Aliens observe this Filthy Creature | Voices of the Void

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @Zappygunshot
    @Zappygunshot 10 місяців тому +32

    Re: tick-borne diseases
    There's so many of them.
    And they all suck in unique and terrible ways.
    I've got one, so trigger warning for eldritch knowledge that will fuck up your perception of reality forever:
    A few years ago I caught neuro-Lyme, which is a variant of Lyme's Disease that, instead of setting up shop in your joints and causing rheumatism that way, moves into your spine and brain cavity, and starts snacking on your neurons. If the idea of waking up one day and half your face doesn't work right anymore - which is what happened to me - sounds bad enough to you, it gets worse: the symptoms (besides the skin reaction to the bite itself) can take _years_ to start showing, so it's entirely possible you get infected at some point without noticing, thinking you got away with it, only for like five years later your body to just stop listening to what you tell it to do.
    I was ''lucky'' enough that symptoms started after about a month, and I got treatment pretty much right away, but here's another kicker: that fun little story of how to spot a bite and how it develops is terribly unreliable. My bite hardly looked anything like the 'red splotch -> ring -> fade' the text books talk about, instead becoming a big purple bump about 5cm across, which after a bit grew in size until it faded out over about two weeks. It was so different I initially thought it was just a random weird bug that bit me, and at first even my GP didn't think it was a very big deal (and he's good, real good).
    Anyway then the headaches started. Or rather, headache. One, weeks-long, continual headache. Just painful enough to be noticeable all the time. And then, my face stopped working properly. When I'd smile, it took far more effort to try and move the right half of my face the same way, like you're trying to lift a weight with your cheek muscles, it's really weird to describe because my sensory nerves hadn't been affected so I did still feel stuff, I just couldn't move it right.
    So yeah, that's when I went straight to the hospital, got spinal tapped - twice because they messed it up the first time and contaminated the sample with blood - and then spent two weeks on an IV getting a medical equivalent of the Nuclear Option shot straight into my veins in an effort to forcefully and violently evict every last remaining little creature squatting inside my brain cavity. Not pleasant.
    I mostly recovered over the course of those two weeks, but I still suffer from a noticeably decreased level of energy, am more sensitive to overstimulation (particularly sounds get on my nerves real quick now), and while it's no longer visible, I still _feel_ that I have slightly less strength in the right side of my face. Those will never go away, for as long as I live. Because of a single bloody tick bite.
    By the way, if you don't know what a spinal tap is like, brace yourself. The procedure itself is pretty simple: stick a needle in your lower back, between two vertebrae, and suck some fluid out so you can run tests on it. That means that there's a sharp pointy piece of metal getting inserted into the place where all the nerves controlling your entire lower body come together before heading up to the brain. Damage there could mean permanent paralysis from the waist down, and your body's evolved to be very Not About That Shit, so it'll let you _know_ that something *_really not good_* is happening right now. I don't know if you've ever had a dentist drill out a cavity, but it feels like really uncomfortable and weird and horrible and nasty when he gets to the bottom of the cavity, right? Well that, but it's your _entire lower body,_ and while your every instinct is screaming at you to kick and thrash and murder everyone in the room, you have to lie still because there's a sharp pointy piece of metal currently stuck in a place where significant enough damage could mean permanent paralysis from the waist down.
    Luckily, that part only lasts a few seconds, and then you're about a thimble of brain fluid lighter. No big deal, right? It's mostly water and a bunch of nutrients and enzymes and stuff... right? Well, about that.
    See, your brain is a delicate instrument, and it requires some very specific conditions to operate properly. For example, if your brain temperature drops by only a few degrees the whole thing shuts down. Same if it's starved of oxygen for mere _seconds,_ you get all fuzzy and your vision gets blurred and you can't think properly anymore, and if it's then suddenly restored you get this headrush and colours are brighter and so on. A kink for some, but it's not my cuppa'.
    Anyway, another parameter your brain gets _very particular_ about is _pressure._ If the fluid pressure inside your brain sac is only slightly off, you get a *_mother of all headaches._* Like it's _bad,_ it's *_really, really bad._* It's 'my head is about to implode, explode, turn into a donut and then liquify like you're in Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark' bad. You know the scene. That's kind of how it feels when your brain has slightly too low pressure.
    Now you might ask, what's that got to do with something that happens to your lower spine? Turns out your brain sac actually runs aaaaall the way down through your spine, and now there's a hole in it at the lowest point. Suffice to say, if you get up right away, fluid will immediately start to leak through that hole, pretty much guaranteeing torturous pain for the foreseeable future, so instead you're instructed to stay lying down on your side for about half an hour. You know, to give your body some time to fix the leak before you condemn yourself to wondering if it'd be preferable to headbutt the business end of a running industrial power drill.
    If all goes well, you'll have lost only a single thimble's worth of fluid, which is usually not enough to trigger that headache so bad your worst migraines have nightmares about it, but remember how I casually mentioned not all went well? They hit a vein on the way in the first time, which sloshed blood through the sample, rendering it useless. Can't really see what's in your drinking water if someone took a shit in the testing sample, right? So they have to do it again, and while _one_ thimbleful of brain fluid is something you can just about miss, _two_ is decidedly too much. At that point, it doesn't really matter if the little pinhole heals shut nicely, the second you get upright, the sky falls on your head and it won't let up until you get horizontal again and even out the pressure.
    So that's precisely what happened, and that might sound pretty bad, but you know maybe I'm just exaggerating a traumatic experience; like what's so bad about lying down for a bit while you replenish your noggin juice? Let me explain, and maybe you'll see why I'm putting so much emphasis on this.
    Two thimblefuls of fluid is normally peanuts for your body. It's like we're big meat sponges, with how much liquid we ooze out of every orifice on a daily basis. Sweat, piss, saliva... that's nothing. Even for your blood, that amount takes a few minutes at most to get back. But Forbidden Thinking Water, now that's _special stuff_ right there, you don't just toss in whatever and let it sort itself out. Like I said, the brain is a delicate instrument, it might get upset if it doesn't have exactly the right ratio of goo to sludge, you know? It takes precision, and precision takes time, and time is what suddenly slows to a crawl when you're unable to stand for more than 30 seconds without vomiting your guts out from the pain... _for. two. weeks._ That piddly little bit of Smart Soup, took me *two stinkin' weeks* to refill! Now I'm a solid sleeper, and don't balk at a lazy day of basically moving as little as possible, but after two entire weeks of being physically incapable of basic tasks like eating food or taking a shower or stretching your legs for a bit without feeling like your skull is about to collapse into a black hole and devouring the entire city, I was ready to sprint a freaking marathon. Not because I thought it'd be fun or like I'd do particularly well at it - after all, I'd barely lifted a finger for a fortnight and I'm not a sporty person at the best of times - but just because I _had_ to _move_ and I had to do it _now._
    Anyway that's my story, hope you enjoyed reading this, or at least I hope you now hate ticks with the same passion I do and never forget to check again. I carry a reminder of my mortality with me forever, its shadow looming over every smile I make. Heed my warning! Do not let the ticks get you, for mine is but one story in the vast ocean of cursed knowledge that is neurological diseases that could ruin your life forever in an instant. Take solace in the control you may exert over the tick, for far worse fates than mine befall the lesser fortunate, with no warning, prevention or cure...

    • @seanrigsby4350
      @seanrigsby4350 10 місяців тому +3


    • @The-Okami-Project
      @The-Okami-Project 10 місяців тому +6

      Think im going to have nightmares now. Thanks.

    • @Maski500
      @Maski500 5 місяців тому +1

      you talk a lot

    • @Zappygunshot
      @Zappygunshot 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Maski500 I love the sound of my own voice.

    • @Maski500
      @Maski500 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Zappygunshot relatable honestly, I respect it

  • @Duransurik
    @Duransurik 10 місяців тому +47

    Some games don't know this thing called atmosphere, this game went so hard on atmosphere that the gameplay loop is less of a deal breaker

  • @BradleyZS
    @BradleyZS 10 місяців тому +12

    Genuine deut'an moment when Tomato glances across a broken server and calls it all good.

  • @ConcreteUnending
    @ConcreteUnending 10 місяців тому +27

    It's crazy that the game has like a few dozen entities and scp type creatures and in all his past streams he has only run into one, and that was those static triangles xD Just goes to show how chill the game can be if you don't go searching for the creepy parts. I play this much the same way.

  • @StinkyPoopyMcFartFace
    @StinkyPoopyMcFartFace 10 місяців тому +44

    Hello Pit Goblins and Mr. Mato. I'm going to be going to rehab very soon and i just wanted to thank the Red Man for providing humor and a bit of happiness in a time of darkness.
    Stay away from shady people who run up to you on the street trying to give you free salt in a ziplock bag.

    • @MrShock8
      @MrShock8 10 місяців тому +6

      You need it

    • @ItsJoKeZ
      @ItsJoKeZ 10 місяців тому +5

      my man! best of luck on your journey, you'll do amazing. don't forget why you started rehab no matter how hard it gets ✌🏾🤞🏾

    • @StinkyPoopyMcFartFace
      @StinkyPoopyMcFartFace 10 місяців тому +4

      Thanks fellas! I do need it!

    • @Vaguer_Weevil
      @Vaguer_Weevil 10 місяців тому

      What if I got a bag of fries and REALLY need that salt though

    • @isingra
      @isingra 10 місяців тому

      @@StinkyPoopyMcFartFaceI will save your seat in the Pit Theater by keeping it warm for you until you are free of the darkness within. Go now friend, recover well, the Pit awaits.

  • @thecinemagician
    @thecinemagician 10 місяців тому +17

    That thumbnail tomato looks like he ate something reeeeaaaallly bad😂

  • @rune5416
    @rune5416 10 місяців тому +6

    Tomato is Smaug with a hoard of trash instead of gold

  • @spacedandy7555
    @spacedandy7555 10 місяців тому +1

    Local red fruit proceeds to abuse robot colleagues with trash instead of doing their job.

  • @vapersucc1094
    @vapersucc1094 10 місяців тому +6

    ET spys on disgusting red fruit with trash arch, decides to self-annihilate

  • @leafdog2714
    @leafdog2714 6 місяців тому

    4 streams in a row of the "game where nothing happens". Love it!

  • @mrpieceofwork
    @mrpieceofwork 9 місяців тому +1

    We need a "VOTV" and "Urge" mash-up... "Urges of the Void"

  • @limbothebiggay1709
    @limbothebiggay1709 10 місяців тому +3

    1:52 Last Voices of The Void video I had said to wait until he realizes all grime gets reset, this is the punishment.

  • @mrpieceofwork
    @mrpieceofwork 9 місяців тому

    2:59:33 LMAO Broomba's like "SEE YA, SUCKER!"

  • @Nid382
    @Nid382 10 місяців тому +2

    Dont tell him, but it was I who ate the shrimps

  • @nsfshdfgj
    @nsfshdfgj 10 місяців тому +2

    freaking aliens

  • @Dumbshitotaku
    @Dumbshitotaku 10 місяців тому +6

    Dr. Huegh J Load on scene today

  • @razorka1293
    @razorka1293 10 місяців тому +1

    can you use trash to build a staircase to the roof?

  • @zazikikomo7796
    @zazikikomo7796 10 місяців тому

    I accidentally had the video muted at 3:15:00 where he has the dream about the walls closing in and it became an art piece.

  • @BlackburnBigdragon
    @BlackburnBigdragon 10 місяців тому +5

    I really love this game and I've played it quite a bit. But one thing irks me about this game. The interface is so clunky. It literally fights you when you try to do EVERYTHING. Even things that should be simple like picking up and dropping things is clunky. After a while of playing, my fingers get sore from having to hold down keys awkwardly all the time. And it would really be nice to have some kind of visual cue to tell you the position of the knobs for the console where you tune in the polarity of the signal. Signal simulator got these controls right. This game uses the scroll wheel for that. It's clunky, and you can't see what you're doing. And I'm always having to go into my windows to adjust the mouse sensitivity to not barely push the mouse wheel only to have the signal polarity go flying out of sync. I love this game, but I absolutely HATE the controls.

    • @Jishere232
      @Jishere232 6 місяців тому

      If you're holding E on one of the knobs, you can look around as you're scrolling so you can see the screen. You don't have to be looking at the knobs

    • @Jishere232
      @Jishere232 6 місяців тому

      I agree there should be a visual on the knobs though

  • @shocknsonic9013
    @shocknsonic9013 9 місяців тому +1

    4:08:51 I want that recording as a song I can listen to. I can not find it on its own, however. Would appreciate if somebody could find it for me

    • @LPSgal10
      @LPSgal10 3 місяці тому +1

      It’s from the Neverhood! It’s probably the title theme or something

  • @GeoW-c9b
    @GeoW-c9b 10 місяців тому

    msg is just a sprinkle. kind of like a rough pepper.

  • @BridgitteBaker
    @BridgitteBaker 10 місяців тому

    looks like kerfus can be upgraded according to the wiki

  • @Atemnûra_KrünZorûk4.5
    @Atemnûra_KrünZorûk4.5 5 місяців тому

    The gun is behind the garage not in it.

  • @WidoLobox
    @WidoLobox 9 місяців тому

    Tomato “Bug Eater” Gaming

  • @theufua
    @theufua 10 місяців тому +1

    I swear, the past few Tomato VoDs I've watched, Layna just gets bullied for one reason or another.
    It's hilarious.

    • @shocknsonic9013
      @shocknsonic9013 9 місяців тому

      She comes in and gets owned immediately and it's grate every time

  • @friendist9323
    @friendist9323 9 місяців тому

    3:57:07 he, in fact, did not. Hilarity ensued.

  • @Toxicwasp25
    @Toxicwasp25 10 місяців тому

    The Pit Provides.

  • @Flohhupper
    @Flohhupper 10 місяців тому +6

    Finally a singleplayer game. Nice!

    • @crystalbirthdays
      @crystalbirthdays 10 місяців тому +8

      No. I actually play all the aliens and mannequins. My coworker David plays as the signals and cockroaches.

    • @Vaguer_Weevil
      @Vaguer_Weevil 10 місяців тому +4

      Does it still count if the game is playing you instead?

  • @pepeboi1066
    @pepeboi1066 7 місяців тому

    It’s a shame he never gets to the really fucked up part of the game

    • @Jishere232
      @Jishere232 6 місяців тому

      I just got the unknown entity that sends you the skull image, and the other aliens contact you trying to warn you what to do and it was literally 3 am irl and that's one of the most terrifying video game experiences I've ever had

  • @BlackburnBigdragon
    @BlackburnBigdragon 10 місяців тому +1

    Ever since I started playing this game, I've wanted to know, why the hell this expensive, government run, facility, is a complete trash filled, s**t hole!?!

    • @1776SolidSnake
      @1776SolidSnake 10 місяців тому +2

      Answered your own question by saying govt run

    • @BlackburnBigdragon
      @BlackburnBigdragon 10 місяців тому +1

      @@1776SolidSnake Haha!!! Touche'!

  • @kabunouveau
    @kabunouveau 10 місяців тому

    What is the intro music? I'm vibing so hard with it omg I need to know

    • @bezidejis
      @bezidejis 9 місяців тому +2

      I believe it's the rock man theme from FTL

    • @kabunouveau
      @kabunouveau 9 місяців тому

      @@bezidejis a saint. thank u

  • @BakedBanana
    @BakedBanana 10 місяців тому +1

    oh wow

  • @crisperstorm
    @crisperstorm 10 місяців тому +2

    I love Tomato but even as a viewer I feel like he's scolding me all the time

  • @whizthesugoi
    @whizthesugoi 10 місяців тому

    Wow i forgot this stream
    Love this game so much

  • @kuznetsov9471
    @kuznetsov9471 10 місяців тому

    Do hope that he managed to at some point get Kerfur Omega Although, from watching him for so long I do know he would never be able to get it, considering he has NEVER figured out how to drop items that is as simple as "Alt + R". OOF

  • @fruit2540
    @fruit2540 9 місяців тому

    This game has good atmosphere but all the "funni" things in the game are legit making me dislike it