could you please speak Amharic as your viewers aren't ferenj. Knowledgeable ones are able to convey their knowledge in the language of their listeners in a simple language and give credit to the owners of the content you have copied from and not passing it as your own.
i don't believe in motivation. i believe in discipline but i am not saying motivation is bad .motivation is the start key that starts the main engine or process
እውቀት ለ መፈለግም motivated መሆን ያስፈልጋል ቁጭ ብለን motivational video ስላየን መጽሃፍም ስለተነበበም visualize ስለተደረም ኣይደለም ግን inner yehone motivation ለማግኘት personal development መጽሃፍ ሳይሆን training is better because ተነስ ትችላለህ ስለተባልክ ሳይሆን ተነስ ስራ የሚልህ ሃልፊነት አና ህልም አንዲኖርህ ነው ይሚያረገው Change is pain ይላል ሃቢት ቢዩልዲንግ ትሬኒንግ ላይ ከለምደነው ልምድ ወይም comfort zone ወተን ለንፈልገው ዓላማ ጉዞ አንድንጀምር ይረዳናል Vosion without actionn is a television😊 personal development = body +mind + sprit .anyhow i really respect and thank u for ur service❤❤❤
Wow. Thank you very much, This was my problem. I was collecting, reading many books, and watching many videos but there was no change. Starting today I will do something. Thanks again, bro.
Motivation speach is like Hypnotism. Emotional manuplation and money grabing technics. Skills education is much better than Motivational speach. Motivation speach is the next manuplation of pastor preaching.
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌YOU Are absolutely right. Betam Amesegnalew people without education is nothing with only motivation. It's all about hallucinations. Just a dream .Thank you again ❤️
Bro wow This is what we call smart guy You think deferent you think out of the box as I didn’t find different idea about motivational speaker Smart guy You helping lot young people Thank you first time I subscribed today and watched almost 10 videos Thumbs up 👍🏾 to you
I totaly agree 💯% 👍🏼 This is exactly what I have been trying to explain for some people, when ever this topic is raised. I really appreciate that you use your own experience, it made your point so clear and simple. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I have gone down the same motivation rabbit hole when I was in campus. There is even a term for this. It is called mental masturbation. I agree with the fact that shifting your focus from motivation to learning more about your industry will get you more results. I also know you are talking about Dawit dreams. I like watching videos of his guests who actually built a real business like the Ambassador guy. But I don't like that cultish ending and I have never watched himself talking because I don't know what his creds are to speak on that matter. Studying people who built real world businesses is good. You shouldn't do it for motivation but to learn from their experiences.
Thank you for confirming my perspective on this motivational speakers and self help books. They never made sense to me and I saw many people pouring a lot of money on some companies because of this, so I avoided them. And when I saw other people inclined to this motivational garbage I thought maybe i am on the wrong one, but today you've confirmed it and also indicated the right thing, which is getting education!
I believe you have good intentions judging from ur other videos but the truth on this one( from my view ) is .... Personal development and motivation is not one and the same . personal development encompasses , discipline, growth mindset, forgiveness journey, spiritual journey , concepts of how the mind works , motivation , paradagim shift , habit work.....all to be followed by action.
I agree with this Idea. I'm also the one who consume motivational speech. Finally I realized that the most important thing is Knowledge. with out knowledge mare motivation can not change human life. In my opinion Knowing about what you want to do and Learning about the way of success and hassles you encounter on the way will lead you to the real success. Thank you so much for your eye opening lesson.
You mentioned Jim rhon and he is one of the best personal developement teacher. Chegeru yalew ke timehrtu sayhon ke atekakemachen nw...Le 1du kalsera totally metfo nw malet aykebdem? I wish motivation and personal developmentn leyayteh betakerb tikmachewn nd gudatachewn.
Change is pain full. We must be motivate for our dream not by current situation. Current sitation is progress stage. But for all of that we must program our dreams in our subconscious mind.
If you like this video, You need to watch this next ►
could you please speak Amharic as your viewers aren't ferenj. Knowledgeable ones are able to convey their knowledge in the language of their listeners in a simple language and give credit to the owners of the content you have copied from and not passing it as your own.
አረ ስልክህን በናትህ
ብዙ ቅሬታ እንደምታስተናግድ ግልፅ ቢሆንም እውነታውን ስለገለጥክ Thank you alot.
"Motivation ከ መከታተል ይልቅ ዕውቀትን ማሳደድ " that is the point 👍👍👍
Tbji baksh
@@fxforex1m አረ አይባልም እነሱ ብሩን ታገኛለህ ነው እንጂ የሚሉት የምታገኝበትን መንገድ በጭራሽ አያሳዩህም
Motivation is what gets you started but habit is what keeps you going
*Discipline is what keeps u going
I agree
James clear_Atomic habits
አንተን ተከትዬ ትልልቅ ጥሩ ዉሳኔዎችን ወስኛለዉ
Computer since ለመማር ስወስን ያንተን ቪድዮ አይቻለዉ
* እየተማርኩ መስራትን እንዳስብም ለዉሳኔም አንተን መስማቴ ረድቶኛል
* ብቻዬን ለመኖር እንድወስንም ያንተ ሺድዮ ረድቶኛል
* በሰሞኑ ደሞ ቦስተን ሄጄ እማራለሁ😊
* በኔ ህይወት ብዙ ጥሩ ተፅዕኖ ያሳደርክ ሰዉ ነህ እና thanks yoni❤
Me too❤❤❤❤
ሞቲቬሽንን መንቀፍ ሳይሆን የተነሳሳውን ማንነት እንዴት ወደተግባር ማስገባትና ማስቀጠል እንደሚገባ ብትሰራ የበለጠ ምርጥ ይሆን ነበር :: ከያንዳንዱ ስኬታማ ሰው ጀርባ ተነሳሽነት እንዳለ አንዘንጋ :: ዛሬ እምናየው ጠንካራው ዮኒ እኮ ያኔ ያያቸው የአነቃቂ ሰዎች ትምህርት ውጤት ተደምሮበትም ይመስለኛል :: እይታህ ግን ተመችቶኛል ::
አይ አንተ ስታይሉ ቀይሮ ነው የመጣልህ ያንተ ጭራሽ ባሰ
እኔም እንዳንተ ነበርኩ እና በጣም መጥፎ ጊዜ ነበር እያሳለፍኩ የነበረው ። በጣም ብዙ መፅሀፎች ነበሩኝ። ግን በሆነ ሰአት search ማድረግ ጀመርኩ ማለት በራሴ ላይ ምንም ለውጥ ስላላየሁ እና ሁሉንም መጥፎ ጎናቸውን ማየት ጀመርኩ ከዛ ግን ሁሉንም መፅሃፎች በ እሳት ነበር ያቃጠልኩት እና በራሴ መንገድ እራሴን መለወጥ የጀመርኩት። እሁን ግን ማንም የነሱ እስረኛ እንዲሆን አልመክርም።
ቪድዮውን ሳየው እራሴን ነው ያየሁት እና በጣም thank u, you're the BEST
ምርጥ ምርጥ ወጣቶች እየመጣችሁ ስለሆነ ደስ ይላል ክበሩ
motivation ከብዙ ሰው ጋር አላስማማ ያለኝ ነገር ነው አሁን ይሄ ቪዲዎ ለብዙ ሰው ግልፅ የሆነ ግልፅ የሚያደርግ ነው
የውስጤን ነው ብዙ ቪዲዮዎችህ ላይ እምታወራው
በትክክልም ቁም ነገር ለማፈልጉ ሰዎች እምትመጥን ቁም ነገረኛ ነህ 👍🙏🙏
ሁለት አመት በዳዊት ድሪምስ መፃፍ በሌለኝ እና ባሎንኩት ነገር እራሴን ስሸውድ ነበር በቅርቡ ነው ልክ እንዳልሆንኩ እና የሆነ የተሳሳትኩት ነገር እንዳለ ማሰብ የጀመርኩት አሁን አንተ ግልፅ አረክልኝ በጣም ነው ማመሰግነው
በዚህ ጉዳይ ተከታታይ ቪድዮ ብትሰራ🙏
Motivation ena personal development yleyayal brooooo
Le Ethiopia people
Motivation ayasfelgm
Personal development eji
እኔ ግን በማንበብ ነው ራሴን ያገኘሁት መጀመሪያ ጊዜ የጀምስ አለን the man as thinkth የሚለውን ዋው ነው ለእኔ
በጣም የምወደዉ መፅሀፍ ነዉ እኔም
ትክክል ዮኒዬ
👉The problem is not taking action✔️
👉You will never do what needs to be done being motivated always.
Motivation is what gets you started but habit is what keeps you going
i don't believe in motivation. i believe in discipline but i am not saying motivation is bad .motivation is the start key that starts the main engine or process
I’m so happy for your parents! Bro keep your AMHARIC pure as much as you can. You deserved more, thou!! ❤️
100% Agree.አንዳንዴ ፌክ የሆኑ ሰዎች በጊዜያዊ ስሜት ላይ ትኩረት ያደርጋሉ ነገር ግን ሪል የሆኑ ሰዎች የሚተገበሩበትን መንገድ በማወቅ ይሰራሉ።
This is exactly what this generation needs to listen!!!! Thanks Brother!
All agree with Yonas Moh! Like❤ and Love👍
Yonas Moh አንተ ድንቅ ልጅ ነህ
በእውነት ህይወታችንን የሚቀይሩ ምክሮችን በነጻ እየለገስከን ተገኛለህና ፈጣሪ ይባርክህ
ስለሞትቬሽን ስታወራ ጥዬ ልወጣ ነበር ቪድዮውን በመጨረሴ እውቀትህን ተጠቀምኩበት ሞቲቬት የሚያደርጉ ሰዎችን በጣም ከእግዚአብሔር ህግ የወጡ ባዶ ተሰፈኛ የሚያደርጉ ትውልዱን ስለሆኑ እጅግ አድርጌ እቃወማቸዋለሁ አንተን ያየሁ ዛሬ ነው ነገር ግን መልካም ነትህ እውቀትህን ለማካፈል ያለህ ነገር ይመቻል ትውልዱ ሁሉ እንደነተ የሚያውቀውን ቢያስተምር የት በደረስን ድንግል ምኞትህን ትሙላለህ!!!
ተባረክ! በኢትዮጵያ ተስፋ አልቆርጥም !
ስንት ሰው በዚህ ቪዲዮ motivate ሆኗል?😂😂
በትክክል ልብ ብለሃል 👍❤
እውቀት ለ መፈለግም motivated መሆን ያስፈልጋል ቁጭ ብለን motivational video ስላየን መጽሃፍም ስለተነበበም visualize ስለተደረም ኣይደለም ግን inner yehone motivation ለማግኘት personal development መጽሃፍ ሳይሆን training is better because ተነስ ትችላለህ ስለተባልክ ሳይሆን ተነስ ስራ የሚልህ ሃልፊነት አና ህልም አንዲኖርህ ነው ይሚያረገው
Change is pain ይላል ሃቢት ቢዩልዲንግ ትሬኒንግ ላይ ከለምደነው ልምድ ወይም comfort zone ወተን ለንፈልገው ዓላማ ጉዞ አንድንጀምር ይረዳናል
Vosion without actionn is a television😊
personal development = body +mind + sprit .anyhow i really respect and thank u for ur service❤❤❤
ህልም ከለህ ህልም ከደመ ነፍስ ከታጋናኛ ምንም ነጋር ብሰራ አየስጠለሀም እንደዉም አለሰራ ነዉ ሚደብር አሸነፊ ታዬን ከዬ ትራደለ ብታየዉ ደስ ይለኛል
Wow. Thank you very much, This was my problem. I was collecting, reading many books, and watching many videos but there was no change. Starting today I will do something. Thanks again, bro.
you are also the victims of motivation garabaje!
እውነታው ይህ ነው ህይወቴ ላይ ሞክሬ ወርክ ያላደረገ ነገር ቢኖር motivation ነው የህይወትን እውነታ እንድንረዳ ሳይሆን በ imagination ያሌለንን ህይወት እንድናስብ ያደርገናል እኔ motivation መስማት አቁሜ አርፌ ስራዬን መስራት ጀምሬአለው
Motivation speach is like Hypnotism. Emotional manuplation and money grabing technics. Skills education is much better than Motivational speach.
Motivation speach is the next manuplation of pastor preaching.
Jo ዛሬ ልኮምት
motivation ክፋት አለው ብዬ አላስብም coz እኔ በትክክል የተለወጡ ሰዎች ንግግር እና ምክርን እቀበላለሁ እነሱ መንገድ ያሳዩሀል እንጂ አይሰሩልህም አይለውጡህም ወሳኙ አንተ ነህ እነሱ በሚያሳዩህ መንገድ መርጠህ መጓዝ ስትሳሳትም ተስፋ ባለመቁረጥ መነሳት!!!
Bro you are also motivating!!!
ንግግር ትችላለህ፡፡ ጥሩ አእምሮ ነው ያለህ፡፡ ይህ አእምሮህ የሚያድገው በመማር ነው፡፡ ሞትቬሽን ጠቃሚ ነገር እንሆነ ማውቅ አለብህ፤ ገና በእውቀት አላደክም፡ ጥበብን ለማግኘት መጽሐፍ ማንበብና መማር እጅግ ጠቃሚ እንደሆነ ማወቅ ይገባሃል፡፡ መማር የማወቅና የእውቀት ዋና (The open door gate) በር እንደሆነ እወቅ፡፡
እውነት ነው ዕድሜ ይሰጥህ
That is right ልክ ብለሀል ለዚህ people እንደዚህ አይነት video ያስፈልገው ነበር
በሚገርም ሁኔታ አንደምትናገረው በዛን ጊዜ ያነበብካቸው መፅሀፎች በትክክል አግዘውሀል ለዛም ነው ወደዚህ ደረጃ የደረስከው ወንድም። ያኔ እራስህን ሰርቶሀል
He's not saying don't read or listen motivations, he's saying don't get sink in these things
ዛሬ ካቀረብከው ጥሩ ያልኩት motivation ከመከታተል ይልቅ እውቀትን ማሳደድ ጀምሩ የሚለውን ነው።ሌላው በእኔ አስተሳሰብ Audience ለመሳብ ጥሩ ዕርዕሱ ላይ ያተኮረ ስራ የሰራህ አድርጌ ወስጄዋለሁ🧐
Motivation gets you to start
Discipline keeps you going💪💪💪
: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". Proverbs, chapter 23, verse 7..... ይህ ከገባክ Motivation አያስፈልግህም
Motivation is just an emotion. The problem is emotion doesn't work the work.
Egziabeherem enem motivation sesema wediyaw eseralehu esun kalsemaw esenfalehu
Ere Yimechik Bro! Thanks Ehe Yehuli gize Yerase Tiyaken New Yemelesikilign Enem Endantew Neberikugn...!!!
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌YOU Are absolutely right. Betam Amesegnalew people without education is nothing with only motivation. It's all about hallucinations. Just a dream .Thank you again ❤️
Thank you broye ,,,ene motivation speaker betam new mitelaw ena hasaben sletenagerklign amesegnalehu betam,,,,,,,abso ye Ethiopian motivator yemisemu sewoch please akumu
Bro wow
This is what we call smart guy
You think deferent you think out of the box as I didn’t find different idea about motivational speaker
Smart guy
You helping lot young people
Thank you first time I subscribed today and watched almost 10 videos
Thumbs up 👍🏾 to you
I can not say motivation is not good but education/ knowledge and self discipline are important too
This is more realistic than most motivators , well said keep up the good work
እውነቱን መናገር ጫጫታ ያስነሳል በርታ ።
motivation የሚሰሩ ሰወች የሚያወሩትን አይኖሩም
I totaly agree 💯% 👍🏼
This is exactly what I have been trying to explain for some people, when ever this topic is raised.
I really appreciate that you use your own experience, it made your point so clear and simple. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Thank you so much የልቤን ነው ያወራክልኝ
እውነት ነፃ አወጣኸኝ 🙏
I have gone down the same motivation rabbit hole when I was in campus. There is even a term for this. It is called mental masturbation. I agree with the fact that shifting your focus from motivation to learning more about your industry will get you more results. I also know you are talking about Dawit dreams. I like watching videos of his guests who actually built a real business like the Ambassador guy. But I don't like that cultish ending and I have never watched himself talking because I don't know what his creds are to speak on that matter. Studying people who built real world businesses is good. You shouldn't do it for motivation but to learn from their experiences.
አመሰግናለሁ ... 💚💛❤🙏
Internal set up is more important that external push up
On point, go ahead man
Thank you for confirming my perspective on this motivational speakers and self help books. They never made sense to me and I saw many people pouring a lot of money on some companies because of this, so I avoided them. And when I saw other people inclined to this motivational garbage I thought maybe i am on the wrong one, but today you've confirmed it and also indicated the right thing, which is getting education!
I believe you have good intentions judging from ur other videos but the truth on this one( from my view ) is .... Personal development and motivation is not one and the same . personal development encompasses , discipline, growth mindset, forgiveness journey, spiritual journey , concepts of how the mind works , motivation , paradagim shift , habit work.....all to be followed by action.
ልክ ነው እኔ የሆነ መጥፎ ሱስ አለብኝ እና ስለዝህ ሱስ የታሰሩ ቪዲዮችን አያለው ከዛ ለ1/2 ቀን አቆምና እንደ ተውኩት ይሰማኛል ነገር ግን ከቀናት በውሃላ እዛው ነኝ
I agree with this Idea. I'm also the one who consume motivational speech. Finally I realized that the most important thing is Knowledge. with out knowledge mare motivation can not change human life. In my opinion Knowing about what you want to do and Learning about the way of success and hassles you encounter on the way will lead you to the real success. Thank you so much for your eye opening lesson.
Gobez berta your the real guy to show the exact way to change appreciate Bro !
You mentioned Jim rhon and he is one of the best personal developement teacher.
Chegeru yalew ke timehrtu sayhon ke atekakemachen nw...Le 1du kalsera totally metfo nw malet aykebdem?
I wish motivation and personal developmentn leyayteh betakerb tikmachewn nd gudatachewn.
thank you, Yoni, your videos are really helpful.
Tnx bro big respect 👍👍👍
They are building our personality.not motivating but inspiring.
I like ur content, confidence & the way u present. Bravo!!
Even ahun erasu deberogn erasen esti motivate lareg beye new erasu yemayeh yalesu mariyamen mesrate alchelem yastelagnal tanks 😮
ከይቅርታ ጋር ግን ተመስጬ ነበር እስከመጨረሻው የተመለከትኩት ግን መጨረሻላይ ቪዲዮን የሰራሁ ለአድቨርቱ ነው አልኩ የተሰማኝ ነው brother not negative
Facts! Success is Boring and of course it does not come easy. Thank you Yoni
There is big difference motivation and personal development .bro so you have to know this.
እዉነት ትክክል የሆነ ሀሳብ ነዉ እኔም በዚህ ሱስ ተጠምጄ ነዉ ያለሁት እናም ቆም ብዬ እዳስብ አድረግህኛል ትልቅ ሀሳብ ነዉ ወንድሜ እኔ አንተን የአነቃቂ ንግግር ብቻ ሳይሆን የማይህ እደ ታላቅ ወንድም ነዉ ምክንያቱም ብዙ ነዉ ለኔ እናም በርታልን 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thankyou bro yedengel Marryam legee abezeto yebarkehe!!!!!!!
I agree more.እነዚህ ሰዎች ትውልድ ገዳዮች ናቸው።😅
it's good video
አሁን አሁን የታዘብኩት ነገር እኛ ሰዎች ሁሉንም ነገር ማድረግ እንችላለን እንዴ? ሁሉም እየተነሳ ትችላለህ ይላል ። እንደ እኔ opinion መስራት የምችለው እና የተሰጠኝ ነገር አለ ያ ነው የምችለው የሚል ግምት አለኝ ። ከተሳሳትኩ አርሙኝ። knowledge (skill) እንደሚያስፈልገን ስለነገርከን thanks🙏
ዮኒ በርታልን!!!
በትክክል የገባህን ነገር ብቻ ብታስተምርያምርብሀልም ይጠቅማልም።አሁን ግን ሁለት የሚጋጭ ነገር ነው የሆነብህ በትክክል ያ ያነበብከውመፅሀፍቶች ጠቅመውሀል ያኔ ነቃህ ።አመንክም አላመንክም ጠቅሞሀል
Thank you brother
This was really my problem
Again thanks 4 your Education
U've mastered the skill of getting ur message through without us getting bored and clicking off.. Respect! 👏
yeah're right.every time i watch those videos i made plan to study 12 hours tomorrow but tomorrow no action.
እብረተሰቡን ለማደንዝ የተሰበሰቡ ሀይሎች ናቸው ወጣቱ የማይጨበጥ እልም ውስጥ በማስገባት ስኬታቸውን የሚለኩ ድኩማን::
Change is pain full. We must be motivate for our dream not by current situation. Current sitation is progress stage. But for all of that we must program our dreams in our subconscious mind.
Betam Gobez Yonas,I really appreciate your video
ስራህን እየሰራህ በትርፍ ግዜህ መፅሀፍ ማንበብ አትችልም ? በትርፍ ግዜህ ሞትቬት መሆን አትችልም ? የራስህ ችግር ነው መፅሀፍ እምታነበው እኮ ለውቀት ነው እውቀት ደግሞ ስራ እንድትሰራ እና በእቅድ እንድትመራ ግዜህን እንዳታባክን ይመክርሀል እሱን መተግበር ነው ያለብህ
This is exactly aimed for me 😦 thank you bro , really appreciate it 👏
Personal development new meyasefelegew 100% yesune hasabe enkuan nege teresutalachu
i am literally watching exponential growth in this channel, i guess the algorithm is blessing you. You have got some good contents keep grinding.
ሁሉም ሰው ሊያውቀው የሚገባ እውነታ👈
ለሁሉም መፍትሄያችን አንተ ነህ በርታ
3:48 ልክ ፡ ብለሃል ፡ ጃል ፡ ብዙ ፡ ቁራና ፡ ትልቅ ፡ ገደል ፡ ማሚቶች ፡ ተፈጥረዋል። ምንም ፡ ሳይሰራ ፡ በወሬ ፡ ብቻ ፡ ከርሳቸው ፡ ሚቃርሙ ፡ አሉ ፥ ተበራክተዋልም። ለምሳሌ ፡ ኃይሌ ፡ ገብረስላሴ ፡ ቢሆን ፡ እሰማው ፡ ነበር ፡ ቅሉ ፡ የስራ ፡ ሰው ፡ ስለሆነ ፡ ብዙ ፡ ወሬ ፡ አያጋራም ፡ እንደ ፡ እንትና ፡ መጽሐፍት ፡ አንባቢዎች።
yonisha....101% ልክ ብልሻል ....
በትክክል ዮኒዬ
ዮኒየ❤ከይሰማዕኹ ኮሜንት ይፅሕፈልካለኹ ምስ ሰማዕኽዎለ ክደግምየ😜
You are 100%correct
You are right bro, my current situation esu new consistent lemehon eyemekorkugn new reality ykebdal . ''the price of progress is pain''
Appreciate you mean 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼...pls tell your idea for others you tubers pls always educational program thanks.
እኔ በቅርብ ነው መከታተል የጀመርኩት ግን እንዳንተ አይነት የወጣቶች አርአያ የሆነ ሰው አላየሁም አንተን መከታተል የጀመረ ሰው እንደሚለወጥ አልጠራጠርም እናመሰግናለን
በትክክል ዮናስ📜
በዚሁ አጋጣሚ አንድ ነገር መጠየቅ እፈልጋለሁ...
Mumetal የሚባል sheet ሀገር ውስጥ ማግኘት አልቻልኩም የምፈልገው በጣም ወሳኝ ለሆነ የinovation ስራ ነው
ዋጋውም internet ላይ እንዳየሁት ሲበዛ በጣም ትንሽ ነው ማግኘት የምችልበት ሁኔታ ካለ please በእውነት ነው የምልህ ለኔ ብቻ ሳይሆን ለአለም የሚተርፍ አበርክቶ ነው የምታበረክተው❤
God blessing you bro nice advice
well done brother 👏👏 keep going !
That's that great view!
Motivation is just alert to your mind, but discipline is your own rules
100% እስማማለሁ። ዲስፒሊን የሌለው ሰው ህልሙን አያሳከም የፈለገውን ያህል ሞትቬት ቢሆንም።
ስለነ ምታወራ ነመሰለኝ ❤❤❤❤