Soprano Nadine Sierra Sings 'Ach, ich fühl's' From Mozart's The Magic Flute

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @melisandedebussy
    @melisandedebussy 5 років тому +33

    Nadine sierra is one of the best talents that we can see in these days, bravissima, this performance is perfect in technic and style

  • @janwar68
    @janwar68 5 років тому +60

    Wonderful singing! German, excellent.....everything you need is in the score....Mozart is the voice teacher....the large intervals in Pamina’s aria denotes the emptiness she feels.

  • @sharonanthony4815
    @sharonanthony4815 3 роки тому +7

    Absolutely gorgeous!!!! Such a beautiful, expressive performance of this aria performed with truly professional technique and stage presence. Kudos to all you do young lady!!!

  • @christhesoprano
    @christhesoprano 2 роки тому +3

    Listening to this even now… just chills. She so good 😭😭😭

  • @ericg0nzales
    @ericg0nzales 8 років тому +44

    Beautiful voice with lots of control!

  • @RaevaeMusic
    @RaevaeMusic 9 місяців тому

    Sheer perfection. Bravo 👏 👏👏

  • @miguelcolonia9863
    @miguelcolonia9863 Рік тому +1

    Maravillosa voz felicitaciones desde Peru❤❤

  • @Nanyahmusic
    @Nanyahmusic 25 днів тому

    She’s so amazing 😍😍😍😍😍

  • @rll9861
    @rll9861 8 років тому +38

    I am the same age as Nadine, and I absolutely LOVE listening to Nadine's voice grow as she ages. She is so wonderful! I know she will continue to take care of her voice and have a long and healthy career. Go girl!!

  • @ch.h.5532
    @ch.h.5532 3 роки тому +23

    One of the most underrated arias of Mozart,very hard to sing correctly. Timing is very difficult. Well done.

  • @lizzyseay8617
    @lizzyseay8617 6 років тому +16

    Her breath support is so constant and effortless!

  • @lakshmiconamor6361
    @lakshmiconamor6361 8 днів тому

    Cantas súper Hermoso ❤❤

  • @mulellis
    @mulellis 8 місяців тому

    Voz maravilhosa, interpretação técnica impecável. Felicitações , desde Rio de Janeiro.

  •  4 роки тому +3

    Amo esta interpretacion, Nadine siempre me pone la piel de gallina

  • @IdaLovisaWF
    @IdaLovisaWF 7 років тому +14

    Great interpretation! Every note and emotion is in there. Lovely voice

  • @erpollock
    @erpollock 6 років тому +8

    Beautiful! I know how difficult this song is. The leaps, the beauty of line preserved.

  • @okinagafamily4154
    @okinagafamily4154 7 років тому +17

    it's amazing to me how quietly you can sing those high note I belt really loud whenever I hit a high B flat! Beautiful! I love it!🖒

    • @dovestone_
      @dovestone_ 7 років тому +1

      Forever Nerd same lol

    • @fabriziogarzi9892
      @fabriziogarzi9892 2 роки тому

      E' un lirico leggero e la voce e' molto esile, tutte le voci così possono cantare senza sforzo le frasi acute, nulla di eccezionale. Ottima come Pamina ma pessima come Violetta.

    • @7ofthem
      @7ofthem Рік тому

      ⁠@@fabriziogarzi9892totally disagree . You have no idea what you’re talking about

  • @AlligatorWild
    @AlligatorWild 2 роки тому

    So Popular!!! Fabulous!!!

  • @enjoyit81
    @enjoyit81 5 років тому +5

    Wunderschön. Eine Wahnsinns Stimme.

  • @lana_del_slay_tv
    @lana_del_slay_tv Рік тому +3

    The pronounciation is perfect

  • @SteveL2012
    @SteveL2012 Рік тому +3

    A Pamina for a Met-sized house. Just gorgeous. ❤

  • @anross84
    @anross84 8 років тому +5

    Just spectacular. I love this, and her voice does it so much justice.

  • @ChineseSingerCeciliaCai
    @ChineseSingerCeciliaCai 8 років тому +16

    Amazing technique, every single note simply comes through

  • @JulianaFrancoSoprano
    @JulianaFrancoSoprano 8 років тому +6

    Amazing! Her voice and musicianship are unbelivable! I've seen her live quite few times and she is even better. Her Pamina is definitely one of the best I've ever heard.

  • @mollyringwerm9224
    @mollyringwerm9224 2 роки тому

    What a clear and beautiful voice

  • @SOPHIE6090
    @SOPHIE6090 6 місяців тому

    Maravillosa !! Bravisima

  • @isabellas.c.scanderbeg2670
    @isabellas.c.scanderbeg2670 Рік тому +3

    Excellent interpretation ✨✨✨

  • @jean-claudeluc2118
    @jean-claudeluc2118 3 роки тому

    Magnifique interpretation de ce morceau difficile. Nadine Sierra est excellente. Mozart doit etre ravi .

  • @AllenJones-w3p
    @AllenJones-w3p 8 місяців тому

    A heartbreakingly lovely performance of a classic operatic lament! Nadine ought to sing Dido's Lament from DIDO & AENEAS.

  • @eacasanova
    @eacasanova 3 роки тому

    Sublime versión...bravissimaaa!!!

  • @robsmith2523
    @robsmith2523 3 роки тому +2

    Nadine Sierra needs to be singing at the Kennedy Center!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @jorgeromero7204
    @jorgeromero7204 2 роки тому +1

    Oh nadin , tienes una bella voz y se ve que tambien tuviste un buen maestro .

  • @gloriadigiuseppeantonio3693
    @gloriadigiuseppeantonio3693 Рік тому +1

    Molto brava

  • @noeey_sh4173
    @noeey_sh4173 Рік тому +1

    Ach, ich fühl's, es ist verschwunden,
    ewig hin der Liebe Glück!
    Nimmer kommt ihr, Wonnestunden,
    meinem Herzen mehr zurück.
    Sieh', Tamino, diese Tränen
    fließen, Trauter, dir allein.
    Fühlst du nicht der Liebe Sehnen,
    so wird Ruh' im Tode sein.

  • @juhwangsaek
    @juhwangsaek 3 роки тому +2


  • @louderlouderlou
    @louderlouderlou 6 років тому +3

    breathtaking!!! magnificent!!!

  • @itsSarahelizabeth1
    @itsSarahelizabeth1 7 років тому +4

    Great voice!

  • @loveyourself6986
    @loveyourself6986 Рік тому

    The pianist is a magician!!!

  • @ozdensahinizmirli8890
    @ozdensahinizmirli8890 7 років тому +2

    What a wonderful voice. She is My little one’s favorite sleep voice.

  • @alejandrotm
    @alejandrotm Рік тому

    Mozart es ideal para demostrar un centro brillante y un buen canto legatto, y pese a la diferencia de idiomas, Pamina no es tan diferente de otros personajes de las óperas italianas de Mozart, y en cierto modo es la prueba de fuego para ver si madura correctamente una voz lírico-ligera. La Nadine de hace unos 5 años en grabaciones del vivo no me acababa de convencer, pero después de escucharla en el teatro, constaté que es una voz muy capaz dentro del repertorio clásico y belcantista, y espero que lo siga trabajando porque parece que le va bien a su voz.

  • @moverdu
    @moverdu 6 років тому +1

    Magnifica....diccion ..fiato ..fraseo extenso sin agotamiento...sin portamentos extras...afinacion impecable...sentimiento extensivo en cada palabra...un mozart de lo más profundo y sentimental..bravo

  • @LeilaGSings
    @LeilaGSings 6 років тому +2

    Her voice is such magic to hear!

  • @franchiseanomaly4104
    @franchiseanomaly4104 8 років тому +25

    You guys gotta hear her fill the Met house with this sound...unreal. It's as if she still has so much in reserve-of everything, control, power, nimbleness etc...- she could sing half this good and still have a career. And with her unforgettable stage presence, acting ability, physical beauty and the way she raises everyone else up around her, a patron could be deaf or blind and still get his or her total money's worth. A twenty-first century fox. And she sends nice email bits of performances too...

  • @zsoltcsermak8111
    @zsoltcsermak8111 4 роки тому +2

    Now....I love.... Its the heaven.

  • @ulrikewermann1268
    @ulrikewermann1268 2 роки тому

    schönes Piano und Crecendo!

  • @codrutap6861
    @codrutap6861 8 років тому +5

    This is by far the greatest Pamina ever. The sound is so clear, the vibrato is balanced and also her voice has power and it's penetrant

    • @nybuffymeister8328
      @nybuffymeister8328 2 роки тому +1

      How can anyone ever say that? ‘ By far the greatest ever.’ Glad you liked the performance, but the hyperbole is not realistic. You dissed generations of superstars.

    • @altheacalydon4214
      @altheacalydon4214 Рік тому

      I’m sure you’d love this: 😇

    • @codrutap6861
      @codrutap6861 Рік тому

      No, too much vibratto, that s only falsetto enforced with air pressure. The fact that they were stars back then doesn t mean that the ones that are rising nowadays are 0 compared to, or they don t stand a chance for comparisson.

    • @altheacalydon4214
      @altheacalydon4214 Рік тому

      @@codrutap6861 You misread my intentions. I only responded because you said Sierra is the (quotation) “greatest Pamina ever.” Respectfully, I disagree. If you don’t, that’s your prerogative. Good day.

    • @altheacalydon4214
      @altheacalydon4214 Рік тому

      P.S. Yes, she’s a rising star now, but that doesn’t mean we should completely trash the past.
      I thought that because you said you love a clear sound, penetrant voice, and balanced vibrato, you might be interested in the recording I sent you. It’s not meant to bring this performance down but to explore different interpretations, styles, and find what is most meaningful to US as listeners… after all, that is what music is all about. I do it all the time when people suggest alternative recordings and the results have often been eye opening.
      If you haven’t changed your opinion, that’s fine. I will quickly say my opinion that I think you’ve misjudged Grummer by calling her sound a forced falsetto… it’s by no means that. She has enormous core in her sound and the sincere, delicate tone is just her natural voice (you can even here this timbre in the line she speaks at the beginning). Another proof is that she’s kept a healthy voice over the span of a long career (which would not have been possible if she was constantly ‘pinching’ the sound and singing falsetto).
      That said, I wish you and Sierra well on your musical journey! 🎶

  • @zofiaczerczynska7935
    @zofiaczerczynska7935 3 роки тому


  • @robsmith2523
    @robsmith2523 2 роки тому +1

    Praised for her vocal beauty, seamless technique, and abundant musicality, Nadine Sierra is being hailed as one of the most promising, young talents in opera today. She was named the Richard Tucker Award Winner in 2017 and was awarded the 2018 Beverly Sills Artist Award by the Metropolitan Opera. Having made a string of successful debuts at the Met, Teatro alla Scala, Opéra national de Paris, and Staatsoper Berlin, she has become a fixture at many of the top houses around the world. On August 24th, 2018, her debut album, There’s a Place for Us, was released under the Deutsche Grammophon/Universal Music labels.

  • @anna_karamavrova
    @anna_karamavrova 7 років тому +2

    Восхитительно! Amazing ..!

  • @irinadz
    @irinadz 2 роки тому

    What a PIANIST!!! 👏👏👏

  • @ulrikewermann1268
    @ulrikewermann1268 2 роки тому

    wow, in einem Atem die lange Koloratur!

  • @bedenerexhepaj293
    @bedenerexhepaj293 7 років тому

    So wonderful!!!

  • @KimBakTarot
    @KimBakTarot 4 роки тому


  • @HR-yd5ib
    @HR-yd5ib 9 місяців тому

    Such a cute face + the voice = what a combo ❤.

  • @loveyourself6986
    @loveyourself6986 Рік тому

    Yes moving the tempo as you want makes this aria much easier to sing

  • @CesiaMansillaSinger
    @CesiaMansillaSinger 5 років тому +2

    Brava!!!! 👏👏

  • @abestchastny1
    @abestchastny1 3 роки тому


  • @AnthonySmithMusic
    @AnthonySmithMusic 6 років тому +2


  • @dramaturge231
    @dramaturge231 5 років тому +3

    SANG, huney! 😍😍😍

  • @dzimica
    @dzimica 7 років тому +3


  • @nitallemsichneige
    @nitallemsichneige 4 роки тому

    Wunderbare Stimme, sehr gutes Deutsch!

  • @kshidemantle123
    @kshidemantle123 7 років тому

    Absolutely lovely!

  • @BassoColoratura
    @BassoColoratura 7 років тому +1

    Sing, Nadine!!!!

  • @Kambrys
    @Kambrys Рік тому

    Ach, ich fühl's, es ist verschwunden,
    Ewig hin der Liebe Glück!
    Nimmer kommt ihr Wonnestunde
    Meinem Herzen mehr zurück!
    Sieh', Tamino, diese Tränen,
    Fließen, Trauter, dir allein!
    Fühlst du nicht der Liebe Sehnen,
    So wird Ruh' im Tode sein!
    Ah, I can feel it, love’s happiness
    Is fled forever!
    Nevermore, O hours of bliss,
    Will you return to my heart!
    See, Tamino, these tears
    Flow for you alone, beloved.
    If you do not feel love’s yearning,
    I shall find peace in death!

  • @IoneCarvalhoSoprano
    @IoneCarvalhoSoprano 8 років тому +2


  • @tenkim55
    @tenkim55 5 років тому +1

    Ja ich weiss, was ihr meint. Sie könnte die andere Arien viel besser als diese singen. Aber ich finde sie hat ganz ganz toll gesungen mit sehr gute Technik und toller Interpretation. Pamina's Arie ist nicht einfach..
    Es wäre natürlich besser gewesen, wenn sie alle rhytmische Dingen in Come schritto gesungen hätte.
    Trotzdem Brava!! I'm a big fan of yours!! Danke!

  • @KingCorbinCosmos
    @KingCorbinCosmos 8 місяців тому

    I don't understand how yall can make a good argument for this
    Her voice breaks my headphones and rattles my ears how is it possible or like even legal to be locked in a room with her without a muzzle but got to admit she is the most beautiful human alive

  • @osbonecosdamirnita
    @osbonecosdamirnita 6 років тому +2

    Quando ela canta em alemão, é impossível de entendê-la.

  • @Valleko1
    @Valleko1 8 років тому

    Браво!!!!! Бурные аплодисменты переходящие в овации.

  • @_Meganna
    @_Meganna 6 років тому

    Sometimes youtube comments are just too ridiculous. People who hide behind the internet and complain about the artist when they probably cant even sing one note as good as nadine sierra. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy the artist and the performance. Dont waste your time on internet typing negative comments when you cant even be saying these things in real life!.

  • @razzhivina
    @razzhivina 2 роки тому

    Мне кажется,что одна эта ария посложнее всей партии Царицы Ночи🙈

  • @dnsqhd1217
    @dnsqhd1217 8 років тому


  • @veronikaseghers5382
    @veronikaseghers5382 6 років тому +2

    Perfect German 😳

    • @thenevadadesertrat2713
      @thenevadadesertrat2713 5 років тому +1

      But, but, Mozart was Austrian. In other words, perfect Austrian. Hahah.

  • @Operachan
    @Operachan 8 років тому +7

    this is good, but she is a much better singer then this. And when you see her live, it is amazing !!!

  • @silvr94
    @silvr94 7 років тому +10

    She has a beautiful voice, but not one I'd recognize straight away.

    • @emanuelschweikert
      @emanuelschweikert 6 років тому

      I recognize her Beautiful voice imediately! :)

    • @orion8835
      @orion8835 4 роки тому +2

      It’s true. The sound is beautifully pointed at the top somewhat slurred and over sung in the middle with a common human full and lush sound that is that middle. It’s not particularly noble. Her top is very beautiful with a nice domed laser quality that offsets her flooding sound surprisingly well. In the theatre she is very well expressed and decently projected. On recording its attractive but not very distinctive. She sings a mash up of coloratura roles and lyric soprano roles. I like her performances but it’s not oddly enough with all the wondrous things she is doing unique. That sometimes happens.

  • @fernandopinheirobb
    @fernandopinheirobb 3 роки тому

    Um lamento na ária de Pamina, da ópera A Flauta
    Mágica, de Mozart. O enlevo de amor febril acabou
    Para sempre, assim Pamina declarou, em pauta,
    Na conversa com o amado Tamino em que rolou
    Uma lágrima denotando algo em não ir em frente.
    Assim como essa civilização, está indo embora,
    Adotou descanso após a morte, ideia recorrente
    Para acabar com os sofrimentos, em boa hora,
    É enfraquecida pela realidade que já desponta.
    A semeadura é colhida do mesmo sentimento.
    Covid-19 impõe a mudança: a norma exposta
    Para confinar pessoas em casas, momento bom
    Na reflexão sobre doar amor com o argumento
    Que revela o nosso ser profundo, isto é o dom. (*)
    (*) FERNANDO PINHEIRO, presidente da Academia de Letras dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil. - PAMINA (poesia), de Fernando Pinheiro. - in O mundo de Morfeu, de Fernando Pinheiro.

  • @enfielddnepr
    @enfielddnepr 8 років тому +2

    Not bad.. not bad at all..

  • @Shahrdad
    @Shahrdad 4 роки тому +4

    Someone needs to find out why all these young singers look like they're chewing gum when they hold a note. You never used to see these shaking jaws till recently. Now it's omnipresent. Either the jaw shakes or the tongue waggles in the mouth.

    • @Shahrdad
      @Shahrdad 4 роки тому +3

      Thalia Rice that’s exactly what Jessye Norman said as well. When the support musculature isn’t developed enough, other muscles try to compensate.

    • @Shahrdad
      @Shahrdad 4 роки тому

      Thalia Rice can you send the link??

    • @misssophie6515
      @misssophie6515 2 роки тому

      thanks, I will search for this article. I wondered the same and I just find it horrid when every note has exactly the same colour and shakiness, as if the singer can't chose anymore. I don't understand how someone whould strive for such a tonal quality. For me it is a red flag if students from one teacher all make the same sound. and once they have built that muscle memory it is probably hard to impossible to get rid of it again, as it is deeply anchored after hours and years of singing that way. legato and good technique are the safest bid to keeping the voice healthy for many years.

  • @ClaudiaLopez-vt5jz
    @ClaudiaLopez-vt5jz Рік тому

    No muy forzado....🤷‍♀️

  • @BernardaBobro
    @BernardaBobro 6 років тому +3

    Jeder Pianoton ist unruhig und vibriert zu stark im Verhältnis zu den anderen.Aufpassen.

  • @misssophie6515
    @misssophie6515 2 роки тому

    Just no. I will stick to Marina Rebeka or Lucia Popp for this.

  • @carolinafranchini4785
    @carolinafranchini4785 6 років тому

    Malísimo el pianista jaja .
    Nadine brava .

  • @grzegorzpieniek6422
    @grzegorzpieniek6422 7 років тому +14

    wow, how can someone have NO SENSE of Mozart's style AT ALL?!

    • @grzegorzpieniek6422
      @grzegorzpieniek6422 7 років тому +15

      ian1856 I mean, an interpretation should fit somehow the score written by the composer. This particular aria has a very light texture and simple (yet beautiful) melodic line. The manner in which this singer performs it is way too heavy, too dramatic.

    • @ScoreAnimation
      @ScoreAnimation 6 років тому +2

      Maybe because her way in singing is more "bel canto" style. However she is still young to learn style for period, composer, diction, etc.

    • @Sam-ke7rn
      @Sam-ke7rn 6 років тому +3

      Nadine Sierra sounds nothing short of amazing singing Pamina and is even more magical live. I found nothing out of place with the style, and I enjoyed her expressions and think that Mozart would have agreed with almost all of them. And even then, what does that really matter? I get that you're a composer and you've probably taken some courses on the style of great composers, but the real word is simply a different thing and being overly snobbish will get you nowhere. By the way, please update your website, it's been 5 years.

    • @michaelfuting2403
      @michaelfuting2403 6 років тому +7

      Oh god, what the hell is Mozart style??? A cliché. Believe me, Mozart himself would look on it much more free!!!

    • @massiveqdawg
      @massiveqdawg 6 років тому +5

      I beg to differ. There is nothing wrong with her style in this aria. I'm sure in the house, without mics, you would love this. How's your Mozartian Style sounding? Don't either:
      1. Attempt to answer
      2. Attempt to question mine 😉

  • @Laviesurladentelle
    @Laviesurladentelle 7 років тому +2

    She is magnificent I love her, but this is not for her.

  • @Melox
    @Melox 6 років тому +2

    la trovo sinceramente patetica...

  • @brunasortino2836
    @brunasortino2836 4 роки тому +6

    Technically, she did good, as she often does. But this looks and sounds very much like a studied performance. No feeling, just lines, breath support, control. And you cannot quite understand her German. I prefer Dorothea Röschmann.

  • @antoniomarazzi6887
    @antoniomarazzi6887 8 років тому +26

    Normal, average conservatory performance. Her vocal tone and artistry (or lack of it) is nothing special. She is boring me. NEXT.

    • @swagswagger857
      @swagswagger857 8 років тому +30

      You do realize who she is right? She's already performed at the met and la scala!!!
      If you think the best of the best is boring, then who do you like???????
      Just wondering

    • @nitokflip
      @nitokflip 7 років тому +5

      well maybe someone that do the pianissimo ending in i dont know.. pianissimo ? i

    • @sergecharlebois6114
      @sergecharlebois6114 7 років тому +13

      Hi Antonio! I just spent some time looking for you on the web, hoping to find your own amazing interpretation of this aria... and well, I'm stumped! I can't tell if you're an amazing music critique, or an actual renowned opera singer, because I just can't find anything about you that, to me, would justify such a shitty comment. So what are you, just a tiny person with nothing to go for, or an honest-to-God accomplished member of the music world? And let us know when you post your version of this area, we'd love to hear how you're better than her. Thanks mate! (tiny people with nothing to go for should never comment on the web imh)

    • @111stephsteph
      @111stephsteph 7 років тому +5

      This guy is a freakin clown and stalker!!! He writes stupid comments on almost all her videos. Sick idiot

    • @arghapirate2427
      @arghapirate2427 6 років тому

      I disagree this perfomance makes me feel blue because she delivers the emotion of the are straight in my soul. Aside from this I believe her control is great. This aria, like most of mozart's is pretty virtuoso.

  • @agarber1932
    @agarber1932 Рік тому +1

    Wow. Some really bad intonation and way too much vibrato. I invite you to listen to Natalie Dessay for a pure sound with perfect intonation.

  • @runaschlaffer6967
    @runaschlaffer6967 8 років тому +14

    Her pantsuit looks ridiculous and detracts from the performance.

    • @swagswagger857
      @swagswagger857 8 років тому +34

      What an opinion you have! How superficial you are. I think she's beautiful!!!

    • @daloki349
      @daloki349 8 років тому +6

      What would you have her wear?

    • @longlivethegays
      @longlivethegays 6 років тому +5

      Yes, I was distracted by the the clothes too, definitely not concentrating on what she was singing and more thinking: I can't believe she wore whatever the frick she wanted and sang. How dare she put on whatever she wants. The disrespect.
      Okay I'm done.

    • @thenevadadesertrat2713
      @thenevadadesertrat2713 5 років тому

      Don't look at her clothes, listen to the performance.

  • @sunsethunter591
    @sunsethunter591 4 роки тому +1

    Ewww! NO!