I came in here thinking this was going to be a bad attempt to turn Taylor Swift into Punk Rock but it was actually sick af and definitely one of the best covers I've heard of any song ever so keep it up this was really cool!
The dynamic between Brian and Eric (singing and screaming vocalists respectively) always reminded me of Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park.
@@MORGames117 The dynamic between singing and screaming, the deep lyrics, the heavy drops to the calm verses etc. My first track was Scars (before it got viral on fb) and it has everything!
dude same literal shivers. every 5 seconds a black person dies because their mother had too many babies. what's that like 9 billion babies?! wow time flies.
Stoked to hit the road with 'TRAUMA' in 2020. We're headlining Europe in Feb/March and supporting FFDP & Papa Roach in the United States April/May. Get tix here - iprevailband.com/tour
Has it really been 7 years since this gem was posted? I heard this on twitch and thought it was a joke 7 years ago but then found it and thought, this is better than the original. Glad this band is successful. I hope they’re healthy. As always praying for everyone.
I heard this version first then heard the original playing in a store years later. I was genuinely confused that Taylor Swift was covering a metal song.
@Matt jackson definition: guttural. Guttural describes a hoarse sound made in the back of the throat. Your friend's voice might get low and guttural just before he bursts into tears. Growls and cries are often described as guttural. The Latin word guttur, "throat or gullet," is the root of guttural. Guttural is just a fancy word for growls, or unclean vocals. In the process of using gutteral vocals/unclean/growl the singer uses the diaphragm which is an organ close to your lungs and gut, this allows the singer to grow or sing the vocals longer and with more power without damaging their vocal cords. Not to mention gutteral means throat in Latin. I choose the word gutteral singing because its actually a described singing form in metal, if you say growl, people who don't listen to metal will literally think they go rawr, or thing unclean is just raspy singing. Are you on crystal meth?
mes66 well its more tha how good he is at it, its nore of the way he sounds its alot like ADTR and thats my favorite band so its probly why i like it so much but its just the way his vocie sounds
It is absolutelly unbelievable how they turn regular, nothing special, flat, girly pop tune in such a masterpiece that I can not stop listenning. WoooooooW!
Just joined the text thingy. Looking forward to what comes from you guys. I think I've had your whole album on constant repeat for over a month now! Love every song great job guys.
When I first found this, it was 4 years ago, it was the first metal song I've ever liked. Now I'm literally obsessed and I Prevail is still my favorite band.
A few tried to whack everyone with virses randomly, it was f anyone from the government to the mob to the reich to the cops to the military, they tried to kill every wasp nest, I can't believe people trying to kill everyone with a smoking gun aren't on crosses in for sale churches, spread the plastic Jimmy we don't have a showing for a month. How many people are going to be quadrapalegic in five years from clots from vrsuses or the needle? How many cops are already hit? Let a biological agent go in a cop shop and some dudes named Tony and Johnny are going to get to work on you in a warehouse, for a really long time, but do this to them all and nothing... I thought after that Munich was going to be a drop in the bucket They wanted to eliminate competition and control their infrastructures replacing all with powerless yes men, even everyone in every government Try compassion and a 6500 percent more successful agenda by a train full of synthetics, for less money How to fix the world easy and make money Why make more sick people for money make SpaceX jobs changing diapers isn't a dream job Most people don't want to be here anyway, even with no food The problem is that the world is really smart, those that want to live forever run it and think everyone else wants to live forever too. 45-65 prevent of the planet would say thanks for a synthetic opioid drink and finally get to get out of this existence. The world would only be full of people that actually want to be here, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, two cows, with ice cream on top and oil to last the planet. For overpopulation the problem is there's no good way to go for those who want, 65 prevent of this planet has been waiting all their life to go, they're forced to be here, and we overpopulate because it means you get 60 percent of someone else's income in child $upport, kids mean money and multiple partners and children Don't make available a fentanyl euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and the 65 percent of the planet that world say thanks won't get to go yet, but might even replicate after some bad one night stands, and you won't more than double available resources, or you will keep 1M in insurance and state aid money never paid out, and social security they paid into, to the end you create some cool jobs for people and dispensaries and no more crime, and everyone in the world that remains will be people that actually want to be here without botch job suicide attempts for a worse existence, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, an oil supplies to last the planet, and they could have a cow, with ice cream on top, unless they eat the cow, then they need another one Just saying.. Or get an ass graft on your face when they keep trying and you get black fungus necrotizing your facial tissue, why f up your face, f up someone else's face, why get a facial? Get a massage Make euthanasia 1/3 off the world population starving may reach 2/3. Dump ocean water into dry rivers with ocean fish, have an ocean river, desal at farms, steam distiller at the kitchen sink, disinfected and salt free Collect America's lawn mower clippings for more cattle, new jobs. Instead we export corn and beef and have a storage and import meat from other countries They tried to make viruses to eliminate half the world, they are unsuccessful, wait till a mobster has to get an ass graft on his face from some black fungus sprayed, unreal. 65 percent of the world would say thanks for a synthetic opioid euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat, I could have done agenda 21 better 8 years ago If you won't be compassionate to the majority, nor will the the ruling minority to all. To them it is a matter of choice: Theirs Soon your cities will be without water, unless you hire people for US currency which costs the same to print as unemployment without a future and pump desalinated water from the ocean into river systems we're not being drawn to the sun, There's two black holes on the surface, whatever was gravitationally drawn to the core went there, and the overall gravity of the sun increased but it got hotter but we're moving away and angry solar flares and CMEs are coming after us for leaving Heat pushes clouds causing flooding on other parts of this planet while coronal mass ejection and solar flares from magnetic connections from the sun to the earth are increasing. One day maybe it will arc weld this iron ball if we don't cross elliptical orbit line with the moon. Tell NASA about the moon and a year and a half later they make Moonfall. They should make a euthanasia for everyone who wants to go, or be stuck to endure the future even if you don't want to be here at all??? With the moon it'd be a tsunami one way and a volcano the other, the future of our relationship with the sun is a different issue However, 65 percent of the planet would take a synthetic opioid drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and say thanks, 1/3 off the world is starving to death, 5 percent need bones they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent need organs they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent are terminally ill 5 percent chronic pain, 5-10 percent never wanted to be here anyway, and everyone else will have a peaceful way to go when they want. There's no good way to go, some are 18 and 0 and going through death and not actually dying is not fun, some attempts are violent to go through. Instead of making a euthanasia available to everyone who wants to go they kill .08 percent of the world population in two years. Everyone was the target. I would have helped the 65 percent go 8 yrs ago. They're getting a dime putting people through suffering instead of a dollar in creating good There needs to be a peaceful easy way for everyone when they want to go. Guy saves 1M in state aid, paid 600k in social security, doesn't have to die every day, just gets to leave before suffering. The guy with the kids gets 800 k from Uncle Sam in life insurance he never signed up for and Uncle Sam keeps the other 800k. Free euthanasia. Cut inflation by more than half, more than doubled available resources. Have a job by a company which pays all the taxes and picks up grass clippings M-S to take it to fields now with cows on it, 4x your US cattle with lawn mower clippings from every years, save 2500 on property taxes and make sure your clippings are out in your neighborhood on Tuesdays Pump desalinated water from ocean wave current into river systems ASAP. It costs the same to print unemployment and section 8 as it fits a job with a paycheck that won't even take your house away Here's your check if you love your neighbors and don't want to leave your free housing, and here's your bigger check if you want to rent on the private market More confusing paint corporations pay all the taxes making useful cool jobs like a mint company your paper actually goes somewhere and a quarter turns back into a dollar, a king starts a bread company which will never go out of business and pays all the taxes and everyone's got a good job and lives well Dig out 10 ' of river bed and cast and set two 10' pipelines to being Atlantic ocean water to every house, use steam distiller for salt free disinfected water at the kitchen sink, dump waste water into sealed pipelines. It took a turn 2 years to dig out 10' of riverbed, everyone could be back to work working in every town and we'd be at with new infrastructure. Don't put salt in your water, have more salt for more roads in the winter. Send salt water straight to homes, they'll use a distiller for their few gallons of driving and cooking water and they're off toilet to tap loop. Use electrolysis for energy from salt water. At the very least, feed rivers with desal water immediately to quickly overcome drought shortages, no problem Make a grass and corn crop that grows in ocean water hybrid with say, oceanic grass root structures, best genetic corn crop growing in salt water in Texas and Arizona while you solar desalinate more oxygen and hydrogen into the air in a 24/7/365 grow season with ocean water and no weeds growing in salt water crops or lawns, fill your swimming pool with ocean water and water your lawn with salt water, don't put salt in your what salt water put it in the roads, use a small steam distiller made of glass and stainless to get disinfected and salt water free water for cooking and drinking, maybe an ocean let for your pool, were have to deal with ocean water rise, how about a Dolphin? Make more indoor fish farms, clean fish into a flash freezer, people eat fish, kid makes 90 k a year running fishing equipment not $9 an hour people eat well People could be cremated visible to the public and the smoke can be required in a gallon of water and the ashes and cement combined and people can be made into a concrete cast or flower pot. Otherwise, if they get cremated, without a filter, or dissolved in alkyld they go down a drain? And they had that place giving fake ashes and selling bodies Maybe you could make a wireless Tesla satellite bridge (like when you touch a Tesla ball and the current comes towards you, though you are in the millivolts) to draw CMEs from the sun to say, Mars, maybe a draw in a vacuum will cause a shift, like when a siphon starts firing, maybe it's not possible to stop the earth from frying, but either be fun to make a vacuum electromagnet lines glass universe model spinning g on a multi axis, just enough to toss, not create a external centrifugal (reverse) 'gravity machine' Only on this planet are you forced to exist by the people that want you gone and say they want to reduce world's population by half, I'd say it's irony but that's why people want to leave earth and go to Mars, they secretly secretly want to steal the iron , shh don't tell anyone
It's amazing how much more this adds to the song. Sure, when first listening to the original song, you get a story about a girl that people consider "insane". But listening to this, I get so many more versions of the story because it adds so many new meanings.
So many of these bands that blow up from metal covers of pop songs either die out and never make it big, or they spend their whole career doing more covers like their first one. You guys are awesome for using this to forge your own path and make your own identity with original music.
I love the whole idea of turning pop music into punk/rock/metal. Shows they mean something to different audiences, and I may have heard some of this in nightclubs. I think you guys are great! :)
Holy shit I've never seen a.n.y Artist reply to a fan's comment...Even if it's someone who's job is to do PR stuff from outside the band it's still awesome to actually see a legit reply...Pretty f'n cool :] Oh!!&you guys totally killed it in this song.xo-sb
This has me laughing my ass off. Everyone always used to look at metalheads and think we are all hardasses. This shit is what we are about, clowning around.
This song is the entire reason I started listening to I Prevail's music & after seeing them in concert almost 10 times in the last 5 years in 3 different states, they still surprise me at every show & put on probably THE SINGLE best performance that I have ever seen. i Prevail is literally the #GOAT
Man what a journey it has been the last 7 years listening to these guys. From learning about them through this song to repeating Scars at work to the drop of Bow Down and having to stop in the middle of a delivery to watch the music video. And with true power coming out this year I just had to see them live. Their performance this weekend in Denver was awesome. Best concert I have ever been to
@@WisdomComesWithWinter I love how metal nerds think every song that doesnt involve screaming and distorted guitars is a "shitty pop song".. It´s not like 99% of Pop Goes Punk covers are just original vocal melody with added screams and guitars... Wonder why those bands never make hits with hundreds of millions of streams? Everyone can write several interesting metalcore riffs, but very few people can actually come up with catchy chorus.. Mainstream audience (outside of metal nerds who still think guitar is the most important part of the songwriting) consider the vocal melody as the crucial part of whetever they like the song
@@WisdomComesWithWinter As much as I like rock and everything I beg to differ, there are PLENTY of musicians in other genres who can be just as, if not more, emotional than metal ^^"
I generally don't listen to this genre of music, but I LOVED this! I love the original Blank Space and I thought this was an awesome cover. I like how different it is from the original. Plus the singer has an amazing voice!! ☺☺
This video can be a perfect example of perspectives. There are those who love punk, rock, metal, or something similar that will all say that this version is better. But the there are the Taylor Swift fans that see this as an attack on her and her music. None of that matters. What matters is that it is a good song. Just like all good songs, there will be some different version than the original studio recoding. Find the one that fits your style and then be happy. Music should be about fun or emotions. Never should music be made a tool of politics racial or sexual conflicts. Find ur version and have fun to the 10k people who disliked the video
I'm a Swift fan that loves both versions. This is heavier, more emotional/serious, and her version is just fun and sassy. Its like trying to compare comedy and drama.
Wild, I remember 6 or so years back this band, still relatively unknown, buying up all the Facebook add space & this cover kept popping up on my feed. After seeing it a thousand times, decided to give it a shot & was very impressed. Fast forward to now & there one of the biggest metalcore bands in the game right now, & there newest album slaps!
I've heard fan mixes with both versions, but what do we have to do to get Taylor Swift to actually re-record this song with the I Prevail guys and make a video. I'd pay good money for that
IKR! omg, its the same thing in Slipknot - Snuff When he says "I still press your letters to my lips, and cherish them in parts of me, that savor every kiss" its great XD I mean, the whole song and band is amazing anyways but still
This is probably the best thing that I have ever listened to. I love this. I love the singing, guitars, drums, everything. I can't stop listening to this. My dad showed me this, and I thought I would listen to it again on my tablet. I did, and I can't stop. It's all so amazing. You guys got a new subscriber. I live in southeast Michigan too, and I think it's kinda crazy to know one of my (new) favorite bands live near where I live. I hope you guys will keep this going for a long time. I love what you're doing and everything about it. Keep it up guys, you rock.
IPrevailBand thank you so much for being who you are and being so awesome. You guys really are amazing. More people really need to see you guys. You're amazing.
Jason Ross Probably cause Attack Attack was already pretty big and Caleb Shomo was pretty big too plus they got signed to Red Bull records. and the other members were already from other bands, so they got signed pretty fast.
I've loved this song since my Punk Goes Pop loving ex played it for me when it came out. A decade later, I still play it for people who haven't heard it before and savor the surprised "holy s*it, this is amazing" look on their face. I swear, this song was only written so y'all could cover it.
7 years and 1 day after and this still hits!! Love hearing this and comparing it to their latest album and just seeing how much their confidence has soared! Great band then, phenomenal band now!
I first heard this song on the radio in Dayton, Ohio and I just had to look it up when I got home. I really hope these guys get big, they deserve it. You got my support!
I can’t believe I’ve been listening to you guys for over a decade. Scars and lifeline are still my favorites today because of how much these songs got me through. Gotta say though, the fact these guys took Taylor swift and turned it into something I could listen to was a nice part of what made me same tune in.
It's insane thinking about it. I remember jamming this and Love, Lust, And Liars when they first released them, now they're headliners. So happy for y'all!
Taylor Swift: *sings this* Me: *mildly creeped out but otherwise meh* I Prevail: *sings this* Me (a guy): *genuinely shook, kinda scared, and also weirdly turned on*
даже на русском не смогу выразить чувства, которые переполняют при прослушивании песни именно в вашем исполнении, а на английском даже пытаться не буду)) Очень круто, ребят! Я в восторге!
+theTwoFacedAngel in the twin cities there is 93X for some odd reason I heard this song on the radio before it blew up I was like wtf is this then Taylor did a cover of this
I was 20 years old about to turn 21 and in my 5th semester of University when they released this...I can't believe how fast time has passed by. The core memories are hitting hard right now
+Patrick S. Stoked your enjoying our music Patrick...thanks :D How did you like our debut EP, check it out here if ya haven't had a chance!! smarturl.it/IPrevailMusic
This has to be my 10th time listening to this since I discovered it last night. I've shared it with multiple friends on Facebook who also are in love with this cover :)
Friends: Hey, do you listen to any songs that I know? Me:.... Oh yeah, I listen toTailor Swift and a lot of more songs that you like. Friends: great! Now we can talk about the same kind of music, I thought you only listen to rock and stuff. Me: Well.....
Years later, after rock and metal covers of pop songs has become quite popular and there are a lot of very good covers, I still think this is the best, partly because you were willing to change the style so much and completely change a part or two and the words where you should. Fantastic cover.
it was in flames who introduced me to this kind of music back in 2001, when my friend told me to come with him to a concert with them xD boy am i happy i wanted to try something new at that time
Please don't ever forget where you guys came from! Keep that hunger as long as you guys can! In my humble opinion that's what has always elevated creativity and drive! I will never stop listening to Lifelines, I know every word to every song as many people do I'm sure!
I discovered them when they released Trauma. Amazing album. I didn't even know they did punk goes pop. This is amazing! It sounds like it's not a cover
i saw that, im actually going to the us in 10 days, yay. but page wont be loading for some reason, are you going to be on the west coast in the nearest month?
ive recently listened to a lot of rap and left rock in the dust but this band will always have a special place in my heart even if it is 10 years later
I listened to this song 10 years ago and absolutely love it. Then “Scars” came out and I became a huge fan of this band and always wanted more people to know about this band. And soon enough they blew up. Last September was the first time I finally saw them live. And they sang this song. That means a lot to me❤
My Grandmother hates this type of music. I cant even start to explain how it's so amazing. A lot of people don't appreciate actual music, like this. She hates how they scream instead of sing, but the meaning to this is so much more than how they just sing it. It's such a deep meaning when heavy metal musicians make deep and twisted music.
Alittle screaming is fine death metal i cant listen to that shit like bullet for my valentines old stuff disturbed and as hard as this is my threshold of rock ill listen to
I love what punk goes pop does. Now we can enjoy all the catchy music everyone else listens to without the stigma of saying were listening to taylor swift.
I’ve always hated the stigma around guys liking Taylor Swifts music. People think that if your a guy who likes Taylor’s music that you automatically have to be gay. Why? You can absolutely be straight and love Taylor’s music. Growing up, I always loved her singles but never bought her albums because of that stigma. Now, as an adult, I don’t give a shit if people think I’m gay for loving her music. I own most of her albums now. Taylor is an amazing songwriter. Her singles don’t reflect how great she actually is. Nobody can listen to the Folklore and Evermore albums and say that she’s not a great song writer. She’s been writing great shit since she came out with her first album. At the end of the day, music is just music. If you like it, go ahead and enjoy it. Fuck what others think about it.
GirlAndADream Can't wait to see you at a show are you local? Trying to work through so many things right now including touring this summer!! Thanks for your support :)
I came in here thinking this was going to be a bad attempt to turn Taylor Swift into Punk Rock but it was actually sick af and definitely one of the best covers I've heard of any song ever so keep it up this was really cool!
Wow Corbyn that's so awesome to hear! You have no idea man! It doesn't get old lol...
. l turf
Corbyn Besson true!!
@@amybennett9313 work row ko Opie lie
The dynamic between Brian and Eric (singing and screaming vocalists respectively) always reminded me of Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park.
I love liknkin park
R.I.P. Chester
I think that’s what got me into i prevail I love the contrasts between the singers voices and their intensity is awesome
@@MORGames117 The dynamic between singing and screaming, the deep lyrics, the heavy drops to the calm verses etc.
My first track was Scars (before it got viral on fb) and it has everything!
Scale Productions same 😭🤦🏻♀️ how I miss Chester 🥺
I got shivers when I realized it’s been 9 years since this came out. Where has the time gone?
Idk, I graduated a decade ago and part of me still feels like it was all just yesterday
dude same literal shivers. every 5 seconds a black person dies because their mother had too many babies. what's that like 9 billion babies?! wow time flies.
Well thanks for making me feel old 😅
IDK it worries me the rest of time will go by as fast as this did
I WAS JUST THINKING THIS, it’s been so long, I miss this era of music
That part when he says “cause darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a day dream” kills me EVERY TIME. Years later lol
Right was thinking the same thing
She has said in interviews that’s one of her favorite lyrics she’s ever written.
my favorite part of this part is the dead halt of the instruments and then the BAM drum
Apparently Taylor Swift is awesome at writing metal songs and just doesn't know it.
No one tell her.
@@JasonBrewer2509 this IS metal!!!
darth destructus nope it's hard rock at most
It’s post hardcore
Jordan Bourne nah emo has a distinct sound to it. This is post hardcore/metalcore
I'm back here, six years later, still one of my favourite covers,
Ey! Me too
almost forgot abt this lol seen “scars” den thought abt dis one too 🤙🏽🤙🏽
I am requesting a song cover recommendation please and Ty
Stoked to hit the road with 'TRAUMA' in 2020. We're headlining Europe in Feb/March and supporting FFDP & Papa Roach in the United States April/May. Get tix here - iprevailband.com/tour
+IPrevailBand Yes.
You guys are freaking awesome!! Keep it up one day I hope to see you live. You deserve everything good that comes your way
+IPrevailBand I bought it! It was that good. You guys should be proud. Keep up the good work.
You guys are wicked awesome👍🏼
+Cheyenne Musselman good mix.. i commend you sir
Has it really been 7 years since this gem was posted? I heard this on twitch and thought it was a joke 7 years ago but then found it and thought, this is better than the original.
Glad this band is successful. I hope they’re healthy. As always praying for everyone.
gotta check out the rest of their stuff, they're one of the best bands out there lol
Brian, the lead singer, had a vocal injury (polyp) in the meantime, some other shit happened but they JUST dropped a new album. And last year
9 years ago
I’ll heard it live they opened for Hollywood undead I was 13 when I saw them live
“What’s your favorite guitar riff?”
“The one from Blank Space”
“But thats Taylor Swift.”
Slipping_The_ KNOT lol
I heard this version first then heard the original playing in a store years later. I was genuinely confused that Taylor Swift was covering a metal song.
Go listen to literally anything from after the burial lol their riffs will change your fucking religion my guy
uh nothin in this song play fucker
When he screams "I can make the good girls bad for a weekend" and it actually sounds amazing lmao
*panty dropper*
Or when he says your the queen baby I’m your king that line gave me chills lol
Gutterals not screaming 🙄
He ain’t screaming tho
@Matt jackson definition: guttural. Guttural describes a hoarse sound made in the back of the throat. Your friend's voice might get low and guttural just before he bursts into tears. Growls and cries are often described as guttural. The Latin word guttur, "throat or gullet," is the root of guttural.
Guttural is just a fancy word for growls, or unclean vocals. In the process of using gutteral vocals/unclean/growl the singer uses the diaphragm which is an organ close to your lungs and gut, this allows the singer to grow or sing the vocals longer and with more power without damaging their vocal cords. Not to mention gutteral means throat in Latin.
I choose the word gutteral singing because its actually a described singing form in metal, if you say growl, people who don't listen to metal will literally think they go rawr, or thing unclean is just raspy singing.
Are you on crystal meth?
Well I'm glad Taylor Swift made this song so these guys could come and blow me away with their version of it.
+GeeroROTMG my thoughts exactly
me to
+GeeroROTMG The only good thing she has ever done
Chance Parham Ha savage!
This will always be an absolutely amazing cover.
I gotta give Taylor swift huge credit cause she makes songs that become the best metal covers
True, Ariana Grande also produced sone really good songs that are great for metal cover.
@@syafiquegigsproduced or sang
Download our cover of Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" here! - smarturl.it/IPrevailBlankSpace
Android. Meaning, I can't use iGoons.
Royce Barber its on google play music. used my credits from opinion rewards to download it today
Royce Barber, if you have Google Play Music All Access, it's on there ready to add to your library :D
I would totally get it if it was put on Amazon. Just got the album!
Get a BANDCAMP going!!! I am not supporting anything apple. Apple get most of the cut from igoons sales.
We just launched our website which includes our merch store and tour dates!
God damn the scremer is so amazing i thought i was good but now i hear you.......i need some more work
Love these guys!!
Austin Lang gosh he is alright have you heard dave from wcar. Geez. Or winston mccall way powerful compared to this dude
mes66 thumbs up for winston, nobody can continually scream as powerfully as him. one of the best in the industry.
mes66 well its more tha how good he is at it, its nore of the way he sounds its alot like ADTR and thats my favorite band so its probly why i like it so much but its just the way his vocie sounds
“Cuz darling I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream”. Chills.
I love his voice 😍
Love it.. Gave me chills
By far my favorite part.
I am the Illuminati honey just playing another game
It is absolutelly unbelievable how they turn regular, nothing special, flat, girly pop tune in such a masterpiece that I can not stop listenning. WoooooooW!
Text IPREVAIL to 22828 and reply with your email address so we can keep in touch. thanks!
Just joined the text thingy. Looking forward to what comes from you guys. I think I've had your whole album on constant repeat for over a month now! Love every song great job guys.
Love the video!
I am really liking this and you guys should come to kentucky at some point
***** right they are awesome ^_^
Do you really want my email its embarrassing :D IPrevailBand
My inner emo kid is in love with the lead singer, but my adult self is for sure in love with the screamer with the beard 😍
😍 same
For real 😍
Same oh my gosh
I thought the same thing 😂😂
I have to say I prefer this cover over the original.
Who doesn't? xD
Oh yeah
I prevail is the original taylor swift is the one who covered it. Lol 😂
When I first found this, it was 4 years ago, it was the first metal song I've ever liked. Now I'm literally obsessed and I Prevail is still my favorite band.
Still metal strong?
I prevail - takes the girliest song and turns in into some powerful metal music
I Stan 🙌🏻❤️
Like i'm murdered someone while listening to this song.
Yes they do.
toxic by leo moracchioli, this guy is amazing at making alternative types of songs
Manny Blackstar stfu
Come out and join us on our Holiday Run this December!
Check for dates and get tickets here! - iprevailband.com/tour
+IPrevailBand I hear this song at least once a day on q106.1 out of Lansing! the other songs on the album are on point keep up the good work!
Well now I'm excited
+IPrevailBand i was gonna go but the concert in my city is on a monday :'(
+IPrevailBand i really wanted to go but sadly i cant go
+IPrevailBand I'm gonna see that! That show is coming to Minnesota on the 29th, see you there?
still listening to this in 2017 and it still rocks such a awesome song it never gets old
Did you know we released our debut album logan..tell us what you think :D smarturl.it/iplifelines
I went out and brought it and I really liked every song on it cant wait to get your next album
@@brittanyshultz6323 my friend met them and still has the picture to this day
I still cannot listen to Taylor Swift on the radio singing this song .....without my brain instantly going to this awesome version! Love it!
I never thought a Taylor Swift cover could be so damn good. Instant Fan.
I mean the original was already damn good so it's not that suprising.
The original was good. I like the lyrics. But I love it so much more on a metalcore instrumental. It makes the song more vibrant and lively.
Ryan Adams.
you can actually understand the words in this one more
Download our debut EP "Heart vs. Mind" here! - smarturl.it/IPrevailHeartVsMind
Anywhere to buy your EP digitally in 320 CBR or FLAC? If not, you should look into that.
xTerminatioNx Hmmm not sure... Soundcloud or bandcamp maybe??
Got any gear yet? Love to share your name!
Elizabeth Guffy some gear would definitely be amazing!
Love you guys! This is kick ass!
Why does this work? This shouldn't work.
But I'll be damned if this isn't a great rock song.
I'm tempted to add it to my playlist but its kinda embarrassing lol
At least someone knows this is rock not metal.
She can write songs but for others to sing
@@kamijohnson9967 technically it's metalcore but rock is pretty close comparison to it
Two sweet 🤘
Our music video for 'There's Fear In Letting Go' drops this Tuesday.
Watch here - found.ee/TFILG_MV
hell yeah!
A few tried to whack everyone with virses randomly, it was f anyone from the government to the mob to the reich to the cops to the military, they tried to kill every wasp nest, I can't believe people trying to kill everyone with a smoking gun aren't on crosses in for sale churches, spread the plastic Jimmy we don't have a showing for a month. How many people are going to be quadrapalegic in five years from clots from vrsuses or the needle? How many cops are already hit? Let a biological agent go in a cop shop and some dudes named Tony and Johnny are going to get to work on you in a warehouse, for a really long time, but do this to them all and nothing...
I thought after that Munich was going to be a drop in the bucket
They wanted to eliminate competition and control their infrastructures replacing all with powerless yes men, even everyone in every government
Try compassion and a 6500 percent more successful agenda by a train full of synthetics, for less money
How to fix the world easy and make money
Why make more sick people for money make SpaceX jobs changing diapers isn't a dream job
Most people don't want to be here anyway, even with no food
The problem is that the world is really smart, those that want to live forever run it and think everyone else wants to live forever too. 45-65 prevent of the planet would say thanks for a synthetic opioid drink and finally get to get out of this existence. The world would only be full of people that actually want to be here, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, two cows, with ice cream on top and oil to last the planet.
For overpopulation the problem is there's no good way to go for those who want, 65 prevent of this planet has been waiting all their life to go, they're forced to be here, and we overpopulate because it means you get 60 percent of someone else's income in child $upport, kids mean money and multiple partners and children
Don't make available a fentanyl euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and the 65 percent of the planet that world say thanks won't get to go yet, but might even replicate after some bad one night stands, and you won't more than double available resources, or you will keep 1M in insurance and state aid money never paid out, and social security they paid into, to the end you create some cool jobs for people and dispensaries and no more crime, and everyone in the world that remains will be people that actually want to be here without botch job suicide attempts for a worse existence, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, an oil supplies to last the planet, and they could have a cow, with ice cream on top, unless they eat the cow, then they need another one
Just saying..
Or get an ass graft on your face when they keep trying and you get black fungus necrotizing your facial tissue, why f up your face, f up someone else's face, why get a facial? Get a massage
Make euthanasia
1/3 off the world population starving may reach 2/3. Dump ocean water into dry rivers with ocean fish, have an ocean river, desal at farms, steam distiller at the kitchen sink, disinfected and salt free
Collect America's lawn mower clippings for more cattle, new jobs. Instead we export corn and beef and have a storage and import meat from other countries
They tried to make viruses to eliminate half the world, they are unsuccessful, wait till a mobster has to get an ass graft on his face from some black fungus sprayed, unreal. 65 percent of the world would say thanks for a synthetic opioid euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat, I could have done agenda 21 better 8 years ago
If you won't be compassionate to the majority, nor will the the ruling minority to all. To them it is a matter of choice: Theirs
Soon your cities will be without water, unless you hire people for US currency which costs the same to print as unemployment without a future and pump desalinated water from the ocean into river systems
we're not being drawn to the sun,
There's two black holes on the surface, whatever was gravitationally drawn to the core went there, and the overall gravity of the sun increased but it got hotter but we're moving away and angry solar flares and CMEs are coming after us for leaving
Heat pushes clouds causing flooding on other parts of this planet while coronal mass ejection and solar flares from magnetic connections from the sun to the earth are increasing. One day maybe it will arc weld this iron ball if we don't cross elliptical orbit line with the moon. Tell NASA about the moon and a year and a half later they make Moonfall. They should make a euthanasia for everyone who wants to go, or be stuck to endure the future even if you don't want to be here at all???
With the moon it'd be a tsunami one way and a volcano the other, the future of our relationship with the sun is a different issue
65 percent of the planet would take a synthetic opioid drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and say thanks,
1/3 off the world is starving to death, 5 percent need bones they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent need organs they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent are terminally ill 5 percent chronic pain, 5-10 percent never wanted to be here anyway, and everyone else will have a peaceful way to go when they want. There's no good way to go, some are 18 and 0 and going through death and not actually dying is not fun, some attempts are violent to go through. Instead of making a euthanasia available to everyone who wants to go they kill .08 percent of the world population in two years. Everyone was the target. I would have helped the 65 percent go 8 yrs ago.
They're getting a dime putting people through suffering instead of a dollar in creating good
There needs to be a peaceful easy way for everyone when they want to go. Guy saves 1M in state aid, paid 600k in social security, doesn't have to die every day, just gets to leave before suffering. The guy with the kids gets 800 k from Uncle Sam in life insurance he never signed up for and Uncle Sam keeps the other 800k. Free euthanasia. Cut inflation by more than half, more than doubled available resources. Have a job by a company which pays all the taxes and picks up grass clippings M-S to take it to fields now with cows on it, 4x your US cattle with lawn mower clippings from every years, save 2500 on property taxes and make sure your clippings are out in your neighborhood on Tuesdays
Pump desalinated water from ocean wave current into river systems ASAP. It costs the same to print unemployment and section 8 as it fits a job with a paycheck that won't even take your house away
Here's your check if you love your neighbors and don't want to leave your free housing, and here's your bigger check if you want to rent on the private market
More confusing paint corporations pay all the taxes making useful cool jobs like a mint company your paper actually goes somewhere and a quarter turns back into a dollar, a king starts a bread company which will never go out of business and pays all the taxes and everyone's got a good job and lives well
Dig out 10 ' of river bed and cast and set two 10' pipelines to being Atlantic ocean water to every house, use steam distiller for salt free disinfected water at the kitchen sink, dump waste water into sealed pipelines. It took a turn 2 years to dig out 10' of riverbed, everyone could be back to work working in every town and we'd be at with new infrastructure. Don't put salt in your water, have more salt for more roads in the winter.
Send salt water straight to homes, they'll use a distiller for their few gallons of driving and cooking water and they're off toilet to tap loop. Use electrolysis for energy from salt water. At the very least, feed rivers with desal water immediately to quickly overcome drought shortages, no problem
Make a grass and corn crop that grows in ocean water hybrid with say, oceanic grass root structures, best genetic corn crop growing in salt water in Texas and Arizona while you solar desalinate more oxygen and hydrogen into the air in a 24/7/365 grow season with ocean water and no weeds growing in salt water crops or lawns, fill your swimming pool with ocean water and water your lawn with salt water, don't put salt in your what salt water put it in the roads, use a small steam distiller made of glass and stainless to get disinfected and salt water free water for cooking and drinking, maybe an ocean let for your pool, were have to deal with ocean water rise, how about a Dolphin?
Make more indoor fish farms, clean fish into a flash freezer, people eat fish, kid makes 90 k a year running fishing equipment not $9 an hour people eat well
People could be cremated visible to the public and the smoke can be required in a gallon of water and the ashes and cement combined and people can be made into a concrete cast or flower pot. Otherwise, if they get cremated, without a filter, or dissolved in alkyld they go down a drain?
And they had that place giving fake ashes and selling bodies
Maybe you could make a wireless Tesla satellite bridge (like when you touch a Tesla ball and the current comes towards you, though you are in the millivolts) to draw CMEs from the sun to say, Mars, maybe a draw in a vacuum will cause a shift, like when a siphon starts firing, maybe it's not possible to stop the earth from frying, but either be fun to make a vacuum electromagnet lines glass universe model spinning g on a multi axis, just enough to toss, not create a external centrifugal (reverse) 'gravity machine'
Only on this planet are you forced to exist by the people that want you gone and say they want to reduce world's population by half, I'd say it's irony but that's why people want to leave earth and go to Mars, they secretly secretly want to steal the iron , shh don't tell anyone
I love the song,sounds amazing in my car💜💜where i pay for UA-cam premium,i can listen to the videos offline😁
Love you all … !!!!!…. I tried to give her your #
Top 3 of the best songs ever IMO.
Where are u now?
Download our cover of "Blank Space" here! - smarturl.it/IPrevailBlankSpace
dat deep voice tho
Love it 💙
Mike Games he sounds like Jamey Jasta
It's amazing how much more this adds to the song. Sure, when first listening to the original song, you get a story about a girl that people consider "insane". But listening to this, I get so many more versions of the story because it adds so many new meanings.
Honestly it sounds like a crazy controlling guy keeping his woman on lockdown lol
Lissy Bear Feminism ftw. Amirite guys? Amirite?
Lol yuuup
right that's what I'm saying I love it it's on my top favorite list
You just summed up the entire hardcore genre.
she "he's probably cheating on me"
me and the boys in the garage:
@@chiefcommander837 cool
@@henrysoprano7 i love ipreivil they rock!! And ive bee n listing to rock since i was 4 lol i think i prevall isthe best
@@Cutecat2738 Are you still 4? Your grammar is that of a 4 year old.
So many of these bands that blow up from metal covers of pop songs either die out and never make it big, or they spend their whole career doing more covers like their first one. You guys are awesome for using this to forge your own path and make your own identity with original music.
I love the whole idea of turning pop music into punk/rock/metal. Shows they mean something to different audiences, and I may have heard some of this in nightclubs. I think you guys are great! :)
Hey Matthew thanks man! We hope to see you at a live show in the future :D
Holy shit I've never seen a.n.y Artist reply to a fan's comment...Even if it's someone who's job is to do PR stuff from outside the band it's still awesome to actually see a legit reply...Pretty f'n cool :] Oh!!&you guys totally killed it in this song.xo-sb
IPrevailBand I love you guys! yall are freaking amazing! keep it up! much love!
IPrevailBand 💜💜💜
This has me laughing my ass off. Everyone always used to look at metalheads and think we are all hardasses. This shit is what we are about, clowning around.
My bf thinks im a priss... I listen to metal, ty very much. Just ...in moderation tho
There is a cover of Britney Spears' Oops I did It Again, by children of Bodom. And then HIM covered Larger than Life by Backstreet Boys.
And we are some of the most caring people too.
@@siddhantshekhar betraying the martyrs did let it go from frozen and I love it 😅
@@siddhantshekhar damn, not many people nowadays remember Bodom! Fucking killed that cover too!
This song is the entire reason I started listening to I Prevail's music & after seeing them in concert almost 10 times in the last 5 years in 3 different states, they still surprise me at every show & put on probably THE SINGLE best performance that I have ever seen. i Prevail is literally the #GOAT
Do they perform this song live?
@@lucasmoffatt7449 I wanna say they did at all of them I went to, but my memory is worse than a goldfish's so I'm not 100% lol!!
Man what a journey it has been the last 7 years listening to these guys. From learning about them through this song to repeating Scars at work to the drop of Bow Down and having to stop in the middle of a delivery to watch the music video. And with true power coming out this year I just had to see them live. Their performance this weekend in Denver was awesome. Best concert I have ever been to
When you can take a Taylor Swift song and make it bad ass.. you know you're awesome. I f'n LOVE this!!!
Hey Rick thanks..be sure to check out our debut album for more of our music! smarturl.it/iplifelines
IPrevailBand 😝❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Rick Plotner omg. I'm in love with THIS 💓
We came as roman I knew u were trouble
James D go listen to the Animal in Me. They did quite a few covers and that song was one of them. It's really goos
This is too perfect-
I swear some pop songs sound SO freaking good in rock or metal-like genres 😭🥰
@@WisdomComesWithWinter I love how metal nerds think every song that doesnt involve screaming and distorted guitars is a "shitty pop song".. It´s not like 99% of Pop Goes Punk covers are just original vocal melody with added screams and guitars... Wonder why those bands never make hits with hundreds of millions of streams? Everyone can write several interesting metalcore riffs, but very few people can actually come up with catchy chorus..
Mainstream audience (outside of metal nerds who still think guitar is the most important part of the songwriting) consider the vocal melody as the crucial part of whetever they like the song
@@WisdomComesWithWinter As much as I like rock and everything I beg to differ, there are PLENTY of musicians in other genres who can be just as, if not more, emotional than metal ^^"
hell yeh
What ifs
That's the only way they sound good (To Me ) lmao
I generally don't listen to this genre of music, but I LOVED this! I love the original Blank Space and I thought this was an awesome cover. I like how different it is from the original. Plus the singer has an amazing voice!! ☺☺
bubbles52196 Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
Agree!! :)
I think the singer is really cute lol but yes they are really awesome.
Taylor Swift’s lyrics are already savage, they’re just coated in sugary pop goodness. The metal/emo context just brings it out!
Nah her lyrics mostly all suck 😂
Yes exactly!!
and this is why I love her, I’m a massive metalhead and Swiftie, I Prevail did Blank Space better though
2:54 don't say I didn't warn you UGH lmfao love it
Centerology I got that screaming part down 🤘🏻
I was just about to post that he's my favorite part in this cover😂
Centerology best part of the song
Centerology I wanted to click on this, but I didn’t want to ruin this song by skipping through. Life is rough.
Centerology lmfao yes
This video can be a perfect example of perspectives. There are those who love punk, rock, metal, or something similar that will all say that this version is better. But the there are the Taylor Swift fans that see this as an attack on her and her music. None of that matters. What matters is that it is a good song. Just like all good songs, there will be some different version than the original studio recoding. Find the one that fits your style and then be happy. Music should be about fun or emotions. Never should music be made a tool of politics racial or sexual conflicts. Find ur version and have fun to the 10k people who disliked the video
I'm a Swift fan that loves both versions. This is heavier, more emotional/serious, and her version is just fun and sassy. Its like trying to compare comedy and drama.
it's sad people can't just listen to a song without arguing about it.
but hey, spergs gonna sperg
Preach it
Yep. This 🤘
Amazing Cover!
Thank you guys!! Huge compliment from such a big channel!!!! :D
@@IPrevailBand 🤘
stop lying this is ass
This is better than that garbage original lol
Wild, I remember 6 or so years back this band, still relatively unknown, buying up all the Facebook add space & this cover kept popping up on my feed. After seeing it a thousand times, decided to give it a shot & was very impressed. Fast forward to now & there one of the biggest metalcore bands in the game right now, & there newest album slaps!
Ahh I remember back then when I discovered I Prevail through this song. I'm so glad they're so successful now.
I've heard fan mixes with both versions, but what do we have to do to get Taylor Swift to actually re-record this song with the I Prevail guys and make a video. I'd pay good money for that
This would be amazing
Hell I’d personally finance that....
It would be amazing and a music video like blank space but more darker wow🔥😲
@@girlbossA me meow look
@evil doers it’s her song 🤨
It's awesome when a dude that has a deep voice says kisses
IKR! omg, its the same thing in Slipknot - Snuff
When he says "I still press your letters to my lips, and cherish them in parts of me, that savor every kiss" its great XD
I mean, the whole song and band is amazing anyways but still
The song that started my love for this band. Can't wait to see you guys live on the 22nd of March.
This made me fall in love with I Prevail
This is probably the best thing that I have ever listened to. I love this. I love the singing, guitars, drums, everything. I can't stop listening to this. My dad showed me this, and I thought I would listen to it again on my tablet. I did, and I can't stop. It's all so amazing. You guys got a new subscriber. I live in southeast Michigan too, and I think it's kinda crazy to know one of my (new) favorite bands live near where I live. I hope you guys will keep this going for a long time. I love what you're doing and everything about it. Keep it up guys, you rock.
Maddie The Pirate Wolf Thank you so much for all your suport Maddie :)
IPrevailBand thank you so much for being who you are and being so awesome. You guys really are amazing. More people really need to see you guys. You're amazing.
Maddie The Pirate Wolf Your awesome!!
IPrevailBand You guys are better, forever and always! No band or person on this planet can replace you!
Your dad is amazing
I haven't seen a band get this big this fast since beartooth. You guys are awesome
Jason Ross Beartooth is still the shit though lol
Jason Ross Probably cause Attack Attack was already pretty big and Caleb Shomo was pretty big too plus they got signed to Red Bull records. and the other members were already from other bands, so they got signed pretty fast.
Beartooth is terrible
***** Dude, what language are you speaking?
***** Exactly what I was thinking lol
I've loved this song since my Punk Goes Pop loving ex played it for me when it came out. A decade later, I still play it for people who haven't heard it before and savor the surprised "holy s*it, this is amazing" look on their face.
I swear, this song was only written so y'all could cover it.
Both singers blend very well they have an incredible balance
find the girlest song out there and make it heavy metal please.....
DragonsSin I'm a Barbie girl maybe?😂😉
《Cyber fix625》Frog Leap Studios (Leo Moracchioli) he has do it in metal i mean the metal version of barbie girl :D
that's the manliest one tho...
maybe you´ll like Jonathan Youngs take on hello kitty ? Not sure if metal though ( I don´t want to start a genre drama :))
by avril lavigne? which hello kitty
7 years and 1 day after and this still hits!! Love hearing this and comparing it to their latest album and just seeing how much their confidence has soared! Great band then, phenomenal band now!
7 years and 8 days later it still hits!
I'm a swiftie. My mechanic told me about this cover and it is awesome.
Ur mechanic listens to good music.
Yo ask ur mechanic for some band suggestions for me
Honestly this sounds like it could be a Day to Remember original song. Love the style.
I first heard this song on the radio in Dayton, Ohio and I just had to look it up when I got home. I really hope these guys get big, they deserve it. You got my support!
+Darin Ernst You have no idea how much that means, thanks Darin!
+IPrevailBand well you guys have a lot of talent and you deserve the credit and recognition! Hopefully I'll see you down here someday soon!
+Darin Ernst Heck yeah played several OH shows this year...can't wait to get back in 2016 :D
+IPrevailBand You should try to go to Rock on The Range. You'd get a lot more fans because I know for a fact a lot of people would like you there
I'm gonna tell my kids this is the original blank space
it is the only version worth shit
It's only the right thing to do.
As we all should
Yes sir 👍
I can’t believe I’ve been listening to you guys for over a decade. Scars and lifeline are still my favorites today because of how much these songs got me through. Gotta say though, the fact these guys took Taylor swift and turned it into something I could listen to was a nice part of what made me same tune in.
Just to think that this is where it all began. Then to think you guys are touring the world now?! Dude. Shit changes FAST.
Couldn't do it without all of you!
Hey Eric, Do another shoey....
hahaha throwback to the Aus gigs!
It's insane thinking about it. I remember jamming this and Love, Lust, And Liars when they first released them, now they're headliners. So happy for y'all!
Holy shit.... I remember when this video had 1.6k views.. I come back 3 years later to find out it has 39M
RAYNE I’m probably 100 of them lol. 😂😂
same as in I remember when they posted this LOL time flies
47M now ♡
I play this at a local bar all the time and just like watch the patrons get into it. Pop turned to heavy metal is great. Nice work I Prevail.
Taylor Swift: *sings this*
Me: *mildly creeped out but otherwise meh*
I Prevail: *sings this*
Me (a guy): *genuinely shook, kinda scared, and also weirdly turned on*
Perhaps you have a gay side?😏
Me too bud
Me too
Your not wrong lol
даже на русском не смогу выразить чувства, которые переполняют при прослушивании песни именно в вашем исполнении, а на английском даже пытаться не буду)) Очень круто, ребят! Я в восторге!
this is the only way I would listen to this song and you make this song worth listening to. I love this version
+Isaak Vanlandingham Pumped ya dig it...be sure to check out our debut EP here for more of our music :D smarturl.it/IPrevailMusic
I will gladly do that
+Isaak Vanlandingham Thanks hope you enjoyed it!!
+IPrevailBand I enjoyed it a lot
+Isaak Vanlandingham
I remember seeing this at 2,000 views. Now 20.1 million? Crazy. Local fan, keep doing what you're doing, guys!
same live in warren
+Dakota Orlowski Same here. Heard them on 89X. Let's hear it for Detroit Rock City
+theTwoFacedAngel in the twin cities there is 93X for some odd reason I heard this song on the radio before it blew up I was like wtf is this then Taylor did a cover of this
I actually made a comment to that effect
+Dakota Orlowski Ads on facebook reach quite far :P
I seriously can't stop listen to this! I love it!
THANK YOU! Hope you feel the same about our new album..what did you think? smarturl.it/iplifelines
amazing!!!!!!! blew a speaker in my car listening to you guys haha
I was 20 years old about to turn 21 and in my 5th semester of University when they released this...I can't believe how fast time has passed by. The core memories are hitting hard right now
I'm listening to this cover 20 times a day :D It's so damn good and unique. The screaming and clean singing harmonize very well!!!!
+Patrick S. Stoked your enjoying our music Patrick...thanks :D How did you like our debut EP, check it out here if ya haven't had a chance!! smarturl.it/IPrevailMusic
+IPrevailBand Thx! I will listen to it :D
+Patrick S. Appreciate the support!!
+IPrevailBand and I appreciate your music! :D
How sad
You guys should come do a concert in missouri @IPrevailBand I love you guys!
We'll be in KC Tuesday Emily :) iprevailband.com
Arvest Bank Theatre at the Midland..maybe we'll see you tomorrow?
I can't go this time, but maybe i can come see you guys another time
sigh emily
This has to be my 10th time listening to this since I discovered it last night. I've shared it with multiple friends on Facebook who also are in love with this cover :)
Michelle Coan Thanks Michelle!! Keep spreading the word for us!! We really appreciate it!!
IPrevailBand I'll be (not so) patiently waiting for more! :D
I actually had this on repeat for most of the night at work, even the nurse was feeling it. Ten times isn't enough.
Ive been listening to this almost everyday. And ive been sharing them too! Everybody needs to know about em!
I occasionally come back to this cover, as it's one of my favourites 🥰 And now I'm seeing Taylor next year's, I felt it was fitting to come back ❤️
This shi to fire 🔥
Taylor swift did a cover of I Prevail's Blank Space?
@@davidstevens23 Ha Ha Ha
it be 2020 and y’all still giving me chills
First time I have heard this cover I have listened to it over and over 12x soooo amazing #2020
This is being played at my sisters wedding 👰
Really this gives you chills?
Marley Dees from head to toes yes...
@@mikeangel7976 y
Friends: Hey, do you listen to any songs that I know?
Me:.... Oh yeah, I listen toTailor Swift and a lot of more songs that you like.
Friends: great! Now we can talk about the same kind of music, I thought you only listen to rock and stuff.
Me: Well.....
haha same
haha that made my day
Taylor*** 😂😂😂
If I listen to this song one more time I am going to die from overexposure to awesomeness...
*dies from overexposure to awesomeness*
+Nicole Kalamer lol.. xD hahahaha cried when I saw this
So you are only half way through the song?
Years later, after rock and metal covers of pop songs has become quite popular and there are a lot of very good covers, I still think this is the best, partly because you were willing to change the style so much and completely change a part or two and the words where you should. Fantastic cover.
I actually like those type of covers. I just dislike it if they just literally changed the instruments but they make it their own.
I was speechless, this is the best cover I've heard in my life🖤
Moxie Raven something like that 😂
Jordan Haynes hi b no km I'm, n
this cover is better than the original imho. but that's just because i love this kind of music xD
XD Same here. This is my favorite music style
it was in flames who introduced me to this kind of music back in 2001, when my friend told me to come with him to a concert with them xD boy am i happy i wanted to try something new at that time
jonas hansen Same, the original is ass compared to this lol
Dude shit is always better when Punk Goes Pop :3
jonas hansen Samme.. The original sucks but this is AMAZING!
Great song! Going to see you guys live in concert December 13th with Sleepwave in CT. Can't wait! You guys rock!
dang, lucky
Ryan Trochsler . they are fucking awesome live id see them every night if i could ❤
Please don't ever forget where you guys came from! Keep that hunger as long as you guys can! In my humble opinion that's what has always elevated creativity and drive! I will never stop listening to Lifelines, I know every word to every song as many people do I'm sure!
I discovered them when they released Trauma. Amazing album. I didn't even know they did punk goes pop. This is amazing! It sounds like it's not a cover
My little sister is a huge Taylor swift fan and each time I put this on her face is priceless
+Christian Leyva Omigod yes
My older sister loves pop music but she got amazed with this cover ;-). Keep a good music guys!
this one is so amazing, would love to see you guys live
Touring this summer! iprevailband.com
i saw that, im actually going to the us in 10 days, yay. but page wont be loading for some reason, are you going to be on the west coast in the nearest month?
Yup, we'll be in California Aug 22, 23, & 24!
+IPrevailBand aww, sadly im already home at that time, but maybe some other time :)
the 24 is my bday! definitely gotta see you guys in california +iprevailband
ive recently listened to a lot of rap and left rock in the dust but this band will always have a special place in my heart even if it is 10 years later
3:16 is such a good build-up.
Honestly every single ADTR and LP fan will like these guys - I prevail rocks
curiousgeorgieo saw ADTR/papa roach In concert. These guys are better than adtr. Papa roach just has experience on them
These guys are great. But adtr is still bae
sorry to tell you but they´re not even close to be as good as adtr ;)
The piano starting sounds so LP . I like both versions
I fkng agree with u bro
This is a hell of a lot better then the original 😂
Watch the new music video for ‘Body Bag’ - ua-cam.com/video/zEzYKLLUAI4/v-deo.html
Pre-Order ‘TRUE POWER’ - found.ee/iptruepower
Outstanding gentlemen 👏👏👏
when he said "darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" I screamed.
My favorite freaking part great song guys
ROS King same!!
2:46 my favorite part
3:16 is mine
This has got to be the most amazingly brilliant cover ive ever heard in my life♡♡♡
Fuck yeah it’s awesome
Dude,you're not wrong
I seen this preformed live at LTL. I was jammin out then it hit me I had heard it before. This cover hits hard. Absolutely amazing
I listened to this song 10 years ago and absolutely love it. Then “Scars” came out and I became a huge fan of this band and always wanted more people to know about this band. And soon enough they blew up. Last September was the first time I finally saw them live. And they sang this song. That means a lot to me❤
they murdered this track 💪 im feeling it
My Grandmother hates this type of music. I cant even start to explain how it's so amazing. A lot of people don't appreciate actual music, like this. She hates how they scream instead of sing, but the meaning to this is so much more than how they just sing it. It's such a deep meaning when heavy metal musicians make deep and twisted music.
What about them screams deep?
@@kaygon.5202 she just hates how they "scream" instead of sing.
Alittle screaming is fine death metal i cant listen to that shit like bullet for my valentines old stuff disturbed and as hard as this is my threshold of rock ill listen to
best way to listen to this song. love it now because of them.
Thanks Marie! Maybe we'll see you at a live show this fall while on tour :) iprevailband.com
I just saw you in concert in Kansas City two days ago and you were f'ing awesome!!!
Brian you're rocking some nice gear in this video my man, where'd you pick up that top/hoodie combo \m/
One of the GREATEST covers EVER!!
But do you know Devildriver has a cover of Sail.
No I do not! I will have to check that out! Is it new?@@ditzy_neko3362
Amen 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
I love what punk goes pop does. Now we can enjoy all the catchy music everyone else listens to without the stigma of saying were listening to taylor swift.
lmao exactly
Derrick Wiedemann it doesnt matter whom we listened too
Idk why people tell others not to listen to taylor swift
I’ve always hated the stigma around guys liking Taylor Swifts music. People think that if your a guy who likes Taylor’s music that you automatically have to be gay. Why? You can absolutely be straight and love Taylor’s music. Growing up, I always loved her singles but never bought her albums because of that stigma. Now, as an adult, I don’t give a shit if people think I’m gay for loving her music. I own most of her albums now. Taylor is an amazing songwriter. Her singles don’t reflect how great she actually is. Nobody can listen to the Folklore and Evermore albums and say that she’s not a great song writer. She’s been writing great shit since she came out with her first album. At the end of the day, music is just music. If you like it, go ahead and enjoy it. Fuck what others think about it.
I'm definitely coming to one of your shows when you start! You're fricking amazing!! Love this, please start touring!?
GirlAndADream Can't wait to see you at a show are you local? Trying to work through so many things right now including touring this summer!! Thanks for your support :)
IPrevailBand I'm from England :(
GirlAndADream Don't be sad we hope to get there one day :)
IPrevailBand good :)
IPrevailBand You better come to england, lol it's a new law, i prevail have to come to england :)
If slipknot cuddled with simple plan...aggressively
While papa roach watched from the corner of the room....
What visuals running thru my mind
I love this comment
More like hate fucking...
lmfao this comment wins
Honestly one of my favorites covers of a modern song. I love it guys. Doing Metro Detroit proud!