This bike was really easy to assemble and required very few adjustments out of the box. The wheels did not require any truing/adjustments. The frame had some small scratches, but nothing major.I did replace the seat though - the seat it came with was very uncomfortable. The tires need to be re-inflated every 4-5 days, but this appears to be quite common for the narrow 700x25 tires.Overall, in my opinion, this bike looks and rides like a much more expensive bike.
amazing drifts
Windbreaker brought me here
Intial D Indian version but with bikes B)
Sick this💙💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 1:09
Actually there tyres are locked with chain it means when the pedal backward then cycle will move backward
Can you explain how it is done ?
Tell me how to do
No it's stationary
How do yall do this i've beed trying but like man these skills are awesome
Try to do tandem drift😊
Intial D with bikes
This bike was really easy to assemble and required very few adjustments out of the box. The wheels did not require any truing/adjustments. The frame had some small scratches, but nothing major.I did replace the seat though - the seat it came with was very uncomfortable. The tires need to be re-inflated every 4-5 days, but this appears to be quite common for the narrow 700x25 tires.Overall, in my opinion, this bike looks and rides like a much more expensive bike.
It is a great low maintenance
Love your work and iam from Kerala
Crazy bro
good, I try to do same him Hahahahahahahah++++++++++++plus++++++++++++++++
Do u have a fixie bike or normal
If normal hold down back brake and lean forward while turning
If fixie stop pedaling and lean forward
Who to skid
Fixie follow pedal