
  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
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    Imam Ghazali's masterpiece "Minhajul Abideen ila Jannatu Rubbul Aalameen" (literal meaning of the book title is "The Exalted Path for the Worshipper of God Leading to the Paradise of the Lord of the Universes" but the real meaning is "The Exalted Path for the Seeker of God Leading him/her to the Gnosis/Intimacy/Nearness/Spiritual Ascendency to God Resulting in Felicity, Eternal Bliss, True Happiness, and True Success"). This great book outlines a 7-step path that leads one to the Ma'arifa (Gnosis) of God. This is one of the most magnificent books on spirituality laying out a clear 7-step path for reaching the "Ma'arifa" or gnosis/nearness/intimacy/knowledge of God. Imam Ghazali (fullname Imam Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali) is one of the greatest teachers of spirituality of all times who has written many great books on spirituality, many of them, can be found on www.ghazali.org in Arabic, English, Urdu and other languages. Unfortunately, not all of these treasures of wisdom have been translated into English. Minhaj-ul-Abideen provides succinct guidance for anyone who wants to improve one's life for the better, understand and attain the purpose of one's life, and realize the fullest human potential that God has endowed each human being with. This book is Imam Ghazali's last book in which he has summarized the knowledge and wisdom from his many other voluminous works like "Revival of Knowledge of the Path to God" (Ihya Uloom ud Deen available at archive.org/det... , archive.org/det... , archive.org/det... , archive.org/det..., Secrets of True Happiness and Success (Kimiya as-Sa'ada), 40 Principles of Religion (Al-Arba'een Fi Usul id Deen), Collection of Short Books by Imam Ghazali (Majmu'a Rasa'il Imam Ghazali), Exposition of the Hearts (Mukashifatul Quloob), 99 Beatiful Names of God, Deliverence from Error (al-Munqadh min ad-Dalal), Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahafatul Falasafa), Jewels of the Quran (Jawahir-ul-Quran), the Just Balance (al-Qistas al-Mustaqeem) etc. This book is gripping with arguments that leave no doubt in one's mind about the truth regarding the highest spiritual realities and the way to attain them (which is peculiar to Imam Ghazali's style of elucidation that dissipates all doubts). The sincerity of the author and his love for humanity just oozes out of this book. One does not want to leave this book until reading it completely. And once finished reading, one wants to read it over and over again.
    In short, this book is a Users Manual for anyone who wishes to know God with a 7-step process to achieve this objective. Anyone who sincerley follows these steps, will find oneself in developing a high level of spirituality that is devoid of any diversions from the right path that leads one to the Ma'arifa or gnosis of God. One will find an inner peace and strength that will not fade as long as one sustains the spiritual momentum that one gains from this book. Those who are merely curious about spirituality will also find it enlightening. Those who are uninformed about Islam including some of its followers and those who are critical of Islam or are influenced by such folks should look at these treasures of Islam to see what Islam really is and what it is still offering to humanity for all times to come to bring peace and joy in our lives.
    The accuracy and authenticity of this audio book in Urdu can be verified and ascertained by checking it against the original published book by obtaining it from its publisher or obtaining it in PDF file format from this link: www.ghazali.org... .
    Those who want to read this book in its entirety in English can read a complete online Pakistani English translation in PDF file format which is reasonable although not upto mark at www.ghazali.org... . An excellent US English translation done by American Muslim author and translator Muhtar Holland can be purchased from its publisher besides many sellers on Internet at www.al-baz.com/... under the title "The Path of the Worshipful Servants to the Garden of the Lord of All the Worlds".