Reparations for Black Americans-Whether, why, and how?

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @daveramses8236
    @daveramses8236 4 роки тому +45

    I hope the Jews contribute to reparations for Africans since they ran the slave ships and slave trading posts according to Dr. Tony Martin. They helped finance the Europeans on their quest for African slaves. Most Jews will deny or play ignorant to the fact.

    • @itsallminor6133
      @itsallminor6133 4 роки тому +6

      This was already paid for by the blood of white people in the civil war, and white people STILL pay for it because some in your community can't let it go. How about a full cost benefit analysis on the african American community and see who owes who?

    • @thebluejay3145
      @thebluejay3145 4 роки тому +15

      Not really. There are a percentage of blacks who've received no benefits yet have been terrorized through redlining, unfair sentencing, hiring practices, media degradation...I'd love to see how much were really owed by any american court sysyem.

    • @itsallminor6133
      @itsallminor6133 4 роки тому +2

      @@thebluejay3145 none. And if a court did they would just establish a new court.

    • @thebluejay3145
      @thebluejay3145 4 роки тому +2

      @@itsallminor6133 I'm sorry I thought youd have a logical response

    • @gatorkati
      @gatorkati 4 роки тому +7

      Wow. Cause "most Jews will deny or play ignorant" isn't anti-Semitic or discriminatory at all

  • @LA.DaHunter88
    @LA.DaHunter88 4 роки тому +16

    SEPARATION must also be discussed because we will still be subject to the same business and institutional practices. We need to control our environments, business, social and political. Not repatriation to Africa either, land on US soil for a city-state or territory similar to DC, Puerto Rico, or tribal reservations.

    • @rebeccasingletary4615
      @rebeccasingletary4615 2 роки тому +2

      What are you trying to say, about not Reparations, we deserve that money, that's what they owe our Ancestors, but a lot of our Ancestors is going.
      Their Generations of Grands is still here to get it

    • @zazabawabenlewi6673
      @zazabawabenlewi6673 2 роки тому


    • @Doubledousage
      @Doubledousage 2 роки тому

      @@rebeccasingletary4615 what is ur nationality sister?

    • @ninadaly7639
      @ninadaly7639 2 роки тому +1

      You want your own nation? Then build one. Sounds like you expect everything to just be handed to you.

    • @davruck1
      @davruck1 2 роки тому

      its the only option. we will never assimilate with their backwards greedy culture. I don't want their acceptance

  • @kaizahjones99
    @kaizahjones99 4 роки тому +117

    Whenever it comes to benefits for blacks or implementing any system that advances them every other racial group comes out to stand against it.... I find it very interesting that we don’t see blacks standing against the advancement of anyone.

    • @takemyjobpleeez
      @takemyjobpleeez 4 роки тому +22

      Yes! Truly, what has the black community done to whites, that's so bad?

    • @cathrynjackson8151
      @cathrynjackson8151 4 роки тому +17

      Look around us. It’s because they are probably more than likely the nations who conspired against Israel and Judah.
      The children of God.
      We were set in the land of our enemies
      Every time they see our face they should already know a crime has been committed.
      We are Israel
      Yes we are Judah
      The only thing left to do is go back home to the Lord.
      Repent and turn our faces , mind, heart, and soul back towards the Lord our God the Holy one of Israel and pray.
      Christ our Lord
      Jesus came for the lost tribe of Judah and we are it.
      Seek the face of the Lord and you will find Him.
      Jesus did not come to this world to bring peace, he came to divide.
      Vengeance truly does belong to the Lord.

    • @kaizahjones99
      @kaizahjones99 4 роки тому +10

      Cathryn Jackson hallelujah amen! May we dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

    • @sexy_ol_school1101
      @sexy_ol_school1101 4 роки тому +23

      Especially when it comes to money being paid?? We don’t say anything against anyone who got money, but let us talk about getting reparations, oh no.... we don’t deserve to get anything coming from all ethnicities, particularly coming from the so-called Jews who continue to get paid to this day??? even a lot of our own people don’t think we deserve any money, so you’re right it is interesting to witness??

    • @MS-in3sl
      @MS-in3sl 4 роки тому +6

      @@cathrynjackson8151 isreal is the seed of satan. stop talking deluded nonsense,

  • @timewilltell7409
    @timewilltell7409 4 роки тому +10

    Why exactly is Susan Neiman present? And why did she speak first? It’s incredibly disrespectful. The Jew-ish people were victims of the holocaust, yes, but their history has no comparison to the atrocities to which we were subjected. Her perspective has no relevance to the subject at hand.

    • @elyzabethhenry9373
      @elyzabethhenry9373 4 роки тому +1

      I agree, her presence was not needed and she had some tendencies that we're all to familiar with. She didn't like that 12 trillion pricetag AT ALL and that was conservative imo.

    • @logenninefingers9332
      @logenninefingers9332 4 роки тому +1

      @Jacklynn Jackson Get over it, you are not getting anything. The Jews have worked hard for their successes, everyone can learn from them. You want racism, go to any other country, India is the most racist country in the world, and in Argentina, blacks made up about 30% before the 20th century, now less that 1%, because blacks are hated there. Get over it, the USA, not a perfect country, is way better than most countries.

    • @kimbyrd2298
      @kimbyrd2298 4 роки тому +1

      Once again a misinformed statement is made out of sheer refusal to educate oneself. Allow me to teach you better. The people in Africa who bartered and sold people were not of the Hebrews. Copper Colored Nation's today are the original Hebrews and Jews. Black Nations. Now the people who today reside in Israel that have convinced the entire world that they are the Jews of the Bible are not. The original Hebrews are the Black Nation's that were sold into slavery. In 701 BC Babylon and Rome sent King David's sons to Spain. Prior to all of that Esau persecuted and killed sons of King David. Roman Christians burned the sons of David at the church door (Zachariah 1:15-16. They were Israel's enemies. Zuzim H2104 means Roving Beast Satan.
      Emim H368 means Terrors children of darkness.
      Horim-Horite H2752 means Cave Dwellers. They are actually the ASHKANI or ASHKANAZI who were Cave Dwellers and came out of the Caucas Mountains. They are the Caucasian of today and Europeans. The children of Esau. This is why Esau persecuted and killed the Sons of David.
      Rephaim H2495.
      1481 Spanish Inquisitions was founded to deal with Jews the true original Hebrews not the ones that you see today. Who call themselves Jews but are not.
      Saville was the begiñning of of the Atlantic Slave trade and the Inquisition. Spain issued contracts to govern Slave trade also from Seville. The first people to be burned and put to death were also from Seville. And were the Sons of King David. Seville was The hometown of King David's Sons. King David Sons were given the choice of denouncing the 1.Talmud and Laws. 2. Accept Christianity. 3. Be sold into Slavery. 4. Leave the country. or 5. Accept death.
      Many chose to leave. Many of King David's Sons were sent to Africa where they were never accepted. They maintained different customs. And as a result were tracked and sold by Africans. This was equivalent to Americans selling Australians, Irish or Russians. Some of the household of King David rathered
      kill themselves and their children then to become Roman Christians. You see they were fulfilling prophecy.
      West Africa Lancados: Here Sons of King David were persecuted by Moors.
      Portugal: They suffered expulsion and their children were made Slaves. They went from there to Spain to Africa. They were never of African descent and were shunned by the Africans who considered their Holy ways unusual, outlandish, and flamboyantly ritualistic. Now so that you will understand more fully. The Kingdom of Judea had a Northern Kingdom and a Southern Kingdom. The people of the Northern Kingdom are today's NATIVE AMERICANS and the LATINOS these are the TRIBE OF EPHRAIM.
      The Southern Kingdom is made up of today's BLACKS who are THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. Which is also why they keep changing our name. The more education we aquiered the closer we began to get to the truth. These people are not to be confused with Africans who do not use the term "Black" to describe themselves. This term derived from and originated from America.
      THE TRIBE OF LEVI are today's HATIANS.
      HELPFUL SCRIPTURE: GENISIS 25:21-25, 2CHRONICLES 28:17, DEUTERONOMY 28:68, OBADIA, AMOS, DANIEL 4:17, OBADIA 1:1-20, ISAIAH 14: 1-21. If anything is unclear pray and ask God to reveal the rest to you. So now you should understand the Great Cover Up, Colonization, and why Blacks are enslaved and hated world wide they are fulfilling prophecy. They are the only people on the face of the Earth to fit the Prophecy. And are Abraham's true decendants. No other group of people were scattered, tortured, shipped, separated, and hated world wide. The punishment came from God but has been fulfilled. Today evidence of the fulfillment of the punishment is seen in society world wide. Protests and demand for respect, acceptance of self and Black Beauty has become contagious world wide. And the punishment was up in the year 2019. No we never sold ourselves. We love one another which is why we boycott enmass. And why you see world wide protests. We support one another.
      Now that you have been properly educated perhaps you can share this with your friends. If you have children in school, share this with your child's schools educators and insist that they make it apart of the curriculum especially during Black History Month. Perhaps you can volunteer to come to the school and teach just the part that I have shared with you. Each one teach one. No one has to remain in the darkness called ignorance. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36 KJV).
      You are extremely misinformed. Blacks were in America long before Europeans. Columbus never set foot in America. Ever. California is named after Queen Califia who ruled an army of highly skilled sofisticately trained women warriors. Everything in her Kingdom was made of gold. All tools, weapons and culinary items. Columbus wrote of hearing of their prowess and heroism. Many of the later European explorers also wrote of Queen Califia. Isabella and Elizabeth knew of Queen Califia's reign. Queen Califia's warriors domesticated and trained Griffiths. Griffiths are huge wild birds. She and the women under her rule used the Griffiths as their preferred mode of transportation. In the Grand Canyon Blacks left art work and tools and weapons also multiple hireogliphics. Blacks mated with Indians long before Europeans set foot in the Americas. They married and traded with them. Now concerning your most ignorant comment about ships. Who do you think first sailed Earth? Your people came from Blacks. You came out of caves. Your people came from the Caucus Mountains out of caves. That was long after we, the Black world rulers smelted iron, engineered and built massive ships and other sea worthy crafts, performed surgery, invented air conditioning which was used in both the Cushite Empire and the Egyptian Empire as were cell phones and computers. Our original computers were buried with our Pharo's. In museums today computers and cell phones are catalogued and kept. These were taken from sealed Pharo's tombs as were models of astronauts carved in gold. The Myans and the Aztecs worshipped Blacks. The mounds that you see in South America contain artifacts, statues, ceramics, woodwork etc.... All of Black culture made by Blacks who were there first....whom they worshipped. You do not know much. You do not even know your own history. Do not embarrass yourself any further in the future. I took it easy on you because it is obvious that you are unlearned. There was a Black Queen of Great Britain. You should have certainly known that. Benjamin Franklin who read our ancient writings followed our methods and claimed to have discovered electricity. This is most laughable since our Pharo's palaces had electricity. There were light bulbs in Africa during the Igbu, Cushite Nubian and Egyptian Empires. Europeans never had an original thought. They are the globes thieves.
      That's correct. We also had computers, air conditioning, discovered electricity, there were light bulbs in the royal palaces. We had cell phones and computers, Sealed Pharo's tombs once unsealed and opened produced among their treasures cell phones and computers which are in European museums today. And the Europeans can not understand how to operate them but teams of IT experts all agree that they are superior and far more advanced than anything on the market today including Home Land Security, NSA, and Military computer equipment. They also found within the tombs carved miniature statues of astronauts in solid gold. We took them to South America and left an array of art work there. The people of that land worshipped our fore fathers. The mounds cover our early presence and rule there.We were first to smelt iron, had elaborate irrigation systems, outstanding advanced agricultural systems, the most advanced astrologists, were familiar with binary star systems, the west did not discover binary star systems until the 20th century. We were the first to do surgery, first to perform cesarians, anestitizing the patient and using proper tools. The Cushites and the Nubians were the best Warriors in the world. Alexander the Great himself dared not invade them but went in the opposite direction. The Greeks extolled the education, creative abilities, wealth, art, medicine, astrology, philosophy, science, literary genius, libraries, governments and spirituality of the entire Continent of Africa no other nation on the face of the Earth could compete with their advancements. The Romans could not conquer the Cushites. And in fact often hired Nubian warriors because of their outstanding and superior archery skills. Ethiopia was never colonized by a European power. It was not until 1936 that Italy occupied the country but they were never colonized. Blacks ruled the world. Gun powder and inhuman cruelty left nation's devastated changing the world and placing power into the hands of immoral and unbalanced individuals who left in their wake destruction, devastation, disease, madness, genocide, and the most frequent and worst atrocities the world had ever seen. But power shifts and the echoes of the world's greatest civilizations is today beckoning the descendants of vast Empires and knowledge is being placed in our spirits and courage within our hearts and our fore fathers are saying to us all......RISE.

  • @kimberlythompson5216
    @kimberlythompson5216 4 роки тому +30

    We are in Harvest Season!!!!! Favor and Overflow!!! We will get it!!! We are walking into our Promise Land!!!! The wealth of the wicked will be transferred to the people of the Lord!!! Ask and you shall receive!!!!

    • @MichaelStoryNewell
      @MichaelStoryNewell 4 роки тому +2

      Harvest season? You’re harvesting someone else’s crops.

    • @armorvision9252
      @armorvision9252 4 роки тому +2

      No, we're Finally receiving the benefits of the harvest that we created.
      Our people worked for free for hundreds of years. We were promised reperations!! We never received them! We were freed and then ignored and mistreated. Slave OWNERS received $8,000 for every slave they freed, and gave nothing to the actual slaves. Freed slaves were then forced to work on the same farms/plantation they were freed from because they had NOTHING. Slavery didn't really end when slaves were freed, it just took a different form.
      Freed slaves worked for no wages, just a place to sleep.
      We somehow were able to build up some wealth through black business and the government burned it to the ground.
      We deserve to be compensated. We deserve education. We deserve equal opportunity in a country that we built for free.
      So yes, it's harvest season mf!
      I'm so tired of white people saying "there are no slaves alive today"
      "You're lazy, no handouts, get a job"
      "My ancestors were slaves"
      They will say anything to avoid the facts and deflect from the actual point at hand.
      What are you so afraid of?
      Police are afraid for their lives when they approach us?
      Everyday people are afraid to admit slaver y existed and it was horrible and unjust?
      I think the fear/hate is the manifestation of guilt

    • @ellie7695
      @ellie7695 4 роки тому +2

      Armor Vision you did not suffer under slavery. Now white women and women of other racist are all not the victims of modern day slavery and they are the ones deserving to the money. You are not entitled to any money, using the suffering of those before you to enrich yourself, stealing the money of white people who are alive who had not wronged you. You are greedy and it has blinded you and turned you into a monster, one who doesn’t care for others and believes that you are entitled to money based of the color of your skin.

    • @armorvision9252
      @armorvision9252 4 роки тому +1

      No, you assumed that. I'm very generous and I love all races, including whites. We are all human beings and we should all live together in harmony without harboring ill will or intentions for one another.
      But actions receive consequences
      Consequently the people who enslaved black people here in America never paid their debt to us and continue to facilitate and encourage subpar living standards, education, and financial resources for our people specifically, it's very direct.
      It's funny, in horror movies a victim never stops seeking justice, not even death can stop them lol. This is similar, it doesn't matter to me that my ancestors are dead, I'll keep fighting their fight until we win.
      I'm done debating the issue because I'm more busy doing my part in achieving a solution.
      Thank you

    • @ellie7695
      @ellie7695 4 роки тому +2

      Armor Vision but you’re forgetting that the white people now have done nothing. You expect money for something you didn’t suffer through yet you want white people to suffer and pay for something they never did. Also white women and children are victims of modern day slavery and women have been discriminated against and are now enslaved by men should men pay for the crimes they and the men before them had done? Should all men pitch in and give a chunk of their money to all women even if they had never discriminated against them personally? Well by your logic yes. Also this money could be used to help modern day slave victims, many which are little girls and young teens being tortured, beaten, raped, molested, abused , and more every day. We could use that money to help find them and spread awareness, to help rescue the millions around the world and modern day slavery in growing rapidly. You do not love all races if you think that this is okay and you clearly do harbor ill will against white people. Today white people are being discriminated against and there’s plenty of racist black people, minorities have blocked white students from attending classes and no one does anything. The media never covers racism against white people but it is there and it’s only growing. It’s clear no one cares for the White women and children in modern day slavery or any modern day slaves or the discrimination against women. If you believe that you should be given reparations so should all women, every single one and all men should give a chunk of their livelihoods or women and no man should be allowed to not pay not matter if he’s not sexist or if he defends women because if white people who defend black people and are not racist should pay so should non sexist men. Slavery is still happening but now women of all races are the targets and no one cares. These women and girls need money to get their feet grounded and many have mental illnesses now and many don’t have an education and some are able to get back up only for descendants of slaves cry out for money and now they must pay. This is a spit in the face for modern day slavery victims who are expected to fight on their own and now you’re just making history repeat itself. Have the slavery victims suffer so that those uninvolved can get the money. Make true slave victims give money to descendants just because the are white, is that what you want? To tell a little girl rescued from being abused in every single way possible and lose her innocence that because she’s white no one care and that people of former slaves get money be she a slavery victim who went through the ordeal will get nothing. How about telling parents that their tax money is going to be used to give descendants of former slaves money and not to bring home their little girl who’s a real slave herself? Instead of giving money to people that are unaffected you should use that money to help free victims of modern day slavery. They target women and child and this money can spread awareness and maybe just maybe help solve this problem. There women and children are being slaughtered yet all you care about is enriching yourself.

  • @lowemichael03
    @lowemichael03 2 роки тому +3

    Not quite right, it's not reparations for the descendants of slaves but reparation for the descendants of slavery; it's a difference. You have to truly care to know it.

    • @ninadaly7639
      @ninadaly7639 2 роки тому

      Then we are ALL descendants of slavery.

  • @trusaunders5331
    @trusaunders5331 2 роки тому +3

    Why are you guys asking for what belong to our Ancestors? What we are due is OUR INHERITANCE, 250 years WORTH! Our people were forced into slavery working 18hours or more everyday plus what ever the massas, their wives and friends decided they wanted to do to them from the youngest to the oldest. REPARATIONS were to help the Enslaved start their life. That is not due us. But as I said, Inheritance is. 250 years worth of FORCED work. If our people had been paid as they should have been, they would have left an hefty INHERITANCES but instead the Massas family is living off of it still today for some. Do you guys realize that some of the offsprings are working for companies that were created with money from slavery? We are working to earn money that already belong to us because our Ancestors already earned it. Why are you guys still asking for what we're not due and besides, you're asking for pennies on the dollar. We are due Millions, not hundreds of thousands. The Government ok'd slavery and they should ok our INHERITANCE as well!

    • @shirleycanida3273
      @shirleycanida3273 2 роки тому +1

      Will the Iranians suffer the abuse and the atrocities the Transatlantic slaves did,why is America assisting them and Biden is passing out drug pipes to Blacks.

    • @trusaunders5331
      @trusaunders5331 2 роки тому

      @@shirleycanida3273 those are questions I have no answer too. I pray not and every person has a choice in what they do when it comes to the pipe. My focus is on this particular issue. Not anything else. The decendents need what is rightfully theirs and that is the inheritance that should have been left to them but instead, massas children are enjoying it. My heart goes out to the other issues. However I choose to focus on this one at this time. Ask Biden why he do what he do. The White House has an address and many phone numbers. Amen

    • @shirleycanida3273
      @shirleycanida3273 2 роки тому

      Today they spoke of serious impeachment of Biden and before they do think of the damages he will have continued with,or is it politics as usual

    • @trusaunders5331
      @trusaunders5331 2 роки тому

      @@shirleycanida3273 they spoke of impeachment for Trump too and never did. This war is unacceptable to me. America can step in and refuse to. But hey, we're just citizens that pay the Government that apparently have no power over our employees. I hope all go well but as of always, it's in the hands of the FATHER above. Seeing the so called Church on Earth just let everything happens as if they hold no power over the earth that has been given to them. Oh I have a lot to say about all areas of this world don't get me wrong but I choose to focus on one thing at a time. I told the world they were making a mistake voting Biden in as instructed by the FATHER and why it was a mistake. However the people choose to do as they wanted as usual and well, the outcome is just as the FATHER warned it would be.

    • @shirleycanida3273
      @shirleycanida3273 2 роки тому


  • @clydeshabazz7976
    @clydeshabazz7976 4 роки тому +2


  • @jasonbush259
    @jasonbush259 4 роки тому +8

    Sorry, but indentured servants does not equal to cattle slavery. Two totally different lifestyles.

    • @ellie7695
      @ellie7695 4 роки тому

      Jacklynn Jackson yeah cut them to women, the victims of modern day slavery.

  • @jaygamilwatson8529
    @jaygamilwatson8529 2 роки тому +1

    I want my 40 acres and a Cadillac. America sends money to every country but benefits stop at black doorsteps. Don’t say section 8 and food stamps will suffice.. Peanut gallery has spoken

  • @Thereader89
    @Thereader89 4 роки тому +7

    We are the hebrews of the bible, the most high says we will leave this land of our captivity wealthy, wake up true isreal

    • @kimbyrd2298
      @kimbyrd2298 4 роки тому +1

      He is correct. Once again a misinformed statement is made out of sheer refusal to educate oneself. Allow me to teach you better. The people in Africa who bartered and sold people were not of the Hebrews. Copper Colored Nation's today are the original Hebrews and Jews. Black Nations. Now the people who today reside in Israel that have convinced the entire world that they are the Jews of the Bible are not. The original Hebrews are the Black Nation's that were sold into slavery. In 701 BC Babylon and Rome sent King David's sons to Spain. Prior to all of that Esau persecuted and killed sons of King David. Roman Christians burned the sons of David at the church door (Zachariah 1:15-16. They were Israel's enemies. Zuzim H2104 means Roving Beast Satan.
      Emim H368 means Terrors children of darkness.
      Horim-Horite H2752 means Cave Dwellers. They are actually the ASHKANI or ASHKANAZI who were Cave Dwellers and came out of the Caucas Mountains. They are the Caucasian of today and Europeans. The children of Esau. This is why Esau persecuted and killed the Sons of David.
      Rephaim H2495.
      1481 Spanish Inquisitions was founded to deal with Jews the true original Hebrews not the ones that you see today. Who call themselves Jews but are not.
      Saville was the begiñning of of the Atlantic Slave trade and the Inquisition. Spain issued contracts to govern Slave trade also from Seville. The first people to be burned and put to death were also from Seville. And were the Sons of King David. Seville was The hometown of King David's Sons. King David Sons were given the choice of denouncing the 1.Talmud and Laws. 2. Accept Christianity. 3. Be sold into Slavery. 4. Leave the country. or 5. Accept death.
      Many chose to leave. Many of King David's Sons were sent to Africa where they were never accepted. They maintained different customs. And as a result were tracked and sold by Africans. This was equivalent to Americans selling Australians, Irish or Russians. Some of the household of King David rathered
      kill themselves and their children then to become Roman Christians. You see they were fulfilling prophecy.
      West Africa Lancados: Here Sons of King David were persecuted by Moors.
      Portugal: They suffered expulsion and their children were made Slaves. They went from there to Spain to Africa. They were never of African descent and were shunned by the Africans who considered their Holy ways unusual, outlandish, and flamboyantly ritualistic. Now so that you will understand more fully. The Kingdom of Judea had a Northern Kingdom and a Southern Kingdom. The people of the Northern Kingdom are today's NATIVE AMERICANS and the LATINOS these are the TRIBE OF EPHRAIM.
      The Southern Kingdom is made up of today's BLACKS who are THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. Which is also why they keep changing our name. The more education we aquiered the closer we began to get to the truth. These people are not to be confused with Africans who do not use the term "Black" to describe themselves. This term derived from and originated from America.
      THE TRIBE OF LEVI are today's HATIANS.
      HELPFUL SCRIPTURE: GENISIS 25:21-25, 2CHRONICLES 28:17, DEUTERONOMY 28:68, OBADIA, AMOS, DANIEL 4:17, OBADIA 1:1-20, ISAIAH 14: 1-21. If anything is unclear pray and ask God to reveal the rest to you. So now you should understand the Great Cover Up, Colonization, and why Blacks are enslaved and hated world wide they are fulfilling prophecy. They are the only people on the face of the Earth to fit the Prophecy. And are Abraham's true decendants. No other group of people were scattered, tortured, shipped, separated, and hated world wide. The punishment came from God but has been fulfilled. Today evidence of the fulfillment of the punishment is seen in society world wide. Protests and demand for respect, acceptance of self and Black Beauty has become contagious world wide. And the punishment was up in the year 2019. No we never sold ourselves. We love one another which is why we boycott enmass. And why you see world wide protests. We support one another.
      Now that you have been properly educated perhaps you can share this with your friends. If you have children in school, share this with your child's schools educators and insist that they make it apart of the curriculum especially during Black History Month. Perhaps you can volunteer to come to the school and teach just the part that I have shared with you. Each one teach one. No one has to remain in the darkness called ignorance. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36 KJV).
      You are extremely misinformed. Blacks were in America long before Europeans. Columbus never set foot in America. Ever. California is named after Queen Califia who ruled an army of highly skilled sofisticately trained women warriors. Everything in her Kingdom was made of gold. All tools, weapons and culinary items. Columbus wrote of hearing of their prowess and heroism. Many of the later European explorers also wrote of Queen Califia. Isabella and Elizabeth knew of Queen Califia's reign. Queen Califia's warriors domesticated and trained Griffiths. Griffiths are huge wild birds. She and the women under her rule used the Griffiths as their preferred mode of transportation. In the Grand Canyon Blacks left art work and tools and weapons also multiple hireogliphics. Blacks mated with Indians long before Europeans set foot in the Americas. They married and traded with them. Now concerning your most ignorant comment about ships. Who do you think first sailed Earth? Your people came from Blacks. You came out of caves. Your people came from the Caucus Mountains out of caves. That was long after we, the Black world rulers smelted iron, engineered and built massive ships and other sea worthy crafts, performed surgery, invented air conditioning which was used in both the Cushite Empire and the Egyptian Empire as were cell phones and computers. Our original computers were buried with our Pharo's. In museums today computers and cell phones are catalogued and kept. These were taken from sealed Pharo's tombs as were models of astronauts carved in gold. The Myans and the Aztecs worshipped Blacks. The mounds that you see in South America contain artifacts, statues, ceramics, woodwork etc.... All of Black culture made by Blacks who were there first....whom they worshipped. You do not know much. You do not even know your own history. Do not embarrass yourself any further in the future. I took it easy on you because it is obvious that you are unlearned. There was a Black Queen of Great Britain. You should have certainly known that. Benjamin Franklin who read our ancient writings followed our methods and claimed to have discovered electricity. This is most laughable since our Pharo's palaces had electricity. There were light bulbs in Africa during the Igbu, Cushite Nubian and Egyptian Empires. Europeans never had an original thought. They are the globes thieves.
      That's correct. We also had computers, air conditioning, discovered electricity, there were light bulbs in the royal palaces. We had cell phones and computers, Sealed Pharo's tombs once unsealed and opened produced among their treasures cell phones and computers which are in European museums today. And the Europeans can not understand how to operate them but teams of IT experts all agree that they are superior and far more advanced than anything on the market today including Home Land Security, NSA, and Military computer equipment. They also found within the tombs carved miniature statues of astronauts in solid gold. We took them to South America and left an array of art work there. The people of that land worshipped our fore fathers. The mounds cover our early presence and rule there.We were first to smelt iron, had elaborate irrigation systems, outstanding advanced agricultural systems, the most advanced astrologists, were familiar with binary star systems, the west did not discover binary star systems until the 20th century. We were the first to do surgery, first to perform cesarians, anestitizing the patient and using proper tools. The Cushites and the Nubians were the best Warriors in the world. Alexander the Great himself dared not invade them but went in the opposite direction. The Greeks extolled the education, creative abilities, wealth, art, medicine, astrology, philosophy, science, literary genius, libraries, governments and spirituality of the entire Continent of Africa no other nation on the face of the Earth could compete with their advancements. The Romans could not conquer the Cushites. And in fact often hired Nubian warriors because of their outstanding and superior archery skills. Ethiopia was never colonized by a European power. It was not until 1936 that Italy occupied the country but they were never colonized. Blacks ruled the world. Gun powder and inhuman cruelty left nation's devastated changing the world and placing power into the hands of immoral and unbalanced individuals who left in their wake destruction, devastation, disease, madness, genocide, and the most frequent and worst atrocities the world had ever seen. But power shifts and the echoes of the world's greatest civilizations is today beckoning the descendants of vast Empires and knowledge is being placed in our spirits and courage within our hearts and our fore fathers are saying to us all......RISE.

    • @Thereader89
      @Thereader89 4 роки тому

      @@kimbyrd2298you don't know that, there are tribe's in africa who have the DNA to prove they are israel. I know I am a israelite , I dont know about you and thats fine.

  • @josephprevo8893
    @josephprevo8893 4 роки тому +12

    I think there are several cultural aspects to whiteness that white parents transmit to their white kids that put them on the wrong track to a very bad relationship with the truth and very deficient politics.
    1) pretending things are funny that are not funny, laughing when things are not funny ect..
    2) pretending things are interesting when they are not interesting, pretending to be interested in what your kid is saying when it is boring and uninteresting.
    3) pretending to enjoy things they do not enjoy, like activities with your kids that are not enjoyable, gifts from people,....
    4) pretending things are good that are not good.
    These things teach white people to perform for each other, lie to each other, and distort each other by distorting their relationship with the truth. What is communicated is that preserving white feelings is more important than truth.
    You have to understand the stakes of a distorted relationship with the truth. When you lie to other people you degrade yourself and them and you make everyone around you confused about what is actually good, funny, interesting, enjoyable, true, and just.
    There is no path to a good meaningful life when you have a bad relationship with the truth. It might explain our mental health crisis that is only going to get worse because of our deficient politics and deficient political response to COVID-19.

    • @cathrynjackson8151
      @cathrynjackson8151 4 роки тому

      Joseph Prevo I heard nothing about the the spirit of Christ.

    • @cathrynjackson8151
      @cathrynjackson8151 4 роки тому

      You better be careful..
      I do rebuke you!
      Speak of only the living word.
      Confess Christ from your belly towards your mouth

    • @cathrynjackson8151
      @cathrynjackson8151 4 роки тому

      Joseph Prevo what are talking about there is no path?
      You talk these things as a man??
      Christ is the true light.
      I thank God I seen a devil such as you..
      Jesus is the true light.
      Yes he is the way.
      Remember Our Husband
      Jesus is the true light.
      Jesus is the true vine.
      It is God alone who stands by Himself as the HUSBAND..
      As I look at you all
      Now I understand the second baptism not the first of John
      But the terrible and awful baptism Jesus took on.
      Those words stuck to me!
      As he was hung from a tree
      Nailed to a cross ,,
      Father forgive them for they know not what they do
      Those words pierce my soul!!!!
      Crucified my Lord and still he lives!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @rebeccasingletary4615
      @rebeccasingletary4615 2 роки тому

      It's better to tell the truth then telling a lie, a lie is the worth thing that will hurt, but truth may hurt a little,but people do get over it, yes tell the truth.
      People shouldn't hold a lie from so long , that's where it hurts by holding the truth, and keep lying.

    • @oppothumbs1
      @oppothumbs1 Рік тому +2

      Your writing is illogical and makes little sense and you do a very poor job of supporting your claims. You seem to imply blacks are superior to whites in some ways. I hope you don't represent a lot of blacks with your flawed thinking. It could be assumed that if all races are equal then blacks do lie as much as whites and pretend things are funny when they are not as much as whites. Whatever your point is it is confusing and not based on science or wisdom but perhaps based on hate?
      And scientific studies show blacks are happier than whites so blacks must be deluding themselves with false ideas or one race could be genetically predisposed to being happier than the other. Sure it could be in part the environment but if your environment is presumed to be so bad why are blacks, in general, happier than whites? Could it be genetics? You seem to dismiss genetics completely.
      If you think there is something special about blacks that they don't prevaricate and pretend as much as whites then it could follow that all races are not equal. I assume from one remark that you think it's all environmentally-caused differences but this is not proven in scientific studies. It is clear and beyond a doubt that both environmental and genetic factors both play a part in determining human behavior. Every scientist in the world believes this. "Identical Twins separated at Birth" Studies support that genetics have a greater than .70 correlation. Look that up. If you want to argue that environment and biology are more equal, that's fine and not unreasonable but it's best to rest your thinking on science. I guess a lot of white people "Pretend" to follow science more than blacks? and "pretend to their children". What the heck are you talking about?
      I certainly think Pacific Rim Asians are more intelligent than whites due to scientific tests. Why? In part, it could be culture but in part, they have great memories as shown in infant studies and really, all damn studies. This is just a generalization of course and you make them in every instance in your above comment but your reason is so flawed - at least mine is based on reason and science that scientists could follow.
      This opens up a can of worms that blacks could be less intelligent or different in many ways and Asians could be more intelligent in general. Do you follow? Probably not. There are many reasons why one race can do better than another but you seem to have a wayward philosophical racist mindset based not on reason but on emotion or poor observational skills. You sound like you are an intelligent guy otherwise and I am not "pretending". You just don't know what you are talking about in this instance.

  • @stephenjasmine7996
    @stephenjasmine7996 3 роки тому +1

    Yes tell it

  • @davejohnson7720
    @davejohnson7720 2 роки тому

    Black Americans should ask for reparations from Africa since opposing tribes sold their enemies to the Dutch.

  • @blakejameson1114
    @blakejameson1114 Рік тому +2

    95% of healthy living (in ref to CV19 death gap) doesn't cost anything. Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular problems,........are significantly if not wholly avoidable. To put this on racism is absurd.

  • @joecrachemontange4613
    @joecrachemontange4613 4 роки тому +3

    I'm acadian and i want reparations from the british.

    • @CalShanahanSF49ers
      @CalShanahanSF49ers 4 роки тому +8

      Take it up with Britain, I dont get the correlation

    • @Cng215
      @Cng215 4 роки тому +8

      Go ask 🇬🇧. My grandma escaped u.s slavery and she STILL ALIVE. It didn't end thousands of yes ago. I just want for my people the same reparations America gave to jews 5 yrs ago when holocaust didn't even take place on u.s soil. Would you like sources?

    • @CalShanahanSF49ers
      @CalShanahanSF49ers 4 роки тому +2

      @@Cng215 ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

    • @lemostjoyousrenegade
      @lemostjoyousrenegade 3 роки тому


  • @steveh2854
    @steveh2854 2 роки тому +1

    There where black slave owners

    • @hollynonya6991
      @hollynonya6991 2 роки тому

      And there are white slave descendants.
      I am

  • @bt7952
    @bt7952 4 роки тому +16

    The Past Conditions of Slavery and it’s affects Clearly indicates The disadvantages that plagued #ADOS And as a direct result. We Need Acknowledgement Redress & closure. But Also a comprehensive Set of Policies that will protect & compensate Ados to Close the Racial Wealth Gap! With set asides for our Specific group that Contributed to Society unlike any other Group.

    • @derrickaskew1417
      @derrickaskew1417 4 роки тому

      So if I bought some drugs from you I shouldn't get in trouble and go to jail. Hey you just sold it to me

    • @lemostjoyousrenegade
      @lemostjoyousrenegade 3 роки тому +1


    • @bt7952
      @bt7952 3 роки тому +1

      @@derrickaskew1417 You just contradicted Your Statement. Slavery is Unique Ados is the only group that has lasted for well over 400 year’s. We are very unique in that sense. Idk 🤷🏾‍♂️ What your talking about. When no other groups experience lasted that long.

  • @ericjoseph9364
    @ericjoseph9364 3 роки тому +3

    I personally don’t owe you sh-t. My ancestors came here in the 1800s. Never owned a slave. So don’t throw ALL white people under the bus. Why don’t you post the names of people who indeed owned slaves? But don’t generalize about this...

    • @DebraShepherd-ch7mf
      @DebraShepherd-ch7mf Рік тому

      And we don't owe you s- - -!! So stop worrying about what we're asking for if that's how you feel Eric!!

  • @robertreinoehl2805
    @robertreinoehl2805 4 роки тому +3

    If reparations are going to occur, will the business owners who's storefronts were destroyed by BLM/Antifa protests receive compensation too?

    • @timmajors5017
      @timmajors5017 4 роки тому

      BLM doesn't have anything to do with ADOS/ American DESCENDANTS of slaves! Stupid!!! Go get educated!ADOS

    • @JamesWilliams-ie5lz
      @JamesWilliams-ie5lz 3 роки тому +1

      seems as though people just find ways to link an excuse to diminish why we deserve reparations. I've become un-phased and no longer upset at the internet trolls who respond this way. I stay focused and keep my children focused. America can not continue to survive once blacks are able to do for self.

  • @bricwallentertainment8302
    @bricwallentertainment8302 2 роки тому

    Pay reperation to black Americans yes 100% you no what! you done member GOD nah sleep pay up

  • @nicholasdavis8727
    @nicholasdavis8727 2 роки тому +1

    Yeah! And you are a Pilgrim as well not from Turtle Island land of the Frogs. Fact

  • @deliliah50
    @deliliah50 Рік тому

    What about the Indians? Took their land from them an put them in a reservations. We can't help what our ancestors did. I don't agree with what they did.

  • @JesusWantsU
    @JesusWantsU 4 роки тому +3

    If we calculate the contributions of American Blacks it wold be a negative balance. But instead of cash payment, non-Black Americans would settle for STOP BEING CRIMINAL.

  • @tatianajimenez3996
    @tatianajimenez3996 3 роки тому

    If this happens do you realize taxes and everything would go up in order to fund this trillion fund. Median income families will suffer and eventually be poor. The dream of work hard, save, invest and leave a legacy to your family would become impossible. Reparations, if happens should pay for schools and programs to END poverty not continue the cycle. We should stop spending money in other countries issues and worry about our people.

    • @timmajors5017
      @timmajors5017 3 роки тому +3

      That's the cost of living in America, if you don't like it go back to your country!🤬

    • @tatianajimenez3996
      @tatianajimenez3996 3 роки тому

      @@timmajors5017 that’s what racist ignorant people always says. I was born here... this is my country.

    • @timmajors5017
      @timmajors5017 3 роки тому +1

      You don't know enough, plus you're not ADOS. You don't speak for us !🤥☻🤔

    • @sparkman1314able
      @sparkman1314able 3 роки тому

      @@tatianajimenez3996 nah nah we can tell when some one is 1st generation. And not African American.
      Yall disklike reparations the most. More than white people

    • @tatianajimenez3996
      @tatianajimenez3996 3 роки тому

      @@sparkman1314able I never claim to be African American. But instead of reparations to be paid to people, the money should be invested in communities, schools, education and training for people so they can break the cycle.

  • @willowwhite1386
    @willowwhite1386 4 роки тому +5

    Welfare is enough reperations

  • @shaek896
    @shaek896 3 роки тому +1

    Susan pretty much talks in riddles. All that to say nothing. Saying what happened in the past doesnt say what should be done about it today.

  • @zackclark1425
    @zackclark1425 4 роки тому +2

    The jim crow era is alive and well.
    Therefore the current black community experience is entitled to reparations.
    Post traumatic slavery disorder
    Keith Zacky Clark

  • @Doxboi
    @Doxboi 3 роки тому

    Natives saved so many African Americans that are now Black Americans! Who speaks of Natives? The poverty on reservations is rediculous compared to urban African or Black Americans

  • @clydeshabazz7976
    @clydeshabazz7976 4 роки тому +2


    • @timmajors5017
      @timmajors5017 3 роки тому +4

      Well you go to the United nations, we will keep doing what we're doing! ( how stupid can you be)🤐🤐

    • @journeyman378
      @journeyman378 2 роки тому +1

      The African countries are fighting for their own money.

    • @enriquemino9963
      @enriquemino9963 2 роки тому

      Yes other blacks especially Africans who aided and abetted in slavery by capturing other blacks and selling them to the whites also have to pay up for there participation in the slave trade.

    • @journeyman378
      @journeyman378 2 роки тому

      @@enriquemino9963 how you gonna get reparations from countries that didn't exist during slavery?

    • @enriquemino9963
      @enriquemino9963 2 роки тому

      @@journeyman378 Then how are you going to collect reparation's from millions of people who were not here when slavery happened?the reason i mention africa and also muslims who helped in the apprehension and enslavement of people just like them, this is the inconvenient truth that is missing from the argument aboutreoperations .

  •  4 роки тому

    If you know your family tree you should be paid, but remember your government is not your daddy, you must have a daddy last name not a mommy name, if you were raised by the welfare state what is your family tree ivy.

  • @KBella2324
    @KBella2324 Рік тому

    Why does someone have to self identify as African American for 12 years? If you have an ancestor who was a slave, that’s really all that should matter. Fair is fair. People are fluid, they can “identify” how ever they choose, but DNA is DNA. Self identifying does not change the fact of what your ancestors might have gone through and the financial impacts that they may have suffered.

    • @ohmss069
      @ohmss069 Рік тому

      I think we're losing the forest for the trees here. What's important is first coming up with a metric, whatever it may be, to start the discussion on who deserves reparations. While I may not agree with it, I can see the logic in someone who doesn't identify as African American as not necessarily needing reparations.

    • @AdrienLegendre
      @AdrienLegendre Рік тому

      The reasoning is that identify as Black means you feel you have experienced racism or feel hardship because you feel your are at risk for being subject to racism.

  • @hcwcars1
    @hcwcars1 4 роки тому +6

    How will the decendets of the people who were killed ending slavery receive compensation?

    • @Black4280
      @Black4280 4 роки тому +9

      They did. Do some studying

    • @lusciouslucius
      @lusciouslucius 4 роки тому

      @@Black4280 explain in detail.

    • @Black4280
      @Black4280 4 роки тому +7

      @@lusciouslucius whites given 300 to 400 a head for each slave they freed as reparations for losing the free labor after Civil War also Lincoln had proposed it several times to end war and they still paid them for our freedom. Families fought against abolishing slavery and died and their descendants were compensated.

    • @siddharthshah1158
      @siddharthshah1158 4 роки тому +6

      @@Black4280 Also an important nuance is that they fought voluntarily, which wasn't the case for Blacks (it isn't callled slavery for no reason)

    • @BeaSiegal
      @BeaSiegal 4 роки тому +4

      You thought you had a zinger didn’t you..🤣🤣🤣

  • @johnnydoe5225
    @johnnydoe5225 4 роки тому +2

    Half a century of welfare, not enough.

  • @hey.hombre
    @hey.hombre 4 роки тому

    So how much percentage African do you have to be to receive reparations payment? According to my DNA I'm 5% from Nigeria, Congo, Cameroon, Southern Bantu Peoples and Northern Africa? On my 2020 I declared my ancestry. So if reparations are given out I'm going to file.
    I would recommend all Americans to have their DNA tested to see it you have African ancestry. If you find that you do file for reparations. It's your right.

    • @thecharm5868
      @thecharm5868 3 роки тому +2

      You don’t need a DNA test if the census act already covered that for us.

  • @oliviaharlfinger882
    @oliviaharlfinger882 4 роки тому +1

    Reparations or “blackmail”! It will never be enough for these people. Gimme, gimme, gimme! When I think how hard my ancestors worked coming from Europe to America to help to make this “what once was a great country”!

  • @DjFreethesheep
    @DjFreethesheep 4 роки тому

    needed about time

  • @tm13tube
    @tm13tube 4 роки тому +3

    I do not think reparations for one group is equitable. I personally came from families who did not have slaves. What will you do with reparations for the indigenous peoples? The Navajo are having a difficult time with Covid-19. There is uranium mining leaving contamination with no attempt to clean up. This is only one tribe, albeit a large one. It is not fair to pay repartions to one group and not pay them to tribes who had to be Americanized, put them in camps with promises of blankets and food but let them starve and freeze, the breaking of every treaty., etc.

    • @Black4280
      @Black4280 4 роки тому +11

      Indians did receive reparations

    • @dtb8041
      @dtb8041 4 роки тому +14

      Any other group that feels they are owed reparations should pursue their claim, the discussion here is about Black Americans enslavement here in America.

    • @tm13tube
      @tm13tube 4 роки тому

      @@dtb8041 Well, Reparations should come from the wealthy people who owned slaves. Trace them back through My relatives didn't have slaves. They raised a boy who worked the farm right alongside my six uncles. When he came of age my grandfather deeded him the same amount of land he gave his own sons.
      He and his younger sister knocked on the back door asking for food. Their parents were killed in a fire when the burning roof fell on them. Grandma kept them and eventually tracked down relatives in Chicago. When they came the girl left but the boy stayed. Both of them slept in the house, ate at the table.
      I don't know for sure why I feel so passionate about this. Two factors, are you asking for reparations from the people who caught you, took you to the coast and sold you there? What about the men who owned the ships who brought you here? If it wasn't for them this would not be an issue. The second thing is there have been reparations in the form of tuition, priority hiring and affirmative action. Those things cost jobs and education for whites who were better qualified. I understand it was necessary to add momentum to a new normal. The thing is, I had to navigate getting my fourth grader through a year with a teacher who used double negatives and sent home notes with no punctuation.
      Mostly I don't like the assumption all whites owned slaves because it is not true. I have never read or heard this clarified or acknowledged.

    • @josephprevo8893
      @josephprevo8893 4 роки тому +2

      I think there are several cultural aspects to whiteness that white parents transmit to their white kids that put them on the wrong track to a very bad relationship with the truth and very deficient politics.
      1) pretending things are funny that are not funny, laughing when things are not funny ect..
      2) pretending things are interesting when they are not interesting, pretending to be interested in what your kid is saying when it is boring and uninteresting.
      3) pretending to enjoy things they do not enjoy, like activities with your kids that are not enjoyable, gifts from people,....
      4) pretending things are good that are not good.
      These things teach white people to perform for each other, lie to each other, and distort each other by distorting their relationship with the truth. What is communicated is that preserving white feelings is more important than truth.
      You have to understand the stakes of a distorted relationship with the truth. When you lie to other people you degrade yourself and them and you make everyone around you confused about what is actually good, funny, interesting, enjoyable, true, and just.
      There is no path to a good meaningful life when you have a bad relationship with the truth. It might explain our mental health crisis that is only going to get worse because of our deficient politics and deficient political response to COVID-19.

    • @laughingstalk1343
      @laughingstalk1343 4 роки тому +7

      @@tm13tube your comment tells me you haven't listened to the whole podcast.

  • @cavitycreep
    @cavitycreep 4 роки тому +1

    Genesis 15:14, we talking all America's wealth

  • @AngeliquesGold
    @AngeliquesGold 3 роки тому +1

    Compensation and programs to uplift

  • @AngeliquesGold
    @AngeliquesGold 3 роки тому

    The evil world as we know it now would change tremendously and be a much better world without poverty. So cut the checks monthly.

    • @audreymai2773
      @audreymai2773 3 роки тому

      Cut checks monthly? Get a JOB.

    • @audreymai2773
      @audreymai2773 3 роки тому +1

      Good luck proving lineage. Better get started on that. Get to work. You are most likely not a descendent of a slave. Just like most whites didn't come from slave owners blood.

  • @virgostarsummerray7923
    @virgostarsummerray7923 3 роки тому +4

    I’m only 30 but I get it I feel so powerful lol that I get it 😇😇😇

  • @enriquemino9963
    @enriquemino9963 2 роки тому +2

    Why should millions of immigrants (poles, Germans, Latin Americans, Italians, Asians who immigrated long after slavery ended should be paying for another group of people issues from long ago past?

  • @crightnawler6552
    @crightnawler6552 2 роки тому +3

    Get a job and be productive. Best reparation you can pay yourself with in this age.

  • @derrickcobb8547
    @derrickcobb8547 4 роки тому +28

    OUR REPARATIONS, is the key to freeing Americans from the 1% strong hold on all of us. REPARATIONS 2020 20 TRILLION

    • @Juninzone
      @Juninzone 4 роки тому

      And I thought i was the only one who was thinking 20 trillion, others think it should be about 10 to - 14 trillion.

    • @MS-in3sl
      @MS-in3sl 4 роки тому +2

      whatever money or assets or whatever that gets put into the hands of these (descendents of slaves, or simply someone with the requisite percentage of dark skin) will in short order find its way into the pockets of the people that lord over you.

    • @michelleholloway3970
      @michelleholloway3970 4 роки тому +1

      1 million for each black descendant.

    • @derrickcobb8547
      @derrickcobb8547 4 роки тому

      @gary grine So we just gone forget about the past🤨 NOW, I see why my Grandmother told me to NEVER bring no WHITE WOMAN in her HOUSE😳

    • @Juninzone
      @Juninzone 4 роки тому

      @gary grine Reparations is whats owed, what race are you?

  • @DrLesiaThePreachasDiviNation
    @DrLesiaThePreachasDiviNation 4 роки тому +5

    Cudjo Lewis is my great grandpa.

    • @kimbyrd2298
      @kimbyrd2298 4 роки тому

      The people in Africa who bartered and sold people were not of the Hebrews. Copper Colored Nation's today are the original Hebrews and Jews. Black Nations. Now the people who today reside in Israel that have convinced the entire world that they are the Jews of the Bible are not. The original Hebrews are the Black Nation's that were sold into slavery. In 701 BC Babylon and Rome sent King David's sons to Spain. Prior to all of that Esau persecuted and killed sons of King David. Roman Christians burned the sons of David at the church door (Zachariah 1:15-16. They were Israel's enemies. Zuzim H2104 means Roving Beast Satan.
      Emim H368 means Terrors children of darkness.
      Horim-Horite H2752 means Cave Dwellers. They are actually the ASHKANI or ASHKANAZI who were Cave Dwellers and came out of the Caucas Mountains. They are the Caucasian of today and Europeans. The children of Esau. This is why Esau persecuted and killed the Sons of David.
      Rephaim H2495.
      1481 Spanish Inquisitions was founded to deal with Jews the true original Hebrews not the ones that you see today. Who call themselves Jews but are not.
      Saville was the begiñning of of the Atlantic Slave trade and the Inquisition. Spain issued contracts to govern Slave trade also from Seville. The first people to be burned and put to death were also from Seville. And were the Sons of King David. Seville was The hometown of King David's Sons. King David Sons were given the choice of denouncing the 1.Talmud and Laws. 2. Accept Christianity. 3. Be sold into Slavery. 4. Leave the country. or 5. Accept death.
      Many chose to leave. Many of King David's Sons were sent to Africa where they were never accepted. They maintained different customs. And as a result were tracked and sold by Africans. This was equivalent to Americans selling Australians, Irish or Russians. Some of the household of King David rathered kill themselves and their children then to become Roman Christians. You see they were fulfilling prophecy.
      West Africa Lancados: Here Sons of King David were persecuted by Moors.
      Portugal: They suffered expulsion and their children were made Slaves. They went from there to Spain to Africa. They were never of African descent and were shunned by the Africans who considered their Holy ways unusual, outlandish, and flamboyantly ritualistic. Now so that you will understand more fully. The Kingdom of Judea had a Northern Kingdom and a Southern Kingdom. The people of the Northern Kingdom are today's NATIVE AMERICANS and the LATINOS these are the TRIBE OF EPHRAIM.
      The Southern Kingdom is made up of today's BLACKS who are THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. Which is also why they keep changing our name. The more education we aquiered the closer we began to get to the truth. These people are not to be confused with Africans who do not use the term "Black" to describe themselves. This term derived from and originated from America.
      THE TRIBE OF LEVI are today's HATIANS.
      HELPFUL SCRIPTURE: GENISIS 25:21-25, 2CHRONICLES 28:17, DEUTERONOMY 28:68, OBADIA, AMOS, DANIEL 4:17, OBADIA 1:1-20, ISAIAH 14: 1-21. If anything is unclear pray and ask God to reveal the rest to you. So now you should understand the Great Cover Up, Colonization, and why Blacks are enslaved and hated world wide they are fulfilling prophecy. They are the only people on the face of the Earth to fit the Prophecy. And are Abraham's true decendants. No other group of people were scattered, tortured, shipped, separated, and hated world wide. The punishment came from God but has been fulfilled. Today evidence of the fulfillment of the punishment is seen in society world wide. Protests and demand for respect, acceptance of self and Black Beauty has become contagious world wide. And the punishment was up in the year 2019. No we never sold ourselves. We love one another which is why we boycott enmass. And why you see world wide protests. We support one another.
      Now that you have been properly educated perhaps you can share this with your friends. If you have children in school, share this with your child's schools educators and insist that they make it apart of the curriculum especially during Black History Month. Perhaps you can volunteer to come to the school and teach just the part that I have shared with you. Each one teach one. No one has to remain in the darkness called ignorance. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36 KJV).
      You are extremely misinformed. Blacks were in America long before Europeans. Columbus never set foot in America. Ever. California is named after Queen Califia who ruled an army of highly skilled sofisticately trained women warriors. Everything in her Kingdom was made of gold. All tools, weapons and culinary items. Columbus wrote of hearing of their prowess and heroism. Many of the later European explorers also wrote of Queen Califia. Isabella and Elizabeth knew of Queen Califia's reign. Queen Califia's warriors domesticated and trained Griffiths. Griffiths are huge wild birds. She and the women under her rule used the Griffiths as their preferred mode of transportation. In the Grand Canyon Blacks left art work and tools and weapons also multiple hireogliphics. Blacks mated with Indians long before Europeans set foot in the Americas. They married and traded with them. Now concerning your most ignorant comment about ships. Who do you think first sailed Earth? Your people came from Blacks. You came out of caves. Your people came from the Caucus Mountains out of caves. That was long after we, the Black world rulers smelted iron, engineered and built massive ships and other sea worthy crafts, performed surgery, invented air conditioning which was used in both the Cushite Empire and the Egyptian Empire as were cell phones and computers. Our original computers were buried with our Pharo's. In museums today computers and cell phones are catalogued and kept. These were taken from sealed Pharo's tombs as were models of astronauts carved in gold. The Myans and the Aztecs worshipped Blacks. The mounds that you see in South America contain artifacts, statues, ceramics, woodwork etc.... All of Black culture made by Blacks who were there first....whom they worshipped. There was a Black Queen of Great Britain. You should have certainly known that. Queen Charlotte whom Mecklenburg County North Carolina, Charlottesville North Carolina, the Queen Charlotte Islands and the Bird of Paradise are all named for her. A Botanist married to King George lll Queen Charlotte gave birth to 15 children 13 of which married Monarchs around the world basically making all Monarchs Black. Queen Victoria is Queen Charlotte's grand daughter. Queen Elizabeth is Queen Charlotte's great, great, great grand daughter making both she and the princes Black. Benjamin Franklin who read our ancient writings followed our methods and claimed to have discovered electricity. This is most laughable since our Pharo's palaces had electricity. There were light bulbs in Africa during the Igbu, Cushite Nubian and Egyptian Empires. Europeans never had an original thought. They are the globes thieves.
      That's correct. We also had computers, air conditioning, discovered electricity, there were light bulbs in the royal palaces. We had cell phones and computers, Sealed Pharo's tombs once unsealed and opened produced among their treasures cell phones and computers which are in European museums today. And the Europeans can not understand how to operate them but teams of IT experts all agree that they are superior and far more advanced than anything on the market today including Home Land Security, NSA, and Military computer equipment. They also found within the tombs carved miniature statues of astronauts in solid gold. We took them to South America and left an array of art work there. The people of that land worshipped our fore fathers. The mounds cover our early presence and rule there.We were first to smelt iron, had elaborate irrigation systems, outstanding advanced agricultural systems, the most advanced astrologists, were familiar with binary star systems, the west did not discover binary star systems until the 20th century. We were the first to do surgery, first to perform cesarians, anestitizing the patient and using proper tools. The Cushites and the Nubians were the best Warriors in the world. Alexander the Great himself dared not invade them but went in the opposite direction. The Greeks extolled the education, creative abilities, wealth, art, medicine, astrology, philosophy, science, literary genius, libraries, governments and spirituality of the entire Continent of Africa no other nation on the face of the Earth could compete with their advancements. The Romans could not conquer the Cushites. And in fact often hired Nubian warriors because of their outstanding and superior archery skills. Ethiopia was never colonized by a European power. It was not until 1936 that Italy occupied the country but they were never colonized. Blacks ruled the world. Gun powder and inhuman cruelty left nation's devastated changing the world and placing power into the hands of immoral and unbalanced individuals who left in their wake destruction, devastation, disease, madness, genocide, and the most frequent and worst atrocities the world had ever seen. But power shifts and the echoes of the world's greatest civilizations is today beckoning the descendants of vast Empires and knowledge is being placed in our spirits and courage within our hearts and our fore fathers are saying to us all......RISE.

  • @yeah2011bb
    @yeah2011bb 4 роки тому +23

    There is a clear moral and legal case for reparations. One can only hope that at some point most Americans will recognise this and not simply reject the notion...

    • @yeah2011bb
      @yeah2011bb 4 роки тому +1

      Mike Polakowski, the notion is silly because it gets you into “trouble”. Can you explain further?

  • @TheRJRabbit23
    @TheRJRabbit23 4 роки тому +27

    Who owned the slave ships? Insurance companies and banks financed the slave ships. Farmers benefitted from slave labour. There’s a moral injury.

    • @stephenjasmine7996
      @stephenjasmine7996 3 роки тому


    • @mangelamarde4091
      @mangelamarde4091 3 роки тому +2

      Jews owned the slave sships it is well documented but they hid in the background. The Perez family out of Morocco were one of the biggest families.

    • @johnsarab4500
      @johnsarab4500 3 роки тому +1

      So, when were you a slave?

    • @paulasay455
      @paulasay455 3 роки тому +1

      Pay up it is time for God sake s

    • @paulasay455
      @paulasay455 3 роки тому

      @@treebranch4636 pay up it is time for God sake

  • @DLee-pm5ht
    @DLee-pm5ht 2 роки тому +1

    Not a ?? It is A Commandment from GOD. GODs will be done

  • @jasonbush259
    @jasonbush259 4 роки тому +2

    Yall gave money to the Jewish and Japanese, so why not give us money and land.

  • @kenrickdavis2980
    @kenrickdavis2980 2 роки тому +1

    We are prisoners of war in our homeland we will never get reparation from the them

  • @AH-fk6bd
    @AH-fk6bd 4 роки тому +8

    ADOS - Reparations time is overdue - America pay the debt.

    • @MichaelStoryNewell
      @MichaelStoryNewell 4 роки тому +1

      Money coming from people that never owned slaves going to people that never were slaves. Native Americans who have been here 12,000 years before anybody else should be first in line. Once again they get skipped over but nobody seems to care. As long as they get other people’s money.

  • @justintime1343
    @justintime1343 2 роки тому +2

    "Whether, why, & how?"
    No, NO & *NO!*

  • @gburn9377
    @gburn9377 2 роки тому +1

    Every color of human has been a slave at one point in time. So how was it being raised a victim?

    • @sharifsimpson5761
      @sharifsimpson5761 2 роки тому

      G burn please shut the hell up about black Americans, slavery and the trillions that is owed to us. America own black Americans a massive debt that will be paid in some form or fashion. Deal with it the best way you can.

  • @sage4nowty129
    @sage4nowty129 6 днів тому

    This presentation is sorely needed. I like the fact that Susan Neiman brought out that the German majority population was not in favor of giving reparations to the Jews, just as the majority White population in the US is not in favor of reparations to the descendants of Black slaves either. But that is irrelevant, it still needs to be done, reparations monetarily and an acknowledgement of the wrong that was done.

  • @gaslitworldf.melissab2897
    @gaslitworldf.melissab2897 2 роки тому +1

    Mail the book to the Wolrd Bank and to Congress/ I need money to leave the country and start anew.

  • @altonmilligan9948
    @altonmilligan9948 4 роки тому +1

    The 100s of 1000s of white lives who died to end slavery should be reparations enough. Give thanks for these sacrifices in blood and treasure to the white man and rejoice that you are not still a slave. You want reparations? Go to Gettysburg or Shiloh.

    • @paigemccormick6519
      @paigemccormick6519 4 роки тому

      What an INTERESTING point! Is that original to you, brother? It has a huge effect on me and deserves a deep dive! Thank you.
      Edit: typo

    • @altonmilligan9948
      @altonmilligan9948 4 роки тому

      @@paigemccormick6519 Thank you. I believe that the thought is original with me. I thought about it in reference to the Jews as well. I don't know what happened to them, really. I am not a believer in the six million myth but regardless instead of being grateful for the lives given to end hate the Zionists, not Judaism, holds the world accountable for some sort of reparations. We certainly should not build monuments to hate or tear down monuments that reflect the greatness of the USA. We should all come together in the greatness of our species and our ability to give ourselves for one another. That is called love. God is Love. But we must be free in order to that.

    • @TheodisWatts
      @TheodisWatts 6 місяців тому

      I am a descendent of slaves so what ever you say don't stand with what you say you must not be a descendent of slaves and not know this is not a hand out what happened to those slaves in America has been nothing but genocide and this is still trying to do this weather you believe it or not but black people are white people's best friend's and they not paying attention to other races who you tell me 😮

  • @GorillaCrewWarGaming
    @GorillaCrewWarGaming 2 роки тому


  • @ninadaly7639
    @ninadaly7639 2 роки тому

    See Sacramento. See Brooklyn Subway.

  • @TrayfingerWayne
    @TrayfingerWayne 4 роки тому +8

    Now or never

    • @derrickaskew1417
      @derrickaskew1417 4 роки тому

      @Bon Jovi I bet you said that about a black president. Oh well you know how the story goes..

    • @petepersimmons7938
      @petepersimmons7938 2 роки тому

      Never, ho

  • @elmarrealm4259
    @elmarrealm4259 2 роки тому


  • @zackclark1425
    @zackclark1425 4 роки тому +10

    Europe and the British need to contribute as well.

    • @oppothumbs1
      @oppothumbs1 Рік тому +1

      And Africans who sold slaves to America too.

    • @MarkPitts-hk8dv
      @MarkPitts-hk8dv Рік тому

      What about all the British and Irish slaves taken by the Berbers of North Africa? Who gives a toss about them? Nobody cares.
      What about Britain who help to end the slave trade with thousands of Royal Navy sailors dying in doing so.

    • @Agenthoneydew33
      @Agenthoneydew33 Рік тому

      France as well

  • @Datz-Donna
    @Datz-Donna 4 роки тому

    FREE Keith EVERETT Brown!! I want my son BACK!! #367345 SC He was railroaded by his appointed Lawyer!

  • @FBA-Renaissance
    @FBA-Renaissance 4 роки тому +8

    YES paying the reparations debt is the right thing to do

    • @librnx1988
      @librnx1988 4 роки тому +2

      They will have no choice soon

    • @elyzabethhenry9373
      @elyzabethhenry9373 4 роки тому +3

      @@ghostdancer9483 Sweetheart if we trace that money back and calculate for inflation, most of America would be out of a job and major corporations and the gov't would go bankrupt, BE GLAD WE AREN'T ASKING FOR THAT.

    • @elyzabethhenry9373
      @elyzabethhenry9373 4 роки тому +1

      @Greg Hunder Yet the people still suffering from those actions are alive.

    • @korc7677
      @korc7677 4 роки тому +1

      @Greg Hunder No they are not dead. This is why they removed reincarnation from the bible. The sins of The Father are passed to himself through his rebirth. Also when it was time to inherit the money at the reading of Slave owners wills all that were related split the booty and partook in the Sin. Get ready Greg because America will restore the fallen Kingdoms. Fact.

    • @thedarklord1569
      @thedarklord1569 4 роки тому

      @Greg Hunder But their grandchildren are still here

  • @lucyk2371
    @lucyk2371 Рік тому

    What about African Americans getting to go to college for free? When I was in college if you were African American you could get your classes, books,and room/ board paid for. No one else could. I think that is huge. Why does no one count this?

    • @donnab.333
      @donnab.333 Рік тому +1

      I'm not sure where this was at, however, when I was attending undergrad (late 80s-90s), we paid for everything out of our pocket, we got student loans, & a few might have received some grants and/or scholarships. We pretty much paid for it ourselves.

    • @lucyk2371
      @lucyk2371 Рік тому +1

      @@donnab.333 This was the University of TN at Chattanooga. I didn't realize they were that progressive yay! It was standard if you were African American you got a full scholarship with an 18 on your A.C.T. and I forget what you had to get to get your room and board paid for but it wasn't an option if you weren't this nationality. I'm great with it. I used to help tutor 1st generation college students there and it was a wonderful experience. I just think it should be counted. I graduated in 2000.

    • @donnab.333
      @donnab.333 Рік тому +1

      @@lucyk2371 👍🏾👍🏾

  • @kingdavid4569
    @kingdavid4569 3 роки тому

    We have to unite and discuss this with the harvest institute he has more expert in those field .plus I feel we should have one reparation that mean is more power they didnot bring african american or caribbean or wat every u want to lable them as they brought africans in that way they can rule over us .let my ppl go

    @2REAL4MOST 3 роки тому +4

    Reparations Now!!! B1

  • @katl9270
    @katl9270 4 роки тому +22

    This was wonderful and informative! Also, If whites had just let the freed slaves keep their 40 acres and a mule instead of complaining to Johnson who took it back they would farmed their own land and build their own communities which would have huge impact for them and future generations. The government owns 1/3 of the land in the US, why can’t they give blacks land in the form of reparations? As a homeowner and landowner, I know the importance and pride of ownership.

    • @katl9270
      @katl9270 4 роки тому +4

      @Greg Hunder I already own a home and pay property tax. I'm just suggesting an alternative to monetary reparations. I personally think it would feel more rewarding to own property it would help to build generational wealth. Also, if reparations are paid and people are still in the same situation, but only have fancier items, then there's no point really, I have, however, heard talk of financial advisement along with the payment of reparations.

    • @derrickaskew1417
      @derrickaskew1417 4 роки тому +6

      @Greg Hunder the debt is the debt. Racist

    • @katl9270
      @katl9270 4 роки тому +10

      Greg Hunder Well, my parents weren’t even born during WWll and neither were many other Americans, but they still had to pay when the US government decided to pay 1.6 billion (almost 4 billion today) in reparations to Japanese Americans in the ‘80s , also the German and Austrian governments pay holocaust restitutions. There’s no doubt that the lives of black people then and now would have been and would be better had the freed slaves been allowed to keep the 40 acres and a mule because they would have farmed and built on their own lands, actually, the entire country would have been better off. The many wrongs were never righted including the massacres at Black Wall Street, Rosewood etc. Nowadays people of all races are all about showing off their possessions and many people don’t have their priorities in order. If they do pay monetary reparations financial advisement would be great, after all others have gotten monetary reparations. I would prefer if the government can offer land and teach agriculture which is great business and long term income. The government has just given Native Americans a great majority of Oklahoma (as well they should have) in addition to land which the already have.

    • @ellie7695
      @ellie7695 4 роки тому +2

      We can’t punish innocent white households for things their ancestors did and these African American families didn’t themselves suffer under slavery but guess what, women are suffering under modern day slavery, women of all races. Guess what? There’s women out there who are treated as slaves. Ever heard of modern slavery? It’s big now and it’s rapidly growing with millions enslaved and guess what? It’s common in Asia and Africa! There’s girls, actual children forced as sex slaves now and no one wants to talk about it. We’re all obsessed with that happened in the past but right now is no different! Now instead of black people being slaves it’s women! You have no right to take money from white homes because you’re making those who never owned a slave suffer and you yourself was not the one suffering under all this discrimination. Sure there’s still racism but it’s getting better and it’s the media making it seem more common than it is. Yes there’s police violence on African Americans but there’s also that of on white people but because they are white no one cares. It’s shouldn’t be that those not involved in slavery should suffer now.

    • @ellie7695
      @ellie7695 4 роки тому

      Derrick Askew so calling someone racist because they don’t fit your idea is how you process that? How about because I am a women and we are now the ones being used as slaves in modern day slavery have men give me their land and money because it’s men fueling the modern day slave trade. Plus there is no debt because African Americans now weren’t slaves and many where taken to America as slaves so they didn’t have land to begin with. How about I call you a sexist for not wanting to help the discrimination against women?

  • @CapricornDayz
    @CapricornDayz 4 роки тому +2

    African American should have at least 25% African blood and have an American SSN# or have at least one parent born in America.

  • @darrellguillory6078
    @darrellguillory6078 3 роки тому

    Hpw bout s plane ticket b
    Ack to yoir counyrubof origin.

  • @maestroofamore8948
    @maestroofamore8948 4 роки тому +2

    Pay attention, people: Failure to reelect President Trump could result in this horseshit.

    @NOLAWAGAINSTIT 4 роки тому +3


  • @Gator12
    @Gator12 4 роки тому +3

    How about no.
    Today’s black folk need reparations for what exactly?

  • @Louis-gb2th
    @Louis-gb2th 4 роки тому +3


  • @barbkearns3296
    @barbkearns3296 4 роки тому +4

    Give them their 40 acres, a mule and a ticket out of America!

    • @normanfreeman8032
      @normanfreeman8032 4 роки тому +4

      African Americans are a strong people and will never leave a country we built........Tobacco, Cotton, sugar cain, name it we did it.We have never been lazy.I dare you tell me to leave grandfather stormed the beach at Normandy, my dad fought in Korea at 15yrs old.America owes a debt.

    • @normanfreeman8032
      @normanfreeman8032 4 роки тому +2

      @gary grine all Americans weren't treated like animals and worked sun up to sun down under the threat of a whip.At reconstruction the promise was 40 acres and a mule intended to be payment. Then Lincoln was shot and the land taken back by former slaveowners with the help of President Johnson. It's a debt ....Starting with all the businesses today that earned wealth from the slave trade.This government is responsible for alot of wrong and now it's time to make things right.

    • @robertjohnston8295
      @robertjohnston8295 Рік тому

      Looks like you did Built something a lot of welfare debt

    • @AdrienLegendre
      @AdrienLegendre Рік тому

      We can disagree, but we are all on the same team, we are all Americans, let us be kind to each other.

  • @oldeagle2514
    @oldeagle2514 3 роки тому +1

    I am a Christian, Jesus is my brother, you mocked and tortured him and crucified him publicly on a cross for all to see!!! $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 would be a start in the reparations you owe me!!!

  • @clydeshabazz7976
    @clydeshabazz7976 4 роки тому +6


  • @duchessofessex2550
    @duchessofessex2550 4 роки тому +2

    Just bought the book!

  • @averyfennell6229
    @averyfennell6229 4 роки тому +1


  • @HeritageWealthPlanning
    @HeritageWealthPlanning 4 роки тому +1

    "Because of the political education there..." Nothing scary about that.

  • @MINGXI-r9b
    @MINGXI-r9b 4 роки тому +4

    they just want free money.

    • @jaschadaniels9688
      @jaschadaniels9688 4 роки тому +6

      They got our Labor it's time to pay up Money that we are OWED.

    • @yasminelewiz6598
      @yasminelewiz6598 4 роки тому +5

      @@jaschadaniels9688 Thank you man.

    • @zackclark1425
      @zackclark1425 4 роки тому +2

      Aaron Davis I am sure you got your free money.
      Call white privilege.

    • @DebraShepherd-ch7mf
      @DebraShepherd-ch7mf Рік тому

      That's what y'all have always gotten!!

  • @desireebalay4693
    @desireebalay4693 3 роки тому +1

    Im curious about mixed families....if you had mixed kids....what then? Are you s.o.l or do you get some for the way housing, way were treated, etc...

  • @bigmizzy8187
    @bigmizzy8187 3 роки тому +1

    The jews and the Japanese who received reparations were all STILL ALIVE and were personally victimized. Show me 1 former slave and ill pay them myself!!!!! The time to give reparations is long over. Yes reparations should have been given out when slavery was abolished because the people today deserve nothing!

  • @muffdiver240
    @muffdiver240 4 роки тому +1

    *"...Whether, why, & how?"* No, no & no.

  • @MrMetro-mt5qv
    @MrMetro-mt5qv 4 роки тому +2


  • @timmajors5017
    @timmajors5017 4 роки тому +4

    There should be a tax for everyone here that is not ADOS that live here in America and enjoy the benefits of slaves building America that goes directly to ADOS families!

  • @maxonion7604
    @maxonion7604 2 роки тому +1

    A crime for humanity does not have a expiry date 100000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%% true end of story, just remember that please

    • @oppothumbs1
      @oppothumbs1 Рік тому +1

      But if blacks receive unwarranted reparations then the sympathy of many whites for blacks will diminish and the hate for blacks will increase. And why should whites who had nothing to do with slavery have to pay anything? Why not ask whites to pay for any disadvantaged people? Ugly people and stupid people everywhere need to be compensated too. Ad infinitum, Ad naseum. 100000000%%%%%%% .

  • @ohmss069
    @ohmss069 Рік тому

    I don't think people engaged in this topic encourage much honest discussion on execution. Economic impact of the effects of slavery can be quantified and addressed, personal / emotional impact cannot. The former should be the topic of discussion, the latter should be left to the artists and the poets to change people's hearts.

  • @oliviaharlfinger882
    @oliviaharlfinger882 4 роки тому +1

    Do we have slaves now in America or were they freed 155 years ago!!!!!!!

    • @reno419rockstar
      @reno419rockstar 4 роки тому +5

      Nope. The 13th amendment abolished slavery “except as a punishment for a crime.” Then states enacted "black codes" to arrest blacks. Then the arrested blacks were forced back into free labor aka slavery. Do you know what the Reconstruction Era is? Did you know Jim Crow laws weren't abolished until 1964 with the Civil Rights Act?
      So no, they weren't "freed" 155 years ago.

  • @dragonballflee9882
    @dragonballflee9882 3 роки тому +2

    Let's give people who have never lived through slavery free money even tho those same people already flood the welfare system 👌

  • @irisahmad1573
    @irisahmad1573 4 роки тому +4

    Very good discussion about Reparations for African Americans!!💰💰💰💰✊🏿

    • @kimbyrd2298
      @kimbyrd2298 4 роки тому

      The people in Africa who bartered and sold people were not of the Hebrews. Copper Colored Nation's today are the original Hebrews and Jews. Black Nations. Now the people who today reside in Israel that have convinced the entire world that they are the Jews of the Bible are not. The original Hebrews are the Black Nation's that were sold into slavery. In 701 BC Babylon and Rome sent King David's sons to Spain. Prior to all of that Esau persecuted and killed sons of King David. Roman Christians burned the sons of David at the church door (Zachariah 1:15-16. They were Israel's enemies. Zuzim H2104 means Roving Beast Satan.
      Emim H368 means Terrors children of darkness.
      Horim-Horite H2752 means Cave Dwellers. They are actually the ASHKANI or ASHKANAZI who were Cave Dwellers and came out of the Caucas Mountains. They are the Caucasian of today and Europeans. The children of Esau. This is why Esau persecuted and killed the Sons of David.
      Rephaim H2495.
      1481 Spanish Inquisitions was founded to deal with Jews the true original Hebrews not the ones that you see today. Who call themselves Jews but are not.
      Saville was the begiñning of of the Atlantic Slave trade and the Inquisition. Spain issued contracts to govern Slave trade also from Seville. The first people to be burned and put to death were also from Seville. And were the Sons of King David. Seville was The hometown of King David's Sons. King David Sons were given the choice of denouncing the 1.Talmud and Laws. 2. Accept Christianity. 3. Be sold into Slavery. 4. Leave the country. or 5. Accept death.
      Many chose to leave. Many of King David's Sons were sent to Africa where they were never accepted. They maintained different customs. And as a result were tracked and sold by Africans. This was equivalent to Americans selling Australians, Irish or Russians. Some of the household of King David rathered kill themselves and their children then to become Roman Christians. You see they were fulfilling prophecy.
      West Africa Lancados: Here Sons of King David were persecuted by Moors.
      Portugal: They suffered expulsion and their children were made Slaves. They went from there to Spain to Africa. They were never of African descent and were shunned by the Africans who considered their Holy ways unusual, outlandish, and flamboyantly ritualistic. Now so that you will understand more fully. The Kingdom of Judea had a Northern Kingdom and a Southern Kingdom. The people of the Northern Kingdom are today's NATIVE AMERICANS and the LATINOS these are the TRIBE OF EPHRAIM.
      The Southern Kingdom is made up of today's BLACKS who are THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. Which is also why they keep changing our name. The more education we aquiered the closer we began to get to the truth. These people are not to be confused with Africans who do not use the term "Black" to describe themselves. This term derived from and originated from America.
      THE TRIBE OF LEVI are today's HATIANS.
      HELPFUL SCRIPTURE: GENISIS 25:21-25, 2CHRONICLES 28:17, DEUTERONOMY 28:68, OBADIA, AMOS, DANIEL 4:17, OBADIA 1:1-20, ISAIAH 14: 1-21. If anything is unclear pray and ask God to reveal the rest to you. So now you should understand the Great Cover Up, Colonization, and why Blacks are enslaved and hated world wide they are fulfilling prophecy. They are the only people on the face of the Earth to fit the Prophecy. And are Abraham's true decendants. No other group of people were scattered, tortured, shipped, separated, and hated world wide. The punishment came from God but has been fulfilled. Today evidence of the fulfillment of the punishment is seen in society world wide. Protests and demand for respect, acceptance of self and Black Beauty has become contagious world wide. And the punishment was up in the year 2019. No we never sold ourselves. We love one another which is why we boycott enmass. And why you see world wide protests. We support one another.
      Now that you have been properly educated perhaps you can share this with your friends. If you have children in school, share this with your child's schools educators and insist that they make it apart of the curriculum especially during Black History Month. Perhaps you can volunteer to come to the school and teach just the part that I have shared with you. Each one teach one. No one has to remain in the darkness called ignorance. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36 KJV).
      You are extremely misinformed. Blacks were in America long before Europeans. Columbus never set foot in America. Ever. California is named after Queen Califia who ruled an army of highly skilled sofisticately trained women warriors. Everything in her Kingdom was made of gold. All tools, weapons and culinary items. Columbus wrote of hearing of their prowess and heroism. Many of the later European explorers also wrote of Queen Califia. Isabella and Elizabeth knew of Queen Califia's reign. Queen Califia's warriors domesticated and trained Griffiths. Griffiths are huge wild birds. She and the women under her rule used the Griffiths as their preferred mode of transportation. In the Grand Canyon Blacks left art work and tools and weapons also multiple hireogliphics. Blacks mated with Indians long before Europeans set foot in the Americas. They married and traded with them. Now concerning your most ignorant comment about ships. Who do you think first sailed Earth? Your people came from Blacks. You came out of caves. Your people came from the Caucus Mountains out of caves. That was long after we, the Black world rulers smelted iron, engineered and built massive ships and other sea worthy crafts, performed surgery, invented air conditioning which was used in both the Cushite Empire and the Egyptian Empire as were cell phones and computers. Our original computers were buried with our Pharo's. In museums today computers and cell phones are catalogued and kept. These were taken from sealed Pharo's tombs as were models of astronauts carved in gold. The Myans and the Aztecs worshipped Blacks. The mounds that you see in South America contain artifacts, statues, ceramics, woodwork etc.... All of Black culture made by Blacks who were there first....whom they worshipped. There was a Black Queen of Great Britain. You should have certainly known that. Queen Charlotte whom Mecklenburg County North Carolina, Charlottesville North Carolina, the Queen Charlotte Islands and the Bird of Paradise are all named for her. A Botanist married to King George lll Queen Charlotte gave birth to 15 children 13 of which married Monarchs around the world basically making all Monarchs Black. Queen Victoria is Queen Charlotte's grand daughter. Queen Elizabeth is Queen Charlotte's great, great, great grand daughter making both she and the princes Black. Benjamin Franklin who read our ancient writings followed our methods and claimed to have discovered electricity. This is most laughable since our Pharo's palaces had electricity. There were light bulbs in Africa during the Igbu, Cushite Nubian and Egyptian Empires. Europeans never had an original thought. They are the globes thieves.
      That's correct. We also had computers, air conditioning, discovered electricity, there were light bulbs in the royal palaces. We had cell phones and computers, Sealed Pharo's tombs once unsealed and opened produced among their treasures cell phones and computers which are in European museums today. And the Europeans can not understand how to operate them but teams of IT experts all agree that they are superior and far more advanced than anything on the market today including Home Land Security, NSA, and Military computer equipment. They also found within the tombs carved miniature statues of astronauts in solid gold. We took them to South America and left an array of art work there. The people of that land worshipped our fore fathers. The mounds cover our early presence and rule there.We were first to smelt iron, had elaborate irrigation systems, outstanding advanced agricultural systems, the most advanced astrologists, were familiar with binary star systems, the west did not discover binary star systems until the 20th century. We were the first to do surgery, first to perform cesarians, anestitizing the patient and using proper tools. The Cushites and the Nubians were the best Warriors in the world. Alexander the Great himself dared not invade them but went in the opposite direction. The Greeks extolled the education, creative abilities, wealth, art, medicine, astrology, philosophy, science, literary genius, libraries, governments and spirituality of the entire Continent of Africa no other nation on the face of the Earth could compete with their advancements. The Romans could not conquer the Cushites. And in fact often hired Nubian warriors because of their outstanding and superior archery skills. Ethiopia was never colonized by a European power. It was not until 1936 that Italy occupied the country but they were never colonized. Blacks ruled the world. Gun powder and inhuman cruelty left nation's devastated changing the world and placing power into the hands of immoral and unbalanced individuals who left in their wake destruction, devastation, disease, madness, genocide, and the most frequent and worst atrocities the world had ever seen. But power shifts and the echoes of the world's greatest civilizations is today beckoning the descendants of vast Empires and knowledge is being placed in our spirits and courage within our hearts and our fore fathers are saying to us all......RISE.

    • @dailray3204
      @dailray3204 2 роки тому

      We are FBA we don't identify what African-Americans so what do you mean reparation for African Americans I hope you mean black people specifically

  • @clydeshabazz7976
    @clydeshabazz7976 4 роки тому +1


    • @rebeccasingletary4615
      @rebeccasingletary4615 2 роки тому

      See how far you wanna take thing, we do have to be put through no red tape, just to get what they had owe our Ancestors when they were slavery's.
      All they gotta do is go look at those old papers and Document's, they know who Ancestors were in slave.
      Just give us what is old to us, and we can be on our way.

  • @derrickaskew1417
    @derrickaskew1417 4 роки тому +3

    God would bless this Nation. So much if it would just do the right thing and pay Reparations

    • @logenninefingers9332
      @logenninefingers9332 4 роки тому +1

      @Soupy P LOL, that is awesome.

    • @thedarklord1569
      @thedarklord1569 4 роки тому

      @odegaard They were trading Africans to who for 800 years? And which Arabs are you talking about?

    • @thedarklord1569
      @thedarklord1569 4 роки тому

      @odegaard Oh you're talking about the Berbers. The original Berber states were destroyed and conquered in a 14 year war with America and Sweden back in the 1800's. After the war, the remaining Berbers spread all across Africa. Basically, the Berber states that were responsible for African slavery can't give reparations because those specific states don't even exist anymore and they've lost everything in those wars.

  • @aprillane7431
    @aprillane7431 3 роки тому

    Bitcoin is reparations. Buy and HODL! #ReparationsforTheMoors2020

  • @sampathkumar1010
    @sampathkumar1010 4 роки тому +2

    The reason for migrating to an inherently 'racist' country from a 'third-world' country is to 'escape' the poor conditions in the 'third-world' country because of the actions of the 'racist' country. I believe the argument of 'individual choice' that excludes the migrants requires a lot more nuance than presented here.

  • @supercigar123
    @supercigar123 3 роки тому +2

    Reparations is needed now we must continue to fight for it but a side note could help to notice how beautiful Mr. DARITY WIFE IS

  • @Peter-sj3zi
    @Peter-sj3zi 4 роки тому +4

    It may be a difference between the rich and the poor, not between whites and blacks.

    • @kaylonjenkins8499
      @kaylonjenkins8499 4 роки тому +3

      How ignorant can you be Peter? You must not want to know 😂

    • @cherryreed4339
      @cherryreed4339 4 роки тому +3

      Peter it was until white rich people convinced poor white people they are better just by being white and the poor white people ran with it

  • @47shadows76
    @47shadows76 4 роки тому +6

    My only issue with reparations has nothing to do with the math, logic, or morality of the situation, but solely with implementation. Just like with the COVID Response Acts (CARES & PPP), when the government takes control of large scale distribution of funding, it is ripe for Abuse!
    Individual Americans and businesses will find ways to manipulate the system and steal mad amounts of money and those who need it most will be left behind as always. SMH

    • @realmccoy9
      @realmccoy9 4 роки тому +4

      It shouldn't come in the form of money but rather land and resources like it was supposed to in the first place.

    • @47shadows76
      @47shadows76 4 роки тому +3

      @@realmccoy9 Bro, that's legit genius. Assets over Money anyday

    • @devin11007
      @devin11007 4 роки тому +2

      _That most likely also occurred when they decided to give Jews, Japanese and Native Americans their reparations but that did not stop them from doing it. Lets just go ahead and implement some form of reparations and cross that bridge when we get there and make the necessary adjustments._

    • @deejay5102
      @deejay5102 4 роки тому +7

      @@realmccoy9 No, it should be all of the above, especially $, along with protected class status, no taxes, and other laws to help mend the over 400+ plus year wound.

    • @Agenthoneydew33
      @Agenthoneydew33 Рік тому

      @@deejay5102lane is actually the best course

  • @petenrita
    @petenrita 3 роки тому +2

    Two points. One, It would seem to me that reparations should be for ADOS only, unless documentation goes way back for Caribbean migration to pre 1918 or pre-1945). Two, reparations should be split into three. Reparations for slavery (only ADOS) and reparation for Jim Crow ADOS, Non-ADOS Blacks who arrived prior to 1918, and Non-ADOS Blacks who arrived prior to 1945.

    • @sbebb3762
      @sbebb3762 2 роки тому +3


    • @pattrell5257
      @pattrell5257 2 роки тому

      Because the racism has not been resolved and it happens to this very day to a large extent, all black American citizens should be considered. 1. Its effects were more in slavery and these should be the biggest case. If you can prove that you have direct lineage in slavery, then you should receive the most due to the troubles being much greater than in any future eras. 2. Next, those after slavery(1865) up until racism was reformatted possibly sometime after 1965 should receive the next highest amount. 3. Then, sometime after 1965, you have the systemic racism of the modern day and these would be the least in the equation. They would still get awarded something meaningful. But, if you are within instances 2 or 3 and can prove a direct incidence of racial mistreatment that went unawarded that is relevant to your family(like being apart of the riots where whites just attacked blacks in mobs or where white murderers/rapers of blacks got off unfairly through the legal system), you should be eligible to ALSO file a separate claim to that.

    • @rebeccasingletary4615
      @rebeccasingletary4615 2 роки тому

      It doesn't matter when our people was brought over here, they was in slavery, yes we need that Reparation, each family, only the Hebrew's Yesarelites/Israelites was slavery anyway, the chosen one's, cause the Egyptian wasn't in slavery they was rich not slave, we as Hebrews Israelites was in slavery, and we need our 40 arche to and the mule to

    • @ohmss069
      @ohmss069 Рік тому

      Interesting point. I could be on board for that, although I'd say ADOS would tend to deserve the largest benefits package because the effects they've endured go beyond 150 years.

  • @martensonlee8815
    @martensonlee8815 3 роки тому

    What ever lady ! It will not happen..