I understand everything you did from 0:00 to 6:56, after that you lost me. Can I rigg the clothes by jus attaching the vertices? Do I need to do everything you did after 6:56? If so.. can you explain what you are doing and why... I don't understand anything you was doing.. like why are you highlighting the arms red and the neck red... I don't understand I hope you reply
Gan, kalo boleh bagi kontak nya dong buat nanya2 soal tutorial ini. Karena ane masih bingung sama beberapa fungsi nya, kayak attach misalnya. Terima kasih.
I understand everything you did from 0:00 to 6:56, after that you lost me.
Can I rigg the clothes by jus attaching the vertices?
Do I need to do everything you did after 6:56?
If so.. can you explain what you are doing and why... I don't understand anything you was doing.. like why are you highlighting the arms red and the neck red... I don't understand
I hope you reply
for the red arm and red neck, I just removed the original arm that appear on the clothes I want to rig so they are not visible in the game
@@ryuwave but bro why do you select and deselect them again
Thanks tutor nya
Njir videony setengah jam😳
Hehe...lama di vertices aja
@@ryuwave njir
Vest juga kaya gini bang?
Bang kalo posisi lengan model obj nya beda apakah harus di import 2x bahan torsonya kyk skin gtu ?
Usahain sih harus sama, bisa di pasin dullu model objnya
Bang Bikin Video Baru Yang Lebih Detail Lagi Soalnya Kurang Paham Pas Di Bagian Attach Sama Di Bagian Skin Yang Edit Envelopes Lu Ngapain Aja
Gan, kalo boleh bagi kontak nya dong buat nanya2 soal tutorial ini. Karena ane masih bingung sama beberapa fungsi nya, kayak attach misalnya. Terima kasih.
Bisa PM FB : Chaerudin Wide Exa Andaruni
@@ryuwave udah ane chat gan, btw thanks ya. Semoga suksess
guud lanjutin
Bang kok punya saya setiap mau di export ngerotate Mulu ya?
Mine too bro
ini beda nih