• @kettycorvington2444
    @kettycorvington2444 3 роки тому

    I am in a better place listening to you Bishop Barron 🙏🏾

  • @kettycorvington2444
    @kettycorvington2444 3 роки тому

    I am definitely in a better place listening to you 🙏🏾

  • @diegoroots4452
    @diegoroots4452 7 років тому +7

    Bishop Barron, you are amazing! always look forward hearing you speak. this was powerful! may the love of Christ continue to led us on the narrow path leading to his kingdom. He has opened the doors through his sacrifice for our sin and has never ending love and mercy. Thank You!

  • @coyoacan73
    @coyoacan73 7 років тому +7

    One of the most uplifting and peace giving sermons I have ever heard. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.

  • @zanyah0
    @zanyah0 7 років тому +12

    Bishop Barron, great, a great speech. Amazing, at that moment you were filled and moved by the Holy Spirit. The Church of our Lord spoke through your mouth and went right into my heart. God be with us!!! and God bless you Bishop Barron.

  • @02gck
    @02gck 8 років тому +4

    Wonderful presentation, particularly the truth that our hearts are restless until they rest in God (Aquinas) . Each time I hear you highlighting wealth, pleasure, power and honour as those false gifts we strive for I am reminded that I have heard you not only say we are on a fruitless journey chasing those qualities but that we actually harm ourselves in the process. That is my experience and yet I still find myself chasing that which fails to satisfy. My "higher self" is disgusted in my stupid drinking the water that doesn't fulfil me. Thats why I need to hear God loves sinners.

    • @aneneanarado235
      @aneneanarado235 7 років тому +3

      Bishop Barron is my hero.Just amazing !

    • @silviajacobs3687
      @silviajacobs3687 6 років тому +1

      “Our hearts are restless until they rest in thee” is from St Augustine of Hippo and NOT from Tomas Aquinas as you wrote

    • @AnTran-xf4vi
      @AnTran-xf4vi 6 років тому

      02gck h

    • @cathydonahue2358
      @cathydonahue2358 5 років тому

      02gck h

  • @leonasholan1889
    @leonasholan1889 6 років тому +1

    The Bishop helps expands my heart.

  • @BlackLemonT
    @BlackLemonT 2 роки тому

    Amen 🙏🏽

  • @almamorula863
    @almamorula863 5 років тому +1

    Thank you, Lord for this priest.

  • @rspineda58
    @rspineda58 6 років тому +1

    I listen to this homily over and over. RB, thank you. Come to Sacramento

  • @MrKurmann
    @MrKurmann 6 років тому +3

    every saint have a past, every sinner have a future...

  • @tetet7phils
    @tetet7phils 7 років тому

    JEsus loves sinners..

  • @brianleonel2080
    @brianleonel2080 5 років тому


  • @uncklebuckle6859
    @uncklebuckle6859 6 років тому +1

    Enjoyable talk; now put on a a cincture.

  • @1973Heidy
    @1973Heidy 7 років тому +1


  • @michaelcaza-schonberger9282
    @michaelcaza-schonberger9282 7 років тому

    Begging the people to applaud, the Msgr. was desperate! Pennance is unBiblical anyway.

    • @paulsiena8483
      @paulsiena8483 7 років тому +1

      Dismissing christian doctrine for being unbiblical is not biblical either. Scripture as the only reference for Divine Revelation is very unbiblical, I must say, given there is nothing in scripture that says it is the only source. This, especially when Christ never wrote a word, rather he founded a Church upon the 12 apostles... and well you know where that one goes. However we are glad to share with you our love of Sacred Scriptures.

    • @michaelcaza-schonberger9282
      @michaelcaza-schonberger9282 7 років тому

      ***** You want to claim John 6 for transubstantiation?! Really?! Read how Yeshua addressed the teaching:
      60So when many of His disciples heard this, they said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can listen to it?”
      61But Yeshua knew His disciples were murmuring, so He said to them, “Does this offend you?
      62Then what if you see the Son of Man going back up to the place where He was before?
      63It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is of no benefit. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and are life!
      64Yet some of you do not trust.” Yeshua knew from the beginning who were the ones who did not trust, as well as which one would betray Him. (John 6, TLV)
      Yeshua used this teaching to separate the tares from the wheat, and in His explanation of His teaching He makes this quite clear. He says “the Spirit gives life; the flesh is of no benefit…” in other words the words He was speaking, though using graphic terminology like gnawing and chewing (in the Greek), the words were not to be take literally, but spiritually. He knew who were His, and who did trust in Him, thus He used these words to drive the others away which is clear in verse 64.
      Furthermore we read what is said at the Seder, Yeshua says "do this in memory of Me", which Paul quotes in 1 Cor. 11. When I'm at the Lord's Table, I truly understand that the matzah and the juice are to point us towards Messiah's broken body, and shed blood (Paul is clear in 1 Cor. 10, and 11), but I also understand that it's not physically His body and His blood.
      Furthermore if this were the case, why then have there been provisions made for those with gluten issues (low gluten hosts are permissible for people with allergies), and why is mustum acceptable for use of alcoholics? If it were physically the body and blood of Him who bore our sicknesses and diseases, the gluten filled host and alcohol laden wine would be of no effect. I've seen the effects of what happens when one who is fasting before receiving communion (which according to 1 Cor. 11 is a no no), get tipsy from the wine (they serve as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, and they hold to the tradition of a full 12 hour fasting before reception of communion, thus when they're finishing off the wine, they sometimes get a little tipsy from drinking on an empty stomach). Furthermore Scripture again bears witness to my words, Paul calls out the Corinthian church for getting drunk at the Lord's Table! That being said there's just one solid argument against the VCC (Vatican Catholic Church (I use Vatican instead of Roman because of the fact there is 39 rites within the church)).
      Second argument is infant baptism:
      Nowhere in Scripture do we see infants being baptized. We always see the Apostles declaring the Gospel, calling for people to repent, and after they've repented and made a confession of faith than they were dunked. Matthew 3, Acts 2, 8, and 1 Peter 3 all back me up. I was born to an unwed Jewish teen (she was a rape victim, thankfully her grandmother who survived Auschwitz instilled in her the values of being pro-life), and adopted by a wonderful Roman Catholic couple. They had me sprinkled as a babe, but of course a proxy confession and repentance was made by my godparents (as per what the church teaches). I always knew I was Jewish, and when it was time to start preparing for my bar mitzvah I was given the option of staying in the cult of the Vatican, or go back to my roots. I became a baal t'shuvah (which is a term meaning one who has returned to orthodox Judaism). If I died not know Yeshua, my baptism would be invalid. At age 23 I came to know Messiah and was immersed during a Shabbat morning service at the congregation I came to faith in. I'm well aware of the reasoning for the doctrine and tradition of baby sprinkling/dunking (the eastern rite immerses, which is what the actual greek baptizo means, and the first century form of this was very similar to the Jewish mikveh), however it just doesn't hold water to (pun intended) to Scripture teaching. I know of a Nun who fell in love with a Muslim man, she left the church and embraced Islam, she died a Muslim. Her baptism did nothing for her, and she's now in hell. Baptism is for believers who make a confession on their own free will! Scripture makes this point quite clearly. Furthermore Purgatory which your church claims can be based on one passage of Scripture (1 Cor. 3:15), and a passage from a non Scriptural historical book known as Maccabees (It's not Scripture, when the KJV publishers took it out in the 1800's they did a good thing), is bad teaching! If one looks at the full context of 1 Cor. 3:15, one can quickly see that this chapter is talking about ministry and not a purgatorial state. Yes I'm well aware of the fact that Purgatory was a very real piece of theology in the Jewish world at the time (the Bosom of Abraham that Yeshua talks of as well as Peter is a euphemism of Purgatory), we see that the their on the cross was instantly forgiven, as is the rest of us saints, when we confess and repent. Furthermore we see those in purgatory rising from the dead at the same time Yeshua died on the cross (the Gospels testify to this), that being said we have no such doctrine of purgatory found in the early church. Last rites, penance, indulgences, requiem masses, praying of the dead, and so forth are vain practises. The sacrifice of Messiah was not only for original sin, BUT FOR ALL OUR SIN (and yes this goes against the Catechism, but I could care less, as the Catechism goes against Scripture).

    • @writereducator
      @writereducator 6 років тому +1

      The Sacrament of Penance *is* Biblical. Christ said on the night of his resurrection to his apostles, "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven. Whose sins you hold bound are held bound." How could an apostle decide whether or not to forgive one unless he heard what the sin was? There is oral confession right there.

    • @suzana2963
      @suzana2963 6 років тому +1

      Edgearth good replied!

    • @writereducator
      @writereducator 6 років тому +1

      Michael, you are ignorant. Spend a few years reading and studying and then revisit your comment. You don't even know when the KJV was translated.