Par ok, bune pentru a dezvolta un nou hobby sau o pasiune pentru stilouri. Le-aș procura pentru copii, mai multe bucăți, și aș include cartușe color, ca să fie mai atractive pentru ei. Îmi aduc aminte că așa învățam la geografie: desenam hărți cu stilouri care aveau cartușe color :-).
Thank you for an interesting video. I watched the whole video in a language I do not understand because I was so curious how these ultra-cheap pens perform. It's entirely possible that Carrefour makes no profit at all on them, but it is available as a loss leader. The first reminds me very much of my Pilot Petit, which I do love, but seems to be a poor copy. With the Petit being so cheap, I probably wouldn't be very interested in the 1 Lei pen, except out of curiosity. As I say, I don't speak or understand Romanian, but there are enough technical and shared words that I could understand some of what you were saying, if not the detail.
Par ok, bune pentru a dezvolta un nou hobby sau o pasiune pentru stilouri. Le-aș procura pentru copii, mai multe bucăți, și aș include cartușe color, ca să fie mai atractive pentru ei. Îmi aduc aminte că așa învățam la geografie: desenam hărți cu stilouri care aveau cartușe color :-).
Cel de culoare somon, poate fi convertit in eyedropper? Merci frumos!
Da. O ofertă WOW. Acum i-au schimbat ambalajul și i-au pus un preț de 5 lei cei de la Carrefour. 😉
Thank you for an interesting video. I watched the whole video in a language I do not understand because I was so curious how these ultra-cheap pens perform. It's entirely possible that Carrefour makes no profit at all on them, but it is available as a loss leader.
The first reminds me very much of my Pilot Petit, which I do love, but seems to be a poor copy. With the Petit being so cheap, I probably wouldn't be very interested in the 1 Lei pen, except out of curiosity.
As I say, I don't speak or understand Romanian, but there are enough technical and shared words that I could understand some of what you were saying, if not the detail.
I am sorry, archivist 17. The english version will be uploaded tomorrow. It will have the same image but soundtrack in english. 🙂
@@ThePenCollectorBogdan Absolutely no problem at all. :)
This is the link to the english version:
@@ThePenCollectorBogdan Thank you!
@@archivist17 you're welcome! 🙂
Stilou îl am😊
Is it possible that it cost now only 1 lei???
The proof is in the receipt! 😉
Poți face un review la stiloul Herlitz My Pen Style, te rog?🙏🏻
Vă referiți la stiloul caligrafic cu trei penițe?
The Pen Collector nu, la cel simplu fără pernițele de caligrafie... arată la fel dar nu mai are penițe in plus 🙃
@@leonardgabriel4 am înțeles. Voi cumpăra unul și îi voi face un review la sfârșitul lunii octombrie.
The Pen Collector mulțumesc! Abia aștept..✨
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