18:23 Glad you tried my level! (If you thought that was hard play R U N. The extended, harder, gayer version of it!) I was already making the level before I discovered you! (Its an extreme demon) I hope you try it! (Youll lose your sanity exponentially)
Austin try these easy demons , they're fun and also some of the best decorated levels 1) ISpyWithMyLittleEye 2) B ( it's a medium demon ) 3) Boss 3 Electro ( By Xander Games ) 4) Eschaton ( also by Xander Games )
Its me d4isy Thx For Playing My impossible Mightyminor Challenge❤ Sorry for The Time You wasted Ill make a New One Thats like The abyss (ur gay) (update My challenge Is actually possible But Just. hella hard (
If junglelog watches this and reads this comment, i want to buff your tower challenge. I'm working on the layout of it RN and it's going asking very well.
You should play Duelo Maestro (insane demon) because I love your videos and that level is fun 😊❤
Ain't no way he actually donated 100$
Why this korean guy use mexican pesos
@@KJH777GD i live in mexico but yeah i am korean
Tysm brotha and I just watched a vid on that level and HOLY that’s crazy hard wtf 😭
@@MightyMinorsThe difficulty mainly comes from it being 2 player level. The individual sections aren’t terrible
Austin: *dies*
Everyone: Well, there go my ears again
Everyone:Well,there goes my ears again
Austin: *existing*
Everyone: Well, there go my ears again
Everyone: well, there goes my ears
Austin: *raises foot to walk*
Everyone: Well, there go my ears again
Video 8 of giving Austin money every video. 😃
Should I buy the scam membership on your main channel? 😂
Yes bruh for sure
I love you, and no don’t, I made that as a joke and can’t delete it anymore 😭
bro i live in switzerland wtf
14:15 “do you really think im that dumb? is sixtee- its eighteen, yea ez.”
I was just looking for this 💀
8:26 bro got flashbacks💀
8:18 best level for its true saying
8:24 Had me dying🤣🤣🤣🤣 And the speed he changes level was too good💀
2:33 scream moment 😂
15:33 bro "jump king *Wemake*"
in jumpking we make, we rage, we quit, we block users, we comeback, we beat and we trust
Austin: this is easy as shit, i want challenges
Also Austin when he gets an actual challenge: *blocks the creator*
0:20 advanced options are searching only for rated levels
Nooooo, MightyMinor censored his swears, they tickle my ear😭😭😭😭😭
shiver me timbers
23 minutes of Austin suffering? I’m in!
Thanks for playing my level!
Glad you tried my level! (If you thought that was hard play R U N. The extended, harder, gayer version of it!) I was already making the level before I discovered you! (Its an extreme demon) I hope you try it! (Youll lose your sanity exponentially)
If you wanna try it in another video :
ID : 102362432
Your cooked lil bro 😭🙏
I also got a video on my channel about the full level (You did tower of infinity, you can [not] do R U N)
I love when it’s extended, hard, and gay😔
"hot babes" 💀
austin fans trying not to make cancer levels challenge (impossible)
8:26 Austin: Sees your adopted and sliently close the level and find another
You need to play “In the Lab”, there’s a boss fight, puzzle, and horror section
I challenge you to make a video playing any jump king demon without a single swearing word, and completely chill with no loud noises 😂😂❤
5:25 fire 🔥
Autism try not to curse challenge: IMPOSSIBLE!
Autism lol 8:22
Mighty Minor: What did I even die to.?
Me: Uhm, Your still alive bro-
8:30 I like that he’s using the song Machinegun by camellia
Petition for Austin to play last nightmare and beat it 👇
Edit: he won't BC he requires 3*10^303 CPS for 303^303{30003*300003}303 years.
Guys, i promised i'll make the level.. 😭
I don't have the time to make it rn, i'm participating in a CC atm..
Make it as hard as possible
@@KJH777GD i'm suck tho.. but i'll try my best
Austin never fails to make us mighty the minor
6:19 "hot babes" 😳😳
5:40 mighty minor is gay confirmed! He said fair enough after it said he was gay
Play ballin it’s a good level archer queen lover
bro absolutely rages at 2:20
8:23 bro reveal the truth about mighty minor
You were so close at playing my challenge
omg guys he beat acheron
yo austin can you play Broken Roulette? its a very good easy demon and i think you'll like it
bro uploaded right as i was about to eat,W
21:32 I see we’re bringing that noise back 👍
Austin should do a video on the real jumpking
21:31 bros hitting that fortnite slurp juice
You should really try some of the good extremes, maybe somin from like the lower parts of the demon list like with extension.
You're my favorite black pop artist lots of love from Mars
Can you play battle cats and make a video on it?
Note: I know you played it but you didn't make a video on it and I want a video
4 some reason uncompleted automatically switches on a setting that restricts showing levels that arent rated
i successully got my account blocked
Every gd players dream
Good job :)
Lets continue making these guys
[8:23] Mama's boy because this guy labeled himself as "Your Adopted". Thank you for hearing my truth.
2:35 The scream tage tho💀
Austin isnt love with the king robot
Or is it?
*Music playes*
Ice … bow..
21:42 true artist singing🥹
"next demon i quit"
bro forgot to play mines
i like mighty minor videos a lot kicp the work up :)
Austin try these easy demons , they're fun and also some of the best decorated levels
1) ISpyWithMyLittleEye
2) B ( it's a medium demon )
3) Boss 3 Electro ( By Xander Games )
4) Eschaton ( also by Xander Games )
B is basically Easy Demon difficulty
I wouldn’t say 1 and 2 are fun at all, therefore it will probably make a better video.
@@TJ-hg6op the gameplays fun on B especially the ball part
its definitely fun
idk abt 1 tho :/
@@RedPandaAhaha1 is to make Austin suffer
first one is cancer
minor inconvenience
Another day, another doctor.
59 likes in 10 minutes?
Bro is rising up🥶
14:15 gotta be one of the most dumbest yet funniest moment of austin right there, i think bro really is dumb 💀
Beats the level "yeah this level is nice" dies at the end "nah fuck this level"
Will you do more bedwars?
Mightyminor should try fish collector tbh. Pretty fun
8:18 LOLLL
you should beat ascension tower by bZhappy :trol:
you should play IWannaBeatAcheron
Its me d4isy Thx For Playing My impossible Mightyminor Challenge❤ Sorry for The Time You wasted Ill make a New One Thats like The abyss (ur gay) (update My challenge Is actually possible But Just. hella hard (
3:31 my soul left my body
Mighty Minor should get an award for zestiest gd creator
17:28 Austin try not to remake jump king (IMPOSSIBLE 100%‼️‼️)
Can you do :Infinity trials (it is not rate but this is a demon) and I wanna be the GDash
he already did those
Solar eclipse is sick
do ez demon "twenty trials" trust
[3:18] bros fkn dead💀
0:18 bad wifi
for some reason using uncompleted filters for uncompleted rated levels.
hope this helps! ;)
17:48 rest in piss brother
My mightyminor challenge might be better than some (not guaranteed)
Try Siedem guwien :D
Do you have a dicord serveur ?
play i wanna be the sigma it's a very hard robot plat
Shadows from the grave
tounge cam when?
Why only 1 page to go then he suddenly move to another page so he dont see my level:(
haha i'll keep doing them (i've never made one)
Austin moments " 8:23 14:14 "
"Ill stop at 19837381923 Demons"
try not to get blocked challenge
Epilepsy worning at 17:34
Austin will u ever face reveal?
more bedwars when?
I edge to bros singing
Is this guy Austin cr?
Try to like make a demon video but you can't swear, would be good clickbait and good fun
Day 5 of asking austin to play dark odyssey
If junglelog watches this and reads this comment, i want to buff your tower challenge. I'm working on the layout of it RN and it's going asking very well.
20:35-20:41 austin beat acheron in 3x speed real