A fight against Mafia is not only Getachew's responsibility, but each and every Tigrayans' responsibility as well. Otherwise once the tyrant group is in power, there will be one media, led by one dictator...the least to say.
Why can’t the old guard retire in peace and leave the leadership for the younger generation. They are damaging the legacy of those who fought for democracy and freedom.
It saddens me that they always want our people to go to conflict. Our people is honourable , hardworking and loyal. But the leaders are betraying their trust. Instead of working together to minimise the pain of their people they are fighting over power. They ready have a lot of money, they should leave our people alone.
He is gambling against Tigray interests to facilitate the Ethiopian long term project of creating a Tegarufree nation and horn. In general, there is no difference between Getachew Reda and the former Mulu Nega. They both are part of the ongoing Tigray genocide.
ጌታቸው ስለ ሕግ ሲያወራ ይገርማል, ሕግ ቢኖር እንዴት ጀንሳይድ ተፈፀመ? ሕግ የሚሰራው ስልጣንን ለማፅናት እንጂ ሕዝብን ለማዳን አደለም ማለት ነው። ያሳዝናል 1 ሚልየን ሕዝብ አልቆ ተጠያቂነት በሌለበት ሁኔታ ስልጣን ጥያቄ ሲመጣ ግን የፌደራል ሕግ ይነሳል። ሕዝቡን አሳፈራችሁት ማፈርያዎች
ህዝባዊ ወያነ ሓርነት ትግራይ እኮ ነው 🥰🥰🥰
ንስኻም ኮነ ደብረጽዮን አይተድለዩናን ዉረዱ አዋርድኩሙና ካልእ ሙሁራት አለዉ😂
ጌታቸው ዘይትወርድ
ፅቡቅ እዩ አብ ናይ ዲዳአር ዝሃብካዮ መግለፂ
ቆይ ምን አይነት መተት ነው የዞረብህ ሰው እደዚህ ባንዴ ይቀየራል ዴ
*ወይ ጣጣ🤔ታይ ይበሃል...ድማ ትግራዋይ♥️ፖለቲካ ልሰንፈሉ ግዜ?🤷♂️ሕጊ ልንዕቐሉ ግዜ?🤔(("አይዉረድ... መፂኡኒ እምበር ከይደዮ 'ዶ?"))..በለ ደራፊ✅anyways tnx♥️Getachew*
Shaebiya ዕግርግር አይትበሉ ንፈልጠኩም ኢና 90% comment ትህቡ ዘለኹም ፀላእቲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝኾንኩም ሓማሸን /ህግደፍ ኢኼም
ኒኹሉ ግዜ ኣሎ ሐዚ ከጋፊ ኢዮም ብማዕልቶም ክረኽቡዎ እዮም
Gena aytewesnn.namegsti.hala
እሞ ሰጉሙቲ እንዶ ወሰድ እንታይ ዶ ትገብሮም ኣለካ ኢካ ወይ ልቀቅ ወይ ሰጉሙቲ ወሰድ ዓጀውጀው ኣይትበል
28000 kilogram gold with in 4 month that is a big lay. It's close 200 billion birr.
Bada bada bada comen tplf
Tigray People deserve someone better than you. Please leave the government for someone who cares about his people.
ኢንዳ አደመ ኻሓዶ ኢዮም ።
A fight against Mafia is not only Getachew's responsibility, but each and every Tigrayans' responsibility as well. Otherwise once the tyrant group is in power, there will be one media, led by one dictator...the least to say.
አጅኻ ቦሎም እዝም ለባቡ
ሓደራ ሓደራ ሰራዊትና ምሰ ገታቸው
ምሰጢር ከይትዛረቡ ፅባሕ ንግሆ አብ ሚድያ ቀሪቡ ከምዚ ኢሎምኒ
ክብል ኢዩ ሓደራ!!!!
He is useless… the terrible part is that he is using Abiy’s pattern
ማፈርያ ዑዕ
Confidence zero
Yetenkuay lij stl yeneberkew ante neberk gn ahun Wana tebabari yetenkuay lij hunehal
ኧረ ጌች ብለህ ብለህ ሠራዊቱ የኛ እኮ ነው ስንፈልግ እንመልሰዋለን ያልከው ምን ለማለት ነው:: ይህ ሁሉ ስሞታ አይንሽን ጨፍኚ ላሞኝሽ ካልሆነ እናንተ አልተለያያችሁም የተጣላችሁ መስላችሁ ፃድቃንን ወይም ወዲ ወረደን ለመሾምና ወደድሮአችሁ ትግራይን ረመጥ ውስጥ ለመክተት ነው ዝግጅታችሁ:: ስልጣን ነው ጥማችሁ!! ሰከን በሉ ቴክኖሎጂውን ተከታተሉ በታንክና በጥይት መታኮስ ጊዜው አልፏል::
Habit kimuneger zey bilu zereba nisika win debire aniklala eka turugmu yebilakumun kulukm maare ekum kab silatsa tealeyu kulukum
ጌታቸው ክልተ ግዜ ኣዛሪብካና:: እቲ ናይ ስልጣንካ ምንጪ ህዝቢ ትግራይ እዩ ኢልካ ብህዝብኻ እንተትኮርዕ ምሓሸ ኔሩ:: እምነትካ ኣብ ጸላኢ ምኻኑ ግን ታሪካ ካብ ብምብልሻው: ህዝቢ ካብ ምጉዳእ ሓሊፉ ንኣኻ ኣብ ስልጣን ዘንብር ክኸውን ኣይኽእልን::
Why can’t the old guard retire in peace and leave the leadership for the younger generation. They are damaging the legacy of those who fought for democracy and freedom.
100% agree
Old mentality is the worst you are wearing throughout your life span. Mr. X.
It saddens me that they always want our people to go to conflict. Our people is honourable , hardworking and loyal. But the leaders are betraying their trust. Instead of working together to minimise the pain of their people they are fighting over power. They ready have a lot of money, they should leave our people alone.
ኣረ ሕፈር በጃካ
ዳንኤል ክስረት ድግምት አርጓበታል። ጌች ፀበል ሂድ
Anta anjal
Ena sekaram
ጌታቸው ሓርኢ 2 ዓመት መቀለን አዲስ አባባን እናተማላለሰ ሓንቲ ጥርትብል ቁምነገር ዘየበልኻ ሰካራም
Mesrah tekeliomo kemey geyru kserh yekel kab tabia wereda kesab klele ansar Getachew zedem serahteja wedibom mhdera zeblashu tegbar teteserihu kemey geyru keserh yekel
Dekimka eko entay zeygeberu
Hasawi getachew
ኣቱም ጋዜጠናታት ሚድያታት ትግራይ እዛ" እና" ትብል ኣባህላ ትግርና ድዩ ዝመስለኩም???? እና...እና...እና... በቃ?
ዕንክሊል ኣይትበል ሱቕ ኢልካ ምንም ኣይሰራሕኹን ይልኣኣኽ እየ ነይረ ኢልካ ዕረፍ
Haswai banda fa😂😂😂😂😢😢😢
ጀሪካን🇪🇷 ነህ መሰለኝ
He is gambling against Tigray interests to facilitate the Ethiopian long term project of creating a Tegarufree nation and horn.
In general, there is no difference between Getachew Reda and the former Mulu Nega. They both are part of the ongoing Tigray genocide.
ስፖርት ክስርሕ ዝተኣዘዘ ሕሙም ሰዓል ::
*ወይ ጣጣ🤔ታይ ይበሃል...ድማ ትግራዋይ♥️ፖለቲካ ልሰንፈሉ ግዜ?🤷♂️ሕጊ ልንዕቐሉ ግዜ?🤔(("አይዉረድ... መፂኡኒ እምበር ከይደዮ 'ዶ?"))..በለ ደራፊ✅anyways tnx♥️Getachew*