Jason Mraz - Love Is Still The Answer Bucharest 11/03/2017

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rci385
    @rci385 9 місяців тому

    Thank you, Jason, for the wonderful music. Love is still the answer ❤

  • @kellywise893
    @kellywise893 2 роки тому

    And i thank you profusely! Love you more Mraz!

  • @rci385
    @rci385 2 роки тому

    Ce cantec frumos si ce frumos ca l-am auzit pentru prima oara la Bucuresti, acum exact 5 ani. Parca a fost ieri :)

  • @rci385
    @rci385 3 роки тому +2

    It is 4 years today since this perfect concert, since hearing for the first time this wonderful song. We live in another world today, things are changing fast right before our eyes, but the message of this song still stands. Love is our anchor. Love never changes.

  • @jojolucky89
    @jojolucky89 5 років тому +1

    Nici acum nu imi vine sa cred ca am fost acolo. A fost magic, iar finalul perfect!

    • @rci385
      @rci385 4 роки тому +1

      Cam da, cam asa :)

  • @amandafeliciano542
    @amandafeliciano542 7 років тому +30

    Gosh he's great, so humble and appreciative of his fans, what a guy, thanks again for posting!!!!

    • @fflubadubb
      @fflubadubb 6 років тому

      Love him ,he is the best !

  • @sandroemanuel6484
    @sandroemanuel6484 7 років тому +12

    whatever you're after- love is still the answer- BEAUTIFUL

  • @rci385
    @rci385 3 роки тому

    Dear Crina, today, March 11, 2021, I watched, liked and commented all the songs from the Bucharest concert. I started with this song and ended with it.
    It was good to do that. Thank you once again! Love peace and joy to you! :)

  • @poojasoni7869
    @poojasoni7869 6 років тому +4

    It sums up my thoughts towards pondering about existence. Love is good enough an answer, i suppose. What a voice this man has. Thanks for the upload.

  • @rci385
    @rci385 4 роки тому +1

    Jason speaking and singing the Truth. Ain't this lovely?

  • @basketballinvision
    @basketballinvision 7 років тому +4

    So humble guy! Love your songs bro come to Philippines one more time!

  • @Alyssav90
    @Alyssav90 Рік тому


  • @BrigitteOHalloran
    @BrigitteOHalloran 7 років тому +5

    LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LVOE!! hHAHAHA.. Oh I love how the first line says "hellooooos"with this little hint of a country sound. Ohh I hope he really keeps this in the album version. Thank you Jason. Your dreams, I must hope with all my heart, are not shattered (if his dreams are shattered then I can just lay down in despair, and just pray for forgiveness). LOVE is the only answer.

  • @AmmilyJackson
    @AmmilyJackson 6 років тому +1

    share story
    share beautiful song
    thank you Jason

  • @DoraFang
    @DoraFang 6 років тому +3

    love is still the answer...

  • @aevega93
    @aevega93 6 років тому +1

    Love you Jason

  • @rci385
    @rci385 4 роки тому

    Ode to Love

  • @veronikakuchler6628
    @veronikakuchler6628 6 років тому +3

  • @TheKinBets
    @TheKinBets 6 років тому +8

    The question is why,
    why are we here?
    to say our hello's and goodbye's
    and then disappear
    this beautiful life
    what is it for?
    to learn how to master peace or master war
    there's only one answer that matters
    even if your heart has been shattered
    whatever you want whatever you are after
    love is still the answer
    love is still the answer
    we all make mistakes
    no, we're not perfect yet
    maybe God made us all
    from an accident
    the question that sits on everyone's lips
    is why should we pick ourselves up and start over again
    therres only one answer that matters
    even if your heart and your dreams have been shattered
    whatever you want
    whatever you are after
    love is still the answer
    love love love looooooove
    love looooove loooooove
    love looooove love looooooooooove
    love love love loooooooooove
    the question I'll ask
    at the end of my days
    is what did I give and what will I take
    well there's only one answer that matters
    even if your heart and your dreams have been shattered
    whatever u want whatever you are after love is still the answer
    love is still the answer
    love love love looooooooooove
    love loooove looooovee
    loooooooove love love loooooooooooooooooooooooove
    love love love looooove
    love love love looooove
    cause what the world means now
    is love
    and all you need is love
    love love love loooove love love love loooove :)

  • @veronikakuchler6628
    @veronikakuchler6628 6 років тому +1

    Yes, you have mine

  • @undertaken101
    @undertaken101 7 років тому +2

    Mulțumim că ai filmat și ai postat bucățele din ce pare să fi fost un concert perfect. Cred că îmi va părea pentru totdeauna rău că nu m-am grăbit să îmi cumpăr bilet :-( Poate că i-a plăcut așa de mult la noi încât să revină într-o zi :-)

    • @crina2556
      @crina2556  7 років тому

      Madalina Melinte Cu cea mai mare placere! Imi pare rau ca nu ai reusit sa il vezi, a fost un concert superb, asa cum sunt toate concertele Jason Mraz :) sunt sigura ca va mai reveni, daca nu in Romania, macar pe undeva prin apropiere

  • @kellywise893
    @kellywise893 2 роки тому

    Been there Mraz! Oh wait Budapest

  • @TheKinBets
    @TheKinBets 6 років тому +2


  • @kellywise893
    @kellywise893 2 роки тому

    5 years ago? Where you dreaming about me and Hawking?

  • @heathergarcia2294
    @heathergarcia2294 7 років тому +2

    Where can I find this song😍😍