Rabbi Gavriel Friedman - Food for the Soul: Did Sinai Really Happen?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Judaism has a unique claim - That G-d appeared before the entire Jewish nation at Mount Sinai. Rabbi Friedman illustrates the truth of G-d's revelation at Sinai.


  • @this-is-my-voice
    @this-is-my-voice 3 роки тому

    The fact that Judaism has a different claim involving many people does not make Judaism any more true. Just a better claim.

  • @this-is-my-voice
    @this-is-my-voice 3 роки тому

    42:07 But there is no part where it says god appeared to 600,000 people and showed himself to them. That's not what it says in Shemot 12:37 'And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, beside children' if im missing another place in the torah where it directly connects to revelation please let me know.

  • @this-is-my-voice
    @this-is-my-voice 3 роки тому

    43:00 With all due respect Rav, you really think most people know all major events that happened in their history? Have you been to American schools and asked kids about all the major events? How many don't even know the star spangled banner! And this is in days where most people can read and write!

  • @this-is-my-voice
    @this-is-my-voice 3 роки тому

    Wait what? 36:06 Knowledge that China exists even for those who have never been there is clear because so many people in our own day and age have been there, not to mention all sorts of things like people from China, videos from China. That's a million times more clear and verified knowledge than a claim in a book from Thousands of years ago that 600,000 men heard moses give the Torah!! How can you even compare those?
    But please Rabbi I came hoping you can convince me. What else you got?

  • @OnkelusTranslations
    @OnkelusTranslations 6 років тому

    Rabbi, I wonder about miracles that other religions do claim were witnessed by many people. For example, the loaves and fishes or walking on water or any of that. Could there be some group psychology that would explain a nation of freed slaves believing they had witnessed something Divine?

    • @this-is-my-voice
      @this-is-my-voice 3 роки тому

      I don't see what it matters which religions have a better claim. At the end of a day it's just a claim. And even that may not be true. See my above comment. I am waiting to see these Rabbi's wisdom.

  • @this-is-my-voice
    @this-is-my-voice 3 роки тому

    24:45 but this is only true if the story in the Torah that Moses actually spoke from Sinai to the Jews is true! If it's not true then there's no one to say liar and it's all made up. So in essence it proves nothing? What do you say Rav Gav?