chip 10 hours

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • Why is the chip spinning?
    Original video: • chip

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @justhappy345alts
    @justhappy345alts 8 місяців тому +736

    [Movie Title]:chip
    0:00 start
    0:01 intro
    1:38 protagonist apresented
    3:39 protagonist's friends apresented
    4:01 conversation
    7:22 broadcast of villain
    7:23 villain attacks people
    8:55 villain apresented
    9:06 cops try to stop villain
    9:20 villain beats up the cops
    10:32 protagonist confronts villain
    11:00 villain escapes
    13:22 villains intentions apresented
    15:48 protagonist's plan to defeat villain
    18:39 protagonist do the plan with his friends
    21:56 adventure time
    28:02 a monster appears
    30:44 protagonist and his friends beats up the monster
    31:03 more monsters appears
    31:09 chase scene
    32:12 one of protagonist's friends gets catched and dies
    33:40 protagonist and the rest of his friends survive and escape the monsters
    34:38 conversation
    41:55 more adventure
    44:25 protagonist and his friends gets on a dungeon
    44:50 more monsters incoming
    45:12 protagonist and his friends beats up the monsters
    46:59 a huge and strong monster appears
    48:56 protagonist and his friends defeats the huge monster
    49:00 one of the protagonist's friends gets really injured
    50:17 the injured protagonist's friend dies
    50:18 sad scene
    50:46 protagonist and his remaining friend continues
    51:23 even more adventure
    52:20 villain discovers the protagonist's plan
    52:33 villain gets triggered
    52:59 villain goes to where the protagonist and his friend is
    54:17 villain reaches them
    54:30 epic fight scene
    59:28 protagonist and his friend gets beaten up by the villain
    1:00:24 villain leaves laughting
    1:01:43 protagonist and his friend gets triggered
    1:03:19 protagonist and his friend gets into a arguing
    1:05:27 protagonist and his friend starts fighting
    1:05:28 epic fight scene
    1:12:37 both realise they shouldn't fight
    1:13:00 conversation
    1:16:42 they continue
    1:17:02 more adventure
    1:36:39 a huge horde of monsters sees them
    1:37:06 chase scene
    1:42:42 they find a veichle but only 1 person can be on it
    1:42:49 protagonist's friend sacrifices himself to the protagonist
    1:43:03 the monsters catch the protagonist's friend
    1:43:04 the protagonist's friend dies
    1:43:05 sad scene
    1:45:01 the protagonist is now alone
    1:45:09 protagonist remmembers his memories with his friends
    1:49:50 the protagonist finally arrives at the villain's base
    1:51:00 protagonist beats up the villain's guards
    1:52:14 villain realises that
    1:52:15 villain gets triggered
    1:53:27 villain confronts the protagonist
    1:54:10 epic fight scene
    2:00:38 protagonist gets beaten up by the villain again
    2:02:06 protagonist remmember the memories with his friends and gets triggered
    2:02:07 protagonist turns into a super form
    2:02:33 villain gets beaten up
    2:03:45 protagonist charges an super attack and destroys the villain and his base and a huge cratter forms in the ground
    2:05:52 protagonist gets on his home and passes out
    2:06:30 protagonist wakes up in a hospital
    2:08:11 protagonist fully recovers and he gets back with his family
    2:09:35 happy ending :)
    2:09:57 credit scene
    2:12:52 (Past-credits scene) villain is revealed to still be alive
    2:13:55 end
    [Movie Title] 2: The return of villain:
    2:13:56 Start
    2:13:57 Intro
    2:14:23 Protagonist in his home
    2:14:24 Protagonist thinking about the last fight
    2:15:11 Protagonist starts wondering how he got his super form
    2:16:02 Protagonist goes to school
    2:17:08 Protagonist finds new friends
    2:17:40 Conversation
    2:21:34 Villain getting out of the cratter
    2:21:35 Villain triggered
    2:22:11 Villain's only objective now is to destroy the Protagonist
    2:22:46 Few hours have passed and protagonist is back from school
    2:23:10 Protagonist watch the news
    2:23:29 Villain still alive
    2:23:32 Protagonist gets shocked
    2:24:17 Villain coming to protagonist's house
    2:25:12 Villain confronts protagonist
    2:26:22 Not so epic fight scene
    2:26:50 Villain gets beaten up easily since he is injured and tired
    2:27:00 Protagonist starts mocking the villain
    2:27:31 Villain leaves humilhiated
    2:28:27 Villain's wrath is imesurable now
    2:29:02 Villain encounters a dark lychen
    2:29:29 Villain touches the dark lychen
    2:30:06 The dark lychen enters inside the villain
    2:31:07 Villain's appearance and clothes is way more different
    2:31:38 Villain is more powerful than ever
    2:32:56 Villain gets the perfect idea to destroy the protagonist
    2:33:32 A few days later the protagonist is chilling with his new friends
    2:34:40 A monster appear in the protagonist's school
    2:34:55 Everybody is terrified except the protagonist
    2:35:13 They realise it is just a small cute monster
    2:36:03 The monster becomes the protagonist's pet
    2:36:31 Villain is observing everything
    2:37:46 Villain does a evil laughter
    2:37:50 Protagonist goes back to be chilling with his friends
    2:38:32 Conversation
    2:42:13 Protagonist goes back home
    2:43:20 A bomb falls on protagonist's home
    2:43:21 Protagonist starts flying away
    2:44:14 Protagonist gets confused
    2:44:36 Protagonist realises his house is destroyed
    2:45:18 Villain teleports in front of protagonist
    2:46:30 Protagonist gets triggered
    2:47:04 Not so epic fight scene
    2:47:23 Protagonist gets beaten up easily
    2:48:00 Villain charges up an powerful attack to destroy the protagonist
    2:48:23 A portal appears behind the protagonist and the protagonist somehow escapes
    2:49:05 Villain gets triggered
    2:50:42 New side character apresented
    2:51:12 Villain starts following both
    2:51:13 Chase scene
    2:53:41 They escape the villain
    2:54:29 The new side character reveals to be an alien that is interested to see the proragonist super form
    2:55:02 Protagonist realises he must enable it again
    2:55:36 Protagonist gets annoyed
    2:56:14 More adventures
    3:01:20 Intergalatic travelling
    3:05:07 They finally reach the place where the protagonist can master his super form
    3:05:08 Training arch of protagonist starts
    3:17:16 Training arch of protagonist ends
    3:17:20 The side character sees a glimpse of the super form on the protagonist
    3:20:56 The protagonist finally reaches the super form again
    3:20:57 The side character is â̸͚͙̿m̷̫͔̒a̷̤̐̏z̴̯̔͝e̵̢͍̿̉d̵͎̽
    3:21:39 The side character tries to steal the protagonist's power
    3:21:48 The "side character" fails to do it
    3:22:23 The "side character" is revealed to be a antagonist
    3:22:30 The villain reaches there
    3:22:41 The antagonist escapes
    3:22:50 The villain confronts the protagonist
    3:23:12 Epic fight scene
    3:29:30 Villain gets beaten up again
    3:30:44 Dark lychen gets out of villain
    3:31:25 Villain escapes
    3:32:28 The dark lychen forms into a huge and strong monster
    3:32:35 More epic fight scenes
    3:35:57 The dark lychen monster gets beaten up
    3:36:03 The protagonist is about to finish the dark lychen monster off but suddently he loses his super form
    3:36:12 Protagonist is shocked
    3:36:30 The dark lychen monster is about to kill the protagonist but the protagonist's pet attacks the dark lychen monster from behind
    3:36:58 While the dark lychen monster is distracted the protagonist uses an attack on him
    3:37:11 The dark lychen monster falls off on a cliff and gets defeated
    3:37:22 The protagonist and his little monster pet comemorates
    3:38:30 Both of them leaves that place and go back to their city
    3:39:04 The protagonist finally comes back but he realises his house is destroyed
    3:40:08 The protagonist will live in the house of one of his friends for a while
    3:41:59 Happy ending :)
    3:42:00 Credit scene
    3:43:00 (Past-credits scene) When the antagonist was escaping the dark lychen monster falled in front of him and the dark lychen entered inside his body
    3:43:21 End
    If this comment gets 700 likes i will make a sequel!

  • @Isakb56
    @Isakb56 Рік тому +7700

    Why is the chip spinning?

  • @lpslizzystudios
    @lpslizzystudios Рік тому +1684

    Imagine historians finding this in 100 years and wondering what the heck were these people doing?

  • @nutria_official
    @nutria_official 7 місяців тому +73

    The chip span around 46799 times if you want to know that...

  • @trovitrojan7337
    @trovitrojan7337 Рік тому +4174

    I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the chip go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the chip is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on chip . hail chip. hail chip . The spinning chip, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the chip spins, showing its lightly salt covered yellow skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the chip scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating chip. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of chip I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of chip I have ever seen especially on 57:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the chip go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. Tt absolutely moved my soul , and i don't think I can ever be the same. this chip has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the chip is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on chip. hail chip. hail chip. The spinning chip, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a piece of bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the chip spins, showing its lightly salt covered yellow skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the chip scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any chip I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on 17:24. I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. chip spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the chip go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on chip . hail chip . hail chip. The spinning chip, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a chip do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the chip spins, showing its lightly salt covered yellow skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the chip scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating chip. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any chip I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of chip I have ever seen especially on 57:42. I am crying. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. I cried, beat off, and also watched a movie while watching this premiere. This has made me go through so much. I passed depression because of this. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young man. wellpleased like chip. Thank you.

    • @lucasperricone6840
      @lucasperricone6840 Рік тому +316

      This is way too long 😪

    • @MmMm-sk7mx
      @MmMm-sk7mx Рік тому +183

      Bro ?😐

    • @lavaface2547
      @lavaface2547 Рік тому +159

      He copied

    • @rafit8903
      @rafit8903 Рік тому +109

      my guy copied
      wait this has more likes then my comment fr

    • @Baljeeet
      @Baljeeet Рік тому +116

      Bro typed a whole essay and got f for it being irelevant

  • @empirebeach
    @empirebeach Рік тому +376

    i cant believe my humor is so broken to the point where i start laughing at a chip spinning

    • @determination5180
      @determination5180 Рік тому +22

      dude mr.chip is talking abt his whole sad life and u laught... pathetic .. atleast u should say sorry

    • @vibxslofi
      @vibxslofi Рік тому +4

      @@determination5180 for real

    • @carxd6127
      @carxd6127 Рік тому +1

      women fs

    • @armyshope
      @armyshope Рік тому


    • @ren.ig1o1
      @ren.ig1o1 Рік тому +3

      Same 🍷🗿

  •  Рік тому +130

    Very emotional video 😭 I cried watching this

  • @GDcycliptus3308
    @GDcycliptus3308 3 місяці тому +9

    After examining the video for 10 hours straight, and seeing what is going on, I have concluded that there is a spinning watermelon.

  • @user-hs7rz6lv2m
    @user-hs7rz6lv2m 10 місяців тому +256

    I'm watching this the whole day and it is my mission..
    00:00 i started the challenge.
    7:58 I got kinda bored so i started dancing
    23:47 singing with the song trying to find a good dance for it
    43:29 Examining the chip
    1:52:39 Playing Something Behind While Listening
    3:43:58 Called my friends over to do sum
    4:28:53 My Friends Came
    5:06:38 We did dumb stuff
    7:24:03 we studied
    8:42:20 We decided to play truth or dare
    9:04:51 My friends went back
    9:43:27 As i realized this challenge is going to end soon I'll have nothing to do.. I'll be lonely again and get bored.
    9:52:49 I was coming to the end of spinning chip. The emotions i had thru this was sentimental. I loved every single part of this. I wish it never had to end.
    9:58:46 Well it all came to an ending should i feel happy or sad..
    9:59:24 Last Seconds
    9:59:46 Well it was an good journey..
    10:00:00 i finally finished it...

    • @muellmanni1678
      @muellmanni1678 9 місяців тому +6

      You see this so often… that’s why I believe you just copy and pasted this… but sound fun, watching 10 hours of a chip spinning 😂

    • @olenhol2przez4
      @olenhol2przez4 7 місяців тому +5


    • @codeninjaswindermere6643
      @codeninjaswindermere6643 6 місяців тому +2


    • @Real_Fortuna
      @Real_Fortuna 6 місяців тому +1

      You are my idol!

    • @Panda-Cake01
      @Panda-Cake01 6 місяців тому +1

      gg bois

  • @klee625
    @klee625 9 місяців тому +86

    1923: “in 100 years we will have flying cars”
    2023: *chip spinning for 10 hours*

    • @ImHeiHaa
      @ImHeiHaa 8 місяців тому +6

      It’s better

    • @angjelo6586
      @angjelo6586 4 місяці тому +2

      @@ImHeiHaa fr

    • @FrassettoFamily
      @FrassettoFamily 4 місяці тому +2

      wow very relatable to this: 1923: "In 100 years we will have a cure for cancer"
      2023: dancing cockroach for 10 hours

    • @FrassettoFamily
      @FrassettoFamily 4 місяці тому

      + pls reply

    • @LandonDem
      @LandonDem 2 місяці тому


  • @_Yongboks_brownie_
    @_Yongboks_brownie_ Рік тому +13

    Props to anyone who sat here for 10 hours to watch this spinning chip

  • @remolicus
    @remolicus 8 місяців тому +109

    imagine having to explain to a medieval warrior why this is funny

  • @pig_huntergames7621
    @pig_huntergames7621 Рік тому +730

    Main Title: 0:01
    Main Character Appears: 0:30
    Family of main character appears: 0:45
    Main Character meet friends who will help you in everything and at any time 1:21
    Bad Guy Introduced 1:30
    Bad Guy Plot starts 1:34
    Bad Guy plot is finish and is ready to spring into action 1:59
    Bad guy is fighting with Main Character 2:19
    Main character friends helps Main character to fight with the Bad guy 2:25
    Bad Guy stumbles 2:27
    Bad Guy fall into a lava pit 2:32
    Main Character and his friends won the battle 2:34
    The family and friends of the main character celebrate 3:00
    Main Character eats his cake with his family 3:05
    End Credits 3:08 - 3:34
    ??? : 9:58:22
    This masterpiece it deserves a Nobel Prize or a class of thanks to the creators for having created this jewel of an exclusive video.
    That only those who know what I'm talking about, just that small detail of having existed, is something unthinkable.

  • @Inkfell-PillarChase
    @Inkfell-PillarChase Рік тому +790

    Intro: 0:00
    Aparición del protagonista: 3:56
    Pasado del protagonista: 3:56 - 5:21
    Se presentan a los amigos del protagonista: 7:34
    Aparece el villano: 29:49
    Pelea contra los secuaces del villano: 1:20:01
    Pasado del villano: 1:47:26 - 1:52:09
    Se revela el plan del villano: 2:39:58
    El protagonista se entera del plan: 2:58:23
    El villano secuestra al presidente: 3:54:21
    El héroe salva al presidente: 4:11:51
    Relaciones sexuales entre el protagonista y su novia: 4:59:15 - 5:07:56
    El protagonista se encuentra con un viejo amigo 6:34:12
    Batalla final: 9:23:67
    Derrotan al villano: 9:51:34
    Créditos: 10:00:00
    Sinceramente una obra de arte, nunca había visto algo tan desarrollado, un gran trasfondo, una historia bien trabajada y los personajes con un gran desarrollo

    • @aagustinnn
      @aagustinnn Рік тому +19


    • @aagustinnn
      @aagustinnn Рік тому +23

      Soy la primera respuesta, estoy seguro que aquí habrán unos mil likes, yo fui el like 3

    • @aagustinnn
      @aagustinnn Рік тому +15

      Chucha me acabo de dar cuenta que esto es una copia del comentario de un gringo de abajo

    • @ANIME_KID
      @ANIME_KID Рік тому +7

      Yeet How'd u ☠️☠️

    • @ANIME_KID
      @ANIME_KID Рік тому +4

      @@aagustinnn yeet

  • @jhadelyncostales8726
    @jhadelyncostales8726 8 місяців тому +39

    People in 1960: "We will have flying cars in 2023!"
    Me in 2023: **listening to chip 10 hours**

  • @DannEscudo
    @DannEscudo Рік тому +48

    my sense of humor of 2000s: fully explainable, yet understandable.
    my sense humor right now:

  • @Skyknarf
    @Skyknarf 3 місяці тому +50

    Most worth 10 hours of my day

    • @Alievarblx
      @Alievarblx 3 місяці тому +1

      So true!!

    • @Fries-b6r
      @Fries-b6r Місяць тому +1

      It's chip and chips could be made out of uranium and I enjoy eating those are my favorite type cuz they taste good and that's my meal for my lifetime. But some chips are made out of potatoes fried why idk they're just chips but they yummers so cookies are made out of 384 grams of salt 84848 pounds of dough and finally 2 specs of sugar and that will be a great snack or dessert either 1

    • @adamkaraczewski5179
      @adamkaraczewski5179 Місяць тому +1

  • @Springboksfan
    @Springboksfan Рік тому +317

    6:29:55 this is my absolute favorite part of this masterpiece, the attention to detail is Insane and the plot twist was really unexpected.

  • @nicklerner4080
    @nicklerner4080 8 місяців тому +18

    This … this is art

    • @jeythegamer8527
      @jeythegamer8527 6 місяців тому

      Its art that got stolen and then made longer

  • @322vr
    @322vr Рік тому +75

    Half of these comments are copypastas, so I wrote an original one. This video is absolutely amazing to watch. Every spin is so smooth and effortless, and it's clear that this chip has been spinning for years to achieve such a level of skill. The spins are so fluent and elegant, and every spin is executed with such perfect form. The song makes the spinning experience even more amazing, and it perfectly compliments the choreography. This chip is clearly an expert and a master of his craft, and he should be admired by all. He's truly an inspiring performance, and I'm so impressed and grateful for this content. It's truly spectacular to watch, my friend. Every spin is so beautifully executed and perfect, and it's clear that this chip has been practicing for many years to achieve such a level of skill. His spins are so effortless and graceful, and the music goes perfectly with the choreography. This chip is truly a maestro, and his skill should be admired by all. I'm so blown away by this content and I'm so grateful for being able to watch this. This video is truly jaw-dropping. Every spin is so flawless and smooth, and it's clear that this chip has been practicing for many, many years to earn this level of skill. Every spin is executed perfectly with such incredible grace and precision. The music compliments the choreography so well too, and it's clear that this chip has put a lot of practice and effort into perfecting their performance. This is truly a masterpiece, and it's incredible to watch. It's truly mesmerizing to witness, my friend. Every spin is so beautifully executed and perfect. Every rotation is so elegant and flawless. His dancing is so smooth and effortless. The music is perfect for this performance. It's clear that he's spent years working hard towards achieving this level of skill. He's true art in motion. It's so impressive to watch him perform. This performance is truly awe-inspiring. Every single spin is so perfectly executed and perfectly in-sync. It's clear that this chip has put in so much effort and practice into achieving this level of skill. His dancing is so flawless and effortless, and the music is truly inspiring too. Every tiny detail has been perfectly refined to create such an amazing performance. This is truly a masterpiece and it's inspiring to watch such a level of dedication and talent. It's truly amazing to witness, my friend. Every spin is so well executed and flawless. He exudes a grace and style that no other chip could possibly match. His spins are in perfect sync with the music and they are so smooth and effortless. It's clear that he's put such an immense amount of hard work and dedication into achieving this level of skill. Truly a masterful performance. This is truly a phenomenal performance. Every single spin is executed with such flawless and effortless perfection, and it's clear that this chip is a truly gifted expert in the field of spinning. It's so inspiring and motivating to watch such a high level of skill and passion from a chip like this. Truly a master at his craft. This is truly one of the best, if not the best chip spinning performance of all time. It's truly a magnificent performance. Every spin is executed with so much ease and grace. This chip is truly one of the best performers in the field of spinning. It's truly an inspiring and impressive thing to witness such a master of his craft. This is truly the best chip spinning performance of all time. My hat's off to this chip as he has mastered his craft. I am truly in absolute awe at this masterpiece of a performance. Every spin is executed with such flawless precision and perfect dance form. It's clear that this chip has an innate talent for spinning that most only dream of achieving. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness a master at his craft like this one. My hat's off to this amazing spinning chip and the amazing performance he has put on, he truly is a master of this craft! I am truly speechless. This chip is truly a once in a lifetime performer and it's an honor to witness such a masterpiece.

    • @Yousuf_StarPlatinum
      @Yousuf_StarPlatinum Рік тому +3

      2 months ago (edited)
      0:00-0:48 Opening Credits
      0:54 Main Character introduced
      1:34 Main Character Family introduced
      1:56 Bad Character introduced
      3:10 Main Characters First Confrontation
      3:14-4:58 Main Characters Dialogoues
      4:59 Main Character Family Attack Bad Character
      5:03 Bad Character Escape
      6:38 Main Character came up with a plan of revenge
      19:10 Bad Guy's accomplices introduced
      23:34 Second Confrontation
      23:35-26:08 Main Characters Dialogues Again
      26:09 Bad Guy starts fight
      31:01 First Character Die (Bad Guy accomplice Josh)
      37:46 Second and Third Characters Dies (Main Character Brothers John and Johnny)
      44:10 Third (Last) Confrontation
      44:11 Bad Guy laughs at the main character's family
      44:18 Final Fight Begins
      56:58 Bad Guy's accomplices Dies
      57:28 Bad Guy Dies
      57:29 Main Character Win Fight
      59:26 End
      59:27-59:59 Ending Credits
      59:59-a strange creature (bad guy's boss) comes to the bad guy and injects something on bad guy body and he his alive now by the syringe
      59:59- the "To be Continued" text appears and the screen fades to black and real Ending Credits appears
      wow... im very surprised! Definitely a fantastic work! of modern cinematography I have never seen a better film with my own eyes congratulations mr.doober43 (ORIGINAL CREATOR OF CHIP MEME)fantastic film and an masterpiece movie mr.doober43 , this is better than all the movie around the world, a fantastic film i've ever seen! very very fantastic work mr.doober43!
      very good! 10/10 movie and have a 5 star!!!!

    • @rav3n889
      @rav3n889 Рік тому

      @@Yousuf_StarPlatinum when is part 2

    • @wbpm9383
      @wbpm9383 Рік тому

      damn, i mean, wow.

    • @jheaneral4492
      @jheaneral4492 Рік тому


    • @gamerboyyy4556
      @gamerboyyy4556 11 місяців тому +1

      2 world records in one
      the longest video and the longest comment 😂

  • @brian_1943
    @brian_1943 Рік тому +248

    i like the part where the chip spins

  • @ludgeson69
    @ludgeson69 Рік тому +49

    I don't know why I'm up at 3 am watching a chip spinning, but I am, and I guess that's just how it is

  • @skartos.
    @skartos. 6 місяців тому +7

    I think that the chip is actually standing still, but the cameraman is wandering around 😂

  • @antifurri60
    @antifurri60 11 місяців тому +38

    101 reasons to stay alive:
    1. to make your parents proud
    2. to conquer your fears
    3. to see your family again
    4. to see your favourite artist live
    5. to listen to music again
    6. to experience a new culture
    7. to make new friends
    8. to inspire
    9. to have your own children
    10. to adopt your own pet
    11. to make yourself proud
    12. to meet your idols
    13. to laugh until you cry
    14. to feel tears of happiness
    15. to eat your favourite food
    16. to see your siblings grow
    17. to pass school
    18. to get tattoo
    19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
    20. to meet your internet friends
    21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
    22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
    23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
    24. to see untouched snow in the morning
    25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
    26. to see stars light up the sky
    27. to read a book that changes your life
    28. to see the flowers in the spring
    29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
    30. to travel abroad
    31. to learn a new language
    32. to learn to draw
    33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
    34. Puppy kisses.
    35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
    36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
    37. Trampolines.
    38. Ice cream.
    39. Stargazing.
    40. Cloud watching.
    41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
    42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
    43. “I saw this and thought of you."
    44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
    45. The relief you feel after crying.
    46. Sunshine.
    47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
    48. Your future wedding.
    49. Your favorite candy bar.
    50. New clothes.
    51. Witty puns.
    52. Really good bread.
    53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
    54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
    55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
    56. The smell before and after it rains
    57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
    58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
    59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
    60. Trying out new recipes.
    61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
    62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
    63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
    64.Breakfast in bed.
    65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
    66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
    67. Pray (if you are religious)
    68. Forgiveness.
    69. Water balloon fights.
    70. New books by your favorite authors.
    71. Fireflies.
    72. Birthdays.
    73. Realizing that someone loves you.
    74. Spending the day with someone you
    85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
    86. Someone’s skin against yours.
    87. Holding hands.
    88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
    89. Singing off key with your best friends.
    90. Road trips.
    91. Spontaneous adventures.
    92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
    93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
    94. Thunderstorms.
    95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
    96. The taste of your favorite food.
    97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
    98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
    99. Compliments and praise.
    100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realise you did it.
    Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person 💕 Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶🏼

  • @drattheduck9569
    @drattheduck9569 10 місяців тому +32

    Best ten hours of my life

  • @Zekko996
    @Zekko996 Рік тому +30

    Half of these comments are copypastes, so I wrote an original one. This video is absolutely amazing to watch. Every spin is so smooth and effortless, and it's clear that this chip has been spinning for years to achieve such a level of skill. The spins are so fluent and elegant, and every spin is executed with such perfect form. The song makes the spinning experience even more amazing, and it perfectly compliments the choreography. This chip is clearly an expert and a master of his craft, and he should be admired by all. He's truly an inspiring performance, and I'm so impressed and grateful for this content. It's truly spectacular to watch, my friend. Every spin is so beautifully executed and perfect, and it's clear that this chip has been practicing for many years to achieve such a level of skill. His spins are so effortless and graceful, and the music goes perfectly with the choreography. This chip is truly a maestro, and his skill should be admired by all. I'm so blown away by this content and I'm so grateful for being able to watch this. This video is truly jaw-dropping. Every spin is so flawless and smooth, and it's clear that this chip has been practicing for many, many years to earn this level of skill. Every spin is executed perfectly with such incredible grace and precision. The music compliments the choreography so well too, and it's clear that this chip has put a lot of practice and effort into perfecting their performance. This is truly a masterpiece, and it's incredible to watch. It's truly mesmerizing to witness, my friend. Every spin is so beautifully executed and perfect. Every rotation is so elegant and flawless. His dancing is so smooth and effortless. The music is perfect for this performance. It's clear that he's spent years working hard towards achieving this level of skill. He's true art in motion. It's so impressive to watch him perform. This performance is truly awe-inspiring. Every single spin is so perfectly executed and perfectly in-sync. It's clear that this chip has put in so much effort and practice into achieving this level of skill. His dancing is so flawless and effortless, and the music is truly inspiring too. Every tiny detail has been perfectly refined to create such an amazing performance. This is truly a masterpiece and it's inspiring to watch such a level of dedication and talent. It's truly amazing to witness, my friend. Every spin is so well executed and flawless. He exudes a grace and style that no other chip could possibly match. His spins are in perfect sync with the music and they are so smooth and effortless. It's clear that he's put such an immense amount of hard work and dedication into achieving this level of skill. Truly a masterful performance. This is truly a phenomenal performance. Every single spin is executed with such flawless and effortless perfection, and it's clear that this chip is a truly gifted expert in the field of spinning. It's so inspiring and motivating to watch such a high level of skill and passion from a chip like this. Truly a master at his craft. This is truly one of the best, if not the best chip spinning performance of all time. It's truly a magnificent performance. Every spin is executed with so much ease and grace. This chip is truly one of the best performers in the field of spinning. It's truly an inspiring and impressive thing to witness such a master of his craft. This is truly the best chip spinning performance of all time. My hat's off to this chip as he has mastered his craft. I am truly in absolute awe at this masterpiece of a performance. Every spin is executed with such flawless precision and perfect dance form. It's clear that this chip has an innate talent for spinning that most only dream of achieving. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness a master at his craft like this one. My hat's off to this amazing spinning chip and the amazing performance he has put on, he truly is a master of this craft! I am truly speechless. This chip is truly a once in a lifetime performer and it's an honor to witness such a masterpiece.

    • @ChadTheChad
      @ChadTheChad 11 місяців тому +4

      6 Likes and no replies?, Let me fix that.

    • @vilmed409
      @vilmed409 11 місяців тому +6

      You were a smart one

    • @joshua9123-z3z
      @joshua9123-z3z 11 місяців тому +2


  • @АлександрКириллов-у8л

    Приветствую, мои коллеги интеллектуалы поздравляю с просмотром этого кинематографического шедевра

    • @АртёмДучко-б7п
      @АртёмДучко-б7п Рік тому +14

      Видио которое мы заслужили

    • @djlegkompot2182
      @djlegkompot2182 Рік тому

      @@АртёмДучко-б7п чё конченый?

    • @ilovetea7804
      @ilovetea7804 Рік тому +7

      Сюжет по круче чем в Голливудских фильмах

    • @nick.am11
      @nick.am11 Рік тому +5


    • @thisisyatosha
      @thisisyatosha Рік тому +3

      Норм, тут песни прикольные хпхпхпх(или тут одна песня..?)

  • @theolourinho475
    @theolourinho475 Рік тому +18

    The fact that I am late to this heartwarming chip is incredible. This video was a masterpiece that is a requirement for all lovers of the internet. 1:26 created a heartwarming introduction to the plot, setting up a scene that makes you sympathize for the main character, crafted perfectly into setting up the starting scene. 2:34 was used to set up the tension between the characters, which has a beautiful, yet eerie feeling towards the viewer, which made me unable to sit back in my chair. 5:26 took me by a shocking surprise, hooking in the viewer to wanting to continue the video, engaging the viewers wonderfully into the heart breaking plot. At 9:10 the dialogue answered so many questions about the first video, making this sequel even better. I find it hard to believe the sequel could be better than the original, but here I stand corrected at this intense and fast paced action scene. The placement of this was truly phenomenal. I can’t even describe how amazing 16:52 was. Jaw… dropping. This was one of the saddest scenes ever crafted in video history. I may not cry all that often, especially at films, but I couldn’t help it at this scene, giving their life to keep their family safe, made me burst. This will have a major effect later in the story about the plot. I fell in love with the scene at 34:33, which was hilarious, yet showed the perfect tension between both characters, hardly seeming to remember why they were mad at each other. 46:51 was a confusing scene at first. I am not going to spoil it for the viewers of this video, but the feeling of anything being able to jump out at the character was giving me the goosebumps. 1:00:03 had a phenomenal plot twist, changing the entirety of the video, and future ones to come. It beautifully portrayed the concept of “show not tell, “ following the rules of freyjas pyramid about the key components to successful story telling. It left me in shock at how emotionally scarring this must be to all the characters. 1:16:12 was heartwarming yet funny at the same time. All the viewers will be crying with tears after this romance comedy scene. It takes a good break from the intensity of the other scenes surrounding this one. The plot of this story just keeps getting better despite me thinking it was impossible. So nobody copies this from me, this was written by TheGuyWhoAsked. Sorry for the inconvenience, back to the review. Something about 1:45:19 made me feel uneasy, the music and lighting were set up perfectly so make the viewer think the scene has intensity, despite the characters not feeling the same way. The viewer knowing more than the character is a great craft move used by the writer, which leaves the viewer with predictions about later in the film. 2:16:54 the plot of this movie is astounding, but I could say that it makes me wonder how the video is much longer than this if the story seems to be practically over without some twist. 2:53:16. SPEECHLESS. Just when you thought this video was over, POW, an amazingly intense, fast paced plot twist filled, exciting scene came up. I was supposed to be home 30 minutes ago, I am missing my sons birthday to be here for this . This is the peek of every video on UA-cam, it literally can’t get any better than this. Any bad reviews against this movie should be considered a crime, and have the reviewer sentenced to three years. 3:18:19 had the excitement toned down a bit, which was well placed. The flash backs used here were very important towards summarizing what I have already watched so far, and what is to come later in the video. 3:52:41 was not quite what I was expecting, being more anticlimactic than I was expecting and hoping for. But despite this, it is the video of the century, and if you didn’t pick up on it yet, it is the most amazing, heartwarming, terrifying, plot twist filled, and overall best video on the entire internet. Thank you for your time. If you read this whole thing, I just wanna say… your crazy.
    Please like though, this took a while❤

  • @safakbayrak9135
    @safakbayrak9135 Рік тому +65

    31:07 the shapely return of the chips was impressive

    • @wizardxdl3169
      @wizardxdl3169 Рік тому +2

      Heya türk

    • @sackerlacker5399
      @sackerlacker5399 Рік тому

      @@wizardxdl3169 whut?

    • @wizardxdl3169
      @wizardxdl3169 Рік тому +2

      Turkiye 🇹🇷
      Aga adam Türkmüş heya Türk Dedim
      English 🇬🇧
      The man is Turkish I said hey Turkish

    • @falconpeddie
      @falconpeddie 9 місяців тому +1

      IT'S A CRISP SPINNING FOR 10:00:000!!! (TEN HOURS!!!!!!)

    • @falconpeddie
      @falconpeddie 9 місяців тому


  • @ethanfpl9678
    @ethanfpl9678 Рік тому +28

    the timestamp 4:54:54 was the most heartwarming thing I have ever had the fortune to come across
    it is so beautiful a tear fell from my eye as I looked at the screen

  • @Aspect_Edit
    @Aspect_Edit Рік тому +67

    0:00 Movie Begins
    5:00 Main Character Introduced
    15:00 The Pain Begins.
    20:00 Main Character ventures to fix at least something.
    30:00 Epic Journey Scene.
    35:00 Main Character Meets A Weird Group Of People.
    40:00 One Of Many Villains Introduced.
    45:00 A small talk with the Villain.
    50:00 Epic Choice, Between Fleeing, and Fighting
    55:00 Main Character Almost Runs Away, But Villain Gives At Least A Saw Blade
    1:00:00 Main Character Fights The Villain.
    1:00:30 Main Character Gets A Huge Hit Already.
    1:01:00 Another One.
    1:02:00 He does his strike.
    1:02:28 First Villain Dead.
    1:03:03 The Group Chose Him As The New Leader.
    1:05:05 Continuing The Journey Together.
    1:15:00 New Villain Met.
    1:15:05 He Just Runs Away.
    1:30:00 Villain Found Again.
    1:45:00 A Fair Fight Begins.
    2:00:00 The Villain Dies The Death That He Deserved.
    2:00:15 "Why Are They Cheering us"?
    2:15:00 The Villain Was A War Criminal.
    2:30:00 "I Guess We'll Go On".
    3:00:00 Everythings Is, For Some Reason, Cold. "Fine, I guess?"
    3:15:00 The Sun Did Not Rise.
    3:30:00 They Heard A Large Bang In The Distance.
    4:00:00 They Had Came To A Completely Destroyed Town.
    4:05:00 An Old Man Run Screaming Something.
    4:05:15 They Looked At His Weird Instrument. It Was Clicking.
    4:05:30 A Lot, Actually
    4:05:45 The Man Screams "WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE LIKE F'CKING RATS!"
    4:01:00 They Realised What Was It Showing.
    4:02:00 A Long Rant Begins.
    4:45:00 "Well. We've Gotta Go"
    5:15:00 They See A Large Flash.
    5:15:23 They Hear A Large Bang.
    5:15:30 They Feel The Terror.
    5:20:00 They Have Realised What Was Going On.
    5:20:01 A Large Mushroom Cloud Standaded Higher Than The Skys.
    5:21:03 They Begin To Run.
    5:40:00 They Have Complited Their Run.
    6:00:00 One Of Them Begun Puking.
    6:00:15 It Was Already Red.
    6:00:30 He Dies. Main Character Shocked.
    6:00:45 They Realised Why He Died.
    6:01:00 "Uhh... GO ON"
    6:10:01 They See A Big City.
    6:25:05 They Proceed To Visit It.
    7:00:00 They Met The Main Villain.
    7:00:20 They Decided To Run.
    7:15:00 They Took Hostage The Facility.
    7:30:00 "Whatever. We were on your side, That Would Be a Lesson For Our Boss."
    7:45:00 They Tell How To Coordinate The Missiles
    8:00:00 Main Character Realises The Win Choice Maybe Immoral.
    8:25:00 The Villains Squadron Flied Over.
    8:25:05 He Pushed The Button.
    8:25:06 A Trail Of White Smoke Pierced The Sky.
    8:25:07 They Already Could Not See It.
    8:25:08 "What's Next?"
    8:25:09 A Flash.
    8:25:10 A Bang.
    8:30:00 They Have Ventured Out Of The Facility.
    9:15:00 They Came To The Burning City.
    9:15:05 They Felt Sorry.
    9:15:10 One Cried.
    9:15:15 "Well. It's Time To Fix Our Mess"
    9:30:00 They Found The Villain.
    9:30:02 He Was Still Alive.
    9:30:05 He Begun A Long Rant.
    9:45:00 Main Character Goes Back Home.
    9:50:00 Everybody Cheered Him.
    9:55:00 Everybody Loved Him.
    9:56:00 But He Did Not.
    10:00:00 The End.

  • @justtavaa
    @justtavaa Рік тому +12


  • @SlopeSlide
    @SlopeSlide 7 місяців тому +1

    People in the 1890s: "Maybe one day in a couple of centuries we'll be able to make these wonderful new cars be able to fly...?"
    Also people in the 2020s:

  • @luvnulls
    @luvnulls Рік тому +21

    It is hard to deny the hypnotic and mesmerising effect that a chip with funkytown playing in the background for ten hours can have on an audience. The chip, with its intricate and precise movements, coupled with the upbeat and energetic tempo of funkytown, creates a visual and auditory experience that is both captivating and stimulating.
    The chip in the video appears to be performing a series of complex maneuvers, as it gracefully navigates its way through a series of obstacles. The way it glides and spins, seemingly effortlessly, is a testament to the skill and precision of the designer and the technology used to create it.
    As the chip moves, the viewer can't help but be drawn in by the synchronicity of its movements with the pulsing beat of funkytown. The song's catchy and upbeat tempo perfectly complements the chip's fluid and graceful movements, creating a sense of harmony and unity between the two.
    The chip's performance is a perfect example of how technology can be used to create something that is both functional and beautiful. It is a reminder of the incredible possibilities that exist when technology and art are combined.
    As the video progresses, and the chip continues to move and groove to the rhythm of funkytown, it becomes clear that this is more than just a display of technology or art. It is a celebration of the human spirit, and the boundless creativity that we are capable of.
    In conclusion, the video of a chip with funkytown playing in the background for ten phenomenal hours is a mesmerising and captivating experience that showcases the incredible possibilities that exist when technology and art are combined. The chip's graceful movements, coupled with the upbeat tempo of funkytown, creates a sense of mellifluence and peace that is both stimulating and inspiring. It serves as a reminder of the boundless creativity and ingenuity of the human spirit.

    • @takis1613
      @takis1613 Рік тому

      what the acctual fuck

    • @justinasrackauskas7002
      @justinasrackauskas7002 Рік тому


    • @AmazingAmbro1
      @AmazingAmbro1 Рік тому +1

      I just read your whole comment. Jokes aside, I think it's really interesting about how you think when tech and art collide, it creates a masterpiece with both function and beautifulness. I respect that. We have wallpapers on desktops that have art, icons with images that are technically art, and even the mouse cursor. Our Earth is colourful, and a beautiful place to explore and traverse. With new technology, more beautiful art, and the invention of wallpapers in our desktop, it's no surprise that, our wallpapers might look blurry, goofy, meme-y, default, or custom. It's our choice. Personalisation has gone to the fullest extent, with stickers, painting, decoration, and even going far to technology.
      In conclusion, technology and art is a really beautiful combination, because nowadays, you can customise ANYTHING of your choice. If you don't customise, that's fine.
      Few final three words before the end of this comment.
      Technology is art.

    • @EthanDurk-ks1vh
      @EthanDurk-ks1vh 11 місяців тому +1

      shut up

    • @gabrz3333
      @gabrz3333 9 місяців тому

      the song is from shrek 2

  • @frituurdavy
    @frituurdavy Рік тому +30

    Chip: good ending

  • @N1kieW
    @N1kieW Рік тому +97

    I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 2:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the chip go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the chip is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on chip . hail chip. hail chip . The spinning chip, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the chip spins, showing its lightly salt covered yellow skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the chip scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating chip. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of chip I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of chip I have ever seen especially on 1:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 3:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the chip go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. Tt absolutely moved my soul , and i don't think I can ever be the same. this chip has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the chip is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on chip. hail chip. hail chip. The spinning chip, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a piece of bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the chip spins, showing its lightly salt covered yellow skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the chip scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any chip I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on 1:24. I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. chip spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the chip go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on chip . hail chip . hail chip. The spinning chip, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a chip do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the chip spins, showing its lightly salt covered yellow skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the chip scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating chip. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any chip I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of chip I have ever seen especially on 5:42. I am crying. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. I cried, beat off, and also watched a movie while watching this premiere. This has made me go through so much. I passed depression because of this. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young man. well pleased like chip. Thank you

    • @Kolbo-f4s
      @Kolbo-f4s 10 місяців тому +3


    • @ngocbichnganduong57
      @ngocbichnganduong57 10 місяців тому +5

      Blud just wrote a hole long paragraph

    • @mew__.
      @mew__. 10 місяців тому +5

      not reading all that bioych

    • @StrictlyAyDubs
      @StrictlyAyDubs 10 місяців тому +8

      Fun Fact: You scrolled all the way down to see this reply.

    • @griffinroblox73
      @griffinroblox73 10 місяців тому +3

      i agree, those moments were truly heartbreaking

  • @akahito-komino
    @akahito-komino 7 місяців тому +2

    0:00 - 1:42 intro
    1:56 Story of the protagonist's past
    2:34 protagonist appears
    48:01 protagonist is defeated by a very powerful enemy and is captured
    1:21:04 Mysterious very powerful soldiers appear to save the protagonist
    1:22:39 - 1:49:14 epic fights
    1:56:02 protagonist is taken to the unknown kingdom
    2:29:08 Rei says he needs the protagonist's help to save the kingdom from demons that will attack them and only he can have them because he is the hero of the prophecy
    2:56:17 Banquet scene from any generic anime
    3:46:01 Demons invade the kingdom before the Expected
    4:10:00 epic battles
    4:56:10 protagonist is defeated and has his crush murdered in front of him
    4:57:46 protagonist unleashes a hidden power
    5:19:20 - 5:35:29 epic battles
    5:56:18 Sad scene of the protagonist remembering his beloved
    6:01:28 the king calls the protagonist for a serious conversation and says that the sent demons were just a distraction and the real demons attacked another kingdom
    6:05:56 Protagonist is confident and says he will kill everyone
    6:57:05 Horde of real demons appear and humiliate the protagonist in 300 languages
    7:01:39 King's death (sad scene)
    7:03:25 Demons go to the kingdom and destroy it completely and killing all its people
    7:05:56 Protagonist says he is very weak while shedding a lot of tears (😢)
    7:08:15 demons destroy their arms and say they will soon return to destroy the world
    after all the incidents, the protagonist decides to train
    7:08:15 - 8:56:00 time skip
    9:00:00 protagonist appears again with blood in his eyes knowing the next horde
    9:01:07 protagonist invades the demons' dimension instead of waiting for them to arrive
    9:16:02 protagonist kills all demons and goes behind the demon king
    9:21:00 - 9:49:51 Epic battle against the demon king
    9:51:45 defeated demon king
    9:52:10 Protagonist receives a telepathy message from the demon king
    9:52:25 "Do you really think this is the end? Do you really not know what's going on? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAAHH. Pathetic 🤫"
    9:52:50 Protagonist does not understand the message and suddenly feels a tremor in the earth
    9:53:03 "what is happening?!" says the protagonist
    9:53:10 Opens a crack in the ground and the protagonist falls
    9:54:01 The protagonist barely has time to think about what is happening and suddenly a mysterious man appears and says "it looks like the time has come"
    9:54:25 The protagonist without understanding anything asks who he is and the man reveals himself to be the king of the unknown kingdom. "Everything you've lived through was my work! I've always hated the hero of the prophecy and decided to put an end on all the heroes that appeared!!" says the king
    9:55:02 The protagonist realizes that everything he lived was a lie and nothing was real.
    9:55:35 The protagonist draws his sword and goes towards the king wanting to kill him.
    9:56:19 "Bastard, hahahahah 😆." Says the king
    9:57:47 "森金弗拉!"
    9:58:00 protagonist appears
    9:58:25: Protagonist is defeated by a very powerful enemy and is captured
    9:59:01 Very strong soldiers appear to save the protagonist to take him to the unknown realm.
    10:00:00 the end.
    Very good anime, with an incredible story and a huge plot twist. I'm really looking forward to the second season!

  • @Obel0470
    @Obel0470 Рік тому +69

    0:00 Start
    2:00 Chip Party
    5:00 Fifth Minutes
    20:00 Pizza Party
    55:00 To Hour
    1:15:00 Hourlong again
    1:55:00 Almost There
    3:00:00 Third-Hourlong
    5:00:00 Chip
    9:58:00 Almost There
    10:00:00 Complete Mission

  • @IsJaisecFr
    @IsJaisecFr 9 місяців тому +5

    this is a master piece of internet, i have been watching this for a full year straight. This video makes my days better and i hope keeps making it as always.
    amazing content dude.

  • @martinjem9029
    @martinjem9029 7 місяців тому +2

    you know I feel like that would be the best tasting chip in the world.

  • @Mia_Aguilar1224
    @Mia_Aguilar1224 Рік тому +147

    9:00:54 un momento muy reflectivo y hermoso 🙏🥰(grax por los 100 likes )

  • @nrledits8159
    @nrledits8159 Рік тому +9

    This video is so good for my personal weelbeing and depression.i am emotionally motivated

  • @jandrskits
    @jandrskits 9 місяців тому +2

    Watched it till it was done. A true work of art

  • @Bob-o8u9c
    @Bob-o8u9c 8 місяців тому +50


  • @goldendrop-verybusysoonabr8943
    @goldendrop-verybusysoonabr8943 Рік тому +123

    This video changed my life. I was lost shocked at the end of this masterpiece, having no choice but to watch again. This chip, the one and only, the music, the moves. What a beautiful scene 1:35:00 was. And we can not forget the huge plot twist at 7:14:00 which left me in tears. What a wonderful story. The details and time it must’ve taken to make it all makes me appreciate everything I’ve seen. The dedication is just, ✨ M W A ✨
    Amazing. Oh gosh! How could I not say? At 4:56:00 , you can prove me wrong but this has to be the best part. Just- gosh. After all I said nothing can describe this. It’s just so wonderful, no one deserves to see this. We’ve been truly blessed with this indescribable experience. Thank you.

  • @B-RusStats
    @B-RusStats Рік тому +20

    Let's be honest, we all were waiting for this moment 🥰 7:25:44

  • @DiscoBoi
    @DiscoBoi 7 місяців тому +1

    I would like to thank youtube's most replayed feature for making it so I obsessively skip to every most replayed part of this video thinking something will happen at that point during the video only for nothing to happen.

  • @userwh7
    @userwh7 Рік тому +10

    At 8:10:56 this was most life changing thing I haved ever experienced It changed my life forever. A Very Beautiful moment.

  • @miharon8169
    @miharon8169 11 місяців тому +29

    Wow, this video is absolutely mesmerizing! I can't express enough how much I loved it. The concept of a spinning chip for 10 hours might seem simple, but the execution here is impeccable. I was instantly drawn in by the sheer elegance and simplicity of the idea, and I couldn't look away. It's astonishing how something as straightforward as this chip can be so captivating. The visual, the sound, and the consistent motion create a unique and almost hypnotic experience.
    I also appreciate the attention to detail and the quality of the video. It's crystal clear and perfectly shot. The choice of background music complements the video beautifully and adds to the overall soothing experience. It's an ideal video to relax or focus with.
    I hope to see more fantastic content like this in the future. Keep up the amazing work, and thank you for sharing such a unique and calming experience with all of us!

    • @монеточка_1
      @монеточка_1 8 місяців тому


    • @redarioo9249
      @redarioo9249 7 місяців тому

      ⁠@@монеточка_1why was 6 afraid of 7 💀👍
      Because 7 came to 8’s house and absolutely murmured 8 and his wife 9 and then proceeded to kill his two children 4 and 5
      The police found the two body in the adult chamber, 8 was split in half and nine was cut right throught the middle top to bottom blood was everywhere on the scene, the bed, the wall, the curtains, everywhere.
      in the kids chamber, 4 was hanging on the sealing, his arms were cut off. and 5 was lying down on the floor, dead, his stomach wide open.
      And 6 the neighbor heard all the screams of pain and agony of the family, he immediately called the police and by the window he saw 7 come out of the house, staring menacingly.
      So yes 6 is now afraid of 7, he is not only afraid he is terrified if he might be the next victim and we say that insides of 9 were missing, probably taken by the murderer.
      But why? Why did he murder them so violently and took off parts of their bodies? Well some suggest that 7 8 9

  • @gwenglanders1895
    @gwenglanders1895 Рік тому +13

    I cant even put into words how beautiful and inspiring this is. Thank you for changing my life. ❤

  • @monkeman776
    @monkeman776 Рік тому +53

    I cannot explain how beautifully done this video is. The art of the chip spinning, it’s just so majestic. I did not think it was humanly possible for a video to be this beautiful. 3:27 is just the most beautiful part.

  • @Jakpy
    @Jakpy 8 місяців тому +7

    I like the part when the chip was spinning

  • @NerftyDude
    @NerftyDude 7 місяців тому +2

    [Movie Title]:
    0:00 start
    0:01 intro
    1:38 protagonist apresented
    3:39 protagonist's friends apresented
    4:01 conversation
    7:22 broadcast of villain
    7:23 villain attacks people
    8:55 villain apresented
    9:06 cops try to stop villain
    9:20 villain beats up the cops
    10:32 protagonist confronts villain
    11:00 villain escapes
    13:22 villains intentions apresented
    15:48 protagonist's plan to defeat villain
    18:39 protagonist do the plan with his friends
    21:56 adventure time
    28:02 a monster appears
    30:44 protagonist and his friends beats up the monster
    31:03 more monsters appears
    31:09 chase scene
    32:12 one of protagonist's friends gets catched and dies
    33:40 protagonist and the rest of his friends survive and escape the monsters
    34:38 conversation
    41:55 more adventure
    44:25 protagonist and his friends gets on a dungeon
    44:50 more monsters incoming
    45:12 protagonist and his friends beats up the monsters
    46:59 a huge and strong monster appears
    48:56 protagonist and his friends defeats the huge monster
    49:00 one of the protagonist's friends gets really injured
    50:17 the injured protagonist's friend dies
    50:18 sad scene
    50:46 protagonist and his remaining friend continues
    51:23 even more adventure
    52:20 villain discovers the protagonist's plan
    52:33 villain gets triggered
    52:59 villain goes to where the protagonist and his friend is
    54:17 villain reaches them
    54:30 epic fight scene
    59:28 protagonist and his friend gets beaten up by the villain
    1:00:24 villain leaves laughting
    1:01:43 protagonist and his friend gets triggered
    1:03:19 protagonist and his friend gets into a arguing
    1:05:27 protagonist and his friend starts fighting
    1:05:28 epic fight scene
    1:12:37 both realise they shouldn't fight
    1:13:00 conversation
    1:16:42 they continue
    1:17:02 more adventure
    1:36:39 a huge horde of monsters sees them
    1:37:06 chase scene
    1:42:42 they find a veichle but only 1 person can be on it
    1:42:49 protagonist's friend sacrifices himself to the protagonist
    1:43:03 the monsters catch the protagonist's friend
    1:43:04 the protagonist's friend dies
    1:43:05 sad scene
    1:45:01 the protagonist is now alone
    1:45:09 protagonist remmembers his memories with his friends
    1:49:50 the protagonist finally arrives at the villain's base
    1:51:00 protagonist beats up the villain's guards
    1:52:14 villain realises that
    1:52:15 villain gets triggered
    1:53:27 villain confronts the protagonist
    1:54:10 epic fight scene
    2:00:38 protagonist gets beaten up by the villain again
    2:02:06 protagonist remmember the memories with his friends and gets triggered
    2:02:07 protagonist turns into a super form
    2:02:33 villain gets beaten up
    2:03:45 protagonist charges an super attack and destroys the villain and his base and a huge cratter forms in the ground
    2:05:52 protagonist gets on his home and passes out
    2:06:30 protagonist wakes up in a hospital
    2:08:11 protagonist fully recovers and he gets back with his family
    2:09:35 happy ending :)
    2:09:57 credit scene
    2:12:52 (Past-credits scene) villain is revealed to still be alive
    2:13:55 end
    [Movie Title] 2: The return of villain:
    2:13:56 Start
    2:13:57 Intro
    2:14:23 Protagonist in his home
    2:14:24 Protagonist thinking about the last fight
    2:15:11 Protagonist starts wondering how he got his super form
    2:16:02 Protagonist goes to school
    2:17:08 Protagonist finds new friends
    2:17:40 Conversation
    2:21:34 Villain getting out of the cratter
    2:21:35 Villain triggered
    2:22:11 Villain's only objective now is to destroy the Protagonist
    2:22:46 Few hours have passed and protagonist is back from school
    2:23:10 Protagonist watch the news
    2:23:29 Villain still alive
    2:23:32 Protagonist gets shocked
    2:24:17 Villain coming to protagonist's house
    2:25:12 Villain confronts protagonist
    2:26:22 Not so epic fight scene
    2:26:50 Villain gets beaten up easily since he is injured and tired
    2:27:00 Protagonist starts mocking the villain
    2:27:31 Villain leaves humilhiated
    2:28:27 Villain's wrath is imesurable now
    2:29:02 Villain encounters a dark lychen
    2:29:29 Villain touches the dark lychen
    2:30:06 The dark lychen enters inside the villain
    2:31:07 Villain's appearance and clothes is way more different
    2:31:38 Villain is more powerful than ever
    2:32:56 Villain gets the perfect idea to destroy the protagonist
    2:33:32 A few days later the protagonist is chilling with his new friends
    2:34:40 A monster appear in the protagonist's school
    2:34:55 Everybody is terrified except the protagonist
    2:35:13 They realise it is just a small cute monster
    2:36:03 The monster becomes the protagonist's pet
    2:36:31 Villain is observing everything
    2:37:46 Villain does a evil laughter
    2:37:50 Protagonist goes back to be chilling with his friends
    2:38:32 Conversation
    2:42:13 Protagonist goes back home
    2:43:20 A bomb falls on protagonist's home
    2:43:21 Protagonist starts flying away
    2:44:14 Protagonist gets confused
    2:44:36 Protagonist realises his house is destroyed
    2:45:18 Villain teleports in front of protagonist
    2:46:30 Protagonist gets triggered
    2:47:04 Not so epic fight scene
    2:47:23 Protagonist gets beaten up easily
    2:48:00 Villain charges up an powerful attack to destroy the protagonist
    2:48:23 A portal appears behind the protagonist and the protagonist somehow escapes
    2:49:05 Villain gets triggered
    2:50:42 New side character apresented
    2:51:12 Villain starts following both
    2:51:13 Chase scene
    2:53:41 They escape the villain
    2:54:29 The new side character reveals to be an alien that is interested to see the proragonist super form
    2:55:02 Protagonist realises he must enable it again
    2:55:36 Protagonist gets annoyed
    2:56:14 More adventures
    3:01:20 Intergalatic travelling
    3:05:07 They finally reach the place where the protagonist can master his super form
    3:05:08 Training arch of protagonist starts
    3:17:16 Training arch of protagonist ends
    3:17:20 The side character sees a glimpse of the super form on the protagonist
    3:20:56 The protagonist finally reaches the super form again
    3:20:57 The side character is â̸͚͙̿m̷̫͔̒a̷̤̐̏z̴̯̔͝e̵̢͍̿̉d̵͎̽
    3:21:39 The side character tries to steal the protagonist's power
    3:21:48 The "side character" fails to do it
    3:22:23 The "side character" is revealed to be a antagonist
    3:22:30 The villain reaches there
    3:22:41 The antagonist escapes
    3:22:50 The villain confronts the protagonist
    3:23:12 Epic fight scene
    3:29:30 Villain gets beaten up again
    3:30:44 Dark lychen gets out of villain
    3:31:25 Villain escapes
    3:32:28 The dark lychen forms into a huge and strong monster
    3:32:35 More epic fight scenes
    3:35:57 The dark lychen monster gets beaten up
    3:36:03 The protagonist is about to finish the dark lychen monster off but suddently he loses his super form
    3:36:12 Protagonist is shocked
    3:36:30 The dark lychen monster is about to kill the protagonist but the protagonist's pet attacks the dark lychen monster from behind
    3:36:58 While the dark lychen monster is distracted the protagonist uses an attack on him
    3:37:11 The dark lychen monster falls off on a cliff and gets defeated
    3:37:22 The protagonist and his little monster pet comemorates
    3:38:30 Both of them leaves that place and go back to their city
    3:39:04 The protagonist finally comes back but he realises his house is destroyed
    3:40:08 The protagonist will live in the house of one of his friends for a while
    3:41:59 Happy ending :)
    3:42:00 Credit scene
    3:43:00 (Past-credits scene) When the antagonist was escaping the dark lychen monster falled in front of him and the dark lychen entered inside his body
    3:43:21 End

  • @Apolmewant
    @Apolmewant 10 місяців тому +13

    At 6:26:10 I really felt this on a deep spiritual level and it made me really happy

    • @LeonSacic
      @LeonSacic 9 місяців тому

      It is sooooo long but very very beautiful thing

    • @momitotwice64
      @momitotwice64 8 місяців тому


  • @rochelleorgill
    @rochelleorgill 7 місяців тому +2

    This has changed my life
    In an AMAZING way

  • @zola2075
    @zola2075 4 місяці тому +3

    Chip's Adventure
    0:00 Chip Is Hungry
    0:10 Chip Go To The Forest
    0:19 Chip Found A Another Chip
    0:33 They Friend
    0:39 They Want More Friend
    0:53 They Go To The Scary Place : Kitchen
    1:17 Other Chip Scared
    1:32 They Found The Beast : Hand
    1:49 Epic Fight Scene
    1:58 Chip Got Beaten
    2:05 Other Chip Heals Chip With Power
    2:24 They Talk
    2:30 They Go To Trashcan
    2:44 Found A Dirty Chip
    2:52 They Wash The Chip In The Sink
    3:06 Group Plan
    3:12 They Made A Plan
    3:22 Chips Ready
    3:33 They Get A Knife
    3:41 They Attack Hand
    3:48 Not So Cool Fight Scene
    4:06 Hand Got Beaten
    4:14 Chips Made A Gang
    4:25 They Go To The Bathroom
    4:37 They Find A Vent
    4:47 Escape
    4:51 Found Dirty Water
    5:01 Parkour
    5:06 Found A Hand
    5:15 Hand Chase Them To Eat
    5:31 Two Chip Motobike
    5:49 Chip Sacrifices
    6:04 Chip Eaten
    6:11 Sad Scene
    6:17 They Go To The Castle
    6:27 They Found Guards
    6:35 Luckily They Are Small And Guards No Realize
    6:58 Chips Touch The Treasure
    7:18 Chips Hurt Bc It Was Monster
    7:44 Heal
    7:52 They Fight
    8:13 Chips Won
    8:20 They Open Treasure
    8:29 Gold And Diamonds
    8:36 Rich
    8:42 Happy Scene
    8:51 End

  • @Rian_Vids
    @Rian_Vids 8 місяців тому +2

    I am actually crying, this is a work of art

  • @TalibCms
    @TalibCms 8 місяців тому +4

    Mission accomplished: Spin for 10 hours
    New mission: Spin for 100 hours

  • @TheDarksoldier_gamerYT
    @TheDarksoldier_gamerYT Рік тому +8

    This is literally my favorite video 🔥 6:17:58 this part is the best

  • @elqueridoramsilioram7734
    @elqueridoramsilioram7734 Рік тому +63

    Yo voy a irme a la escuela y voy a dejar esta obra de arte sonando,regresaré y veré que esta obra de arte seguirá sonando ;D edit:muchas gracias por los lides jamás e tenido tantos creo pero muchas gracias creo que estoy llorando ;)

  • @maryamjalloh8061
    @maryamjalloh8061 Рік тому +11

    I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious

  • @XXSassyLashesXX
    @XXSassyLashesXX 8 місяців тому +2

    it feels so heart breaking that not alot of people veiw this video like im so heartbroken and crying

  • @MATVEEV73
    @MATVEEV73 Рік тому +6

    4:22:05 вот это сюжетный поворот! Я просто аплодирую стоя!

  • @sorrymybrainexploded
    @sorrymybrainexploded Рік тому +31

    Lots of people don’t really understand the true meaning of this artistic, inspiring video. It may seem to be a meaningless 10-hour clip of a potato chip / crisp, but it’s truly incredible. For 10 hours straight, it keeps the ska energy, spinning and persevering through it all.
    It dosent rot, it dosent complain about the repetitive bad quality funkytown music , it just keeps going. Going and going, and going. 😢
    At 2:37 I shed a tear or two, the way it spins at such and angle was shocking.
    At 01:23:45 I reallly laughed, the directors have such a way with words 😂
    Even if this dosent mean much to you, I hope you enjoy my evaluation of this beautiful, remorseful video as much as I did.

    • @hoshino-3xy
      @hoshino-3xy Рік тому


    • @gattinolover8757
      @gattinolover8757 Рік тому +1

      Yeah this does not seem much to me..

    • @gattinolover8757
      @gattinolover8757 Рік тому +1

      this means much to me:

    • @gattinolover8757
      @gattinolover8757 Рік тому +1

      I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. It absolutely moved my soul , and i don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. Hail bacon. Hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a piece of bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on 17:24. I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. Bacon spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. It absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. This bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42. I am crying. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. I cried, beat off, and also watched a movie while watching this premiere. This has made me go through so much. I passed depression because of this. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young man. Thank you.

  • @Classicsonicyoutube
    @Classicsonicyoutube 8 місяців тому +4

    Just literally a spinning pringle

  • @SM-dx8we
    @SM-dx8we 6 місяців тому

    What I want to do with my expensive gaming PC : playing absolutely realistic game
    What I actually do now: watching this for 10 hours

  • @lil_rowenn
    @lil_rowenn Рік тому +30

    This video is absolutely amazing to watch. Every spin is so smooth and effortless, and it's clear that this chip has been spinning for years to achieve such a level of skill. The spins are so fluent and elegant, and every spin is executed with such perfect form. The song makes the spinning experience even more amazing, and it perfectly compliments the choreography. This chip is clearly an expert and a master of his craft, and he should be admired by all. He's truly an inspiring performance, and I'm so impressed and grateful for this content. It's truly spectacular to watch, my friend. Every spin is so beautifully executed and perfect, and it's clear that this chip has been practicing for many years to achieve such a level of skill. His spins are so effortless and graceful, and the music goes perfectly with the choreography. This chip is truly a maestro, and his skill should be admired by all. I'm so blown away by this content and I'm so grateful for being able to watch this. This video is truly jaw-dropping. Every spin is so flawless and smooth, and it's clear that this chip has been practicing for many, many years to earn this level of skill. Every spin is executed perfectly with such incredible grace and precision. The music compliments the choreography so well too, and it's clear that this chip has put a lot of practice and effort into perfecting their performance. This is truly a masterpiece, and it's incredible to watch. It's truly mesmerizing to witness, my friend. Every spin is so beautifully executed and perfect. Every rotation is so elegant and flawless. His dancing is so smooth and effortless. The music is perfect for this performance. It's clear that he's spent years working hard towards achieving this level of skill. He's true art in motion. It's so impressive to watch him perform. This performance is truly awe-inspiring. Every single spin is so perfectly executed and perfectly in-sync. It's clear that this chip has put in so much effort and practice into achieving this level of skill. His dancing is so flawless and effortless, and the music is truly inspiring too. Every tiny detail has been perfectly refined to create such an amazing performance. This is truly a masterpiece and it's inspiring to watch such a level of dedication and talent. It's truly amazing to witness, my friend. Every spin is so well executed and flawless. He exudes a grace and style that no other chip could possibly match. His spins are in perfect sync with the music and they are so smooth and effortless. It's clear that he's put such an immense amount of hard work and dedication into achieving this level of skill. Truly a masterful performance. This is truly a phenomenal performance. Every single spin is executed with such flawless and effortless perfection, and it's clear that this chip is a truly gifted expert in the field of spinning. It's so inspiring and motivating to watch such a high level of skill and passion from a chip like this. Truly a master at his craft. This is truly one of the best, if not the best chip spinning performance of all time. It's truly a magnificent performance. Every spin is executed with so much ease and grace. This chip is truly one of the best performers in the field of spinning. It's truly an inspiring and impressive thing to witness such a master of his craft. This is truly the best chip spinning performance of all time. My hat's off to this chip as he has mastered his craft. I am truly in absolute awe at this masterpiece of a performance. Every spin is executed with such flawless precision and perfect dance form. It's clear that this chip has an innate talent for spinning that most only dream of achieving. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness a master at his craft like this one. My hat's off to this amazing spinning chip and the amazing performance he has put on, he truly is a master of this craft! I am truly speechless. This chip is truly a once in a lifetime performer and it's an honor to witness such a masterpiece.

    • @fatmanurgulsoy1507
      @fatmanurgulsoy1507 Рік тому +2

      ı'm impressed bro

    • @Rayboer
      @Rayboer Рік тому

      Damn bri

    • @ryancurtis-ob9nv
      @ryancurtis-ob9nv Рік тому +1

      Bro did you just copy and paste another comment, how rude.

    • @Joschua_Bo
      @Joschua_Bo Рік тому

      Copy paste be ashamed, i guess youself are lacking skill and genius in coming up with an own idea.

    • @jahjahpascual
      @jahjahpascual Рік тому

      Bro your comment is a whole book

  • @LakenDav
    @LakenDav Рік тому +18

    Да, ради этого эволюционировало человечество

  • @ABulbmin
    @ABulbmin Рік тому +10

    Some things in life just can’t be explained. And one of them is this. This touched my heart truly. The story was so captivating. It makes me tear up just thinking about how touching it really was. It was so amazing. Just purely astonishing. Not to mention how hard I’m crying right now. I never thought destiny was real, until I watched this. I learned from this that the world does has a purpose. The plot was so amazing. The exposition at 9:54 was so key to understanding the chip. I’m truly touched. That transition at 12:14 is when I really started crying. I never stopped the whole ten hours that this beautiful true artwork ran. When 30:47 came along, I realized who I am. And I was only one twentieth in! Life truly has a purpose. Never forget it, but sometimes we all do. But, I truly assure you, that if you watch this, you will never forget. You really won’t. Take it from me. This more then tugged my heartstrings, it yanked on them until they were sore from crying. They ached, but I didn’t care. This is more than a video, it is life itself. Watching the chip spin, it’s yellow, salty, potato skin taught me to be who I really am. If others don’t like it, it’s ok. That’s their problem. People who don’t like this should be illegal. I’m serious, though. I really am. I feel so happy sharing my true thoughts on this masterpiece of life itself. I think love itself has taken the form of a chip to teach people how to be kind, fair, honest, happy, carefree, enjoy life. It really is so touching. Now, back to the plot. The part at 56:04 was really pure and heart pounding. It felt like how life should really be. This was truly a magical thing. Then, came 1:09:34. One of my personal favorite parts of this whole amazing thing. The chip really told a story. One that all humans can relate to. All people of all colors, shapes, personalities, sexes, interests, races, can really connect to. I really believe that earth was not truly complete until this came along into this world. A humble chip, sure, but an astonishing story. I now believe in magic. It’s real. You just have to feel it, and believe in a yellow, spinning, salty disk. Nothing on earth can compare to the feeling of watching spinning chip. 1:25:37 was so unexpected it made me cry. It all was starting to make sense, until 1:49:19 came. Wow. Truly wow. Just amazing. One of the best parts. It just brought me to real tears. You may go into this thinking that it’s some stupid chip bought at a grocery store in Ohio, but words can not describe how wrong you are. They really can’t. Words are a strong thing, but not nearly strong enough to describe this. The beauty, the purpose, the dreams, the passion, the love, the meaning, the magic of this humble chip. The quality of the video is truly stunning. The chip is in extremely impressive HD quality, and there was not a moment where I could feel that the quality was sinking. Not one. It stays a colorful, vibrant, exhilarating experience while getting deep. Truly magical. I used to have no friends. I was a person of few words. I still lived in my mom’s house, and I was very ashamed if it. I almost wanted to disappear. Then, one truly magical day, I went onto UA-cam and this was in my homepage. It didn’t say it was special. Didn’t say it could change a person’s life. But, then I clicked on it, and my life changed forever. I could now really see things, feel things, be a true human. I thanked my mom for housing me and then went on to create my own life all because this video pointed me in the right direction. The beat of a chip spinning really drums a beat to change a person’s soul. It was marvelous. Oh, sorry. I’m spending to much time on this part. Let me get back to the video. This was truly an emotional experience for the ages, but the part that really hit me was 2:03:21. It was dramatic, beautifully done, magical, moving, and entertaining. It was just great. Now, after I had moved out of my mom’s, I was on the open road. I almost turned back. But then, I remembered my motivation in the first place: spinning chip. “Gotta move on.” The song rang into the deepest drums of my ears, “Gotta move on.” Then, I realized, that I had to move on, too. The chip could serve as a reminder all it wanted. I was the one who needed to change. Where should I go? I thought. Then, I remembered the spinning chip yet again: “ Talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it, talk about it.” I knew what it meant immediately. I couldn’t survive the dangers of life all alone. I needed to be with someone, or at least talk about it. Then, lost in thought, I crashed into the person walking in front of me. I’ll keep this part quick and simple: This was the day I met my true one. My true love. Other than spinning chip, of corse. Then, one day, I showed my true love spinning chip. They were just as touched by it as I was. Our hearts beaded an identical pattern. Our souls were one. We grew even closer after that day. All because of spinning chip. Back to the plot, sorry. 2:29:15 was just, wow. So action packed. I could really feel chip’s pain here. It made me want to cry. And I did. Only thing is this time, my tears were red. I realized that I was crying blood because I cried so much during spinning chip that my body was out of water to make come out of my eyes! So, I drank some water and waited a half hour or so before coming back to it. But, when I did, the action over took my soul. It was so exhilarating it just wowed me. So much that I wanted to experience that sort of action in real life. So, I signed up for karate. It was amazing, almost as amazing as spinning chip. I had discovered my true passion, all because of the action packed scene in spinning chip. So, we can’t forget 2:53:00 no words in the history of all words in all languages can emphasize how good this part is. I don’t wanna spoil to much, so I’ll leave you with this: it’s so moving, it’ll change your life. Really. Think about how much spinning chip has changed my life already. And I can’t wait for what’s to come. So, in the end, here is what I’ll have to say: spinning chip is the answer to all life, death, love, hate, nature, science, art, everything you see everywhere, every day. Now, stop reading this, and go let spinning chip change your life for the better.

  • @KorqMusic
    @KorqMusic 9 місяців тому +2

    This really funny. Best video clip.

  • @naaabaaa
    @naaabaaa Рік тому +19


  • @Aguirre63636
    @Aguirre63636 8 місяців тому

    Wow, it’s actually straight up. No one twos or threes just straight up flat 10 hours.

  • @PenguinMasterYo
    @PenguinMasterYo Рік тому +10

    This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I cannot say how I am feeling because this is so beautiful and so mesmerising to look at. Parts like 0:50 and 1:07 are so beautiful and divine. This is the most magical thing I have ever seen in my life.

    • @adilmao_
      @adilmao_ Рік тому

      the most beautiful thing is ur moms puci

  • @Dkpdipleader2
    @Dkpdipleader2 8 місяців тому +8

    "why is the chip spinning?"

    • @huting2010
      @huting2010 6 місяців тому

      na verdade a pergunta a ser feita é "mas por que o chip não giraria?"

  • @AmazingIken
    @AmazingIken Рік тому +8

    At 4:28:11 was so heartwarming and peaceful i really enjoyed the part when i saw the chip spinning 😌

  • @cab1net_man
    @cab1net_man Місяць тому

    i made the mistake of signing in to youtube on my little brother's tv and now he's added this stupid spinning chip to half of my playlists

    • @Sploochey
      @Sploochey Місяць тому

      Stupid? This song is beautiful. Your brother did wonders.

  • @rafit8903
    @rafit8903 Рік тому +9

    nah bro this video changed me and my families life. we were going through financial struggles and my son was watching this and he was like dad i just found this video that can save us so much money. so me and my son my wife and the pet dog named cat all watched it together. after finishing the video cat started saying some weird stuff and we learned that robbery is a way of life and we should learn it but every house my we went to we left a video of this for them to watch so they can learn and share the secrets of c h i p. after robbing every house except Saul Goodman's house the bigon me my son my wife my dog named cat and our c h i p left to get Saul Goodman's toes. finally our we found the house that belonged to Saul Goodman. after going in to the house we realized "this is not Saul Goodman's house THIS IS A PORTAL TO OHIO OH NOOOOO and to cap it all off we all found Saul Goodman's Bones from when he built the portal moral of the story NO onE lEAVes OHiO.

  • @lukas_parodie
    @lukas_parodie Рік тому +12

    00:1 Yeah, i try to listen this song 10 Hours!
    10:00 starting singing it in mind
    58:00 starting having depressions
    5:00:00 try to pick a phone And call ambulance but i can't do it
    8:30:00 my mom goes from work at home And sees me lying in the floor with depressions And finally call ambulance
    9:58:59 i'm dead on depressions.

  • @Grildchezz
    @Grildchezz Рік тому +4

    Most exquisite art and music I’ve ever seen combined in my entire existence this is truly the most exquisite thing that she’ll ever be 🧐

  • @sacraft49
    @sacraft49 Місяць тому

    I'm about to clock in. This will be in my head the entire shift.
    Edit 5 hours later: It was, in fact, in my head the entire shift.

  • @_Sakura.Tree_
    @_Sakura.Tree_ Рік тому +5

    This is the highest quality UA-cam video I’ve ever seen. This is just, M W A! It changed my life.. The drama at 19:12, the plot twist at 8:58:17-
    Master piece. It makes me feel so much.. The characters speak to your soul, and the fight scene is just epic! I will watch this everyday of my life and I will never get bored. This should be a full movie, not just on UA-cam! The beginning was so calming, and it really showed how peaceful their home was. I cried at 3:12:34, because the poor kitty. :(

  • @SamePfpAsMySubscribersLol
    @SamePfpAsMySubscribersLol Рік тому +14

    👇 if you like chips/crisps

  • @andewthesilly
    @andewthesilly Рік тому +7


  • @ihasethan
    @ihasethan 6 місяців тому +1

    9:46:32 Theres just something about it that makes you realize what the hell you are doing in life and truly inspires me. Very emotional indeed 😭

  • @paoladosa
    @paoladosa Рік тому +103

    Mi una pregunta es ¿alguien puedo ver las 10 horas seguidas de esta hermosa obra de arte?

  • @DAllen-xc8gd
    @DAllen-xc8gd Рік тому +16

    5:16:36 is truly amazing how the chip spins at the perfect angle I’m crying right now I can’t even take the fact that it is a perfect spin like this should be the best price of art in the world NO! IN THE UNIVERSE! I love watching this chip spin for hours and hours and it never gets old thank you who ever made this chip spinning animation I hope I could meet the creator and ask him how I could make me an animated spinning masterpiece like this I am shedding tears right now it tells such a good story about this chip I hope one day this overcomes the Mona Lisa because that is nothing compared to the beautiful chip spinning astronomical phenomenal amazing masterpiece this is I could sing this song forever and never get tired in fact this is all I dream about and I never get tired of it either I love this so much I am crying so much right now just even righting this and I am in AWE because how can an average person not like this is truly amazing and awesome and astronomical and phenomenal and tremendously good and amazing well done animated chip

  • @ItzDeeAndRay
    @ItzDeeAndRay 8 місяців тому +1

    My depression is cured by this gracious video 🥹🥹

  • @skoodyboo222
    @skoodyboo222 11 місяців тому +6

    One time i played the first hour of this during all of math class so when i got bored of math i could stare at the chip or dance to funky town with my friend who was sitting beside me. I was also not wearing any headphones but i had the volume quiet so at anytime if anyone in the room payed enough attention they could hear slightly hear funky town playing in the background. Also anyone walking by or at the table behind me could just see the spinning chip because i propped my phone up on my pencil case. I don’t even think the teacher noticed. It was really amazing

    • @abara1082
      @abara1082 10 місяців тому

      i dont think the teacher cares and they actually liked it

    • @Isaiah-k4g1t
      @Isaiah-k4g1t 9 місяців тому

      I’m gonna try this myself

  • @daggieYT
    @daggieYT 9 місяців тому +5

    I am surprisingly shocked and impressed. This is seriously the most beautiful, well formulated video ever. I can’t believe how magical it felt at 1:20. That part truly made me shed a tear. Multiple teara, actually. And especially at 42:29 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh, and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the videos I have watched. The piece lf bacon spinning in the dishwasher was incredible and mind-blowing. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of UA-cam history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , it absolutely moved my soul , and I don’t think I can ever be the same. This essay balanced my life forever. I have stopped thinking about horrible things in our lifetime, and I can’t thank you enough. Thanks.

  • @Cptnnmac
    @Cptnnmac Рік тому +17

    7:08:57 This is so hilarious 😂

  • @StewbertTV
    @StewbertTV 3 місяці тому +1

    This video keeps my computer awake when I'm not using it lol

  • @wastynmurillo3383
    @wastynmurillo3383 Рік тому +116

    Esta canción me hizo reflexinar sobre la vida y llegué a una conclución, la vida es como una papa que gira, sin importar que, la vida gira mientras comes unas papas bien ricas

  • @Wanderer_GI
    @Wanderer_GI Рік тому +5

    Las mejores 10 horas de mi vida 😼✨

  • @nateo6806
    @nateo6806 8 місяців тому +1

    This will keep the aliens guessing for a while. 👍

  • @Fr0g_teeth090
    @Fr0g_teeth090 Рік тому +4

    This is Beautiful

  • @mr.trollman7145
    @mr.trollman7145 Рік тому +4

    As a chip, I can confirm that is is a hundred percent true

  • @submikeesyt9519
    @submikeesyt9519 Рік тому +50

    olvida la obra de arte que he concluido. La conclusión fue la conclusión más grande y más triste que jamás haya visto, mejor que cualquiera de los libros que he leído. Muchas gracias por crear esta obra maestra absoluta. Esta es esencialmente la obra maestra más importante de la historia del cine. Es una tragedia que esto, no se puede llamar una película, pero una experiencia emocional trascendente, será inaccesible para la mayoría. Encapsula maravillosamente la lucha humana hasta sus fundamentos; sufrimiento, placer, fe, desesperación. El trabajo puesto en esto es increíblemente inspirador. Los gráficos, la animación, la música, se pensó mucho en ello. Esto me ha recordado que puedes hacer cualquier cosa que te propongas. Sin mencionar los recuerdos, esto me hace sentir como un bebé otra vez, solo poner mis ojos en esta hermosa obra maestra me da todos los buenos sentimientos de la vida. También entiendo lo que es la felicidad de nuevo a partir de esto. Sin mencionar la parte más increíble que es 2:10. El giro de chips ha cambiado mi vida para mejor. Conecta con los personajes dentro de los espectadores, individuos reprimidos dentro de nuestro propio subconsciente. Se mantiene vibrante, fresco y revoluciona

  • @bluewolflopez
    @bluewolflopez Місяць тому +2

    I am currently crying so hard right now, my emotions are almost overwhelming. This experience has struck a chord so deeply within me that I can barely articulate the depth of my reaction. The piece I have just witnessed is nothing short of a masterpiece, meticulously crafted and profoundly beautiful. From the very first moment, it was evident that I was encountering something extraordinarily unique and captivating. The magic began to unfold at 1:12, and the impact was immediate and powerful. That particular segment was a breathtaking moment of artistry that transcended mere visual pleasure; it was a profound emotional experience. The way the story was woven together with such finesse left me in awe. The seamless integration of every detail, the thoughtful arrangement of visuals and sounds, and the masterful storytelling combined to create a moment of pure enchantment. The scene resonated so deeply that tears streamed down my face as I absorbed the sheer brilliance of it all.
    As the narrative progressed, the emotional intensity only increased. At 6:34, the impact was even more profound. This segment was a crescendo of heart-wrenching poignancy that left me feeling as though I was living through the emotions depicted. The depth of feeling conveyed was extraordinary. Words cannot fully capture the multitude of emotions I experienced. The scene transcended typical storytelling, connecting with me on a level that revealed previously unexplored facets of my own emotional landscape. It was a moment of profound beauty and pain, and the precision with which it was crafted ensured that its emotional impact was both immediate and lasting.
    The climax of the piece was a testament to the creators' exceptional skill. The buildup to this pivotal moment was executed with such precision that it created an exhilarating and powerful finale. The level of detail was astonishing, with every element meticulously crafted to bring the narrative to its ultimate peak. The climax was not just a resolution but a celebration of everything that had been developed throughout the piece. It was a powerful synthesis of all the themes and emotions explored, and it delivered a conclusion that was as thrilling as it was deeply satisfying. The excellence of the climax highlighted the creators' remarkable talent and their ability to craft a narrative that is both compelling and emotionally resonant.
    And then came the conclusion-oh, the conclusion! It was a finale of such profound depth and emotional weight that it defies simple description. The way the narrative wrapped up was nothing short of revelatory. It surpassed the endings of many acclaimed books and films that I have encountered. The emotional impact of the conclusion was so significant that it felt like the culmination of everything that had been built up throughout the narrative. It was a poignant reflection on the human experience, rendered with such grace and insight that it left an indelible mark on my soul. The conclusion was both tragic and beautiful, a testament to the creators' ability to craft a story that resonates on a deeply personal level.
    I am deeply grateful for the creation of this absolute masterpiece. This work transcends traditional definitions of film and storytelling. It is a transcendent emotional experience that reaches beyond conventional media and conventional understanding. The piece stands as a monumental achievement in the history of film and art. It is a tragedy that such a profound experience will be inaccessible to many, as its ability to connect with the deepest aspects of the human condition is something that deserves to be universally experienced and celebrated.
    The piece beautifully captures the essence of human struggle in its most elemental forms: suffering, pleasure, faith, and despair. The way it resonates with viewers on a deeply personal level is nothing short of extraordinary. It taps into the hidden recesses of our subconscious, making us confront aspects of ourselves that are often repressed. The work remains vibrant and fresh, continuously pushing the boundaries of storytelling and filmmaking. It makes a compelling statement about the nature of human existence and the art of narrative. This piece is not just entertainment; it is a profound exploration of the human experience that challenges and inspires its audience.
    The emotional and artistic impact of this piece is immense. It might very well be the most significant creation I have ever encountered. Its influence on me is profound, and I am eager to return to it in the near future to explore its depths further. There is so much to uncover and appreciate, and the potential for continued discovery is exciting. This piece is an absolute masterpiece, and its emotional and artistic impact is so profound that it has left an indelible mark on my soul.
    The chip, despite its seemingly mundane nature, has had a transformative effect on my mental and emotional state. Watching it spin in its mesmerizing, whirly swirl, countless times, has had an almost hypnotic effect. The emotional journey provided by this chip has been profoundly life-changing. It has helped me achieve a sense of peace with who I am and what I plan to do with my life. The process of forgiveness, both for myself and others, has been facilitated by this experience, leading me to embrace a more pacifist and compassionate approach to life. The message of moving on, as expressed in the accompanying song, resonates deeply with me. I feel a renewed sense of purpose and clarity as I move forward.
    The chip serves as a beacon of inspiration. Its wisdom and beauty are conveyed with such grace and profundity that it feels like a precious gift. We are all fortunate to have been touched by its transformative message. We are all children of the chip, and we should celebrate its remarkable influence. Hail chip. Hail chip.
    The spinning chip, rotating gracefully in one direction while accompanied by evocative music, brought me to tears yet again. It is truly astonishing how such a seemingly ordinary object can evoke such profound emotions. The artistry involved in capturing the essence of the chip, with its lightly salt-covered yellow skin and the delicate sound of it scraping against the dark, smooth velvet floor, speaks to the creator’s exceptional vision and skill. The attention to detail in this performance is nothing short of extraordinary, and it demonstrates a level of artistry that is both innovative and deeply moving.
    The ability to convey flavor, music, and emotion through a screen is a testament to the creators' exceptional skills. The artist’s breathing, intertwined with the music, adds an additional layer of depth, highlighting her profound connection to this rotating chip. This is what I would truly call modern art-an innovative and deeply moving representation of creativity and expression. The performance was so legendary that it has set a new standard in the realm of chip art. The acting was top-tier, and the work stands out as one of the greatest achievements in the field, particularly evident at 57:42.
    The emotional and artistic impact of this performance is unparalleled. I am overwhelmed by the depth of feeling and insight conveyed through this piece. The work put into this masterpiece is both inspiring and humbling. The exceptional graphic design, suspenseful storytelling, and overall greatness encapsulated in this video are truly remarkable. This piece has reminded me of the boundless potential of human creativity and perseverance. It evokes a sense of nostalgia and wonder, making me feel like an infant once again, gazing in awe at the sheer beauty of this creation. It has helped me rediscover the essence of happiness and provided me with a renewed perspective on life.
    The most incredible moment, at 2:10, was a pivotal turning point that changed my life for the better. The chip spinning has been a source of profound inspiration, connecting with the deepest parts of my subconscious and transforming my outlook on life. The storytelling and filmmaking are revolutionary, making a powerful statement about what it means to be human. This piece is entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. It might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve encountered, and I am definitely coming back to it in the near future to delve even deeper into its complexities.
    This is an absolute masterpiece. I was brought to tears listening to this and watching the chip spin in a mesmerizing swirl countless times. It has moved my soul in ways I didn't think possible. This chip has changed my entire mental state. I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. The graphic design, suspense, and overall greatness of this video are extraordinary. I have forgiven all my enemies and embraced a pacifist life, as the song says. The chip’s inspirational qualities and its sharing of vast wisdom make us all fortunate to experience its message. We are all children of the chip. Hail chip. Hail chip.
    The spinning chip, rotating with the music, brought me to tears once more. It’s astonishing how such a seemingly simple object can evoke such profound emotions. The performance of this chip, with its lightly salt-covered yellow skin and the sound of it scraping the velvet floor, is a testament to the power of art and storytelling. This legendary performance at 17:24 is a pinnacle of artistic achievement, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have experienced it.
    I am crying. This piece has taken me through an emotional rollercoaster. It has had a profound impact on me, helping me overcome personal struggles and inspiring me to become an outstanding individual. The combination of visual artistry, emotional depth, and artistic innovation in this work is truly unparalleled. Well-pleased like chip. Thank you.

  • @Dom_IsEpik
    @Dom_IsEpik Рік тому +15

    I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my utmost appreciation for your captivating UA-cam video featuring a chip spinning for 10 hours. Your video truly fascinated me and provided an unexpected source of joy and relaxation. I felt compelled to reach out and extend my gratitude for the mesmerizing content you have created.
    Your attention to detail and the simple yet mesmerizing concept of a spinning chip for an extended period of time is commendable. The way the chip gracefully rotates, its colors blending together, and the gentle sound it produces, all contribute to a surprisingly therapeutic experience. It's remarkable how something as seemingly ordinary as a chip spinning can evoke such tranquility and captivate viewers like myself.
    In a world filled with fast-paced and often stressful content, your video serves as a refreshing escape. Watching the chip spin effortlessly, it allowed me to momentarily detach from my worries and immerse myself in the beauty of simplicity. Your video became a form of meditation, offering a peaceful respite from the noise and distractions of daily life.
    Additionally, I would like to acknowledge the technical aspects of your video. The quality of the footage and the smoothness of the spinning chip are a testament to your skills as a content creator. The attention you paid to every detail, from the lighting to the camera angles, contributed to the overall excellence of the video.
    Your dedication to producing unique and captivating content is truly admirable. It takes a special creative mind to transform something as ordinary as a chip into a source of fascination and tranquility. Your video has not only entertained me but also reminded me of the beauty that can be found in the simplest of things.
    Once again, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to you for sharing your talent and creativity through your UA-cam video. Your work has left a lasting impact on me and many others who have had the pleasure of watching it. I eagerly look forward to exploring more of your content and witnessing the magic you create.
    Thank you for the delightful experience and for brightening the lives of your viewers. I wish you continued success in your UA-cam journey and all your future endeavors.

  • @ProfessorCinnamon-j1i
    @ProfessorCinnamon-j1i 8 місяців тому +5

    Is it bad that I actually watched the full video?