The way I interpret it is the first bit where you saw screaming happening to an empty room towards other screens is sort of like what society feels like it's become We all scream these things into something of a void without any real human connection. While on the later screens it shows what real human connection and communication has looked like since the dawn of time something in the middle has been lost though. That's probably not what she was thinking but then again she's an artist and she knows that people have various interpretations. She's fantastic. I have a lot of respect for her. She'd do great to come here to Las Vegas and do something. Well maybe not now with a pandemic but there's definitely a community of people who would appreciate her work, even though we seem like a barren place. I'd assure her that as the desert is not a barren place despite what it looks like neither is Las Vegas nor the art community.
I got this from begging to end I let friends see this and didn't get it at all well done Yvonne I'm on your level
Can't believe I missed this. 5 min walk from me gaff. I hope Yvonne exhibition comes back to the blanch.
The way I interpret it is the first bit where you saw screaming happening to an empty room towards other screens is sort of like what society feels like it's become We all scream these things into something of a void without any real human connection. While on the later screens it shows what real human connection and communication has looked like since the dawn of time something in the middle has been lost though. That's probably not what she was thinking but then again she's an artist and she knows that people have various interpretations. She's fantastic. I have a lot of respect for her. She'd do great to come here to Las Vegas and do something. Well maybe not now with a pandemic but there's definitely a community of people who would appreciate her work, even though we seem like a barren place. I'd assure her that as the desert is not a barren place despite what it looks like neither is Las Vegas nor the art community.