Amouage attars pt1 - fragrance first impressions

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @orosz4001
    @orosz4001 5 місяців тому +3

    Amazing! Can’t wait for your impressions of my fav Saffron Hamra! After purchasing, it threw me into an attar vortex. Love them. Very personal and intimate. The leather is an exclusive to Harrods. Never tried. The surprise loves for me are the Rose Aqor (like Epic 56) and Orris Wakkan. I’ve got a feeling you’ll like Oud Ulya. Same Oud as Silver Oud & King Blue, but different take. Looking forward to part II!

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@orosz4001 thanks! I’m not going to spoil anything, hang in there 😉

  • @noumi3617
    @noumi3617 5 місяців тому +6

    I have the whole box with the 12 ml Attars 🥰🥰🥰

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@noumi3617 Wow, I would love to have these also! I might get one eventually 🙂

  • @AhmadKHS95
    @AhmadKHS95 5 місяців тому +3

    Really appreciate this video! I am a big fan of Amouage, and as a native to the Middle East the idea of this brand coming out with attars was pretty exciting to say the least. However, the price for the sample set is quite steep (basically the price of a full bottle niche fragrance!), and so far I had no luck finding "testers" for those in any retailer here in the UK. For these reason, I truly appreciate your in-depth review and your effort in providing as much of the wearing experience as possible! I really like your channel, keep it up :D

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому +1

      @@AhmadKHS95 my pleasure! I was always also interested in watching someone talk about it but couldn’t find anything online. Guess I had to make my own 😉

  • @Dongorgon777
    @Dongorgon777 5 місяців тому +2

    Was waiting for this!

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому +2

      @@Dongorgon777 part 2 is already queued for publishing 😉

  • @RobertLaTuso
    @RobertLaTuso 5 місяців тому +1

    12:40 - 13:08 Exactly! Increased heat from internal (Body Temperature) or external (Environment, Weather) allows Attars to “Bloom” or open up on the skin. Wearing Attars while working out is an Amazing experience

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому +1

      @@RobertLaTuso I tried these again after wearing and was surprised about the wearing experience in the heat 👍

    • @RobertLaTuso
      @RobertLaTuso 5 місяців тому

      @@SeldomlyOften Maison Anthony Marmin (MAM) are an excellent introduction to Attars. The owner is a French perfumer from the Middle East, who adds an authentic Arabian twist to all his Attars. Owning 30+ Attars from this house, they are of excellent quality and performance. “Sheikh Al Faransi”, “Amber Al Sheikh” and “Oud Assam” (Very Similar to Jubilation XXV from Amouage) are Must haves

  • @theladycleo
    @theladycleo 5 місяців тому

    What an absolute treat! You’ve really come into your own with these impressions videos 😋

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@theladycleo thanks so much, I really like doing these 🙂

  • @PainfulPig
    @PainfulPig 5 місяців тому +2

    It was great experiencing this with you! I've seen the attars at Dior boutiques and never thought about giving it a try. you sparked my interest

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому +2

      @@PainfulPig yeah was definitely fun trying these out! The more you test the better you learn what you like 🙃

    • @SD._
      @SD._ Місяць тому

      What boutique was it? I do not think Dior sells those anymore.

    • @PainfulPig
      @PainfulPig Місяць тому +1

      @@SD._ still available in the boutique near me… I’m from the Middle East tho so that might be the reason

    • @SD._
      @SD._ Місяць тому

      @@PainfulPig . Thank you for the reply. Maybe, it is not on their website though. I will ask at the boutique.

  • @Grautonparfums
    @Grautonparfums 5 місяців тому +6

    It is hard to get projection without alcohol evaporating. People who told you that Attars project heavily are wrong. If Attars are known for one thing, they are known for longevity and not big sillage.

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому +4

      @@Grautonparfums yeah I figured that would be the case also before starting. After wearing these again after filming I can say some worked surprisingly well 🙂

    • @HaydarAlThwaini
      @HaydarAlThwaini 5 місяців тому +3

      Please give them a try before commenting . I have 3 of them. Oud ulya , and saffron hamra has amazing silage. I know some oils doesn’t but Amouage did really well with this

    • @khairt1731
      @khairt1731 5 місяців тому +3

      Not true. High concentrating oils do leave a sillage. Oud is the best examples.
      Theres attars that you roll on, just a dab on the wrist and neck and there will be a sillage

    • @imranfotography
      @imranfotography 2 місяці тому +1

      @@HaydarAlThwainiabsolutely agreed. Not all Atr are same. I’ve been wearing Atr “local Arab Brands” and they’re mind blowing. Infact some of the Atr Only available in local market, so we can’t even find in abroad. Any ways for my experience once you start wearing oud it’s really hard to go back for regular. Also weather, ambiance, time of the year and so many other facts are important factors for ATR how they react. perfumes. Of course there’re so many good perfumes out there.

  • @justaddlight
    @justaddlight 5 місяців тому

    Great impressions Dan!! 👍

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@justaddlight thanks for the support 🙏
      I just like speaking out loud about stuff I enjoy 😉

    • @justaddlight
      @justaddlight 5 місяців тому

      @@SeldomlyOften I'll have to give the Vanilla one a try myself.

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@justaddlight it’s really good, just very similar to Babycat, maybe with some incense in the back.

  • @BonitoFlakes24
    @BonitoFlakes24 5 місяців тому +1

    It’s my understanding, from interviews of perfumers I’ve seen, that the modern way attars are used is basically as a base before applying your regular perfume to add some depth or dimension and extend longevity. Frederic Malle also stated that many people in the Middle East often call these ouds as well even though there is no real oud in them or even smell like ouds.

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому +1

      The idea totally makes sense and it's something that is already a concept with some brands' extrait version of fragrances. I always mention the Serge Lutens confits (extraits), clearly designed to be worn with the EDPs for added depth and longevity.
      In this case, the attars are not necessarily 1:1 with some other Amouages so I'm not really sure. It's definitely worth exploring though!

  • @FRD-HDD
    @FRD-HDD 5 місяців тому +3

    What you need is movement to get the scent to take off.
    If I could afford it, I'd only wear attars (عطور)

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому +2

      @@FRD-HDD it’s a learning process for sure 👍
      Happy to have had a chance to try these out 🙃

  • @phantomplastics6582
    @phantomplastics6582 2 місяці тому

    I'm a big fan of Zefiro but not many talk about it.

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  2 місяці тому

      You mean from Xerjoff? I love it! I have a bottle, so underrated!

  • @rasimhuseyinov4569
    @rasimhuseyinov4569 3 місяці тому

    Amuaj Oud ulya👍👏👏👏

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  3 місяці тому +1

      It's amazing! I checked it out in part 2!

  • @noumi3617
    @noumi3617 5 місяців тому

    Talking about rose fragrance, could you do a review on Lyric Man and Rose Incense, and if you they're masculine enough in your opinion ❤

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@noumi3617 I have not smelled Lyric Man yet, I have a sample that I’ll be sniffing against another rose fragrance after pt2 of the attars.
      I’ll be having 2 videos where I search for my next rose fragrance (as I love rose) and if I don’t like what I try I’ll go for Rose Incense which is absolutely gorgeous. Rose Incense is totally ok for a man, it’s very smoky and dry.

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@noumi3617 actually, since you said you have the 12ml Rose Aqor, Rose Incense smells very similar to that, just less green and more cold white incense smoke.

  • @handelviola
    @handelviola 5 місяців тому

    These are not worth it. The base is cheap!

    • @SeldomlyOften
      @SeldomlyOften  5 місяців тому

      @@handelviola what do you mean the base?

    • @handelviola
      @handelviola 5 місяців тому

      @@SeldomlyOften when it dries down. I tried the incense one. Very cheap vanilla dry down. I’m a fan of Amouage during Christopher Chong leadership and I have some old vintage bottle of gold. These new ones doesn’t live up to the old glory.