Yosuke is just like in the main series: Best Dance Style (in my opinion) but he's stuck with a somewhat dissapointing song line-up. (Again, my opinion only)
+chapachuu it's a japanese thing alot of times they still call someone by the family name. but he called him aibou more often meaning partner. so it's not unreasonable.
BlackWingAngelGirl They were on a first name basis by the end of the game though, so it's odd that they would revert to surname basis. Not that it's a big deal; I just thought it sounded a bit funny.
Yosuke was suppose to be romance option until atlus removed it because they thought kanji was enough for the gay pandering also there is also a fully voiced romance confession yosuke makes to yuu both in english and Japanese you can find it on youtube before making assumptions do your research also there a quit a few moments in the game where he acts really gay for yuu and immediately try to cover it up just search a compilation of it also go watch persona q the wedding part where you can possibly get yosuke as your destined partner as yuu and he acts really gay and happy to only snap another second later to try and cover it up
Please guys.... Take a room!
Atlus really pairing Yu & Yosuke hard, satisfying those dangerous fan girl base. XD
Love how the dance and music turned out.
girl fan base + me
+kye wikeley are you a guy?
+Maya Amano yes.
kye wikeley Gay ?
brosuke got dem moves
There is no heterosexual explanation for this.
Dude thats so gay
I love it
He is so CUTE
Just guys bein' dudes
Yeah, I gotta admit...
I love how heterosexual this is. Anyone else agree?
I need to feel it please
Yu and Yosuke ship confirmed, Yosuke is the top hands down.
it's about time, while I played P4G, I was shipping them as soon as Yosuke pretended to be a homophone to cover up his obvious crush on Yu.
Pure gayness in the commentsXD
Yosuke is just like in the main series: Best Dance Style (in my opinion) but he's stuck with a somewhat dissapointing song line-up. (Again, my opinion only)
Si a tu amigo no se le hace muy homosexual esto, puedes aprender a bailar con el viendo este video
Presona4:(Danic all) Night Nurami
Persona fangirl logic: Oh Yu and Yosuke are dancing? They obviously wanna bang.
Yosuke Hanamura yes. the fanbase/girl are insane. lol but let them ship whatever they want to ship
Don't mess with the fangirls, they have ninja swords
I'm sorry you have to hear that on a daily basis Yosuke, but you shouldn't have called him partner!
Why would Yosuke call Yu "Narukami" if this takes place after P4 and in P4 he was already calling him "Yu". Oops.
+chapachuu it's a japanese thing alot of times they still call someone by the family name. but he called him aibou more often meaning partner. so it's not unreasonable.
BlackWingAngelGirl They were on a first name basis by the end of the game though, so it's odd that they would revert to surname basis. Not that it's a big deal; I just thought it sounded a bit funny.
+chapachuu This is before the P4 prologue or true ending.
+HATSUNEMIKU GAMING no, it's between the two endings. it's after kanamin taking rise's place, but before rise returns to showbiz.
Because if he said if said Yu, some people might think he's saying you.
i have a slur to say
why do people ship them when Yosuke gets weirded out by gay things
Because fujioshis get turned on by seeing two straight dudes make out for their entertainment. They're sick like that.
People can ship fictional characters no matter the gender, it’s been done since the 70s.
Yosuke was suppose to be romance option until atlus removed it because they thought kanji was enough for the gay pandering also there is also a fully voiced romance confession yosuke makes to yuu both in english and Japanese you can find it on youtube before making assumptions do your research also there a quit a few moments in the game where he acts really gay for yuu and immediately try to cover it up just search a compilation of it also go watch persona q the wedding part where you can possibly get yosuke as your destined partner as yuu and he acts really gay and happy to only snap another second later to try and cover it up
this comment was so fucking stupid yosuke is an obvious closeted bisexual
@@dayz_matter bro you went through a whole character arc in 2 years. glad to see you believe in the bisexual yosuke agenda.