to understand the bible ( How do we reconcile the verses in the New Testament that tell us that we need works to show our faith, and another that tells us that nothing that can take our salvation away? That's why we need to study biblical dispensationalism to rightly divide the word of God.( study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, 2 Timithy 2:15) (I recommend the dispensationalism video from Genesis to Revelations by Dr. Gene Kim, , join a bible believing church. God bless you brother/ sister ☺. See you in heaven one day!

    • @dicktracy3787
      @dicktracy3787 2 роки тому +9

      hear hear

    • @dra2033
      @dra2033 2 роки тому +44

      Yes, same here… I’m not conservative and I’m an atheist but this sexuality stuff is nutts and inappropriate. I hate how opposition to this bs is always framed as though it is only conservatives who care about this

  • @Carol-wo3jo
    @Carol-wo3jo 2 роки тому +1129

    I stand with these parents. Stop the filth and grooming.

    • @johncover2467
      @johncover2467 2 роки тому +4

      It's not filth .

    • @AlchemistFL
      @AlchemistFL 2 роки тому +66

      @@johncover2467 In a class of eight year old kids, 3 days a week, it is...

    • @je-freenorman7787
      @je-freenorman7787 2 роки тому

      Religion is the Problem though
      Christianity is not real

    • @JAK-oi2wu
      @JAK-oi2wu 2 роки тому +42

      @@johncover2467 groomer

    • @johncover2467
      @johncover2467 2 роки тому

      @@JAK-oi2wu that's wrong and cheap and lazy and mindless of that the way you roll?...just throw out a stupid insult and leave?

  • @tmystery9505
    @tmystery9505 2 роки тому +740

    I am a lesbian and I find this infuriating. Kids don't need to be indoctrinated. Sexual orientation is something that developes naturally and as a child goes through puberty. 8 years old is way too young to be introduced to these concepts. Let kids be kids for Christs sake!!

    • @azmike3572
      @azmike3572 2 роки тому +17

      Or anyone's sake.

    • @ASmith-jn7kf
      @ASmith-jn7kf 2 роки тому +32

      Someone going through puberty is still a kid.

    • @jjordan3263
      @jjordan3263 2 роки тому +49

      Oh, yes...for Christ's sake. I pray you come to know just who Christ is and what He did for you. He gave you a free will to choose your way....and you show such disrespect. And yes, HE gave you what you have....LIFE. Stop taking it for have a greater purpose....otherwise, you wouldn't exist.

    • @jgjg3848
      @jgjg3848 2 роки тому

      @@jjordan3263 Save it. Mind your own fucking business and stay out of hers.

    • @shawnnahewett4870
      @shawnnahewett4870 2 роки тому +39

      THANK YOU!!! Yes, if schools want ro talk about ANY kind of sexuality, at least wait until they are teenagers and taking biology class. Wait until their hormones get fired up and they start asking questions.
      Little kids should just be little kids. 20 years ago, anyone who talked to a 8 or 9 year old about sexual stuff was a creeper. Why is this not considered creepy now in 2022? SMH.

  • @alimasiga8422
    @alimasiga8422 Рік тому +280

    Madame you are right 100%. No one should touch our kids, our kids are our kids.

    • @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx
      @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx 7 місяців тому +1

      No, they are not. They are people, not your property. Children deserve a good education; learning about sexuality and gender is part of that.

    • @Owlguy187
      @Owlguy187 7 місяців тому

      @@RebeccaTurner-ny1xxjust let kids be kids weirdo

    • @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx
      @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx 7 місяців тому

      @@Owlguy187 I agree with you. LGBTQ+ children should be free to be who they are. Why should parents stop them?

    • @Owlguy187
      @Owlguy187 7 місяців тому

      @@RebeccaTurner-ny1xx ok dude your obviously trolling, your trying way too hard lmao

    • @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx
      @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx 7 місяців тому

      @@Owlguy187 Give me some good reasons why LGBTQ+ children - of any age - should not be appropriately educated by qualified professionals, and free to be who they are rather than who religious fanatics insist they must be. I'm British and I was under the impression that America is The Land of the Free. Clearly not so for children.

  • @rogerm7176
    @rogerm7176 2 роки тому +2109

    You go girl!! Don't ever stop standing up for your children!

    • @SarahR2D2
      @SarahR2D2 2 роки тому +4

      She is still sending then to school though

    • @generalsalami8875
      @generalsalami8875 2 роки тому +15

      @H@r@smare you're legally required by law to lol. What's the alternative? They've monopolized education & left working parents with the only option being homeschooling. Something very often not possible for them. Not to mention kids need socialization.

    • @SarahR2D2
      @SarahR2D2 2 роки тому +5

      @@generalsalami8875 Not required by law. Homeschool is a great option

    • @SarahR2D2
      @SarahR2D2 2 роки тому +5

      @@generalsalami8875 Kids dont need constant socializing. That's why so many offed themselves when they were in the absence of their social network during COVID. They have an unhealthy codependency on others

    • @generalsalami8875
      @generalsalami8875 2 роки тому +4

      @H@r@smare Yes, education is required by law. The government monopolized education. Again, homeschooling is not viable for many working parents. They have rights too. If you want your kid socialized then homeschooling sucks. It's a dilemma that shouldn't exist period. The parents should have full control over their kids' education.
      The solution to isolated kids killing themselves isn't less socialization 🤣
      It's less isolation!

  • @colinlear9757
    @colinlear9757 2 роки тому +979


    • @rut3ch
      @rut3ch 2 роки тому +1

      Speak up? You haven't been paying attention.

    • @ks2wavy
      @ks2wavy 2 роки тому +21

      @@rut3ch bruh there literally making kids gay

    • @brianurbano529
      @brianurbano529 2 роки тому +8

      They need to do there job and. Teach the curriculum.

    • @thomashauer6804
      @thomashauer6804 2 роки тому

      Even Satanists must be disgusted by the idiotic Agenda. Only dumb Satanists follow

    • @AzzekaTheRealOne
      @AzzekaTheRealOne 2 роки тому +1


  • @evilangel8194
    @evilangel8194 2 роки тому +806

    The teacher and the person giving advice should be fired immediately this is unacceptable

    • @Nerotique
      @Nerotique 2 роки тому

      I believe the words you looking for is hanged. Hanged is the word you are looking for.

    • @user-ue8vz3km9c
      @user-ue8vz3km9c 2 роки тому +38

      Arrest them....

    • @travdaddy777
      @travdaddy777 2 роки тому +16

      It's sick!

    • @theusher2893
      @theusher2893 2 роки тому +44

      Fired, yes. Out of a cannon. Into a wall.

    • @maranatha9769
      @maranatha9769 2 роки тому +26

      when right is wrong and wrong is right, the devil is at hand. He is real.

  • @user-fb5bq6pb6y
    @user-fb5bq6pb6y Рік тому +90

    It's not just child abuse, inappropriate, its grooming and it's predatory.

    • @applecider9968
      @applecider9968 Рік тому +2


    • @johnmainwaring6556
      @johnmainwaring6556 Рік тому +1

      It's a 'doctrine of demons'

    • @kateofone
      @kateofone Рік тому

      You mean like when preachers talk about Lot and his daughters in a sermon?

    • @kateofone
      @kateofone Рік тому

      @@ahclym19 I talk about scriptures sexual verses to youth

  • @kaveh-w-
    @kaveh-w- 2 роки тому +1080

    The sad thing is the teacher won't even be fired she will be commended. This is absolute sick get these monsters out of our schools

    • @dsta9996
      @dsta9996 2 роки тому

      I notice all these sick and deranged teachers prey on young kids for acceptance because they know people their age won’t accept them. Predators

    • @ericdravis815
      @ericdravis815 2 роки тому +25

      The cops stand by and let these child abusers abuse these children! Goes to show they are robotic policy enforcers! Pathetic

    • @nosnibormailliw7226
      @nosnibormailliw7226 2 роки тому

      Only way this ends is when these Peadough's are lined up against a wall and X. E. cute Ed.

    • @overshotprince
      @overshotprince 2 роки тому +12

      @@ericdravis815 they can’t arrest people because they did something wrong, they can only do that if they break the law, so what you should be mad about is the fact that a law is not being passed by our legislative branch.

    • @Man-in-the-Moon
      @Man-in-the-Moon 2 роки тому

      It’s easier to just take the kids out of the schools. Less kids, less money. Then the worthless teachers become unemployed as they should be. Just look at the woke hires recently released from Netflix. Once the money stops flowing in, they don’t have time to coddle the woke employees anymore.

  • @margaretcandelaria6719
    @margaretcandelaria6719 2 роки тому +340

    They have no business teaching sexual orientation to 8 year olds. This is a disgrace!

    • @subrennaevans6504
      @subrennaevans6504 2 роки тому +6


    • @eliasandrikopoulos
      @eliasandrikopoulos 2 роки тому +1

      Reed my tweet on my brand new Twitter account. That leftbian b-e-a-t-c-h Amy Weingarten has a lot to answer for, as well as that four star admiral "woman" Rachel 'Richard' Levine, girlfriend of woke General Millie Vanillie.

    • @ithamarlowe2629
      @ithamarlowe2629 2 роки тому +5

      Child grooming is just repugnant, disgusting, nasty.

    • @slimegod9693
      @slimegod9693 2 роки тому +2

      Yes they do because 8 year olds express their own sexual orientation and need to understand what they're talking about. Not to mention it has nothing to do with sex.

    • @slimegod9693
      @slimegod9693 2 роки тому

      @@ithamarlowe2629 true. But where was that happening here?

  • @villainuday5365
    @villainuday5365 2 роки тому +454

    They aren't teachers. They are predators!
    This parent was too patient with these predators.

    • @makeitso4793
      @makeitso4793 2 роки тому +11

      Well said.

    • @e.gonzalez3739
      @e.gonzalez3739 2 роки тому +14

      I agree with you, but I think a lot of these “teachers” are predators in the sense that- they’re trying to spread their ideology of this cult. I think most of them aren’t necessarily being predators as in, wanting to actually molest the kids themselves. You know what I mean? I think.

    • @whoogoesthere
      @whoogoesthere 2 роки тому +14

      It's a form of child abuse!

    • @sherc24
      @sherc24 2 роки тому +3


    • @nataliewalton5118
      @nataliewalton5118 2 роки тому

      That's cause it's not happening. Last year it was CRT. Lying ass parents are pathetic using kids as political pawns.

  • @ArielChelsau
    @ArielChelsau Рік тому +162

    100% correct! The US and California especially should be ashamed by the way they treat children.

  • @victoriarousseau3191
    @victoriarousseau3191 2 роки тому +825

    Finally, parents are waking up. We need more of this women.

    • @JamesLee-sw6ss
      @JamesLee-sw6ss 2 роки тому +9

      While true, do you see anything actually happening as a result? Do you think the school board gives two shits? They're getting your money to do whatever they want, and often run uncontested for their positions.
      These guys aren't your friend, and don't give a shit what you think, nor do they have to because there's no longer accountability.

    • @kenyanr1
      @kenyanr1 2 роки тому +2

      @@JamesLee-sw6ss very true

    • @candyc.3163
      @candyc.3163 2 роки тому +10

      @@JamesLee-sw6ss I know of more concerned parents running for school board this year. That’s how we solve it!

    • @LaLunaLady
      @LaLunaLady 2 роки тому +9

      This seems to be the one good thing that came out of the pandemic. Parents are now understanding what agenda is being pushed in our public schools.

    • @marialucy8455
      @marialucy8455 2 роки тому +2

      Victoria rousseau now it's western as now but as muslim we against grown ass adults influencing our kids rather than focusing education I'm happy alot of people finally understand reality and this creepy normalized western morality and dignity is dead now they realize 😳 what they screwed lord have mercy 🥺 sorry my bad English no offensive ✌ 💛

  • @sexysamba66
    @sexysamba66 2 роки тому +468

    She is totally right, parents need to speak up, and confront these school districts

    • @cain1160
      @cain1160 2 роки тому +1

      Do something about it!!! And help them!!!

    • @SoulWingz
      @SoulWingz 2 роки тому

      People need to speak up against crazy parents like these, not the teachers

    • @MeryKeit
      @MeryKeit 2 роки тому +3

      @@SoulWingz get help

    • @SoulWingz
      @SoulWingz 2 роки тому

      Right back at you

    • @sofistacy4176
      @sofistacy4176 2 роки тому +3

      @@SoulWingz yeah... we can see where ypu're comming from.....

  • @groksr
    @groksr 2 роки тому +997

    I'm so proud of the moms of America taking back our schools. Anyone talking to 1st graders about sex should be arrested and prosecuted

    • @donnamontanarella2403
      @donnamontanarella2403 2 роки тому

      What they are doing in schools is sex abuse and child abuse.

    • @julz5281
      @julz5281 2 роки тому +34

      And dad's.....don't forget the dad's....

    • @fd9987
      @fd9987 2 роки тому

      Stop lying. Teachers are not talking to young children about sex. You’re making up shit.
      Teachers are answering questions, as they should be. Sex is all around us - entertainment, sports, news, internet - so children will be exposed to it. When kids ask questions, teachers can answer them in age appropriate ways.
      This entire legislation is to hide the GOP lack of policy with culture war. Unfortunately, with so many ignorant, low IQ republicans, it works. It’s dangerous. It harms children. It harms the nation.

    • @joshhernandez6974
      @joshhernandez6974 2 роки тому

      @@paulquantumblues3599 the current administration is pushing this agenda. Do you think that in 30 AD when emperor Tiberius was sexually abusing the young in the Roman Empire if you complained about it anyone would take you seriously? Something doesn’t have to be moral for people to do it. It just has to be backed by the incumbent government

    • @catherinemartinez5542
      @catherinemartinez5542 2 роки тому +10

      @@paulquantumblues3599 you have to start somewhere Mr. Blah blah blah

  • @SketchySandy34
    @SketchySandy34 Рік тому +432

    As an LGBT person I agree.
    Kids don’t need all that in 3rd grade, jeez.
    It reflects terribly on the community and I apologize on behalf. Not all of us are on board with this agenda.

    • @vn2183
      @vn2183 Рік тому +1

      If you don’t put a stop to this perversion within your community then your alphabet movement have lost its legitimacy!

    • @truthseeker7564
      @truthseeker7564 Рік тому +41

      I believe you! My mom was in the fashion industry and we were around a lot of lgbt people when we went to work with her. They never talked about their sexuality around us. They were protective of us. They were decent men. I think these new people are hijacking your guys’movemebt. This new nutty sect is out of control and you guys need to speak up and throw them out of your group. You didn’t go through all that hardship for the these emotional loons to destroy. I’m so sorry.

    • @gr3yh4wk1
      @gr3yh4wk1 Рік тому

      This is what's so crazy, there's so many trans, gay etc people out there that just want to get on with their lives. But all are being tarred with this social agenda, i'd even call it fascim, thats being forcibly indoctrinated into everyone. Leave kids alone, let them play for crying out loud.

    • @Cocoleavemealone
      @Cocoleavemealone Рік тому

      Blinding children of sexuality makes it a safer world for pedophiles.

    • @joeturek5686
      @joeturek5686 Рік тому +7

      I understand that but someone needs to control the crazies

  • @KM-nj3cm
    @KM-nj3cm 2 роки тому +1182

    HEAR! HEAR! Well spoken. Most people understand how wrong it is. Those that don't have no right to be around children. PERIOD!

    • @Gerber6209
      @Gerber6209 2 роки тому +2


    • @Amazingkaddycaps
      @Amazingkaddycaps 2 роки тому +21

      @@Gerber6209 groomer

    • @Gerber6209
      @Gerber6209 2 роки тому

      @@Amazingkaddycaps groomer? Like a dog groomer?

    • @calmstormambience1875
      @calmstormambience1875 2 роки тому

      Child molesting advocates. they know what they are.

    • @integral
      @integral 2 роки тому

      @@Amazingkaddycaps You were groomed to be straight? Dang, the dimmest and dullest are the only ones who parrot that "groomer" horse shit.

  • @honkingdonk3981
    @honkingdonk3981 2 роки тому +592

    This type of behavior is sick. A "teacher" that talks about their sexual orientation with 8 year old kids is a predator. It is an agenda and it needs to be stopped.

    • @JRobbySh
      @JRobbySh 2 роки тому +20

      Many object to hearing this described as “grooming” but that is what it is. albeit coming from women that is different from what comes from men.

    • @alastairmacgillivray7918
      @alastairmacgillivray7918 2 роки тому

      So if a student asks a gay teacher if they have a wife, and the teachers says, "no I have a husband, sometimes boys love boys, and girls love girls", that makes them a predator? You're insane

    • @ihatecrackhead
      @ihatecrackhead 2 роки тому +6

      com mietube is censoring comments HARSHLY
      words will always hurt them, so they can hurt you

    • @mattt5006
      @mattt5006 2 роки тому +11

      Used to put these people in jail. Now they’re in charge wtf.

    • @alastairmacgillivray7918
      @alastairmacgillivray7918 2 роки тому +2

      @@ihatecrackhead if that was the case, don't you think they would have censored your comment about how they're censoring comment? If you can't make your point without saying flagged words, maybe you shouldn't bother commenting.

  • @mgtow6092
    @mgtow6092 2 роки тому +411

    I wish we had politicians who were as sensible as this mother.

    • @MicheleHow777
      @MicheleHow777 2 роки тому

      That is Why VOTING MATTERS. Vote for people who won't allow this garbage being taught in our schools & who are hard on Child trafficking & child abuse & SO that need more than probation when doing harm to kids. Our Children are Our Future. What a DEEM future they have in this Pure EVIL world.

    • @TheRedStateBlue
      @TheRedStateBlue 2 роки тому

      she isn't sensible. she's a whiny, entitled karen.

    • @jolie3548
      @jolie3548 2 роки тому +1

      Yes !!! And That's why Everyone has to Be Very Very Careful when Voting
      Calif keeps on Voting for Complete idiots
      I'm moving back to Calif at the end of this month
      I'm sooo Regretting it
      I'll be there for only 1 year
      I been Living in a Red State for
      12 years and Trust Me
      There's been a Ton of Jobs, Low Cost Housing, Best Schools etc.
      Now there's a Idiot in the W.H. that's Destroying
      Our Country

    • @triggerpullers9508
      @triggerpullers9508 2 роки тому +1

      Right !!!

    • @eliasjammal1043
      @eliasjammal1043 2 роки тому +4

      Our politicians are the ones that allowed this. They're either too far to the left, or too far to the right, including politics. I let do this, if you let me do that. And We The People are caught in the middle. Our education system is way behind most developed countries, because not enough time to teach math, science, and basic geography and history. In my school overseas, we had enough time to graduate at a 2nd year level college in the U.S. same level as community/Junior college education. Our educational system must be totally overhauled, as we are slipping fast behind the rest of the world. And you can see it in our mostly dumb politicians on both sides.

  • @Janie229
    @Janie229 Рік тому +136

    I’m a Muslim mother in California. Parents like us are suffering. We need more Christian mothers like her. Pulled my kids out of school. We have had it!!

    • @johnschuh8616
      @johnschuh8616 Рік тому +7

      Unfortunately most Christian parents are so lukewarm to their faith that they accept things even the most moderate Muslim parents do not.

    • @LMWast1
      @LMWast1 Рік тому +8

      ​@@johnschuh8616unhelpful attack on Christians. This should not be about religion, it's about protecting kids from being sexualised.

    • @johnschuh8616
      @johnschuh8616 Рік тому

      @@LMWast1 The LG... et al. agenda is to replace Christian sexual morality with their own.

    • @patlaw398
      @patlaw398 Рік тому

      A lil ashamed that so called Christian leaders r more concerned with the jews who occupy Palestine n the holocaust in the Middle East they have caused...wake the fuck up n grow a backbone ✅

    • @l4stac3
      @l4stac3 Рік тому +1

      @@LMWast1 agreed. This is not about the relational quality between man and God, but the moral attitude of protecting minds that are incapable of making 'informed decisions'.

  • @cindylouwho620
    @cindylouwho620 2 роки тому +841

    I stand with the parents. No teacher has the right to teach any child about sexuality

    • @nataliewalton5118
      @nataliewalton5118 2 роки тому

      Last year it was the fake outrage of CRT. When that didn't work, not its " their grooming our kids". Pathetic

    • @daha3074
      @daha3074 2 роки тому +36

      They're children. Children don't think about sex nor do they even know what it is. Kids are kids.

    • @TLIOTG-ny3us
      @TLIOTG-ny3us 2 роки тому

      Ya spent sum time Unner the Bleachers eh...cindy....well taught ya are..

    • @geoforce3214
      @geoforce3214 2 роки тому +28

      NOBODY have the right to push their sexuality down other peoples throat, period!

    • @Cadfael007
      @Cadfael007 2 роки тому +13

      @@daha3074 That's nonsens! Children get aware of sex (differences) at the age of 4 or 5. They are interested about the differences (in a child like way).

  • @billbobby2646
    @billbobby2646 2 роки тому +1376

    Evil loves when people stay stupid and don't fight to get The Truth out. Support this mother, she has more morals and balls then all the spineless fools. This is how you build A Great Society.

    • @asongucollins5917
      @asongucollins5917 2 роки тому +1 😱

    • @mrgamerguy321
      @mrgamerguy321 2 роки тому

      Ready for bloodshed…
      You don’t have to be ready… if you are ok with them trying to have Sex with our children then by all means … sit on the side line and record a video 🤷‍♂️
      As for me…. I’m ready for bloodshed and pounds of flesh…. It’s a war… they are kidnapping our children from under our noses…
      I’ll shoot to kill and won’t bat an eye lash….
      It’s time to show them the meaning of loss and put fear in their hearts

    • @ravenone6255
      @ravenone6255 2 роки тому +1

      The Devil is trying to destroy common sense
      Have faith in Christ
      Fight the good fight

    • @jimda4910
      @jimda4910 2 роки тому +12

      It's verbal molestation.

    • @xxxytheguy1296
      @xxxytheguy1296 2 роки тому +18

      You build a great society by raising ur kids urself, not having hozers who don't have kids raise them.

  • @misterwagner3615
    @misterwagner3615 2 роки тому +465

    I’m a teacher and I think it’s a crime to teach 8 year old kids about ‚Sexual Orientation‘. It must be disturbing for them. These mums are great. 👍🏼

    • @vivianfire
      @vivianfire 2 роки тому +1

      Boondock saints their arse we would

    • @lmfao5411
      @lmfao5411 2 роки тому +2

      It's sad we live in a society where when men brings things up, they're arrested and ignored, and will only stand up once enough women realize how screwed things get. But, then will only go so far in fixing the problems.

    • @gregjames2684
      @gregjames2684 2 роки тому

      It is a crime for schools to be teaching any child deviant sexual perversion , grooming them for the sexual perverts & paedophiles ! Round up the perverts & paedophiles and criminally charge them as predators of child trafficking !

    • @matthewb9621
      @matthewb9621 2 роки тому +1

      You should recognise from the actual details that it wasn't three days a week, it was a three day lesson plan, of which the teacher got through one of them, during Gay Pride Month.
      This was over Zoom, in front of the parents. A crime? A bit much, don't you think?

    • @smebert1901
      @smebert1901 2 роки тому

      @@matthewb9621 Pedocrat?

  • @beeinthebodytorahclass2002
    @beeinthebodytorahclass2002 Рік тому +31

    Schools who do this are guilty of child sexual abuse and should be thrown in jail!!
    These are NOT your kids!

  • @darnagutter863
    @darnagutter863 2 роки тому +509

    I'm so happy to see parents taking a stand against this intrusion/invasion of moral standards. God bless good parents.

  • @lede1810
    @lede1810 2 роки тому +417

    100% respect to this mother.
    "Children" should not be initiated into sex talk in classrooms at such an early and impressionable age.

    • @bethyngalw
      @bethyngalw 2 роки тому +14

      I was taught about sex at the age of 9, it traumatized me. I was too young, but the school district insisted on teaching us. It was an awful way to be introduced to such an important subject. We teach kids about this stuff before their brains are even ready to comprehend it. A child of 8 does not have the part of the brain active that is necessary to even discuss sexual issues yet. When did child psychology and childhood development stop being part of the curriculum for teacher training? They should have learned about age-appropriate teaching during their training. No teacher should be teaching kids that young about sex, period.

    • @Sinful_Josh
      @Sinful_Josh 2 роки тому

      You are sick, does your mind always go right to sex acts when the subject of orientation or gender are discussed?

    • @lede1810
      @lede1810 2 роки тому +10

      @@Sinful_Josh Do you have children? There is something called innocence and children should be protected from things their brains cannot yet comprehend, be it sex, murder, crime, etc.
      Children can simply be taught to respect everyone's individuality, without going into details about any sexual topics.

    • @Sinful_Josh
      @Sinful_Josh 2 роки тому

      @@lede1810 again, orientation, and gender are not about sex acts. When little Susie has her first little crush on little billy, you guys have no issue with that because it is innocent playground love. Gays have those same “I like like you” feelings for their school mates and it has ZERO to do with sex.
      And for the record, you breeders think more about our sex lives than we think about our sex lives.

    • @lede1810
      @lede1810 2 роки тому +6

      @@Sinful_Josh Remember that a "breeder" is the reason for any person's existence, so a little respect... "little Susie" could just be taught that it's ok for a boy to love a boy, and ok for a girl to love a girl, and that we should respect who people want to love and marry. This child will grow up to understand that each person has rights. Unfortunately, some uneducated adults teach children way too much details because they've never had children and don't always grasp the sensitivity of the young mind.

  • @frankford1115
    @frankford1115 2 роки тому +657

    Child grooming is now a characteristic of Primary teachers. Disgraceful stuff! Take your children out. Do not let these narcissists near your children.

    • @laurasomebody
      @laurasomebody 2 роки тому +22

      You spelled narcissist wrong... criminals*. There fixed it. 😉

    • @navvetcoperator973
      @navvetcoperator973 2 роки тому +3

      Well said and yes!

    • @mrbloodmajick3509
      @mrbloodmajick3509 2 роки тому

      Democrats are grooming American children. Their perversion is out in the open. The left has been at it for years. Why do you think there are so many pedos in the education field, Holly weird, entertainment, etc?

    • @laurasomebody
      @laurasomebody 2 роки тому +1

      @Allen T
      😂😂 what a joke.
      Funny how separating the Christian church from public schools ended with another religion being pushed in them. And the supporters of this new religion cry foul when called on it. Public schools are just theocratic daycares. I was a middle school science teacher, so please don't waste our time with other random fallacies.

    • @rushfan9thcmd
      @rushfan9thcmd 2 роки тому +16

      These pervert educators need to be removed.

  • @lourieesparza2715
    @lourieesparza2715 Рік тому +69

    God bless this woman and all parents that are standing up for their babies !!!!!

  • @zerocrutch
    @zerocrutch 2 роки тому +746

    Disturbing there’s adults that feel the need to validate their sexual identity so strongly they’re willing to sacrifice child hood innocence.

    • @JasonSmith-zu3rn
      @JasonSmith-zu3rn 2 роки тому

      Back when I was a young man ...... when you came out you signed your .... wish .
      Lol just saying that's how it usually ended.

    • @koshea44
      @koshea44 2 роки тому +40

      Right? I was gonna say if you feel the need to have your sexual identity and/or political ideology validated by young children, you’re probably not in the best mental state to be a teacher of young kids in the first place…..

    • @jmm1817
      @jmm1817 2 роки тому +14

      it's called evil😈

    • @salvo9718
      @salvo9718 2 роки тому +11

      Why are they all allowed to validate their sexual identify and make it public and trying to force it to everyone, this a question I would like to ask, what's going on today?
      I liked the time when they were in the closet, at least they knew what they thought they were and I didn't know and didn't care damnit.🤬 Now they are out of that freaking closed and they impose everyone else that they are this and that and demand to be respected.😡🤬

    • @jmm1817
      @jmm1817 2 роки тому

      @@salvo9718 because they're sick deviants

  • @jeffreykennedy5953
    @jeffreykennedy5953 2 роки тому +844

    Brave courageous mothers. You are protecting your children. God bless you.

    • @ajs96350
      @ajs96350 2 роки тому +10

      Protecting your kids would be removing them from this horse crap.

    • @jeffreykennedy5953
      @jeffreykennedy5953 2 роки тому +12

      I agree but that’s also just leaving the problem in place for the next parents.

    • @ajs96350
      @ajs96350 2 роки тому +1

      @Elite xxxx What I'm trying to say, they put them in this environment for strangers to teach them (who knows what) for 7 hours a day and then they cry about the results.

    • @ajs96350
      @ajs96350 2 роки тому +2

      @Elite xxxx No, I would remove them entirely from the situation, like all of them.

    • @thomassteiner744
      @thomassteiner744 2 роки тому

      I'm sure she's voting Republican next time

  • @justinhopper5637
    @justinhopper5637 2 роки тому +551

    I’m not a parent but I see what’s going on in our schools. It’s not okay. Thanks for standing up against this and speaking out. God bless you

    • @carla4260
      @carla4260 2 роки тому +1

      What have you actually seen yourself?

    • @ryanb8736
      @ryanb8736 2 роки тому

      @@carla4260 liberals are grooming kids. It’s a trend that liberal teachers are doing. It’s all over liberal sites on what teachers are proud of doing. Some are even going as far as putting dresses on boys to see if they enjoy being a girl. Some teachers also identify as MAP which stands for minors as preference.
      We have many teachers that we are heavily watching. As an investigator, I’ve never seen something this disturbing in my whole life. We are here to make schools a safer place and to prosecute every teacher responsible.

    • @nondescriptnyc
      @nondescriptnyc 2 роки тому +1

      @@carla4260 That’s an EXCELLENT question that doesn’t get asked often enough. I am personally against discussing sex in the lower elementary classroom, but I’ve found that these allegations are often unfounded, skewed, and/or grossly exaggerated. For instance, when some parents were outraged about a local school teaching/promoting homosexuality near where I live (very much like what we see here), the truth came out that the situation wasn’t alarming at all. In reality, in an English Language Arts class, one of the NUMEROUS books children could choose from on their own volitional will featured same-sex parents…and the book wasn’t about homosexuality AT ALL. Two of the parents in the story simply happened to be a same-sex couple. If the parents didn’t want their kids to choose such a book, then they simply needed to tell the kid and/or notify the teacher. It’s that simple. No need to bring in the Bible, political agendas, and so on.

    • @deanfraser419
      @deanfraser419 2 роки тому +2

      @@nondescriptnyc hope your kids stay safe and you don't have to swallow all the bs you've just spoken about! It's almost happening more than not..what happens when it actually gets their? THINK before you speak!!!

    • @markandrade7547
      @markandrade7547 2 роки тому +1

      If you're a homeowner you're paying school tax for those children to get a secular educating because the US is a secular country who's constitution was written by secular people.

  • @dannraff
    @dannraff Рік тому +29

    This screams of child's sex abuse.Teachers who act so need instant dismissal.

    • @CHowze-cr4lx
      @CHowze-cr4lx Рік тому +1

      And where’s the school board on this? If they’re complacent or condoning, they’re guilty of grooming & abuse also.

  • @clairemcmahon9392
    @clairemcmahon9392 2 роки тому +564

    This fabulous woman is spot on! Well done for speaking out about this twisted mess.

    • @blqest125
      @blqest125 2 роки тому

      it would have been better she named names.

    • @clairemcmahon9392
      @clairemcmahon9392 2 роки тому +1

      @@blqest125 Totally agree. Thank God my Son is 19 now because if he was in school and this crap
      Was happening I would take him out and be gunning for the teacher. I live in Glasgow Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I don’t think it’s as bad as the US yet but it’s slowly creeping in.

    • @backintimealwyn5736
      @backintimealwyn5736 2 роки тому +4

      plus it's not just about christian parents, this is madness , intrusive , inapropriate , useless , no matter your background.

    • @blqest125
      @blqest125 2 роки тому

      @@clairemcmahon9392 , is scotland still part of the united kingdom? if yes, then that's why its creeping in. the people who secretly control america also control the uk, france, and of course israel.

    • @clairemcmahon9392
      @clairemcmahon9392 2 роки тому

      @@blqest125 Yes Scotland is still part of the UK..Our leaders in Glasgow and Scotland in general especially the SNP are entrenched in this twisted agenda. No one will say what a Woman is ffs! This is a disgrace Scotland is ruined forever if we don’t wake the f**k up and deal with this sick insanity.

  • @cesarmananes4105
    @cesarmananes4105 2 роки тому +274

    I'm very proud of mothers who would fight to protect their children. ❤️

    • @BadDriversOz
      @BadDriversOz Рік тому +1


    • @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx
      @RebeccaTurner-ny1xx 7 місяців тому

      Children should be protected from mothers like these. They are dangerous people.

  • @theTeflonDon1
    @theTeflonDon1 2 роки тому +461

    The second woman had a bombshell, if only she talked as loud and as dramatic as the first woman. Both are amazing moms!

    • @omogenews
      @omogenews 2 роки тому 😱

    • @ihatecrackhead
      @ihatecrackhead 2 роки тому +4

      ​@@omogenews ME: we must hurry and teach kids early about survival, decision making, electronics, mechanics, microbiology, and how to not get indoctrinated?
      Them: no just sex
      wait what! can adults even choose the year they learn this?
      Them: absolutely not
      imagine this, the equivalent to this comment just got censored by commietube,
      words will always hurt them, so they can hurt you in the digital town square(political bigotry)

    • @netkoposeban9033
      @netkoposeban9033 2 роки тому

      First one was milf 🔥🔥

    • @kissmysix
      @kissmysix 2 роки тому

      Beware. Minor attracted liberals are after your children.

  • @rainydaze9318
    @rainydaze9318 Рік тому +33

    Keep pushing back, parents! You're the only ones that can make changes

  • @halleemamunoz6463
    @halleemamunoz6463 2 роки тому +766

    I’m Muslim and I share this woman’s sentiments.

    • @mina-gf4dc
      @mina-gf4dc Рік тому +14

      Alhamdullah we don't have this here

    • @davidjensen2411
      @davidjensen2411 Рік тому +50

      All Christians must join forces with our Muslim Brothers & Sisters in this battle!

    • @bananka4905
      @bananka4905 Рік тому +14

      ​@@davidjensen2411 I agree

    • @bananka4905
      @bananka4905 Рік тому +41

      Christians and Muslims need to join together in this fight .

    • @brainfreeze1925
      @brainfreeze1925 Рік тому +32

      @@bananka4905 How about all parents who find this woke craziness disgusting regardless of religious beliefs?

  • @laurenwood9084
    @laurenwood9084 2 роки тому +376

    Every single teacher that does this kind of crap needs to be FIRED IMMEDIATELY! School boards need to be voted out ASAP! Vote people vote! Stand up and be heard! Make time to do this. Your kids minds matter.

    • @saltedllama2759
      @saltedllama2759 2 роки тому +11

      Who is going to fire the teachers? The school boards are in on it and educating teachers on how to get away with it. Principals and Superintendents as well.
      Who is going to vote out the school boards? They have lots of businesses and powerful politicians on their side, and they are protected by non-discrimination and privacy clauses when "grooming" children.
      The way we fix this is not to hope for schools to become better - as more and more kids attending college to become teachers are themselves among the Woke - but to pull our kids entirely and start homeschooling, private schooling, or schoolhouse-style teaching them again.

    • @godsarsenal
      @godsarsenal 2 роки тому +2


    • @user-yr4os6jz4r
      @user-yr4os6jz4r 2 роки тому +1

      You have to physically eliminate people like that.

    • @rogermellie8068
      @rogermellie8068 2 роки тому +5

      The problem with firing them is that they pop up elsewhere and repeat their bile with more vigour. A good old fashioned slapping usually sorts problems like this out 😀👋

    • @seeclearlynow2123
      @seeclearlynow2123 2 роки тому

      More than that, their SOULS matter. This is a tool of the enemy coming after the children. STOP these demonic, lost animals.!

  • @dogandpony4931
    @dogandpony4931 2 роки тому +314

    As a Gay man, I fully support these parents! Truly disturbing, there is no reason anything LGBT should be taught to Children, it's something personal that should ONLY be talked about with parents.

    • @13jasonkm
      @13jasonkm 2 роки тому +4

      Thank you.

    • @MarkBH70
      @MarkBH70 2 роки тому +5

      Good for you.

    • @MarkBH70
      @MarkBH70 2 роки тому +9

      @Daniel Perez Somehow, our parents figured it out, and our grandparents, and great-grandparents....

    • @hkhan4533
      @hkhan4533 2 роки тому +3

      @@MarkBH70 And Alhamdulliah Muslims

    • @Jonathanskits
      @Jonathanskits 2 роки тому +9

      It should be taught when the kids are teens if not young adults.

  • @dorocaruso754
    @dorocaruso754 Рік тому +28

    Thanks Mom! Speaking out against this sexual predators grooming is needed

  • @carolking1502
    @carolking1502 2 роки тому +583

    Parents with kids in public schools should organize a system of having a parent visiting the classroom every day. Split into half-days. Whatever it takes to stop these groomers!

    • @carolking1502
      @carolking1502 2 роки тому +12

      @Andrew Johnson I've been told some schools don't allow this. For those public schools, protests should be organized at the appropriate buildings.

    • @bcroft68bc
      @bcroft68bc 2 роки тому +27

      Great idea. My children graduated years ago, but I would volunteer to sit in a class and make sure the children aren’t being indoctrinated with this crap.

    • @Jsee66
      @Jsee66 2 роки тому +4

      People should never become teachers to your children ............ you are treating them like they are the enemy ........... stay home and teach and indoctrinate your own child then ........

    • @Jsee66
      @Jsee66 2 роки тому

      @@carolking1502 Yes - more of a disincentive for anyone to EVER become a teacher in any of your schools ......... why on god's green earth would anyone ever WANT to teach in any of your schools ......... how did teachers, in general, become the enemy in your eyes? If you don't frickin' like what they are teaching your children - don't be a hypocrite ........ remove that child from the school ...... get your butt home and figure out how to school that child yourself ........... but you won't will you ...... god I hate these right wing extremists ......... bunch of nut jobs .........

    • @bcroft68bc
      @bcroft68bc 2 роки тому +16

      @@Jsee66 are you seriously ok with teachers teaching 8 year old children about sexual orientation?

  • @120offroadllc
    @120offroadllc 2 роки тому +71

    Sue the teacher for sexual harrassment of a minor and have her arrested.

    • @jgjg3848
      @jgjg3848 2 роки тому +7

      Bingo! Start filing police reports. File one every time they try to groom your child. Keep filing them. It will all go in this "educators" record. Hope it ruins their employment too, because they should not be around children trying to groom them.

  • @party4keeps28
    @party4keeps28 2 роки тому +357

    What makes this even crazier is that even in the face of blatant evidence, a lot of people still deny this is even happening.

    • @mattt5006
      @mattt5006 2 роки тому

      Welcome to communism, they want your kids weak and ghey so they can be controlled like sheep.

    • @Nerotique
      @Nerotique 2 роки тому +1

      The people that deny this is happening are called liberals. Not liberals in the classical sense, but liberals in the sense of a mental disorder.

    • @chloebelle4923
      @chloebelle4923 2 роки тому +21

      Those are the same people driving around alone in their car with a mask on.

    • @zman_o7
      @zman_o7 2 роки тому +2

      @@chloebelle4923 🤣🤣🤣

    • @blackdynamite_5470
      @blackdynamite_5470 2 роки тому +4

      CNN says this is Russian Disinformation propaganda sponsored by The Orange Man

  • @marylandmat2368
    @marylandmat2368 Рік тому +14

    More parents need to speak up about this

  • @b-man1232
    @b-man1232 2 роки тому +60

    These Teachers need to be criminally CHARGED!!! As a father, THIS IS ABSOLUTELY SICKENING!!!😤

    • @mr.smithgnrsmith7808
      @mr.smithgnrsmith7808 2 роки тому

      Dude, I know, shit is enraging…me personally, I’ve made up my mind what I’m going to do if in that situation…let’s just say I’m not going to be having a civil conversation…because “they” don’t seem to know how…just like those communist antifa clowns, they understand FORCE..they scream and spew their commie propaganda until an actual man cracks them in the mouth

    • @gregjames2684
      @gregjames2684 2 роки тому +1

      It is a crime for schools to be teaching any child deviant sexual perversion , grooming them for the sexual perverts & paedophiles ! Round up the perverts & paedophiles and criminally charge them as predators of child trafficking !

  • @waterwoodguitars6871
    @waterwoodguitars6871 2 роки тому +307

    She’s 100% correct! As a parent of a 2nd grader, I would also not be happy in this situation. It’s an inappropriate conversation for kids to be having, especially with their teacher. We live in some crazy times.

    • @djrychlak4443
      @djrychlak4443 2 роки тому

      The Fascist Party’s 2022 election slogan? “Join Us or We’ll Kill You!”

    • @magrietbarnard1445
      @magrietbarnard1445 2 роки тому +4

      Bravo ! I agree with this parent. Schools are mad.

    • @cain1160
      @cain1160 2 роки тому

      Get off the fence and do something that could help them!!! Do something about it!!!

  • @retardalert5395
    @retardalert5395 2 роки тому +65

    why was no police report filed, if this is happening submit the report right away so they can be thrown in prison

    • @missourimongoose8858
      @missourimongoose8858 2 роки тому

      The only place this is illegal is Florida now and they called it the don't say gay bill which doesn't even have the word gay in it, I'm sure you have heard all the left whining about it because that's the party of pedos

    • @nancybaumgartner6774
      @nancybaumgartner6774 2 роки тому +1

      The police are now part of it .

    • @strongmermaid4651
      @strongmermaid4651 2 роки тому +4

      Listen to the story again, it's the schools curriculum and how to fly under the radar

    • @xxxytheguy1296
      @xxxytheguy1296 2 роки тому +3

      Its the same as a school superintendent getting caught driving 3 hours to meet up with a 15 year old and getting busted by THE PEOPLE and police handcuff him and then release him...

  • @terrancechilds3049
    @terrancechilds3049 Рік тому +15

    More parents need to get more involved in the school

  • @malootua2739
    @malootua2739 2 роки тому +149

    Not only should this not be allowed, those teachers should be arrested

    • @chrisjoosten9819
      @chrisjoosten9819 2 роки тому +6

      Absolutely. And set an example to anyone else thinking this is ok.

    • @robertd9850
      @robertd9850 2 роки тому

      I think teachers who want to do this are pedophiles and I'm not kidding.

    • @robertd9850
      @robertd9850 2 роки тому

      @LeChink James Do not dox anyone. Very dangerous idea. Never give someone nothing to lose.

  • @mojojojoslyfoxharris
    @mojojojoslyfoxharris 2 роки тому +54

    Prime Example of why DeSantis got the Parental Rights Bill passed! The question now is will they actually be willing to enforce it or not.

  • @judyingram4846
    @judyingram4846 2 роки тому +255

    This mother's so right. No gender teaching in school. Go mama.❤️🙏❤️

  • @theresamulligan4038
    @theresamulligan4038 Рік тому +13

    God bless you for speaking for our children ❤️🙏

    @WHATSMYNAME88 2 роки тому +184

    I’m seriously speechless!? Is this really happening? I don’t send my children to school to explore their sexuality I send them to learn…..!

    • @kylespevak6781
      @kylespevak6781 Рік тому +10

      Yes! This is not even close to the first time. Conservatives have been yelling about this, but get framed as conspiracy theorists

    • @grabble7605
      @grabble7605 Рік тому

      'I send them to learn!'
      ...That's what they're doing, genius.

    • @troybowd
      @troybowd Рік тому

      @@grabble7605 8yo do not need to be learning about sex, wingnut.

    • @lalasng8643
      @lalasng8643 Рік тому +2

      ​@@grabble7605and what are they learning?

    • @meimei12350
      @meimei12350 Рік тому +1

      ​@@lalasng8643Perverse stuff..that's what is being pushed into schools today

  • @stantonkramer2986
    @stantonkramer2986 2 роки тому +364

    Why is sexuality being taught in schools at ANY age or grade level??? This is a subject that should be left EXCLUSIVELY to parents!!!!

    • @janahcoaching
      @janahcoaching 2 роки тому +22

      Biology needs to be explained. Also, that their bodies are healthy and ok and nobody's business.

    • @shadowsspeak
      @shadowsspeak 2 роки тому

      @@janahcoaching . Thats a life altering decision and just like all other major decisions for miners are made by adults and the only adults who have that right are child's parents. After 18 they are free to make any decisions on their own

    • @spltndddpairofaces680
      @spltndddpairofaces680 2 роки тому

      The great majority of parents shouldn't be allowed around their own children. Approx. 75% of households are dysfunctional and they're not qualified to teach their own kids how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich..
      It's far better to have a qualified sex educator teaching sexuality, than parents that believe sheltering kids from the world around us. By the time kids are 5-6 yrs old they're already exploring their own sexuality and finding things out through their peers. By the time some of these so called, "great mothers" with their narrow conservative views, get around to telling their kids [if they ever do], their warped ideas of sexuality, their kids likely know more, than they do.

    • @mydogsteppedona4431
      @mydogsteppedona4431 2 роки тому +18

      @@janahcoaching we are taught that in the years of highschool. Has nothing to do with sexuality. Just how the parts function and what their there for. We never went in deep about things and teachers were very sensitive when explaining to the other genders sexual part. We still have all girls school and all boys schools. But who am I to say, I live in the middle-east after all where we are still "backward" lol

    • @janahcoaching
      @janahcoaching 2 роки тому +2

      @@shadowsspeak Did I say anything different?

  • @Uberragen21
    @Uberragen21 2 роки тому +354

    Those groomers are psychotic and are a serious detriment to society. They need to be dealt with swiftly and with no sympathy.

    • @marcuss3811
      @marcuss3811 2 роки тому +1

      Exactly what I was thinking…groomers! Damn shame…homeschool for my kids when my wife and I have our first. My sister homeschooled and her two eldest have already gotten full scholarships to college and are ready for the real world! Education system, mainstream media, and Hollywood are the weapons of the left to create the world they seek. Enough is enough!

    • @1SGDolorBelli
      @1SGDolorBelli 2 роки тому +9

      Like maybe tarred and feathered?

    • @Under-Kaoz
      @Under-Kaoz 2 роки тому +9

      @@1SGDolorBelli people of the past definitely did some things wrong, but they also did a lot right. Bring back tar and feather and public executions.

    • @eenx1
      @eenx1 2 роки тому

      Then why is straight "sex" ok to be taught. Its just that you are a homophobe.

    • @Gerber6209
      @Gerber6209 2 роки тому +3

      In that case tar and feather matt gaetz first please.

  • @niceshortfilms6856
    @niceshortfilms6856 Рік тому +27

    All who are promoting this agenda should go to jail. Who play with children's minds don't deserve to be alive.

  • @snapdap9574
    @snapdap9574 2 роки тому +122

    We need to start filing lawsuits against the teachers and the schools. Go after their money. It's the only way and it works.

    • @randibass7558
      @randibass7558 2 роки тому +2


    • @cain1160
      @cain1160 2 роки тому

      Get off the fence and do something that could help them!!! Do something about it!!!

    • @arsanctum1228
      @arsanctum1228 Рік тому +1

      Where do I sign?

  • @robertgagne2388
    @robertgagne2388 2 роки тому +930

    The only topics that need to be taught in schools are Math, Science, English Grammer, Geography, Languages, and History. All other issues are parental and any teacher going beyond this should be suspended if not then TERMINATED!!!!!!

    • @GoldenbanjoDJ
      @GoldenbanjoDJ 2 роки тому +19

      I like how you deliberately specified English Grammar. English Literature is another cobweb of absolute shit

    • @GiftofChaosStudio
      @GiftofChaosStudio 2 роки тому +12

      Well life skills like how to pay taxes and look for jobs too

    • @Sinful_Josh
      @Sinful_Josh 2 роки тому +5

      Except for evolution cause that’s just a theory!

    • @ksmith4712
      @ksmith4712 2 роки тому

      History doesn't need to be taught in schools, it is mostly false and only for social engineering. Those who control the past control the future by teaching lies.

    • @Prophecynut
      @Prophecynut 2 роки тому

      @@GoldenbanjoDJ move on, socialist

  • @EthericWarrior
    @EthericWarrior 2 роки тому +236

    People that find it acceptable to speak to/teach CHILDREN about sexual things are not teachers...they are predators.

    • @hananewell547
      @hananewell547 2 роки тому +5

      Most definitely! Spot on!!

    • @nikkif1384
      @nikkif1384 2 роки тому +2

      Thank you!!!

    • @rarity9788
      @rarity9788 2 роки тому +5

      Exactly!! They’re literally grooming these kids for the predators they will encounter in life!

    • @EthericWarrior
      @EthericWarrior 2 роки тому

      @@hananewell547 🌻❤️

    • @EthericWarrior
      @EthericWarrior 2 роки тому

      @@nikkif1384 🌻❤️

  • @Azulcielo226
    @Azulcielo226 Рік тому +30

    Complete EVIL! These teachers MUST be fired! Child abuse! Sadly this is the result of kicking God out of not only the classrooms but their lives! God help all those who serve him and take justice towards those that serve evil.

  • @petesmith6434
    @petesmith6434 2 роки тому +333

    The “woke” teacher, and every teacher and school administrator like her, should be fired!

    • @MrChrisdube
      @MrChrisdube 2 роки тому +6

      Unfortunately, easier said than done. Teacher's unions are cesspools that promote this garbage.

    • @petesmith6434
      @petesmith6434 2 роки тому

      @@MrChrisdube you are correct about teacher unions. The solution is for parents to run for every school board seat in their district and take control of the Board! Then they an clean house (get rid of “Woke” administrators and teachers) and set the rules to prevent their children from being indoctrinated by socialist liberal Democrats!

    • @lpampellonne471
      @lpampellonne471 2 роки тому

      🙏 amen

    • @DharaGrace
      @DharaGrace 2 роки тому +1

      What part of implicit assumptions about the aims of school being:
      1) academic achievement, social mobility;
      2) character/mindset development, math learning;
      3) social cohesion, and;
      4) social equality, are "woke"? What is your definition of "woke"? What determines if someone is "woke"?
      Please explain.

    • @petesmith6434
      @petesmith6434 2 роки тому

      @@DharaGrace “woke” includes all non-traditional liberal socialist values. Such as…gender assignment (totally unscientific and invalid), socialist resource sharing that takes from producers and gives to layabouts (“sharing is caring” being used to justify and promote communist ideals), promoting gay and lesbian lifestyles at the elementary and middle school level (“John has two moms”). Schools should teach basic academic skills..reading, writing and math, and leave moral and social teaching to parents! Many teachers and school administrators and librarians today are some of the most ardent social warriors who promote leftist propaganda and poison our children’s minds! My wife has been a great teacher for over 30 years and I have seen the infiltration of leftists into her profession first-hand. Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicles made the take-over and control of schools and universities by the leftists one-off the most important actions necessary to take over our country from within…today’s teachers and school administrators must be stopped!

  • @virginiaslater2853
    @virginiaslater2853 2 роки тому +273

    I respect parents who are standing up and saying No!! This is not the teacher's job, it's the parents and I will handle this when I find the appropriate age and time to do so!!

    • @ceedogg4270
      @ceedogg4270 2 роки тому

      It's called teaching kids to respect other kids who may be different. This woman is using a strawman argument and com plaining that her kid is being taught sex ed which isn't the case and she's claiming that the entirety of the 3 days are devoted to sexual orientation which they are not. You people act like you can't rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time. Do you know why Christian conservatives should be ignored? Because we have a little thing called the 1st amendment. Put your kid in a religious school if you want them to be disrespectful and ignorant of reality.

    • @suea5280
      @suea5280 2 роки тому +11

      Yes! As a teacher, this mortifies me. I'm in no position to talk to other people's children about sexual orientation. My job is to teach reading, writing, and math as it should be. Thank god I live in Florida.

    • @annoin
      @annoin 2 роки тому +3

      I disagree, hold them accountable for teaching filth

  • @Noticing-Enjoyer
    @Noticing-Enjoyer 2 роки тому +440

    God bless this mom she is a real human being and a great parent. God bless her and her courage.

    • @theresedavis2526
      @theresedavis2526 2 роки тому

      Yeah.... God bless prejudice.

    • @Noticing-Enjoyer
      @Noticing-Enjoyer 2 роки тому

      @@theresedavis2526 prejudice? funny I call teaching sex to 5 year olds by state employees without parent input....child abuse. You must live on a diffrent planet, go back please.

    • @TruthHurtsLikeH3ll
      @TruthHurtsLikeH3ll 2 роки тому +5

      @@theresedavis2526 what prejudice? What are u on about?

    • @theresedavis2526
      @theresedavis2526 2 роки тому +2

      @@TruthHurtsLikeH3ll If you don't know, then you have a mentality that nothing can save.

    • @cain1160
      @cain1160 2 роки тому +1

      Get off the fence and do something that could help them!!! Do something about it!!!

  • @sophiewallace8662
    @sophiewallace8662 Рік тому +10

    Why arent parents getting restraining orders against these child predators grooming their kids? That would be my first step!

  • @duncanmacdonald4271
    @duncanmacdonald4271 2 роки тому +274

    Respect to those that stand up and object to what is clearly 'child grooming'. As for those that promote this abuse, the word 'perverted' comes to mind.

    • @jessehayes486
      @jessehayes486 2 роки тому +14

      This is clearly grooming. No parental consent, no parents present and teaching sexuality to children so young, this is abuse.

    • @anatta467
      @anatta467 2 роки тому +1

      john wayne Gacy spoke about using the same grooming technique for his victims

    • @gregjames2684
      @gregjames2684 2 роки тому

      , , , they are child predators - prepping them for paedophiles & deviant sexual perverts !

    • @kneegrow8486
      @kneegrow8486 2 роки тому

      There plenty of time to teach sex-ed, especially when they no longer teach any useful math, reading, writing in cursive, checking your work or nothing, may as well teach em about,

    • @scott8xxx532
      @scott8xxx532 2 роки тому +1

      "child grooming" is such a popularly misused term these days. regardless of whether or not we want children to be taught anything about LGBTQ, it is not automatically "grooming" just because they are taught something about it.
      my upstairs neighbors are lesbians, they are raising 2 fantastic, happy and well adjusted boys. they are playing ball in the backyard and laughing loudly as i type this.
      I wonder if kids in school ever ask them "how can you have 2 moms?" or "why don't you have a dad?".
      for these kids sake, and thousands more like them, I hope that some early classroom exposure to the fact that families may look different than the "norm", and that 2 dads or 2 moms may love each other and their children just as much as 2 straight parents, will help their generation to grow up without the ignorance or hateful disdain that guaranteed almost every single one of us reading or posting comments here grew up with in regard to homosexuality.
      I/we have no idea what the teacher being discussed in this video was specifically talking about in her classroom. But fact is, simply talking about anything related to LGBTQ does not mean she is "grooming" them in order to sexually manipulate, exploit or abuse them. It is pretty f-in ignorant to assign such malevolent intent.

  • @bigenuf69
    @bigenuf69 2 роки тому +368

    The last I knew that was unlawful, for anyone that is not a parent, to talk to minors about sex without their parents' consent.

    • @jimda4910
      @jimda4910 2 роки тому +25

      It's verbal molestation!.

    • @angieestey2778
      @angieestey2778 2 роки тому +23

      These are groomers!!!!!!!

    • @BobDoe_69
      @BobDoe_69 2 роки тому

      nothing will happen the woke own all institutions and the country. Its over,sadly.

    • @_Stormfather
      @_Stormfather 2 роки тому +27

      It's illegal in Florida now. The fact that they had to pass a bill to make it that way implies that it's not illegal elsewhere

    • @fnscar1716
      @fnscar1716 2 роки тому

      @@guitardaddy6 YES. THANK GOD YOU SAID IT. It's time for us parents to get fucking violent. the day my son 5 year old son comes home with this bs, the day I'm sentenced to life. that's fucking child abuse and they should be beaten to death. viciously. fuck the left. disgusting mother fuckers

  • @4r391
    @4r391 2 роки тому +84

    This should be criminal what these "teachers" are doing!

    • @scottmichael3745
      @scottmichael3745 2 роки тому +2

      Here in Florida, it is illegal! Thanks to our governor!

  • @diannerobinson7858
    @diannerobinson7858 Рік тому +6

    No public school students should take any of these sexual orientation classes. You have NO authority to teach children this very bad thing.
    Good for you, for fighting against this abomination.

  • @paradigm2266
    @paradigm2266 2 роки тому +249

    Idc what your political stances are, what religion you follow, or who you like to sleep with: don't sexualize kids.

    • @redheadsarenotdeadred4562
      @redheadsarenotdeadred4562 2 роки тому +8

      teaching kids about sex is sexualizing them? People love to laugh at the Netherlands and all their liberal ways, but guess what, teen pregnancy, venereal diseases, criminal activity is higher in USA, even if you take into consideration per capita. In netherlands men are responsible for prevention of unwanted pregnancy just like women are. Okay, you can say this teaching about sex takes away from the other subjects that are important, but then you tell me why in the Netherlands are school system is ranked higher than the USA? What is your school ranking across the world? I think 28-30th? We rank probably 9-15, and to me this is an embarrassment. Teach your children at a young age. Sex is life.

    • @connorhofmann5691
      @connorhofmann5691 2 роки тому

      @@redheadsarenotdeadred4562 They have a smaller population. Kids in America are exposed to sex everywhere. T.V., internet, movies and so on, they dont need to know about sex or sexual orientation when they need to learn about math, history and spelling. The reason our test scores are low is because public school is a joke. Teachers unions and liberal ideology has watered down public school systems to the point where is you just scrape by with the bare minimum in grades you're good, but it's not good enough.

    • @milkchan202
      @milkchan202 2 роки тому +14

      @@redheadsarenotdeadred4562 ok but why 8 yr old? highschool is different

    • @alex-dm3sn
      @alex-dm3sn 2 роки тому +4

      ​@@redheadsarenotdeadred4562 The USA is more conservative than the Netherlands and Europe in general. I agree that not treating sex like a mystery or a taboo helps teenagers make informed decisions. But you cannot suddenly throw something like this out here and hope people are not culture shocked. Things need to be slowly eased in with some vaseline so that acceptance can be built. This thing the teacher is doing is particularly bizarre because it's something that parents have issue with even teenagers learning about in school. Even as I am trying to look at this objectively, it's honestly a hard pill for me to swallow. I am also not comfortable that teacher made up the curriculum herself with no sort of approval or revision. There should be some consensus of what is being taught and how it is being taught.
      Also I have lived in the USA for over a decade and I have never heard anyone speak badly about the Netherlands. There is not need to pit countries against each other. Everyone should be able to be proud of where they came from. If anything there's been a wave here in some states to teach kids that they cannot and should not be proud to be American.

    • @katze9601
      @katze9601 2 роки тому

      @@redheadsarenotdeadred4562 it's like this, "sex education" you were talking about is absolutely correct. Because in my school especially sport subject was teaching about sex education but lemme tell you what they taught to us.
      Is all about :
      1. The private area for man and woman
      2. The disease you got for having a free sex
      3. A disease of free sex and how it could make you died
      4. Also they teaching about drug
      5. How dangerous teen pregnancy is
      6. How baby were make like biology does.
      These thing is exactly 'sex education', but those, orientation sexual, queer, binary or non-binary or anything shit about those comunity is not 'SEX EDUCATION'. With all due my respect, i see nothing but propaganda on it. 8 years old? Should learn about basic thing, even math already tiring for them then why they need to learn something that didn't even scientifically exist. They don't need such a nonsense propaganda like these.

  • @GT-mn3bx
    @GT-mn3bx 2 роки тому +377

    They need to fire the people who hire these freak teachers. I pulled my kids out of school over 10 years ago when this nonsense was first starting. I have zero regrets.

    • @ccampbell7214
      @ccampbell7214 2 роки тому +10

      Good on you!

    • @xxxytheguy1296
      @xxxytheguy1296 2 роки тому +15

      U took the right path. Never sent my kid to these indoctrination camps and compare him to kids older than him and those kids are messed up and not as smart.

    • @akisipoculturespath8290
      @akisipoculturespath8290 2 роки тому

      And your kids zero knowledge 🤣

    • @babyrob9419
      @babyrob9419 2 роки тому +12

      I’m thinking of taking my little brother out of school and saving up every week for a fund so that when he gets older he can go to any University he wants. But right now I don’t think he should belong in school where they are trying to teach every child that all republicans are wrong and should be killed off. They also are trying to teach are kids at 6 through 9 years old on why they should be gay or trans over straight normal humans. It’s sickening.

    • @Uberragen21
      @Uberragen21 2 роки тому +5

      Commiefornia is impossibly expensive for a 2 parent income household, let alone a 1 parent income so the other parent can home school their children. I don't have a good answer how to fix this problem, but it would likely involve unpleasant actions.

  • @angelinahayslip2791
    @angelinahayslip2791 2 роки тому +343


    • @Dasani_water_drinker
      @Dasani_water_drinker 2 роки тому +1

      ARREST or eliminate

    • @Notyou69420
      @Notyou69420 2 роки тому

      Yes stand up and stop allowing your children to be harmed by religion and the predators that push it. It’s only about control. God is not real, don’t allow them to indoctrinate your young ones.

    • @rut3ch
      @rut3ch 2 роки тому +5

      Stand up?! TRY BURN THEM OUT OF TOWN.

    • @rut3ch
      @rut3ch 2 роки тому

      Yeah that's what I thought. Everyone got REAL quiet huh.

    • @Dasani_water_drinker
      @Dasani_water_drinker 2 роки тому +2

      @@rut3ch everyone is being censored

  • @nonnie8388
    @nonnie8388 Рік тому +14

    The first woman who spoke made me so proud. She is articulate, on point, and honest as the day is long. Her concerns are legitimate and must be addressed.
    Any outcome or update here?

  • @michaeldiebolt696
    @michaeldiebolt696 2 роки тому +224

    Right on MOM. Everyone listen to this lady. Anyone who thinks that teaching young kids this stuff in school is just SICK!!

    • @josuevazquez5889
      @josuevazquez5889 2 роки тому +3

      That is grooming a criminal act and they need to be criminally prosecuted.

  • @sherrybell8721
    @sherrybell8721 2 роки тому +42

    Only parents should be having that kind of conversation with their children, not any teacher...

    • @LuzMaria95
      @LuzMaria95 2 роки тому +1


    • @Sam-U-S-i4z
      @Sam-U-S-i4z 2 роки тому +1

      In the case that there are enough parents who believe sexualizing children is ok, maybe what the government should do is make specific schools that have this a focal point and instead of applying it to all students, have the minority happy as well but separate from the majority that still care about human decency

    • @LuzMaria95
      @LuzMaria95 2 роки тому

      @@Sam-U-S-i4z nice idea… ultimately that would be pandering to the crazies so I don’t see that happening as a good thing.

    • @Sam-U-S-i4z
      @Sam-U-S-i4z 2 роки тому +2

      @@LuzMaria95 right, it wouldn't be a good thing but if it came down to it, it's what I would prefer

    • @LuzMaria95
      @LuzMaria95 2 роки тому

      @@Sam-U-S-i4z yeah and I agree. If that’s what has to happen to keep *our* kids safe then I’m all for it. But really I would like to see change in schools curriculum and repercussions for the teachers trying to pervert their students.

  • @SheenaRushBeauty
    @SheenaRushBeauty 2 роки тому +151

    This is why homeschool is becoming so popular. Take control of your child’s education, character and what is being put into their hearts and minds.

    • @bb3ll07
      @bb3ll07 2 роки тому +15

      Right! I never understood why parents do that and private school but now that I have a son, I completely understand

    • @ryanb8736
      @ryanb8736 2 роки тому +1

      Time to shut the liberal schools down.

    • @lacyhay9022
      @lacyhay9022 2 роки тому +7

      I been homeschooling my kids since 2008. My oldest daughter was being sexually assaulted in school by another student when she was 4. The teacher did nothing because she didn't want to lose her job. I pray for my future grandkids. If this is what is going on now, what is the future going to hold for the next generation

    • @saltedllama2759
      @saltedllama2759 2 роки тому +7

      Homeschooled kids also raise the national test score average, have a higher graduation rate, and get higher paying jobs on average. Furthermore, the whole strawman that the Left has put out that homeschooled kids will be "awkward" isn't backed up by any data, as homeschool grads are more likely to get jobs that involve public speaking, or managing large groups of people.

    • @simonc5232
      @simonc5232 2 роки тому

      @@saltedllama2759 Did your homeschool skip confounding or the whole statistics course?

  • @MsGreenmermaid
    @MsGreenmermaid Рік тому +4

    3 days a week! How much time is left for actual learning?! this is infuriating!! Going behind parents backs? No just no 😤

  • @oregon32nursenurse43
    @oregon32nursenurse43 2 роки тому +467

    My grandchildren are at risk. This infuriates me beyond anything else. There is a spirit of perverse teachings in our schools AND ITS GOING TO STOP!!!!

    • @simon6071
      @simon6071 2 роки тому

      Here are two videos you should watch when you are infuriated by what those public school teachers are doing to the children.
      VIDEO: Mom Goes Off On School After Her 12-Year-Old Daughter Was Reportedly Coached Into Trans Identity
      VIDEO: 'Can Men Get Pregnant?': Lauren Boebert Presses Becerra On 'Birthing Persons' Term

    • @simon6071
      @simon6071 2 роки тому

      I'm not allowed to post link to those videos. Drag to highlight, copy and paste the video title to the UA-cam search box for search of the videos.

    • @paulettebarrow9791
      @paulettebarrow9791 2 роки тому

      @Oregon, Amen

    • @tparbs
      @tparbs 2 роки тому

      The Democratic party is committing political suicide by pitting themselves against parents. Look at Youngkin's win in blue Virginia over Democrat incumbent Terry McAuliffe last November, who said, "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach." There won't be a Red Wave at Midterms--it will be a Red Tsunami.

    • @simon6071
      @simon6071 2 роки тому +3

      I agree with you that your grandcildren are at risk even if they are just minor children who are not even allowed to make the decision of having a tattoo done on their skin. Xavier Becerra, the so-called Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Service, wants them to be able to decide if they want their genitals to be removed under the excuse of transgenderism and he wants to pay for the removal of the genitals of minor children funded by taxpayers money as well to make it happen more easily.

  • @rundmc8628
    @rundmc8628 2 роки тому +27

    Gay people: "We're definitely not trying to groom your kids."
    Also gay people: "Why are you creating laws to prevent us from grooming your kids!?"

    • @libafried5840
      @libafried5840 2 роки тому

      Yes, LGTBQ grooming started with the gay behavior being accepted as normal.

  • @djholliday5132
    @djholliday5132 2 роки тому +33

    This is predatory grooming. I am the mother of a 2nd grader. We must talk to our children. These people are targeting vulnerable children. We need kids to feel comfortable telling parents/adults what is discussed in their classroom, & what adults are telling them. NONE of this should EVER be discussed at school. PERIOD.

    • @Thrivewithabi
      @Thrivewithabi Рік тому +2

      FACTS...we need to talk to our children..this whole thing is ridiculous

  • @chrissysvideos
    @chrissysvideos Рік тому +3

    Fight parents fight!!!! Home school all your children until things change!!!!!! Fire that teacher!!!!! 👏👏🙏🙌

  • @kathynewhart6738
    @kathynewhart6738 2 роки тому +344

    Homeschool your children I'm not saying it would he easy..but we cannot let these schools abuse our children!

  • @1stblackpm
    @1stblackpm 2 роки тому +211

    Every Teacher Who Engaged In This Disturbing Cult Initiation Should Be Placed Under Quarantine So Their Sickness Doesn't Spread.

    • @joeygreathouse3029
      @joeygreathouse3029 2 роки тому +2

      True. The sickness is called narcisistic tendencies. They literally spread.
      Millions of Americans are compromised. They're super spreaders of Narcisissm

    • @jimda4910
      @jimda4910 2 роки тому +7

      It's verbal molestation.

    • @xVx_K1r1t0_xVx_KillMe
      @xVx_K1r1t0_xVx_KillMe 2 роки тому

      Capital punishment for them. They are intentionally destroying our future society

    • @JohnSmith-fq7hj
      @JohnSmith-fq7hj 2 роки тому

      Yeah they should be segregated from normal society, say like a secure building with men or women who's job it is to watch that they don't try to leave. Maybe we can put them with all the other like minded perverts, scumbags, and degenerates we have allowed to remain in society. We'll make them all wear matching uniforms and give them a tiny house inside said building to sleep at night man if only there was a place like that then maybe we could get back to teaching our children without having to worry about these things brainwashing our children.

    • @playedit0ut290
      @playedit0ut290 2 роки тому +6

      That's too merciful. They shouldn't even exist in the 1st place.

  • @tugboat2
    @tugboat2 2 роки тому +158

    Good point to the one who asked if the students were all getting A’s so the teacher can teach ANOTHER subject! This makes me so mad! 😡

    • @asongucollins5917
      @asongucollins5917 2 роки тому 😱

    • @gbennett58
      @gbennett58 2 роки тому +6

      Last I heard, they have discarded the grading system ABCDF because it might cause a reduction in self-esteem. So everyone has an equal outcome. No one fails, no one excels.

    • @bcc7777
      @bcc7777 2 роки тому +5

      Kids are behind everywhere! 🤬

    • @juliedeane4327
      @juliedeane4327 2 роки тому +2

      That was excellent of her.
      Our schools are failing us & our children.
      Stop robbing us & our children.
      If you can't do your jobs...then you are FIRED!

  • @BoppityBoopy
    @BoppityBoopy Рік тому +8

    What a brave mother.

  • @payaj2815
    @payaj2815 2 роки тому +243

    This actually makes me very happy to see these parents fighting for their children

    • @bigraviolees
      @bigraviolees 2 роки тому +1

      These parents are fighting for fox news gop bullsht

    • @lisaowen7617
      @lisaowen7617 2 роки тому

      @@bigraviolees 😂

  • @petepyeatt6909
    @petepyeatt6909 2 роки тому +206

    I’m glad this mom stood up for her beliefs.

    • @dfresh3941
      @dfresh3941 2 роки тому

      Those moms. 😁

    • @danielroatch1322
      @danielroatch1322 2 роки тому

      Whoa whoa.. Her beliefs? How about these freaks stop ruining our children. Look at what the internet has already done to the world! We are rotting as a society.

    • @tanelviil9149
      @tanelviil9149 2 роки тому +2

      Leftist liberals in the 90s:
      " We just want that homosexuals can get married "
      And look where it got us now.
      Conservatives and right wingers were right all along.

  • @deborahschell5722
    @deborahschell5722 2 роки тому +294

    I pray that what we did in Virginia spreads across this country.
    These loathsome degenerates must be exposed and stopped by any means possible.

    • @omogenews
      @omogenews 2 роки тому +2 😱

    • @SpedZed
      @SpedZed 2 роки тому +1

      dont be homophobic

    • @luckypupito1344
      @luckypupito1344 2 роки тому +39

      @@SpedZed 🤡

    • @mikeb5981
      @mikeb5981 2 роки тому +18

      I’m hoping that VA governor will follow in Desantis footsteps

    • @spiralinglight
      @spiralinglight 2 роки тому +38

      @@SpedZed ok groomer

  • @Kelamanproduct
    @Kelamanproduct Рік тому +4

    Mum of the year we need more mum like this.

  • @miltonturner2977
    @miltonturner2977 2 роки тому +216

    Why do I NEVER hear about Teachers that do this being charged with CHILD ABUSE? What the hell is going on?

    • @cold2088
      @cold2088 2 роки тому

      Because they're usually women

    • @JustAPintOfMilk
      @JustAPintOfMilk 2 роки тому +3

      i wouldnt classify this as abuse.
      Its just highly controversal and absolute useless at that age.

    • @donaldlemoine3032
      @donaldlemoine3032 2 роки тому +1

      The district where I live, if something stupid like this happened, the teacher would be dragged out after school behind the building and dealt with. 2 years ago when a teacher tried that and the school board saw what happened to him, several members suddenly retired. According to reports, the teacher was out for a jog and tripped...

    • @youtubesucks3882
      @youtubesucks3882 2 роки тому +3

      @@JustAPintOfMilk Useless means that it doesn't do anything for or against the children. I disagree. It absolutely demolishes a child's perception of self. Kids scared that they'll become the opposite gender over night, or boys telling their parents that they're bisexual because they have boy friends (as in, friends who are boys). These are traumas that can deeply affect the youth who don't even know themselves while they're in that fragile age. It's nothing less than indoctrination with the same methods that religion classes used. I remember when I was in school we'd have religion classes in which we were taught about Christianity and how to pray and appropriate values. I remember in middle school a classmate would do mocking gestures while we were all forced to pray at the beggining of the class. The religion teacher went to him, forcefully grabbed him by his ear and DRAGGED him outside of the classroom. I shit you not, right in the middle of all of us praying. It was fucking insane.

    • @JustAPintOfMilk
      @JustAPintOfMilk 2 роки тому +1

      I meant it is useless because they cant fully understand what it means they are teaching them.
      Hence it is useless as it is a waste of time at that age.
      It wont cause any traumas or anything, i really believe thats an overexaggeration.
      They might get confused, even as you said make them question their perception of self and confuse them with their relation to others.
      Which they shouldnt have to worry about at that age.
      But you are describing it as if it would absolutely shatter them.
      Which wouldnt be the case.
      I also dont get the drama about religion as i grew up catholic and turned atheist later on.
      Yet i never thought religion classes or teaching religion was a bad thing.
      I had to make myself a picture about religion anyway so i might aswell start of at a young age with learning about it. As the basic concepts arent that hard to grasp and advanced teachings and later questions and doubts can be answered at an older age. So i never saw it as a bad thing. Nor do i see the church or religious traditions as a bad thing.
      Heck if my wife would be catholic then i would have no problem to raise them catholic aswell, even tho i dont believe any of it.
      But i am diverging very much from the main topic.

  • @anayahbernadin9164
    @anayahbernadin9164 2 роки тому +92

    You go mom

    • @omogenews
      @omogenews 2 роки тому 😱

  • @1.618_Murphy
    @1.618_Murphy 2 роки тому +56

    These so called "teachers" (groomers) need to be behind the bars! Period!

  • @kathylatta6540
    @kathylatta6540 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for speaking up!! Please KEEP TAKING up for our kids😢