Wondering if you can use a piezo pedal like Yamaha KU100 to create an open closed hi hat. Can you assign open and closed hat to one pad and have it go in a mute or hi hat mode?
I already ask them and they said is unlikely going to change as it's working fine. they passed the sguestion for a video tutorial to the video team. where did you get stuck in the process?
Wondering if you can use a piezo pedal like Yamaha KU100 to create an open closed hi hat. Can you assign open and closed hat to one pad and have it go in a mute or hi hat mode?
hi , i do not try an external pedal for the moment , i will try and let you know the results
Hi, can you make a tutorial on how to load your own samples into it? xxx
I think we need to ask mr korg this or wait for an update .
I already ask them and they said is unlikely going to change as it's working fine. they passed the sguestion for a video tutorial to the video team. where did you get stuck in the process?
@@nx3816 choose the sounds on the hard drive, pre-listen to the sounds before assigning them to the pads
I see, that's a shame bc it looks like a pretty early step, what kind of error did you get?
@@nx3816 we need a better wave manager and the sensitivity of the pads are not really good .......