百变达人 龙拳少年王者归来高难度盲踢征服全场 师徒感情深厚离别不舍 190630
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
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“我热爱的,各有不凡!”江苏卫视重磅打造的国内首档环球创意竞演秀《君乐宝涨芝士啦·百变达人》,将于4月21日起每周日晚21:10惊喜来袭。《百变达人》的英文名称是“Beyond Show”,“百变”的目标是超越和挑战。集结了中国最顶级的团队,百人共创。以独特的创意呈现,将不同的表演形式,通过创意的、科技的、艺术的加工,升华到一个全新的层次,用中国原创见证中国骄傲、传递中国自信。
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for everyone who got confused, so the last bit is that one of the coaches was approaching the end of contract to work at that team, he might leave the dojang, so the children may not be able to be trained by him anymore, they like and miss him, that is why they were a bit sad, especially the youngest of them. Luckily, the coach remains in the team, and the kids continues to train with him. (in that team, every time a coach signs a contract to work there, the duration is 3 years, so you can choose to either leave at the end of the 3 years, or to stay and sign another contract, which will be another 3 years. It's kinda very good, you can choose whether to start a new work every 3 years, and the team administrator also evaluate your coaching ability every 3 years, it's good for both sides)
龙莹的精神,你当然可以做到,你的粉丝将永远支持你 💘💓💗
只有一个字 帅!
Although I do not understand its meaning, the last one makes me vary sad😭😭😭😭
Me too 😭😭😭😿
Yes mee too🥺😭😭😭😭
In the end, because the coach wants to leave them, leave the gym, and they have feelings between them, they are reluctant, so they cried.
song name
What is the title of that song plssssa......
Wow so cool dragon first
Can u guys explain i dont understand
me too
I understand
In the end, because the coach wants to leave them, leave the gym, and they have feelings between them, they are reluctant, so they cried.
@@云绍 谢谢
@@云绍 竞技是什么?
@@cepposedonmx7663 跆拳道其中一个项目,自由搏击(双方互相对打)
someone please tell me why the little one cried!
The little one his name is SHANXI YUFEI
In the end, because the coach wants to leave them, leave the gym, and they have feelings between them, they are reluctant, so they cried.