This content is mined gold on the vast BS found on YT. Student maintenance engineer here using your videos and website for general knowledge of aircraft systems. Thank you Mr. Brady
Captain, as someone truly wants to elevate his knowledge about this majestic airframe, you are the definitive source of invaluable information. I've been flight simming for a long time now. Although, only over the last year have I had the privilege of acquiring PMDG 737, which simulates electrical systems real-time . I only can dream I had the funds to become a real 737 driver, but for now, this unquestionably brings me closer to understanding this bird. All the best to you
I generally try and restrict my work (videos, website & book) to technical details rather than get into operational procedures as these may vary with different operators, but I will see what I can do.
Question i thought of the other day while we had 1 eng gen on mel. What would happen if the main bat charger fails (on a single battery 737 ng) once airborne? Would the switched battery bus all and hot Battery bus fail after 30 odd minutes? What would the indications be? Elec light only comes one on thr ground.
@rishabhchhabra777 On your iPhone or iPad open the Books App. Search for "737 Technical". You may see two versions of the eBook, you want the one which has a release date of 2022 3 February. Enjoy!
Hi, i might have missed the explanation, if i did i apologize, but could you explain the role of the diode between TR3 and TR2? I cannot find any answer in my company books. Thanks for the content
A diode only allows electricity to flow in one direction, think of them like one way vales. The diode between TR3 & 2 shows that TR3 is backing up TR2 and not the other way around.
Good day Chris, With regards to the Standby Power guarded switch, I wonder why Boeing included a ‘Bat’ position...isn’t it completely in line with the functions of the ‘Auto’ position?
The standby hyd pump is electrically powered from AC Transfer bus 2. So, if that remains powered, you will have standby hydraulics. In your (unlikely) scenario of no engines and no APU then you will have no AC source to power the AC transfer busses, so no standby hydraulics.
Hi, great channel. Got a question on the DC system. If you loose Transfer bus 1 or a power source to DC Bus 1 why doesn’t transfer bus 2 not pick this up? But the batt and aux batt chargers do
@@ChrisBrady737 Hi, from the FCOM With loss of AC transfer bus 1 or the source of power to DC bus 1, the AC and DC standby busses are powered by the main and auxiliary battery/battery chargers.
I think we are not quite understanding each others questions and responses - always a danger with short written Q&A! If transfer bus 1 is lost, DC Bus 1 will be powered by Transfer Bus 2 via TR2&3 through the cross bus tie relay. So transfer bus 2 does "pick this up" Does this answer your question?
This content is mined gold on the vast BS found on YT. Student maintenance engineer here using your videos and website for general knowledge of aircraft systems. Thank you Mr. Brady
Thank you for your kind comments. I am glad you are finding my work useful.
Captain, as someone truly wants to elevate his knowledge about this majestic airframe, you are the definitive source of invaluable information. I've been flight simming for a long time now. Although, only over the last year have I had the privilege of acquiring PMDG 737, which simulates electrical systems real-time . I only can dream I had the funds to become a real 737 driver, but for now, this unquestionably brings me closer to understanding this bird. All the best to you
My pleasure. I am happy to hear that my videos are helping you to get more out of your hobby.
Thank you, much appreciated 🙏
Thanks for sharing. Great content.
You are welcome, thanks for watching
Great breakdown of the DC power system!
Thank you and thanks for watching
Captain you have to do a video with the elec failures! would be amazing! Great Job
I generally try and restrict my work (videos, website & book) to technical details rather than get into operational procedures as these may vary with different operators, but I will see what I can do.
Long videos… but very much in detail…. Thanks Chris.
Im curious to know why amber cb collars are used…..trying to get the answer at work.
Hi Meljoe, the colour coding of c/b collars is not standardised. So the colours may have different meanings in different airlines.
You are very welcome
My pleasure
Videos are very informative and helpful ..thanks for sharing 🙂
My pleasure 😊
41:55 Out of curiosity, why did those breakers need to be pulled during this airworthiness check flight? Was it just to avoid nuisance warnings?
The CBs were not pulled together but one at a time, so the tests could be conducted on each system individually.
Question i thought of the other day while we had 1 eng gen on mel. What would happen if the main bat charger fails (on a single battery 737 ng) once airborne? Would the switched battery bus all and hot Battery bus fail after 30 odd minutes? What would the indications be? Elec light only comes one on thr ground.
Please ask any operational or technical questions here:
Great videos.
Thank you!
what a great content, thank you so much!
You're very welcome, glad you enjoyed it.
thank you for great presantation
You are most welcome
Awesome Sir
Thank you
Superb. Your e-book link doesn’t have the option to download it. Says book link removed.
@rishabhchhabra777 On your iPhone or iPad open the Books App. Search for "737 Technical". You may see two versions of the eBook, you want the one which has a release date of 2022 3 February. Enjoy!
@@ChrisBrady737 says not available in the store for your country or region. (India)
Ah sorry, unfortunately I can’t help if Apple Books do not sell to your region, that is out of my control. Apologies.
@@ChrisBrady737 no worries, videos are equally helpful. Thanks again for the good work!
Appriciated 🎉
You are welcome
i might have missed the explanation, if i did i apologize, but could you explain the role of the diode between TR3 and TR2?
I cannot find any answer in my company books.
Thanks for the content
A diode only allows electricity to flow in one direction, think of them like one way vales. The diode between TR3 & 2 shows that TR3 is backing up TR2 and not the other way around.
Good day Chris,
With regards to the Standby Power guarded switch, I wonder why Boeing included a ‘Bat’ position...isn’t it completely in line with the functions of the ‘Auto’ position?
The BAT and AUTO positions have different air-ground logic and different sources to power the standby busses.
@@ChrisBrady737 Ahh, I see. Thank you. Great channel, sir!
In a dual engine failure (Sully scenario) no APU powered only DC, is the Standby Hyd System available?
The standby hyd pump is electrically powered from AC Transfer bus 2. So, if that remains powered, you will have standby hydraulics. In your (unlikely) scenario of no engines and no APU then you will have no AC source to power the AC transfer busses, so no standby hydraulics.
Hi, great channel. Got a question on the DC system. If you loose Transfer bus 1 or a power source to DC Bus 1 why doesn’t transfer bus 2 not pick this up? But the batt and aux batt chargers do
The DC cross bus tie relay will power the DC busses if Transfer Bus 1 is unpowered
@@ChrisBrady737 Hi, from the FCOM
With loss of AC transfer bus 1 or the source of power to DC bus 1, the AC and DC standby busses are powered by the main and auxiliary battery/battery chargers.
I think we are not quite understanding each others questions and responses - always a danger with short written Q&A! If transfer bus 1 is lost, DC Bus 1 will be powered by Transfer Bus 2 via TR2&3 through the cross bus tie relay. So transfer bus 2 does "pick this up"
Does this answer your question?
@@ChrisBrady737 Full understanding is vital. Thats how i understood until i read that part in the FCOM i quoted above though?
@@ChrisBrady737 So what about the AC and DC standby buses?
Nice 🎉
You are welcome
Thank you very much for your generosity 🙏