For her as a young person, life and practice in the OKIYA of MAIKO is a very painful I guess. However, I hope to spend the day-to-day she is to be blessed with kindness of the people who visit the Gion and Kyoto. She will take over the traditional culture of Japan. I'm sure she will be a beautiful geisha. By her to our strong will. 彼女たちのような若い方々にとって、置屋での生活や稽古は辛いものであろうと私は察しますが、 彼女たちが祇園や京都の人々のあたたかさを日々感じながら、日本の文化を引き継いでゆくことを願います。 彼女たちのその強い意志と私たちの願いが続く限り、彼女たちは美しい芸者になることでしょう。
The Australian one is Fiona Graham, who exerced as a geisha in Asakusa, Tokyo. She was never a maiko (or hangyoku, as the apprentices are known in Tokyo). It is unclear if the Asakusa Geisha Association ever meant her to be a permanent member. She left in December 2010 (informations from wikipedia). The wikipedia article says that "The Association acknowledged that Japanese citizenship was one requirement for working as a geisha.".
This is so great, thank you for sharing, I only wish there were a way to translate the movies into english.
For her as a young person, life and practice in the OKIYA of MAIKO is a very painful I guess.
However, I hope to spend the day-to-day she is to be blessed with kindness of the people who visit the Gion and Kyoto.
She will take over the traditional culture of Japan.
I'm sure she will be a beautiful geisha. By her to our strong will.
The Australian one is Fiona Graham, who exerced as a geisha in Asakusa, Tokyo. She was never a maiko (or hangyoku, as the apprentices are known in Tokyo). It is unclear if the Asakusa Geisha Association ever meant her to be a permanent member. She left in December 2010 (informations from wikipedia).
The wikipedia article says that "The Association acknowledged that Japanese citizenship was one requirement for working as a geisha.".
1:24 wow she is really pretty.
I'm so glad I can understand most of what is being said. ヨシッ!
Who is the maiko at 1:25. she is really beautiful.
Why was I born in Norway!?!?!? I DREAM to become a maiko! :'( Isn't there any way for a girl from Europe to become geiko?
oh why put the title in english if its not going to be in english!
i really wana watch...
There is a Ukrainian, American (Liza Dolby), Chinese and I believe an Australian. It's possible there have been more that are unknown
Just know it's a long journey and it's definetly NOT easy
i am sad... i wish i knew Japanese
omg i cant understand