What Butters said here, it is really sweet but at the same time, what he said also had got Stan to think really hard, and what led him to realize how to better work out his being upset about Wendy dumping him, even if it'd be a while before he could work out he still loved her out in his head and tried to deny it to himself and towards Wendy too.
Im in love with Butters "real" voice dude
What Butters said here, it is really sweet but at the same time, what he said also had got Stan to think really hard, and what led him to realize how to better work out his being upset about Wendy dumping him, even if it'd be a while before he could work out he still loved her out in his head and tried to deny it to himself and towards Wendy too.
no difference and this is nice
he named it that for cpoyright reasons
Yeah :|
A bit lower to get to Matt’s actual voice but great nonetheless