Hi Hina!I'm Shin! Yesterday I visited to the shrines with my family on first this year. I met and drank with my colleagues at night. 表現したかったのは、 「昨日、家族と神社に初詣に行きました」 「夜に同僚と会って、飲みました」 と、表現したかったですが、如何でしょう? 宜しくお願いします🙇
もういっぱい本あるのに新しいの買っちゃう気持ちわかります笑 今日から始めましょ!まだ3日やから間に合います! 英文にすると、It's the new year, but there was a large earthquake in the Hokuriku region. It's crazy. ですね!
Nice to meet you,Hina! I met your channel 1 week ago. Your channel is my favorite now. I respect you and I applied your program. I'm really looking forward to it. I trying to write journal 1 week. I felt the threshold of studying English has been lowered. I'll continue to study English. Thank you. (Please check and correct my text..!) HInaさん、初めまして!めっちゃリスペクトしてます! 良かったら添削お願いいたします。。!
Hello✨☺️ Thank you so much for commenting! 添削 -I came across your channel (came across →偶然出会った)(metは一般的に人にしか使いません) -I applied to your (to→〜に) -I’m trying to write a journal for 1 week. -I felt の文章、日本語で伝えてもらってもいいですか🙏🥹 Thank you so much! See you soon:)
@@HinaEnglishTeacher Hello! Thank you for the message! 「英語を勉強することに対して、敷居が下がったと感じました。」 I felt the threshold of studying English has been lowered. と言いたかったです。。!添削ありがとうございます🥹
Hello, thanks for commenting! 添削 -I wonder if studying English in high school will be difficult (〜かなぁは英語で I wonder if です)(未来のことなので will) See you soon!😊
1/5 I woke up at 6:30, but I ended up sleeping until 8 o'clock because I ate too much last night, and my stomach was sore. Consequently, I skipped breakfast this morning. For lunch, I had soybean flour mochi and grated radish mochi. Later, we enjoyed our homemade spicy curry for dinner. Tomorrow, I plan to visit Gotemba Premium Outlets with my daughter, her boyfriend, and my younger son. My daughter and my younger son are interested in buying wallets.
Hello ✨ Thanks for commenting! 添削 -So, I skipped〜(consequently でもいいですがsoの方がキャジュアルに聞こえます!) I hope you enjoyed your homemade spicy curry and shopping! See you tomorrow :)
Hi Hina! I leave a journal. Today I went to Starbucks after working. I had a chocolate chunk scone and a cup of coffee. The shop was opened last month. That’s why very clean and comfortable. I felt happy to see a smiling crew who was at register. (レジにいたスタッフさんの笑顔を見て幸せな気持ちになったと書きたかったです) The shop was crowded with a lot of tourists. 日記書くと沢山調べるので勉強になりますね!
Hello! 添削 -The shop just opened last month. (先月開いたばかり) -That’s why it’s very clean〜(何が綺麗で心地良いのか(店/it)が抜けています) -It made me feel happy to see the cashiers smiling. Thanks for commenting✨ See you soon!
1/6 Saturday trip to Gotemba Premium Outlets in Gotemba City: I had a Saturday trip with my family and daughter’s boy friend. But my wife can’t go wi the me. My daughter, her boyfriend, and my son bought their favorite wallet each in Michel Kors or Paul Smith. The wallet was discounted to 70% off which price was 13,200 yen. They were so satisfied. I bought GODIVA chocolates with truffle for my wife. Then, we are on our way home. For dinner, we had a Temaki sushi party.
Hello✨ 添削 -On Saturday I went on a trip with my family and my daughter’s boyfriend. (誰の娘なのかが抜けています!boyfriend は一つの単語です) -〜and my son each bought their favorite wallet in 〜(each bought→娘、娘の彼氏、息子はそれぞれ買った) -〜which was 13,200 yen (もう既に値段のことを話しているのでpriceを入れなくても意味は通じます) -Then we went home (過去形) Sounds like a great trip! See you soon:)
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶 Today I went and saw movie with my brother. Both of us like Detective Conan, so we saw “Detective Conan versus Phantom Thief KID” which is the movie started being broadcasted from yesterday. It was very good! Also we ate McDonald’s and ramen from Marugen for dinner. Do you know Marugen? I like its fried rice the best. Anyway, we had a great time. But there is a problem. It was that I couldn’t finished cleaning my room. I have to finish it early! See you tomorrow😊
Hello🐶☺️ 添削 -saw a movie (数えられる名詞の前にa) -which is a movie that came out yesterday. (昨日公開された→came out yesterday) -I like their fried rice the best. -finish it quickly I’ll see you soon 😉
1/4 I visited a car dealer with my wife and daughter. Then we greet a my sales man and mechanic engineer. We played a trump game called ‘Old Maid’ in America, on the other hand, in Japanese, it was called ’Babanuni’. We actually watched TV program which is game to decide the most weakest player. It was so funny and laughed out loud with my family. In the result, my daughter won as the most weakest player with taking Joker continuously 6 times. It was unbelievable!
Hello~ 添削です! - Then we were greeted by a salesman and mechanic engineer (営業マンとエンジニアに迎えられた・挨拶された) - We watched "A" TV program about a game that decides the weakest player →about~は内容を説明するときに使いまわせます! →most weakest playerのmost はいらないです!weakestが「1番弱い」と既に表現しているのでmost(最も)はいらないです!
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶 Today I ate out to Ohsyo of Gyoza with my friend. He is the old friend since I was in elementary school. I had played basketball with him for 7 years. He was captain and I was vice captain. But we haven’t seen each other since I entered high school, so we enjoyed talking very much after a long time! See you tomorrow😊
Hello🥰🐶 添削 -Today I ate at at a Gyoza restaurant called Ohsyo with my friend.(ohsyoという餃子のレストランで外食した) -He is an old friend (数えられる名詞の前にa/an) I’m glad you enjoyed your time with him! See you soon ;)
1/3 We returned to my home where I live from my hometown. We had a nice and relaxing time, but we felt a little sad about leaving. I have a vacation until January 7th, so I’m planning to spend special days with friends and my family. For example, I’ll visit a car dealer and Hattasan Shrine.
Hello Hide! Your break is pretty long! I hope you have a wonderful time! 添削です: - We returned to my hometown where I lived IN my hometown の順番の方が綺麗です! - 最後の文章は全く問題ないのですが、 For exampleで始めるより I'l be visiting a car dealing and the Hattasan ShrineだけでOKです!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher Thank you for your recommendation against all my massages, Hina. Your comments encouraged me to keep studying every day and writing a 5-years diary. Please look forward to today’s my post. See you later, Hina.
僕も一時期中国語というか、台湾華語ブーム来たのでちょっと共感しました笑 スマホに注音キーボード追加しましたが使ったことないです😅 ハードル下げて毎日やるのがやっぱり一番ですよね… 本日も添削をお願いいたします! Recently, I felt a lack of vocabulary of English. Because reading E-mails, documents, novels, and so on, there are more and more words I have seen but I can't understand. Especially, it is hard to read novels without vocabulary. If I skip words I don't know, I can't understand meaning of story well. But if every time encounting words I don't know I look it up, it takes too time to read only a book. So I have started thinking about buying a vocabulary book. I think it is better to use it to improve vocabulary immediately. How does Hina-sensei think? …と、英文の中で質問してしまって恐縮ですが、どうでしょうか? 実は単語帳は金のセンテンスしか持っていなくて、 さすがにTOEIC用の一冊だけでは今後も英語やっていく上で不十分かなと思っていまして…
Hello, thanks for commenting 😆 添削 -, but I will continue to follow your instructions! (follow your instructions→先生などの指示に従う はこのように表現します!) I’ll see you soon :)
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶 Today I kept cleaning my room all day while listening to music, but I have not finished it. I’ll finish it tomorrow definitely. Actually my brother finished cleaning his room in 2023, but now his room is mess. I can’t believe it!! It’s too early to keep his room clean😂 See you tomorrow😊
Thank you for your comments! I was encouraged so much! When I studied for university entrance exam, I decided to study for a minute anyway too. 添削お願いしたいですっ! とっても勇気づけられました。わたしも大学受験の時とりあえず1分は勉強するって決めてた! て言いたかったです! わたしも大学受験の時は継続できてたなぁて思うと、ほんま逃げずにやりたい。くううう
コメントありがとうございます!☺️ 受験は期限が明確に決まってるからいい意味でのプレッシャーがあって動けますよね、、わかります! 添削です: - When I studied for university entrance exam"S", I decided to start studying for just one minute. (entrance examで単数形で表すなら、THE university entrance exam entrance examsで複数形で表すならそのままでOKです!) とりあえず1分勉強する - start studying for just one minute と表現した方が綺麗です!
Thank you for sharing! I’ll try just 5 min practice everyday if I am not in the mood to practicing. And I’m really appreciate if you correcting my diary under the below. Though I haven’t done it for a long time, I have been knitting my socks since the end of the last year because my colleague told me handmade socks are really comfortable that made by her German gramma and aunt. It looks not so nice compare to products, but not so bad for me. She also told me knitting socks is popular in Germany before. Is it changed nowadays? 同僚から彼女のドイツ人のおばあちゃんとおばさんが編んだ手編みの靴下の履き心地がいいと聞いて、何十年も編み物をしていなかったのに年末から自分の靴下を編んでいます。既製品と比べると今ひとつだけど、なんだか味があるので悪くはないかな。 その同僚から昔のドイツでは靴下を編む人が多かったと聞きました。最近はドイツでもそんなに編む人がいないのかな?
Hello😆 添削 -〜because my colleague told me that the socks her grandma and aunt made are really comfortable. (grandma のスペル気をつけましょう!特定のものの場合theが必要です) -It doesn’t look as nice compared to off the shelf products (既製品), but it works for me. (私はそれでもいい) -She also told me knitting socks used to be(過去形) popular in Germany. Maybe it’s not as popular now ? Thanks for commenting ✨ see you soon!
1/7 I participated in a ceremony on January 7th called ‘Opening the Kagami-mochi.’ I enjoyed Oshiruko with mochi, and it was delicious. Today, I took a brief break from learning English and, instead, delved into 3D modeling using Blender, a 3D graphics software on Udemy. I found the process of 3D modeling very exciting.
Hi Hina!I'm Shin! Day before yesterday I rested all day long. Yesterday I worked over time. Today I spend with my daughters. We played trampoline one hour and half. ヒナさん、可能な範囲で結構ですので、添削お願いします。 「一昨日は1日中休んでました」 「昨日は1日中働いてました」 「今日は娘たちとトランポリンを1時間半してました」 と表したかったんですが、如何でしょうか? 追記:この前、添削受けたにも関わらず、先日areaをaria 、referenciatorsと、また使ってしまいました、失礼しました。
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶 I don’t know the reason, but my diary I wrote yesterday disappeared. So I will write the same one again. Thank you for your helpful video! I agree with your idea. I think that it’s important to continue studying English every day even though the time to study is short. So I will study English tomorrow, too. Also, I am asked to take GTEC by my university before I enter. It’s for checking English level of those who passed the exam and making some classes I guess. So my short term goal is getting more than 1180 scores! See you tomorrow😊
Hello!🐶💖 Oh no:( I wonder why your comment disappeared… Thanks for writing the same comment again !! 添削 -〜even if the the time to study is short. (even if は例え〜でも→仮定の意味、even though は事実に基づく話の時) -〜checking English levels〜(複数です!) -〜more than a score of 1180. I’ll see you tomorrow 🐶✨
Hi Hina!I'm Shin! We met my wife's parents and took some photos at December second. I bought lots of bottle of water then provide one to the disaster aria at December third. I met many referenciators the aria. They presented to us whose grant. at December fourth. ヒナさん、お世話になってます。 12/2、12/3、12/4の日記として 私の妻の両親にあって、数枚写真を撮った。12/2 沢山の水を買って、その被災地それらを届けた。12/3 沢山の関係者と会った。その人達は、私達に感謝の意を表した。12/4 といった感じなのですが、 なんか変な文章ですかね? バタバタしていて3つありますが、可能な範囲で結構ですので添削お願いします🙇
Hello again Shin!! Thanks for commenting😆 添削 -〜photos on December second. (onは日程、atは時間を表現する時に使います! ex. at 3pm) -I bought lots of bottled water and donated them to the area where the disaster happened) area のスペル気をつけましょう!) -I met up with many people who I’m familiar with. (知っている人たくさん会った) -They showed a lot of appreciation towards us. See you soon!!
2023 Jun 6th Today,I visited the chief of the district and welfare officers. So I want to get the trust from them. But I couldn't get to the greeting. My work office lost three staff members. So I couldn't get to the time. But it is excuse. Lucky, Japanese traditional roll is the New Year's greeting. It is the biggest chance for me. I could visit 20 people. Many of them were sent to welcome. I was glad it 2023 Jun 7th Excuse me, Master Hina. Maybe you grew up in Kyoto. I will go to Minamiza next Saturday. I will arrive at Kyoto station at about six o'clock by bus. I want to go sightseeing. I haven't visited Kibune jinja and Kinkakuji. Will I be able to go to both of them? I must be in Minamiza from 13 o'clock to 16 o'clock. If you can teach your favorite spots, please tell me.
Hello ✨ Thanks for commenting !! -If you can tell me your favorite spots, please let me know. (英語でteach meは勉学などを教えて下さいという意味なので、ここではteachよりtell meの方がいいですね!) Thanks for commenting!! See you soon :)
こんにちは。Hinaさんの勉強方法は真似しやすいし無駄がないので、私もやろう!!!と思えます。いつも素晴らしい動画ありがとうございます。 添削をお願いしたいです! どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Today is the first work day of the year. I was happy to see my colleagues. It has been 5days since last work day last year.(昨年の最後の仕事の日から5日ぶりに同僚に会ったと言いたいのですがどう言っていいのかわかりません。) I studied English at my favorite cafe before starting work. Learning English has become a ha bit. I wanna go to cafe tomorrow. わかりづらい文ですがどうぞよろしくお願いします。
2️⃣ 明確な時間をスケジューリングして勉強する
早く次の動画出ないかな~って過去の動画毎日見てます笑 ハマってしまいました。沼です。姉と姪っ子にもおすすめしました笑
「もうそういうのはいらんから」ってめっちゃわろ〜た!I'm guilty too けどほんまにそれ! Done is better than perfect.
@@HinaEnglishTeacher きゃーーーー!!返信迄いただいて超絶うれしい!実は韓国語能力試験試験の勉強も一緒にやってるんです。
I got up at 0:00pm.I ate rice cake.
rice cakeは何個食べましたか?
1つなら、I ate a rice cake
1つ以上食べたなら(複数形)I ate rice cakesと 最後にsをつけましょう!
Hi Hina!I'm Shin!
Yesterday I visited to the shrines with my family on first this year.
I met and drank with my colleagues at night.
Hello Shin✨
-Yesterday I went to the first shrine of the year with my family. (the first visit of the year →初詣)
See you soon:)
頑張ってください卍 うちもいい加減筋トレ頑張るので
英文にすると、It's the new year, but there was a large earthquake in the Hokuriku region. It's crazy. ですね!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher 共感いただきありがとうございます。
@@HinaEnglishTeacher ありがとうございます🥹ほんとに全然単語もわかりませんが勉強会参加したいです!
I'm being lazy.お正月恒例
Nice to meet you,Hina!
I met your channel 1 week ago.
Your channel is my favorite now.
I respect you and I applied your program.
I'm really looking forward to it.
I trying to write journal 1 week.
I felt the threshold of studying English has been lowered.
I'll continue to study English.
Thank you.
(Please check and correct my text..!)
Hello✨☺️ Thank you so much for commenting!
-I came across your channel (came across →偶然出会った)(metは一般的に人にしか使いません)
-I applied to your (to→〜に)
-I’m trying to write a journal for 1 week.
-I felt の文章、日本語で伝えてもらってもいいですか🙏🥹
Thank you so much! See you soon:)
@@HinaEnglishTeacher Hello! Thank you for the message!
I felt the threshold of studying English has been lowered.
Today i attended my son's highschool entrance exam seminar.
I wonder high school's English study is difficult.
Hello, thanks for commenting!
-I wonder if studying English in high school will be difficult (〜かなぁは英語で I wonder if です)(未来のことなので will)
See you soon!😊
ほんまにそうですね笑 筋トレチャンネルに変更やな
1/5 I woke up at 6:30, but I ended up sleeping until 8 o'clock because I ate too much last night, and my stomach was sore. Consequently, I skipped breakfast this morning. For lunch, I had soybean flour mochi and grated radish mochi. Later, we enjoyed our homemade spicy curry for dinner. Tomorrow, I plan to visit Gotemba Premium Outlets with my daughter, her boyfriend, and my younger son. My daughter and my younger son are interested in buying wallets.
Hello ✨ Thanks for commenting!
-So, I skipped〜(consequently でもいいですがsoの方がキャジュアルに聞こえます!)
I hope you enjoyed your homemade spicy curry and shopping! See you tomorrow :)
Thanks 😊 ❤and Happy new year Hina!! I got cheer up by your video!! 5 minutes!! And speak by myself!! These are important keys 🔑 I gotcha 👌
Hello😆 thanks for finding my channel! I’m glad my video cheered you up:) See you soon!
Hi Hina! I leave a journal.
Today I went to Starbucks after working.
I had a chocolate chunk scone and a cup of coffee.
The shop was opened last month.
That’s why very clean and comfortable.
I felt happy to see a smiling crew who was at register.
The shop was crowded with a lot of tourists.
-The shop just opened last month. (先月開いたばかり)
-That’s why it’s very clean〜(何が綺麗で心地良いのか(店/it)が抜けています)
-It made me feel happy to see the cashiers smiling.
Thanks for commenting✨ See you soon!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher 添削ありがとうございます。よくわかりました。
1番近いのはcigarette burn ですかね卍
焼きを入れたる!=I'll burn you
Happy new year Hina san!
Happy new years 😆🔥
Hi Hina
Today 's UA-cam is perfect,
I will study .
Hello~~ thank you😆
please study hard!
Regardless we all have our ups and downs!
1/6 Saturday trip to Gotemba Premium Outlets in Gotemba City:
I had a Saturday trip with my family and daughter’s boy friend. But my wife can’t go wi the me. My daughter, her boyfriend, and my son bought their favorite wallet each in Michel Kors or Paul Smith. The wallet was discounted to 70% off which price was 13,200 yen. They were so satisfied. I bought GODIVA chocolates with truffle for my wife. Then, we are on our way home. For dinner, we had a Temaki sushi party.
-On Saturday I went on a trip with my family and my daughter’s boyfriend. (誰の娘なのかが抜けています!boyfriend は一つの単語です)
-〜and my son each bought their favorite wallet in 〜(each bought→娘、娘の彼氏、息子はそれぞれ買った)
-〜which was 13,200 yen (もう既に値段のことを話しているのでpriceを入れなくても意味は通じます)
-Then we went home (過去形)
Sounds like a great trip! See you soon:)
@@HinaEnglishTeacher とても参考になります。ちょいちょい抜けてますね。ありがとうございます。
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶
Today I went and saw movie with my brother. Both of us like Detective Conan, so we saw “Detective Conan versus Phantom Thief KID” which is the movie started being broadcasted from yesterday. It was very good! Also we ate McDonald’s and ramen from Marugen for dinner. Do you know Marugen? I like its fried rice the best. Anyway, we had a great time. But there is a problem. It was that I couldn’t finished cleaning my room. I have to finish it early!
See you tomorrow😊
-saw a movie (数えられる名詞の前にa)
-which is a movie that came out yesterday. (昨日公開された→came out yesterday)
-I like their fried rice the best.
-finish it quickly
I’ll see you soon 😉
1/4 I visited a car dealer with my wife and daughter. Then we greet a my sales man and mechanic engineer. We played a trump game called ‘Old Maid’ in America, on the other hand, in Japanese, it was called ’Babanuni’. We actually watched TV program which is game to decide the most weakest player. It was so funny and laughed out loud with my family. In the result, my daughter won as the most weakest player with taking Joker continuously 6 times. It was unbelievable!
- Then we were greeted by a salesman and mechanic engineer
- We watched "A" TV program about a game that decides the weakest player
→most weakest playerのmost はいらないです!weakestが「1番弱い」と既に表現しているのでmost(最も)はいらないです!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher ありがとうございます😭また、冠詞を忘れていますね。
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶
Today I ate out to Ohsyo of Gyoza with my friend. He is the old friend since I was in elementary school. I had played basketball with him for 7 years. He was captain and I was vice captain. But we haven’t seen each other since I entered high school, so we enjoyed talking very much after a long time!
See you tomorrow😊
-Today I ate at at a Gyoza restaurant called Ohsyo with my friend.(ohsyoという餃子のレストランで外食した)
-He is an old friend (数えられる名詞の前にa/an)
I’m glad you enjoyed your time with him! See you soon ;)
Thank you for your correction!
1/3 We returned to my home where I live from my hometown. We had a nice and relaxing time, but we felt a little sad about leaving. I have a vacation until January 7th, so I’m planning to spend special days with friends and my family. For example, I’ll visit a car dealer and Hattasan Shrine.
Hello Hide!
Your break is pretty long!
I hope you have a wonderful time!
- We returned to my hometown where I lived IN my hometown の順番の方が綺麗です!
- 最後の文章は全く問題ないのですが、
For exampleで始めるより I'l be visiting a car dealing and the Hattasan ShrineだけでOKです!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher Thank you for your recommendation against all my massages, Hina. Your comments encouraged me to keep studying every day and writing a 5-years diary. Please look forward to today’s my post. See you later, Hina.
Recently, I felt a lack of vocabulary of English.
Because reading E-mails, documents, novels, and so on, there are more and more words I have seen but I can't understand.
Especially, it is hard to read novels without vocabulary.
If I skip words I don't know, I can't understand meaning of story well.
But if every time encounting words I don't know I look it up, it takes too time to read only a book.
So I have started thinking about buying a vocabulary book.
I think it is better to use it to improve vocabulary immediately.
How does Hina-sensei think?
Hi,Hina! Thanks for sharing good content. Motivation control is most important. I'm still a Gaki, but I will continue to do your teach!
Hello, thanks for commenting 😆
-, but I will continue to follow your instructions! (follow your instructions→先生などの指示に従う はこのように表現します!)
I’ll see you soon :)
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶
Today I kept cleaning my room all day while listening to music, but I have not finished it. I’ll finish it tomorrow definitely. Actually my brother finished cleaning his room in 2023, but now his room is mess. I can’t believe it!! It’s too early to keep his room clean😂
See you tomorrow😊
-but now his room is a mess. (具体的な常態を表す時はa がつくことがあります)
Thanks for commenting everyday💖
Thank you for your correction to my every diary, too!!
Thank you for your comments! I was encouraged so much! When I studied for university entrance exam, I decided to study for a minute anyway too.
- When I studied for university entrance exam"S", I decided to start studying for just one minute.
(entrance examで単数形で表すなら、THE university entrance exam
entrance examsで複数形で表すならそのままでOKです!)
とりあえず1分勉強する - start studying for just one minute
Thank you for sharing! I’ll try just 5 min practice everyday if I am not in the mood to practicing.
And I’m really appreciate if you correcting my diary under the below.
Though I haven’t done it for a long time, I have been knitting my socks since the end of the last year because my colleague told me handmade socks are really comfortable that made by her German gramma and aunt. It looks not so nice compare to products, but not so bad for me.
She also told me knitting socks is popular in Germany before. Is it changed nowadays?
-〜because my colleague told me that the socks her grandma and aunt made are really comfortable. (grandma のスペル気をつけましょう!特定のものの場合theが必要です)
-It doesn’t look as nice compared to off the shelf products (既製品), but it works for me. (私はそれでもいい)
-She also told me knitting socks used to be(過去形) popular in Germany. Maybe it’s not as popular now ?
Thanks for commenting ✨ see you soon!
1/7 I participated in a ceremony on January 7th called ‘Opening the Kagami-mochi.’ I enjoyed Oshiruko with mochi, and it was delicious. Today, I took a brief break from learning English and, instead, delved into 3D modeling using Blender, a 3D graphics software on Udemy. I found the process of 3D modeling very exciting.
-I ate oshiruko with mochi and it was delicious. (食べ物に対してenjoyはあんまり使いません!)
Wow! 3D modeling! That’s so cool:) See you soon!!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher 素直に食べたで良いんですね。
Hi Hina!I'm Shin!
Day before yesterday I rested all day long.
Yesterday I worked over time.
Today I spend with my daughters.
We played trampoline one hour and half.
追記:この前、添削受けたにも関わらず、先日areaをaria 、referenciatorsと、また使ってしまいました、失礼しました。
Hello Shin 😊
-Two days ago I 〜(一昨日はtwo days ago)
-Today I spent time with〜(時間を過ごした→spent time with)
-for one hour and a half
See you soon!:)
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶
I don’t know the reason, but my diary I wrote yesterday disappeared. So I will write the same one again.
Thank you for your helpful video! I agree with your idea. I think that it’s important to continue studying English every day even though the time to study is short. So I will study English tomorrow, too. Also, I am asked to take GTEC by my university before I enter. It’s for checking English level of those who passed the exam and making some classes I guess. So my short term goal is getting more than 1180 scores!
See you tomorrow😊
Hello!🐶💖 Oh no:( I wonder why your comment disappeared… Thanks for writing the same comment again !!
-〜even if the the time to study is short. (even if は例え〜でも→仮定の意味、even though は事実に基づく話の時)
-〜checking English levels〜(複数です!)
-〜more than a score of 1180.
I’ll see you tomorrow 🐶✨
Thank you for your correction!
Hi Hina!I'm Shin!
We met my wife's parents and took some photos at December second.
I bought lots of bottle of water then provide one to the disaster aria at December third.
I met many referenciators the aria.
They presented to us whose grant.
at December fourth.
Hello again Shin!! Thanks for commenting😆
-〜photos on December second. (onは日程、atは時間を表現する時に使います! ex. at 3pm)
-I bought lots of bottled water and donated them to the area where the disaster happened) area のスペル気をつけましょう!)
-I met up with many people who I’m familiar with. (知っている人たくさん会った)
-They showed a lot of appreciation towards us.
See you soon!!
2023 Jun 6th
Today,I visited the chief of the district and welfare officers.
So I want to get the trust from them.
But I couldn't get to the greeting.
My work office lost three staff members.
So I couldn't get to the time. But it is excuse.
Lucky, Japanese traditional roll is the New Year's greeting.
It is the biggest chance for me.
I could visit 20 people.
Many of them were sent to welcome.
I was glad it
2023 Jun 7th
Excuse me, Master Hina.
Maybe you grew up in Kyoto.
I will go to Minamiza next Saturday.
I will arrive at Kyoto station at about six o'clock by bus.
I want to go sightseeing.
I haven't visited Kibune jinja and Kinkakuji.
Will I be able to go to both of them?
I must be in Minamiza from 13 o'clock to 16 o'clock.
If you can teach your favorite spots, please tell me.
Hello ✨ Thanks for commenting !!
-If you can tell me your favorite spots, please let me know. (英語でteach meは勉学などを教えて下さいという意味なので、ここではteachよりtell meの方がいいですね!)
Thanks for commenting!! See you soon :)
Today is the first work day of the year.
I was happy to see my colleagues.
It has been 5days since last work day last year.(昨年の最後の仕事の日から5日ぶりに同僚に会ったと言いたいのですがどう言っていいのかわかりません。)
I studied English at my favorite cafe before starting work.
Learning English has become a ha bit.
I wanna go to cafe tomorrow.
Hi, Hina😊
I’ve been watching your UA-cam recently. I want to speak English well!! So, I continue to study English!
-your UA-cam videos/channel recently.
-So, I will〜(私は〜しますは I willです!)
Thank you for finding my channel! See you soon :)
thank u :)