Powerful Terahertz Generators

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Powerful Terahertz Generators - request a quote at sales@dmphotonics.com
    Add Terahertz generator and detector to your existing Ultrafast Laser
    System! - request a quote at sales@dmphotonics.com
    High-Intensity Terahertz Generators compatible with variety of Ultrafast Amplifiers including
    Coherent: Astrella, Legend Elite, Libra
    Spectra-Physics: Spitfire ACE, Solstice ACE
    From components and kits to complete systems!
    We have currently in stock several options of Terahertz MgO:LiNbO3 crystals:
    1. Aperture size 5x5, 10x10 and 20x20
    2. MgO - 0.6%, 1% and 1.3%
    3. AR coating for all different wavelength from 700nm to 1100 nm (800nm and 1030nm are most popular options).
    1.1) THz-rex THz generator based on optical rectification in MgO:LiNbO3 crystal
    Output THz radiation:
    Max THz pulse energy up to 500 nJ (depends on the pump laser)
    Pulse duration 0.5-1 ps
    Central frequency ~1 THz
    FWHM spectral intensity bandwidth 1-1.5 THz
    Required pump laser:
    Central wavelength 780 - 820 nm
    Laser pulse energy 0.5-2 mJ
    Laser average power up to 2 W
    Laser repetition rate up to 10 kHz
    Beam: TEM00, M^2 preferably less than 1.3, good beam quality
    Optimal TL (transform-limited) pulse duration: 80 - 120 fs, no chirp
    1.2) THz-rex-LA high-energy THz generator with large-aperture optics adapted to more than 2 mJ pumping.
    Output THz radiation:
    Max THz pulse energy up to 1 uJ (depends on the pump laser)
    Pulse duration 0.5-1 ps
    Central frequency ~1 THz
    FWHM spectral intensity bandwidth 1-1.5 THz
    Required pump:
    Central wavelength 780 - 820 nm
    Laser pulse energy up to 5 mJ
    Laser average power up to 5 W
    Laser repetition rate up to 10 kHz
    Beam: TEM00, M^2 preferably less than 1.3, good beam quality
    Optimal TL (transform-limited) pulse duration: 80 - 120 fs, no chirp
    1.3) Cryo-cooling setup upgrade for THz-rex/THz-rex-LA (optional)
    Expected increase in THz generation efficiency x 1.3 - 2 times
    (depends on the exact pump laser, crystal and focusing parameters)
    THz detector:
    2.1) EO-ZnTe THz detector based on electrooptical sampling in ZnTe
    Spectral resolution: 30 GHz
    Temporal scan range: 180 ps
    - 3 parabolic mirrors for focusing the THz beam in the sample
    - Electrooptical detector with lock-in amplifier or highly-sensitive
    peak detector and digitizer (depending on the repetition rate of the
    regenerative amplifier) with USB interface
    - Optical chopper
    - Windows acquisition and analysis software.
    Other resolution and scan range values upon request.
    2.2) Optical pump - THz probe delay line upgrade for THz-rex/THz-rex-LA/EO-ZnTe
    Optical pump ~800 nm
    Optical delay up to 1200 ps