Dynasty Midseason Awards + RB Houdinis | Dynasty Fantasy Football 2024

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @footballers-dynasty
    @footballers-dynasty  Місяць тому +1

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  • @matt-fontaine96
    @matt-fontaine96 Місяць тому +1

    38:09 Kyle opening up old wounds 😂 I was so high on N’Keal Harry.

  • @lightlegion_
    @lightlegion_ 19 днів тому

    I admire your style!

  • @bignoggin2342
    @bignoggin2342 Місяць тому +1

    Love waking up to goodness

  • @Bucky_Buckster
    @Bucky_Buckster Місяць тому +2

    Kyle and Caleb are just like Mike and Bad TE’s. Just can’t help but talk about them

  • @DaveyCetina
    @DaveyCetina Місяць тому

    I thought Jason was going to say that Bo had it between the legs... I think he kinda stuttered because he almost did. 🤣

  • @mister_padilla6105
    @mister_padilla6105 Місяць тому +1

    13:22 lol!! GL with him because next year you won’t be moving Caleb. He’ll be stuck on your team.

  • @nickwood7945
    @nickwood7945 Місяць тому

    Just downloaded telling all my friends about it that aren't in any of my leagues lol

  • @DoodlestoPoodles
    @DoodlestoPoodles Місяць тому

    I traded Tank Bigsby and Tyrone Tracy for a 25 1st good deal or should I of gotten more?

    • @taylorvandehey1883
      @taylorvandehey1883 Місяць тому

      Oh boy I have those two on one of my rebuilds. Now I am wondering if I could trade both of those for an extra 2025 1st. I have three '25 1sts already and this could be a path to get another one. I think the running backs for 2025 are so good that they outweigh a lot of these RB 15 - RB25 in dynasty.

    • @DoodlestoPoodles
      @DoodlestoPoodles Місяць тому

      @@taylorvandehey1883 I pulled this off just two days ago and our trade deadline is tomorrow!
      I sorta felt like they were gifts that I acquired with later round picks I think Tank was an early 3rd two years ago and Tracy was a late 4th so why not flip them into draft picks especially rbs I always traded RBs seldom do I trade wr s

    • @jonathanhaven1690
      @jonathanhaven1690 Місяць тому

      I have both. I'm holding. Still excited to draft an RB on top of them.

    • @jonathanhaven1690
      @jonathanhaven1690 Місяць тому

      ​@@taylorvandehey1883Be careful stacking too many picks in the same draft. You're already set with 3 1sts in one year.

  • @stephencolor2010
    @stephencolor2010 Місяць тому +4

    I traded Hunt for D-Hop last week. Feels like a good decision.

  • @mister_padilla6105
    @mister_padilla6105 Місяць тому

    4:00 Jason. Offer Kyle a 3rd for hunt.

  • @maintreevent1325
    @maintreevent1325 Місяць тому +24

    Yall really need time stamps

    • @Wonderwall627
      @Wonderwall627 Місяць тому +7

      Start posting timestamps on episodes. People will use them, you will shut up, and footballers might offer you a job

    • @TheSilentLetsPlay
      @TheSilentLetsPlay Місяць тому +1

      How did you make it before UA-cam had time stamps?

    • @Twincity55
      @Twincity55 Місяць тому +1

      This bit keeps getting better and better haha

    • @maddawg8164
      @maddawg8164 Місяць тому

      Not really

  • @mister_padilla6105
    @mister_padilla6105 Місяць тому

    2:28 Kyle being greedy, nooooooooo.

  • @ubersoldat91
    @ubersoldat91 Місяць тому

    Bo-tween the Legs Nix?

  • @RawDaddy87
    @RawDaddy87 Місяць тому

    I disagree about Worthy , they throw to him maybe 3 times a game and only really use him as a gadget player . The guy is a solid football player just doesn't fit KC game plan i guess

  • @SkilzNine2Five
    @SkilzNine2Five Місяць тому

    2nd 🥈

  • @matthewdavis3014
    @matthewdavis3014 Місяць тому

    Both college and the NFL have a serious QB development problem.

  • @AMKphilly
    @AMKphilly Місяць тому


  • @FFhokage96
    @FFhokage96 Місяць тому

    Anyone else here tired of the “we need time stamps” just listen and enjoy the WHOLE entirety and excuse my French but STFU 😂

  • @henryzimmermann944
    @henryzimmermann944 Місяць тому +1


  • @smul36
    @smul36 Місяць тому +1

    Anyone else fed up with Sleepers terrible UI?

    • @PopeJP3
      @PopeJP3 Місяць тому +1

      Sleeper has the best UI, what are you talking about

    • @smul36
      @smul36 Місяць тому +1

      @ Sleeper is like a luxury car with cool features but with a crappy engine. It has great features but doesn’t do the main job of being a simple, easy-to-use/navigate app.
      It takes a whole season for many to even know how to use it properly, lol. At least give me the option to remove all that extra BS on the screen, like betting. There are a million things on the screen with tiny fonts.
      I'm still going to use it because it’s the only good dynasty app, but if ESPN ever creates a proper dynasty format, I’m switching in a heartbeat.

  • @xander908
    @xander908 Місяць тому +1

    Still no time stamps, still not watching

    • @JackNadeau
      @JackNadeau Місяць тому +3

      No one asked, you’re here engaging in the comments which helps them even more 🤡 they don’t timestamp to encourage people to consume the content with context. Casuals like you only want tier lists and that’s why you’ll stay a casual 🤷‍♂️

    • @xander908
      @xander908 Місяць тому

      @ haha you’re so mad. Get a life