Elevene og lærerne som fikk med seg overraskelsesbesøket til Alexandra Rotan og Keiino på Råholt skole fikk høre en akustisk versjon av Spirit in the sky.
"Alexandra Rotan and Keiino at Råholt Elementary School" "The pupils and teachers who got a surprise visit by Alexandra Rotan and Keiino at Råholt Elementary School got to hear an acoustic version of Spirit in the sky."
They really seem so down to earth, I really like it! :) So humble.
Woooow Keiino 😍😍😍😍😍
Shy audience but beautiful performance as always! :)
Jeg var der
eyyy jeg så det på skolen
Guys Keiino become an international brand this days so pls try to describe what u r uploading in English so everyone can understand :)
"Alexandra Rotan and Keiino at Råholt Elementary School"
"The pupils and teachers who got a surprise visit by Alexandra Rotan and Keiino at Råholt Elementary School got to hear an acoustic version of Spirit in the sky."
Alexandra went to the same school, so she came back to the same stage and performed with an acoustic version of "Spirit in the sky".
Thanks for the translation
This is sweet as she is :)