Laura Eisenhower, Raquel Spring and Seth Leaf - Astrology Talk of Leo New/Full Moon

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Laura Eisenhower, Raquel Spring and Seth Leaf - Astrology Talk of Leo New/Full Moon over the Next two weeks and then short coherence meditation to finish the talk!
    - Laura Eisenhower
    Author and Astrologer. Laura is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint (Christ-Sophia)and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.
    Join Laura’s newsletter at her website link below
    - Raquel Spring
    Raquel is a world-renowned fourth-generation astrologer and mystic, celebrated for her unparalleled ability to read charts and interpret human behavior. Her unique expertise sets her apart in the field, enabling her to train leaders toward their path of purpose, destiny, and freedom.
    As an international speaker and global leader, Raquel integrates diverse skills into her leadership programs. These include counseling, NLP, social and modern psychology, physiognomy, graphology, micro-expressions, nonverbal communication, and esoteric systems. Currently, Raquel leads global retreats and programs focused on awakening awareness, somatic self-care, breath work, personal resilience, authenticity, and mindfulness.
    With her signature programs like The Mentorship Program for Embodied Astrology, Awaken Your Dragon, and the Path of The Priestess Raquel fosters awakened awareness and provides investment opportunities for emerging leaders worldwide.
    Raquel Spring
    - Seth Leaf
    Multidimensional Jail-breaker, freeing others from self-imposed prisons they find themselves in!
    Seth is the author of the book "The Fight to Enlight - Initiation Through the Heart is the Only Way to Win. For the past 14 months Seth and his small tech team have been offering free, weekly, coherence meditations found on social media platforms and on his blog.
    Seth is giving away free copies of his book at his new website!
    Link Below


  • @cosmickarla8888
    @cosmickarla8888 Місяць тому +5

    Laura it’s nice too see ya❤

  • @juneowens1601
    @juneowens1601 Місяць тому +1

    You are looking absolutely radiant Laura...x

  • @Caa4912
    @Caa4912 Місяць тому +1

    OMG 16-25min mark. Literally just had this conversation with myself.
    I’ve realized. Everything is music or frequency if you will. Go with to notes that make you feel good. I’m this close to giving up 90% of the TV. Draining me amongst other things. I’m on the correct path. Thank you

  • @amorzz100
    @amorzz100 Місяць тому

    Hi Laura, i missed you ❤