Free Energy Generator Using Magnetic Energy || Magnetic Gear

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • #creativethink #freeenergy #magnet
    This video making powerful magnetic energy using free energy generator. this magnetic energy created two bldc motor magnetic rotor used.
    Components Link :
    1. Magnet
    2. Shaft (8mm)
    3. Ball Bearing (8mm)
    Facebook Page:
    / creativethinkgr
    UA-cam: / @creativethinkideas


  • @arjunbhardwaj5922
    @arjunbhardwaj5922 2 роки тому +40

    This is not free energy. You are providing electricity to motor.

    • @alexalvarez399
      @alexalvarez399 2 роки тому

      Free of company

    • @drsatan9617
      @drsatan9617 2 роки тому

      It's to demonstrate the concept. You could power thing yourself or incorporate it into hydro or vawt wind turbine

    • @WORLD_OF_M4V3R1CK
      @WORLD_OF_M4V3R1CK Рік тому +1

      Looks like the initial spin creates enough voltage to power a small motor. So the input could be less than the output.

  • @de-bodgery
    @de-bodgery 2 роки тому +18

    HOW is this "free energy" in any way? You apply a DC power source to the brushed motor. Then you use magnets to transfer the motor torque to a brushless motor being used as a generator. You are producing electric current from the cheap BLDC motor you rewound, but HOW MUCH. You never showed power in vs power out!!! With the added mass of the neo magnets, you are using some of the motor torque generated in the brushed motor just to get the added mass moving. Brushed motors are commonly 65-70% efficient. That means something like 30-35% of electrical energy going in is just wasted. Is it over unity? I'd have to say...NOT A CHANCE! You really must think people are stupid to fall for this!

    • @ivicakoren1924
      @ivicakoren1924 2 роки тому

      people are stupid =)

    • @didur62
      @didur62 2 роки тому +1

      Well said ! unfortunately people
      Don’t understand basic physics and laws of thermodynamics and fall for this crap.

    • @de-bodgery
      @de-bodgery 2 роки тому

      @@didur62 This guys entire channel is based on BS ideas that can't possibly be over unity. Most are 50-70% waaaaaaay under just unity never mind OVER unity!

    • @HolzmannCFD
      @HolzmannCFD Рік тому

      @@didur62 yep. The freeenergy hash is simply a modern synonym for a permetuum mobile. The basic physics are not understand. Here we convert electic energy to the magnetic one and back. Each transfer is not 100% efficient hence, we loose energy and gain internal energy (temperature) or even the air around needs to be accelerated. Here, only the voltage is shown which does not mean anything ... its clear that we get some voltage out but we never compare it against the input and here, we need to compare energy rather than voltage.
      I should once make a video about the "real free energy" which simply is rebuilding the guy but shows all aspects :) So the input energy > output energy.

  • @saikiran-fy9ws
    @saikiran-fy9ws 2 роки тому +18

    What you have shown in multimeter is just an open voltage. When you connect any load to that, it will drop to very low. It cannot provide sufficient current to load. " TRY CONNECTING A 12V BULB TO THAT" it will never glow bright. Question yourself why output voltage in multimeter is higher (30V) than that of input voltage you applied to the motor. I bet the input voltage you have applied to motor is very less than 30V. Because of "open voltage concept."

    • @ethanmac639
      @ethanmac639 2 роки тому

      what's open voltage? and if that taints the test, then what about measuring current to see if this machine/device works?
      also, there is still magnetic friction that will zap the motors battery!

    • @saikiran-fy9ws
      @saikiran-fy9ws 2 роки тому +2

      @@ethanmac639 The open voltage is just measured by voltmeter without any load. When the load is connected, the voltage will drop drastically. There is no proof of measured current here. Ethan can please write it in more understandable way.

    • @ethanmac639
      @ethanmac639 2 роки тому

      @@saikiran-fy9ws thx for the response!
      so then current is proof?
      magnetic friction = magnetic resistance from pull of magnets on other magnets, it adds to the resistance overall means less than 100%, think of the people who use a brushless dc motor connected to a generator by a pulley, that is not overunity machine/device, even if they got 100% by using magnetism instead of a pulley to eliminate friction, cause the brushless dc motor and an alternator from a car have no physical connection points right, so the magnetism still has pull on the rotation, magnetic friction! which would take away from the 100% output, let alone overunity!

    • @ethanmac639
      @ethanmac639 2 роки тому

      question? if i developed a true overunity magnetic motor(just a hypothetical question i understand thermodynamics), is there a cash prize? what about if i had the patent, do you think a corporation would by it off of me if i asked for 50 million dollars American?

    • @acidbyte4760
      @acidbyte4760 2 роки тому

      @@ethanmac639 there are several patents regarding "overunity".
      No one has received a cash price. Nor the people know about these patents.
      Try to replicate them. They dont really work. Otherwise we would have been free from the power companys allready.

  • @Hanys111
    @Hanys111 2 роки тому +10

    Dlaczego na filmie nie pokazano do czego jest podłączony czerwony przewód od silnika? Do zasilania zewnętrznego. A te bębny z magnesami to zwykłe sprzęgło magnetyczne zamiast paska lub łańcucha.
    A tam gdzie cewki na stojanie i magnesy na rotorze, to zwykła prądnica, która da mniej energii niż potrzeba do jej napędu.
    Fizyka mówi: dzień dobry! 🤣🤣🤣

  • @HolzmannCFD
    @HolzmannCFD Рік тому +14

    Its always the same :)
    How do you come accross the physical laws? You are using a power supply to the motor and re-convert it back to electricity using the generator. Hence, you simply destroy energy by converting the electic energy to magnetic and back. Each conversion includes looses (internal energy - even the air around is accelerated).
    Furthermore, its always nice to see that the cables are somewhere else and no-one can see what happens. Interesting but the #freeenergy is not real. If I would rebuilt it, it would not generate more power as I add to that. It would be somehow a perpetuum mobile == freeenergy. Simply a synonym.
    However, if there are studies/paper/etc. out. Let me know.

    • @HolzmannCFD
      @HolzmannCFD Рік тому +1

      That's what I wanted to say. He is reducing it by the internal energy increases.

    • @1plus1equals369
      @1plus1equals369 Рік тому +3

      could it be that the current physical laws are in place to keep us away from a limitless mindset?

    • @HolzmannCFD
      @HolzmannCFD Рік тому +1

      If you think so, feel free to rebuilt the engine here and demonstrate us that it works ☺️ I would be more than happy to be wrong.

    • @matthewn1805
      @matthewn1805 Рік тому

      @@1plus1equals369 Or people are trying to con you into believing something that in terms of science, makes no sense, they are pandering to your ignorance and making conspiracies out of any detractors for political etc gain.
      PLEASE don't let these people play you, whether your one whose 'awake' or one that sees reality.

  • @sargfowler9603
    @sargfowler9603 2 роки тому +5

    Nice 3D printed parts - that's about it

  • @sadiqali1014
    @sadiqali1014 2 роки тому +7

    What is the power supply for the motor

  • @QuinceDeMayo-jg5wb
    @QuinceDeMayo-jg5wb 11 місяців тому

    Buen trabajo! Gracias
    Una explicación me vendría muy bien.
    Que batería utiliza para el funcionamiento del motor 12V?
    Cuántos Amperes le da el generador.
    Como a calculado la distancia entre los dos rotores magnéticos?
    El funcionamiento de del engranaje de estos rotores son de atracción o repulsión on mixto, es decir polo motor con sur o polo sur con polo sur o polo norte con norte seguido de polo norte sur?

  • @saikiran-fy9ws
    @saikiran-fy9ws 2 роки тому +6

    @Creative think, why do you make people to believe false. What will you get from that? Money?? If so, it is not worthy. " THERE IS NO FREE ENERGY". If you want to do good, try to explain the " law of conservation of energy" in a beautiful way.

    • @petername2608
      @petername2608 2 роки тому

      Bro free energy is there but we cannot make like this.
      Search tarail kapanadze
      He has made 100kw from tesla coil

    • @subashinixerox5772
      @subashinixerox5772 2 роки тому

      here the demo is regarding just magnetic gearing used. they cut the mechanical gearing's efficiency drop.

    • @QuinceDeMayo-jg5wb
      @QuinceDeMayo-jg5wb 11 місяців тому

      Dinero si llega a 18 millones de visualizaciónes puede que obtenga un ganancia para crear otro motor más eficaz?

  • @istvanmarott6494
    @istvanmarott6494 2 роки тому +1

    What is the red wire on the right edge?

  • @julian6952
    @julian6952 2 роки тому +5

    Please, if you decide to fool people with free energy maybe the others videos you made about motor design maybe also are fake and don't work so well

  • @albarqfutureenergy4950
    @albarqfutureenergy4950 2 роки тому +2

    Very soon! You will have a Torqueless permanent power generator, we invented a Torqueless permanent power generator, a generator that runs without fuel, without emissions, without noise and environmentally friendly, can be placed indoors, it is the size of an automatic washing machine and produces 15 kWh operating 24 hours in 7 days
    Now in the cycle of accelerating the implementation of innovations at Qatar Science and Technology Park to launch Al Barq Future Energy

  • @michaeltucker4090
    @michaeltucker4090 Рік тому

    ? What is the amount going for in and coming out? It is not free if it's not generating more out than in?

  • @santoshsharma1720
    @santoshsharma1720 2 роки тому +1

    From where can l buy magnet. You should give full instruction.

  • @fefafafe5059
    @fefafafe5059 2 роки тому +3

    Please indicate the poles of magnets on DC motor & the Alternate.

  • @christaylor2806
    @christaylor2806 2 роки тому +9

    This is not free energy. This is pretty much just a toy.

  • @Ra_dio_Iberico_ea4ggc
    @Ra_dio_Iberico_ea4ggc 2 роки тому +6

    Si un Transformador, estando parado o estático, al meterle una corriente Alterna, por el bobinado, primario Sacas por el bobinado secundario un Voltaje variable, con arreglo al número de espiras, que tenga el bobinado estático como corresponde a un transformador, pues ya lo tienes funcionando... Que es lo que te Falta? Para que te funcione, sin otra corriente Alterna? Bien solo te falta, un Campo Magnético Variable o Alterno inducido en el bobinado Secundario y esta variación del Campo inducido, Nos Dará la Fre cuencia de corriente, Alterna, es decir Ciclos por Segundo. Bien ahí tenéis un transformador muy básico, pero que da una Corriente, del Voltaje que queramos o tengamos calculado, por el número de espiras que tenga la bobina, bueno a ese paquete de espiras, se le pone otro bobinado el cual después de haberlo rectificado Usaremos la corriente continua, para alimentar el Motorcito que nos dará chicha suficiente para Mover todos los Imanes, entre este bobinado y el Motor se colocará un puente de Diodos y un Interruptor, para poderlo detener o parar la Máquina que solo necesitará unas cuantas vueltas para el Arranque y zas, ya tienes Energía Libre por Electro Magnetismo ,que sacarás del Bobinado Gordo, un Amperímetro te dirá los Amperios de carga que consumes del bobinado, el Voltímetro, te dirá los Voltios que está dando y un Frecuencimetro te dirá la Frecuencia de Corriente Alterna, que inducen los imanes en movimiento. Osea que el bicho Funciona y se Auto alimenta y No Escribo Cosas Raras, Son cosas básicas de la Electricidad en los Transformadores.

    • @zarathustrayo2646
      @zarathustrayo2646 2 роки тому +2

      Ya ! y si no es nada nuevo para que lo escribes? No ves que es un Fake? El Motor es de CC y el Brushels como bien sabes es de AC.....

    • @Ra_dio_Iberico_ea4ggc
      @Ra_dio_Iberico_ea4ggc 2 роки тому

      @@zarathustrayo2646 mira lo de Faque, se lo cuentas a tu papi, el de las Centrales Nucleares o al papi de los Molinos Eholicos o si prefieres a tu papi el de los huertos de Paneles Solares... De verdad quieres que siga, con la lista de Papis? Porque aun me faltan , Las Termicas y Las Hidraulicas,. Gilipuertas, que soy Ingeniero en Electronica y de Aviacion, y lo escribi para que hasta el mas tonto de la familia lo entendiese. OK.? Un saludo.

  • @ethanmac639
    @ethanmac639 2 роки тому +2

    there's still magnetic friction that will zap the motors battery

    @SINANOZYOLDAS 8 місяців тому

    For 15 years, I have been working with angular resonance and I am ready to do the electricity generation project together with investors who agree to make an official protocol. Everything will be done openly after the signatures are signed. 98% of the videos published on are wrong and do not work. I know the mistake they all make.

  • @manishswami1234
    @manishswami1234 2 роки тому +1

    You connect DC motor with batteries and by magnetic repulsion another shaft rotates . On earth every energy change, not for freeeeeee 😀

  • @n.c.197
    @n.c.197 2 роки тому +1

    Where can i buy your toolkit ?

  • @kumareshmondal6514
    @kumareshmondal6514 Рік тому +1

    Right side instrument is connected with electric line so it is not free energy .

  • @user-gb3sb2gt3h
    @user-gb3sb2gt3h 2 роки тому

    فعلا هناک محرک مغناطيسي نمودجه الحقيقي والصحيح مازال طي الکتمان لان المبتکر الحقيقي لهذا الاختراع والذي روج للفکره دون قصد مازال يحضر النموذج والفکره کامله ان شاء الله کل ما ينقص شراء مغانيط وترکيب اجزاء

  • @samirajjam6801
    @samirajjam6801 2 роки тому +1

    Where and how you can get magnet pieces?

  • @levelupstudy8773
    @levelupstudy8773 2 роки тому +1

    There are so many scientist in this world, if there is any chance of free energy development of like this they have developed it, so please don't try to make people fool.

    • @sossiserano2707
      @sossiserano2707 2 роки тому +1


  • @theirdailyactivities3555
    @theirdailyactivities3555 2 роки тому +7

    yes it absolutely free,.. cause he got the money from his grandma and than he build that 👍

  • @danbaker3723
    @danbaker3723 2 роки тому +1

    Well, it's pretty.

  • @rogertilden790
    @rogertilden790 2 роки тому +1

    The further is here to help ride the tight grip oil, gases power monopoly have.
    Bravo unspeakable but very clickable to make some big ones like this in a kit to power home appliances.
    Reach for the stars and make this dream a bigger reality

  • @amirmehrnam6156
    @amirmehrnam6156 2 роки тому

    سلام ودرود بر شما و سپاس

  • @arilehtiniemi
    @arilehtiniemi 2 роки тому +1

    Electric motor rotate generator by magnets. What's new, where is the free energy?
    Are spinning wheels free energy? No, I don' t think so. Energy is put them somehow.

  • @physicsbystanprisajny6284
    @physicsbystanprisajny6284 2 роки тому

    motor = to need zinc?

  • @mirzamanmirzaman1482
    @mirzamanmirzaman1482 Рік тому

    It’s not a free energy system but it’s free money paid to you by UTube. This video is not for children and adults know that watching videos like this is waste of time. 👎🏼 this is my gift for your good work.

  • @rusticagenerica
    @rusticagenerica 2 роки тому +1

    Some POWERFUL free energy we have there my friend !!!! How idiotic

  • @bigmanalek6569
    @bigmanalek6569 2 роки тому +1

    Show all the details and plug the generator

  • @foxking.9538
    @foxking.9538 2 роки тому +2


    • @indogreek5565
      @indogreek5565 2 роки тому

      He is using electricity.

    • @foxking.9538
      @foxking.9538 2 роки тому

      I know this, but look how to make a generator

  • @master-gbig1140
    @master-gbig1140 2 роки тому +18

    The definition in Merriam Webster's Dictionary of an Alternator is a "Self Sustaining Energy Feild." The means by which this is achieved is that the Altinater has to be 80 to 90% efficient. After the electric motor is started it drives the alternator with a belt & pully and the alternator powers the electric motor to create a "Self Sustaining Energy Feild." You did not demonstrate anything close to a "Self Sustaining Energy Feild." What you did is garbage."🚮🚮🚮

  • @garrettgonzales9478
    @garrettgonzales9478 Рік тому

    Wait, did he just use a DC motor to power another DC motor via a magnetic gear? Ummm, just use the first DC motor and skip the loss of power transfering it through the other motor. This video makes absolutely no sense.

    • @QuinceDeMayo-jg5wb
      @QuinceDeMayo-jg5wb 11 місяців тому

      Va, por lo menos enseña un engranaje magnético? Y se supone que una ganancia entre el consumo del motor y lo que genera el generador 30-12=18V?

  • @HRmusic
    @HRmusic 2 роки тому +1

    U need 3 rotators to produce free energy

  • @matthiaswilhelm9813
    @matthiaswilhelm9813 Рік тому +1

    Leider werden die Generatoren nie ohne Fremdenergie laufen bzw. Nur mit Zufuehrung einer Hilfsspannung funktionieren.Ansonsten kann die abgegebene Energie nie in der Leistung höher sein,da sie mit schlechterem Wirkungsgradverlustbehaftet ist.Das basiert physikalisch auf dem Energieerhaltungssatz.Der Rest entspräche einem Glauben aneine Sache,welche zu keinem akzeptablen Konzept mit einer Energievervielfachung führt.Es ist eher als ein Spiel mit Mechanik,Magneten und Spulen zu deuten,welche auf dem allseitig elektromagnetischen Dynamoprinzip beruhen🎯🙏😂🐒🎩👍

  • @paul_reddy
    @paul_reddy 2 роки тому +8

    RIP to all , who thought this way we can get free energy🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @carlosvalencia829
    @carlosvalencia829 Рік тому

    Para mi es bueno ,pero tenemos que usar un motor eléctrico ,y no se muestra si se puede asumir le carga gracias

  • @balloney2175
    @balloney2175 9 місяців тому

    That wire from the right side is connected to battery or other energy source. This is making electricity from another electricity. Scam!

  • @ArthurMpula
    @ArthurMpula Рік тому

    J'adore sa bien❤

  • @ajinkyayeolekar2082
    @ajinkyayeolekar2082 2 роки тому

    Energy never be produce or never be destroy , it can only tranfer from one form to another form , so this project is not make any sense of free energy it's just spread supertition related to energy production.
    Otherwise I respect to your Work in another videoes .

  • @colendecipulo1303
    @colendecipulo1303 2 роки тому +4

    That is not a free energy. Free energy is not possible since it's violating the laws of thermodynamics. Don't fool us.

  • @technicalgforce
    @technicalgforce 2 роки тому

    Nice video...

  • @FatMeatFat
    @FatMeatFat 2 роки тому +1

    creative it is and properly assembled. Design of putting all these components in alignment is simple and effective. Only thing that would be nice to see is the efficiency reading (I expect it to be ok, but not something above 1. There is an effect of magnetic interaction that can be easily overlooked in standard design. If you would accidentaly take advantage of this effect the efficiency could go up in unexpected way).

  • @Michael-ok4tm
    @Michael-ok4tm 2 роки тому

    Познавательная конструкция

  • @ryoaduken4963
    @ryoaduken4963 2 роки тому

    How many watt/hour produce your Invention?!

  • @manishsondarva0497
    @manishsondarva0497 2 роки тому

    See bro it can't be free energy because still now we are not able to do it because see what the discription of energy = energy can't be produced nor be destroyed it only can transfer from one medium to another.
    But yes your afford is great because reniwable energy is possible through your project. Just by adjusting and modifying some Ampi and volts. It can be work through its on power which is generated by adjusting or modifying and give direct connection to motor from generator.

  • @wijayacanel4062
    @wijayacanel4062 Рік тому


  • @rc-huina8221
    @rc-huina8221 2 роки тому +1

    Good 👍 video ☺️

  • @physicsbystanprisajny6284
    @physicsbystanprisajny6284 2 роки тому

    = to have piston fire? = emp goes up and down?

  • @mydogbabru
    @mydogbabru 2 роки тому +1

    Not free energy⚡

  • @wilber19541
    @wilber19541 2 роки тому

    Wow, still have to use a battery...

  • @zahari_s_stoyanov
    @zahari_s_stoyanov 2 роки тому +1

    How's this "free" ? :D

  • @baltazarmoreno4359
    @baltazarmoreno4359 10 місяців тому

    Apena estoy aprediendo viendo para ser

  • @kabil5557
    @kabil5557 2 роки тому

    Bro where place you buy this type of magnets pls tell me bro

    • @indogreek5565
      @indogreek5565 2 роки тому

      He is using electricity.He is using electricity.

    • @indogreek5565
      @indogreek5565 2 роки тому

      You can buy magnet from amazon or flipcart

    • @tinkeringwithhighvoltage
      @tinkeringwithhighvoltage 2 роки тому

      ugh please do not go buy supplies for this free energy junk... FREE ENERGY DOES NOT EXIST

    • @tinkeringwithhighvoltage
      @tinkeringwithhighvoltage 2 роки тому

      These devices need to have eff. over 100% to work, and that breaks multiple laws of physics

  • @indogreek5565
    @indogreek5565 2 роки тому +8

    You playing it using electricity. How free.

    • @dumitrughita7077
      @dumitrughita7077 2 роки тому

      De unde ati procurat magneti

    • @dumitrughita7077
      @dumitrughita7077 2 роки тому

      Mar interesa si pe mine

    • @universalwork
      @universalwork 2 роки тому

      @@dumitrughita7077 sunt și pe site-uri românești

    • @bahrululum488
      @bahrululum488 Рік тому

      Basically u just can playing it by just use ur hand and of course u don't wanna rotate that thing all day long by just using only your hand

  • @indogreek5565
    @indogreek5565 2 роки тому

    Better use generator under water pressure.

  • @michaelburgard9041
    @michaelburgard9041 2 роки тому

    Ohhh it really works! A fake that generates over 130.000 views in short time 😂.
    Free energy used some 12v current 😂😂😂😂

  • @csu9242
    @csu9242 2 роки тому +2

    All guys building such esoteric nonsense disregard the fundamental induction law, that magnetic force decreases with the square of distance. Distance twice is only one quarter force. There is no difference between light, electric waves and magnetism. To generate mechanical force you have to close the magnetic circle. These fools open a perfect running 3-phase automobil lightmaschine or divide a transformers closed magnetic circle only to show what their foolish spinning wheels they build with their precious neodym magnets all can do. They spoil a lot of time and materials and disregard, that each piece of copperwire has consumed precious energy to fetch this copper out of the earth in Sambia. There the Swiss situated Glencore dewastes the whole landscape with sulphuric steams in their smelting factories and thousands of inhabitants are suffering to death. And you all, who are admiring these nonsense maschines, you all make fire to encourage these idiots to make rubbish maschines more and more. They waste with the earths resources and the earths climatic temperature is rising quicker and quicker. These guys are the friends of China’s democracy, the Neodymium is coming to 91% from there and the circumstances to earn this devil‘s rubbish are the same like in Sambia. China is very interested in Africa’s copper and cobalt belt. Lithium makes no exception, their demonstration batteries have the origin point in the Chile‘s desert of Atacama, where all the water to wash out the lithium is spoiled, the Indios are expelled and their lives are worthless. All you, who admire those brainless nonsensemaschines, you make yourself guilty this confused material‘s rotation is going on. I will proceed to open your eyes!🥶

  • @oscarvalencia9485
    @oscarvalencia9485 2 роки тому

    it's impossible you can make a perpetual motion

  • @andyhowlett2231
    @andyhowlett2231 2 роки тому

    Free energy my arse! If you measure the voltage and current input to the motor, then measure the voltage and current from the generator under load, you will see there is less from the generator. So you have not generated fee energy, you have LOST energy.

  • @Jkauppa
    @Jkauppa Рік тому

    try one way teeth gears

    • @Jkauppa
      @Jkauppa Рік тому

      try 90 degree angle magnetic gear cvt transmission

  • @ИзраильБагаев
    @ИзраильБагаев 2 роки тому +4

    Я рад что не злоупотребление нашим временем и ваше видео очень содержательное.

  • @baltazarmoreno4359
    @baltazarmoreno4359 10 місяців тому

    Unos ya he logrado aser prediendo girando si genera.

  • @manishsondarva0497
    @manishsondarva0497 2 роки тому

    I have one question to readers can anyone give me suggestions about sterling engine or a real sterling engine experiment if someone has done successfully. I have tried it but my piston was made of M-seal so I think it doesn't work.
    So please anyone who has successfully made sterling project can guide me.

  • @baltazarmoreno4359
    @baltazarmoreno4359 10 місяців тому

    Esta explicado solo falta aser

  • @LifeScriptures
    @LifeScriptures 2 роки тому

    2 red wires on the bottom right hand corner probably connected to a power source. FAKE

  • @elvedinbuljubasic5923
    @elvedinbuljubasic5923 2 роки тому

    Can I buy it from you

  • @artangjeli
    @artangjeli 2 роки тому +1

    Its absolutely fake. Dont believe it

  • @juantamad5784
    @juantamad5784 2 роки тому

    What is obvious is there so many questions and no answer from the CT

  • @miair5287
    @miair5287 Рік тому


  • @trollmarketshop
    @trollmarketshop 2 роки тому +1

    scam...not showing everything

  • @jerrysahril
    @jerrysahril 2 роки тому

    Its not Free Energy...
    😂😂😂 😝😝😝

  • @cartasdecristo
    @cartasdecristo 2 роки тому

    Next project
    In the video description there is a link to the preprint of the article.

  • @micahldixon
    @micahldixon 2 роки тому +1

    Worst music ever.

  • @laysmuffin2484
    @laysmuffin2484 2 роки тому

    Please speak and price

  • @jamallaidley4718
    @jamallaidley4718 2 роки тому

    Nice 😉 😏 🤭

  • @ganeshsutar4214
    @ganeshsutar4214 2 роки тому


  • @KatariFreyk
    @KatariFreyk 2 роки тому

    Más falso muestra los cables rojo conectados

  • @paulbarraza2524
    @paulbarraza2524 2 роки тому

    Esa guea usa batery

  • @mdmoinuddin4240
    @mdmoinuddin4240 2 роки тому


  • @davetv4705
    @davetv4705 2 роки тому +1

    What a great idea!

  • @بحثجديد
    @بحثجديد 2 роки тому

    واضح الكذب من السبك الجانبي الأحمر لانه موصل يالتيار الكهوبائي

  •  2 роки тому

    Read faraday-lenss law, now

  • @divinejustice536
    @divinejustice536 2 роки тому


  • @kittygrey2181
    @kittygrey2181 2 роки тому

    too much work to convice people to make free energy i kmow and I say is nor free energy

  • @dihanpabasara
    @dihanpabasara 2 роки тому

    People are not that stupid

  • @poordrive
    @poordrive 2 роки тому

    This's not free energy

  • @بحثجديد
    @بحثجديد 2 роки тому

    لم وضع سبل احمر واضح انه يكذب

  • @Razor-gx2dq
    @Razor-gx2dq 2 роки тому

    There is no free energy

  • @maigijs
    @maigijs 2 роки тому

    Fake! You can't measure AC when multimeter set to DC and wires also not placed in right sockets! If you want make fake videos, then do it more believable!

    • @maigijs
      @maigijs 2 роки тому

      I mean black wire need to be in COM.

  • @wojciechwojnarowicz3668
    @wojciechwojnarowicz3668 2 роки тому

    Nobel subito

  • @xynos2151
    @xynos2151 2 роки тому

    For making this free energy thing which is just nonsense I unsubscribe your channel 🤦

  • @iLetStudio
    @iLetStudio 2 роки тому

    Sa imong oten

  • @DEV_Shadow
    @DEV_Shadow 2 роки тому +1


  • @faustozambelli3984
    @faustozambelli3984 2 роки тому


  • @yasirexperience
    @yasirexperience 2 роки тому

    Wow amazing