Delia's cute little apartment - at least the front room with the front door is Reenie Zsabbos room in her dads house that she had him fix up like an apartment after she came home from Riverside hospital, when she brings Bucky to her house while they were dating its obvious you can totally see it's Delia's apartment!
I have never yelled out loud at a tv character as much as I do at Delia. She is the absolute worst!
Thank You, for providing the missing RH's episodes!
Those stupid cherubs on the can Pat even sleep there? (I know he hardly sleeps.) It's like a little girl's room.🙄
How would Alicia know about "the tests that he did not order"?
Frank, still doesn't know the truth about Edmond.. Seneca, is playing an unethical dangerous game.
Delia's cute little apartment - at least the front room with the front door is Reenie Zsabbos room in her dads house that she had him fix up like an apartment after she came home from Riverside hospital, when she brings Bucky to her house while they were dating its obvious you can totally see it's Delia's apartment!
It’s also Tom Desmond’s place
You are right!
People trying to protect pat , but he did make the wrong diagnoses- tired or not tired!!!!!
The majority of the doctors I've seen in my lifetime have given me wrong diagnoses and nothing ever happens to them.