i dont understand you guys. kamikazes are one of the best units in game. they are cheap and deadly. and they are so easy to use. jut hide them in the bush and wait for the pray to comeme, then just destroy tank.they are also very usefull against infantry but i prefer to use them against ehavy tanks or as scouts. kamikazes could easly become my fav unit in all game.
Lol, the German players on that Soviet part were some putzes haha.....buying nothing but tanks and like no infantry.....its hilariously sad when you can run infantry out in the open and have no fear of being shot b/c ur opponent isnt buying infantry. That Flamethrower was funny....torched 2 tanks and they didnt do anything about it
You guys sure like "Dead River"
you guys have more fun than me and world
How can I use kamikaze?
i dont understand you guys. kamikazes are one of the best units in game. they are cheap and deadly. and they are so easy to use. jut hide them in the bush and wait for the pray to comeme, then just destroy tank.they are also very usefull against infantry but i prefer to use them against ehavy tanks or as scouts. kamikazes could easly become my fav unit in all game.
It cut off at 4:00. D:
@Jakleful no no, it's 1940s, for the emperor, lol
It cut off on meh! D: put stars and strips in there the song. :3
@military30able tis most epic map ever
LOL epicness
i suck with the kamikaze but you deamn rock
LOL the hordes of T-34s
Lol, the German players on that Soviet part were some putzes haha.....buying nothing but tanks and like no infantry.....its hilariously sad when you can run infantry out in the open and have no fear of being shot b/c ur opponent isnt buying infantry. That Flamethrower was funny....torched 2 tanks and they didnt do anything about it
@zarcon94 they are until u blow them up with a kamikaze XD