I am relly worried because I have been praying for a financial miracle and NOTHING YET...........I tithe and give and the thin is that people of my close family are even worse than me...and yet NOTHING....I know that GOD has the hour and the day set aside,but,maybe I am LATER on ,,,on the list!!!! I will continue,and trust me guys,,Idont hate anyone,I have forgaven all that have done me wron and I give continuously,even to people who probably are lying,,BUT I truly believe...THAT A DELAY IS NOT A DENIAL and I am waiting....I just pray that the day of manifestation is not far away...GOD BLESS US ALL>>>>HAPPY EASTER!!!!
I have started my own business and I underestimated how long it takes to build the momentum to make money consistently. For an entire year, God has provided me with enough money to pay my food, bills and mortgage. Several months I made nothing from my business; and God provided in the most miraculous ways. He takes care of me and blesses me greatly. I believe being thankful and grateful is so important. I love the bible verse about the birds not worrying about being clothed, and how much more our Father loves, cares and provides for us.
Shell Bell my husband and I are on the same boat..starting a business and praying for his favor and provisions. Amen. Hope your business is doing great by now.
Many times I have received supernatural abundance from GOD and I am always amazed at how my LORD is able to do the impossible. I have come to a point in my life that I think it's time we started asking GOD to bless us to be millionaires we can help reach so many more with our testimony when we are financially free how many children could we adopt to bring up in the fear of GOD how many more could we feed and give shelter to. I see rock stars becoming millionaires who have no respect for GOD or His word so as believers why shouldn't we ask and believe to be millionaires
Two things I ask of you; deny them not to me before I die: 8Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, 9lest I be full and deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?” or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God. Prov 30:7-9
I quite my job to observe sabbath and now I'm having a tough time finding a job that will allow me to keep sabbath. Can I ask you guys to pray for me? God's will be done always!
J. Pando God understands your desire to do right and keep the Sabbath but please understand this. The Bible also says if a man doesn’t work he doesn’t eat. God made the Sabbath for man not the man for the Sabbath. I say that to say you shouldn’t have quit your job. You should have kept your job till you found another job that allowed you to have the Sabbath day off. It’s ok though. Just pray but if you can’t find a job that allows you to have the Sabbath day off go get a job and work it until you find another job that allows you the Sabbath day off.
Your story increased my faith, amen. I've been failing a lot lately, almost losing faith of the power in God in my life. But he wants to give us our daily bread, I can trust the Invisible God that's spoken the perfect word
Thank you for sharing as this is crazy that it came up on my UA-cam after this is what I’ve been praying about🙏🏾💕btw I LOVE your accent and I’m British too😂😂
Ieva, thanks again for your great stories of God's provision in your life; very encouraging. When we are close to God, the Holy Spirit shares such intimate details of life in the Spirit. Plus He cares for us and provides what is important to our daily lives. I heard a lady tell a story recently (of her close relationship with the Holy Spirit) where she was cleaning upstairs in her house, and had left a piece of pie out on the counter. As she was cleaning the upstairs room, the HS told her, your cat is eating your pie. Sure enough as she went down stairs to see, the cat was on the counter eating the pc of pie, just as the HS had indicated. Tim from USA.
Thank you for sharing. I am in awe right now. Just after watching your video I prayed for the Father to increase our finances and provide for our bills that are not paid for this month. After praying I was being still and quiet for about a minute when my 7 year old son came in and started talking about a baker making bread. I believe my prayer has been heard and that was confirmation!
Ieva, you are doing a great job. you are very communicative and it is helping to bring understanding and clarity for a lot of people who may not be Christians, but feel drawn to God or a supernatural being. I began Speaking in tongues( or supernatural languages) around 18 months ago and i can testify that i have experienced miracles in areas of my life that i would not have had a rational explanation for. i hope other people seeing your videos who are reaching for help in their lives will find them helpful. cheers Mel
Thank you again, Ieva. Thank you for giving the world, especially the young people of the world a message that God is a real wonderful person who has your welfare in mind. All you need is to go to Him and ask Him. Keep bringing people back to God. And thank you.
I love this video, Ieva! :) Around the time when you made this video, I had been praying for a job, too. I had graduated from university not that long ago and was in the middle of studying for a graduate school exam. The test was coming up and I knew that I would have no income after it (my parents were providing for me, and I wanted to start to be as financially independent as I could). I prayed for a job for about 4 months while studying for this exam, and soon after I finished it, the Lord blessed me with a job. Not only does it pay pretty well, but it's close to where I live and the type of experience that I will acquire from this job will be so beneficial in my future. This video encouraged me to pray because like you, I was never the type of person to pray for financial help. But God always provides for his children xx
Amen. The Lord takes care of every little thing in our lives, that's why we should trust Him with our bigger issues. Thank you for sharing these testimonies. God bless!
Thank you for making this video! So necessary to be reminded of His faithfulness! ..right now I am soaking in beautiful testimonies bc we are starting a new business. Thank you!! I found value in your video!! Truly our brothers & sisters in Christ are around the world looking unto Him. I am Hispanic and now know the Lord.
Thank you for sharing this. I've often wondered about this, but I also watched an nde one time where someone died and went to heaven and one of the many things the lord told this person was that his children pray for others but do not pray for their own needs, and it's ok to pray for oneself. So I'm one of those always praying for others, so thanks for sharing so clearly. Also I w really touched by your spirit, you have a very pure heart. Blessings to you!
Great testimonies,He is so faithful! My dad was estonian and my mom is latvian,the video about your grandma was a good one too,showing God's protection and care for his children!Praise the Lord,and may He bless you mightily!
*_Thank you sister! I'm so very encouraged by your testimony. It really lifted me up and reminded me what our walk is about. Faith is what gives us our righteousness and somehow I forgot that along the way of practicing religion. You reminded me today what it really is about once again. You have helped renew my faith. Thank you! 💗_*
Wow, THAT was wonderful! God DEFINITELY has helped me out many times with money (and other stuff, too) and, make no mistake, prayer is powerful!!!!! Thanks very much for posting this video, we have a GREAT God in The Holy Trinity!!!:-)
Ives, Your video is a wonderful testimony of what Gods faithfulness to those who trust in Him! He said that He is able to.make all grace abound that we would have all sufficiently always in all things.
Thank you again for this video, just feel it spoke directly to my situation. I am in a situation where I have lost my internship recently while I have signed a 1 year contract with my home owner. I have been asking GOD to please provide me a secondary job as suddenly things have gone from good to bad.. I don't know what GOD's plan is but I am praying to GOD.
Thank You For Sharing That With Us ieva Ive watched a few of your Videos now and, I know it sounds bizarre but I often find myself trying to pinpoint your accent. You Sound, to me, to be from the South of England with a twist of London/Essex/Melbourne It Fascinates me as you speak and I hear these different places coming through =) I'm a Surrey Boy but Married now and in Dorset. Please, keep sharing your Words.
cool video ieva, I think itz cool 4 u 2 tell ur viewers not 2 b afraid 2 ask God for help with certain finances our daily bread, not ask to b rich in any way but basically open up 2 him in areas where u need help like finances, this a pretty cool video, take care ieva......
Thank you so much for your testimony, I just received word that all I have coming to me from an approx. $7400 investment is about $65...and I desperately needed that money for my family as all work has dried up due to the Covid 19 epidemic. You gave me hope to believe God has this and will provide for all our needs regardless of this devastating news. Thank you!!
Hi Eva, your testimony on money was inspiring for! But I heard you mention in your testimony that you keep the Sabbath! Could you share what this means? Is this resting from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday? Could you share on this topic! I believe it is a part of the Christian lifestyle.
Hail YAH HalleuYAH YAHWEH JIREH ,YAH is Provider... remember 2 fishes and five bread loaphs.Amen to THE AMEN 👑☝️✝️ He provided Himself that's most awesome as Saviour Almighty for those who surely Sincerely come Repent cling to Him.
Hi Ieva! Do you and your husband tithe 10% of your income bi weekly or each month? My husband and I are both students and he is currently the only one working. It is difficult for us to tithe 10% each time he gets paid, and it is something that weighs on my heart. I feel like we are being disobideient to God when we don't give the first 10% of our income to him, which is his to begin with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hello :) my husband tithes 10% of his earnings every month (he gets paid monthly). I am not working full time (only a few days per month at the moment) and have never really been part of a church properly until now so I can't say that I have ever really consistently tithed. I am open to God though, in how He wants me to use my money, and I always have been. When I didn't go to church, God would lead me to use my money for different things. It was never a set amount like 10% to a set place or person every month... it was very different and varied. Sometimes I was led to just buy small things to different people that I saw/met but once it was a larger amount in one go. Also, another time I was led to split my tithe between three churches and two ministries. I think that if you seek God on this issue, He will tell you what to do with your money. As long as you are OPEN and willing to be obedient, I am sure that He will tell you His will. My husband swears by tithing, but he has always been very stable in his church whereas i've been all over the place. There were many times in my walk with God that I wouldn't have even known where to give a monthly tithe... So God would speak to me and I would use my money as directed... :) I would say that if it is something that is weighing on your heart, it is either that the Holy Spirit is wanting you to tithe OR it is the enemy trying to sow discord in your marriage (remember - the devil tempted Jesus with scripture). Let me explain... since your husband is the one working... God should really be speaking to him about this as well. You can mention it... And even suggest that you should... But your husband is the head of the home and so if he says no, just pray about it and pray that God will speak to him and lead him to tithe. I wouldn't start arguments about it because it's not worth it. Believe me, God is fully able to speak to your husband. If your husband isn't hearing it, pray. Watch against the enemy - he can come and sow distrust in your husband's decision making and discord. The enemy can start whispering that your husband isn't a good man of God and all sorts. The fact of the matter is that God works on us individually and at His pace.. If your husband doesn't see this as a priority, it's not up to you to nag or argue him into it. Does that make sense? If it was you that was working (and you were unmarried) then you would have full authority to use your money as you believe is best. Since it's your husband that is working, he has the authority as the head of the home to make these decisions. You can pray but submit to his judgement. Six months later, God could ask your husband to give 60% of his income one month to some person that you've never met. I am just being hypothetical, of course, but you never know!! God will not punish you for being unable to nag your husband into tithing. Pray that God will speak to him. Pray that God will give him wisdom... that's all that you can do :)
My name is Edmundo Santos Garza. Would you please like to pray for me because I need a job and a lot of money? Thank you! God bless you! Thank you! God bless you! Take care! Good-bye!
strange that you were praying for money... So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Sometimes people forget that God is in control of everything and will provide us are needs we just have to trust God.
true true
"Give us this day our daily bread."
I am relly worried because I have been praying for a financial miracle and NOTHING YET...........I tithe and give and the thin is that people of my close family are even worse than me...and yet NOTHING....I know that GOD has the hour and the day set aside,but,maybe I am LATER on ,,,on the list!!!! I will continue,and trust me guys,,Idont hate anyone,I have forgaven all that have done me wron and I give continuously,even to people who probably are lying,,BUT I truly believe...THAT A DELAY IS NOT A DENIAL and I am waiting....I just pray that the day of manifestation is not far away...GOD BLESS US ALL>>>>HAPPY EASTER!!!!
I have started my own business and I underestimated how long it takes to build the momentum to make money consistently. For an entire year, God has provided me with enough money to pay my food, bills and mortgage. Several months I made nothing from my business; and God provided in the most miraculous ways. He takes care of me and blesses me greatly. I believe being thankful and grateful is so important. I love the bible verse about the birds not worrying about being clothed, and how much more our Father loves, cares and provides for us.
Shell Bell my husband and I are on the same boat..starting a business and praying for his favor and provisions. Amen. Hope your business is doing great by now.
You are absolutely right. He carries
Many times I have received supernatural abundance from GOD and I am always amazed at how my LORD is able to do the impossible. I have come to a point in my life that I think it's time we started asking GOD to bless us to be millionaires we can help reach so many more with our testimony when we are financially free how many children could we adopt to bring up in the fear of GOD how many more could we feed and give shelter to. I see rock stars becoming millionaires who have no respect for GOD or His word so as believers why shouldn't we ask and believe to be millionaires
Two things I ask of you;
deny them not to me before I die:
8Remove far from me falsehood and lying;
give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me,
9lest I be full and deny you
and say, “Who is the Lord?”
or lest I be poor and steal
and profane the name of my God. Prov 30:7-9
Anne Henry Amen Sister 🙏
I quite my job to observe sabbath and now I'm having a tough time finding a job that will allow me to keep sabbath. Can I ask you guys to pray for me? God's will be done always!
Jacob - rest in Jesus not the sabbath day
Jacob Pando Continue keeping the Sabbath, don't be discouraged. God will take care of you and he will make a way
We are in the new testament not old. Read hebrews. You rest in the Lord Jesus not in a day
@@aacc2216 Wrong. The rest is yet to come - Hebrews 3; we have not yet entered our rest. We obey the Sabbath.
J. Pando God understands your desire to do right and keep the Sabbath but please understand this. The Bible also says if a man doesn’t work he doesn’t eat. God made the Sabbath for man not the man for the Sabbath. I say that to say you shouldn’t have quit your job. You should have kept your job till you found another job that allowed you to have the Sabbath day off. It’s ok though. Just pray but if you can’t find a job that allows you to have the Sabbath day off go get a job and work it until you find another job that allows you the Sabbath day off.
God always protects and provides for His own people. We obey Him, and He'll take care of us.
Thank you for sharing this. I lost my job last week, and your video just popped up during my quiet time this morning...:) God's timing is perfect!
Chris Garrett Praying for you.
God bless.
I'll pray for you also.
i'll pray for you too Chris :)
Thank you all for your prayers! I will keep you updated!
Chris Garrett Amen!
Your story increased my faith, amen. I've been failing a lot lately, almost losing faith of the power in God in my life. But he wants to give us our daily bread, I can trust the Invisible God that's spoken the perfect word
Thank you for sharing as this is crazy that it came up on my UA-cam after this is what I’ve been praying about🙏🏾💕btw I LOVE your accent and I’m British too😂😂
Ieva, thanks again for your great stories of God's provision in your life; very encouraging. When we are close to God, the Holy Spirit shares such intimate details of life in the Spirit. Plus He cares for us and provides what is important to our daily lives. I heard a lady tell a story recently (of her close relationship with the Holy Spirit) where she was cleaning upstairs in her house, and had left a piece of pie out on the counter. As she was cleaning the upstairs room, the HS told her, your cat is eating your pie. Sure enough as she went down stairs to see, the cat was on the counter eating the pc of pie, just as the HS had indicated. Tim from USA.
God provides! 💖
Thank you for sharing. I am in awe right now. Just after watching your video I prayed for the Father to increase our finances and provide for our bills that are not paid for this month. After praying I was being still and quiet for about a minute when my 7 year old son came in and started talking about a baker making bread. I believe my prayer has been heard and that was confirmation!
you are doing a great job. you are very communicative and it is helping to bring understanding and clarity for a lot of people who may not be Christians, but feel drawn to God or a supernatural being. I began Speaking in tongues( or supernatural languages) around 18 months ago and i can testify that i have experienced miracles in areas of my life that i would not have had a rational explanation for. i hope other people seeing your videos who are reaching for help in their lives will find them helpful.
I love your accent, it's very clear and sounds so good into my ears, I always love to speak like that, UK accent
Thank you again, Ieva. Thank you for giving the world, especially the young people of the world a message that God is a real wonderful person who has your welfare in mind. All you need is to go to Him and ask Him. Keep bringing people back to God. And thank you.
I love this video, Ieva! :)
Around the time when you made this video, I had been praying for a job, too. I had graduated from university not that long ago and was in the middle of studying for a graduate school exam. The test was coming up and I knew that I would have no income after it (my parents were providing for me, and I wanted to start to be as financially independent as I could). I prayed for a job for about 4 months while studying for this exam, and soon after I finished it, the Lord blessed me with a job. Not only does it pay pretty well, but it's close to where I live and the type of experience that I will acquire from this job will be so beneficial in my future.
This video encouraged me to pray because like you, I was never the type of person to pray for financial help. But God always provides for his children xx
wow that's awesome :) God bless you! God is good :) xx
thank you girl & thank you for all your videos! God bless you too :) xx
Thank you Lord for daily bread ❤
The Lord takes care of every little thing in our lives, that's why we should trust Him with our bigger issues.
Thank you for sharing these testimonies.
God bless!
Thank you for making this video! So necessary to be reminded of His faithfulness! ..right now I am soaking in beautiful testimonies bc we are starting a new business.
Thank you!! I found value in your video!! Truly our brothers & sisters in Christ are around the world looking unto Him. I am Hispanic and now know the Lord.
Thank you for sharing this. I've often wondered about this, but I also watched an nde one time where someone died and went to heaven and one of the many things the lord told this person was that his children pray for others but do not pray for their own needs, and it's ok to pray for oneself. So I'm one of those always praying for others, so thanks for sharing so clearly. Also I w really touched by your spirit, you have a very pure heart. Blessings to you!
“No good thing will He withhold from those who walk up rightly.”
Thank you so much for this video and the reminder, it has spoken to me. I pray that your faith continues to grow
Great testimonies,He is so faithful!
My dad was estonian and my mom is latvian,the video about your grandma was a good one too,showing God's protection and care for his children!Praise
the Lord,and may He bless you mightily!
Amazing! My family is Lithuanian so between us, we've got the whole Baltic States covered!
Thank you for your testimony! It's so encouraging to hear what God has done in so many other's lives! God bless you guyz!
*_Thank you sister! I'm so very encouraged by your testimony. It really lifted me up and reminded me what our walk is about. Faith is what gives us our righteousness and somehow I forgot that along the way of practicing religion. You reminded me today what it really is about once again. You have helped renew my faith. Thank you! 💗_*
Thank you for your testimony!!❤
In Jesus the Christ Name, Amen......He is faithful to keep that which we leave up to Him.
praise the Lord Sister god is so faithful to U throughout your life He will provide
That was wonderfully encouraging, may the Lord continue to bless you family
Thank you so much for your boldness to share .Encouraged all the way from South Africa .
Hey I was the the 777th person to like your video. Thank u for sharing a beautiful God's ways of provision.
God Provides...I enjoyed your testimonies 🙌🏾🙏🏾👆🏾.
Wow, THAT was wonderful! God DEFINITELY has helped me out many times with money (and other stuff, too) and, make no mistake, prayer is powerful!!!!!
Thanks very much for posting this video, we have a GREAT God in The Holy Trinity!!!:-)
Thank you for sharing Sister! God bless you and your husband abundantly!
Amazing stories! Thank you very much for sharing these. They're encouraging and attest to God's sustenance.
God bless you!
God bless you sister for answering your prayers!
Praise God Jesus Christ for his Mercy alleluia Amen
Jesus is Amazing, amen! Thank you for sharing.
This was very encouraging and it shows how God cares for us.
Great testimony, bless your heart. Thank you 🙏
Thank you for sharing this testimony. God bless you.
God bless you both and thank you for sharing this
Thank you Jesus
Our God is loving kind God ur so inspiring xxx
Really true. He provides love this testimony
Your video is a wonderful testimony of what Gods faithfulness to those who trust in Him! He said that He is able to.make all grace abound that we would have all sufficiently always in all things.
Praise God, just what I needed to hear
That was a beautiful testimony!
Thank you again for this video, just feel it spoke directly to my situation. I am in a situation where I have lost my internship recently while I have signed a 1 year contract with my home owner. I have been asking GOD to please provide me a secondary job as suddenly things have gone from good to bad.. I don't know what GOD's plan is but I am praying to GOD.
praying for you Jess!
I'll pray for you too.
Thank you, GOD is great
Thank you, GOD is great
Thanks for sharing, this is wonderful. God is our source.
Praise the Lord!!
Thank you. May God bless you in abundance.
Ask and you shall receive 🙏🏾😇
Isn't true? 🙄
Thank You For Sharing That With Us ieva
Ive watched a few of your Videos now and, I know it sounds bizarre but I often find myself trying to pinpoint your accent. You Sound, to me, to be from the South of England with a twist of London/Essex/Melbourne
It Fascinates me as you speak and I hear these different places coming through =)
I'm a Surrey Boy but Married now and in Dorset.
Please, keep sharing your Words.
Thank you for your testimony - I need a good paying job - please pray with me. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this. Much needed.
cool video ieva, I think itz cool 4 u 2 tell ur viewers not 2 b afraid 2 ask God for help with certain finances our daily bread, not ask to b rich in any way but basically open up 2 him in areas where u need help like finances, this a pretty cool video, take care ieva......
Dear lord Jesus I just come to you Wright now lord Jesus that you will bless me with money everyday in Jesus name I pray Aman lord.
thank u for sharing ur testimony
Amen sister blessings to you all.
Thanks, it’s hard to have faith though when you’re going through hell
Thank you so much for your testimony, I just received word that all I have coming to me from an approx. $7400 investment is about $65...and I desperately needed that money for my family as all work has dried up due to the Covid 19 epidemic. You gave me hope to believe God has this and will provide for all our needs regardless of this devastating news. Thank you!!
Peace of Jesus. Good testimony sister.
our God is a provider
Thank you for sharing this!!!
Glory! What a blessing!Did you tithe? God bless you!
Its amazing how God can make miracles and send checks))) He is amazing God Jesus....thank you sister.
Such a Blessed testimony
Praise the lord Sister
Iam from India. Kurmarao Arika
I was inspired by your testimony. Pray for me. I am also in debt so suggest me to what to do?
Do More Videos Ur good at it be Encouraged
Thank you
Thank you that was very helpful.
God bless you Ieva f , love u thank you.
Thank God
thank you nice testimony.
Thank you. Really timely video for me. I was just asking for money, LOL
Hi Eva, your testimony on money was inspiring for!
But I heard you mention in your testimony that you keep the Sabbath! Could you share what this means? Is this resting from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday?
Could you share on this topic! I believe it is a part of the Christian lifestyle.
What is your legal degree in and what where you teaching in China? Thanks for your testimony.
amazing testimony
Glorrrry to God
Hail YAH HalleuYAH YAHWEH JIREH ,YAH is Provider... remember 2 fishes and five bread loaphs.Amen to THE AMEN 👑☝️✝️ He provided Himself that's most awesome as Saviour Almighty for those who surely Sincerely come Repent cling to Him.
May God continually bless you and your husband
+Chris Garret
Praise the Lord!
Without prayer what you touch , for example Gospel food in Excel the End comes sin
Hi Ieva!
Do you and your husband tithe 10% of your income bi weekly or each month? My husband and I are both students and he is currently the only one working. It is difficult for us to tithe 10% each time he gets paid, and it is something that weighs on my heart. I feel like we are being disobideient to God when we don't give the first 10% of our income to him, which is his to begin with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hello :) my husband tithes 10% of his earnings every month (he gets paid monthly). I am not working full time (only a few days per month at the moment) and have never really been part of a church properly until now so I can't say that I have ever really consistently tithed. I am open to God though, in how He wants me to use my money, and I always have been. When I didn't go to church, God would lead me to use my money for different things. It was never a set amount like 10% to a set place or person every month... it was very different and varied. Sometimes I was led to just buy small things to different people that I saw/met but once it was a larger amount in one go. Also, another time I was led to split my tithe between three churches and two ministries.
I think that if you seek God on this issue, He will tell you what to do with your money. As long as you are OPEN and willing to be obedient, I am sure that He will tell you His will.
My husband swears by tithing, but he has always been very stable in his church whereas i've been all over the place. There were many times in my walk with God that I wouldn't have even known where to give a monthly tithe... So God would speak to me and I would use my money as directed... :)
I would say that if it is something that is weighing on your heart, it is either that the Holy Spirit is wanting you to tithe OR it is the enemy trying to sow discord in your marriage (remember - the devil tempted Jesus with scripture).
Let me explain... since your husband is the one working... God should really be speaking to him about this as well. You can mention it... And even suggest that you should... But your husband is the head of the home and so if he says no, just pray about it and pray that God will speak to him and lead him to tithe. I wouldn't start arguments about it because it's not worth it. Believe me, God is fully able to speak to your husband. If your husband isn't hearing it, pray. Watch against the enemy - he can come and sow distrust in your husband's decision making and discord. The enemy can start whispering that your husband isn't a good man of God and all sorts. The fact of the matter is that God works on us individually and at His pace.. If your husband doesn't see this as a priority, it's not up to you to nag or argue him into it. Does that make sense? If it was you that was working (and you were unmarried) then you would have full authority to use your money as you believe is best. Since it's your husband that is working, he has the authority as the head of the home to make these decisions. You can pray but submit to his judgement. Six months later, God could ask your husband to give 60% of his income one month to some person that you've never met. I am just being hypothetical, of course, but you never know!! God will not punish you for being unable to nag your husband into tithing. Pray that God will speak to him. Pray that God will give him wisdom... that's all that you can do :)
My name is Edmundo Santos Garza.
Would you please like to pray for me because I need a job and a lot of money?
Thank you! God bless you! Thank you! God bless you! Take care!
I have prayed for you Edmundo! God bless!
I pray that God would give you a job and help you financially :)
Thank you! God bless you too! Bye!
strange that you were praying for money...
So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
O, labas. Kaip gerai Lietuviškai kalbi? ^_^
If you're not Traditional Catholic, you're not Christian, if you hate the blessed Virgin Mary, your not Christian, you'll be most likely condemned.