Discovering The Best Ramadan Bazaar In Kuala Lumpur

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @raymondng18
    @raymondng18 Рік тому +83

    Welcome back to Malaysia again.

  • @Ladyzuely
    @Ladyzuely Рік тому +31

    Hey dude! U're back. Happy Ramadhan month. U know how to respect the Muslim by finding a hidden place to eat. We can resist the temptation until we break fast. It's ok if u eat but u choose to respect us. This is one of the reason why Malaysian love you!

  • @semsem4035
    @semsem4035 Рік тому +70

    You are very well behaved not to eat while Muslims are fasting. Much respect and love

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +7

      Thank you!

    • @laramiaizz
      @laramiaizz Рік тому +4

      ​@@TravelsonToast but if you eat in front of us, it's fine. We don't consider it as disrespectful or anything.

    • @awangomar6238
      @awangomar6238 Рік тому

      Enjoy food in Msia.

  • @aminsani6643
    @aminsani6643 Рік тому +16

    9 days left before ramadhan ends, visits merdeka square to experience break fast for the first time with lots of people 🎉 , welcome back to malaysia, food here are top notch!

  • @BeyfighterFaris
    @BeyfighterFaris Рік тому +36

    1:04 There you go! That's where Malaysia is different. Even for food-travel vloggers, in Malaysia itself you can make contents worth 3 years focusing on food. Most other asian countries? 3 months and you've tasted all their food variations

  • @helmyfaizal1993
    @helmyfaizal1993 Рік тому +1

    Kudos to u guys to give a full respects to all muslims that still fasting at tht time❤Please Welcome back to Malaysia again🥰

  • @SouthernCrossGO
    @SouthernCrossGO Рік тому +26

    I love the food in KL 😊

  • @shaydan1943
    @shaydan1943 Рік тому +7

    Welcome back guys. After your best time riding from Vietnam to Laos. Be prepare to celebrate the Eid here in Malaysia. Make your self available if there is the Open House by the Prime Minister and the King.

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      Sounds great! We'll be there when it happens

  • @ferozchendana3961
    @ferozchendana3961 Рік тому +34

    Video on food from both of you will definately be in different level. The way Mario enjoying his food is legit and you will know how is the food thru his expression.
    Welcome back guys. ❤❤❤

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +4

      Thank you so much, it's really nice to be back!

  • @SamSung-hm4yb
    @SamSung-hm4yb Рік тому +11

    Welcome back our Country Malaysia both of u. Hopefully u happy here in Ramadan time.

  • @ThisnametaKenny
    @ThisnametaKenny Рік тому +16

    The bazaar looks clean and organized. The food looks great.

  • @va8639
    @va8639 Рік тому +27

    Ramadan kareem to all Malaysian people 🤲🏾 All that food got me hungry still few hours to go before sundown. That burger look fantastic but it would have been better to eat it hot out of the grill 😅 that s very nice of you to respect locals and not eat in front of them , even if they know you re tourists and would not mind .

  • @mohdfaizuddinismail4597
    @mohdfaizuddinismail4597 Рік тому +2

    Welcome back guys.. Eat..!! Eat..!! Eat..!! Welcome back to food paradise

  • @Sakriyenews
    @Sakriyenews Рік тому +1

    Assalamualaikum brother, I'm from India allhamdulillah mashaallah subhanallah

  • @t700qwe8
    @t700qwe8 Рік тому +1

    Alhamdulillah Malaysia Bersyukur.. Terima Kasih.. And Welcome to Malaysia..

  • @asyrafacap5183
    @asyrafacap5183 Рік тому +1

    ❤❤❤❤love from Malaysia done subscribe

  • @acerazak4087
    @acerazak4087 Рік тому +13

    Welcome back to Malaysia guys👋
    Nice timing able to enjoy Bazaar Ramadhan, after two weeks from now we gonna celebrate Hari Raya(eidul), hope u guys can stay n join the experience of Hari Raya 🌟

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +5

      Thanks, sounds great and we'll be here for it!

  • @decTac
    @decTac Рік тому +11

    Welcome back to Malaysia 🇲🇾
    Actually you can eat anywhere in eateries or parks.. it's okay for non Muslims to eat wherever they feel comfortable..we Malaysians understand that you are tourists and non Muslims..

    • @farahharis5016
      @farahharis5016 Рік тому +2

      Yes atleast we taught them about respect..without respect we are nothing

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +3

      Thank you, we just felt bad eating in front of people who are fasting because we know that it can be hard sometimes.

    • @decTac
      @decTac Рік тому +2

      @@TravelsonToast it's okay..we know that you are not muslim and from non Muslim country.. literally you don't know how a Muslim perform a ritual fasting, but it is good for you to seeing and learning new things after all..😊

  • @asiatravelasiatravel-fv6ob
    @asiatravelasiatravel-fv6ob Рік тому

    The best Bazaar RAMADHAN in Kuala lumpur look YUMMY food

  • @mohdzaki1089
    @mohdzaki1089 Рік тому +4

    Please come to merdeka square this Saturday for iftar..@breaking fast festival...everyone is invited....join the you did during merdeka day last year ....but this time for food feast till you coma

  • @mohdzaki1089
    @mohdzaki1089 Рік тому +4

    Looks who is in town......❤

  • @blessedvillain
    @blessedvillain Рік тому +9

    WooHoo!!! They are back in KL !! i'm liking it!

  • @andrewchong2616
    @andrewchong2616 Рік тому +4

    Oh man… you guys are back!!! Welcome back to malaysia

  • @asyrafyap110
    @asyrafyap110 Рік тому +7

    Welcome back to malaysia 🤗

  • @nikiadriana2475
    @nikiadriana2475 Рік тому +7

    so happy that you guys enjoy yourself in Malaysia. I'm in Australia right now, definitely miss some Malaysian foods :))
    You guys can try to go to Bazaar Putrajaya, one of the massive bazaars in Malaysia as well. a lot of people will break their fast near the Dataran Putrajaya. 100% safer and more fun than the ttdi park you guys went hahaha.

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +2

      Hey, we have missed Malaysian food so much! Putrajaya Bazaar is definitely on our list 🙂

  • @DaudJusoff-pg4mj
    @DaudJusoff-pg4mj Рік тому +2

    I really appreciate both of you because knew the meaning of ramadhan .

  • @Yasin_Affandi
    @Yasin_Affandi Рік тому +11

    Thanks for this wonderful video n for showing your explorations at a Ramadan baazar. Good to see u guys again in KL. Welcome back to Malaysia. Lovely vlog. One free burger, yeah.

  • @mohdazharabdrahim9431
    @mohdazharabdrahim9431 Рік тому +2

    welcome back to Malaysia

  • @ryzalchung8976
    @ryzalchung8976 Рік тому +7

    Welcome back to Malaysia and hope you guys enjoy your time here during the Ramadan month.

  • @chillout914
    @chillout914 Рік тому

    lithuanians are very chill people i met some of them in germany love you and i hope i visit lithuania one day too

  • @LanzFranchess
    @LanzFranchess Рік тому +5

    welcome home! I hit the like button before the video starts, because I know you video gonna be good!

  • @soraunnie5210
    @soraunnie5210 Місяць тому +1

    Wanna try to feel Ramadhan month again next year? Come again & visit the bazaar at Putrajaya. Dont forget to bring a mat for picnic with the muslim there. Quite a rare experience. U guys should try once. 😊

  • @AndrewMage
    @AndrewMage Рік тому +4

    Welcome back for the life of bazaars and fiesta!

  • @aljawadchannel1007
    @aljawadchannel1007 Рік тому +4

    Welcome back Mario and Olivia.. enjoy food bazar Ramadhan... Love u guys..

  • @ghanisulaiman5625
    @ghanisulaiman5625 Рік тому +4

    Wellcome back.Hope next year both of you will come back and observe the fasting too...

  • @HS-di4je
    @HS-di4je Рік тому +3

    Yeay u back..stay till raya ok🇲🇾

  • @NickChance-i5w
    @NickChance-i5w Рік тому

    Working on catching up but love what you guys are doing. Thank you very much my friends 😇🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇱🇦🍻🌹

  • @NikxTaku73
    @NikxTaku73 Рік тому +27

    Welcome back you guys and the timing is just perfect cause there's no better time to experience the food culture in Malaysia than the month of Ramadhan. Just enjoy all the good food guys😷😁👍💖👍🥰😷

    • @suhanjayalian5044
      @suhanjayalian5044 Рік тому

      Makanan di Malasia enggak ada yang original

    • @mjadox126
      @mjadox126 Рік тому +1

      @@suhanjayalian5044 sok tau lu indon..

    • @pudinichigo91
      @pudinichigo91 Рік тому +1

      @@suhanjayalian5044 so do you want to claim nasi kerabu or nasi dagang originally came from indonesia ? youre so pathetic

    • @cgt_rtx7217
      @cgt_rtx7217 Рік тому +5

      @@suhanjayalian5044 Mkanan di Indonesia ngak ada yg original 😂 bakso berasal china, murtabak dari yemen, nasi goreng dari china, apa yg original dari Indonesia ?? 😂😂

    • @farahharis5016
      @farahharis5016 Рік тому +4

      ​@@suhanjayalian5044narrow minded thts why susah nak developed your country..semua benda nk jd issue n too emotional n sensitive

  • @muhammadabdulwahab123
    @muhammadabdulwahab123 Рік тому +4

    OMG . You come back to Malaysia

  • @samleelee47
    @samleelee47 Рік тому +4

    ✌️😎✌️❤️🇲🇾 welcome back to malaysia

  • @Arnold_X3
    @Arnold_X3 Рік тому +2

    If there's ever a season to visit Malaysia, I would say it's Ramadan! It passes the vibe check :)

  • @mohamadzahidzainulabidin6862
    @mohamadzahidzainulabidin6862 Рік тому +1

    That's burger 🍔 get me very very angry,,
    Haha haha.
    Stay safe and stay happy 🎉🎉🎉

  • @badrulhisham5218
    @badrulhisham5218 Рік тому +3

    Welcome Back to Malaysia both of you we all feel happy you enjoy eating Malaysian food 👍👍👍👍👍

  • @haniflee7282
    @haniflee7282 Рік тому +3

    Welcome back..i miss your video in Malaysia..i ask tourist,most of them came to Malaysia just for food in ramadhan this year..glad you all like Malaysian foods..hey you guys should try iftar with malaysian next time

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      Thanks 🙂 it seems like a great time to be here to experience the country a little different than usual and see all the celebrations. Hopefully we will be doing that soon with Malaysian friends!

    • @haniflee7282
      @haniflee7282 Рік тому

      @@TravelsonToast came to Merdeka square.. they broke their fast in large numbers there..everyone welcome to join

  • @rizlanghazali985
    @rizlanghazali985 Рік тому +1

    Welkambek!... Hope you go to the Prime Minister's open house this year.... weather is very warm this year...
    Chrysanthemum Tea...

  • @ammar9049
    @ammar9049 Рік тому +1

    Welcome back to Malaysia..I'm from Selangor and still at kelantan.come on bazar at kelantan.verry happy.

  • @rozaniosman8318
    @rozaniosman8318 Рік тому +5

    Welcome back to Malaysia. What a coincidence you were at TTDI Ramadan Bazaar on Monday at 4pm. We were there just after 5pm. Almost bumped into the both of you. After seeing your video, my wife says she wished she bought the crispy apam balik that Olivia had, instead of the thicker not-crispy version that she bought.

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      Thanks so much, ah we just missed you there! The crispy ones are amazing 🙏

  • @junepizi1901
    @junepizi1901 Рік тому +2

    Have a great time here! If you plan to stay until Eid u must be lucky to experience Eid celebration!

  • @wanzul9580
    @wanzul9580 Рік тому +1

    very hungry and thirsty during ramadan all food is looking delicous..haha

  • @kanenstuff
    @kanenstuff Рік тому +3

    I'm in Korea for work but back home to KL Friday think I will check this out OK the weekend and going a burger for sure and some other goodies. It's right next to the Bukit Kiara trails so I might walk back to Sri Hartamas we have done it before. Where you were was the being of a maze of forest trails it's amazing in there.

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому

      Yeah we saw on the map there was lots of trails around that area and even a skatepark nearby, we will probably be heading back there again for a hike and to explore!

    • @kanenstuff
      @kanenstuff Рік тому

      @TravelsonToast I was the one the mention this to you before if you like my wife and I can show you around we know the trails and sure not to get lost if you wantblet me know how to contact you I will be back Friday enjoy your night.

    • @kanenstuff
      @kanenstuff Рік тому

      @TravelsonToast I forgot to mention these there is a good skatepark on the side of the highway but you need a car or taxi to get there I skate also and have a board but not so good these days ha

  • @fatinnabihahyusof
    @fatinnabihahyusof Рік тому +4

    Welcome back to Malaysia 🇲🇾
    Just so you know, ramadan is a fasting celebration for Muslims in a month. Thus, we have Bazaar Ramadan in every states. Fyi, none of people eat/drink at bazaar including non-Muslims as to respect the Muslims who are still fasting.
    And after Ramadan, Muslims enjoying their eid or known in Malaysia as Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Hoping that there will be one of your subscribers will bringing you guys to their ‘open house’ during eid. So that u will know how merrier it will be.

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      Good to know, we hope to do this if anyone will have us round!

  • @nickloong
    @nickloong Рік тому +12

    You guys are back. Nice!😊 You guys can start with the Ramadan special menu like the Murtabak with red pickles, Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng Rempah and the all time favourite Roti John. 😊👌

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      Thank you, we tried these before and they are amazing!

  • @BRILIANT660
    @BRILIANT660 Рік тому

    The best bazzar in kuala lumpur look nice food and yummy
    Enjoy friend
    Full watched here

  • @hafizhamid5795
    @hafizhamid5795 Рік тому +3

    Welcome back to Malaysia.. And hope your guys enjoy the Ramadan in malaysia..

  • @alifaiman7979
    @alifaiman7979 Рік тому +4

    happy that you guys are back! enjoy the ramadan

  • @perfectstranger8055
    @perfectstranger8055 Рік тому +2

    Welcome back guys. From all Malaysian foods, I know you guys love burgers and apam balik.

  • @ferdauzcool3416
    @ferdauzcool3416 Рік тому +3

    Welcome back you guys... . Hope this time you'll be staying a little bit longger, or the very least till Hari Raya.

  • @actually_romanoff
    @actually_romanoff Рік тому +2

    a long que at bazar ramadan is always an indicator of good food. Mainly repeated customers, so they know what is good.

  • @holdontightsam4579
    @holdontightsam4579 Рік тому +2

    ayy back in malaysia pog

  • @engr100viki5
    @engr100viki5 Рік тому +2

    my best sis & bro you both are looking awesome thank you for your huge respect against cpec friendship countries lot of love from your best bro viki 💙

  • @swordsoundentertainment7486
    @swordsoundentertainment7486 Рік тому +2

    The burger look very fantastic boombastic.. but i really need the lamb shank..oh my God....

  • @muhammadaffandi2184
    @muhammadaffandi2184 Рік тому +2

    welcome back home.. u should go bazar ramadhan kampung baru or putrajaya.. more better

  • @idrisabdulrahim7322
    @idrisabdulrahim7322 Рік тому +3

    Welcome home brother and sister. We miss you 🤗

  • @mohdisa1933
    @mohdisa1933 Рік тому +2

    Welcome to Malaysia. Hope both of you in good health. Enjoy the food in Malaysia

  • @terbanghelang1404
    @terbanghelang1404 Рік тому +3

    Welcome back to malaysia guys😄😆😃

  • @margaretekalaiabdullah8745
    @margaretekalaiabdullah8745 Рік тому +2

    Welcome back both of you....n enjoy the Ramadan n experience the Eid Mubarak in Malaysia soon...🤗👍

  • @rcBorneo
    @rcBorneo Рік тому +1

    Fuiyoh! You guys are back! Welcome back!

  • @p.r.e.y.
    @p.r.e.y. Рік тому

    You guys, almost welcome to Malaysia. Welcome back to malaysia.. enjoy the food.

  • @waniearabella5693
    @waniearabella5693 Рік тому +1

    Welcome back Mario and Olivia... It's so good to have you both back in Malaysia.. Hope you guys continue to enjoy our foods here...

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      Thank you so much, it's really nice to be back here!

  • @zecdd
    @zecdd Рік тому +2

    Omg, you're back! 🎉 Keep posting new video!

  • @ridzdollah
    @ridzdollah Рік тому +1

    I can’t stop smiling. You’re back, yippee

  • @Xeras10
    @Xeras10 Рік тому +3

    Welcome back bro 🇲🇾

  • @alam6729
    @alam6729 Рік тому +1

    welcome home u both

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      Thanks, it's nice to be back!

    • @alam6729
      @alam6729 Рік тому +1

      @@TravelsonToast i let you know a secret in Malaysia is...once you put a foot step in Malaysia, you are considered as Malaysian family...welcome home and have a nice day

  • @khai_kelantanese
    @khai_kelantanese Рік тому

    Mario same face johhy deep..😮🤣
    Wcome back Malaysia guys .
    Food very more at bazar Ramadan
    "Enjoy your meal 👍...🍜🍧🍛🍲🥗🥘🧆🌮
    Take care guys...🤝

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому +1

      😅😆 thanks man!

    • @khai_kelantanese
      @khai_kelantanese Рік тому +1

      @@TravelsonToast wcome very much
      i,hope you be happy at Malaysia❤️🇲🇾

  • @ozonealec9453
    @ozonealec9453 Рік тому +2

    Love to see you're back in KL😊

  • @mintyworld22
    @mintyworld22 Рік тому

    Welcome back and have a great time guys. If you are still in the country, why not go to NSK Kuchai Lama (2nd floor car park) and enjoy the songkran festival as well. Songkran is celebrated in Malaysia too but mostly in Wats (temples), or informal songkran festival / party at places like Genting but those will charge you per entry.

  • @sideecm
    @sideecm Рік тому +1

    glad to see you are back

  • @BrotherBluez
    @BrotherBluez Рік тому +1

    Hey.... welcome back dude...miss u guys.

  • @ihanantan8563
    @ihanantan8563 Рік тому +1

    Your guys really come at the right time, enjoy the short stay in malaysia

  • @jacure123
    @jacure123 Рік тому

    Gotta be fun going back and forth from country to country.

  • @sultrys2291
    @sultrys2291 Рік тому +3

    Welcome back Mario/Olivia and friend. You guys look good. Don't overeat - it will take the pleasure out of the meal. Ramadhan is 30 days (10 days remaining), so you can eat just a little bit of this and that on different days throughout the whole month. How long will you guys be in Malaysia this time around? Take care.

    • @TravelsonToast
      @TravelsonToast  Рік тому

      Thanks, we'll try not to haha, the markets have too much to offer. We will be here for much longer this time since we want to explore all of Malaysia 😊

  • @hazlantajuddin2963
    @hazlantajuddin2963 Рік тому

    Selamat datang kembali...Dan anda berdua nampak ceria Dan gembira teruskan....

  • @AUG.306
    @AUG.306 Рік тому

    as a muslim im pretty happy you pronounced ramadan correctly

  • @mohdzuraizijaafar9103
    @mohdzuraizijaafar9103 Рік тому

    It really nice to see u here again..
    Welkem back 😊

  • @achikkun1856
    @achikkun1856 Рік тому +1

    Heyyy, u guys came back. Very happy bout that.

  • @sukhoikecik4375
    @sukhoikecik4375 Рік тому +2

    Food carnaval for food lover

  • @mikemcklieve
    @mikemcklieve Рік тому +1

    Welcome Home

  • @perantauhepi8151
    @perantauhepi8151 Рік тому

    You come to Malaysia at the right time and right place...enjoy you food.. definitely your stomach will expand.haha

  • @norhaslinahasan4912
    @norhaslinahasan4912 Рік тому +2

    Welcome back to Malaysia. Do come to Kelantan

  • @khangems
    @khangems Рік тому +1

    Welcome back

  • @tanganbabyrosak
    @tanganbabyrosak Рік тому

    welcome back to malaysia.

  • @braderjohn
    @braderjohn Рік тому +1

    ramadhan bazar hv 30 day.. just for this ramadhan month

  • @azmanibrahim820
    @azmanibrahim820 Рік тому +1

    Mario n Olivia

  • @merongmahawangsa9240
    @merongmahawangsa9240 Рік тому +2

    Welcome back guys!😁😁😁 If you're on a diet don't come during Ramadhan...the food seduction is too great ...😂😂😂

  • @feofabelieber
    @feofabelieber Рік тому

    7:07 That is called Taufufa. It’s actually a Chinese pudding. The white puddings are richly made of soybean and the black syrup is actually brown sugar syrup. In Malaysia, Taufufa has been very common in Ramadan. It’s Chinese traditional dessert and also one of Malaysia’s signature dessert. They are multiracial and have varieties of food. Taufufa is delicious and you should try it once.

  • @letstudy2day
    @letstudy2day Рік тому +1

    wow one of my fav youtuber is back in town... enjoy mate

  • @shazminbahari32
    @shazminbahari32 Рік тому

    Welcome back guys! Great gesture for both of u

  • @madieinduk196
    @madieinduk196 Рік тому +1

    yesss,,u guys come u guysss

  • @hashimali-pf4nd
    @hashimali-pf4nd Рік тому

    feel the last 10 days ramadhan vibes.. until 20 april.. then lets celebrate Hari raya Aidilfitri in a month also.. and hope you will be invite to open houses welcoming you..

  • @sharilsamad9727
    @sharilsamad9727 Рік тому +1

    You energy just pops out from the screen.