Scientific tafseer of quran by zakaria kamal 19

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • its an amazing effort by zakaria kamal sir.
    1. The computer (CC) is deliberately discussed with
    related Verses in Section-9 of Chapter-6.
    2. The genome code is deliberately discussed with
    related Verses in Section-3 of Chapter-31
    2. Revelations through Stages
    Allah sent a big Book to Moses at a time, and many of the
    Jews were scared seeing its volume. They felt it to be a huge
    burden. A few would read, analyze and follow: ―And remember, We took your covenant and We
    raised above you Mount: Hold firmly to what We
    have given you and bring to remembrance what is
    therein; perchance you may fear Allah.
    But you turned back thereafter. Had it not
    been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah to you, you
    had surely been among the lost.‖
    [Al Quran 2:63-64]
    Probably so, the Quran was revealed in small parts,
    following the events of Prophet‘s (pbuh) life. By the time the
    revelation was complete in 22 / 23 years, there were many
    Sahabah (Companions of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh) who
    had all the verses memorized, and Islamic societies anscientific facts in the quran,explanation of quran,quran vs science,quran and science,quran and modern science,tafsir,scientific,quran,tafsir-7,scientific miracles of quran,scientific miracles of the qur’an,tafseer,scientific theories in quran,scientific facts in quran,quran scientific facts,quran scientific miracles,scientific truthin the quran,scientific faith in quran,surah,quran tafseer in english,simple quran tafseer,quran tafseer
    seems that when Gabriel embraced Prophet
    Muhammad (pbuh) in the cave of Hera, he made a channel
    through his backbone and inserted the 'data-base of the
    Quran' into his brain. The database of the Quran is called
    dhikra (remembrance) in the following Verse: ―…And We sent down to you dhikra that you may
    narrate to the mankind what has been sent down to
    them, and they may reflect‖ [Al Quran 16:44]
    "Dikra" means "Remembrance", but as it was sent down,
    it should be understood as the "database of the Quran".
    The entry-point of the channel appeared as a swollen
    muscle on his backbone, below his neck (Mohr-e-Nobuat).
    The system took a few months to settle when no verse came.
    Subsequently, the minor angels of Gabriel brought the
    verses time to time in the form of memory-data (ruhhs) and
    put those into the database of his brain directly through the
    Mohr-e-Nobuat. The verses got stored in correct files
    (Chapter / Surah) and lines of the database (dhikra).
    In some of the times, several Surahs were revealing
    simultaneously, but the verses did not get mixed up due to the
    database and the smart data. Probably, the alphabets, like
    Alif, Lam, Mim; Ta, Sin, Mim, etc., that are found in the
    beginnings of some Surahs are signs of the predetermined
    saving points.
    So, the verses got stored in his brain in the correct
    sequence, whenever a verse or a group of verses might have
    been revealed. After the last verse had been revealed, the
    complete Quran was in his head, in the sequence we find it
    If the special arrangements were not done, the verses
    would get memorized in the sequence of revelation that
    would not make a well written book. ―Move not thy tongue concerning the (verses) to
    make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to
    promulgate it. But when We have promulgated it,
    follow thou its recital…‖ [Al Quran 75:16-19]
    From the database (dhikra), the intended verses used to be
    downloaded into his mind (qalb) [the mind (qalb) is
    discussed in Section-10 of Chapter-6].
    Therefore, the sequence of the verses and the Chapters
    (Surahs) are divine. Nobody can change it.
    4. My authority to Structure the Quran
    I have divided the Quran into Parts. And, I have divided the
    Chapters into Segments, Sections and paragraphs. I have
    done it for rapid and correct comprehension. I could do it
    because the structure is inborn in the Quran-one will
    understand it, once one will go through the Tafsir. I have not
    moved any verse from its original position.
    The Traditional Scholars may not like dividing the Quran.
    But the following verse authorizes me to do it: ―And We have bestowed upon you the Seven Oft
    repeated (Surah Al Fatihah) and the Grand Qur'an.
    Not extend your eyes towards what we bestowed
    with the Pairs (Double Helix DNA) of them (Romans
    and Israelites) and do not grieve over them.
    And lower your wings to Believers and say, ―Indeed, I am a Warner clear‖, as We sent down on
    those who divided, those who have made the Quran in
    So, by your Lord, surely We will question them
    (genetically higher races like Romans and Israelites)
    all about what they used to do.‖
    [Al Quran 15: 87-93]
    The above verses are explained below:
    In the above verses, the "Pairs" means "Double Helix
    DNA Molecules" with which every living creature is created.
    FIGURE 1.20: Azwazan / Pairs / DNA Double Helix
    There are several verses in the Quran, which talk about
    the "Pairs" (DNA Double Helix).