ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله تبارک رحمن اللّٰه پاک ده ستا په عيلم ژوند خذمت کي برکات واچوي آمين يا ربي ياحي ياقيوم استغفرالله اللهم صل وسلم علی سیدنا محمد وعلی آل سیدنا محمد واصحابه سیدنا محمد الف الف الف مره
"Assalamu alaikum! I am unable to write pashtoo my message is in English I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your outstanding research and lectures on Pashto language and literature. Your love and dedication to the Pashtun nation and its rich cultural heritage is truly inspiring. I have learned so much from your videos and I am grateful for the effort you put into sharing your knowledge with us. Your passion for Pashto is contagious and it has motivated me to learn more about my own culture and language. I have a humble request to make: I would love to see you create a video or conduct research on the life and works of Hafiz Rehmat Khan Barech. He was a renowned General, warrior, and writer who played a significant role in Pashtun history. His contributions to Pashto literature and poetry are immense and I believe his story deserves to be told and shared with the world. Thank you again for your wonderful work and I look forward to seeing more videos from you in the future. May Allah bless you and guide you in your endeavors!"
ماشاءالله ماشاءالله ماشاءالله تبارک رحمن اللّٰه پاک ده ستا په عيلم ژوند خذمت کي برکات واچوي آمين يا ربي ياحي ياقيوم استغفرالله اللهم صل وسلم علی سیدنا محمد وعلی آل سیدنا محمد واصحابه سیدنا محمد الف الف الف مره
"Assalamu alaikum!
I am unable to write pashtoo my message is in English
I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your outstanding research and lectures on Pashto language and literature. Your love and dedication to the Pashtun nation and its rich cultural heritage is truly inspiring.
I have learned so much from your videos and I am grateful for the effort you put into sharing your knowledge with us. Your passion for Pashto is contagious and it has motivated me to learn more about my own culture and language.
I have a humble request to make: I would love to see you create a video or conduct research on the life and works of Hafiz Rehmat Khan Barech. He was a renowned General, warrior, and writer who played a significant role in Pashtun history. His contributions to Pashto literature and poetry are immense and I believe his story deserves to be told and shared with the world.
Thank you again for your wonderful work and I look forward to seeing more videos from you in the future. May Allah bless you and guide you in your endeavors!"
سلامونه استاد محترم، هیله ده روغ او جوړ اوسئ. هیله مند یم چې د آزاد خان افغان په اړه که یوه تحقیقي ولکچر ورکړئ ډېر منندویو به مو یو
خداې مو ځلاند لره
موږ په تا ویاړو
دلنډی اوپلالک بړيڅان چی دسخي دوست محمدخان بړيڅ«دآزادخان پلار»لمسيان دي اوس هم په لنډی اوپلالک چی دافغانستان هلمندولايت دديشوولسوالی په مربوطاتوکشی دی،ژوندکوي،دلنډی اوپلالک ځمکي دوي ته د احمدشاه دراني له خوادجاګيرپه توګه ورکول شوي ده.
سر جی معذرت غواڑم رووھ باری کم قبلیہ دہ دہ ریگوید کھ شتہ❤