There's a time where I was running from fizz as a nami cos I thought he'd kill me I pressed w to heal and he was close enough to get hurt and boom 670 hp gone and he backed
Constantly checking team gold and playing off whoever is fed was the first lesson I ever learned from you. Changed my game completely. Now its like 2nd nature to me. Usually by like 7 minutes you can tell who's worth playing off of. And if the rest of your team is smart they'll do the same and maybe even recover after a bad start.
i've been supp mains since i started WR like over a year+ now and i reached some point last year where i felt no matter what i do i still lose games so i lost confidence in myself and tried all sorts of "broken champ builds" from UA-cam as well which obviously didn't really help me win more games it was 50/50 but i did start learning itemization that way somehow and then macro and then i was often flamed for building AP or not wanting to play a certain support when my team asked me to and then i found your channel and it helped a lot to just trust myself and ignore the potatoes who will still int suicide even if i build supp items or play leona or yuumi xD so i'm really glad your channel exists to spread awareness and also challenge myself to new builds and tips ^~^ tho it is true i rarely comment xd but thank you 💖 PS : i absolutely HATE when adcs think we have to babysit likeeee erm- go fix your mommy issues plssss, we play for the team and we need to help the whole team not just them tsk tsk @.@
Yes, that's so annoying.. I go help another lane and adc instant dies instead of just playing it safe and blames me. Dude can't you survive without me for just one minute??
Varus on that 2nd game is the best exemple of adc toxicity. They spam ping, thinking all the game revolve around them. While they play kamikaze and barely has more kills than death
I love to found your channel because i was nami player on PC and on WildRift I took almost the same approach that you say on you videos. Is amazing how I even carried some games being the TOP DAMAGE of my team. Maybe I got some different builds approaches, like in one point build winter’s approach, because some time I got into an auto brain dead potato, so if I get caught out of position I will not be one shot killed. I love your videos cause some times I keep thinking on my LOL I do shadow for my side liners (but I forgot that not even some grand master o challengers on wild rift knows the concept of being shadow their push). Thank a lot. I hope the game being more strategic (bc I’m a good at that but have a potato hands) but I think riot wants the game be more and more frenzy TF oriented, so I have to change my play style on new patch. BTW I also play with soraka, with ROA and Phase Rush…with the combo S3, auto, S1, auto, S2 (when there is an ally) I ended up even with more damage than Nami. Is amazing.
Going Supp build will only be worth if you are duo queue with the ADC and you are confident with his skills. Otherwise, we need to have a solo carry the game as a support and do the solo queue things to win games.
Disclaimer: the Thresh nerf was pretty small(ad ratio of his e), and Nami has a 2 nerfs (ult cd 2.5a; mpsd buff 3. 1) and 1 adjust (4.0c) in fairly recent times.
Sou muito seu fã cara, continue fazendo seu trabalho único e incrível pela comunidade, amo todos os seus vídeos, acho incrível você mostrar que dá pra carregar solo usando suporte que normalmente são feitos apenas para utilidade. 💗💗
My concrete mindset as support main is, "I belong to the Team." No one can monopolize me, no one. Not even my duo que who mains ADC. I see him being horrible with trash decisions and lagging behind im leaving him. Supporting the one who'll Actually carry the game. If the team is trash potatoes I'M carrying myself out. Even losing i want that SVP. I get it 90% of the time.
Perhaps it is like you say and some people hate you for playing support like this. But I love you for doing this and showing it in your videos. I dont say all adcs are bad. It is a pleasure to play with a good adc. But if not, you are not helpless if you play like you do and nevertheless you support your team well. 👍
I totally agree with you thoughts about supp items, but I disagree with the opinion that Stuff of Flowing Water is bad. It gives you a lot of AP, especially on champs like Sona or Soraka
I don't understand why some people hate you, when I first came to know your channel I thought it was very fresh content and that you showed that you knew how to play. There are a lot of people on Wild Rift who have big egos and think they are the best. Too bad for them.
Yea, I used your shark build nami but all i got is why the heck am i building ludens as first build lol or keep pinging my items. My adc ending with 23 kills and me 30 assists made them shut up.
Hey Broken, I was wondering what type of build approach you were going to take with Swain once he's playable. Nonetheless, will wait for that vid once it comes out. Cheers!
what can I say you are a religion for me xD I fully agree with everything you said in this video. I get flamed for the same things. " no build sup, u troll. ok i'm trolling too" then at the end you win the game because at least I got busy in their place. well what to say you are my idol. thank you because I learned so much from you. i love u.❤
Hey Broken, as always, I really appreciated your videos and you helped me a lot for the ranking progress there so much! And I just wonder a bit, why in this time, you don't use Fleet Footwork for Nami, but using Aery rune back instead. I just want to make sure keep updated the meta so can you explain if it's that the change of the game that reduced the amount of mana you got after AA full stack, or it just you changed your Nami playstyle there? Hope you can answer this question, and keep doing what you love!
What a nice surprise - more Nami 🤩 With your help discovered, that playing support IS really fun, and that support is NOT adc’s accessory. Hope more people will watch your work and regain (or find) their spirit to play support. Thank you! 💕 P.S.: btw, tried double echo build from previous Nami vid - it works pretty nice, max heals and still do decent amount of damage. Will save it for some good adc 🤭
Thank you for this video Broken! Since i discover your channel i've been doing your tips about enchanter supports it really work pretty well the only thing bugs me in game is this low elo adc think that echanter support should not build AP items and complaining that there performance is like rubber 3. It is so annoying. Like they dive with pushing 1v5 and expect to heal all the time. Glad i found you Broken!
I have been playing Morgana in jg,mid,supp goin Tear of Goddess, RScepter into Frozen heart vs ad comps, which I see a lot of now. Just wrecks their sh!t 😂
Facts. On PC, i'm happy like it my second bithday when i can buy 4 or 5 cheap support items. When i first played WR, i was shocked cause i bought rabadons as 3rd item on 13 min of game, while playing Karma support
@@BrokenSupport bro, you are literally my senpai in terms of support. I even support with tryndamere 🤣 . Somehow their adc just melts very quick.. all i need is a few seconds. 😚 But I learned alot playing brand, tresh, nami, and alistar support from you man. Mad respect bro!
@@BrokenSupport yes sir.. tryndamere support. It works well when enemy have engage type support. Well im still in emerald / diamond group, so it still works. My positioning is basically 90° with my adc.. when they engage me, my adc have the freedom to kill their adc. If they engage my adc, i have the freedom to engage their adc. And once my support item is fully charged, my adc will stay with the group and I usually split push. Thats the general idea 😅
Broken, I want to ask you something. How on your screen enemies appears in these yellow rings around enemy champ, for example around 19:20 min.? What is that option.. I can't seem to find such 😳
When I read the latest thresh nerf, I immediaty thought about you. Lol! Keep exploiting and sharing them to us. I’ve learned a lot and become a better support because of you.
I kinda like to at least get one supp item if: 1)we have a really good player which i can see carry potential in and beside that one item i go full ap. 2)we have good people in the team and wanna get mandate. And if nothing above i go 4 ap items instead of 1 enchanter 3 ap
I always go with this mindset and carry games well with utility diff. Sure AP build can carry games, but utility carry even harder. Because support champs are specialized for team buff, while building APC gives flat buff or heal and not enough burst. If the team understands support role well enough, they'll benefit much from the team buff and giving them a massive powerspike. If they're just another potato.. well, AP is the way
The build that Broken provides will carry in a 1v5 situation. Besides that, it's better to go with the enchant item. Especially the meteor, it's good for 1v5 but bad for team carry, because it has a really long cd than protect or redemption enchant. With both protect or redemption, it's spammable with every team takedown (you'll get the assist for healing with enchant!) And gives you a super broken version of Soraka XD Want to carry even harder? Use Senna instead. Basically "fuck it, I'll replace my ADC" mentality XD Saying this as both sp and adc main tho, and I've been fanboying to Broken since last year XD
Finally someone said that! Even in high elo (master and above) people flame me cuz I don’t build properly support, is always worthless to teach them that supp items sucks lol
It’s out of topic. I think i saw you posted a video about ADC guide a couple days ago. I didn’t watch it yet, but when i’m about to watch, i didn’t found that video. Where is it?? Is that video got takedown or something??
Broken, what build do you think works better on yuumi? I'm using a full mana build (archangel, double echo, staff of flowing water) with a rabadon for a plus, but, what do you think will work better on the kitty?
Broken: man I missed playing nami Also broken: uploaded video of nami probably 3 days ago 😂 Lv u bro. I finally made it into master tooday, w ur allistar build. Now im leaving normal ranked mode for legendary ranked, which I like more for solo queue
Wait is sickle still worth it on supports? I thought relic is better cause well, its adjusted for ranged champ rn and extra hp and sustain is better for trading in lane
Can you make another macro video for Karma and Nami... it seems as though I get to a certain level and then everyone in master + tier turns into iron-level players... so it would be nice to have a new video on what to do with these characters (because I don't play tanks) when you have 4 potatoes on your team...
Broken i love your videos and you know that. I hope you can make a video how to win 1 vs 9 when your team ints you hard. Its sad because this is happening in high elo master 30 plus wins. This season is the worst so many inters its just isnt real.
Hello Broken Thank you for the helpful videos I just wanna know when to build tear of goddess and its full item and when to not Last time u didn‘t build it U have builded luden‘s echo, rabdon‘s , Infinitiy orb, as core items I remember Thanks a lot
Btw thanks bro, i just reached Emerald for the first time. Spamming Nami after getting plat 1 before that i use Lulu a lot cause idk about this build Edit : I'm on 7th win streak with this build and 2 times mvp so far where before Emerald rank it's so hard for me to get Mvp, depending on my teammate sometimes I add 1 utility item.
Yes i fully agree building support items outside of the starter is typically bad and does little with the exception of Lulu, Sona, Janna and Yuumi. Soraka too but on her i only build harmonic echos and staff of flowing water other 2 are archangels staff and deathcap. I facepalm every time i see a Lux or a Seraphine building support times. Jist stop those are burst mages
Yess!!! People need to understand, when i pick enchanter sup, what i mean is to sup my carry, not just adc. Idgaf about my adc if they cant carry, then, bye, dont ask me to babysit a burden.
He knows what he's talking I was bronze 4 then found Broken started to build ap and now in emerald. And I'm only in emerald because I was fine with that rank. Please listen to him people he is right with what he says!
Hi broken support. im a mid main and i have thinking to switch to support next season. the reason for this is literally playing like a potato (basically i wont fed, but i wont also actually play very very good. Basically just doing my job and thats it. In 350 games total, I feel that in my last 200 I got carried this season. and few, few mvps - you can be free to call me potato too. Basically idk what is happening to me this season and if i reach gm i will feel i got carried - rn only need 10 points for it) basically, how hard is to mastery support role? And how hard is to master support champs? is enough to master 2 or 3? i only know 4 champs in mid lane, and im playing very mid with them this season. idk if is bcs for me being first time master/gm bcs the difficulty increased, or if im just having a bad season. Or the best is to master almost all like you do? (never played lol PC btw)
I think you should try to master what you like, two champs of the line you want to be, maybe three if you think it could be easily picked or banned. In my experience, I play aram a lot to try new champs, if you want to change to support, it's easy to practice in aram, people usually discard supports to play something more aggressive hehe. You can also try in normals, but I recommend to practice the champ first so you can play more safe c:
@@MirrorNasary i kinda like braum and leona (also have good skins for them) but broken support says that they aint that good for solo bcs you cant carry the team if they are trash
@@GOC786 I agree with Braum, that champ is pure defense, it doesn't have much attacks and depends too much of the team. In my experience Leona can carry if you have at least two other good players, you can push lines without dying unless the other team focus on you and I've stealed dragons with ulti. Maybe you could try Leona and another champ that you like.
@@GOC786 Karma is really good, It was my second pick when I only used Nami, I find them a bit similar. Also has something like Seraphine with attacks because you charge them so the first attack can stun and hit twice if it's charged or the shield can give speed to the teammates and yourself. I haven't tried Karma ap yet, I started using ap support recently, but I recommend it, so you don't depend entirely on your team.
AQUAWOMEN ☕ she can't hurt you without legs but she can build boots.............
Actually she has legs. Look closely at the back animation of the skin that Broken uses
@@ivansainz1369 u didn't get the irony
*Corki buys boots
*flys faster
Meanwhile Cassio cant
I think there was an easter egg in pc version where Nami buy boot, search “hat” and you’d find those boot…
Nami with support items : Sushi
Nami with ap build : Shark
Sushi or shark I want to eat her anyway 😋
There's a time where I was running from fizz as a nami cos I thought he'd kill me I pressed w to heal and he was close enough to get hurt and boom 670 hp gone and he backed
Nami shark doo doo doo doo do
Constantly checking team gold and playing off whoever is fed was the first lesson I ever learned from you. Changed my game completely. Now its like 2nd nature to me. Usually by like 7 minutes you can tell who's worth playing off of. And if the rest of your team is smart they'll do the same and maybe even recover after a bad start.
Problem is when both your adc and mid suck. Can’t just leave bot in early game to go support top. Some games are just doomed from the beginning.
@@shinjiikari4629 I do that and it’s helped, ppl will start following unless they’re super bad
i've been supp mains since i started WR like over a year+ now and i reached some point last year where i felt no matter what i do i still lose games so i lost confidence in myself and tried all sorts of "broken champ builds" from UA-cam as well which obviously didn't really help me win more games it was 50/50 but i did start learning itemization that way somehow and then macro and then i was often flamed for building AP or not wanting to play a certain support when my team asked me to and then i found your channel and it helped a lot to just trust myself and ignore the potatoes who will still int suicide even if i build supp items or play leona or yuumi xD so i'm really glad your channel exists to spread awareness and also challenge myself to new builds and tips ^~^
tho it is true i rarely comment xd but thank you 💖 PS : i absolutely HATE when adcs think we have to babysit likeeee erm- go fix your mommy issues plssss, we play for the team and we need to help the whole team not just them tsk tsk @.@
Yes, that's so annoying.. I go help another lane and adc instant dies instead of just playing it safe and blames me. Dude can't you survive without me for just one minute??
@@steffikruemelmonsterdamn it, what a baby
Varus on that 2nd game is the best exemple of adc toxicity. They spam ping, thinking all the game revolve around them. While they play kamikaze and barely has more kills than death
@@SkeimOfficial and then they also do less damage than u as a support 😂😂
Not every adc is like that but yeah, it's super annoying. They flame sp, even jungler for their dying
I love to found your channel because i was nami player on PC and on WildRift I took almost the same approach that you say on you videos. Is amazing how I even carried some games being the TOP DAMAGE of my team. Maybe I got some different builds approaches, like in one point build winter’s approach, because some time I got into an auto brain dead potato, so if I get caught out of position I will not be one shot killed. I love your videos cause some times I keep thinking on my LOL I do shadow for my side liners (but I forgot that not even some grand master o challengers on wild rift knows the concept of being shadow their push). Thank a lot. I hope the game being more strategic (bc I’m a good at that but have a potato hands) but I think riot wants the game be more and more frenzy TF oriented, so I have to change my play style on new patch. BTW I also play with soraka, with ROA and Phase Rush…with the combo S3, auto, S1, auto, S2 (when there is an ally) I ended up even with more damage than Nami. Is amazing.
Going Supp build will only be worth if you are duo queue with the ADC and you are confident with his skills. Otherwise, we need to have a solo carry the game as a support and do the solo queue things to win games.
I actually enjoy your texts input, always learning something new or funny, keep up the good work brother
Disclaimer: the Thresh nerf was pretty small(ad ratio of his e), and Nami has a 2 nerfs (ult cd 2.5a; mpsd buff 3. 1) and 1 adjust (4.0c) in fairly recent times.
Straight from the heart, love it man. Thanks as always.
this is possible now because they introduced the sickle, those days it was hard to carry with dmg items as a support so i love this change
Sou muito seu fã cara, continue fazendo seu trabalho único e incrível pela comunidade, amo todos os seus vídeos, acho incrível você mostrar que dá pra carregar solo usando suporte que normalmente são feitos apenas para utilidade. 💗💗
"he said calmly "
My concrete mindset as support main is, "I belong to the Team." No one can monopolize me, no one. Not even my duo que who mains ADC. I see him being horrible with trash decisions and lagging behind im leaving him. Supporting the one who'll Actually carry the game. If the team is trash potatoes I'M carrying myself out. Even losing i want that SVP. I get it 90% of the time.
man, thanks to you I switched from shooter to support, and I love it!
Thank you broken support for playing nami today, i love her.
Perhaps it is like you say and some people hate you for playing support like this.
But I love you for doing this and showing it in your videos.
I dont say all adcs are bad. It is a pleasure to play with a good adc.
But if not, you are not helpless if you play like you do and nevertheless you support your team well.
Some People think that support role is only for healing nd shielding.
Just like healers in MMOS.
I totally agree with you thoughts about supp items, but I disagree with the opinion that Stuff of Flowing Water is bad. It gives you a lot of AP, especially on champs like Sona or Soraka
I don't understand why some people hate you, when I first came to know your channel I thought it was very fresh content and that you showed that you knew how to play. There are a lot of people on Wild Rift who have big egos and think they are the best. Too bad for them.
Yea, I used your shark build nami but all i got is why the heck am i building ludens as first build lol or keep pinging my items. My adc ending with 23 kills and me 30 assists made them shut up.
hi broken, may i know why you build seraph's embrace instead of going for Rabaddon's for third item?
Hey Broken, I was wondering what type of build approach you were going to take with Swain once he's playable. Nonetheless, will wait for that vid once it comes out. Cheers!
RoA, Twins, Riftmaker, Rabadons
I would love to see you play Blitz on supp or even janna !
What build could u take on Blitz with ur playstyle ? I'm so curious !
what can I say you are a religion for me xD
I fully agree with everything you said in this video. I get flamed for the same things. " no build sup, u troll. ok i'm trolling too"
then at the end you win the game because at least I got busy in their place. well what to say you are my idol. thank you because I learned so much from you. i love u.❤
Hey Broken, as always, I really appreciated your videos and you helped me a lot for the ranking progress there so much! And I just wonder a bit, why in this time, you don't use Fleet Footwork for Nami, but using Aery rune back instead. I just want to make sure keep updated the meta so can you explain if it's that the change of the game that reduced the amount of mana you got after AA full stack, or it just you changed your Nami playstyle there? Hope you can answer this question, and keep doing what you love!
I don't look at it yet, but I leave my like because I know it will be amazing. I missed seeing you playing Nami. Thank you for bringing it back
Even veigar on second game said you were the only one who had the brain to use baron buff XD
Is there a list with your current builds for the Champions? Awesome Channel!
If I play like this, teammate like, "Report Nami".
Broken thanks for bringing more often the lovely fish :D it’s also my main and thanks to you I’m better with her, ur the best
"I used to be hardstuck in Diamond 2 many years ago.".
As a Multi-Role Diamond 2 peak player in LoL: PC before, this hits right in the feels.
What a nice surprise - more Nami 🤩
With your help discovered, that playing support IS really fun, and that support is NOT adc’s accessory. Hope more people will watch your work and regain (or find) their spirit to play support. Thank you! 💕
P.S.: btw, tried double echo build from previous Nami vid - it works pretty nice, max heals and still do decent amount of damage. Will save it for some good adc 🤭
Thank you for this video Broken! Since i discover your channel i've been doing your tips about enchanter supports it really work pretty well the only thing bugs me in game is this low elo adc think that echanter support should not build AP items and complaining that there performance is like rubber 3. It is so annoying. Like they dive with pushing 1v5 and expect to heal all the time.
Glad i found you Broken!
"Bro is a potato!" is my new favorite phrase.
Finessed. 👌 Ever tought about nami mid? Play defence then late game 💥
I have been playing Morgana in jg,mid,supp goin Tear of Goddess, RScepter into Frozen heart vs ad comps, which I see a lot of now.
Just wrecks their sh!t 😂
On PC, i'm happy like it my second bithday when i can buy 4 or 5 cheap support items. When i first played WR, i was shocked cause i bought rabadons as 3rd item on 13 min of game, while playing Karma support
I follow my heart. I support my team by killing the enemy.
Did I support, right?
@@BrokenSupport bro, you are literally my senpai in terms of support. I even support with tryndamere 🤣 . Somehow their adc just melts very quick.. all i need is a few seconds. 😚
But I learned alot playing brand, tresh, nami, and alistar support from you man. Mad respect bro!
@@bapao83tryndamere support? Wait WUTTTT 0.0’
@@BrokenSupport yes sir.. tryndamere support. It works well when enemy have engage type support. Well im still in emerald / diamond group, so it still works. My positioning is basically 90° with my adc.. when they engage me, my adc have the freedom to kill their adc. If they engage my adc, i have the freedom to engage their adc. And once my support item is fully charged, my adc will stay with the group and I usually split push. Thats the general idea 😅
Broken, I want to ask you something. How on your screen enemies appears in these yellow rings around enemy champ, for example around 19:20 min.? What is that option.. I can't seem to find such 😳
NAMI IS BACK! I was thinking we could not play her anymore
Support Items right now is only useful in ARAM and that _if_ your team know what they're doing.
LOL PC Season 1 does not have support items. Going back to that era is cool 😅
Thanks to your videos I reached Master with nami. Thank you. We´d love to see who you are thou...!
Watching your videos inspired me to try ranks on my own ❤ Now I'm on a better elo
Another great video. I find the thumbnail funny because what is Rabaddon doing there??? XD
When I read the latest thresh nerf, I immediaty thought about you. Lol! Keep exploiting and sharing them to us. I’ve learned a lot and become a better support because of you.
Nice video, hey broken 7:34 can u tell me what this star means
Do you build as you go? Or do you have a set build ?
I kinda like to at least get one supp item if: 1)we have a really good player which i can see carry potential in and beside that one item i go full ap. 2)we have good people in the team and wanna get mandate. And if nothing above i go 4 ap items instead of 1 enchanter 3 ap
I always go with this mindset and carry games well with utility diff. Sure AP build can carry games, but utility carry even harder. Because support champs are specialized for team buff, while building APC gives flat buff or heal and not enough burst.
If the team understands support role well enough, they'll benefit much from the team buff and giving them a massive powerspike. If they're just another potato.. well, AP is the way
The build that Broken provides will carry in a 1v5 situation. Besides that, it's better to go with the enchant item. Especially the meteor, it's good for 1v5 but bad for team carry, because it has a really long cd than protect or redemption enchant.
With both protect or redemption, it's spammable with every team takedown (you'll get the assist for healing with enchant!) And gives you a super broken version of Soraka XD
Want to carry even harder? Use Senna instead. Basically "fuck it, I'll replace my ADC" mentality XD
Saying this as both sp and adc main tho, and I've been fanboying to Broken since last year XD
Yo broken been following you for a while now. 😄 Just wanted to know if you were challenger on lol pc back then. You the best nami btw. 🍣🐟
Finally someone said that!
Even in high elo (master and above) people flame me cuz I don’t build properly support, is always worthless to teach them that supp items sucks lol
It’s out of topic. I think i saw you posted a video about ADC guide a couple days ago. I didn’t watch it yet, but when i’m about to watch, i didn’t found that video. Where is it?? Is that video got takedown or something??
Can you also give tips in Soraka since soraka focus on healing.
Oh wow, TIL that Nami's Q also boosts ally's movement speed when hit. I am such a noob 😅
Same. People complain when u buy ap items but in reality it gives a lot more help than support items. From heal/shield to damage, to bully the enemy.
Broken can you please tell us what do you plan to play next patch
Everyone is getting an indirect buff except for supports
Im 100% playing Nami
6:24 and I am contributeing to spread the word
Dude, seeing the slow moving Aatrox rework still kinda makes my heart ache, I used to love his old moveset on PC.
28:21 no way u teleported there, some balls
Broken, what build do you think works better on yuumi? I'm using a full mana build (archangel, double echo, staff of flowing water) with a rabadon for a plus, but, what do you think will work better on the kitty?
Im using archangel, Ludens, Rabadons
My local servers have been yellow ping lately I can't play a decent game, but when I come back, I'd be sure to inflict the wrath of full ap Sona lol
People using VPN that’s why
Is it possible to carry games with Pyke like you do with Thresh? Maybe there's a build/playstyle that can allow that
I guess that's how you call being ahead
What is this potato racism all about ? 😅🤣
love your vids man keep it up 🥰
6:40 Can you explain to me why u went oblivian orb if they (Janna and kaisa) have no healing ?
Janna ult = healing
Darius Q = healing
Camile Divine = healing
@@BrokenSupport now that I’m reading this I find myself unbelievably stupid
Broken: man I missed playing nami
Also broken: uploaded video of nami probably 3 days ago 😂
Lv u bro. I finally made it into master tooday, w ur allistar build.
Now im leaving normal ranked mode for legendary ranked, which I like more for solo queue
Nami has broken in a bubble that's why . Enchanting him with that smell of fish sticks
I do this with lux and my team start to blame me because what i did lol, i just simply doesn't care and mute them.
Wait is sickle still worth it on supports? I thought relic is better cause well, its adjusted for ranged champ rn and extra hp and sustain is better for trading in lane
Sickle boost your AP making it better in mid/late game
What happened to the Fleet build? No longer viable?
Can you make another macro video for Karma and Nami... it seems as though I get to a certain level and then everyone in master + tier turns into iron-level players... so it would be nice to have a new video on what to do with these characters (because I don't play tanks) when you have 4 potatoes on your team...
Broken i love your videos and you know that. I hope you can make a video how to win 1 vs 9 when your team ints you hard. Its sad because this is happening in high elo master 30 plus wins. This season is the worst so many inters its just isnt real.
Hello Broken
Thank you for the helpful videos
I just wanna know when to build tear of goddess and its full item and when to not
Last time u didn‘t build it
U have builded luden‘s echo, rabdon‘s , Infinitiy orb, as core items I remember
Thanks a lot
Hellsdevil makes a wr UA-camr promotion. You csn send him a clip and he might give you a shoutout.
Hey been great watching your vids. But just for reassurance....your saying ap build naut with twins? I just feel judged hard by team....
Btw thanks bro, i just reached Emerald for the first time. Spamming Nami after getting plat 1 before that i use Lulu a lot cause idk about this build
Edit : I'm on 7th win streak with this build and 2 times mvp so far where before Emerald rank it's so hard for me to get Mvp, depending on my teammate sometimes I add 1 utility item.
Ah... Yes yes.... It is Broken... The FISH, still dominating with his SUSHI 🍣🍣🍣 😅 XDD
Hey Broken.
Can u explain when to pick karma and nami?
I mean match ups etc;)
Yes i fully agree building support items outside of the starter is typically bad and does little with the exception of Lulu, Sona, Janna and Yuumi. Soraka too but on her i only build harmonic echos and staff of flowing water other 2 are archangels staff and deathcap.
I facepalm every time i see a Lux or a Seraphine building support times. Jist stop those are burst mages
Ooohhhhh,,,, I’m waiting for this SUSHI!,,,,🎉🎉🎉🎉
Can you make a video and show how it looks like on lulu? And the items you use?
Thx broken,!!! But I kinda like the fleet footwork… ahahaha
Like u said with tear seems a lot to scale xdxd
Sir, thanks! After this knowledge I was able to reach the High Elo only with LULU and Nami. They were BEASTS with sustain & decent damage.
@victorsousa4956 what’s your LuLu build?!
Today I become rank master
For first time thanks broken support you are the best
My main “support “
Can you one day make a video with shen supp, I really like him and im using him as a supp but I would like to watch you playing with him
In the first game why did u buy the oblivion orb in your first purchase against a Janna/Kaisa?
Broken sensei, about your Sushi is fuuuuuulllll of meat 🥩🍣 love it. Hope you take a cheesecake as a tip ❤😂
I alway follow your advice.
And bro... please give me a new malphite supp video...
From: your only hondurenean fan (I believe XD)
that annie oneshotting veigar 💀
Papa Broken, when do you go Seraphs on fish?
Hey Broken, is 120hz worth it?
How is the battery drain with it compared to a normal 60hz ?
It consumes like 50% more battery. Usually I turn it on when my phone is having fps problems
Looking forward for your Nautilius vids after the next patch 😘
I just turned on the video, I’ll say right away, I’m sad that there is no song at the beginning: "either live or you dieeeee" 😢
Gotta fix that for u 😅
Do you play other characters who are not supports or adcs?
Ooo. I want to try this as a Sona main, but I'm scared.
People need to understand, when i pick enchanter sup, what i mean is to sup my carry, not just adc.
Idgaf about my adc if they cant carry, then, bye, dont ask me to babysit a burden.
Tambien uso builds de daño pero solo con los magos soportes, no con tanques, con ellos me gusta tanquear lo maximo posible
He knows what he's talking I was bronze 4 then found Broken started to build ap and now in emerald. And I'm only in emerald because I was fine with that rank. Please listen to him people he is right with what he says!
Hi broken support.
im a mid main and i have thinking to switch to support next season.
the reason for this is literally playing like a potato (basically i wont fed, but i wont also actually play very very good. Basically just doing my job and thats it. In 350 games total, I feel that in my last 200 I got carried this season. and few, few mvps - you can be free to call me potato too. Basically idk what is happening to me this season and if i reach gm i will feel i got carried - rn only need 10 points for it)
basically, how hard is to mastery support role? And how hard is to master support champs? is enough to master 2 or 3? i only know 4 champs in mid lane, and im playing very mid with them this season. idk if is bcs for me being first time master/gm bcs the difficulty increased, or if im just having a bad season.
Or the best is to master almost all like you do? (never played lol PC btw)
I think you should try to master what you like, two champs of the line you want to be, maybe three if you think it could be easily picked or banned. In my experience, I play aram a lot to try new champs, if you want to change to support, it's easy to practice in aram, people usually discard supports to play something more aggressive hehe.
You can also try in normals, but I recommend to practice the champ first so you can play more safe c:
@@MirrorNasary i kinda like braum and leona (also have good skins for them) but broken support says that they aint that good for solo bcs you cant carry the team if they are trash
@@GOC786 I agree with Braum, that champ is pure defense, it doesn't have much attacks and depends too much of the team. In my experience Leona can carry if you have at least two other good players, you can push lines without dying unless the other team focus on you and I've stealed dragons with ulti. Maybe you could try Leona and another champ that you like.
@@MirrorNasary what about karma? Never played her, but i have skin + good Karmas is awesome in teamfights
Also she does damage i think, in AP build
@@GOC786 Karma is really good, It was my second pick when I only used Nami, I find them a bit similar. Also has something like Seraphine with attacks because you charge them so the first attack can stun and hit twice if it's charged or the shield can give speed to the teammates and yourself.
I haven't tried Karma ap yet, I started using ap support recently, but I recommend it, so you don't depend entirely on your team.
I love not having to buy sup items it makes support actually funny
Can ludens work on Sona?