Thanks for watching! What's one memorable D&D moment for you where the dice were *definitely* not in your favor? --- New to the Mind Palace? Check out these videos: Meet the Voices In My Head: Critical Role Animatics: Videos I've Voiced In:
Using the Mizzium Apparatus from the GMGtRavnica always has interesting results. Like the time I left the party to send a Sending to an ally - only to roll a 1 and cast Feign Death on myself. I hadn't told the party what I was doing, and I was the only caster. I was half way to being buried before I woke up. I have cast feign death on myself on 2 other occasions!
Sometimes you just have to own the failures as much as the successes. Takes the sting out of it a little bit, making the DM spew his drink is added point for style. xD
I love how so many people make minor NPCs just look like Matt, so it's given me the head cannon that it's just a realm full of Matt Mercers and that's just how most humans look there.
I think you’re the first one to point that out on my video, good catch! I’m scared to think about Gilmore, Kima and Allura just being...Mercer clones. Haha 😂
Bards are dangerously deceptive, but playing characters with negative stats always fascinated me from a roleplay standpoint. So far it’s worked in his favor, especially since he’s gone from rolling zeroes to rolling extremely well now. xD
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations yeah low stats are under appreciated tbh, I wanna make my next character a low cha, low int half-orc druid, who is just a big feral Forrest lady who does not understand your 'society' haha (although knock on wood that I don't roll stats quite low enough for a -3 haha I mean it could be interesting though.... Haha)
Intentional. Taryon was a dark mirror of the whole group, but Nott was the Anti-Scanlan. Female, married, uncharismatic, knows who her children are, no charisma, no luck, cant sing for shit, heterosexual, uncomfortable with herself and was even a goddamn Goblin, which Scanlan hated. It's a testament to the man's skill he could pendulum swing so far and make somebody as compelling.
I'm playing a paladin with a -2 to perception. He insists on standing guard. This has lead to him missing many surprise attacks, but the party hasn't figured out yet that they shouldn't let him stand guard. It's an in-joke between me and the DM to see if he'll actually kill us for it.
To be fair, when I created this, Nott actually got cut off for some reason, so there’s supposed to be more in frame, but in honestly it makes it that much funnier that she’s just off frame. As for Matt, I honestly love Matt’s expression and reaction because as a DM myself, I love when these things happen.
Sam went from being able to convince the kings guard that he was Burt Reynolds by putting his finger under his nose, to not being able to convince the cops that he (she) was just walking.
The absolute funny thing about it is the fact that either way, he roleplays without breaking character much, and it’s that commitment to the role that makes both scenarios absolutely hilarious. The comedic timing plus the dice rolls really help
I think he was still in a Scanlan mindset (this was early in Campaign 2 after all). Scanlan had high Charisma and could talk his way out of problematic situations. Nott, however, can't! What Nott does have, however, is high Stealth: she could have tried to hide behind a barrel or something, then maybe follow Jester, Beau and the guards! :p
@@ChevaliersEmeraude I've been there. Start playing a new character, being used to the abilities of the previous one, or even just starting a new campaign and starting a low level character when you were used to a high level character and not being used to the lower odds of achieving something. "How is a roll of 10 not a success?" Well it would be if you were still 18th level, had all your magical equipment and were still playing a Barbarian instead of a Wizard trying to throw a non magic dagger.
I like to subscribe to the theory that he also had the foresight to wait until the exact moment Matt took a sip of his drink before saying “Zero”. If that was pure coincidence, then that was one hell of a timing on Sam’s part. Couldn’t have written it better.
I once rolled a natural 1 as a barbarian, my charisma mod was -4, I got a -3 roll which resulted in the guards attacking me on my extremely shady reason as to why I was out side of a pub dressed in full black
Hahahha if it weren't for the +2 bonus to Charisma half elves get, my wizard would've also gotten a -4 mod. I also rolled a three xD Edit: Can't wait to roll a negative Charisma check but somehow that character always rolls stupidly high lmao
Funny thing is that Sam had the same thing happen on the DOOM one-shot. In that instance, everyone had abysmal Initiative rolls. Don't think anyone got above 10, and Laura asked Sam what he got since he was still the only person that didn't raise their hand when Mat asked for 5 through 1.
@@qualandrew201494 greatweapon master / sharpshooter can -5 an attack roll. but even with the -5 it will only result in a -2. so maybe he wasnt proficient in the weapon ?
My friend had a child NPC who found a Staff of Fire. So my wizard tried to take it away from her. We both have negative ability scores. I rolled a 0, the child rolled a 2.
I've seen this so many times but it's so funny how Sam went from being able to convince people his finger was a moustache to not being able to keep a poker face while having a mask on
I purposefully do so, mostly because RP and flavor are my favorite parts of the game. My gnome sorcerer has a 4 STR, it leads to a lot more fun RP moments in the game. Our goliath bard regularly carries my character and is super protective of mine because first session they died, low level and no one could do anything, I asked the DM if since I had medicine proficiency I could use shocking grasp to try to restart the heart and it ended up working on a really high DC. Since then the goliath has been very protective of this little gnome with
@@Toph_Not_E-Bender I was gonna say we need more people like you, but then it would be less special. So, I wish i had someone like you in my games, and I think I might try and do that for my next character, whenever I can play again that is though
@@Toph_Not_E-Bender I also have a gnome spellcaster (druid) under the protection of a goliath, lol. Now that we're high level, one of our preferred ways to start a fight is have him throw me as hard as he can, and i wild-shape mid-flight.
I am currently playing a character that has - 2 at perception checks... What can I say, apparently my character can't look in windows... Never rolled higher then a 6. It's frustrating but funny. It's a ongoing joke that I just see myself in windows. Also had a -1 at a perception check last week
@@283leis Technically no. It's called a d10 because it has 10 sides. There are quite a lot of dice that don't use a number system, or don't go up by 1 every time. So thinking it went from 0-9 instead of 1-10 is not a far fetched mistake
I’d assumed as much. It’s relatively rare since really my campaign only has like two people with a -1 initiative, so I’ve never experienced a 0 or negative total on initiative
Honest to god, one of my characters has a -3 charisma modifier and when he rolled a 1, he managed to get a -2 and I actually had a stroke. He’s also managed to roll a 0 as well
I loved my Mr. Lucky character, he willingly collected cursed objects. -1 Dex mod plus a cursed Luckstone meant that he could potentially roll a -2 on Initiative.
Once, I played a character who was a butterfly fairy. Damage for unarmed strike is equal to 1 + your strength modifier. I had a strength modifier of -1. It actually came in handy one time for snapping other party members out of some kind of mind magic while being sure to deliver zero damage.
I think the lowest I ever rolled was a negative 4 on perception. I had a wisdom of 8, so a -1 already, and I had recently been raised from the dead so I had a -4 penalty to everything, so I got a -4 on a perception check and went temporarily blind
Reminds me of the time the cleric in my game rolled into the negatives for his hide check in a library. Such a colossal fuck up caused several bookshelves to crash down on top of the party, alerting every guard in the building.
Hehe... my record was a -2 on some charisma related check... I don't remember what exactly it was, just that after it, my dark elven wizard started just turning invisible whenever someone from that town would adress him in conversation. He always made the sorcerer talk for both of them, because he was less likely to accidentally insult people. That dark elf also once tried to intimidate that same sorcerer and once again rolled abysmally low, so the sorc didn't know if he was trying to intimidate him, flirt with him or was just blabbering nonsense... they ended up in bed together, but the sorc tried to threaten him with a dagger after a while and he just took it and told him to just cut his throat already. Those were some good times... I miss that mess of a character
Once we were being chased by a cleaner slime. We were surrounded by small critters (squirrels and the like I think), so I picked one up to save it. Rolled 20 on the athletic check (we were running fast), nat 1 on running away. I tripped and fell and ended up throwing the critter behind me and into the cleaner slime, causing it to dissolve. My character was never the same, and never sober after that.
Jester casting Duplicity to distract the guards has the same kind of energy as giving a bizarre answer on Family Feud where everyone in your group cheers and claps even though she just answered "a shoe??" to the question "What is an item that you may drop and need to crawl on the ground to look for?"
Not quite the same as a player, but I once had an enemy with a -5 dexterity get a -2 on initiative, and it had such a terrible dex because it was a painting on the wall that could cast spells, except it could not move from the wall so it's movement speed was 0.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations It was a HUGE encounter with a crapload of enemies and allies alike (in hindsight i should have decreased the amount of things in that fight for time but the players had fun anyways) as they were raiding the base of a criminal organization that was linked to a conspiracy to bring back a fascist warlord from 100 years ago, so like 12 things took their turn in combat and then like "okay, at the very end of the initiative, with a -2, are the paintings. There were four of them and they each had four spells they could cast 3 times a day each, i believe they were counterspell, telekinesis, hypnotic pattern, and crown of madness. They had like 20-some hit points and an AC of like 5 because again they are an immobile painting on the wall.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Thanks! My players are really into it, we have been playing online since fall and have started streaming it, we are hoping we can play more with summer starting.
The barbarian in my party once rolled an int check with advantage, he rolled double Nat ones, with a -2 int, he got double -1s I ruled that he was stunned for a turn as his brain just shut down (this was out of combat, it was just for fun)
I did that to myself once as a PC. We had a new party member joining and they were trapped in some webs up high and out of sight. The party got jumped before we found them but the new guy tried to help out by firing some arrows out of the webs. I rolled an int check to see if I could figure out where the arrows were coming from and rolled a natural 1. My half orc paladin came to the logical conclusion that the giant spiders has somehow learned archery and were shooting at us from above 😂. Even after we found the real answer, I remained suspicious that this was some sort of spider trick and continued to refer to our new PC as "Spider Archer".
i'm late to the party but oh well i like interacting. just as a preface; my character was gifted by my dm as a char he never had used before (i was new and didn't know how to make characters) this character was a monk with a charisma of 20 and an athletics of 4....hecking 4. i also had a minus to deception but i don't remember that stat and as a caveat... he was a mute. So, time comes around where there were guards searching for us (rogue did rogue things poorly) and one was right under me while i was on the roof. i had to roll stealth....Nat 1. so i tried to run away and had to roll for a jump. i don't remember the roll but it summed out to 0. i ended up in prision and we had a prison break episode as a 1 shot.
I got a -2 on a Strength check. I had wild shaped into a squirrel and we were trying to get an axe down from the wall. Just about threw my tiny back out.
My first roll as a character every playing tabletop games was a -1. I had 7 in dexterity as a Dwarven Paladin and rolled a nat 1 as initiative in a simple bandit fight to get me used to the system.
So... Not only do you know *nothing* about that particular religious topic, you still become a blind zealot of the religion, despite knowing nothing about it!😁
Wh- people actually believe in things called gods? Dafuq is religion? How do you guys even know what those "gods" are called? How do you know their names? Who told you what is allowed by them and what is frowned upon? WHAT EVEN IS RELIGION REEEEEEEEEEEEE
My friend has a -1 in their unarmed strike for some reason. Though it was really funny when they tried to hit an enemy and instead rolled a Nat 1, which became a 0. So the DM called it as they softly caressed their enemy and the enemy blushed lmfao
Had the same thing with my character, also -3 charisma, and like the idiot I am decided to compete in a poem competition, first I failed the history check with a nat 1, then I have to do performance and throw another 1, Wich technically was like a -2. The dm saw it as that I basicly insulted everyone and everything both. Good times. To keep it short I didn't win that competition
i was once playing a character with a negative charisma modifier. (cursed tiefling, with a tongue of a cursed dragon god replaced from mine, due to cultists trying to resurrect them through my character.) i was completely honest, down to a T, "i just met these people today, they blew up a building, and a prison, all i did was follow them because i was lost." nat 1, with a minus 2 to my role. they lock me up in shackles WHILE I AM EXPLAINING, and let the dwarf of the party, who was in the middle of setting fire to the town well, carry on their business. everyone else got arrested.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Dragon Heist is a hell of a campaign. We had our rogue die when she made a nat one on a stealth check and then a nat one acrobatics check when the floor crumbles beneath her in the temple of Asmodeus. Landed in the middle of all the cultists.
Oh frig that sounds like a hell of a campaign. My group of kids that I’m DM-ing for are going through a standard “fight the cult, prevent a demon resurrection” kinda story cuz they’re still relatively new to the game.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Shortly after that we came across a room full of Spirits and it was getting late, so our cleric asked our DM that if she rolled a nat 20 right then and there they would all just go away. The DM agreed and She rolled a Nat 20. We were all laughing our asses off at that.
And earlier, we burned down a mansion, which was after we burned down a boat full of assholes, who we learned were drow after kidnapping one of the fleeing crew and murdering him after getting the info we needed. And our Monk nearly punched a kid to death in the middle of a crowded street. This all happened because some assholes broke the windows of our tavern and we wanted vengeance for the broken glass. And they killed a few people in the middle of the street, but that wasn't inportant.
I once played a Hexblade warlock for a dnd game, we were asked to rolled initiative and I got a total of -1, yes your seeing that correctly, NEGATIVE one.
I’ve rolled 2 -1’s in a row for initiative one session, my DM said I had the absolute WORST stats he’d ever seen xD Level 4, AC of 8, 25HP, -2 dex, -3 str, +3 cha because they’re a sorcerer 😂
WE're going to die from bad paper work, someone has been paying attention to the ridiculous amount of paper work modern institutions require against all logic to doing anything in a timely or effective manor, trust is dead, some have decided that means making people jump through books worth of paperwork to accomplish simple things, we are ALL going to die from bad paperwork and that is my commentary on the 2000s+ Whoever let Thot the papyrus nut run things, first of all I love you both, second of all WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! STOP IT!!! Ease up on the forms their "pals"...Said a guy...on a random video...regarding a different scenario...Not likely to be heard by anyone that can actually fix it...yay...
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Yeah luckily it was a history check, just looked it up on roll20, it got even better when I got a 0 next round on perception ( I also have only 8Wis...) which ended up in my character ignoring two of the enemies charging him. Took 2 surprise hits = 4 attacks. Barely survived that fight. My dumb dragonborn fighter is known to roll badly but that was just insane 😂
@@TheSubscriberWithNothing cool is he gonna animate it to or is this for the buddies. My campaign idea is basically the first 5 ep of yugioh 5ds but my friends as the yusi and i'm the person they are dueling against.
Whatever happens happens, plus they were still getting used to their abilities, even now, and it’s still a lot of fun when they goof things like this. This is why I let my players go off-rules where it is fun to do so. Makes the game more entertaining.
Under normal circumstances, only with modifiers. So if someone has a -1 modifier to their stealth, and they roll a 1 on the d20, then their total for the roll is a 0
"with his arms crossed." Hand by his side and holding his weapon with the other. Lol Edit: this was great! I loved the drawings, really brought out the emotions.
Thanks for watching! What's one memorable D&D moment for you where the dice were *definitely* not in your favor?
New to the Mind Palace? Check out these videos:
Meet the Voices In My Head:
Critical Role Animatics:
Videos I've Voiced In:
Spywi's Mind Palace Our Druid led us into the forest, and then tried to lead us out, but kept rolling low, so we just kept getting more and more lost.
Things get so entertaining when that happens, especially if the stakes are low.
Using the Mizzium Apparatus from the GMGtRavnica always has interesting results. Like the time I left the party to send a Sending to an ally - only to roll a 1 and cast Feign Death on myself. I hadn't told the party what I was doing, and I was the only caster. I was half way to being buried before I woke up. I have cast feign death on myself on 2 other occasions!
Oh geez that’s incredible how that ended up! All makes for some entertaining roleplay paths in the end xD
I once landed a critical hit on a skeleton and I rolled 0 damage because of my -2 strength.
I love how Sam announces his 0 with pure confidence and no hesitation
Professionally trained actor, folks, perfectly trained to time he comedic moment without breaking 😂😂😂
It's even better with his face
Sometimes you just have to own the failures as much as the successes. Takes the sting out of it a little bit, making the DM spew his drink is added point for style. xD
I really like that many of them are like this, Talisens seeming JOY at rolling horribly
When the dice make a character building decision, you have to oblige
I love how so many people make minor NPCs just look like Matt, so it's given me the head cannon that it's just a realm full of Matt Mercers and that's just how most humans look there.
I think you’re the first one to point that out on my video, good catch! I’m scared to think about Gilmore, Kima and Allura just being...Mercer clones. Haha 😂
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations guess I just rolled a high perception. Also that mental image made me spit take, thanks for that.
Sounds like a nice place for Marisha to live
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations I don't know why the Gilmore one actually bothered me the most 😂
It's like the elder scrolls: oblivion thing where just because of how the game did faces many looked very similar. Except it's all Matt.
Sam went from playing a character with like +1000 for deception to one with -3 that's a real 180 haha
Bards are dangerously deceptive, but playing characters with negative stats always fascinated me from a roleplay standpoint. So far it’s worked in his favor, especially since he’s gone from rolling zeroes to rolling extremely well now. xD
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations yeah low stats are under appreciated tbh, I wanna make my next character a low cha, low int half-orc druid, who is just a big feral Forrest lady who does not understand your 'society' haha (although knock on wood that I don't roll stats quite low enough for a -3 haha I mean it could be interesting though.... Haha)
Intentional. Taryon was a dark mirror of the whole group, but Nott was the Anti-Scanlan.
Female, married, uncharismatic, knows who her children are, no charisma, no luck, cant sing for shit, heterosexual, uncomfortable with herself and was even a goddamn Goblin, which Scanlan hated.
It's a testament to the man's skill he could pendulum swing so far and make somebody as compelling.
I'm playing a paladin with a -2 to perception. He insists on standing guard. This has lead to him missing many surprise attacks, but the party hasn't figured out yet that they shouldn't let him stand guard. It's an in-joke between me and the DM to see if he'll actually kill us for it.
Sam went from the character with the highest charisma of any critical role character in either campaign (22, +6) to the lowest (5, -3).
Nott getting crushed by the dice is the funniest detail! Very clever
Thanks! You should see my last CR video where I canonized that Jester dabs every time she casts Thaumaturgy.
My favorite is how the animator took the time to show Matt just fucking dying because of that 0.
To be fair, when I created this, Nott actually got cut off for some reason, so there’s supposed to be more in frame, but in honestly it makes it that much funnier that she’s just off frame. As for Matt, I honestly love Matt’s expression and reaction because as a DM myself, I love when these things happen.
Sam went from being able to convince the kings guard that he was Burt Reynolds by putting his finger under his nose, to not being able to convince the cops that he (she) was just walking.
The absolute funny thing about it is the fact that either way, he roleplays without breaking character much, and it’s that commitment to the role that makes both scenarios absolutely hilarious. The comedic timing plus the dice rolls really help
Yeah that 0 was perfect timing on his end
I think he was still in a Scanlan mindset (this was early in Campaign 2 after all). Scanlan had high Charisma and could talk his way out of problematic situations. Nott, however, can't! What Nott does have, however, is high Stealth: she could have tried to hide behind a barrel or something, then maybe follow Jester, Beau and the guards! :p
@@ChevaliersEmeraude I've been there. Start playing a new character, being used to the abilities of the previous one, or even just starting a new campaign and starting a low level character when you were used to a high level character and not being used to the lower odds of achieving something. "How is a roll of 10 not a success?" Well it would be if you were still 18th level, had all your magical equipment and were still playing a Barbarian instead of a Wizard trying to throw a non magic dagger.
"You have been walking with them for 20 minutes" Quote -Somm Garr'd, city guard in the quadroads
I appreciate how Nott, the rogue, has a -3 deception.
Level 2, very entertaining :)
The first time Sam rolled a bad charisma check as Nott I lost it it was so funny
Sam picked an excellent character to roleplay charisma-wise because Nott’s just as entertaining as Scanlan, but in like a complete 180
What adds to the effect is the thing he does with his hands. He just puts them together like, "Yes, I did indeed roll a zero"
I like to subscribe to the theory that he also had the foresight to wait until the exact moment Matt took a sip of his drink before saying “Zero”. If that was pure coincidence, then that was one hell of a timing on Sam’s part. Couldn’t have written it better.
I once rolled a natural 1 as a barbarian, my charisma mod was -4, I got a -3 roll which resulted in the guards attacking me on my extremely shady reason as to why I was out side of a pub dressed in full black
That sounds like the perfect recipe for brilliant disaster. Love when things go wrong (as long as everyone’s having fun)
- Guards: Why are you dressed like that outside a tavern, sir?
- Wouldn't you like to know. What, wanna bone me or something?
how did you get a -4 to Charisma?! did you roll a 3 for your Charisma Stat?! XD
Manigros yes I did, I have some of the worst luck when it comes to dice, once thrown 24 dice, 15 of them were 1’s and the rest were others
Hahahha if it weren't for the +2 bonus to Charisma half elves get, my wizard would've also gotten a -4 mod. I also rolled a three xD
Edit: Can't wait to roll a negative Charisma check but somehow that character always rolls stupidly high lmao
Sam's saying "Zero" had this ring of "Aw, damn it!" in it.
I believe this is tied for second lowest roll in Critical Role history with Felicia Day's 0 initiative. The lowest was Felicia's -1 initiative.
Everyone else brings up Felicia’s roll as the lowest roll and I agree wholeheartedly that negative rolls/zero rolls are just as legendary as Nat20’s
Funny thing is that Sam had the same thing happen on the DOOM one-shot. In that instance, everyone had abysmal Initiative rolls. Don't think anyone got above 10, and Laura asked Sam what he got since he was still the only person that didn't raise their hand when Mat asked for 5 through 1.
Incredibly true, I almost forgot that happened, Bryan. XD
What episode did that happen?
Grog had like a negative 2 once I'm pretty sure. And even if not, he had at least -1 more than once
I had one of my players roll a -3 to attack. He tripped over a rock and hit his head on the enemy’s armor
Ah geez, that’s quite a memorable moment. Does that player normally have negative attack rolls?
How does that work unless your attack mod is -5 (in dex or stren) since you have prof bonus min of +2
@@qualandrew201494 Imagine a wizard using an improvised weapon.
*H o w?*
@@qualandrew201494 greatweapon master / sharpshooter can -5 an attack roll. but even with the -5 it will only result in a -2.
so maybe he wasnt proficient in the weapon ?
My friend had a child NPC who found a Staff of Fire. So my wizard tried to take it away from her. We both have negative ability scores. I rolled a 0, the child rolled a 2.
Sometimes that’s just how it happened. How’d the scenario get described afterwards? 😂
That's like that scene where Mr Burns is trying to take a lollypop from a baby and fails
That's like that scene where Mr Burns is trying to take a lollypop from a baby and fails
Kids have strong grips, man. A toddler tried to steal my glasses on a field trip once and getting them back was a struggle.
I've seen this so many times but it's so funny how Sam went from being able to convince people his finger was a moustache to not being able to keep a poker face while having a mask on
It's so uncommon but when a players add a modifier to get a negative it's the funniest shit
I purposefully do so, mostly because RP and flavor are my favorite parts of the game. My gnome sorcerer has a 4 STR, it leads to a lot more fun RP moments in the game. Our goliath bard regularly carries my character and is super protective of mine because first session they died, low level and no one could do anything, I asked the DM if since I had medicine proficiency I could use shocking grasp to try to restart the heart and it ended up working on a really high DC. Since then the goliath has been very protective of this little gnome with
@@Toph_Not_E-Bender I was gonna say we need more people like you, but then it would be less special. So, I wish i had someone like you in my games, and I think I might try and do that for my next character, whenever I can play again that is though
@@Toph_Not_E-Bender I also have a gnome spellcaster (druid) under the protection of a goliath, lol. Now that we're high level, one of our preferred ways to start a fight is have him throw me as hard as he can, and i wild-shape mid-flight.
@@Toph_Not_E-Bender this reminds me of Ratchet and Clank
The worst feeling i've ever had in d&d was when i rolled a -1.
I’ve had that once as a DM, rolling a 1 on a custom enemy that had a -2 on Wisdom Saves
I am currently playing a character that has - 2 at perception checks... What can I say, apparently my character can't look in windows... Never rolled higher then a 6. It's frustrating but funny.
It's a ongoing joke that I just see myself in windows.
Also had a -1 at a perception check last week
One time I rolled a negative four
The worst feeling is rolling a natural 1 when you had advantage.
That Matt Mercer is pretty cute. Honestly, everyone is. It’s a fun art style. Nice job. Subscribed.
Thank you so much T-T
Sam’s conversation skills went from bard level of difficulty to hard level of difficulty
It is not like this is impossible.
Many players thought they had rolled a natural 0 on a 10-sided die only to be told a 0 is actually a 10.
The reaction was very much the same once I pointed out that to my own group when that happened.
WAIT THE 0 ON A D10 IS ACTUALLY A 10!?!? I feel so stupid!!
@@donkatthree913 I feel sympathetic pain.
@@donkatthree913 .....its called a d10. as in 10 is the highest you can roll.
@@283leis Technically no. It's called a d10 because it has 10 sides.
There are quite a lot of dice that don't use a number system, or don't go up by 1 every time.
So thinking it went from 0-9 instead of 1-10 is not a far fetched mistake
I've rolled a negative three before. That was fun. Rolling negatives is amazingly fun
I rolled a 0 for initiative once.... that was fun
That’s amazing.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations well you can easily get negative turns
I’d assumed as much. It’s relatively rare since really my campaign only has like two people with a -1 initiative, so I’ve never experienced a 0 or negative total on initiative
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations in 5e a rogue archtipe has 2 turns 1 10 behind it
You don’t get to act
The way you draw Matt is so cute, good job lol
Aw thank you so much!
The "dab, dab, naturo run" killed me. XD
People always remember Nott getting a 0, but no one seems to remember when Grog got a -1 :\
I do miss moments like that back in C1 🥺
It’s amazing.
Honest to god, one of my characters has a -3 charisma modifier and when he rolled a 1, he managed to get a -2 and I actually had a stroke. He’s also managed to roll a 0 as well
I loved my Mr. Lucky character, he willingly collected cursed objects. -1 Dex mod plus a cursed Luckstone meant that he could potentially roll a -2 on Initiative.
He didn't roll a zero, I got so confused for a sec. But this was hilarious!!! And greet art!
Once, I played a character who was a butterfly fairy. Damage for unarmed strike is equal to 1 + your strength modifier. I had a strength modifier of -1. It actually came in handy one time for snapping other party members out of some kind of mind magic while being sure to deliver zero damage.
I thought my Charisma score was bad (Artificer with a 7 Charisma) and this....this was just pure gold
I feel you there with the 7 charisma as an Artificer
Lol, that was a great scene. Nice depiction of it ^_^
Thanks Guy!
aww they're all adorable!!
i like spittake matt the best i think :3
Thank you so much! I’m pretty proud of that scene given it lasts like a second.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations It's adorable and hilarious and i love it, thanks for making it! ^w^
When you roll badly, and you own it.
Sam knows how to OWN his failures with grace and expert roleplaying to accompany it
I think the lowest I ever rolled was a negative 4 on perception. I had a wisdom of 8, so a -1 already, and I had recently been raised from the dead so I had a -4 penalty to everything, so I got a -4 on a perception check and went temporarily blind
Story-wise in the moment, that actually works out and makes sense, but the reaction at the table must have been wild :0
Taking that into account its possible to get a -7 roll if you have a bane too. possible to get a -11. ouch
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations lowest possible roll i could think of. was a -25.
@@qualandrew201494 just, HOW, how would that happen?
The world is not ready for Matt in cute anime style.
I want to make a million Matt Mercers in cute anime style 💜
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations I'm down for that, anytime xD
I think this the first time I've seen/heard of someone getting a 0 on a skill check.
What makes it more hilarious is that she was helping him not get jailed
But then he rolled a 0
Lol 😂
Reminds me of the time the cleric in my game rolled into the negatives for his hide check in a library. Such a colossal fuck up caused several bookshelves to crash down on top of the party, alerting every guard in the building.
Alerting the guards, classic. ✨😂
I'm just picturing the scene from the Mummy with Evee knocking down the entire library
And somehow this is BETTER than a Critical Fail! How is 1 worse than ZERO?! 😂
A one is better than a zero.
Think about it this way: if Ben had rolled a natural one that way, the result would have been a -2.
Because the roll itself is a 3, and if they rolled a 1 it would be a -2 total. So 0 is better than -2.
Either way, the DM and the table would be freaking out/laughing so hard that the outcome will be the same: crit fail 😂😂😂
And this is exactly why at lvl 4, I take the feat of lucky, for this exact reason
Hehe... my record was a -2 on some charisma related check... I don't remember what exactly it was, just that after it, my dark elven wizard started just turning invisible whenever someone from that town would adress him in conversation. He always made the sorcerer talk for both of them, because he was less likely to accidentally insult people.
That dark elf also once tried to intimidate that same sorcerer and once again rolled abysmally low, so the sorc didn't know if he was trying to intimidate him, flirt with him or was just blabbering nonsense... they ended up in bed together, but the sorc tried to threaten him with a dagger after a while and he just took it and told him to just cut his throat already.
Those were some good times... I miss that mess of a character
Once we were being chased by a cleaner slime. We were surrounded by small critters (squirrels and the like I think), so I picked one up to save it. Rolled 20 on the athletic check (we were running fast), nat 1 on running away. I tripped and fell and ended up throwing the critter behind me and into the cleaner slime, causing it to dissolve.
My character was never the same, and never sober after that.
Oh no!
I love revisiting this moment. 😊 Though it's not quite the same without Sam's silly grin when he say's "zero".
Yeah, it’s one of those things that seeing the actual clip really makes it worth it.
animatic is what we call slideshows now? Cool art!
Yes, this is literally an example of an animatic.
Jester casting Duplicity to distract the guards has the same kind of energy as giving a bizarre answer on Family Feud where everyone in your group cheers and claps even though she just answered "a shoe??" to the question "What is an item that you may drop and need to crawl on the ground to look for?"
There should be a special rule for epic failure when someone rolls a zero
I loved how when Sam announces his 3 he has the biggest smile on his face. Just "ZERO :D"
I just recently rolled a character that has -3 str, and I'm genuinely looking forward to the day that that'll happen to me lol
Not quite the same as a player, but I once had an enemy with a -5 dexterity get a -2 on initiative, and it had such a terrible dex because it was a painting on the wall that could cast spells, except it could not move from the wall so it's movement speed was 0.
I need the full context of that entire encounter as well as a stat block because that sounds amazing.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations It was a HUGE encounter with a crapload of enemies and allies alike (in hindsight i should have decreased the amount of things in that fight for time but the players had fun anyways) as they were raiding the base of a criminal organization that was linked to a conspiracy to bring back a fascist warlord from 100 years ago, so like 12 things took their turn in combat and then like "okay, at the very end of the initiative, with a -2, are the paintings. There were four of them and they each had four spells they could cast 3 times a day each, i believe they were counterspell, telekinesis, hypnotic pattern, and crown of madness. They had like 20-some hit points and an AC of like 5 because again they are an immobile painting on the wall.
That sounds so sick! That would be so fun to be a part of :0
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Thanks! My players are really into it, we have been playing online since fall and have started streaming it, we are hoping we can play more with summer starting.
Great! I’m going to be making some videos in the future about my players so hopefully everyone can swap fun stories too.
The barbarian in my party once rolled an int check with advantage, he rolled double Nat ones, with a -2 int, he got double -1s
I ruled that he was stunned for a turn as his brain just shut down (this was out of combat, it was just for fun)
A literal brain fart ;) jk but still that sounds like a fun table moment for everyone to enjoy
I did that to myself once as a PC. We had a new party member joining and they were trapped in some webs up high and out of sight. The party got jumped before we found them but the new guy tried to help out by firing some arrows out of the webs. I rolled an int check to see if I could figure out where the arrows were coming from and rolled a natural 1.
My half orc paladin came to the logical conclusion that the giant spiders has somehow learned archery and were shooting at us from above 😂. Even after we found the real answer, I remained suspicious that this was some sort of spider trick and continued to refer to our new PC as "Spider Archer".
Absolutely one of my favorite scenes in critical role 🤣😂
i'm late to the party but oh well i like interacting. just as a preface; my character was gifted by my dm as a char he never had used before (i was new and didn't know how to make characters) this character was a monk with a charisma of 20 and an athletics of 4....hecking 4. i also had a minus to deception but i don't remember that stat and as a caveat... he was a mute. So, time comes around where there were guards searching for us (rogue did rogue things poorly) and one was right under me while i was on the roof. i had to roll stealth....Nat 1. so i tried to run away and had to roll for a jump. i don't remember the roll but it summed out to 0. i ended up in prision and we had a prison break episode as a 1 shot.
Great work
Thank you
These animations give me smiles when I struggle to find a way to smile on my own 🤣❤👍
A few years ago I saw another video where a guy rolled a 0 on the initiative phase.
"The guard approaches and says.."
Imagine the reaction if he rolled a 2 and that became a -1
Nice animation!
Thank you!!
I'm very new to this series and love it already
Thanks :)
I once had a Barbarian with a -3 intelligent make a save against realising that something was an Illusion.
National 1 with a -3.
Though nat 1's or nat 20's usually negate mods, but either way, heck...
I love that this animatic has Matt
Thank you!
You ever roll, not only a nat 1 for initiative, but roll a dirty 0
I remember once getting an initiative of 0
"We're still teaching her common(?)"
It's a bit like when Sam rolled a -1 initiative in c1
Perfectly balanced
I got a -2 on a Strength check. I had wild shaped into a squirrel and we were trying to get an axe down from the wall. Just about threw my tiny back out.
My first roll as a character every playing tabletop games was a -1. I had 7 in dexterity as a Dwarven Paladin and rolled a nat 1 as initiative in a simple bandit fight to get me used to the system.
I one time roled a negative -1 in religion
So... Not only do you know *nothing* about that particular religious topic, you still become a blind zealot of the religion, despite knowing nothing about it!😁
Wh- people actually believe in things called gods? Dafuq is religion? How do you guys even know what those "gods" are called? How do you know their names? Who told you what is allowed by them and what is frowned upon? WHAT EVEN IS RELIGION REEEEEEEEEEEEE
He says it so matter-of-factly.
My friend has a -1 in their unarmed strike for some reason. Though it was really funny when they tried to hit an enemy and instead rolled a Nat 1, which became a 0. So the DM called it as they softly caressed their enemy and the enemy blushed lmfao
Had the same thing with my character, also -3 charisma, and like the idiot I am decided to compete in a poem competition, first I failed the history check with a nat 1, then I have to do performance and throw another 1, Wich technically was like a -2. The dm saw it as that I basicly insulted everyone and everything both. Good times. To keep it short I didn't win that competition
Moral of the story. Do not drink when Sam does anything!
I once rolled two natural one’s within the span of ten minutes, with both of them ending up as 0’s due to a -1 on the skill I was trying. Bad times
Lmao Level 2 is such a beeotch
I rolled a 0 on Perception, you aren't special
(and that was with array)
i was once playing a character with a negative charisma modifier. (cursed tiefling, with a tongue of a cursed dragon god replaced from mine, due to cultists trying to resurrect them through my character.)
i was completely honest, down to a T, "i just met these people today, they blew up a building, and a prison, all i did was follow them because i was lost." nat 1, with a minus 2 to my role. they lock me up in shackles WHILE I AM EXPLAINING, and let the dwarf of the party, who was in the middle of setting fire to the town well, carry on their business. everyone else got arrested.
I rolled a negative 4 once. Too be fair my brain was devoured shortly before I made that roll
That sounds like an intense moment 🤯
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Dragon Heist is a hell of a campaign. We had our rogue die when she made a nat one on a stealth check and then a nat one acrobatics check when the floor crumbles beneath her in the temple of Asmodeus. Landed in the middle of all the cultists.
Oh frig that sounds like a hell of a campaign. My group of kids that I’m DM-ing for are going through a standard “fight the cult, prevent a demon resurrection” kinda story cuz they’re still relatively new to the game.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Shortly after that we came across a room full of Spirits and it was getting late, so our cleric asked our DM that if she rolled a nat 20 right then and there they would all just go away. The DM agreed and She rolled a Nat 20. We were all laughing our asses off at that.
And earlier, we burned down a mansion, which was after we burned down a boat full of assholes, who we learned were drow after kidnapping one of the fleeing crew and murdering him after getting the info we needed. And our Monk nearly punched a kid to death in the middle of a crowded street. This all happened because some assholes broke the windows of our tavern and we wanted vengeance for the broken glass. And they killed a few people in the middle of the street, but that wasn't inportant.
I once played a Hexblade warlock for a dnd game, we were asked to rolled initiative and I got a total of -1, yes your seeing that correctly, NEGATIVE one.
Ok cause I was like; HOW TF DID YOU ROLL A ZERO
I’ve rolled 2 -1’s in a row for initiative one session, my DM said I had the absolute WORST stats he’d ever seen xD
Level 4, AC of 8, 25HP, -2 dex, -3 str, +3 cha because they’re a sorcerer 😂
Going last, is like going first in the next round.
My sorcerer is almost exactly the same! Except I've just got +0 across the board except a -3 str and +2 cha. AC is 11, level 4 and
i have a character that has -3 str, -2 int and cha, -1 dex, +2 con and +4 wisdom. they are....... specialized to say the least.
WE're going to die from bad paper work, someone has been paying attention to the ridiculous amount of paper work modern institutions require against all logic to doing anything in a timely or effective manor, trust is dead, some have decided that means making people jump through books worth of paperwork to accomplish simple things, we are ALL going to die from bad paperwork and that is my commentary on the 2000s+ Whoever let Thot the papyrus nut run things, first of all I love you both, second of all WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! STOP IT!!! Ease up on the forms their "pals"...Said a guy...on a random video...regarding a different scenario...Not likely to be heard by anyone that can actually fix it...yay...
Yay negative modifiers!
I managed to roll a -1 on a check last week because my character has 6 Int. (4d6 discard lowest method)
Honestly that must have been very entertaining.
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Yeah luckily it was a history check, just looked it up on roll20, it got even better when I got a 0 next round on perception ( I also have only 8Wis...) which ended up in my character ignoring two of the enemies charging him. Took 2 surprise hits = 4 attacks. Barely survived that fight. My dumb dragonborn fighter is known to roll badly but that was just insane 😂
Hasn’t he rolled a -1 or -2 before?
that is nothing.... Felicia day in campaign one rolled a minus 2 !!!
their was I time I had rolled a -1 for a wisdom save.
Oh man. What was the roll for and how did that turn out?
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations my guy just passed out for three days
Oh frick, that’s amazing.
Remember when invoke duplicate was new
That is nothing. I once witnessed someone getting a -1 on an investigation check
Please indulge us in the outcome of that investigation check because that sounds like a hilarious moment
Spywi's Mind Palace *insert professor farnsworth “ehwha?” Moment here*
if Nott roled a 2 she would have -1 to deception!
I follow you on Tiktok and now that ik you like critical role as well I like you more
I haven't seen much of Critical Role but someone please tell me there's a scene where someone rolls a negative
Haven’t watched the vid, to lazy to. Try rolling a negative 14, I died that day
Imma do a yugioh campaign like dnd
Best of luck!
Spywi's Mind Palace thx m8
A mate of mine is working on a campaign like that.
@@TheSubscriberWithNothing cool is he gonna animate it to or is this for the buddies. My campaign idea is basically the first 5 ep of yugioh 5ds but my friends as the yusi and i'm the person they are dueling against.
Boss Nation_01 he’s doing a one shot for some friends.
I rolled negative 1 one, charisma am I right
She could of used thaumaturgy to make it make a sound tho
Whatever happens happens, plus they were still getting used to their abilities, even now, and it’s still a lot of fun when they goof things like this.
This is why I let my players go off-rules where it is fun to do so. Makes the game more entertaining.
Spywi's Mind Palace I know as a player of DnD the most fun is when you fuck up
🤣🤣🤣🤣 can't breathe
Is it possible to roll a zero in D&D
Under normal circumstances, only with modifiers.
So if someone has a -1 modifier to their stealth, and they roll a 1 on the d20, then their total for the roll is a 0
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations Thanks for the I thought rolling ones was rotten luck
"with his arms crossed."
Hand by his side and holding his weapon with the other. Lol
Edit: this was great! I loved the drawings, really brought out the emotions.
Don’t judge me, this is basically my storyboard that I made at like 5 in the morning 😂
@@SpywisMindPalaceAnimations no judgement, just funny lol.