This is one of the best presentations of gear I have ever seen, including high-level contextual infos and a clear, directed artistic approach, only to climax with the performance. Amazing! Very inspiring, thank you!
Be careful. There’s a lot of stuff missing from that synth. Trust me. Have been deep diving into it and it’s VERY very limited. The sounds he makes in this video are essentially as good as it gets. Otherwise you are stuck making cheesy chip tune melodies. No cv inputs for anything to do with the envelopes! Only thing to cv modulate is the filter cutoff. And only one envelope for all 6 oscillators. Horrible design choices. Watch “Subharmonicon diaries” by Tim Shoebridge for a good full rundown of the fatal flaws
Blue In Green, Selected Ambient Works, Scenery, Acid Mt Fuji, Mezzanine ... I like seeing my favourite vinyl records displayed on other people's wall, especially musicians :))
Wasnt sure about Felix as a presenter at first, but I'm really warming to him now. This was a great illustration of what you can do with this instrument. I'd go as far as to say the first one I've seen with it being musical. Nice one.
This sold me. I read lots of reviews where owners are frustrated with the musicality of this thing, but you seem to get there with little effort. This happenstance, organic, performance approach to music is everything I am about. I hope my experience with the SH is as wonderful as yours. Thank you!
the key to the subharmonicon is approach it simply. don't try to turn a bunch of knobs and press a bunch of buttons to try to find stuff. it requires careful discipline and time and space to let it breathe. and keep the pitch variations simple or it can get very dissonant very quickly
hey felix. obviously i realise aphex twin and massive attack, boddika & joy orbison, miles davis, die beleidiger, ryo fukui and they're all awesome! the green one looks familiar.
@@Carkahs wow that was impressive. seems like you have a wide ranging and sophisticated taste! The green/bluish record is Boards of Canada - Music has the right to children and the green one in the bottom row is Efdemin - New Atlantis. Best, Felix :)
Great video. Lots of good tips for polyrhythms, and how they effect the dancers. Like the onscreen graphics showing what you are adjusting. Love my Moog SubHarmonicon. Thanks for making/posting this video, to share your techniques. Best wishes for your continued success, from sunny California, USA
Excellent video. Just picked up SubH, fantastic in all aspects/ The overall sound and the 'feel' of the Sub OSC's is sonically addicting..thinking of getting a 2nd one.. Would love to see a video how to utilize/connect 2x SubH's with a DFAM etc. Thanks!
Gorgeous all round Felix! Great work on this remix as well as the gear involved. Like others in the comments I've been on the fence about the Subharmonicon, but you've certainly taken this one for a beautiful flight. Some sweet ass grooves man 🔥🔥🔥
Nice one. Would love to have a preset/patch on how you did the sound. Just bouth the subharmonicon, but I want to understand ist better. A patch, would help.
Hi Felix, I actually saw some of comments from other video saying it's really hard to put complex polyrhythms into a track but I guess that's because not doing it right or complexed the multiple rhythms too much. After checking your awesome video, I feel it's a power house of the melody rhythm generator for techno music which's what I am into too ( Melodic Techno ) . Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
Great video! How did you use Midi to sync the subharmonicon to the master clock? I don't see you plugging in a clock in tbe patch bay, and the subharmonicon does not have Midi in in the back, afaik?
I did actually use the Midi in on the patchbay during the jam. It was just free running during the moments where I played with it separately. Best, Felix
still not enough on subharmonicon side, to push trough, at least across this video making[dont get me wrong - content is pure gold, as well as is the production and all concept]. hope to se in future some other different eurorack modules such as LFO's, VCA'S, Timbre, ADSR influence different patches and/or change textural Output. Otherwise - I will continue to avoid it. Simply does not comply enough modulation with 4 steps(or I'm suffocating comment section lol), perhaps some one in future will abuse it in more manner to my ears way :)
Hallo Felix, Grossartig. Endlich jemand der nicht nur Quietschtöne macht. Suche noch einen compagnon für meinen Pulse 2. Techno ist mein Genre. Könnte was werden, was meinst Du?
Just because its glitchy on your windows computer, doens't mean it's gonna be glitchy on another windows computer. I don't think the operating system should make a difference per se, but in case it does, you would find people talking about the same phenomenon online.
Glad you enjoyed it! I used an adapter to plug a normal midi cable into the subharmonicon. In ableton I manually adjusted the latency on the midi channel by setting the startpoint of the clip a bit too early. I recorded everything with a Motu828 but actually this could be done with a much much cheaper soundcard (i.e KompleteAudio6 / Focusrite Scarlett) I just needed two inputs. One for the Matriarch and one for the subharmonicon. The rest of the sounds were already inside of my ableton project . Best, Felix ✌️
this is amazing. Im just curious how you are syncing the tempo together with all the gear you are using. I own the moog gma and subh as well. so much fun to use
It seems like the subharmonicon, once set up, can be varied endlessly, but how about moving from one song to something completely different? With it having no digital memory, is it unsuited to quick changes? Any thoughts on this please?
MIDI signal from the Moog goes through a MIDI interface. Under the MIDI section within Ableton’s preference section you will be able to access the MIDI interface and set syncing options.
@@SumbaLumba ok so it can send midi back to ableton, can you automate midi filter cutoff using ableton? Also, does it have software to save presets (like my minitaur does?). I love the look of this thing but can decide over this mother 32 and DFAM (can only afford one!)
nice. interesting how you never play or change the oscillators pitch on the subharmonicon, and the whole jam is essentially just one repeating almost monotone pitch sequence that you simply play and alter the envelopes. maybe simplicity in pitch and repetition of very short phrases is the key to techno
Yes, I think I used the Valhalla Vintage Verb VST Plug In. Great reverb for ultra large spaces. For some instances I like it even more than the Eventide Space Blackhole. Best, Felix
Anyone have any luck avoiding noise when connecting midi in? I’ve also tried clock from the Beatstep Pro and it’s a different kind of noise. Without any kind of clock source there is no noise on mine. Is it defective or am I? 😂
Judging by your tone of voice and lack of communication, I think you've never touched this machine since this video.. Please tell me I'm wrong and you love it...
Sounds like its a polymeter not polyrhythm. Even moog calls it a polyrhythm… but I’m sure this is polymeter.. Polyrhythm would fall on the one every bar .. or am I going mad. Maybe some one with a good knowledge of rhythm theory can chime in and clarify 🙃
This is one of the best presentations of gear I have ever seen, including high-level contextual infos and a clear, directed artistic approach, only to climax with the performance. Amazing! Very inspiring, thank you!
What I love the most about the subharmonicon is exactly what you mentioned. It creates hypnotizing sequences.
You have me convinced. This is why I need a Subharmonicon. Awesome techno, I could listen to this all night!
Thx, glad you enjoyed it ❤️
Be careful. There’s a lot of stuff missing from that synth. Trust me. Have been deep diving into it and it’s VERY very limited. The sounds he makes in this video are essentially as good as it gets. Otherwise you are stuck making cheesy chip tune melodies. No cv inputs for anything to do with the envelopes! Only thing to cv modulate is the filter cutoff. And only one envelope for all 6 oscillators. Horrible design choices. Watch “Subharmonicon diaries” by Tim Shoebridge for a good full rundown of the fatal flaws
Nice use of the zen delay as a flanger.
Felix is a beast.
this is great please do more with this guy
Very nice!
Blue In Green, Selected Ambient Works, Scenery, Acid Mt Fuji, Mezzanine ... I like seeing my favourite vinyl records displayed on other people's wall, especially musicians :))
Not heard of susumu Yokota b4 so cheers for the tip, Japanese jazz is also something I’ve never thought to explore 🤔
Wasnt sure about Felix as a presenter at first, but I'm really warming to him now. This was a great illustration of what you can do with this instrument.
I'd go as far as to say the first one I've seen with it being musical. Nice one.
I guess that's an even better compliment than just liking me on first sight :D Thanks for the positive words. Cheers, Felix
This sold me. I read lots of reviews where owners are frustrated with the musicality of this thing, but you seem to get there with little effort. This happenstance, organic, performance approach to music is everything I am about. I hope my experience with the SH is as wonderful as yours. Thank you!
Hi! Can you tell us about your experience with the SH today? Thanks!
the key to the subharmonicon is approach it simply. don't try to turn a bunch of knobs and press a bunch of buttons to try to find stuff. it requires careful discipline and time and space to let it breathe. and keep the pitch variations simple or it can get very dissonant very quickly
Lovely stuff again Felix 👏
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Best, Felix
A fantastic presentation!
Great video. Particularly enjoyed the thoughts on why the ambiguity of a beat can be so satisfying, hadn’t considered that before, just enjoyed it.
Best demo !
Appreciate it
Love this! We just bought one to make new music for my meditation classes!
That sounds like a lovely use for a subharmonicon
great record collection in the background 😄
Yes, my babies. How many albums can you name? Best, Felix
hey felix. obviously i realise aphex twin and massive attack, boddika & joy orbison, miles davis, die beleidiger, ryo fukui and they're all awesome! the green one looks familiar.
@@Carkahs wow that was impressive. seems like you have a wide ranging and sophisticated taste! The green/bluish record is Boards of Canada - Music has the right to children and the green one in the bottom row is Efdemin - New Atlantis.
Best, Felix :)
Thomann Synthesizers haha thx! yes of course boards of canada. i knew i saw that before. :)
I liked it when he turned the one knob that's next to the other knob. Brilliant!
Very nice! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Great video.
Lots of good tips for polyrhythms, and how they effect the dancers.
Like the onscreen graphics showing what you are adjusting.
Love my Moog SubHarmonicon.
Thanks for making/posting this video, to share your techniques.
Best wishes for your continued success, from sunny California, USA
Nice one!! And that album of Ryo Fukui too!!!good taste!
I noticed that one too! 👍
Awesome, you're on another level. Thankful for the explanation moment :)
God this was good. Just fantastic man, really enjoy your vibe.
As always such great insights from Felix. Thank you and keep on going :)
Subharmonicon surely is the next Moog gear I buy. Last one was the Voyager, wich I bought in 2010.
great sound!
Excellent video. Just picked up SubH, fantastic in all aspects/ The overall sound and the 'feel' of the Sub OSC's is sonically addicting..thinking of getting a 2nd one..
Would love to see a video how to utilize/connect 2x SubH's with a DFAM etc. Thanks!
Great jam again! This is gonna be an awesome track for sure!
Has this track come out yet? I love it!
Ordered today 🎉
Gorgeous all round Felix! Great work on this remix as well as the gear involved. Like others in the comments I've been on the fence about the Subharmonicon, but you've certainly taken this one for a beautiful flight. Some sweet ass grooves man 🔥🔥🔥
Glad you enjoyed it :)
Best, Felix
Thanks for the presentation of your thoughts about the polyrythm :) cologne waits for the reopening of the clubs too :(
I guess we all have to be a bit more patient :/
Germans always have such a keen grasp of historical context with just about everything it seems
This is good stuff
Hej, thanks for the great video!
Is the track out now? Can't manage to find it ;)
All the best!
killer Thank you!
I really enjoyed the track and the demonstration, thanks! Was the track actually ever released? If so, what is the title?
this unit sounds so good. but there is a big reverb on it. where does it came from? frrom the moog or external effect ?
Nice one. Would love to have a preset/patch on how you did the sound. Just bouth the subharmonicon, but I want to understand ist better. A patch, would help.
10 out of 10
Awseome jam, love your vids😁 What are you connecting the SH to and whats the GM doing?
Like a teenager on social media in 2022......I fucking heart this so much!!!! #arewelit #inlandislitty #felixisboss #subharmisbae :)
is this track released yet? couldn't find it on spotify/soundcloud... great stuff! 🎉
bro i can drink wine and listen to this guy talk about synthesizers all day
Aww, thanks. Thats great to hear 🙏❤️ Best, Felix
How can you clock the Subh through midi without overriding the internal sequencer? Or are you sequencing externally?
Holy fuck FELIX, what have you done! Genialer sound hast du da aus dem SUBHARMONICON gezaubert. Sehr inspirierend. KLASSE
Freut mich, dass es dich inspiriert hat! LG, Felix :)
Großartiges Video! Wo kann ich den Track kaufen? :D
Danke fürs positive Feedback
Ist der Track denn nun irgendwo öffentlich? :)
Wow Great remix, would like to hear more of your stuff, any links to your musics/remixes
Thanks so much for this very helpful!! What is your midi interface to sub harmonic on from ableton
From 7.03 exactly what do you have running apart from the subharmonicon?
sacht mal, die "nightclub" aufnahmen am Anfang, sind die auf ner Kunstakademie Party in Düsseldorf entstanden? :D
Amazing content, wauw±
Hi Felix, I actually saw some of comments from other video saying it's really hard to put complex polyrhythms into a track but I guess that's because not doing it right or complexed the multiple rhythms too much. After checking your awesome video, I feel it's a power house of the melody rhythm generator for techno music which's what I am into too ( Melodic Techno ) . Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
Watch Subharmonicon Diaries by Tim Shoebridge. It gives you a good perspective on the limitations of this synth- which trust me there are MANY.
Great video! How did you use Midi to sync the subharmonicon to the master clock? I don't see you plugging in a clock in tbe patch bay, and the subharmonicon does not have Midi in in the back, afaik?
I did actually use the Midi in on the patchbay during the jam. It was just free running during the moments where I played with it separately.
Best, Felix
still not enough on subharmonicon side, to push trough, at least across this video making[dont get me wrong - content is pure gold, as well as is the production and all concept]. hope to se in future some other different eurorack modules such as LFO's, VCA'S, Timbre, ADSR influence different patches and/or change textural Output. Otherwise - I will continue to avoid it. Simply does not comply enough modulation with 4 steps(or I'm suffocating comment section lol), perhaps some one in future will abuse it in more manner to my ears way :)
Hallo Felix, Grossartig. Endlich jemand der nicht nur Quietschtöne macht. Suche noch einen compagnon für meinen Pulse 2. Techno ist mein Genre. Könnte was werden, was meinst Du?
I need to check out the subharmonicon!! subzero vibes going on there ;)
Just wondering if you are using Mac or Windows. I finding apc40 glitchy on windows. Would a Mac improve stability do you think.
Just because its glitchy on your windows computer, doens't mean it's gonna be glitchy on another windows computer. I don't think the operating system should make a difference per se, but in case it does, you would find people talking about the same phenomenon online.
I like its polyrithmic thingy
As above so below. How else would one use a car stereo as a massage chair. ... why does my rear view mirror keep falling off?
haha :D
subharmonicon does that I remember bass very well and edm bass ,.... i bet this thing could do some serious reece bass
How did you sync them all and recorded in Ableton? Very nice jam by the way! One of my fav now with Subharmonicon, thanks for the video!
Glad you enjoyed it!
I used an adapter to plug a normal midi cable into the subharmonicon. In ableton I manually adjusted the latency on the midi channel by setting the startpoint of the clip a bit too early.
I recorded everything with a Motu828 but actually this could be done with a much much cheaper soundcard (i.e KompleteAudio6 / Focusrite Scarlett) I just needed two inputs. One for the Matriarch and one for the subharmonicon. The rest of the sounds were already inside of my ableton project .
Best, Felix ✌️
this is amazing. Im just curious how you are syncing the tempo together with all the gear you are using. I own the moog gma and subh as well. so much fun to use
Me too!
you used Reverb externally?
It seems like the subharmonicon, once set up, can be varied endlessly, but how about moving from one song to something completely different? With it having no digital memory, is it unsuited to quick changes? Any thoughts on this please?
This is awesome, how did you sync the Moog to Ableton ?
MIDI signal from the Moog goes through a MIDI interface. Under the MIDI section within Ableton’s preference section you will be able to access the MIDI interface and set syncing options.
@@SumbaLumba I thought it only had a midi in?
@@vxd it has In, Thru and Out
@@SumbaLumba ok so it can send midi back to ableton, can you automate midi filter cutoff using ableton? Also, does it have software to save presets (like my minitaur does?). I love the look of this thing but can decide over this mother 32 and DFAM (can only afford one!)
@@vxd DFAM
nice. interesting how you never play or change the oscillators pitch on the subharmonicon, and the whole jam is essentially just one repeating almost monotone pitch sequence that you simply play and alter the envelopes. maybe simplicity in pitch and repetition of very short phrases is the key to techno
The reverb is a separate processor?
Yes, I think I used the Valhalla Vintage Verb VST Plug In. Great reverb for ultra large spaces. For some instances I like it even more than the Eventide Space Blackhole. Best, Felix
That alpha @ the back though 🖤
just interesting, can Subharmonicon do a fat bass like mother-32?
Dont you hear the fat bass in the Video :D
if you need a fat bass you should ask the Drumer From Another Mother 😉
not really
What mic is that u using?
It's a Sennheiser MKE2 but less expensive lavalier mics should also do the trick :)
Anyone have any luck avoiding noise when connecting midi in? I’ve also tried clock from the Beatstep Pro and it’s a different kind of noise. Without any kind of clock source there is no noise on mine. Is it defective or am I? 😂
Same problem here. I've submitted a ticket to Moog but still no answer
Judging by your tone of voice and lack of communication, I think you've never touched this machine since this video.. Please tell me I'm wrong and you love it...
The first person I've seen to actually get something decent out of that machine. Still too pricey and limited for myself but great work all the same
There is nothing quite like this out there. If you have other gear to interface with the Subharmonicon, I think it becomes a better value.
Most vids I've seen are just using it as a bog standard mono synth without even mods...
It's not limited at all. It's what it is.
ludmila song The Subharmonicon can be the foundation upon which you layer tracks and the source of inspiration for songs. In a sense, it’s freeing!
The only limit is the person using it.
I thought you explained the style and the goal you were trying to achieve really well but didn't hit the target I had in mind. Good stuff tho!
It sounds good hidden in the mix but as it surfaces, it sounds whiney and thin. I think the subharmonicon has its place but not in the foreground.
A remix? So, take out all his synths and just use his drums, but take out all of the complexity of the drum as well lol.
It sounds like you are describing a polymeter not a polyrhythm.
But what if you have a sequence into the Reset?
Play that music..
Sounds like its a polymeter not polyrhythm. Even moog calls it a polyrhythm… but I’m sure this is polymeter.. Polyrhythm would fall on the one every bar
.. or am I going mad. Maybe some one with a good knowledge of rhythm theory can chime in and clarify 🙃
this silly dabbing on the buttons and knobs is just stupid - sorry, but nice video though and fine beats & sounds 👍🏻
@05:07 a woofch sound? lol still this is and will allways be: antimusic.
That isn't a polyrhythm.
Damn, this is hopeless, man, find a job in a bakery
That's a joke, right ? You can do exactly the same with stock ableton synths 😂
Worst instrument with the moog logo on it
You really didn't do much with it in this demo... weak
Well, show us your tracks then, I'm curious if you can back up the toxic attitude with skill. (:
Way too much talk