Gods and Robots: Ancient Dreams of Technology | Adrienne Mayor

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @smileawhile3788
    @smileawhile3788 3 роки тому +21

    Not only did I enjoy this lecture, I had to look up more lectures by this professor, Adrienne Mayor.
    Wish I could take a course from her.
    She's awesome!
    Thank you for posting this and sharing

  • @awakeandwatching953
    @awakeandwatching953 3 роки тому +189

    they've made smart phones so attractive almost every body is at least carrying a tracking device capable of recording almost all your actions.. i think we may have already fallen for pandora

    • @eddiejaze8309
      @eddiejaze8309 3 роки тому +7

      Don't forget bankcards... pin or id... required

    • @slowpoke2372
      @slowpoke2372 3 роки тому +12

      They do not need to do anything to us to be able to track us, we have resonate frequencies.

    • @GarretKrampe
      @GarretKrampe 3 роки тому +2

      I laughed hard at the US hating Hawawai . WHat a joke if you are android or apple .. US tracks you, or Crappy windoze .

    • @jasonisrael9557
      @jasonisrael9557 3 роки тому +6

      Think of all the kidnappings, murder and drug deals that have been foiled with these cellphones though.

    • @whincorbin1553
      @whincorbin1553 3 роки тому +8

      @@slowpoke2372 hence "6 feet" apart that's why they want spacing so they can see with harrp

  • @karaa7595
    @karaa7595 3 роки тому +58

    I miss meeting for a lecture in an intimate classroom setting located in an older building. This was a great teaching btw. I could listen to her for hours.

    • @marmite400
      @marmite400 3 роки тому +5

      I would love to experience it😄

    • @statinskill
      @statinskill 3 роки тому +5

      Don't give in to the mask mindfuck and that can come back.

    • @llovebleach6530
      @llovebleach6530 3 роки тому

      @Alexander Franke they are currently shut down in No Cal. Again. But hey, Home Depot is still open. Maybe we can go meet in an isle.

  • @emclau5394
    @emclau5394 3 роки тому +39

    yes I could listen to this women forever , couldn't leave my screen , now i'm a half an hour late

  • @seanwalker6894
    @seanwalker6894 3 роки тому +34

    Great documentary, explaining that there was a technology behind the ancient thought forms.

  • @RicardoPetrazzi
    @RicardoPetrazzi 3 роки тому +80

    This was really interesting and enjoyable to watch and listen to. Adrienne Mayor is a good speaker and very knowledgeable.

    • @gillianmason4198
      @gillianmason4198 3 роки тому +1

      I too enjoyed Adrienne Mayor's presentation I hope I can purchase her book before Christmas.

    • @prince-solomon
      @prince-solomon 3 роки тому

      But she really stretches the meaning of words like robots, cyborgs, automatons and hacking and applies them carelessly to anything that fits her agenda, even though it doesn't fit whatever she's talking about, e.g.: the bronze bull torture device, it was nothing more than a metal container in the shape of a bull...and she mentions it when talking about automatons, animated statues and machines... wrong, it was a container...
      Oh yeah, the actual existence of this torture device is also questioned and most likely there has never been a brazen bull of any sort according to Academia.

    • @HerMajesty1
      @HerMajesty1 2 роки тому

      @@prince-solomon Academia🤣🤣🤣. Is that like "Trust the Science"?

  • @ronofthesea5953
    @ronofthesea5953 3 роки тому +16

    38:09 "A.I ... outstripping our ability to work out the ethical issues" - a fantastically creative understatement. This reminds me of when a Dr. lets you know after having you on morphine (or something even stronger) for months, how - now that we are cutting you off - you "may feel some discomfort" as you withdraw from the medication... (!!!)

  • @Sam1jere
    @Sam1jere 3 роки тому +20

    Very well done presentation by a very knowledgeable facilitator. No dull moment all through the 1 hour plus presentation. You hardly want to break.

  • @relesse13
    @relesse13 3 роки тому +137

    "There is nothing new under the sun."

    • @uvi6344
      @uvi6344 3 роки тому

      What are you trying to say

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому

      *"Absolutely nothing!"* ®

    • @WollongongSkyWatch
      @WollongongSkyWatch 3 роки тому +1

      'eyes to see'

    • @brandonglassock148
      @brandonglassock148 3 роки тому +1

      I keep thinking the same exact thing.

    • @beyondworth9420
      @beyondworth9420 3 роки тому +2

      Revelations 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast(animated graven images via AI), that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
      16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
      17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
      14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
      10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
      11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
      12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

  • @areneesouder
    @areneesouder 3 роки тому +30

    I kept waiting for them to bring up an even older, sumerian story, when robots were made to go in and rescue a beloved woman, where humans or gods could not go in with out great harm or death. It's a fairly new story to me, and I can't remember if it was Enki or someone right after him that did this. But it's very real story, and extremely interesting.

    • @mathbissette
      @mathbissette 3 роки тому +4

      Thank you for sharing. I’ve just recently started reading about the Sumerian creation story so I would love to learn more. Where did you read or watch the robot story? If it was from a UA-cam video, would you mind sharing the link?

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому +4

      When i looked at all the concerning parts of this story, I saw *no* fault only more *evidence:*
      Evidence appears in animal science, /genetic manipulation/paleontology/ancient archaeology/astrology/cosmology/sociology/philosophy/agriculture/architecture/technology/marxism/physics and phylogeny.
      ....... The real tragedy of this story: Is this truth *(Acount)* in society is perceived as fiction by the general populations.
      Those who believe are often out casted or shunned?
      While general fiction has taken the identity, standing as 'truth'

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому +2

      There is a lot of information to give and one can accidentally become over loaded with information early on.
      Time and preparation : Also, without the course of contemplation and connections: Which is the best method to understanding a great deal of the secrets of the past..

    • @mothratemporalradio517
      @mothratemporalradio517 3 роки тому +2

      I'd absolutely love to know more about this story if anyone has a link to a reputable online source. 🙌 This is right up my alley in meta form, because it's combining both Sumerian mythology and robots or automatons :v

    • @ricka1799
      @ricka1799 3 роки тому +1

      @@mothratemporalradio517 Zachariah Sitchin's 12th Planet

  • @madfrosty5228
    @madfrosty5228 3 роки тому +13

    I have noticed that not many people even wondered about the most interesting part of all of these old stories, that is the fact that those creations had feelings and emotions not jus AI , Talos cried when he knew he was dying, the guardian of the huge ancient cedar forest that once grew in the area of Lebanon ( Umbaka ? Can't remember the name right now , looks at the epic of Gilgamesh ) was begging for his life before they killed it , Pandora had her own thoughts and emotions ....
    There are many examples but my point is that the artificial intelligence described is way beyond where we are right now , food for thoughts .

    • @brianvankorn
      @brianvankorn 3 роки тому +6

      Yes some of these mythic beings are depicted as having emotions and knowing they existence. I felt pity and compassion for the crying Talos knowing his life force is escaping. HAL in 2001 begging to not be discontinued. Blade Runners murderous replicant Roy Batty wanted more life.
      The question ancient and today's scientists wrestle with is what enables conscious awareness. Perhaps advanced technology did exist to animate and enable awareness in human like machines. Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil are of the belief soon the contents of our brain will be uploadable. Into what device, is still being worked out. If the fear of death were no more, what virtual monstrosities would be created to keep bored immortals entertained ?

    • @llovebleach6530
      @llovebleach6530 3 роки тому +2

      @@brianvankorn perhaps that's why we have all the horrors the GODS of old heaped onto humanity? When you live forever, you get bored. I have always thought that King Solomon sinned near the end of his life because he was bored, and someone told him ,"No". Imagine a Dictator/Ruler of power who had everything given for sooo long, and someone actually says no to them. Years of Rule. Years of power, having accomplished everything under the sun in his time. Bored.....asking, now what.

    • @llovebleach6530
      @llovebleach6530 3 роки тому +2

      @@brianvankorn Walt Disney beloved it possible one day. Let us not forget he had his head cryo frozen for that eventuality. Russia was supposed to doerfirm the first human head transplant this year. They actually found a quadrapoligic man willing to take the risk and had the body of a brain dead individual they were keeping alive for that very purpose. Haven't heard anymore about it for some time. Perhaps because it wasn't successful or if it was, is that something we really want to know about? Just another reason for those in power to harvest bodies of others, brain dead or not. Really convenient that between all of the geneoligy testing and now the dna swabs from this plandemic have created an almost world wide genetic database...

    • @brianvankorn
      @brianvankorn 3 роки тому +1

      @@llovebleach6530 GODS were created by mortal beings who vicariously cheat death thru stories.
      Since jealousy comes from insecurity the writers had to make their gods bored. Not a fair deal having them live forever acquiring all understanding of ALL. Nope that won't fly they have to suffer some how, make GODS petty and bored. Yep That will teach em ! We who die are superior AND we can transcend this exististence they can't. Man O man we human beings can be silly in our beliefs.
      Solo-Man was miserable as he acquired more physical things to satisfy his thirst for more things. He learns to let go of the tangible and believe in the non tangible. The writers said this brought him wisdom. People with broken brains can go psychotic. They ramp up the need for more stimulation that can produce compassionate or sadistic behaviours. Solo Man experienced both. Perhaps he switched back and forth to keep from being bored. Dang I'm bored with this reply , bring out the 5 speed dull bladed guillotine, butter knife wood chipper, super slow car crusher and deadly spider acid filled paintball guns.
      That horror should keep us interested for a few seconds or till a new text comes in with a thumbs up.

  • @walkwithloveforall
    @walkwithloveforall 3 роки тому +104

    History is repeating itself! Kings and leader are often sociopaths or psychopaths, they love tools of control, fear, pain and destruction.

    • @danielclint1033
      @danielclint1033 3 роки тому +23

      I have been pointing out that we are ruled by sociopaths and psychopaths for at least 40 years.

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому +8

      More people most certainly should be questioning things, but that will not happen due to the past traumas each has faced: The power of the Roman Catholic Church across the entire world, since the beginning of the first century *(0000AD)* and before christ *(BC)* orchestrated to disable genuine confidence of those in societies: Each class of people existing in a dystopian nightmare for fear of their life 24/7...
      If word got around that they had spoke ill/heresy against the churches, punishment was arranged for them.
      Malignant devices: The cruel tortures were invented by technicians to force those charged, into submission or put to death: I'm sure you learnt of this process, as did most people in school.
      However: We was not educated on the long term inheritance of *'Fearful Psychological'* aspects of behaviour which is passed down throughout each generation... : *'Generational trauma'* exist in poor people significantly and children born into the disposition of Psychological disabilities: Occurs, Proclivity to extreme Fear/Anxiety/Tempremental/Development issues/panic attacks/trauma/personality disorders etc; The events of the *'Medevil dark ages* and continuing to the *'Mental asylums'* wards, in the period of the halfway through the second millennium to the seventeen century is what has caused this age of severe fear and extreme drug dependency.
      When one cruel device closed another door opened: Same evil of old, subjected into a new device 👿 of administration targetted towards the disadvantaged people.
      It is not going to end, by the will of the people in authority.
      It is also not going to end by the behavioural patterns of the people outside of authority?
      I have long since noticed this behaviour of extreme fear from adults, with the knowledge and research that I came across, it made sense why citizens of each nation act the way they do: I conclude at first that adults, especially Europeans appear to have an unhealthy level of fear for what seemed like *'apparently no reason what-so-ever'* towards their governments.
      I gathered that this stems from the early Medevil dark ages and throughout until the 20 century:
      By and large, it appears the effects of such laws in the past have left such a debilitating emotional impression upon entire nations of people, this successfully *tunned* the society into more effective *autonoms!*
      You can often feel the dread on the faces of those in the societies of past tyrants and extreme punishment.
      Which has ultimately broken the will of the people: Also noticing those who dared to challenge the status quo of the empire or Kingdom was put to rest in the most heinous fashions imaginable: Those who watched the public castration remained in doubt, concerning their own security.
      Those who attempted to bring about change, also experienced torture while others were removed.
      It seems to me, this was a construct to remove and disable the intelligence quality and confidence from the people, at large:
      Cultures constructed with *'Citizens lacking the genuine intelligence & confidence of action'* against their governments, shall remain as individually enslaved races of people, this regardless of their income and class and any other genre? 🤔

    • @seti111
      @seti111 3 роки тому +7

      " Kings and leaders " are, and have been, but little more than useful idiots. True, those very few who are factually in charge, are indeed, though physically weak, scared, and always barely clinging to the power they hold, are sociopaths among other highly disturbing things, such as pedophiles. What's even more disturbing? We. You and I, because we know who ' they ' are but choose never to mention them and without any effect decide to vent our griefs here on UA-cam and social media whilst they continue performing their same atrocities free of retribution. Let's give ourselves a round of applause...

    • @mawhinney2.026
      @mawhinney2.026 3 роки тому


    • @Jhonny217
      @Jhonny217 3 роки тому +5

      What better to fight an invisible ennemy ... like we all have labs and a degree in biology chemistry or whatever LMAO ... i myself believe its a hoax .. some people thinks its real.. whatever the points is no one really knows whats going on ... theres so much lies sadly ..

  • @jondog9
    @jondog9 3 роки тому +16

    That was awesome! going to buy the book right now. I love it when researchers can tie myths to possible realities.
    Thank you Adrienne Mayor and thank you @
    Long Now Foundation for bringing this.

    • @leighatkins22
      @leighatkins22 3 роки тому

      Possible realities!?
      What IS reality??? Maybe it is all reality, even the myths...

  • @alfredsutton7233
    @alfredsutton7233 3 роки тому +45

    A most excellent lecture. I’d drive a couple of hours just to hear her speak and ask her some questions. Thanks Long Now.

    • @lightbearer839
      @lightbearer839 3 роки тому +1

      Enlighten your self and give a listen great lecture !!

    • @leonmorris8799
      @leonmorris8799 3 роки тому +2

      Pervert 🙄

    • @tmsmith3412
      @tmsmith3412 3 роки тому

      It sounds as you want to do more than ask her a few questions man

    • @briancarter3704
      @briancarter3704 3 роки тому

      Alfred u sound like some kind of serial predator but im sure we misunderstood u and your just thirsty for knowledge

  • @galderan
    @galderan 3 роки тому +9

    I've been watching your videos for years now, when I found a video you did years ago and I don't remember what it was called, it brought together information that I had learned over my lifetime into a coherent and organized format. it was exciting to finally see all of the little pieces put together and expressed in a way people could understand. it sucks that I could then take that information and show it to the people who I had been trying to show what was going on and they refused to even look at it. I have lost my frustration because at this point what this world needs is positive energy and frustration is not a positive vibration. Since I've been breaking loose from the system and paying close attention to how I feel, I've been feeling a connection with the Earth and the sun and with God. Something I'd read about and heard about but had never felt before. My guidance has had me pull away from trying to wake people up because the time is over for that. Now it's time for all of us to center within ourselves and open our hearts, let the love of God out and spread it through the world. It took a lot to turn me away from trying to shake people until they saw what was happening but when that which created this universe and us decides to speak, if you don't listen he keeps getting louder and louder until you hear. Once you hear and follow, all problems go away and all doors are opened. So don't get frustrated anymore because it does not help. Those who needed to wake up have woken up so now it's time to move to the next step which is the ushering in of the correction.

    • @boocat8768
      @boocat8768 3 роки тому

      Nicely put Galderan , the day is coming when we are home and dry .

    • @icdou8928
      @icdou8928 2 роки тому +2

      So I see this and I say to myself what the hit u so hard ur in the same boat as me. Lol
      I'm seeing pits all over the earth now and finding understanding in them. I have this understanding of things old that makes nosense.
      I don't get why is what I mean.
      I've great sense of this new info. And wow. Bro this world is in for a wake up call.
      It's about to find out what washing away sin and death means.

    • @aaronp4883
      @aaronp4883 2 роки тому

      What do you suppose " the ushering in of the correction" is?

    • @bettyjoely7362
      @bettyjoely7362 2 роки тому

      @@icdou8928 yidoc!

    • @sherylcapone6683
      @sherylcapone6683 2 роки тому +1

      My frustration has been over the edge. You are correct. It makes everything worse!
      Dealing with a mean dementia husband is more frustrating than tryin to awaken our people. I can't find the emoji pulling its own hair out! lol ✌

  • @mjk7505
    @mjk7505 3 роки тому +190

    The audience is sitting there like normal people. No masks and not 6 feet apart. Seems like from a long forgotten past.

    • @sonjabowman9369
      @sonjabowman9369 3 роки тому +6

      To me they look Photoshop

    • @Wayne--O
      @Wayne--O 3 роки тому +30

      I'm sure they're all alive and well. mask wearing all day, everyday?.. your overall health is quite possibly being compromised by proxy. think about it

    • @mothratemporalradio517
      @mothratemporalradio517 3 роки тому +4

      I was watching this old film of Japan from the early 1900s or so earlier today and there was this moment that the indigenous people, the Ainu, joined in a circle to perform a slightly awkward looking dance where they bowed back and forth, side by side, in a clockwise motion. Some if the m must have been dead for about a hundred years and i still found myself thinking about social distancing.

    • @davidgould5708
      @davidgould5708 3 роки тому +5

      @@mothratemporalradio517 those people are european looking arent they. Have you a link for that video?
      Thanks in advance

    • @mothratemporalradio517
      @mothratemporalradio517 3 роки тому +1

      @@davidgould5708 Hi! Well that's what the video said. i was somewhat reminded of Australia's indigeneius people, who aren't white, plus Father Christmas. I actually kniw almost nothing of the Ainu. Does their existence mean that the Japanese people actually arrived from elsewhere originally and colonised the island? I never remember they may not be the original inhabitants even tho i find Japanese culture very interesting. Here is the link for the film! I'd be interested to know your thoughts on it after you watch it if you have any you'd like to share. Cheers!

  • @markorossie9296
    @markorossie9296 3 роки тому +5

    The technology has dramatically accelerate the latest 30 years, but humans have not changed a bit

  • @Lioness_of_Gaia
    @Lioness_of_Gaia 3 роки тому +61

    Mudfossil University (y.t. channel) shows pieces of ancient cyborgs. The feet are especially fascinating, with torsion springs. Myths are not just stories, IMO. Great video!!

    • @sultros
      @sultros 3 роки тому +5

      Does he? If I might make a suggestion. Ever been fossil hunting? If not, try it and then try and ID as well as document something you find. See how it’s done and why it’s done that way. His video on concretions, the statements he makes and evidence he provides is what you see from someone who hasn’t spent a minute in the field collecting. He presents pictures without context he found on the net and that isn’t even close to being evidence. Paleontologist and geologist do field work for a reason. That reason is because a photo tells you very little. Stone can look like many things and you need to see it in person. There are plenty of mysteries left and science to be done before coming to a conclusion like mud fossils of buildings and giants. Geology probably has many things wrong and it’s a matter of collecting more data and getting a fresh set of eyes on it. Having done a recent research project involving paleo and geology and AI to make correlations, I can guarantee that the future is going to be wild.

    • @Lioness_of_Gaia
      @Lioness_of_Gaia 3 роки тому +6

      @@sultrosNot since I was a child. Interesting insight. Thank you. I know Roger has had his specimens DNA certified by several different independent labs, so it's not all about the photos.
      I would be interesting in learning more about the discovery process, though. (:

    • @daveh3997
      @daveh3997 3 роки тому +2

      @@Lioness_of_Gaia Has he shown his "DNA certified" documentation ? Or just says it is so?

    • @Lioness_of_Gaia
      @Lioness_of_Gaia 3 роки тому +3

      @@daveh3997 He has shown it.

    • @markeatinnguud5469
      @markeatinnguud5469 3 роки тому +3


  • @squamish4244
    @squamish4244 3 роки тому +9

    Even when I was a kid, I thought the idea of Hope in the story was weird. Like, is that all you got? Hope? What about solutions?
    Also, I couldn't agree more that we need to bring back the liberal arts. They help prepare you to deal with the deep questions of the modern world.

  • @shadowraith1
    @shadowraith1 4 роки тому +24

    A fascinating lecture. Revealing a history of humanity at it's best and worst simultaneously. Sadly, I suspect, Pandora's jar is still giving.

  • @stormwalker7818
    @stormwalker7818 3 роки тому +5

    There is truly nothing new under the sun. An absolutely intriguing lecture!

  • @PRH123
    @PRH123 3 роки тому +17

    Did you catch at the very end where he asks the audience if they’re done with their drinks and to return their glasses to the bar..? Now that is my idea of an awesome evening, some drinks, ancient history, archaeology... why didn’t they have bars like that where I grew up? :)

  • @Daveyboy4
    @Daveyboy4 3 роки тому +21

    The irony to me is how we developed automation and people lost jobs, this has led to increased poverty and homelessness, its become all about more for less and profits.

    • @gunzmith29r
      @gunzmith29r 3 роки тому +7

      i agree and the only cure to big corporations from firing humans and replacing them with robots is to tax every robot according to how much human power they use...as in if it does the job of ten humans the company who owns it should be taxed the same as 10 humans would be taxed.....if not humans will haave to be exterminated to make room for more and more robots until humans are extinct.

    • @0siiris
      @0siiris 3 роки тому +1

      I'd suggest you look into Andrew Yang

    • @Daveyboy4
      @Daveyboy4 3 роки тому +3

      @@gunzmith29r agreed and thank you, I may sound my age but I honestly feel the next generation would rather robots and AI do all of the work so they can do selfies social, media and gaming?

    • @llovebleach6530
      @llovebleach6530 3 роки тому +1

      @@gunzmith29r and here I thought that was the ultimate goal of the elite as foretold on Georgia Guide Stones.

    • @-Blue-_
      @-Blue-_ 3 роки тому

      @@Daveyboy4 any problem with gaming ??

  • @kimlarso6622
    @kimlarso6622 3 роки тому +6

    “It’s easier to fool someone than convince someone they’re being fooled”=TY for sharing, much appreciated!🦋🕯

  • @CipherDiaz
    @CipherDiaz 3 роки тому +3

    One thing I find a bit strange, but the author is not the first to not know this, is that the greeks importer their religions from India.
    As such they operated with greek reformed view on the indian doctrines, where things like chakras (kirke in greek, from which we get the word "church") and the sacred body comes into play. Now the Hindu (and largely Buddhist) view of the body, is that of consisting of various organs - which in turn is governed and operated by various deities.
    So each organ was seen as the "device" of a deity. The chakras each house two deities, typically of opposing force - except the first and last (ganesh at the bottom, shiv at the top).
    Each chakra has X number of petals or nerve-paths. The configuration of these determines your personality and who you are essentially.
    This psychosomatic machinery was seen as such, as a vehicle (yana) for the incarnated consciousness. So the human body itself is regarded by Hindus - and no doubt the same was true for the greeks, as a sort of suit or armour, with autonomous functionality.
    A part of hindu tantric practices is to install new deities in the chakras -- literally install new software if you like. This is often done as a master is dying or about to die, where he transfers the deities from his chakras to the disciple. Passing on the perfected operating principle.
    Hopefully the author will take these notes into account in her follow up book.

  • @tommedlin3009
    @tommedlin3009 3 роки тому +27

    The evil of mankind never ceases to amaze me.

    • @HeavensEye666
      @HeavensEye666 3 роки тому +6

      They're not men.

    • @IMArtisanX
      @IMArtisanX 3 роки тому +3

      @@HeavensEye666 They are DeVo!

    • @carolynmurphy3697
      @carolynmurphy3697 3 роки тому +3

      Men get blamed for everything. This is what Satanists do...blame us

    • @tommedlin3009
      @tommedlin3009 3 роки тому +2

      @@carolynmurphy3697 you're correct it's not just men it's a women as well.

    • @tripzville7569
      @tripzville7569 3 роки тому +1

      Agreed my friend. Join us as we do our little bit using our music and messages to shine some light in these challenging times. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER.

  • @dtrez3866
    @dtrez3866 3 роки тому +6

    Just 10 mins in but i have to say, I'm finding this really enjoyable. I like the lecturer's style.

  • @prim.an.propher1505
    @prim.an.propher1505 3 роки тому +2

    I like the connection she made between Pandora and the lady in Metropolis. Most of the movies we watch are an adaptation of the myths (sometimes truths) of the past

  • @zalanahara270
    @zalanahara270 3 роки тому +40

    Great talk. However, all of this has been mentioned before by several others who were not really taken seriously.....Technology of the Gods with Graham Hancock

    • @Charzilian
      @Charzilian 3 роки тому +4

      They are not taken serious because they are basically saying mythical tech was/is real lol. On top of that, they warn people that tech is evil.

    • @danielbaynham7142
      @danielbaynham7142 3 роки тому +5

      Nice point! I think Graham Hancocks background and theories as a whole are the reason, rather than specifically what you are referring to. Of course, we are finding that cultures (or at least elements or individuals within them) were and are more advanced than generally regarded in the past. The biggest problem is evidence of how. As was mentioned with many of the robotic examples given in this talk, there is evidence of these "machines" witnessed as records, but no record of the science or engineering behind them. Further, no records exist from the creators themselves but rather, as I just referred to, from only the witnesses. For example, we have the works and science of Devinci documented in great detail so it is evidence-based. One cannot also discount human psychology, where man is forever seeing themself in all things, we ascribe this to pets like dogs and cats and as mentioned again in the talk, to even objects like statues and dolls, and is most likely down to our evolution and social dependence. Furthermore, regarding mythology, our understanding that man only convinced of machines in modern times is highly debatable and based on one's own position. Almost all creation myths that predate the more modern religious mythology refer to man being created in place of or, as a tool of the gods. Through design or mistake, these men were given a level of self-awareness or consciousness usually expressed as an element of the gods themselves. This is ascribed as soul, life force, passion, or in many cases knowledge. Usually, the god responsible is punished or condemned for this action. Ala Prometheus, even lucifer can be seen to inhabit this role, as "God" in the bible only intended man to "tend the garden" and nothing more, though no assertion to man being an actual machine is given, its initial role does fill the criteria. But regardless, ancient beliefs tended towards man's body being a tool of experience and the force that animated it being the actual intelligence or source of perception. Hinduism is a major example as well as the Egyptians, Buddhism a more recent expression. In some cases, like Hinduism, all creation is actually viewed as a fractal holographic progression where all is godhead all their devas, gods and devis, etc are one entity removed from itself in an ongoing program including humans and other creatures of their mythology. While this does not at first seem to connect to robotics, consider these ideas and philosophies have permeated through time and influenced some of the most famous Sci-Fi fiction in human culture. Do androids dream of electric sheep? Ghost in the shell, I robot, Matrix, etc, where man himself is holding a mirror to his own perception of life and the distinction between free will and design. It could be said it was always mans' destiny (or inevitability) to build machines and to imbue them with our own personality and likeness. Modern mankind's intelligence has remained constant throughout history (aka the brain), it is only our accumulation of knowledge and our ability to share and preserve it that has increased along with our ability to build and further better technologies.
      Take machines and the knowledge from man today and he is as he was 2000 or more years ago. If we take for example the progression of human rights this is not the evolution of the mind but rather conditioning, gifted generations through better standards of life and expectancy. A group of humans today is as stupid and reactionary as any in the past and a certain percentage will always think, engineer, and look further than what is considered socially acceptable or possible.

    • @petedread
      @petedread 3 роки тому +16

      @@Charzilian This is not correct. Hancock says nothing of the sort. He believes that there is evidence that civilization and technology (technology being relative to the times, not talking silicon chips or robots here) are tens of thousands of years older than we currently teach. For example, he believes that the great pyramids of Gaza existed in ten thousand BC and were not built in two thousand BC. He believes that civilization is much much older, a big asteroid impact set mankind back and destroyed much evidence of older civilizations (tsunamis and mini ice age) evidence of this was discovered a couple of years ago by scientists.

    • @zalanahara270
      @zalanahara270 3 роки тому

      @@petedread Michael Tsarion ?
      Jordan Maxwell?

    • @cutekanjii
      @cutekanjii 3 роки тому

      @@Charzilian how do you know they didn't though? Might have and just the components of the technology was delicate and was destroyed by natural disasters etc or later societies either came along and discovered the remainder or society regressed and accidently destroyed it not knowing what they were dealing with. A later society may even have purposely destroyed it believing it to be wicked. Maybe even was destroyed by warfare, caught in the cross fire or captured and destroyed.

  • @Guardianangel369
    @Guardianangel369 3 роки тому +65

    Wow this blew my mind, gives you something to think about.

    • @llovebleach6530
      @llovebleach6530 3 роки тому

      @Jefe Anson where can one find that info?

    • @emmapeel8163
      @emmapeel8163 3 роки тому

      @@llovebleach6530 - just look up "artificial womb" there's many reports on it.

    • @FlatEarthSwitzerland
      @FlatEarthSwitzerland 3 роки тому

      @@emmapeel8163 please link us your best find

    • @kindaclassykindachola
      @kindaclassykindachola 3 роки тому +1

      Blue Heron has good content/videos on A.I. creatures among us. They Live
      (Frank -Sin- At -Ra)

  • @giorgosgalanos9888
    @giorgosgalanos9888 3 роки тому +26

    "Researchers" in Greece say that the liquid Ichor of Talos may have been a hydraulic fluid.

    • @Charzilian
      @Charzilian 3 роки тому +1

      Well no, because it didn't exist. These were mythological stories lol.
      The Greeks said the gods had their own food and drink called ambrosia which caused their blood to be replaced by a special blood called ichor. This colorless, blood-like fluid was harmful to humans and if they came across it, it was said to kill human beings instantly. It is a mystical fluid, completely unlike anything in the real world.

    • @giorgosgalanos9888
      @giorgosgalanos9888 3 роки тому +23

      @@Charzilian I know the myth, I am Greek. But I keep my mind open and I believe that the myths were based on some truths.
      The Amazons were believed by scientists to be a myth but it turned out that the Greeks were writing the truth. Mycenae and Troy were thought to be a myth but were discovered. For centuries, Knossos was considered only a city of myth and legend, until it was uncovered.
      The Antikythera mechanism, which was actually a computer, proved the existence of high technology in ancient times, which was beyond our imagination.
      Watch the video with the lecture of Adrienne Mayor on the Amazons if you want.

    • @MrRand0mGamer
      @MrRand0mGamer 3 роки тому +4

      @@Charzilian That was probably mercury

    • @jaysmitty2846
      @jaysmitty2846 3 роки тому +2

      @@Charzilian considered nuclear power waste water.

    • @nakos777
      @nakos777 3 роки тому

      Stop believe that myth is(means) fairytale

  • @franksbtka1624
    @franksbtka1624 2 роки тому +2

    If you know the story of the Anunnaki, you know that we were supposed to be those robots except Enki gave us the divine spark in addition to creating us through genetic manipulation.

  • @michaelbrady2015
    @michaelbrady2015 3 роки тому +67

    There is nothing new Under the Sun.

    • @renaephenix
      @renaephenix 3 роки тому +2

      Something new is about to take place.

    • @Lioness_of_Gaia
      @Lioness_of_Gaia 3 роки тому +1


    • @rbergs7193
      @rbergs7193 3 роки тому +10

      Exactly. The technology that has been found is not spoke of much, from electricity to precision stone cutting that baffles scienctists to this day. The fact that all ancient civilization was archaic and unadvanced is not fact at all. Just as the mixing of DNA to form species that should never have existed...proof of this found in cave drawings worldwide, which, btw, is not taught as myth in Greek schools, but taught as history. Nothing new under the sun. It's about to get wild. Too much fallen angel technology for mortal men....

    • @gillianmason4198
      @gillianmason4198 3 роки тому +2

      That same thought jumped into my head too.

    • @FlatEarthSwitzerland
      @FlatEarthSwitzerland 3 роки тому

      How new is the sun?

  • @col2959
    @col2959 3 роки тому +58

    All myths lead back to the Annunaki / Sumerians. There are no myths just various versions of history.... hey just my opinion

    • @salamjihad3449
      @salamjihad3449 3 роки тому +7


    • @col2959
      @col2959 3 роки тому +3

      SALAM JIHAD ... the Annunaki 'made us' so not sure how that works but yes their myths talk about men in flying machines right... gee man that's wild hair. Wow

    • @salamjihad3449
      @salamjihad3449 3 роки тому +1

      @@col2959 LOL

    • @vinayseth1114
      @vinayseth1114 3 роки тому +1

      Didn't Egyptian myths run parallely? I'm not sure whether the Sumerian myths are the oldest.

    • @salamjihad3449
      @salamjihad3449 3 роки тому +3


  • @desther7975
    @desther7975 3 роки тому +9

    This sheds new light on certain biblical passages that seem to describe such machines!

    • @desther7975
      @desther7975 3 роки тому +4

      @Nomad Wizard I don't mean it in a crazy way. Consider Revelation 13:15, for instance: _The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed._
      Perhaps this is in reference to a Roman emperor's machine akin to those described in this lecture.

    • @jamimoor7311
      @jamimoor7311 3 роки тому +2

      @@desther7975 interesting indeed! What if the "image" is a cloned body using the DNA of whoever is brought back to life? And giving it "breath" to speak and move is placing AI into the clone?

    • @jamimoor7311
      @jamimoor7311 3 роки тому +9

      Also, demons are looking for any way they can inhabit a body, that's why people get possessed, demons take over the body. If they can clone or create a body without a soul, because ONLY God can create a soul, then they will inhabit a clone body and basically bring it to life with their evil spirits

    • @mothratemporalradio517
      @mothratemporalradio517 3 роки тому

      @@desther7975 Interesting idea, but that example didn't quite convince me. Curious as to whether there are any other examples you can think of, especially from the Old Testament.

    • @krystinathompson2781
      @krystinathompson2781 3 роки тому

      @@desther7975 I think of Sophia. I wonder about all technology.

    @RUMP3LST1LT5K1N 3 роки тому +1

    I remember Jason and Argonauts . All those themed movies of that era. Born in 1965. MEDEA is outta control

  • @JamesHawkeYouTube
    @JamesHawkeYouTube 3 роки тому +16

    And so now we live in this world of scientism and technocratic oligarchy.

  • @djzoologic
    @djzoologic 3 роки тому +3

    Really points to the fact our civilization is way older and riddled with amnesia!

    • @tripzville7569
      @tripzville7569 3 роки тому +1

      Great post my unknown friend. I agree. Join us as we do our little bit using our music and messages to shine some light in these challenging times . TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER.

  • @ClareAngel78
    @ClareAngel78 3 роки тому +7

    This presentation is one of the most interesting ones I have ever seen it was so interesting that I wish I could forget it just so I could watch it again for the first time

  • @Lexington-Felix
    @Lexington-Felix 2 роки тому +1

    I love this informative history lecture and she’s a gem. I just love listening to her she’s relaxing and keeps my intention. I also have to agree I didn’t know Pandora was an invention I thought the only story I knew of was the box absolutely fascinating! What it would have been like to see what really happened in real time. To bad the Vatican won’t let us use the chronovisor lol. I would have loved to have seen the machinery they had then. I really think we are only understanding a part of it. I think it was much more fascinating in real life. It would be mesmerizing even in today’s standards. I wish I could sit in on a daily lecture from her. Much love to you all! ❤️

  • @christophmahler
    @christophmahler 3 роки тому +3

    It's interesting to note that of all of the Argonauts, it's not the 'sophisticated' Greek, 'sly Jason' (according to Euripides), but the 'archaic witch' from Colchis, Medea who masters the technological challenges...

    • @boocat8768
      @boocat8768 3 роки тому

      Yes Medea was a high witch priestess , very clever and beguiling , she helped Jason get the golden fleece .

    • @christophmahler
      @christophmahler 3 роки тому

      "Medea was (...)"
      Oh, I know.
      But as today, 'witches' don't study engineering, repair household maintenance or _code_ .
      The few individuals that do any these things simply _pass as men_ .
      Therefore it is noteworthy that Greek tradition put's someone who revels in _astrology_ and rituals in confrontation with 'techne' (craft) and 'automatons'.
      The Greeks knew women (e.g. Euripides' 'Medea', Sophocles' plays and Aristophanes' 'Women at the Thesmophoria') - and their _nature_ hasn't changed at all - so it's worth noting this detail - as if the Greeks knew something about _technology_ that we 'enlightened' people are indoctrinated to ignore...
      Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  • @andsch0172
    @andsch0172 3 роки тому +4

    Check „Barbarik“ India, the robot with A.I. around 5.000 years ago who fought wars, was turned into a kind of drone and the head ist still kept in a temple in Indie

  • @UncommonWoman1611
    @UncommonWoman1611 3 роки тому +44


    • @karaa7595
      @karaa7595 3 роки тому +1

      Amen! Life itself can be broken down into about 10 concepts. Once that's figured out though things get pretty stale for the intellectual person so I won't say anymore than this.

    • @americangirlx4
      @americangirlx4 3 роки тому +2

      @@karaa7595 I don't know or believe life, reality or the "so-called" universe can be explained or understood through our limited sources, rewritten history and unrelenting propaganda of disinfo and lies, but it's comforting to find another intelligent critical thinker. Have you seen the DS AHK channel? You should check it out. You have some interesting content so I've subscribed.

    • @SharonMessage
      @SharonMessage 3 роки тому

      Bah ha ha you're so funny...not so much however to each their own demise or victories for peace in their after world cuz this here we are only passing through, im choosing to go up and you? Enjoy life & bee love

    • @SharonMessage
      @SharonMessage 3 роки тому +1

      @Alexander Franke Precisely especially the god for the love of money Greed (lack mentality) is the root of all evil.

    • @SharonMessage
      @SharonMessage 3 роки тому

      @@americangirlx4 Interesting

  • @Angelight888
    @Angelight888 3 роки тому +2

    I was surprised by this presentation. I knew there were machines in the ancient world and I have the awareness that we have lost the technologies from antiquity but this??? WOW. I knew about Heron the Great of Alexandria and how he created moving machines, doors and such for religious purposes no doubt to expand the power of those who employed him and their pockets. Thank you Aidrienne, you were a delight to listen to and a walking body of knowledge.

    • @erzsebethyoung
      @erzsebethyoung Рік тому

      @Angelight888 - when William Thompkins mentioned saying Hitler had a battalion of Clones it was not so easy to fathom, the Star wars had the film - The war of the Clones - the video makes it possible to fathom, would you say.

  • @signil6002
    @signil6002 3 роки тому +6

    Fascinating talk, thank you Adrienne Mayor!

  • @philippedefague3835
    @philippedefague3835 3 роки тому +2

    One of the best lectures ever.

  • @Mystdragon
    @Mystdragon 3 роки тому +4

    I don't know how this was in my suggestions but it was worth it. I learned so much. It's blew my mind.

  • @Pencil0fDoom
    @Pencil0fDoom 3 роки тому +12

    You think you’re sitting down to enjoy a harmless survey of curiosities from antiquity, and then VAP! she abstracts it right into our collective lap, leaving us with perhaps the most significant moral imperative for the future of humanity; will it be foresight or hindsight, wisdom or regret, that prevails in our relationship with emerging technology?

    • @isishathor1238
      @isishathor1238 3 роки тому

      First of all, awareness that it exists. Then, study the laws of physics, human or AI. We can coexist, and still advance as humanity, who knows?

    • @tsriftsal3581
      @tsriftsal3581 3 роки тому

      The call for the godess Tiamat to bring chaos is loud.

    • @fge00
      @fge00 3 роки тому

      Thank you Rod Serling

  • @chazvalvo2840
    @chazvalvo2840 3 роки тому +4

    A resounding thanks for sharing such wonderful content. I'm 56 now but still learning. Just got my second degree in human services that focus in on addiction studies however if I could do it all over again from a young lad I'm all about the history thing remember the truth is out there!

    • @michellemarieperez6574
      @michellemarieperez6574 3 роки тому

      That is great. A second degree at 56. I am considering going back to school just to learn about history. I am 50. So much knowledge. Best wishes to you.

  • @wholearthwisdom8271
    @wholearthwisdom8271 3 роки тому +7

    Came to this with curiosity. Stayed cause it is an awesome presentation!!

  • @JCTBomb
    @JCTBomb 3 роки тому +3

    Extremely eye opening! What an excellent topic of study! Thank you maim :)

  • @Aika_agibazuiba
    @Aika_agibazuiba 3 роки тому +2

    We have our finnish folklore or myhthology, in kalevala. And there's also semigod like blacksmith seppo ilmarinen. He make magical artifact named sampo, the machine that brought riches and good fortune to its holder. :)

  • @johannageisel5390
    @johannageisel5390 3 роки тому +25

    I dig that steampunk snail on the blackboard.

    • @longnow
      @longnow  3 роки тому +3

      It was drawn by our chalk robot, Otto: juerglehni.com/works/otto

    • @johannageisel5390
      @johannageisel5390 3 роки тому +2

      @@longnow Wow, that's so cool!
      But the picture itself has another source, doesn't it? I found it on the web, but can't say who the original artist is.
      Fun fact: I live in the "Otto city" Magdeburg, a favourite residence of Holy Roman Emperor Otto I. and also the work place of scientist Otto von Guericke.

  • @PeteVanDemark
    @PeteVanDemark 3 роки тому +2

    Interesting information. Adrienne Mayor has a very pleasant voice.

  • @jamesboyd5305
    @jamesboyd5305 4 роки тому +7

    As soon as she said Historical Greek Myths I sat up and listened!

    • @CliveBarnettrecluse
      @CliveBarnettrecluse 3 роки тому +3

      Me too because I do wonder how much of Greek mythology is really descended from Egyptian philosophy

  • @dmenace8411
    @dmenace8411 3 роки тому +1

    Good Talk.For those making a silly comment about distancing,...it didnt kick in properly til 2wks after this debate!

  • @JayJay-ki4mi
    @JayJay-ki4mi 3 роки тому +8

    There's always that question in the back of my mind that asks "what if". What if there existed civilizations like ours that were technological advanced? They could have wiped themselves out. An asteroid could have wiped them out. Shockwave blasts from a 4 mile asteroid for example would kill everything on the planet. Or, a solar flare. I don't full buy the idea that we're the most advanced. I don't buy the idea that civilization advancements are linear.

    • @mothratemporalradio517
      @mothratemporalradio517 3 роки тому +1

      Interesting theory. Any thoughts about the Etruscans? Not that we have any evidence they were more advanced, but they're rather mysterious, so it's fun to speculate. Still, i don't know if we can say much more than that they made very cool necropoli.

    • @TheRoux222
      @TheRoux222 3 роки тому

      And the thing is if it did happen there would be no trace of us left. Nothing we have is made to last. There would be no record of our technological advancements

  • @scottbouc2888
    @scottbouc2888 3 роки тому +1

    This was amazing completely found this by accident and I was capativtied by the insight and lost knowledge of automatons especially when tied into Greek mythology and historical events that actually took place and were recorded. I will say I'm not the type to sit through a talk but I was very interested in it the whole time.

  • @madammim694
    @madammim694 3 роки тому +24

    Fallen angel knowledge.

  • @Cugelclever
    @Cugelclever 3 роки тому +2

    Best thing I've seen on youtube in months.

  • @SysterEuropa
    @SysterEuropa 3 роки тому +3

    Brilliant. I am amazed that Alphabet and UA-cam has not censored this lecture.

  • @darlinjacq1552
    @darlinjacq1552 3 роки тому +1

    ...and your internet audience is being held captivated by your amazingly insightful words

  • @MrTheBoycie
    @MrTheBoycie 3 роки тому +4

    We live the imaginations of those before us. Like those after us live out ours.

  • @ratsandradishes
    @ratsandradishes 3 роки тому +2

    That was awesome! Love that notion of humanity as automata of the gods. I suppose that the forces of nature coalesced into life, and are in a sense the simulacra of self-driving, self-perpetuating existence.

  • @statesrights01
    @statesrights01 3 роки тому +29

    some scientist stood before the Lord.. "We can now make man, just like you..!" one exclaimed with joy.. "Oh really asked the Lord".. "Yep.. we can make the heart and lungs.. the arms and legs... everything.. now we don't need you God cause we have this.. " The Lord looked at the scientist then said.. "Well, that's impressive.. let me see you do this.. I want to see you make a man just like I did.." So with that one of the scientist went to grab a shovel and started to dig into the ground.... the Lord asked.. "Um.. what are you doing?" the scientist leaning on the shovel looked up at the Lord and said.. "Oh, to do this, we need some dirt.."... Then the Lord leaned in just a small bit.. and said with so much love... "Get your own dirt.." .. We are Not God and nor will we ever be.. history is a blast and I really did enjoy the talk.. Thanks so much.. but least we become blinded by our own ambitions.. we need to remember... God spoke this place and all things into life.. then with his own hands made man.. Peace all..

  • @blackkittens.
    @blackkittens. 3 роки тому +1

    So interesting and the lecturer has a lovely and easy way of speaking.

  • @cragger9358
    @cragger9358 3 роки тому +3

    Mind blowing. I didn't think there was intelligent life on prison planet earth anymore, liked no loved the vid. It took me away mentally had me thinking maybe there is hope, that question again , now I am back to oppressed world with evil rulers that have complete control over everything but our minds, the only thing truly free anymore but their coming for that too eventually. Off topic but any words of wisdom from anyone for books to read etc to try to snap out of the depression Ive been in for a while? Thank you it was amazing hour to spend here and so much knowledge packed into every minute, it was like I was young again and my amazing 5th grade teacher read Mythology to us as we listened to every word in complete amazement, thanks again.

    • @earlleighbyrd6083
      @earlleighbyrd6083 3 роки тому

      Obsolete man by Destiny lab, ua-cam.com/video/C4PRzdVZsH8/v-deo.html check out the TRUTH in the lyrics

  • @beatles7238
    @beatles7238 3 роки тому +2

    Wow, this is an excellent lecture, I love these ancient history stories, I've always been interested in Egyptian history and I'm now looking at Ancient India & South America! Thank you for your great research... 💖🙏👏

  • @graziaviel1445
    @graziaviel1445 3 роки тому +12

    It is a very good warning about AI that the superfancy small group of multimilionair are doing right now

    • @jasonnabors681
      @jasonnabors681 3 роки тому +3

      Mythology often has moral lessons, and you are so right about the Greek myths teaching about the dangers of technology, even the cutthroat business that it is. Daedalus threw Perdix off of a building because he had beaten him to the market with a couple of innovations.

    • @llovebleach6530
      @llovebleach6530 3 роки тому

      @@jasonnabors681 and we think man has matured over the centuries...

  • @weasel007
    @weasel007 3 роки тому

    I don't think she mentioned that automatons were mentioned as far back as 1100 B.C. - even earlier than Homer and that time period. Who really knows how far back these things were created and how technologically advanced they were. For now, its pretty damn exciting to learn more about this fascinating subject.

  • @kamatekamatekaorakaora3459
    @kamatekamatekaorakaora3459 3 роки тому +6

    Where was this presentation done? Interesting indeed. Our History is so unbelievably fascinating!!

    • @longnow
      @longnow  3 роки тому

      Hello Christian. This lecture was filmed at The Interval, our foundation's cocktail bar/cafe/museum in San Francisco: theinterval.org/

  • @dpaul9634
    @dpaul9634 3 роки тому +1

    She just read out Greek Mythology... All of that is there in the folklore. And yes many of us have wondered the same questions on the same angles after reading Daniken and many others. It would have been more interesting had she injected her own prognosis.....That would have been the unique takeaway....

    • @SharonMessage
      @SharonMessage 3 роки тому

      Awesome John Anthony West "Quack -a-demi-yak" r.i.p. peace & blessings.

  • @hereb4theend
    @hereb4theend 4 роки тому +39

    The tale between AI and men is as old as time.

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому +3

      In the story of the Annunarky: Zachary Sitchin: Relays a tale of the Annunarky gods paying slave labour to a workforce. The beings of this workforce was named the *"Gi-Gi"*
      The Gi-Gi were taught the task of mining for the precious elements of *'Gold'*
      After a great period elapsed, the 'Gi-Gi' protested against the Annunarky and held a strike of defiance against their Annunarky overlords.
      Whatever the strike entailed it expired un-resolved
      The Annunarky then built a *"Robot"* workforce, to continue on with the process of minning for precious metals..
      Appears very familiar: The *"Robots"* are today's human beings..
      But who were the *"Gi-Gi"* *? ? 🤔*
      Angels? *(Fallen Angel - Aliens)*

    • @HypnoticHollywood
      @HypnoticHollywood 3 роки тому +3

      @@khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 The Gi Gi were members of the Annunnaki society, not a big mystery.

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому +2

      More people most certainly should be questioning things, but that will not happen due to the past traumas each has faced: The power of the Roman Catholic Church across the entire world, since the beginning of the first century *(0000AD)* and before christ *(BC)* orchestrated to disable genuine confidence of those in societies: Each class of people existing in a dystopian nightmare for fear of their life 24/7...
      If word got around that they had spoke ill/heresy against the churches, punishment was arranged for them.
      Malignant devices: The cruel tortures were invented by technicians to force those charged, into submission or put to death: I'm sure you learnt of this process, as did most people in school.
      However: We was not educated on the long term inheritance of *'Fearful Psychological'* aspects of behaviour which is passed down throughout each generation... : *'Generational trauma'* exist in poor people significantly and children born into the disposition of Psychological disabilities: Occurs, Proclivity to extreme Fear/Anxiety/Tempremental/Development issues/panic attacks/trauma/personality disorders etc; The events of the *'Medevil dark ages* and continuing to the *'Mental asylums'* wards, halfway through the second millennium to the seventeen century is what has caused this age of severe fear and extreme drug dependency.
      When one cruel device closed another door opened: Same evil, new device 👿 of administration to the advantaged people.
      It is not going to end, by the will of the people in authority.
      It is also not going to end by the behavioural patterns of the people outside of authority?
      I have long since noticed this behaviour of extreme fear from adults, with the knowledge and research that I came across, it made sense why citizens of each nation act the way they do: I conclude at first that adults, especially Europeans appear to have an unhealthy level of fear for what seemed like *'apparently no reason what-so-ever'* towards their governments.
      I gathered that this stems from the early Medevil dark ages and throughout until the 20 century:
      By and large, it appears the effects of such laws in the past have left such a debilitating emotional impression upon entire nations of people and turned the society into more effective autonoms.
      You can often feel the dread on the faces of those in the societies of past tyrants and extreme punishment.
      Which has ultimately broken the will of the people: Also noticing those who dared to challenge the status quo of the empire or Kingdom was put to rest in the most heinous fashions imaginable: Those who watched the public castration remained in doubt, concerning their own security.
      Those who attempted to bring about change, also experienced torture while others were removed.
      It seems to me, this was a construct to remove and disable the intelligence quality and confidence from the people, at large:
      Cultures constructed with *'Citizens lacking the genuine intelligence & confidence of action'* against their governments, shall remain as individually enslaved races of people, this regardless of their income and class and any other genre? 🤔

    • @carolynmurphy3697
      @carolynmurphy3697 3 роки тому +1

      @@khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 Thanks for the explanation. Very interesting and makes a lot of sense. So we are doomed then lol to their bidding

    • @Cicada3773
      @Cicada3773 3 роки тому +1

      I suppose we can thank Mary Shelly for turning AI into zombies and monsters then.

  • @anthonyman8008
    @anthonyman8008 3 роки тому +12

    Revelations 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast(animated graven images via AI), that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
    10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
    11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
    12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

    • @celeste3193
      @celeste3193 3 роки тому

      Amen! Praise the Lord! the prophecy of Jesus Christ is fulfilling.He is coming to judge the world in righteousness.

  • @materialgyrl5
    @materialgyrl5 3 роки тому +3

    Such an excellent lecture. Buying the book and will be following Adrienne Mayor. We'll done Long Now

  • @timstanley9161
    @timstanley9161 3 роки тому +31

    Talos bolt in his heel reminds me of Achilles heel. makes me wonder if one came out of the other.

  • @roughroadrunner88
    @roughroadrunner88 3 роки тому +4

    We are hypnotized by using our android phones 24/7.

    • @alfaceuntauriprodigy
      @alfaceuntauriprodigy 3 роки тому

      dunno but iphone stole tech from nokia. Without that iphone and whole company hasent sucseed. China and Usa both have stolen many tech innovations around the globe.

    • @alfaceuntauriprodigy
      @alfaceuntauriprodigy 3 роки тому

      those countries are nothing but thieves like me.=)

  • @ozzoldoshadda2993
    @ozzoldoshadda2993 3 роки тому +3

    Thank you for bringing back my childhood PTSD with that thumbnail

  • @kerry1963qld
    @kerry1963qld 3 роки тому +9

    I really enjoyed this lecture

  • @benkeller6027
    @benkeller6027 3 роки тому +1

    So true. Robots and such machines were made for the Greeks. The temples had statues whose eyes would move, metal made animals that moved and the Antikythera mechanism found on a ship wreck. The ancients were indeed advanced.

  • @TheytellToomanylies
    @TheytellToomanylies 3 роки тому +19

    Since the begining the AI was the end goal

    • @isishathor1238
      @isishathor1238 3 роки тому +3

      There’s so much more to us...

    • @TheytellToomanylies
      @TheytellToomanylies 3 роки тому

      @@isishathor1238 the dragon had children with the femail, to kill them in the end and pretend to be the saviour. Top Dad.
      Spread the Gospel of SALVATION to all CREATION
      Wonder what that means

    • @isishathor1238
      @isishathor1238 3 роки тому

      @@TheytellToomanylies I believe Dragon is actually the savior, that nephilim stuff is sth different

    • @TheytellToomanylies
      @TheytellToomanylies 3 роки тому

      Yeah ok, the return to ai

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому

      Where did that come from?

  • @kristinerobatzek-gieck2491
    @kristinerobatzek-gieck2491 3 роки тому +18

    Terrifying. I can’t understand how evil this world is. I am seriously depressed by it. My prayers to Jesus are amping up daily.

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому +2

      You mentioned Jesus...
      OK. Well the problem may be about to get worse:
      I. E
      If those people... and you know who I refer to?
      Have perpetually deceived you without fear or remorse: Lied to you about everything one could possibly say.. Whats more. Is you are now dependent upon it for your daily neurological fix..
      While constantly feeding you and your parents as once done to their parents before them.. And so forth and before.
      These are the same systems and messages in different formats...
      While complete social systems of minions are engaged in *suckling* opon the tit... Of misinformation and woe be #@.tzwfwx#_&zwf tide
      Unfortunately: Now you suppose they are just handing you over the truth of faith and power...
      Why would they do that... *(The word Version, as in KJV?)*
      Think about it? 🤔

    • @mickswann357
      @mickswann357 3 роки тому +1

      What on Earth could you possibly find "terrifying" about a lecture discussing classical automata?

    • @tripzville7569
      @tripzville7569 3 роки тому +1

      @@khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 Great post my unknown friend. I feel that unfortunately It is going to get a lot lot worse before it starts to get better. And this will play out over a number of generations [how many ? your guess is as good as mine]. Join us as we do our little bit using our music and messages to shine some light in these challenging times. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER.

    • @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423
      @khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 3 роки тому

      Quite true.. You are.
      However, much needs studying upon: The poisoning of the DNA is in affect, to all things today...
      The poisoning *blood* of the treacherous Anunarky overlords into the Nephilim.. Into the *phylogeny* of life upon earth..
      The blood of wicked ones has fallen into the earth and resurfaced in the DNA of all things organic.
      This is the document to all the questions to why there is so much evil in this world?
      Regardless, this is not new in the realms of existence.
      The life originally designated upon this earth, never was intended for collusion with the phylegenetics of outworldy beings?
      Discovering who has what interests , is often the issue in this world

    • @anthonyman8008
      @anthonyman8008 3 роки тому +1

      @@khaliltheenlightenmentbomb3423 that's your story

  • @cjoe1950
    @cjoe1950 3 роки тому +21

    "Techno Wizard"...
    I'm pretty sure there is a DJ at some club out there with that name.

    • @mothratemporalradio517
      @mothratemporalradio517 3 роки тому +2

      That's Jeff Mills! He plays techno and is one of the original innovators from Detroit. Back in the day because of his unmatchable skills, he used to go by the DJ moniker The Wizard! 🙌⚡🎼

    • @mylesgratton2552
      @mylesgratton2552 3 роки тому

      Nope That, you're maybe a moron

  • @thrrax
    @thrrax 3 роки тому +31

    So, technically Pandora was a Terminator.

    • @mauribonada2425
      @mauribonada2425 3 роки тому

      And zeus a tyran, kinda crap concepts from this woman

    • @thrrax
      @thrrax 3 роки тому +7

      @@mauribonada2425 Zeus was a tyrant. And the "romanticized" version of ancient Olympian legends most people know, are flowers and rainbows compared to the originals. Just like fairy tales. The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, they have all been "beautified", because you can't market the originals (which were born from scary tales told to children in order to make them behave) to young children.

    • @mauribonada2425
      @mauribonada2425 3 роки тому +1

      @@thrrax they were shaped for you, north american people, like the supertition that zeus was a tyrant so you cant escape from democracy, a tyrant is a tribune elected by the people, zeus killed his father kronos, justice is above time, thats the metaphor.

    • @mauribonada2425
      @mauribonada2425 3 роки тому

      @@thrrax also you cant compare ancient myths with modern novels, there are two different things

    • @thrrax
      @thrrax 3 роки тому +4

      @@mauribonada2425 I'm not North American, and I am actually born in a dictatorship, from which we "escaped" at the end of 1989. I come from a nation that highly values stories and the truth behind them.
      By definition, Zeus is a tyrant. Look it up. It has nothing to do with being elected, that's the whole idea. In the modern definition, a tyrant is an absolute ruler that is unrestrained by law, or one that has usurped legitimate sovereignty. In the old Greek definition, the term tyrannos was assigned to an absolute sovereign that came to power without constitutional right. So... Zeus usurped his father by killing him. Also, he doesn't give a crap about the humans (which are the common citizens, even though he favors a few), or even more so, about the other gods (which are his council, Parliament, Government, whatever you wanna call them). He does whatever he pleases. There is no "justice over time" metaphor. There's a "new takes over from the old, but keeping the same methods" metaphor.

  • @Mdlrtrombon
    @Mdlrtrombon 3 роки тому +2

    Amazing. Thank you.

  • @scottmerrow1488
    @scottmerrow1488 3 роки тому +6

    How did any of these gods and robots get through the firmament above us?

    • @aquamarine_aqua3
      @aquamarine_aqua3 3 роки тому +2

      They don’t. Thous are fallen angels. They are trapped.

    • @woke6553
      @woke6553 3 роки тому

      Possibly through the Gates the the Sun moves in and out of?! Mentioned in Book of Enoch.

  • @badpossum440
    @badpossum440 3 роки тому +7

    "ROBOT" is not an invented word it is an Hungarian word meaning "worker".

    • @thepenismightierthantheswo2354
      @thepenismightierthantheswo2354 3 роки тому +3

      I study Hungarian but I have not come across this. From where has this info come from ? Generally the Hungarian word for 'worker' is 'munkas'. And robot in Hungarian is robot. Perhaps you are referring to the Czech word robota which means forced labour.

    • @annadr3097
      @annadr3097 3 роки тому +3

      @@thepenismightierthantheswo2354 Robota in Polish means simply "work", not necessarily forced and "robotnik" means indeed worker 🙂

    • @thepenismightierthantheswo2354
      @thepenismightierthantheswo2354 3 роки тому +1

      @@annadr3097 I am a language maniac :-) so I will put Polish on my list. Thanks for the snippet of information, so robot has Slavic roots, how has it evolved in Polish, is it an original Polish word or a derivative ? :-)

    • @aquamarine_aqua3
      @aquamarine_aqua3 3 роки тому +2

      It is in Russian as well rabota (работа) - mean work. And robot is robot (робот)

    • @jchapman8248
      @jchapman8248 3 роки тому

      And if you pronunce "robot" backward, you get an early Japanese anime cartoon character from the 1960s!

  • @ducksinarowpatience
    @ducksinarowpatience 3 роки тому +12

    She is wonderful. And very timely .
    C ertificate
    O F
    V accination
    9= I.

    • @michellemarieperez6574
      @michellemarieperez6574 3 роки тому +2

      Isn't it crazy. I don't want to take the vaccine. Stay safe

    • @scubaduba9389
      @scubaduba9389 3 роки тому +2

      wow. just wow.

    • @ducksinarowpatience
      @ducksinarowpatience 3 роки тому +3

      Mark of the Beast...i will take a hard pass.

    • @krystinathompson2781
      @krystinathompson2781 3 роки тому

      whoa! Im trying to figure out the origins of the word vaccine

    • @krystinathompson2781
      @krystinathompson2781 3 роки тому

      Entries with "vacci"
      vaccicide: vaccicide (English) Origin & history Formed in English as en- ("cow") + vacci ("killing") + -cide. Compare the earlier French vaccicide‎ ("a killer of cows")…
      One google away. Im stunned!

  • @trythisatyourownrisk7557
    @trythisatyourownrisk7557 3 роки тому

    I'm from Rhode Island and their slogan is HOPE. I have always had mixed feelings about HOPE, being a severe skeptic myself, to the idea that HOPE may just be a ploy to get people to accept the tyranny they are under in accepting the possibility that things might somehow, someday change for the better without a violent uprising or action. It is SO much a subject for thought these days given our current geopolitical reality.

  • @sharini65
    @sharini65 3 роки тому +3

    Stories of automatons in antiquity are cautionary tales about the dangers of technology in the wrong hands. Maybe that’s why the benevolent examples are lesser than the malevolent ones. Even the story of the nightangle teaches us how creating the most perfect idol and then obsessing over it could make you ill and miserable.

    • @isishathor1238
      @isishathor1238 3 роки тому

      We should never idolize. Although idols are then not dangerous.

  • @nomadicmonkey3186
    @nomadicmonkey3186 3 роки тому +1

    As an anime fan I have to admit I'm very keen on stuff like Ancient Greek female androids with divine knowledge or giant robots with metal AF super moves. I don't wanna disclose which I like better though.

  • @mybluemars
    @mybluemars 3 роки тому +3

    I don't know when this lecture was but I am pretty sure it was not in 2020. Her book came out in November of 2018.

  • @NotAppIicabIe
    @NotAppIicabIe 3 роки тому +1

    I once dreamed about a giant grey statue with a toga who looked Greece years ago. They moved like they were alive. I only learned about Greek automatons in mythology a few months ago..

  • @HeavensEye666
    @HeavensEye666 3 роки тому +12

    She was ace, a really good video!

  • @nicholassudov2299
    @nicholassudov2299 3 роки тому +1

    You mentioned Indian ancient superweapons - I recalled the clay statue of six-armed Goddess Kali fighting Captain Sinbad with six swords at once in "Golden Voyage" movie. A corn-field multi-bladed mower. Or ancient chariots with blades attached to their wheels to mow down the infantry.

  • @letitiafarwell8323
    @letitiafarwell8323 3 роки тому +5

    The flying bird is here too.Zeus is of the Sepant Race..He lives in all of his offspring and creations.

    • @boocat8768
      @boocat8768 3 роки тому +1

      You are very right Letitia , Paul warned of this in his letters to Timothy .

  • @fisterB
    @fisterB 3 роки тому +1

    Our species have had about the same mental capacity for around 2 million years. It is not entirely impossible that a technological culture, now forgotten, could have inspired some of these myths. Our own technology took of really fast and we have about 5 rather misty millennia after the ice age until historic times.

  • @quadq6598
    @quadq6598 3 роки тому +4

    Excellent lecture, thank you.

  • @MsMariajoo
    @MsMariajoo 3 роки тому +2

    Outstanding research. Thank you.

  • @cherylcallahan5402
    @cherylcallahan5402 3 роки тому +12

    🌻Long Now Foundation 🌻 appreciate learning about these extraordinary science 🌟Listening from Mass USA🌟Hello everyone on UTube

    • @boocat8768
      @boocat8768 3 роки тому +1

      Hello Cheryl , regards from Liverpool England .

    • @cherylcallahan5402
      @cherylcallahan5402 3 роки тому

      @@boocat8768 Hello to you too thanks for sharing 🌟