Visi dan Impian Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bapa Kemerdekaan. “Di Tanah Melayu yang merdeka semua warganegara harus diberikan hak, keistimewaan dan peluang yang sama rata dan tidak boleh ada diskriminasi atas alasan kaum dan kepercayaan …”… sumber Laporan Suruhanjaya Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, 1957
The Vision and Dream of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Father of Independence. “in an independent Malaya all nationals should be accorded equal rights, privileges and opportunities and there must not be discrimination on grounds of race and creed …”… source Report of the Federation of Malaya Constitutional Commission, 1957
Not surprising, racial discrimination against non Malays could only worsen under the current government. Smear may be the PM but it is Malays in government services who make the actual decision. Unless there is actual on the ground supervision by political leaders regularly the Malay dominated civil service will emote hosttilr than before.
Across the globe, ICERD is signed by 179 countries as a way forward to end all forms of racial discrimination. Malaysia however, alongside countries like North Korea, Myanmar, and Brunei has yet to ratify the treaty.
This the opposite than in China, tho. In China, they take real good care of minorities. They give minority kids extra points for education to help them get into university easier than the majority, who don’t get the same treatment, but the majority ain’t complainin' at all
😅 The laws of all government agencies should be fixed to all terms and condition. The should not be room for discretion but apply evenly to all the races and religion. Institutionalized and entact all rules and regulation of all government agencies in parliament and use AI to approve application. Leave no room for favouritism or corruption. Do it now while the goverment is in power now😅
Hadi is bullshit.British gave Malaya independant on conditions 3 races must be united via council election.All 3 races fought our independant from British
“在独立的马来亚,所有民族都应享有平等的权利、特权和机会,不得基于种族和信仰进行歧视...” … 马来亚联邦宪法委员会 1957 年报告
@@lew7332 没个梦就没有个美国黑人总统。。
Visi dan Impian Tunku Abdul Rahman, Bapa Kemerdekaan.
“Di Tanah Melayu yang merdeka semua warganegara harus diberikan hak, keistimewaan dan peluang yang sama rata dan tidak boleh ada diskriminasi atas alasan kaum dan kepercayaan …”… sumber Laporan Suruhanjaya Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, 1957
Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' after that he never wake up
就单单一个买屋子还要分Bumi Non-Bumi两种价钱,你还指望会有多公平?就连Rumah Wip和Johor的ERumahQuota分配都是Total 100,90间他们,8华人2印度人这样分。
@@aftereffects00 他们还是他们,我们还是我们,到手的特权,哪会说放就放
对呀 !我们非穆斯林真的是有很多不公平的事啊 !!
The Vision and Dream of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Father of Independence.
“in an independent Malaya all nationals should be accorded equal rights, privileges and opportunities and there must not be discrimination on grounds of race and creed …”… source Report of the Federation of Malaya Constitutional Commission, 1957
每次遇到麻烦的时候 就会再次爱上你
可是当麻烦解决之后 就会嫌弃要你滚
@@aftereffects00 牛牵到北京还是牛 这已经是DNA的问题了
@@lew7332 無論去哪都好至少不再需要看他們鬥那一邊比較綠的政治遊戲了,因為50年後還是一樣沒有任何改變的,這是我爸爸說的。。現在輪到我對我的子孫說了。。
@@wsk1124 昌明的比誰更加綠色。。
Not surprising, racial discrimination against non Malays could only worsen under the current government. Smear may be the PM but it is Malays in government services who make the actual decision. Unless there is actual on the ground supervision by political leaders regularly the Malay dominated civil service will emote hosttilr than before.
If under PN government, this situation could even getting worse and not better!
@@shtan9586That's y v cannot give a chance to that 25Chai.. Party
@@shtan9586but PN won’t be able to rule without Sarawak and Sabah support
Across the globe, ICERD is signed by 179 countries as a way forward to end all forms of racial discrimination. Malaysia however, alongside countries like North Korea, Myanmar, and Brunei has yet to ratify the treaty.
Not only 60%.
special care for majority not minority. only here😂malaysia boleh. let them it be bah. if can migrate lo. if cannot u know wht to do lo.malaysia boleh!
This the opposite than in China, tho. In China, they take real good care of minorities. They give minority kids extra points for education to help them get into university easier than the majority, who don’t get the same treatment, but the majority ain’t complainin' at all
还要谈什么种族特权,60年了有那位穷人富裕呢?富裕的都是朋党,人民还是一直穷下去。这些都是为了自己的政治生涯规划 才谈种族,如果谈种族有用为何还是那么多穷人民,那个种族的穷人最多呢?自己想想吧。人民该醒吧,你们还不察觉到吗?
只是一届政府而已。 什么都不会做。 比绿潮更绿潮
沒辦法啊,為了拉馬來票,大家都鬥誰比較”青“啊 , 我們華人的票不值錢。其實我們的華人要DAP靜靜擔心政府會倒台,其是那時早晚的事算DAP不出聲也一樣啦,因為下一選舉肯定不能贏了因為我們華人都不再像那時那麼積極的從老遠的國家都敢回來投票了。
的的确确发生了. 难道要扫进地毯下假装没发生?
可以啊,入教10年 口操流利国语就行了😂
那么一来就找不到垫脚石了 毕竟就是那么矮
😅 The laws of all government agencies should be fixed to all terms and condition. The should not be room for discretion but apply evenly to all the races and religion. Institutionalized and entact all rules and regulation of all government agencies in parliament and use AI to approve application. Leave no room for favouritism or corruption. Do it now while the goverment is in power now😅
最可怜的是印度朋友,经常被称为“吉灵鬼” “黑皮” “豆士” “吉灵人”。
请大家称他们为 印度人或印度朋友好吗?
哈迪在玩 3R, 請問政府有打算對付嗎?
3R 是限制我們但不是限制他們。。他們只要轉一轉就變成我們觸犯了3R。。
哈哈 口说接受平等权利,特权和机会,听听就好。投票的手最老实,把票投给反对平等权利,特权和机会的政棍才是真心。上次希盟才得多少%的票? 这才是真相。
上次的反反歧视公约 证明了价值观停留在封建时代 默认了缺点弱点太多没办法克服只能用人海作战硬拗
indian should not be mb unless he/she is a very, very humble n prihatin person, am l wrong ?
马来人要感恩org asli让他们当了土族😂
Hadi is bullshit.British gave Malaya independant on conditions 3 races must be united via council election.All 3 races fought our independant from British
@@user-vb1pb2pw3v 感谢不杀之恩😏
@@DarenToh2003 不是你要就他們就來的,中國從來就不侵犯任何國家也不干涉其他國家所以就算如果我們真的受到傷害中國也不會插手的,他們最多也只是抗議以色列那樣抗議吧了。
@@aftereffects00 如果中国是以联合国的身份肯定是会派兵来处决西马的
@@aftereffects00 如果中国是以联合国的身份肯定是派兵来西马保护华人的,还有中国有航母,不然建航母来干嘛?建航母是来保护海外华人,避免海外华人受到伤害