Friar Alessandro visits The Poor Clare Monastry

  • Опубліковано 19 бер 2014


  • @lenorecatalogna9752
    @lenorecatalogna9752 2 роки тому +1

    I had the same problem my sister in law St. Gemma Galgani,holy spouse of the Seraphim angel who gave the stigmata to St. Francis of Assissi and her,no one wanted me at an early age when OI was ready.

  • @cledwynstafford4819
    @cledwynstafford4819 6 років тому +1

    My journey with St Francis began here...... Blessings. Br Francis Mary

  • @jtetixemesq9673
    @jtetixemesq9673 5 років тому +2

    Blessed Frair Alessandro

  • @carolinamalavolta9909
    @carolinamalavolta9909 3 роки тому

    Sei una meraviglia 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

  • @luizmauriciocoelholima540
    @luizmauriciocoelholima540 4 роки тому

    Bravo !

  • @tizianocrivellari9702
    @tizianocrivellari9702 2 роки тому +1

    Si può visitare come turista

  • @patriciaowens3479
    @patriciaowens3479 4 роки тому +3

    Please . . . . share generously with others, Especially with Consecrated souls. Thank you very much ~ and God bless you and yours.
    And He said to Sister Josefa:
    "And now write for My consecrated souls."
    It was the last time Josefa would transcribe the burning desires of the Heart of Jesus for them:
    "I call them all - My priests, My religious, and My nuns - to live an intimate life of union with Me.
    "It is their privilege to know My longings and to share in My joys and sorrows.
    "There's, to labor at My interest, never sparing themselves trouble or pain.
    "Theirs, by prayer and penance, to make reparation for many, many souls.
    "There's, above all, to become more and more closely united to Me and never to abandon Me, never to leave Me alone! Some do not understand and forget that it is for them to give Me companionship and consolation. . . .
    "And finally, it is for them to combine together in a league of love making but one in My Heart, to implore for souls the knowledge of truth, life and pardon. And when they see with deep sorrow the outrages I receive, My chosen souls will offer themselves to make reparation and to labor at My work; let their trust be unhesitating, for I shall not refuse their supplications, and all they asked will be granted them.
    "Let them all, then, apply themselves to the study of My Heart and to understand My feelings, striving to live in union with Me, to converse with Me and to consult Me. Let them cloth their actions in My merits, bathe them in My Blood, and consecrate their lives to the saving of souls and the extension of My glory.
    "Let them not desend to personal reflections which belittle them, but rejoice at seeing themselves closed with the power of My Blood and of My merits. If they rely on self, they will do little or nothing, but if they labor with Me, in My Name and for My glory, they will be powerful.
    "Let these consecrated souls revive their desire for reparation, and beg confidently for the advent of the Divine King: that is, for My universal Sovereignty.
    "Let them be burnt up with zeal and charity for sinners. . . Praying for them with compassionate hearts and treating them with all gentleness.
    "Let the world hear from their lips how great is My kindness, My love and My Mercy.
    "Armed with prayer, penance, and reliance on Me, never on self, let them go forward to their apostolic labors in the power and goodness of My Heart which is ever with them. . . .
    "My apostles we're poor and ignorant men, but rich and wise in the wealth and wisdom of God, and their watchword was: In Thy Name, oh Lord, I shall labor and be all-powerful.
    "I ask three things of My consecrated souls:
    "REPARATION, that is a life of union with Him who makes Divine Reparation: to work for Him, with Him, in Him, in a spirit of reparation, in close union with His feelings and desires.
    "LOVE, that is intimacy with Him who is all Love, and who humbles Himself to ask His creatures not to leave Him alone, but to give Him their love.
    "CONFIDENCE, that is trust in Him who is goodness and mercy. . . . With Him whom I live with day and night. . . . who knows me and whom I know. . . . who loves me and whom I love. . . . In Him who calls His chosen souls in a special way to live with Him, to know His Heart and so to trust Him for everything."
    This concludes His Message, and then the following is written:
    The last lines of the Message were written. . . . Josefa noted down what her Master wished her to communicate from Him to the Bishop of Poitiers, whom she was expecting shortly, then she laid down her pen. A few instants pass in Love's embrace. . . . Gods secret. . . . How solemn was the hour which marked the termination of Our Lords Appeal to souls.

    • @carolinamalavolta9909
      @carolinamalavolta9909 3 роки тому

      Bravo bravissimo incanti nel sentirti 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🙏

  • @lenorecatalogna9752
    @lenorecatalogna9752 2 роки тому +1

    After a while these sisterhoods in America became deadly even like EWSTN,money,money. Too much money and parents anyway prefer to read to their children storybooks about saints and angels at their level. St. Judes daughter was one of the best examples I could give. At five years old she was on an eith grade reading level,knew Grammatical structures galore from her mommy reading her phonix workbooks, They lived in Tannersville,Pa in the country,not Alabama.Tony Szalaka.

  • @lichub
    @lichub 4 роки тому

    Not a normal life.