FZ1 - DV8R Series

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @tmaccowboy
    @tmaccowboy 9 років тому +9

    Finally, someone who loves the fz1s and did something about it. All the best!

  • @o.ghorafi5578
    @o.ghorafi5578 5 років тому +12

    If bumblebee was a bad ass motorcycle.

  • @gsxr05cd
    @gsxr05cd 8 років тому +5

    Looking into purchasing a fz1 soon and can't wait to buy your products. Great job Copperdawg

  • @Absolute_One_Official
    @Absolute_One_Official 9 років тому

    Copperdawg really have done it right for the naked mod.
    For those who doesn't want to upgrade to a new bike,maybe they can have this option and get this body upgrade instead and save some cash.Great work Copperdawg!

  • @afletra
    @afletra 7 років тому +2


  • @hasriothmman1461
    @hasriothmman1461 9 років тому +3

    I really hope u will create 1 new design front fairing with a windshield too! Nice works there!

    • @bnplaza
      @bnplaza 5 років тому +1

      i agree, a small windscreen would look fantastic

  • @northernninjarunner5506
    @northernninjarunner5506 5 років тому +1

    It’s like a transformer Keep up the great work

  • @miguelmoram1506
    @miguelmoram1506 5 місяців тому

    Are you guys still selling this fairings ?

  • @blistastiantransport1334
    @blistastiantransport1334 3 роки тому +1

    well, i ride a ktm 1290 sar 2020.... but the FZ1 has a spes place in my heart..... i really need 2 get one........

  • @brayanmartinez5102
    @brayanmartinez5102 2 роки тому

    Siguen vendiendo estos accesorios ?

  • @blzrdadomin8tr
    @blzrdadomin8tr 9 років тому +1

    Just wondering if the new front cowl is compatible with either of the speed screen's or any kind of wind shield at all?

  • @Brancovtn65
    @Brancovtn65 5 років тому +1

    I'm drooling...

  • @ludvigknoosfranzen2906
    @ludvigknoosfranzen2906 2 роки тому

    Absolutely love it!
    Question though: I have a 2009 FZ1-SA (ABS) and the ABS computer sits on the inner right side behind the front fairing. So, would the DV8R front fairing fit the FZ1-SA model as well? Any experience, someone?

  • @buelle109
    @buelle109  9 років тому +1

    Thanks guys

    • @TrigunV4S
      @TrigunV4S 9 років тому

      That bike looks incredible! Got question would the side fairings and belly pan and seat cowl work on FZ8 I went down on my bike in August my ERMAX belly pan and side cowls got damaged have to get new ones but these pieces you guys have look so much nicer!

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  9 років тому +1

      +TrigunVS Not sure if these will retro fit to the FZ8, but they might. Will look into this as we get these parts going.

    • @TrigunV4S
      @TrigunV4S 9 років тому

      Thanks for responding! Really dig these parts hopefully they do fit FZ8's

  • @robert-larix
    @robert-larix 6 років тому +1

    I have the FZ1-SA GT. European version with "full fairing" or whatever it might be called. Your front fairing looks really great. Does it fit my model?

  • @theflyingtiger7431
    @theflyingtiger7431 9 років тому

    Awesome. Would like a shorty screen though!

  • @fab1035
    @fab1035 5 років тому +1

    Great job here !
    All the items of the DV8R series are still possible to order on the website ?
    Thank you in advance.

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  5 років тому +2

      Yes, these items are still being produced.

    • @fab1035
      @fab1035 5 років тому

      buelle109 Very good, thank you for the response ;)

  • @MuftiBikes
    @MuftiBikes 10 місяців тому

    is it still safe to order? why can i not find any pics of bikes with this kit on?

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  10 місяців тому

      Yes we're still making all the FZ1 parts. You may find pictures on one of the FZ1 forums

  • @apollosport2895
    @apollosport2895 3 роки тому

    Is this still being made, how long to receive product as soon as payment is made?
    Also will the cobalt blue option be the same as stock?
    Bought my 2009 Fz1 7 months ago and absolutely love it, the wife and I named him Jäger. Got heated grips for it today and installed it, I need them on all my bikes noww. Greetings from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  3 роки тому +1

      Yes we are still producing all of the Copperdawg products and all colors are factory matched, turn-around times fluctuate throughout the year with spring being our busy season.

  • @donsotto11
    @donsotto11 3 роки тому

    Hi I have 2009 Yamaha FZ1 is your DV8R Front Fairing will work for me?

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  3 роки тому

      If you have an FZ1S then the answer is - Yes.

  • @lvtrackriders4460
    @lvtrackriders4460 4 роки тому

    Would the radiation caps work alone on a gen 2 fz1 or do they need the other fairing to complete

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  4 роки тому +1

      They will not work with the stock fairing but otherwise, yes they'll work on an FZ1 alone.

  • @DersNoNem
    @DersNoNem 9 років тому +3

    This looks like facelift of MT-10. Now I am in conflict between this or MT 10

    • @jobapplicant599
      @jobapplicant599 8 років тому +2

      +DersNoNem MT-10 has the more modern engine

  • @albertorodriguez7599
    @albertorodriguez7599 5 років тому

    This is an old video but do you guys make anything for the Gen 1 Fz1!?!

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  5 років тому

      We do not have anything for the Gen 1 unfortunately.

  • @rahmarbanister3836
    @rahmarbanister3836 17 днів тому

    Where can I order ?

  • @lukaszx6829
    @lukaszx6829 8 років тому +1

    motorbike look amazing,scary....but still screen missing....

  • @zorbegar
    @zorbegar 9 років тому +1

    good job!

  • @CamTheNomad
    @CamTheNomad 9 років тому

    Nice work!

  • @RealRePiLP
    @RealRePiLP 5 років тому

    2:11 no Motoroil ? ;P

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  5 років тому +1

      The bike is on the side stand and the oil is just below the site when leaned over like that.

    • @RealRePiLP
      @RealRePiLP 5 років тому

      @@buelle109 😀

  • @KutWrite
    @KutWrite 6 років тому

    Looks nice... I'm considering a used 2015 FZ1.
    I don't see a link here, so... are you guys still in business?

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  6 років тому

      Oh yeah, still here - www.copperdawg.com

  • @paliossuperas3691
    @paliossuperas3691 5 років тому

    Can i put this kit at my fz1 naked 2009?

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  5 років тому +1

      The front fairing of the DV8R will require the parts that came with the standard FZ1 so 'Yes' but you will need to source those parts.

  • @sparkyfz1948
    @sparkyfz1948 4 роки тому

    Are you still making these parts

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  4 роки тому +2

      Yes we are still making all of the Copperdawg.com parts for the FZ1

  • @adilllllllllll
    @adilllllllllll 4 роки тому +1

    Sir, with due respect.. u r charging almost 1000 usd for the set ... This is no good. .. plz rethink on it ... 25% of the bike price is been charged for 3 bolt on parts ....

    • @buelle109
      @buelle109  4 роки тому

      The cost for painted parts is indeed very high. If you look at what the factory painted parts cost, you will see they are high as well. We do everything we can to keep the cost as low as we can but when it comes to making parts with a factory finish that is as good or better than factory - the materials are very expensive and the expertise to apply them properly also does not come cheap. There is a reason that motorcycle dealerships do not have have any ability to fix or repair bodywork - it's too expensive. So if you get a tiny scratch on your gas tank they can only replace the entire tank.

    • @adilllllllllll
      @adilllllllllll 4 роки тому

      @@buelle109 sir ..m refering to raven/matte black only .... On an average front faring, radiator cover, chin n seat cowl all together will cost 1000usd ... Plus shipping.... Plz look at broader way.... Once many people start buying products ..u ll easily get orders for other make n models too ..m sure ur quality is good. . if fz1 upgrades r getting expensive, then y people will buy or maintain the bike .. sooner or later those rnd will be of no use, which u have done. As a rider, it's a suggestion... Plz lower the price and also make such parts for R1, busa etc etc. Then sky is the limit ... 😇🙏

    • @adilllllllllll
      @adilllllllllll 4 роки тому

      @@buelle109 ua-cam.com/video/umvRfVi6l50/v-deo.html
      U can watch the above link .. m winning against hp4, gsxr 1000 etc etc. . but my bike is looking so naked .. if v install parts, people look upon .. if v r unable to find n buy parts .. then y will a common rider will even bother looking for the parts. For 1000usd complete busa kit can be bought ... 😓

  • @northernninjarunner5506
    @northernninjarunner5506 6 років тому

    Nice bike 👍

  • @215020
    @215020 9 років тому

    very nice

  • @MicMurphy1981
    @MicMurphy1981 4 роки тому +1

    I hope they got paid for the mt10 because that's essentially what this is before it even came out. Yamaha stole his idea. Or he sold it to them

  • @zalmohdsazale3950
    @zalmohdsazale3950 8 років тому


  • @unlimitedbattery
    @unlimitedbattery 7 років тому

    There is no windscreen... You must be afraid to get over 9000, lol pun intended. Gotta have wind protection to go fast.

  • @gurveersingh3358
    @gurveersingh3358 8 років тому +1

    Oh wow, you lost so much weight !

  • @MicMurphy1981
    @MicMurphy1981 5 років тому

    Yall need to sue Suzuki because they stole you're design with the mt10 real talk!! If you all sid t have anything to do with that bike you have a case. That's exactly what the mt10 looks like!!!

  • @terryblankinship2192
    @terryblankinship2192 7 років тому +1

    why is it theres no phone number to this vendor on there web site, as I wanted to ask a question about my 14 fz1 inquiring as to a long scalloped gloss red wind screen, I don't like entering my credit card unless I can hear a person on the other end, I also use this same card to buy jet engine/aircraft parts so it matters to me as if this card got into the wrong hands, lol what a mess, paypal is somewhat of a red flag to me as ive had vendors whom from china use it to hide behind when they sent substandard parts n they needed to make it right n in the end they did but the bank warned me it would've be a lot easyer if id used any other form of payment, like visa/master card ect, als I see the yellow Kenny Roberts looking body work n wondered why nothing is n this color YELLOW??