UML Class Diagrams | شرح مخططات الفئات (Class Diagram) في لغة النمذجة الموحدة
- Опубліковано 4 гру 2024
- مخطط الفئات (classes) هو جزءٌ مهمٌ جدًا من لغة النمذجة الموحدة UML، وهو مخطط هيكلي مهمته عرض الفئات بنظامٍ معيّن مع جميع العلاقات التي تربط بينها، وهو برأيي أشهر نوع من المخططات في هندسة البرمجيات.
يساعدك رسم مخطط الفئات على رؤية المشكلة بأفقٍ أوسع؛ وعندما تكتبها، فستفرِّغ مساحةً في رأسك للأفكار الجديدة. وتُسهِّل أيضًا فهم هيكلية الفئات من الآخرين عندما تناقش المشكلة معهم.
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Learn how to make classes, attributes, and methods in this UML Class Diagram tutorial. There's also in-depth training and examples on inheritance, aggregation, and composition relationships.
UML (or Unified Modeling Language) is a software engineering language that was developed to create a standard way of visualizing the design of a system. And UML Class Diagrams describe the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes and how they relate to one another.
This tutorial explains several characteristics of class diagrams. Within a class, there are attributes, methods, visibility, and data types. All of these components help identify a class and explain what it does.
There are also several different types of relationships that exist within UML Class Diagrams. Inheritance is when a child class (or subclass) takes on all the attributes and methods of the parent class (or superclass). Association is a very basic relationship where there's no dependency. Aggregation is a relationship where the part can exist outside the whole. And finally, Composition is when a part cannot exist outside the whole. A class would be destroyed if the class it's related to is destroyed.
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